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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:32 pm    Post subject: WHAT IN CASE IF....GERMANY AND FRANCE WERE GOING TO BREAK UP Reply with quote

Germany and France Begin Talks To Break Up Eurozone

by on November 12, 2011

Reports that Germany and France have begun talks to break up the eurozone amid fears that Italy will be too big to rescue.

Fears that Europe’s sovereign debt crisis was spiralling out of control have intensified as political chaos in Athens and Rome, and looming recession, created panic on world markets.

Reports emerging from Brussels said that Germany and France had begun preliminary talks on a break-up of the eurozone, amid fears that Italy would be too big to rescue.

Despite Silvio Berlusconi’s announcement that he would step down as prime minister once austerity measures were pushed through parliament, a collapse of investor confidence in the eurozone’s third-biggest economy sent interest rates in Italy to the levels that triggered bailouts in Portugal, Greece and Ireland.

Italian bond yields surged through the critical 7% mark, at one point hitting 7.5%, amid concern that the deteriorating situation had moved the crisis into a dangerous new phase.

In Athens talks to appoint a prime minister to succeed George Papandreou were in deadlock, and will resume on Thursday morning. The Italian president, Giorgio Napolitano, sought to reassure the markets by promising that Berlusconi would be leaving office soon.

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, said the situation had become “unpleasant”, and called for eurozone members to accelerate plans for closer political integration. “It is time for a breakthrough to a new Europe,” she said. “Because the world is changing so much, we must be prepared to answer the challenges. That will mean more Europe, not less Europe.”

The president of the European commission, José Manuel Barroso, issued a new call for the EU to “unite or face irrelevance” in the face of the mounting economic crisis in Italy. “We are witnessing fundamental changes to the economic and geopolitical order that have convinced me that Europe needs to advance now together or risk fragmentation. Europe must either transform itself or it will decline. We are in a defining moment where we either unite or face irrelevance,” he said.

Senior policymakers in Paris, Berlin and Brussels are reported to have discussed the possibility of one or more countries leaving the eurozone, while the remaining core pushes on toward deeper economic integration, including on tax and fiscal policy. “France and Germany have had intense consultations on this issue over the last months, at all levels,” a senior EU official in Brussels told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the discussions.

Financial regulators across Europe were last night carefully monitoring the health of their heavily exposed banks, amid concern that the turmoil could lead to a debt default, or even the break-up of the euro.

George Osborne, just three weeks away from delivering his autumn statement on the health of the economy, believes Europe’s problems are blighting the UK’s growth prospects, but he will use the sell-off of Italian bonds to insist there is no alternative to his austerity plans.

Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, spent Wednesday in Brussels urging the council president, Herman Van Rompuy, and a clutch of EU commissioners to focus on growth, and not further treaty changes, warning that if Europe does not become more competitive it will end up in a spiral of perpetual decline. Both he and David Cameron are urging EU integrationists to recognise that EU Treaty changes in the next few months would be a massive distraction and no cure for the underlying economic crisis. He pointed out that they would require referendums in at least four countries.

The latest chapter in the ongoing sovereign debt crisis came as Bank of England policymakers gathered for their monthly two-day interest rate-setting meeting. The monetary policy committee announced £75bn-worth of quantitative easing last month in an effort to prevent a recession.

City analysts believe the renewed turmoil in the eurozone is pointing to a deep recession in Europe. “It’s unavoidable that there will be an outright contraction in the fourth quarter of this year, and a 60%-70% chance of another decline in the first quarter of next year,” said Nick Parsons, head of strategy at National Australia Bank.

Shares fell heavily on both sides of the Atlantic. The Italian stock market lost 4% of its value. The FTSE100 index of leading shares closed 106.96 points down, at 5460.38. The Dow Jones closed 389 points down at 11,780.94.

Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, told a financial forum in Beijing that Europe’s debt crisis risked plunging the global economy into a Japan-style “lost decade” of weak growth and deflation.

