Bilderberg from 1982 onwards (Alphabetical Attendance List) Nat 82 88 89 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00
____(function is at last attendance; x st - 10 years to Dec 98; x ad - as of Nov 98) (st) AT (st) DE FR GR FI CH CN US UK PT BE
Ackermann, Josef, Pres. Credit Suisse CH x
Agnelli, Giovanni, Honorary Chairman, Fiat SpA IT ad ad (ad) ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad x
Agnelli, Umberto, Chair IFIL - Finanziaria di Partecipazioni SpA IT st st (st) st st x x
Aguirre y Gil de Biedma, Esperanza - President of the Spanish Senate ES x x
Ahlström, Krister, President and CEO, Ahlström Group FI x
Aho, Esko, Prime Minister FI x
Ahtisaari, Martti President of the Republic of Finland FI x x x
Allaire, Paul A., Chairman of the Board and CEO, Xerox Corporation US x x x st st st st st x x
Almunia, Amann, Joaquin - Secretary General, Socialist Party ES x
Alp, Ali Hikmet, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the CSCE TR x
Amaral, Luis, Min Energy, Portugal PT x
Amaral, Joaquim Freitas do Amaral - Member of Parliament PT x
Ambrosetti, Alfredo, Chairman, Ambrosetti Group IT x x
Amiel, Barbara, Columnist, Sunday Times UK x
Andersen, Bodil Nyboe, Governor, Central Bank of Denmark DK x x
Andersen, Tage, MD & CEO, Den Danske Bank (x st) DK st?
Andreas, Dwayne O., Chairman, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company US x x x x x x
Andrianopoulos, Andreas, Mayor of Piraeus; former Minister of Culture GR x
Androsch, Hannes, Chair Managing Board, Creditanstalt-Bankverein AT st
Argyros, Stelios, Chairman Federation of Greek Industries GR x
Armacost, Michael H., Pres. Brookings Inst. US x
Arnault, Bernard, Chair Management Board, LVMH FR x
Arsenis, Gerasimos, Minister of Defense GR x
Aslund, Anders - Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace SV x x x
Asper, Israel; Chairman, CanWest Capital Group Inc CN x
Avery, Graham; Chief Adviser for Enlargement, European Community UK,IN x
Axworthy, Lloyd, Minister for Foreign Affairs CN x
Ball, George W, Former Under-Secretary of State (x ad) US ad ad (ad) ad ad ad
Balsemao, Francisco Pinto, Prof. Comms., New Univ. Lisbon; Chair Impressa; ex PM PT x st st st st st st st st st x x
Barnevik, Percy, Chairman, Investor AB SV x st st st st st st x x
Baron, Enrique, VP European Parliament; Pres. European Movement; ex Transport Minister ES x
Barreto, Antonio, Prof of Sociology, Univ of Lisbon, former Agriculture Minister PT x
Barrosso, Jose Manuel Durao, Minister for Foreign Affairs PT x
Bartley, Robert L., Editor, Wall Street Journal US x x
Bassett, Isabel, Parl. Asst. Finance Minister, Ontario CN x
Bayar, Ugur - Chairman, Privitization Administration TR x
Bayh, Evan - Senator (D. Indiana). US x
Bennet, Douglas J., Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations US x
Bennett, Jack F, Dir & Snr VP, Exxon, former Undersecretary at the Treasury (x st) US st x
Benschop, Dick A.; State Secretary for European Affairs NL x
Bentsen, Lloyd M., Partner Verner Liipfert Bernhard McPherson & Hand; ex-Treas. Sec. US x x x x
Beregovoy, Pierre, Prime Minister FR x
Berger, Samuel R., Asst to President, National Security Affairs US x
Bergh, Maarten A. van den, Group MD, Royal Dutch Shell US x
Bergsten, C. Fred, Director, Institute For International Economics US x
Bergström, Hans, Political Editor, Dagens Nyheter SV x
Bernabè, Franco, Special Rep. of Italy for Reconstruction Initiatives in the Balkans IT x x x x x
Bernstein, Richard, Book critic, New York Times US x
Bertram, Christoph - Dir. Foundation Science & Policy, ex-Dipl Corresp, Die Zeit (x st) DE st st st st st st st (st) st
Betz, Hans-Georg; Prof, European Studies, Cent for Eur. Studies, Columbia and NY Univs DE x
Beugel, Ernst H. van der, Prof, Int. Rels. Leiden Univ., ex-SG Bilderberg NL ad ad (ad) ad ad ad ad (ad) (ad) ad ad
Beyazit, Selahattin, Director of Companies (x st) TR st st (st) st st st st st st st (st)
Biedenkopf, Kurt, Prime Minister of Saxony DE x
Bildt, Carl, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Balkans, United Nations, ex-PM SV,IN x x x x x x
Bilgin, Dinc, Chair Sabah Yayincilik AS (publishing) TR x
Bonino, Emma - Member of the European Commission IT,IN x
Borges, Antonio Dean. INSEAD. PT x
Boskin, Michael J, Chairman, President's Council of Economic Advisers US x
Bottelier, Pieter P., Chief of Mission, The World Bank, Resident Mission in China NL,IN x
Boucher, Eric Le - Chief Editor, International, Le Monde. FR x
Boyd, Charles G. - Executive Director, National Security Study Group US x
Boyner, Cem, Chair New Democracy Movement Turkey (Liberal) TR x
Bozer, Ali, Minister of State TR x
Braathens, Erik G, MD & CEO, Braathens SAFE NO x
Brady, Conor, Editor, The Irish Times IR x
Brady, Nicholas F, Treasury Sec; ex-Dillon Read; ex Senator, Republican, New Jersey US x x
Braithwaite, Rodric, Foreign Policy Adviser to the Prime Minister UK x
Brands, Maarten C, Prof of Modern & Theoretical History, Univ of Amsterdam NL x
Braütigam, Hans-Otto, Minister of Justice of Brandenburg DE x
Brederode Santos, Nuno, Member of the Socialist Party, Columnist Expresso PT x
Breuel, Birgit, Chairman, Treuhandanstalt DE x x x
Brinkman, Elco, Parliamentary Leader of the CDA (Christian Democrats) NL x
Brittan, Leon - Vice President of the European Commission UK,IN x x
Broeck, Hans van den, Member of the European Commission; ex-Foreign Minister NL,IN x x
Brown, Gordon, Member of Parliament, Labou Party UK x
Browne, E. John P., Group Chief Executive, The British Petroleum Company p.l.c. UK x x x
Brundtland, Arne Olav, snr. res. fellow, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs NO x
Bruton, John - Leader of Fine Gael IR x x
Bryan, John H., Chairman and CEO, Sara Lee Corporation. US x x x
Buchanan, Robin W.T., Senior Partner, Bain & Company. UK x x x
Buckley, Jr., William F., Editor-at-Large, National Review US x
Bujon de l'Estang, Francois, Minister Plenipotentiary; fmr adviser to Chirac on Defence etc FR x
Bundy, William P., Former Editor, Foreign Affairs US ad (ad) (ad) (ad) (ad) (ad) (ad) (ad) (ad) (ad) (ad)
Burda, Hubert, Chairman, Burda Media. DE x x
Burenstam Linder, Staffan, Pres, Stockholm School of Econs; fmr Trade Minister; ex-MP SV x
Butler, Hugo. Editor in Chief, Neue Zurcher Zeitung. CH x
Cadieux, Jean-Louis, Deputy DG for Foreign Affairs, European Community BE,IN x
Cantoni, Giampiero, Chairman, Banca Nationale del Lavoro IT x
Carneiro, Roberto, Former Education Minister; consultant to World Bank PT x
Carras, Costa, Director of Companies (x st) GR st st st st st st st x x x
Carrilho, Maria, Prof of Sociology PT x
Carrington, Peter, ex-NATO Sec Gen, ex-Chair of Christies (x st) UK ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch
Cartellieri, Ulrich, Member of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG. DE x x x
Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime, Chairman and General Manager, Iberfomento (x st) ES x st st st st st st st st st
Cavalchini, Luigi G - Permanent Representative to the European Union IT x
Cebrián, Juan Luis, CEO PRISA, and ex-editor (El Pais) ES x x
Cem, Ismail - Minister of Foreign Affairs TR x
Ceretelli, Adriana, journalist Brussels IT? x
Chastelain, John A.D. de - Chair, Indep. Intl. Commission on Decommissioning (N Irl) CN x
Cetin, Hikmet, Deputy Prime Minister TR x
Chafee, John H, US Senator (Republican, Rhode Island) US x x
Chretien, Jean, Prime Minister CN x
Chretien, Raymond A.J. - Ambassador to the U.S. CN x
Chipman, John, Director, International Institute for Strategic Studies (invited) CN,IN x?
