policy statements adopted unanimously at the first European Counter
Clarence Hotel, Dublin, Ireland
June 25th 1990
1. Energy:
The European Communities (EC), specifically the Euratom Treaty
of the European Communities, is pro-nuclear in its aims, therefore
ruling out a move away from nuclear: Resolved to create the conditions
necessary for the development of a powerful nuclear industry .....
etc. The result is active support, including financial, for installations
like Sellafield, and the non-implementation of a nuclear installations
inspectorate to control these plants. The Euratom Supply Agency
arranges contracts for the sale of Plutonium and Uranium. The
Commission foresees an increase in the proportion of electricity
generated by nuclear. EC research is heavily weighted towards
nuclear and carboniferous fuels and not into the application of
non-polluting sustainable alternatives. The EC does relatively
little to cut back energy consumption, and even resists attempts
by countries like Denmark to increase building insulation standards.
It promotes, and funds road construction, and the use of cars,
rather than public transport, with the inevitable environmental
The 1992 Single Market will increase the use of energy, and therefore,
by not encouraging renewable alternatives, the EC will be contributing
further to the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and nuclear pollution.
According to the instrument which created the Single Market -
the SEA, the EC may not interfere with national policies regarding
the exploitation of energy resources. This does not square with
the projected image of a Green EC, and Mr. Haugheys Green Presidency
of it.
2. Consumers:
Consumer and public health groups are growing more concerned at
the ECs apparent support for Food irradiation, encouragement
of genetic engineering, biotechnology, cloning, embryo research,
pesticide-proof crops, deliberate releases, life-form patenting;
animal testing, additives and chemicals in food & drink. Products
banned, although produced within the EC are legally sold to the
Third World, toxic waste is shipped there, and biotechnology tests
are carried out there.
3. Harmonization:
The EC has adopted the Lawnmower approach to harmonization of
environmental standards, bringing them down to the lowest common
denominator. The Commission is attempting to restrict the natural
diversity of markets and of nature by standardizing everything
from car emissions to seeds, thus increasing the risk of disease
in crops, and the need for pesticides etc. The Internal Market
is creating an open area for Bovine Spongiform, rabies, foot and
mouth disease etc. While inhibiting individual member states from
taking progressive environmental action the Commission itself
takes no action in many areas, eg labelling for non-cruelty to
animals, higher car emission standards in Holland and insulation
standards in Denmark etc. In the USA, states can initiate legislative
improvements, which is prevented in the EC. Member states cannot
enforce labelling of known harmful substances without the ECs
4. Production:
The EC is orientated towards large scale in agriculture (CAP),
mariculture, forestry, and industry (Single Market) - resulting
in serious pollution problems
Agriculture - intensive farming has given rise to problems with
silage, slurry, fertilizers, pesticides, drugs, BST, feeds with
additives, diseases, removal of hedgerows, loss of species, set-aside,
mountains and lakes of surplus produce.
Forestry - while causing acidification of waters, excessive coniferisation
will be low value when harvested, and only used for paper pulp;
Portuguese face severe problems of soil erosion from intensive
Eucalyptus plantations.
Mariculture - intensive Fin-fish farming has given rise to pollution
problems from fish wastes, paints, pesticides and chemicals, foods,
de-oxygenation, and also poses a risk to wild stocks by escapees
and crossbreeding
Industry: - is one of the environments biggest problems, producing
growing amounts of toxic chemicals with toxic waste incinerators,
and also the general wastes from, production and packaging, the
wasteful transport of goods - creating the need for more and bigger
roads and bridges thus increasing noise pollution, air pollution
and energy waste. The recent decision by the Council of Ministers
to phase out CFCs by the year l997 is too little and too late.
Essentially every five year delay now, will mean a twenty year
delay before the Ozone layer regains equilibrium.
5. Decision-making:
While industry and big businesses are consulted and have significant
input into decision making, consumers, public health groups and
environmentalists have no say whatsoever. There is no right to
freedom of environmental information, and it is not guaranteed
that the ECs E.P.A. will provide this or a role for environmentalists
and interest groups.
1. Energy:
Oblige member states to apply renewable non-polluting energy sources
and major schemes for energy conservation. Move immediately to
phase out nuclear power, stop trading in plutonium, use all of
the funds previously applied to nuclear development for technical
solutions to remove the nuclear waste problem from the planet
surface, restrict nuclear fuel and waste transport to the cleanup
only, ban waste reprocessing and set up a nuclear inspectorate
to oversee the phase-out and ongoing waste management.