“Our sense is that if we do not act boldly and if we do not act together, the economy around the world runs the risk of a downward spiral of uncertainty, financial instability and potential collapse of global demand … we could run the risk of what some commentators are already calling the lost decade.”

Simon Derrick, currency strategist at BNY Mellon, said: “We’re at the point of asking the question, if I put my money into Italy, am I going to get it back? The fact is, there isn’t a safety net.” He added that the mood in the City was reminiscent of Black Wednesday, in September 1992, when the UK crashed out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism.

The surge in Italian bond yields was eventually capped by the European Central Bank, which intervened in the markets to buy limited quantities of Italian debt. But analysts say the ECB will eventually have to step up its action, and act as a lender of last resort to bring interest rates down to pre-crisis levels. Sony Kapoor, director of Brussels-based think-tank Re-Define, said: “We may be fairly close to the point where an existential threat to the eurozone, and hence the ECB, is on the horizon. This could easily spiral out of control.”

The ECB is seen as the only institution with the firepower to rescue Italy, because the EU lacks the resources to bail out such a large economy. Ben May, of Capital Economics, said Italy would need a €650bn bailout to keep it out of financial markets for the next three years or so. “The European Financial Stability Facility will not be able to provide a bailout of this size,” he said.

Officials in Brussels insisted on Wednesday there would be no rescue package for Rome, saying, “financial assistance is not on the cards”. A key test will come on Thursday morning when Italy has to raise €5bn from investors on the bond market.

Economic and monetary affairs commissioner Olli Rehn ratcheted up the political pressure on Italy with a strongly-worded letter to finance minister Giulio Tremonti. In it, Rehn demanded concrete written details of how Italy will implement each of the 39 separate reform measures it has promised to undertake.

In Rome the head of state, Giorgio Napolitano, insisted that Berlusconi would be leaving office soon, and that his departure would not be the prelude to a lengthy period of political instability.

His intervention came after hurried consultations with the speakers of both houses of parliament to ensure the speediest possible approval for a package of economic reform and austerity measures agreed with the European institutions. On Tuesday evening, after losing his majority in the chamber of deputies, Berlusconi told Napolitano he would resign.

But, to prevent the economic measures being blocked by the fall of his government, he said he would only go once the package had been approved.

As concern grew that he might delay the passage of the legislation, which has become a litmus test of Italy’s credibility in the markets, Berlusconi said he would insist on holding new elections and one of his ministers speculated that could be next February.

After the yield on Italy’s benchmark bonds soared above 7%, taking interest rates to a level beyond which previous euro zone debt crisis victims have sought a bail-out, the president issued a statement to say the new economic measures would be “approved in the space of a few days” and that there was “no uncertainty over the prime minister’s decision to resign”.

Napolitano, who cannot begin consultations with party leaders until Berlusconi leaves office, said that either a new government would be formed “to take every necessary decision” or an election would be held “within the shortest time”.

That would still mean a vote was not held until January. But a source close to the president stressed to the Guardian that “early elections are not a foregone conclusion.”
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:06 pm    Post subject: ESTULIN UPON BILDERBERG Reply with quote


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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:44 pm    Post subject: BILDERBERS SECRET ADVISERS OF BILDERBERG VAN ROMPUY Reply with quote

Alarm bells should be ringing for France because of its economic indicators, says a think-tank study released yesterday (15 November) in the presence of Council President Herman Van Rompuy.
Among the six eurozone countries with an AAA rating, France achieves by far the lowest ranking in the overall health check, the Lisbon Council says in its 2011 Euro Plus Monitor report. "The results are too mediocre for a country that wants to safeguard its place in the top league," the think-tank's study says.

In the 72-page Overall Health Check Indicator, France ranks 13 among the 17 eurozone countries, ahead of Italy (14) but behind Spain (12). Portugal (15), Cyprus (16) and Greece (17) are at the bottom of the list.