Christodoulou, Efthymios, Minister of Economic Affairs GR
Chubais, Anatoli B. - Former First Vice Prime Minister; Chairman RAO EES RU x
Cipolletta, Innocenzo, Director General, Confindustria IT x
Claes, Willy, Secretary General NATO, ex Foreign Minister BE,IN x x
Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament; ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer UK x st x x
Clemet, Kristin - Deputy Director General, Confederation of Business and Industry. NO x
Clinton, Bill D, Governor Arkansas US x
Cohen, Marshall A, President, Olympia & York Enterprises Ltd CN x
Çolakoglu, Nuri; Chairman and CEO, NTV TR x
Collomb, Bertrand. Chairman and CEO, Lafarge. FR x x x x st x x
Constancio, Vitor MR, Leadr, Socialist Party; fmr Govr. Banco de Portugal; ex-Sec. State PT x
Corrigan, E. Gerald, Former President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York US x
Cortines, Ramon C, Chancellor, New York City Board of Education US x
Corzine, Jon S. Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs & Co. US x x x (st) x
Costopoulos, Yannis S, Chairman, Credit Bank GR x
Cotti, Flavio, Federal Councillor and Minister for Foreign Affairs. CH x x x x
Courtis, Kenneth S. - First Vice President, Research Dept., Deutsche Bank Asia Pacific CN,IN x x
Couloumbis, Ted, Pres. Greek Foreign Policy Institute GR x
Coutinho, Vasco Pereira - Chairman, IPC Holding PT x
Cradock, Percy, Former Ambassador to China; Former For. Pol. Adviser to the PM UK x
Craig, James, Director General, The Middle East Association UK x
Cranborne, Robert M.J.C. Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords. UK x
Cravinho, João Cardona G. - Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Territorial Admin PT x
Crockett, Andrew - General Manager, Bank for International Settlements UK,IN x
Cromme, Gerhard; Chairman of the Executive Board, Thyssen Krupp AG DE x
Cross, Devon, Head Donner Canadian Foundation CN x
Cutilero, Jose, Sec Gen, Western European Union PT x
Dallara, Charles H, Assistant Secretary for International Affairs US x
Dam, Kenneth W. Max Pam Prof Law, Univ. of Chicago; ex-Dep Sec State, ex-IBM (x st) US x x x st st x x x
David, George A. Chairman of the Board, Hellenic Bottling Company S.A. GR x x st x x
Davignon, Etienne. Chair, Societe Generale de Belgique; ex-Vice Chair. of the Eur Com. BE x st st st st st st st st st ch ch
Davis, Lynn E., Undersec. for Arms Control and Intl Security Affairs Dept of State US x
Day, Robert A, Chairman, Trust Company of the West US x
Dehesa, Guillermo de la, Chief Executive Banco Pastor ES x
Delamuraz, Jean, VP Fed Council Economics Ministry CH x
Deleuran, Aage, Editor in Chief, Berlingske Tidende (x st) DK st x x
Delorme, Jean-Claude, Chairman of Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Quibec CN x
Deutch, John M. - Prof. MIT, ex-DG. CIA; ex-Deputy Secretary of Defence US x x
Diamandouros, P Nikiforos; National Ombudsman GR x
Dieter, Werner H, Chairman of the Board, Mannesmann AG DE x
Dion, Stephane - Queens Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Intergov. Affairs CN x
Ditlev-Simonsen, Per, MD, Sverre Ditlev-Simonsen & Co NO x
Divedjian, Patrick, Member of Parliament (UDF - Haut de Seine) FR x
Dodd, Chistopher J. - Senator (D. Connecticut). US x x
Donilon, Thomas E; Senior Vice-President, General Counsel and Secretary, FannieMae US x x x
Donnea, Francois. Former Minister of Defense; Mayor of Brussels; Member of Parliament BE x
Draghi, Mario, Treasury Director IT x x
Duisenberg, Willem F, President, De Nederlandsche Bank NV NL tr
Dunkel, Arthur, Director General, GATT CH,IN x x x
Dyson, Esther; Chairman, EDventure Holdings Inc. US x
Eaton, Fredrik S., Chairman, Executive Committee, Eaton's of Canada CN x
Ehrnrooth, Georg, President and CEO Metra Corporation FI x
Eliot, Theodore L, Jr, Deam Emeritus, Fkletcher School of Law, ex US Ambass (x st) US sg sg sg sg sg sg
Ellemann-Jensen, Uffe. Chairman, Liberal Party. DK x x x x x x
Engelen-Kefer, Ursula - Deputy Chair, Board of Manag., Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund DE x
Engholm, Björn, Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein; Chair of SPD DE x
Ercel, Gazi. Governor, Central Bank of Turkey. TR x x x
Ergin, Sedat - Ankara Bureau Chief, Hürriyet newspaper TR x
Erguder, Ustun. Rector, Bosporus University. TR x
Erkko, Aatos, Publisher, Helsingin Sanomat FI x
Eskénazi, Gérard, President, Pargesa Holding SA FR x
Espy, Mike, Secretary of Agriculture US x
Esrey, William T, Chairman and CEO, Sprint US x
Evans, Daniel J, US Senator, Republican, Washington State US x
Fabius, Laurent, MP, Former Prime Minister; Former Chairman of Parliament FR x
Feinstein, Diane, Former Mayor of San Francisco US x
Feldstein, Martin S. - President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research Inc. US x x x
Ferrer Salat, Carlos, Chairman, UNICE (The European Employers Federation) ES x
Finley, Murray, Pres, Amalg. Clothing & Textile Workers Union, AFL-CIO, CLC US st
Finney, Paul B, Editorial Director, Thomson Magazines US st
Fischer, Stanley - First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund US,IN x x x
Floch-Prigent, Loik Le, Chair, Société Nationale Elf-Aquitaine FR x
Flood, A.L., Chairman, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce CN x
Florio, James J, Former Governor of New Jersey US x
Foley, Thomas S., Partner Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Field, ex-Spkr, House of Reps (D) US x x
Forester, Lynn - President and CEO, FirstMark Holdings Inc. US x
Francois-Poncet, Jean A, Senator; former Minister for Foreign Affairs FR x
Fréchette, Louise; Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations CN,IN x
Freedman, Lawrence, Head of Dept of War Studies, King's College UK x
Freeman, Jr., Chas. W.,ex-Asst Sec of Defense for Intl Security; Chair, Projects Intern. US x
Frehner, Walter, Chair Swiss Bank Corp CH x
Fresco, Paolo - Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. IT x x
Friedman, Stephen, Chairman, Goldman Sachs & Co. US x x