Fund biodigestion in preference to sewage treatment. Force member
states to support public transport systems, rather than roads
and cars. All energy activities should lead to a massive reduction
in the air and sea pollution loads, and acid rain.
2. Consumers:
Member states should ban food irradiation, the 250 additives unacceptable
to UN/WHO Cancer Research Institute, animal testing, genetic engineering
and its application in biotechnology, the patenting of life-forms,
and the production as well as use of harmful goods (eg Mercury
3. Harmonization:
Take the emphasis from the Single Market, and allow greater diversity
- recognizing varying needs and skills of an area of very mixed
cultures, and protect the diversity of Nature. Allow member states
to have environmental standards as high as they wish, but not
lower than a general level. Raise general standards for global
environmental issues.
4. Production:
Take emphasis from the Single Market, and completely phase out
CAP and set-aside. Agriculture - Oblige member states to phase
out chemical fertilizers, ban pesticides and animal drugs, completely
ban BST, phase out offal and additives in animal feeds. Assist
organic and mixed farming and discourage the removal of hedgerows,
assist biodigestion and research for same. Set limits in member
states for animal area densities to restrict cruelty on intensive
Mariculture - Member states should ban intensive Fin-fish-farming.
Forestry - the EC should stop all support for monoculture forestry,
and put the emphasis on hardwoods in natural settings instead.
Industry - Member states should ban the introduction of any more
toxic waste incinerators and phase out existing ones. Companies
should be charged for producing toxic waste, and there should
also be a charge on general wastes from production, and for the
use of packaging. Energy charges should be imposed for the transport
of goods, thus reducing waste, pollution and the need for so many
roads and bridges. The use and production of all Ozone depleting
substances should be banned by January l993 at the latest.`
5. Decision-making:
Restore a Consumer Consultative Council in the EC, and broaden
representation and role of European Environment Bureau and all
other peoples groups in the drafting of legislation. Member states
should implement an absolute right of access to all environmental
1. Growth
The basic economic thrust of the European Communities (EC), which
is enshrined in the Treaty of Rome, is to maximize growth and
to develop the Common Market for large-scale and multinational
capital with its tendency to create false and unnecessary consumer
wants, to waste resources and to pollute the environment, all
in the interest of maximizing profit. Another reason why it is
felt that we must encourage these mega-firms is to compete with
the Japanese and Americans - a great race to destroy our respective
countries and the Planet.
2. Removal of Barriers
The removal of barriers, while advantageous to the movement of
people, is harmful when peripheral countries fail to compete due
to transport costs and the small scale of their industries. Capital
is drawn to the centre and will be more so because of Monetary
Union, where it is concentrated in fewer hands. Small firms are
handicapped, forced to compromise safety, wage and/or environmental
standards, and are eventually either swallowed up in larger conglomerates,
or put out of business. Goods travel unnecessary distances rather
than being produced locally, and employment in peripheral regions
is reduced. People in these regions have to be put on a Community
Dole - through the Structural Funds. Such conditions suit employers,
and cause a low wage economy for large numbers of workers.
3. Single Market
The EC Single Market, which is essentially wide ranging harmonization
and standardization, (ie: conformity) is, ironically, the opposite
of the diverse conditions necessary for real capitalist economic
development and growth. The Single Market promotes ageing industry
and economics of scale - standardized products, while consumer
demands are moving in the opposite direction, to quality and wide
choice with personalized service. The EC will not achieve its
own questionable objective of real economic growth, because what
it is creating is probably the most inappropriate environment
for entrepreneurial activity (which is always local in nature
and small scale to begin with). However, harmonization will inadvertently
produce new niches for some entrepreneurs, while the large firms
rationalize their production - a rather perverse benefit. It is
no wonder that the EC has 10 - 12% unemployment, while it is only
2 - 5 % (and there are higher standards of living, better quality
of environment and social legislation) in EFTA - a diverse peripheral
grouping of independent countries.
4. Common Agricultural Policy
The EC Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is widely abused, and
fraud within it may account for 10% of the EC budget. By boosting
the prices of agricultural products, it encourages excessive production,
consequent pollution due to intensive methods and the extensive
storage of surpluses. The higher prices inflate food costs to
the consumer effecting the poorest the most. Surpluses are dumped
on international markets at knockdown prices, destroying local
production elsewhere. The response has been an even crazier Set-Aside
program, where the farmers are paid to leave some land lying idle,
while the rest is overworked.
5. Fishing
Since 1973, an unfair EC fishing quota system has been in operation,
where for instance Ireland has 25% of the EC catch in its waters,
but only receives 4%. Currently, Spain has 60,000 tons of fishing
vessels under construction while Ireland has been told to reduce
its fleet by a third.