In comparison, France’s "total score" in the overall health indicator, an aggregate of data for growth, competitiveness, fiscal sustainability and resilience, is 4.5 - very close to Italy (4.4). The worse performer is Greece (3.0).

In contrast, the country ranking first on the health check indicator is the newest eurozone member, Estonia, scoring 7.4, followed by Luxembourg (7.3) and Germany (6.Cool.

The report, produced by Germany's Berenberg Bank and the Brussels-based Lisbon Council, was presented in Brussels in front of a large audience and aimed at enriching the public debate about ways to improve economic performance and strengthen the resilience against financial crises.

The report's authors highlight the real concern that France is marred by the low level of progress in adjusting to the financial crisis. The study looks at the external adjustment, as well as to the fiscal adjustment and the change in real units labour cost.

According to the adjustment criterion, France ranks 15th in the eurozone, followed only by Germany, which is characterised as "a near-perfect reform success story" and therefore needs no adjustment, and Austria, which "did not adjust much" because it didn't need to.

"But for a country with significant health problems such as France, the lack of adjustment is a concern," the report states.

Cyprus also identified as a 'potential problem'

"While it enjoys a slightly better economic starting situation than Greece, it has not gone through any of the potentially growth-enhancing adjustments that Greece has. However, with 800,000 people and annual GDP of €17 billion, it weighs little on Europe’s overall economic performance," the reports says of Cyprus.

Van Rompuy, in speech delivered at the release, focussed on the ongoing effort to transform the eurozone into a real economic union.

Comparing the actual growth with a "crises-free" growth, the EU has lost about €2 trillion between 2007 and 2010, Van Rompuy said. He added that this figure is equivalent to the GDP of France, or to 11% Europe's cumulative debt.

"We must be aware that public anxiety in Europe is mounting about the immediate economic and financial situation," Van Rompuy said.

"Slowing growth prospects affect bond markets; volatile bond markets affect public finances. Everything is in everything. All is in all. That is why we must adopt a comprehensive approach and reverse the vicious circle," he said, promising to read the 2011 Euro Plus Monitor report.

Democratic deficit?

Asked about Italy, Van Rompuy said that Mario Monti, Italy's designated prime minister, had been one of the members of his informal group of advisors. The list of informal advisors to Van Rompuy is not publicly known, but Van Rompuy said former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari and former Commission Vice President Étienne Davignon were part of it.

Asked by EurActiv to comment on the criticism that eurozone reforms are mainly decided by a small group, referred to as ‘politburo’ - including the French president, the German chancellor, the heads of the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the Commission president and himself - Van Rompuy said that his main priority was to safeguard the financial stability of the eurozone and to combat the sovereign debt crisis.

"It's not that France and Germany are big countries, both of them forming half of the GDP of the eurozone. But in some way, they are representing two cultures. And having an agreement between the two of them is more than having an agreement between two countries," he said.

But he added that his own task was to get an agreement between the 17 members of the eurozone and the 10 other EU members, which he said was not an easy task either.

"Each prime minister is duly elected in his country, he is responsible before his electorate, and when he agrees and all agree, we have a democratic outcome," he said.

Speaking in Bordeaux yesterday (15 November) French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the country needed to rethink its welfare systems, one of the world's most generous.

In particular, he pointed out that billions of euros had been lost because of fraud.

"We must have no tolerance for cheaters and fraudsters […] Cheating - and I mean stealing from the social security system - is stealing from each and every one of us, and each and every one of you," Sarkozy said, as quoted by Reuters.

In an interview with Les Echos, French Minister of the Economy François Baroin said France would not have a new austerity package as "we have in the budget provided for the necessary room for manoeuvre to reach our deficit target in 2012 in case of a pronounced slowdown of the economy, with €6 billion of credits in reserve."