Friedman, Thomas L., Foreign Affairs columnist New York Times US x
Frum, David, Columnist, National Post Newspaper CN x x
Furlaud, Richard M, Director, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. US x
Gadiesh, Orit Chairman of the Board, Bain & Company Inc. US x x
Galvao Teles, Jose M. Lawyer, Member of the Social Party, Memb. Council of State. PT x
Galvin, John R, Prof Nat. Sec. Studies, West Point; ex-Supr Allied Comndr Eur (SHAPE) US x x x x
Garton Ash, Timothy, Fellow of St. Antony's College, Oxford UK x
Gerber, Fritz, Chair, CEO Hoffman La Roche AG CH x x
Gergen, David R., Fmr Advisor to Clinton and Reagan; Fellow Aspen Institute US x x
Gerstner, Jr, Louis V. Chairman, IBM Corporation. US x x (st)
Getchell, Charles, Lawyer, private trustee; rapporteur Bilderberg US st
Gezgin Eris, Meral - President IKV (Economic Development Foundation) TR x
Giavazzi, Francesco - Professor of Economics, Bocconi University, Milan IT x
Gigot, Paul, Washington Columnist, The Wall Street Journal US x
Gleeson, Dermot, Attorney General of Ireland IR x
Godsoe, Peter C. - Chairman and CEO, Bank of Nova Scotia. CN x
Gonensay, Emre, Minister for Foreign Affairs; former adviser to PM; TR x x
Goossens, John J. - President and CEO, Belgacom; ex-Alcatel Bell; BE x x x
Gotlieb, Allan E., Former Ambassador to the United States of America CN x x
Gouveia, Teresa Patrício; Member of Parliament (PSD) PT x
Graham, Donald E. - Publisher, The Washington Post US x x
Graham, Katherine, Chair, Exec Committee, Washington Post Co US x x x
Grave, Frank H.G. de - Minister of Defense NL x
Greenberg, Maurice R, Chair, American International Group Inc. US x
Gregorin, Jean-Louis. Member of the Board of Directors, Matra Hachette. FR x x
Grierson, Ronald H, Former Vice Chairman, GEC UK x x
Griffin, Anthony GS, Company Director (Guardian Group) CN ad ad (ad) ad (ad) ad (ad) (ad) ad (ad) (ad)
Griffiths of Florestfach, Lord, adviser Goldman Sachs Int.; ex-head of PM's Policy Unit UK x
Grilo, Eduardo C. Marçal - Miniter of Education PT x
Grossman, Marc - Assistant Secretary, US Department of State US x
Grunwald, Henry A, US Ambass, to Austria; fmr Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc US x
Guetta, Bernard - Editor in Chief, Le Nouvel Observateur FR x
Gustafsson, Sten, Chair, AB Astra, ex-Chair, Saab-Scania AB (x st) SV st st st x x
Habib, Philip C, snr. res. fellow, Hoover Institution; former Under-Secretary of State US x
Hadjieleftheriadis, Gregory, Vice President Eletson Corporation GR x
Hagel, Chuck - Senator (R. Nebraska) US x x
Hague, William - Leader of the Opposition UK x
Halberstadt, Victor, Prof of Public Economics, Leiden Univ. NL sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg x
Halefoglu, Vahit, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs TR x
Hallgrimsson Geir, Governor Central Bank of Iceland; ex-PM and For. Minister (x st) IC st st st
Halman, Talat S, Prof of Near Eastern Languages and Literature, New York University TR x
Hämäläinen, Sirkka, Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland FI x
Hambro, Christian; Director-General, Research Council of Norway NO x
Hamilton, Lee H. Congressman (D, Indiana.) US x
Hampel, Erich; Chairman, Creditanstalt-Bankverein AT x
Hannay, David - PM's Personal Envoy for Turkey; ex-Perm. Rep. to the United Nations UK x x
Harmaia, Jukka, CEO, Enzo Gutzeit Oy, FI x
Harris, Michael, Premier of Ontario CN x
Haschek, Helmut H, Chair of the Board, Österreichischc Kontrollbank AG AT x
Haussmann, Helmut, Member of Parliament, Free Democratic Party DE x
Healey, Denis W, former Defense Secretary and Finance Minister UK x
Heckmann, Hans, Vice Chair Union Bank of Switzerland CH x
Hedelius, Tom C. - Chairman, Svenska Handelsbanken. SV x
Hegge, Per Egil - Editor, Aftenposten NO x
Heinz, Henry J II, Chair, HJ Heinz Co, Pres, American Friends of Bilderberg (x ad) US ad
Heisbourg, Francois, Director, International Institute for Strategic Studies FR,IN x
Henderson, Nicholas, Former Ambassador to Poland, Germany, France and the USA UK x
Herkströter, Cor AJ, Chairman Royal Dutch Shell NL x
Herrhausen, Alfred, Managing Director, Deutsche Bank AG (x st) DE st st st
Herrndorf, Peter A. - ex-Chair & CEO, TV Ontario; Snr Visiting Fellow, Univ. of Toronto CN x
Hoagland, Jim - Associate Editor, The Washington Post US x x x
Hoegh, Westye. Chair. Leif Hoegh; Former President, Norwegian Shipowners' Assoc. NO x st st st st st st x
Hoess, Friedrich, Ambassador to the United States of America AT x
Hoeven, Cees H. van der - President, Royal Ahold NL x
Hoge, Jr., James F. - Editor, Foreign Affairs US x
Hogg, Christopher - Chairman, Reuters Group plc, ex Chair Courtalds UK x x
Holbrooke, Richard C. ex-Asst Secretary for Eur & Can Affairs, Ambass to UN (desig.) US x x x st x
Horta e Costa, Miguel - Vice-President, Portugal Telecom PT x
House, Karen Elliott, VP International, Dow Jones & Co.; ex-For Ed, Wall St Journal US x x
Hunter, Robert E, US representative to NATO US x
Hutchison, Kay Bailey; Senator (Republican, Texas) US x
Hutton, Will. Editor, The Observer. UK x
Huyghebaert, Jan. Chairman, Almanij-Kredietbank Groep. BE x x x x x x
Hyland, William G, Editor, Foreign Affairs US x
Igler, Hans, Partner, Schoeller & Co. Bankaktiengesellschaft AT x
Ihamoutila, Jaakko, Chairman of the Board, Neste Corporation FI x
Iloniemi, Jaakko. MD, Centre for Finnish Bus & Policy Studies; ex-Amb. to USA (x st) FI x st st st st st x x x
Imbert, Claude, Chief Editor, Le Point FR x
Ishinger, Wolfgang - State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs DE x x
Issing, H.C. Otmar. Member of Exec Board, European Central Bank. DE,IN x x x
Jaans, Pierre, General Manager, Institut Monétaire Luxemburgeois LU x
Jacobi, Mary Jo. HSBC Holdings plc; Former US Assistant Secretary of Commerce. UK x
Jaffre, Phillipe, CEO Elf Aquitaine; ex CEO Credit Agricole FR x x x
Jakobson, Max, Consultant; Former Ambassador to the UN and Sweden FI x
Jankowitsch, Peter, Ambassador to the OECD; Ex Foreign Minister (x st) AT x st st st st x