6. Unemployment
There are structural defects in Western Countries (eg: Ireland),
where there is an imbalance between capital taxation (which shifts
the economy towards higher employment), and labour based taxation
(which destroys employment). The EC increases VAT levels to fund
itself, and is attempting to harmonize all such indirect taxes
whether or not the resulting levels are appropriate to all members
states, in terms of reducing employment. Again the poor are the
worst affected. The EC does relatively little in proposing company
taxation, wealth taxation or land tax, which would tend to create
employment - again a supposed objective. This supports the thesis
that the EC answers to big business interests.
7. The Third World
The EC countries and institutions are major lenders of finance
to the Third World, and are recipients of interest on these loans
from hard pressed underdeveloped nations. The aid sent to help
those nations, which is less than the interest on loans that is
returned, frequently damages them further by being tied to supplies
from the donor country, by financing the planting of cash crops
on good land, which then finances loan repayments and interest
instead of feeding the recipient country, or by funding ecologically
catastrophic projects such as massive dams. The recipient nations
become more dependent on aid, less able to feed themselves, more
damaging to their own environments and less well off than before.
The EC Countries are centres for trade in Third World products
such as tea, and influence the terms of trade in these commodities
in their own favour. Further the EC erects barriers to the importation
(fortress Europe) of some commodities from the Third World, which
reduces the ability of those supplier countries to repay their
debts. To worsen the blow, the EC gets rid of some of its own
rather gross food surpluses by sending them to the Third World,
thereby damaging local production capacity. Such economic and
political dependency relationships are consolidated through treaties
such as the EC - ACP Treaty (Lomé Convention) of 1975, or EC -
African States and Madagascar (Yaoundé) of 1963. The GATT Treaty
similarly affects the developing nations by, for example, pressing
them towards larger farm sizes.
1. Economic Decentralization
The EC must make a major shift in its basic thinking away from
large scale industry, encourage national and local administrations
to promote real local entrepreneurial and co-operative activity,
and not allow itself to be drawn into a fight to the death with
Japan or the USA. It must, as a region, develop greater self sufficiency,
and promote small scale sufficiency within its constituent parts,
where capital would be encouraged to stay for local investment.
Its role in the economic arena would thereby be considerably reduced,
mainly due to the fact that such matters are best dealt with more
locally. It should however develop a role as a policeman for trans-national
corporations (TNCs), fitting that role into a global context,
overseeing their decline in scale, and not see itself as an agent
for these corporations.
It should achieve this by a combination of: national import and
transport taxes, encouraging national and local energy, internal
transport, pollution and capital taxation, with large firms paying
more tax per unit of production. The EC should stop harmonization
and encourage diversity, stop Monetary and Economic Union, permit
exchange controls as before, and help to form a global TNC control
body in the UN.
2. Employment
Reduce EC indirect taxes (VAT), except on energy resources; encourage
state to introduce land taxes, capital and wealth taxes and to
reduce income taxes; phase out structural funds as a Community
Dole. Reductions in unemployment would make for a fairer wage
3. Common Agricultural Policy, and Fishing
Phase out CAP and Set-Aside far more rapidly, with a view to
absorbing the existing surpluses internally in the process. Give
member states priority in their own fishing grounds.
4. The Third World
Phase out, and encourage member states to also phase out lending
to the Third World, treating any further funds to them as grant-aid.
EC based lending institutions should all cancel their existing
debts and interest payments, and the member states should take
the responsibility for treating those payments as grant-aid also.
Simultaneously, since the debts will have been cancelled, the
member states should phase out aid itself, except for disasters,
and for limited educational aid. In the ACP, GATT and other Treaty
reviews, the member states should reconsider the terms of trade
with the Third World favourably, but should expect lower imports
from there since their debts would be cancelled, and they would
have less need for making exports to the EC states. The EC should
stop all shipments of food surpluses to Third World and elsewhere,
except for some disaster aid.
1. Loss of National Democracy
The European Communities (EC) constitutes an assault on national
and local democracy, whereby the powers to make basic decisions
on most aspects of our lives are moving from the national parliaments
and local authorities to the EC institutions. This move is quite
unnecessary in regard to most issues, which could just as easily
be decided on locally, and is as a result creating a huge, expensive
and powerful unaccountable bureaucracy in Brussels. The only logic
determining this antidemocratic move is the relentless pursuit
of a total Single Market, which is an economic objective of questionable
value. There is also a lack of democracy within the EC institutional
framework as constituted. The Council of Ministers decides usually
by qualified majority vote, in secret, and is not accountable
as a collective to either the European Parliament or national
parliaments or local authorities. Neither the appointing country
nor the electorate can replace members of the European Commission,
they are not elected and not accountable to the electors, while
they initiate and consider all legislation, and also operate in
2. Information
There is no guaranteed Freedom of Information in the EC and all
the main institutions work in secret ultimately releasing their
decisions as a fait a complit. The security discussions are
totally secret, as well as being out of democratic control. Moves
towards freedom of environmental information are being watered
3. Media
The EC has developed unparalleled impact on and use of the media.