He added that France's support for further European integration would probably require treaty change. "If the question is 'Are we going towards more federalism?' then the answer is 'yes' and the Gaullist that I am is in no way embarrassed by the expression. … We must move towards more convergence, with a likely modification of the treaties," he said.

Georgi Gotev
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:48 pm    Post subject: BILDERBERG MONTI AT WORK Reply with quote

Bilderberg Leader Mario Monti Takes Over Italy in “Coup”
Written by Alex Newman

Wednesday, 16 November 2011 12:45

Italy’s new Prime Minister Mario Monti (with wife at left), who rose to power in what critics called a “coup d’etat,” is a prominent member of the world elite in the truest sense of the term. In fact, he is a leader in at least two of the most influential cabals in existence today: the secretive Bilderberg Group and David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission.

Nicknamed “Super Mario,” Monti is also an “international advisor” to the infamous Goldman Sachs, one of the most powerful financial firms in the world. Critics refer to the giant bank as the “Vampire Squid” after a journalist famously used the term in a hit piece. But its tentacles truly do reach into the highest levels of governments worldwide.

Italy’s Political Crisis

Following the Italian government’s descent into the economic abyss that saw bond yields soar to record highs as the euro-zone began to come apart at the seams, ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi decided to step down. And late last week, President Giorgio Napolitano asked Monti to form a new government.

On November 16, the new Prime Minister — who will also serve as Italy’s “Economy Minister” — announced that he was appointing an array of bankers, technocrats, and lawyers to lead the emerging government. After unveiling proposed reforms later this week Monti and his unelected team will face Parliament in a confidence vote.

Some of the nation’s political parties have already said they support the new leadership. But others, including loyal members of Berlusconi’s party, complained of a “coup d’etat” engineered by bankers and the European Union.

“The truth is that there was a big operation, an ‘Italian Job,’ to get Berlusconi out of the way by forcing him to resign,” complained former Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, comparing Berlusconi’s ouster to the movie of that same name made in1969 and remade in 2003. While the ex-Prime Minister was not technically forced to resign, he said it was an act of “responsibility.”

Monti: Insider Extraordinaire

Listed as a member of the “steering committee” on the official Bilderberg website, critics say Monti has “establishment” written all over him. The shadowy group he helps lead includes a roster of the world’s real power brokers — media magnates, royalty, military leaders, big bankers, heads of state and government, key CEOs, and more.

The elite members gather once a year in total secrecy, sparking innumerable theories and widespread concern. In 2011 the group met in Switzerland and attracted more scrutiny than in the past.

But despite the attendance of influential reporters, editors, and media power houses, very little of substance was publicly revealed. It is known, however, that Bilderberg played a crucial role in erecting the increasingly powerful supranational regime in Brussels.

Monti is also the European Group chairman of the infamous Trilateral Commission, according to the organization‘s website. The secretive group, which also lists among its members some of the most influential members of the world elite, was supposedly founded to bring about closer “cooperation” between North America, Europe, and Japan.

The Commission was founded in 1973 by the infamous banker and power-broker David Rockefeller. "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will,” Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 autobiography. “If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Monti is also a prominent leader of more than few smaller “think tanks” promoting more “integration,” big government, and globalism. He has been a long-time and consistent supporter of an “economic government” for the EU, as well as more Brussels meddling in social policies.

His career has included academia, politics, banking, and more. And he has held several prominent positions within the European Union apparatus including the job of European Commissioner for Internal Market, Financial Services, Financial Integration, and Taxation.

The Rescue Plan

"I would like to confirm my absolute serenity and conviction in the capacity of our country to overcome this difficult phase," Monti proclaimed recently. And he will have plenty of help.

The European Central Bank has started to do everything possible to rescue the profligate Italian government - albeit quietly. According to Bloomberg, the ECB began buying up huge quantities and sizes of the regime’s bonds this week.