Janssen, Daniel E; Chairman, Solvay SA; ex Chair Federation of Belgian Enterprises BE st x x
Jeker, Robert A, Managing Director of Stephan Schmidheiny Holdings CH x
Jenkins, Michael - Vice Chairman, Dresdner Kleinwort Benson UK x
Jennings, Peter, Anchor and Senior Editor, ABC News: World News Tonight US x
Job, Peter, Chief Executive, Reuters Holding PLC UK x
Joffe, Josef, Foreign Editor, Süddeutsche Zeitung DE x
Johansson, Leif; President and CEO, Volvo AB SV x
Johnson, James A; Chairman and CEO, Johnson Capital Partners US x x
Johnston, Donald J. Secretary-General, OECD. CN,IN x
Johnston, J Bennett, Senator, Democrat, Louisiana US x
Jonung, Lars, Prof of Economics & Econ. Policy at the Stockholm School of Economics SV x
Jordan Jr, Vernon E; Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC US st (st) (st) st st st st st st st st x x
Jospin, Lionel, First Secretary of the Socialist Party; Former Ministre d'Etat FR x
Kaletsky, Anatole - Associate Editor, The Times UK x
Kamov, Nikolai - Member of Parliament BG x
Kann, Peter R., Chair, CEO Dow Jones & Co., publisher Wall Street Journal US x
Karamanlis, Kostas A. - Leader of the Opposition GR x
Karner, Dietrich, Chair. of Managing Board, Erste Allgemeine-Generali AG AT x
Kassebaum, Nancy Landon, US Senator, Republican, Kansas US x
Kastrup, Dieter, Director Political Department, Minister of Foreign Affairs DE x
Kayhan, Muharrem; Vice-Chairman of the Board, Söktas, Former President, Tusiad TR x
Kearns, David T, Chairman, Xerox Corporation US x
Keegan, John, Military Historian; Defence Correspondent, The Daily Telegraph UK x
Keersmaeker, Paul de, former Minister of European Affairs BE x
Keitel, Hans-Peter, Chairmain, Hochtief AG DE x
Kellenberger, Jakob, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs CH x
Kemoularia, Claude de, snr. adviser, Groupe Paribas; former chief representative to UN FR x
Kendall, Donald M, former Chairman & CEO, Pepsico Inc. US x
Kimmet, Robert M, MD. Lehmann Bros, Fmr Undersecretary of State for Pol. Affairs US x
Kirac, Suna - Vice Chairman of the Board, Koc Holding A.S. TR st x
Kirkland, Lane, President, AFL-CIO (Amer Fed of Labor & Congress of Industrial Orgs) US x x
Kissinger, Henry A. Former Secretary of State; Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. US st st (st) st st (st) st st st st st x x
Klein, Ralph, Premier of Alberta CN rp
Klestil, Thomas, Sec Gen, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs AT x
Knapen, Ben, Editor in Chief, NRC Handelsblad NL x
Knight, Andrew, Non Executive Director, News Corporation (x st); ex-Daily Telegraph UK st st (st) st st st st rp x
Koc, Rahmi M, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Koc Holding AS TR x
Kohl, Helmut, Federal Chancellor DE x
Köhler, Jarl, President Finnish Forest Industries Federation FI x x x
Kohnstamm, Max - Snr Conslt, European Policy Ctr, ex-SG Action Cttee for Europe, etc NL,IN ad ad (ad) ad ad (ad) ad ad ad (ad) ad
Kok, Wim, Minister of Finance, Deputy Prime Minister NL x
Kopper, Hilmar - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank A.G. DE x x (st) st st (st) (st) st x x
Koroma, Johannes, Director General, Finnish Industry and Employers FI x
Korteweg, Pieter. President and CEO, Robeco Group (x st) NL x tr tr tr tr (tr) tr tr
Kothbauer, Max. Director of Companies. (Creditanstalt-Bankverein?) (x-st) AT st x x x
Kovanda, Karel - Head of Mission of the Czech Republic to NATO and the WEU CZ x
Kranidiotis, Yannos. Alternate Minister for Foreign Affairs (d. 14.9.99). GR x x
Krauer, Alex, Chair, Ciba Geigy (x st) CH (st?) x x x
Kravis, Henry R. - Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. US x x x x x
Kravis (nee Drouin), Marie-Josée - Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc. CN,US st st st st st st st (st) st x x
Kristol, William, Chair, Project for the Republican Future US x
Krogh, Peter F, Dean School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University US x
Kuczynski, Pedro Pablo, Co-Chair, First Boston International US x
La Malfa, Giorgio, National Secretary, PRI (Italian Republican Party) IT x
Lacharrière, Marc Ladreit de, Chair Fimalac, ex-VP l'Oréal (x st) FR x st st st (st)
Lagayette, Philippe, First Deputy Governor, Banque de France FR x
Lambert, Baron Léon, Chair, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA BE st
Lamers, Karl, Foreign Affairs (Minister?) DE x
Lamfalussy, Alexandre (Baron), GM, Bank for International Settlements BE,IN x x
Lamont, Norman, MP, Fmr Chancellor of the Exchequer, Director of N.M. Rothschild UK x
Lamy, Pascal; Member of the European Commission FR,IN x
Larsson, Stig, President and Director General, Swedish Railways SV x
Lauk, Kurt, Member of the Board, Veba A.G.; ex-Audi AG DE x x
Lellouche, Pierre, Foreign Affairs spokesman, Rassemblement pour la Republique FR x
Lendvai, Paul, Director, Austrian International Radio AT x
Leschly, Jan - CEO SmithKline Beecham plc. US x x
Levy-Lang, André, Former Chairman, Banque Paribas. FR x x st st st st st x
Lewis, Drew, Chairman, Union Pacific Corporation US x
Lewis, Samuel W, Director Policy Planning Staff, Department of State US x
Lewis, William W. Director of McKinsey Global Institute, McKinsey & Company. US x
Leysen, André, Chairman, Gevaert NV; Vice Chair, UNICE BE x
Liikanen, Erkki - Member of the European Commission FI,IN x
Lippens, Maurice; Chairman, FORTIS Bank BE x
Lipponen, Paavo - Prime Minister FI x x
Livanos, George P, Ship Owner GR x
Lopez, Francisco, CEO Argentaria ES x
Lord, Winston, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs US st x
Lubbers, Ruud FM, Prime Minister NL x x x
Lütolf, Franz J, GM and Board of Swiss Bank Corporation (x st) CH st x
Lykketoft, Mogens - Minister of Finance DK x
Lyras, John C, Vice Chairman, Union of Greek Shipowners GR x
Mabro, Robert E. Director, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. UK x
MacDonald, Donald S, Senior Partner, McCarthy & McCarthy; ex-Finance Minister CN st x x
MacLaren, Roy - High Commissioner for Canada in Britain; former Finance Minister CN x x