Al though the right to communicate views through any medium is
a basic human right enshrined in the UN and other Human Rights
Declarations, the EC has regulations on the control of licensing
operators of broadcasting stations.
4. Civil Liberties
The EC is co-ordinating restrictions on civil liberties and the
expansion of police control. The Interior (Justice) Ministers,
through the so-called Trevi talks, are developing intelligence
service and police co-operation, Europe-wide computer based data
exchange, EC ID cards, and joint surveillance. The Rhodes Group
of Ministers are producing the secret Palma Report, which apparently
contains some 73 points on security questions with relation to
the opening of Community borders, which will further erode basic
human rights in the EC.
5. Immigrants
There is a serious effect on the rights of immigrants in the EC.
The Schengen Agreement, already signed by Germany, France and
the Benelux, will enable governments to close borders on refugees
seeking help and asylum. Refugees refused asylum in one EC country
won't get asylum in any other EC country. Borders won't be open
to immigrants, who will be discriminated against and denied many
democratic rights.
6. Social Charter
Attempts to introduce a Social Charter of Workers Fundamental
Rights have been watered down severely, and the diluted Charter
has then been accepted by all members except Britain.
7. German Unity
German unity raises fears for the security of Europe, though in
reality no more so than a nuclear armed France, USSR or UK. The
peace movement in Germany East and West would prefer a decentralized,
disarmed, demilitarized and neutral German Confederation, within
a demilitarized Europe, rather than the current effective annexing
of East Germany by West Germany into NATO, against the stated
preferences of the Soviet Union. There are concerns for Polands
Western border.
8. EC Expansion
Expansion of the EC is based on acceptance by applicants of terms
strictly set by the EC regarding political and economic structures,
rather than democratically laying the foundations of an ever
closer union among the peoples of Europe as called for in the
preamble to the EEC Treaty.
9. Local Disputes
Europe is not a haven of peace, and there are many local disputes
like Northern Ireland, the Basque country and so on, which are
not addressed in any way by the EC.
10. Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
The focus for the future of Europe is the Conference on Security
and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE), also called the Helsinki process,
which includes all of the countries of Europe except Albania,
as well as the USA and Canada. We are concerned that the April
meeting of the CSCE process in Bonn indicated that it is forming
itself into a larger replica of the EC, particularly in the economic
and environmental spheres. It will promote nuclear energy, and
facilitate unhindered capital movements such as profit repatriation.
11. Nationalism
The EC has criticized nationalism, and proceeded to establish
a bogus EC nationalism in its place, using a flag, passport, currency,
anthem, teams, logos and general propaganda. Its assault on democracy
is also giving rise to more rather than less nationalism.
1. Restore Democracy
Support the right of any member state to veto any Council of Ministers
decision, to protect the interests particularly of smaller and
economically weaker nations, and to preserve proper democratic
control. Halt any further loss of democracy through Monetary,
Economic and Political Union or the development of a European
2. Merge EC, CSCE, EFTA and Council of Europe
Support and develop national and local democracy where politicians
can be replaced at election-time if the people are not satisfied
with them, and move it towards more participative and decentralized
structures. Keep national and local control over all decisions
which can best be dealt with at national and local level; ie most
decisions. The reduced EC structure should merge with EFTA, the
Council of Europe and the CSCE, it should be fully controlled
by an appropriately structured democratic Assembly, and it should
deal only with issues where international co-operation, legislation
and enforcement are absolutely required:
- protecting the global environment, including the Arctic and
Antarctic regions, especially
regarding the greenhouse effect, ozone layer and nuclear radiation;
- enforcing basic human and rights as per the UN and European
Declarations, and social
rights as per the original Social Charter;
- restricting the scale and activities of trans-national corporations
- guaranteeing the democracy of international communications and
- working towards limiting the growth of World population;
- arbitrating in local and international dispute settlements;
- working for disarmament through peace, and not through strength;
- enforcing the laws of the sea, airspace and outer space.