“There are no real buyers,” European interest-rate strategy chief Mohit Kumar with Deutsche Bank told the news service. Analysts suspected that the ECB move was designed to bolster confidence in the new Italian government and its leader.

Monti’s first task will be to satisfy EU rulers by imposing massive new taxes on the Italian people. Tough “austerity” measures will follow soon after that. He said more growth — a tough task with new and higher taxes — will be his priority.

"I hope that, governing well, we can make a contribution to the calming and the cohesion of the political forces," Monti explained after meeting with union bosses.

The Italian government is currently drowning in trillions of euros worth of debt — well over 100 percent of GDP. And the market seems largely unwilling to loan it more money without EU prodding, guarantees, and huge yields.

EU and euro-zone advocates are doing everything possible to avoid a calamity that could bring down their precious supranational government and its regional currency. But Italy, as the third-largest euro-zone economy, is simply too big to bail out, according to experts — even with the emerging “dictatorship” mechanism designed to save bankrupt governments and banks using taxpayer money.

Monti could have until 2013 — the next scheduled election — to implement his “reforms,” assuming he gets his way. Critics, however, are calling for new elections to be held as soon as possible.

Critics, Greece & the Future

While Italy will now be governed by the very definition of an “insider,” Greece faces a similar situation. Its new Prime Minister, Lucas Papademos, was the vice president of the ECB and even worked for the Federal Reserve. He has also been a member of the Trilateral Commission for over a decade.

But critics are outraged. “The rise of bankers and unelected technocrats to power in Greece and Italy shows how the unfolding crisis of the euro-zone is undercutting democracy,” complained Costas Panayotakis, a professor of sociology at the New York City College of Technology at CUNY.

Italian activists had harsh words for Monti, too. “The proposed new coalition government headed by Mario Monti can be a fatal trap for Italy's future,” explained Campaign for World Bank Reform leader Antonio Tricarico. “If most of political forces from the right and the left would support it, the European Commission and the European Central Bank - whose agenda Monti represents - will rule Italy without any opposition for the years to come, beyond any minimum standard of democratic accountability.”

Analysts said installing pro-EU and single-currency rulers in Greece and Italy was aimed at quieting the growing calls for the euro-zone to be dismantled. But it remains unclear whether they will succeed as the economic crisis continues to spiral out of control across Europe.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:11 pm    Post subject: GREECE S BILDERBERG S COUP Reply with quote

In defence of technocrats
Daniel Korski 5:28pm
Is Mario Monti's administration in Italy democratic? Is Greece's new government? To some, especially in the blogosphere, it is the exact opposite: a technocratic and undemocratic government foisted upon Italy and Greece by (circle as appropriate) Angela Merkel/Nicolas Sarkozy, the Bilderberg Group/EUSSR, etc.

But nobody forced Silvio Berlusconi to resign. Nobody sacked him. Under pressure by the markets, he chose to resign. He could have stayed and nobody denied that he had a constitutional right to do so. It would have cost Italy dear, but he could have stayed. In addition, Monti was appointed to the Senate by the Italian president who himself is elected by Parliament in a joint session of the Chamber and the Senate, integrated with 58 representatives appointed by the twenty Italian regions. That's a lot of democratic mandates.

Further, Professor Monti's government will rely on the votes of the elected parties including Silvio Berlusconi's PDL. They are installing him and they can remove him at any time. They will also have to approve any reforms. The new Italian PM knows he relies on them — and their mandates — only too well. He has repeatedly underlined this in his public statements.

And this is key. The political parties are opting for a technocratic government because they dare not instigate the reforms they know are required. They want to rule, but not govern — and a technocratic interlude allows them to do that. Cowardice? Yes. An indictment of Italy's politics. Yes. Undemocratic? No.

What of elections? Right now in Italy, nobody seems to want elections; neither the PDL nor the DP, nor the President and the new PM. If more than 80 per cent of the legislature do not want elections and chose to install a technocratic government, how is that undemocratic?