MacLaury, Bruce K, President, Brookings Institution US st
MacMillan, Margaret - Ed. International. Journal, Can. Inst. of Intl. Affs, Univ. Toronto CN x x
Maculan, Alexander, Chair Maculan Holdings AG AT x
McDonough, William J. President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York. US x x x x
McDougall, Barbara, Secretary of State for External Affairs CN x
McDowell, Michael, Chair, Progressive Democrat Party IR x
McGinn, Richard A. - Chairman and CEO, Lucent Technologies US x
McHenry, Donald F., Research Prof of Diplomacy and Intl Affairs, Georgetown Univ. US x
McKenna, Frank, Premier of New Brunswick CN x
McLaughlin, David, President the Aspen Institute US x
Maljers, Floris A, Chairman of the Board of Unilever NV NL x x
Mandelson, Peter - Member of Parliament UK x
Manning, Preston - Leader of the Reform Party CN x
Manos, Stefanos, Minister of National Economy GR x
Marante, Margarida, TV Journalist PT x
Mardin, Serif, Chair Islamic Studies American Univ Wash DC TR,US x
Marris, Stephen N, snr fellow, Institute for International Econs; ex-OECD IN,? x
Martelli, Claudio, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice IT x
Martens, Wilfried, Minister of State, Former Prime Minister BE x x
Martin, Paul, Minister of Finance CN x
Martin, Philip L, Prof of Agricultural Economics, Univ of California at Davis US x
Masera, Rainer S. - Director General, I.M.I.S.p.A. IT x
Mathews, Jessica Tuchman - President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace US x x x
Mathias, Charles McC, Ptnr, Jones Day Reavis & Pogue; ex-Senator, Rep, Maryland (x st) US x x x st
Matlock, Jack F Jr, Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.S.S.R. US x x
Mattsson, Bjorn, CEO Cultor, Ltd. FI x
Maucher, Helmut, Chair, Nestle Ltd CH x x
Maynes, Charles William, Editor Foreign Policy US x
Maystadt, Philippe, Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Foreign Trade BE x
Melkert, Ad P.W., Minister for Social Affairs and Employment NL x
Mello, Vasco de - Vice Chairman and CEO, Grupo José de Mello PT x
Mestrallet, Gérard - Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux FR x
Michelis, Gianni de, Minister of Foreign Affairs IT x
Micklethwait, R. John - United States Editor, The Economist UK rp rp rp rp
Miert, Karel van, Member of the European Commission BE,IN x
Mitsotakis, Constantine, Prime Minister GR x
Mitterbauer, Peter. Chairman, Miba AG AT x
Mityukov, Ihor - Minister of Finance UR x
Moïsi, Dominique - Deputy Director, IFRI FR x
Monjardino, Carlos APV, President of the Fundacao Oriente PT x
Monks, John, General Secretary, Trades Union Congress (TUC) UK x
Montbrial, Thierry de. Dir., French Inst. of Int. Rels.; Prof. of Econs, Ecole Polytech (x st) FR st st st st st st st x x x x
Monti, Mario - Commissioner (x st); ex-Bocconi Univ; ex-Banca Commerciale Italiana IT,IN st st st st st x x x
Moore, Mike; Director-General, WTO NZ,IN x
Morel, Pierre, Diplomatic Adviser, Presidency of the Republic FR x
Munroe-Blum, Heather. VP, Research and International Relations, University of Toronto CN x
Murdoch, Rupert, Chairman, News America Publishing (Australian) US x
Mustard, J. Frase, President Canadian Institute for Avanced Research CN x
Myklebust, Egil. Chief Executive, Norsk Hydro. NO x
Nabo, Francisco Murteira - President and CEO, Portugal Telecom PT x
Nass, Matthias. Deputy Editor, Die Zeit. DE x st x x
Neisser, Heinrich, Chair, Parl Group, Austrian Peoples Party (OVP) in Nat. Assembly AT x
Netherlands, Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the. NL x x x x x x x x x x x
Niinisto, Sauli V. Minister of Finance. FI x
Noir, Michel, Mayor of Lyon, ex-Secretary of State for Foreign Trade FR x
Nørlund, Niels, Editor-in-Chief, Berlingske Tidende DK st
Nunn, Sam. Former Senator (D, Georgia.) US x x
Nye, Joseph S Jr, Chairman, National Intelligence Council US x
Oddsson, David, Prime Minister, Iceland; ex-Mayor Reykjavik, Chair Independence Party IC x x x x x
Odom, William E, Dir. of Nat. Sec. Studies, Hudson Inst; ex-Dir National Security Agency US x
Olechowski, Andrzej. Chairman, Central Europe Trust, Poland, ex-Foreign Minister PL x x x x x x
Oliveira, Fernando Faria de, Minister of Trade and Tourism PT x
Ollila, Jorma, Chairman and CEO, Nokia Corporation. FI x x st x x
Oort, Conrad J, Adviser to Board of ABN; Prof. Money & Banking, Univ. of Limburg (x st) NL tr tr tr
Orange, H.R.H. the Prince of (Claus?) NL x? x
Orcival, Francois d', Editor Valeurs Actuelles FR x
Osond, Anton, Chair of Management, Österreichische Investitionskredit AG AT x
Ostry, Sylvia, Chairman, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto CN x
Owen, David, EC Mediator, International Conference on Former Yugoslavia UK x
Özceri, Tugay, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs TR x
Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank IT,IN x x x
Page, Jr., John M. Chief Economist, Mid. East and Nth. Africa Region, World Bank. US x
Pagrotsky, Leif; Minister of Trade SV x
Pangalos, Theodoros G., Minister for Foreign Affairs (Socialist Party) GR x x x
Papaconstantinou, Michalis, Minister for Foreign Affairs GR x
Papalexopoulos, Theodore, Deputy Chairman, Totan Cement Company SA GR x
Papandreou, George A. - Minister for Foreign Affairs GR x x x
Pattison, James, Chair, President & CEO, Jim Pattison Group Inc. CN x
Paye, Jean-Claude, Secretary General, OECD FR,IN x
Pell, Claiborne, US Senator, Democrat, Rhode Island US x
Penzias, Arno A., VP Research AT&T Bell Labs US x
Peraticos, Michael C, Chairman, Pegasus Ocean Services GR x
Perger, Werner A. - Political Correspondent, Die Zeit. DE x
Perry, William J., Secretary of Defense US x
Petersen, Donald E, Chairman, Ford Motor Company US x
Petersen, Jan, Parliamentary Leader, Conservative Party NO x
Petersson, Lars-Eric; President and CEO, Skandia SV x
Petritsch, Wolfgang; High Rep. for Bosnia; EU chief negotiator at Kosovo peace talks AT x
Philippe, H.R.H. Prince BE x x x
Pickering, Thomas R, US Ambassador to Russia US x