3. Part of Global Structure
The resulting structure would form the European region in a more
comprehensive and effective UN organization. The question of enlargement
would effectively be catered for by this merging. The new structure
would not require extensive competence in the economic sphere,
should not entertain the contradiction environmentally sustainable
economic growth, and should not promote nuclear power.
4. German Unity
Concerning the question of German Unity, all such desires for
union or separation within or between countries should be facilitated,
once those decisions are truly democratic in nature. The EC should
specify a preference for a decentralized, disarmed, demilitarized
and neutral German Confederation, within a demilitarized Europe,
and the members should pursue that line at the CSCE.
5. Local Disputes
European Political Union can not be seen as a substitute for proper
reunifications, such as between the two halves of Ireland. Localities
must take, and be allowed to take, greater control of their own
affairs, especially where there is a separatist dispute in hand,
as in the Basque territory.
6. Freedom of Information
Introduce unhindered Freedom of Information throughout the local,
national and EC structures.
7. Civil Liberties
Move towards dismantling intelligence services, as they are inherently
antidemocratic and used by governments against democratic movements
which question the status quo. No ID cards should be introduced,
and national passports, social welfare cards or driving licences
should not be used for this purpose either. The EC passport should
be scrapped, and the trappings of an EC nationalism should be
abandoned as dangerous.
8. Immigrants
Equal rights for immigrants, politically and economically and
oppose any attempts to restrict the right of political asylum
for refugees.
9. Decision Making
Professional and industrial groups and consumer, environmental
and peoples organizations should be consulted in a democracy -
All EC laws should be submitted to the organizations concerned
for consultation.
The Continent of Europe is emerging from a Cold War which had
divided it into two nuclear-armed camps. There is now real hope
that these divisions can be healed and replaced by a unity based
on co-operation. There is also real hope that genuine disarmament
measures can lead to a nuclear-free Europe.
1. Defence
The European Communities (EC) should not aspire to any defence
role. In view of this, those countries applying to join the European
Community should not be discriminated against because of their
military status -- whether they be neutral, members of the Warsaw
Pact, or members of NATO.
The EC should promote measures which will encourage and facilitate
its member-states to convert military production into civil production,
with special emphasis on job-creation.
2. Neutrals
We oppose neutral members involvement in European Political co-operation
(EPC) in which EC foreign policy is co-ordinated. No country can
be genuinely neutral unless it has an independent foreign policy.
3. Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
At the upcoming Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
(CSCE) - at which matters of military security will be discussed
- the EC should not be putting forward joint security proposals
because such issues are outside the ambit of the EC. Ireland,
as the only neutral in the EC, should participate at the CSCE
Conference either as a member of the Neutral and Non-Aligned (NNA)
grouping or put forward its own proposals.
We believe that all matters concerning security in Europe should
be dealt with through the CSCE process, so long as it is not a
surrogate for any military alliance.
4. Nuclear
The EC should co-operate with the United Nations in tightening
up inspection procedures on all phases of the nuclear cycle to
ensure both safety and non-diversion of nuclear materials.
5. Military Links
Neither the EC, nor CSCE should establish formal, institutional
links with any military alliance (e.g. Western European Union,
NATO, Warsaw Pact).
6. Demilitarization
The participants of The Other European Summit agree that German
Unification must not be used to incorporate East Germany into
NATO since this would pose a threat to the Soviet Union. Instead
all military alliances should be dissolved given the fact that
there is no enemy in Europe today, and in the medium term all
armies should be abolished.
Note on Hong Kong and Macao:
Britain is not accepting the people of Hong Kong when the colony
returns to China in 1997, while Portugal on the other hand is
allowing the Macao people to return when that colony returns to
China a few years later. The EC has allowed itself to become a
party to this anomalous situation, by accepting Britain's ruling
that the Macao people who come to Portugal may not come to the
UK, even when there is total free movement of people in the EC.
Ireland, Chairing
Senator Brendan Ryan
Jürgen Maier
United Kingdom
Michael Hindley MEP
Jens Peter Bonde MEP
Herman Verbeek MEP
Paolo Bergamaschi
Paraskevi Tsetsi
John de Courcy Ireland (representing)
Freda Meissner-Blau & Josef Iraschko
Peter Moser
Peter Lund (observing)
Patricia McKenna
Grattan Healy
original graphics
Brendan Munelly
Enquiries to
Patricia McKenna MEP, European Parliament Offices, Molesworth
St., Dublin 2, Ireland
Tel: +353 1 6616833
Fax: +353 1 6763969
email: pmckenna@europarl.eu.int
reissued March 1999
The webslave can be contacted personally at: grattan_healy@compuserve.com
As is evident, this site is in ongoing development
created May '98, last modified 12.4.99