Finally, most Italians I've spoken with — including officials, politicians, businesspeople, journalists and analysts — seem happy to see the end of bunga bunga politics and want to be saved, not go to the polls. They may change their minds as the Monti government begins its reforms. The political parties may yank their support. Eventually, elections will happen. But, for now, the majority seem to accept the course followed as necessary and democratic. So should outsiders.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:25 pm    Post subject: A GOOD SUM UP OF THE WEEK OF THE COUPS OF STATE IN EUROPE Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:39 pm    Post subject: OUR FRIENDS FROM BILDERBERG Reply with quote

Our friends from Goldman Sachs…

Mario Monti, Lucas Papademos and Mario Draghi have something in common: they have all worked for the American investment bank. This is not a coincidence, but evidence of a strategy to exert influence that has perhaps already reached its limits.

Marc Roche


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:58 pm    Post subject: MERKEL AND BILDERBERG... Reply with quote

At a joint briefing on Wednesday with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (left) announced the next step towards the creation of the supra-national European state: “Germany sees the need…to show the markets and the world public that the euro will remain together, that the euro must be defended, but also that we are prepared to give up a little bit of national sovereignty…” It must be done, she said, so that the euro is “strong and inspires confidence on international markets.”

This could be done through changes in the Lisbon Treaty that comprises the basis for the European Union, or more likely through the signing into law the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) by December 31, 2012. Merkel explained that, either way, this would allow for “an intervention and oversight role in respect of the preparation of national budgets…” among the member states.

This would represent the culmination of more than 60 years of efforts by the Bilderberg Group with the help of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), David Rockefeller, and funding of the effort by the Ford and Rockefeller foundations. Joseph Retinger, one of the founders of the Bilderberg Group in 1954, was also one of the principal architects of the European Common Market. As early as 1946, in a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the British counterpart of the CFR, Retinger said that Europe needed to create a federal union and that it would be necessary for the European countries to “relinquish part of their national sovereignty” to secure it. As noted by Andrew Gavin Marshall, research associate for the Centre for Research on Globalization, the effort to create the dictatorship of Europe goes back many years and is the creation of many hands:

Declassified documents (released in 2001) showed that “the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement.” The documents revealed that, “America was working aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European state. One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives instructions for a campaign to promote a fully-fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA.” Further, “Washington's main tool for shaping the European agenda was the American Committee for a United Europe, created in 1948.

The chairman was Donovan, ostensibly a private lawyer by then,” and “the vice-chairman was Allen Dulles, the CIA director in the Fifties. The board included Walter Bedell Smith, the CIA's first director, and a roster of ex-OSS figures and officials who moved in and out of the CIA. The documents show that ACUE financed the European Movement, the most important federalist organisation in the post-war years.” Interestingly, “the leaders of the European Movement - Retinger, the visionary Robert Schuman and the former Belgian prime minister Paul-Henri Spaak - were all treated as hired hands by their American sponsors. The US role was handled as a covert operation. ACUE's funding came from the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well as business groups with close ties to the US government.”

The direction and final destination were clear from the very beginning. The president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, gave a speech in November 2009 in which he stated: “We are going through exceptionally difficult times: the financial crisis and its dramatic impact on employment and budgets…yet, these problems can be overcome by a joint effort…2009 is the first year of global governance…[and] is another step towards the global management of our planet.” The now-discredited Managing Director of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, said that “crisis is an opportunity” and that a final push towards that global management is now under way. As Marshall wrote: “Bilderberg has, after all, from its very beginning, made ‘European integration’ one of its central objectives. In an official biography of Bilderberg founder and long-time Chairman Prince Bernhard, the Bilderberg Group was credited as “the birthplace of the European Community.”