Pimenta, Carlos, MEP; ex-Secretary of State for Environment PT x
Pires, Francisco Lucas, MEP; Former Leader of the Christian Democrats PT x
Ploetz, Hans Fredeich von, Foreign Affairs (Ministry?) DE x
Podhoretz, Norman, Editor, Commentary US x
Pöhl, Karl Otto, President, Deutsche Bundesbank DE x
Polanyi, John, Prof of Chemistry, University of Toronto CN x
Porrit, Jonathon - Programme Director, Forum for the Future UK x
Powell, Colin L. Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. US x
Prebensen, Inger E, President, Kjobmandsbanken NO x
Prendergast, Kieran - Under-Secertary General for Political Affairs, United Nations UK,IN x
Pressler, Larry, Senator, Republican, South Dakota US x
Prestowitz, Clyde V. - President, Economic Strategy Institute US x
Prior, Lord, Chair, GEC plc; fmr Sec State for Northern Ireland & for Employment UK x
Pritchard, J Robert, Pres, Univ. of Toronto CN x
Prodi, Romano, Prof of Industrial Economics, Univ of Bologna IT st
Profumo, Alessandro - CEO, Credito Italiano IT x
Puhringer, Othmar - Chairman of Managing Board, VA-Technologie AG AT x
Pujol, Jordi, President, Generalitat de Catalunya ES x
Purves, William - Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc. UK x
Pury, David de. Chairman, de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Co. Ltd., ex Co-Chair ABB CH x st st st st st st x x
Quandt, William B, senior fellow, The Brookings Institute US x
Quinn, Lochlann. Chairman, Allied Irish Bank Group. IR x
Radice, Giles, Chairman of Euro Movement MP UK x
Raimond, Jean-Bernard, MP, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs FR x
Ramfors, Bo CE, MD & Group CEO Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken; memb other Boards SV x
Randa, Gerhard - CEO & Chairman, Bank of Austria AG AT x x
Rasmussen, Anders Fogh; Chairman, Liberal Party DK x
Rato Figaredo, Rodrigo de, Parliamentary Leader of the Minority Group (Partido Popular) ES x x
Rattner, Steven - Deputy Executive, Lazard Freres & Co., LLC US x
Reed, John S, Chairman, Citicorp US x
Rees-Mogg, William, Chair, Broadcast. Stnds Coun, Chair Amer. Tradg; ex-Ed The Times UK x
Reiten, Eivind; Executive Vice-President, Corporate Management, Norsk Hydro SA NO x
Reitzle, Wolfgang, Member of the Board, BMW AG DE x x
Reuber, Grant L, Deputy Chairman, Bank of Montreal CN x
Reves, Chresten W, President and CEO Berlingske Tidende DK x
Rhodes, William R. - Vice Chairman, CitiBank, N.A. US x
Riboud, Antoine, Chair, Société BSN, Gervais Danone FR x
Richardson, Bill - Secretary of Energy US x x
Ridgway, Rozanne L, Co Chair, Atlantic Council of the US, ex-Asst Sec of State, (x st) US x x x (st) st
Rifkind, Malcolm, Foreign Secretary UK x
Ringier, Michael, Publisher, Chairman of the Board of Ringier Inc CH x
Riotta, Gianni; Deputy Editor, La Stampa IT x
Robertson, George - Secretary of State for Defence UK x
Robertson, Simon. Former Chairman, Kleinwort Benson Group plc. UK x x
Robinson, James D III, Chair & CEO, American Express Company US x
Rockefeller, David. Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Cttee. US ad ad (ad) ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad x x
Rockefeller, Sharon Percy. President and CEO, WETA-TV and FM (PBS.) (x st) US st? x
Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias, Executive Vice Chairman, BSCH (Banco de Santander?). ES x x x x
Rogers, Edward S., President and CEO, Rogers Communications, Inc. CN x
Rognoni, Virginio, Minister of Defence IT x
Rojas, Mauricio, Prof. Econ. Hist., Lund Univ., Dir. Timbro's Cent. for Welfare Reform SV x
Roll, Eric (Lord Roll of Ipsden). Senior Adviser, UBS Warburg Dillon Read UK ad ch (ad) ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad x x
Romano, Sergio, columnist, La Stampa, former Italian Ambassador to USSR IT x
Rosengren, Björn - Minister for Industry, Employment and Communication SV x
Rossella, Carlo Editor, Editrice La Stampa S.p.A. IT x
Rothschild, Emma, Dir Ctr for History and Economics Cambridge UK x
Rothschild, Evelyn de - Chairman, N M Rothschild and Sons UK x
Roy, Olivier. University Professor and Researcher, Laboratoire Monde Iranien, CNRS. FR x x
Ruggiero, Renato, Vice-Chair, Schroder Salomon Smith Barney; ex-WTO, ex-Trade Mnstr IT,IN x st st st st (st) (st) x
Rühe, Volker, Minister of Defence; ex-Gen Sec CDU Parliamentary Party DE x x x x
Ruhnau, Heinz, Chairman of the Board, Deutsche Lufthansa AG DE x
Sabia, Maureen. Corporate Director and President, Maureen Sabia International. CN x
Sahlin, Mona, Member of Parliament SV x
Sainsbury, Sir John, Chairman, Sainsbury PLC UK st
Salgado, Ricardo Espirito Santo, President and CEO, Grupo Espirito Santo. PT x x
Samaras, Andonis, former Minister of Foreign Affairs GR x
Sampaio, Jorge - President of Portugal PT x
Sampermans, Francoise, Chair Groupe Express France FR x
Sanford, Charles S Jr, Chairman, Bankers Trust Company US x
Santer, Jacques, Prime Minister LU x
Santos, Nicolau - Editor-in-Chief, Expresso PT x
Sapin, Michael, Minister of Economy and Finance FR x
Saracoglu, Rustu, Governor Central Bank of Turkey TR x x
Scalapino, Robert A, Robson Res Prof of Government, Emeritus, Univ Ca, Berkeley US x
Scharping, Rudolf - Minister of Defence DE x
Scheel, Walter, Former President, Federal Republic of Germany DE ch
Scheepbouwer, Ad J. - Chairman and CEO, TNT Post Group NL x
Schenz, Richard - CEO and Chairman of the Board, OMV AG AT x
Schmidheiny, Stephan, Chair Anova Holdings IC x x
Schmidt-Chiari, Guido, Chairman of the Managing Board, Creditanstalt Bankverein AT x x
Scholey, David G, Chairman, SG Warburg, Group plc UK x
Scholten, Rudolf - Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG AT x x x
Schoutheete de Tervarent, Ph de; Former Permanant Rep. of Belgium to the EU BE x x
Schrempp, Jurgen E. Chairman of the Board of Management, Daimler-Chrysler AG. DE x x x x x x
Schürer, Wolfgang, Chair MS Management Service AG CH x x
Schwab, Klaus. President, World Economic Forum. DE,IN x x x
Schweitzer, Louis, Chairman and CEO Renault SA FR x
Scowcroft, Brent, Former Asst to the President for National Security Affairs US x x
Seidenfaden, Toger. Editor in Chief, Politiken A/S. DK st st st st st x x
Seillière, Ernest-Antoine, Chair, Compagnie Générale d'Industrie et de Participations FR st x
Serra i Serra, Narcis, Deputy Prime Minister of the Spanish Government ES x x
Shad, John SR, Director and Philanthropist US x
Shapiro, Robert B. - Chairman and CEO, Monsanto Company US x
Sheehy, Patrick, Chairman, BAT Industries UK x
Sheinkman, Jack, Chair. Amalg. Bank, ex-Pres. Amalg. Textile Workers Union AFL-CIO US x x st st st st (st)
Shelton, Sally A, snr. fellow, georgetown University; ex Amnbassador to Grenada, E-Carib US x
Shevtsova, Lilia - Carnegie Moscow Center RU x
Sick, Gary G, Visitng Scholar, Research Institute for Internl. Change, Columbia Univ. US x
Sigurdsson, Jón, Minister of Trade and Industry IC x
Silva, Artur Santos - President and CEO, BPI Group PT x
Silvestri, Stefano VP, Istituto Affari Internazionali; former Undersecretary of Defence IT st x
Simons, Thomas W Jr, Ambassador to Poland US x
Simpson, Jeffrey, National Affairs Columnist, The Globe & Mail CN x
Siniscalco, Domenico - Prof. Econs; Director of Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei IT x
Smith, Gordon S, Perm Rep and Ambass., Canadian Deleg. to the North Atlantic Council CN x
Smith, John, MP, Labour Party, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (x st) UK x
Soderberg, Nancy E., Dep Asst to President for National Security Affairs US x
Solana Madariaga, Javier; Secretary General, Council of the European Union ES,IN x x
Solbes Mira, Pedro - Member of Parliament, Socialist Party ES x
Sommaruga, Cornelio, President, International Committee of the Red Cross CH x
Sommer, Theo, Editor-in-Chief, Die Zeit (x st) DE st x x x x
Soros, George; Chairman, Soros Fund Management US x x x
Spain, Her Majesty Queen Sophia (or Sofia) of ES x x x x
Spath, Lothar, CEO Jenoptik; former Prime Minister, Baden-Würtemberg DE x
Spector, Norman, former Chief of Staff, Office of the Prime Minister CN x
Spinelli, Barbara, Editorialist and European Correspondent, La Stampa, Paris IT? x
Spitaels, Guy, Chairman, Socialist Party, Minister of State BE x
Sousa, Marcelo Rebelo de - Leader of the PSD Party PT x
Stahl, Lesley R. National Affairs Correspondent, CBS News. US x
Steeg, Helga, Executive Director, International Energy Agency DE,IN x x x
Steinberg, James B; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs US x x
Stephanopoulos, George Prof., Columbia Univ., ex-Advisor to President for Pol. & Strat US x x
Stevenson, H Dennis, Chair, SRU group UK x
Stille, Ugo, Editor-in-Chief, Corriere della Sera IT x
Stoltenberg, Thorveld, Co Chair Steering Committee on Fmr Yugoslavia NO x x
Storvik, Kjell - Governor, Bank of Norway NO x
Strauss, Robert S, US Ambassador to the Russian Federation US x
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique; Former Minister of Finance; Professor, University of Paris FR x
Strube, Jürgen, CEO, BASF Aktiengesellschaft DE x x
Suchoka, Hanna - Minister of Justice PL x
Summers, Lawrence H. - Deputy Secretary for Intl Affairs, US Dept of the Treasury US x
Sundqvist, Ulf L, Chair, Social Democratic Party FI x
Suominen, Ilkka, Minister of Trade and Industry FI x
Surroi, Veton; Publisher, KOHA Ditore, Kosovo YU x
Suryanyi, Gyorgy. President, National Bank of Hungary. HU x x x
Sutherland, Peter D. Chair, Goldman Sachs Int., Chair. BP Amoco plc; ex-Commissioner IR x x st st st st st st x
Svedberg, Bjorn President and CEO, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken. SV x
Sweden, King of SV x
Tabakablat, Morris, Chairman of the Board, Unilever N.V. NL x
Tara, Sinan. Vice President, Enka Construction & Ind. Inc. TR x
Tarullo, Daniel K; Visiting Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center US x
Taylor, Arthur R, Managing Aprtner, Arthur Taylor & Co. US st
Taylor, J. Martin, Chair, WH Smith Group plc; International Advisor, Goldman Sachs Int. UK x st st st st st x sg
Teltschik, Horst, Head, Dir Gen, For. & Intra-German Rels Dev. & Ext Sec., Fed Chancel. DE x
Teufel, Erwin, Prime Minister of Baden-Würtemberg DE x
Thoman, G. Richard - President and CEO, Xerox Corporation US x x
Thornton, John L. - President and co-COO, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc US x x
Thorsell, William, Editor, The Globe and Mail CN x
Thunborg, Anders, Ambassador to the USSR; Former Minister of Defence SV x
Thygesen, Niels, Prof of Economics, University of Copenhagen DK x
Tigueroa, Federico, VP Spain (?) ES x
Toubon, Jacques, MP, former General Secretary of the RPR FR x
Tremonti, Giulio; Member of the Finance Commission, Chamber of Deputies IT x
Trenin, Dmitri V. - Deputy Director, Carnegie Moscow Center RU x
Trichet, Jean-Claude - Governor, Banque de France FR x x x
Tronchetti Provera, Marco, Executive VP and CEO Pirelli SpA IT x
Trotman, Alexander J., Chairman, Ford Motor Company US x
Tsoukalis, Loukas, Prof, Univ of Athens; Pres., Hellenic Centre for Eur. Studies (EKEM) GR x
Tyson, Laura d'Andrea - Dean, Haas School of Business, Univ.of California at Berkeley US x
Udgaard, Nils M. - Foreign Editor, Aftenposten NO x
Umbricht, Victor, Mediator, East African Community; Advisory Board, Ciba-Geigy (x ad) CH ad
Uusmann, Ines - Min of Trans and Comm SV x
Vanhala, Matti - Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland FI x
Vartia, Pentti - Managing Director, Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA). FI x
Vasella, Daniel - Chairman & CEO Novartis CH x x x
Vedrine, Hubert, Sec gen and Spokesperson, Presidency of the Republic FR x
Veer, Jeroen van der; Group MD, Royal Dutch/Shell Group; NL x
Veiga, Miguel, Lawyer PT x
Veltroni, Valter, Editor, L'Unita IT x
Veremis, Thanos M. - Professor of Political History, Univ. of Athens; Pres. of Eliamep GR x x
Verheugen, Gunther - Sec Gen Social Democratic Party DE x
Verzetnitsch, Friedrich, President Austrian Trade Union AT x
Victor, Alice, Executive Assistant, Rockefeller Financial Services, Inc. US rp rp rp rp rp
Villeneuve, Andre-Francois H. Executive Director, Reuters Group Holdings plc. UK x
Villin, Phillipe, Vice President, Figaro FR x
Vink, Lodewijk J.R. de - President and CEO, Warner Lambert Company US x x
Virkkunen, Janne - Senior Editor in Chief, Helsingin Sanomat FI x
Vitorino, Antonio, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence PT x
Vits, Mia de - General Secretary, ABVV-FGTB BE x
Vogel, Ezra F. Henry Ford II Professor of Social Sciences, Harvard University. US x
Voigt, Karsten D, MdB; SPD Spokesma on For. Affairs; Member SPD Party Leadership DE x
Vokos, Themistocles, Chairman, The Seatrade Organisation GR x
Volcker, Paul A, Chairman, BT Wolfensohn; ex-Chair, Board of Federal Reserve System US x x x
Voschherau, Henning, Mayor of Hamburg DE x
Voutilainen, Pertti - Primerita Bank FI x
Vranitzky, Franz. Former Federal Chancellor. AT x x x x x x st x x
Vries, Gijs M. de Chairman, Leader of Liberal Group, European Parliament. NL,IN x x
Vuursteen, Karel, Chairman of the Board, Heineken N.V. NL x x
Waal, Lodewjk J. de - Chairman, Dutch Confederation of Trade Unions (FNV). NL x
Waldegrave, William - Minister of Agriculture; ex-Minister for Housing & Planning UK x x
Wallage, Jacques - Leader Labor Party NL x
Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken SV x x
Wallenberg, Marcus. Executive Vice President, Investor AB. SV x x
Wegener, Henning, Asst Secretary General for Political Affairs, NATO DE,IN x
Weidenfeld, Lord, Publisher UK x
Weiss, Stanley A. Chairman, Business Executives for National Security, Inc. US x x x
Wendt, Gerhard MH, President, Kone Corporation FI x
Werring, Niels Jr, Dir, Wilhelm Wilhelmsen Ltd A/S (x st) NO st st st x x x
White, Peter G, Chairman of Unimedia; Former head of Prime Minister's Office CN x
Whitehead, John C. Former Deputy Secretary of State (x st) US x x st st x x x
Whitman, Christine Todd - Governor of New Jersey US x
Wijffels, Herman H.F. Chairman of the Executive Board, Rabobank Nederland. NL x
Wilbur, Brayton Jr, President & CEO, Wilbur-Ellis Company US x
Wilder, Lawrence Douglas, Governor of Virginia US x
Wilhjelm, Nils, MD, Industrial Mortgage Fund; former Industry Minister DK x x
Williams, Joseph H, Chair & CEO, The Williams Companies US st
Williams, Lynn R, International President, United Steel Workers of America (x st) US x x x st
Wilson, L.R., Chairman, President and CEO, BCE Inc. CN x
Wilson, Michael, Minister of Industry, Science & Technology & International Trade CN x
Winthrop, Grant F, Partner, Milbank (Wilson) Winthrop & Co. US x rp rp rp rp
Wisner, Frank G, Under-Secretary for Policy, Department of Defense US x
Wissmann, Matthias - Federal Minister for Transport DE x
Wolf, Martin - Associate Editor and Economics Commentator, The Financial Times UK x x
Wolfensohn, James D. President, The World Bank; ex-Pres James D Wolfensohn Inc US,IN x x x st st st st st st x x
Wolff von Amerongen, Otto, Chairman and CEO of Otto Wolff GmbH. DE ad ad (ad) ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad x x
Wolfowitz, Paul, Dean, Nitze School, John Hopkins Univ.; ex-Under Sec. of Defense US x x x x st x
Wooldridge, Adrian D., Foreign Correspondent, The Economist UK rp rp rp
Wörner, Manfred, Secretary General of NATO DE,IN x x x
Wright, Patrick, Permanent Under-Secretary of State, and Head of Diplomatic Service UK x
Wriston, Walter B, Former Chairman, Citibank US x
Yahuda, Michael B. Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics. UK x
Yanez-Barnuovo, Juan A., Perm. Rep. of Spain to the UN; ex-Intl. Affs, Office of PM ES x x
Ybarra y Churruca, Emilio de, Vice Chair & MD, Banco de Bilbao ES x
Yost, Casimir A. - Dir, Inst for Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University, Washington US st sg sg sg x st
Yücaoglu, Erkut - Chairman, Tusiad (Business Association) TR x
Zannoni, Paolo, Vice President, Fiat SpA (x st) IT x st x x
Zantovsky, Michael - Chair of the Cttee on For. Affs, Defense and Sec. Czech Senate CZ x
Zimmer-Lehmann, Georg, snr adviser to the Managing Board, Creditanstalt-Bankverein AT x
Zimmermann, Norbert - Chairman, Berndorf AG AT x x
Zoellick, Robert B, Counselor & Under-Secretary (designate) for Economic Affairs US x
Zombanakis, Minos, Chair, Group for International Study & Evaluation GR x
Zuckerman, Mortimer B, Editor, US News and World Report US x

Codes: x-attending, ch-Chairman, sg-Secretary General, tr-Treasurer, ad-Advisory Group, st-Steering Committee, rp-rapporteur; brackets ( ) generally mean officer not attending, but for 1989 (st) means not clear due to absence of information;
AT-Austria, BE-Belgium, BG-Bulgaria, CH-Switzerland, CN-Canada, CZ-Czech Republic, DE-Germany, DK-Denmark, ES-Spain, FI-Finland, FR-France, GR-Greece, HU-Hungary, IC-Iceland, IN-International, IR-Ireland, IT-Italy, LU-Luxembourg, NL-Netherlands, NO-Norway, NZ-New Zealand, PL-Poland, PT-Portugal, RU-Russia, SV-Sweden, TR-Turkey, UK-United Kingdom, UR-Ukraine, US-USA, YU-Yugoslavia

82(st): Steering Committee list;
88 list: original List of Participants;
89(st): partial Steering Committee list;
91, 92 and 93 lists: taken from Spotlight;
92 Steering Committee list, extracted from Armen Victorian piece in Nexus Magazine;
94 list: original, plus Tony Gosling (www.bilderberg.org) and Spotlight;
95 list: Tony Gosling (Alberta Reporter) and elements from Spotlight;
96 list: Spotlight and Tony Gosling;
97 list: Tony Gosling, Lobster Magazine and Spotlight;
97 Steering Committee list: original from Bilderberg Meetings
98 list: original Participant List, and Parascope;
99 list: Portuguese News Weekly, Tony Gosling, Big Issue/Schnews - Bilderberg Minutes, and Spotlight;
2000 list: kindly provided by the Bilderberg Meetings;
Ex-Steering Committee members over the last 10 years (x st) - letter to Patricia McKenna MEP from Bilderberg Meetings, 3.12.98

(Thanks to Tony Gosling, Patricia McKenna, Armen Victorian, Jim Bogusz, Lobster, Nexus, Klaus Kopf, Jim Tucker, Spotlight, News Weekly, Big Issue/Schnews, Parascope and Bilderberg meetings)