Professor Gary North confirms Marshall’s thesis:

The conspirators, beginning with Jean Monnet at the Versailles Conference (1919), have worked to persuade parliaments to surrender economic authority… This authority has been transferred, year by year, to international regulatory agencies that do not answer to parliaments. This is a surrender of political sovereignty under the cover of economic liberalization. (emphasis added)

North said that if the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) is ratified by December 31st, 2012, “the New World Order of Europe will come into full-scale maturity on January 1, 2013.”

But not without a fight. Janet Daley, writing in The Telegraph said that the whole idea of an extra-legal, supra-national authority without limits is “in conflict with the facts of economics or life as it is actually lived.” She added:

Those facts now include not only Greek debt but the democratic wishes of electorates who have a sentimental belief in their right to hold their own governments to account. This is where we are: up against the unavoidable contradiction of the European federal project…

The imperatives of federalism and ever closer union have come bang up against the basic principles of democracy: that elected governments should be answerable to their own electorates, particularly on matters that affect the lives of ordinary citizens, such as taxation and public spending…

Federalism cannot allow democracy to disrupt its objectives, and democracy will not permit federalism to ignore its anger and frustration…the irresistible force has met the immovable object.

The German Chancellor is just a player, a pawn, in the big game started by the Bilderberg Group. She is taking her script from the playbook written long ago by those who would rule the world. Her plan to give away more German sovereignty to advance the program of the New World Order is one more piece to the puzzle. But it is meeting increasing resistance. David Rockefeller once boasted that “It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the light of publicity during those years.”

Those who value political independence for all peoples will hope that the “light of publicity” on the statements and purposes of pawns like Merkel be sufficient to halt the forced march on the road to serfdom, and begin the U-turn to freedom and strengthened national sovereignty.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:21 pm    Post subject: COMPARISON USSR AND EU...SPEAKING FROM SELF Reply with quote

On following link, go on the youtube video to have the english spoken comparison.
The french text has nothing to do with it.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:39 pm    Post subject: CHIEF OF WORLD BANK UPON NWO Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:17 pm    Post subject: BILDERBERG DRAGHI TO POLITICIANS:CREATE NEW EUROPE ORDER !! Reply with quote

By Howard Schneider, Published: November 18

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said Friday that it was up to Europe’s politicians to resolve the region’s debt crisis and rejected calls that the bank take on greater risks to make sure Italy and other countries don’t default.

His remarks came amid an intensifying debate over the bank’s role in the 17-nation euro zone, where major countries are seeing their borrowing costs rise toward unsustainable levels.

At issue is the question of whether anyone else could step in with the hundreds of billions of dollars that Italy, Spain and other euro-zone governments would need in coming months to fund themselves if private investors continue to turn away from European bonds for fear of a national default.

These financing needs would outstrip the current capacity of the International Monetary Fund to help. Leading governments outside the euro zone, including China, Brazil and the United States, have demanded that Europe first tap its own available means before any new steps are taken to increase the IMF’s firepower or provide other aid to the euro zone.

Analysts say the options have boiled down to two: either Germany agrees to put more of its own money at risk in a regionwide bailout fund or the ECB steps in more forcefully to buy enough bonds from Italy, Spain and other countries to ensure their borrowing costs remain at an affordable level. The ECB is already buying Italian and Spanish bonds in an effort to increase market demand for them and, thus, force down the interest rate that governments must pay to lenders.

A growing list of European leaders insisted this week that the ECB offers the quickest and most certain way to reassure investors that euro-region countries will remain solvent, with French, Spanish and Irish leaders saying bluntly that they felt it was time for bank policy to change.

From outside the euro zone, British Prime Minister David Cameron used a trip to Berlin on Friday to make the same point. Although his country continues to use the pound and not the euro, Cameron said the British economy is at risk from the euro zone’s troubles, and he told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the currency region needs to come to terms with its problems.

“All the institutions of the euro zone have to stand behind the currency and do what is necessary to defend it,” Cameron said.

Germany does not want to become the sole financier of the euro area. But Merkel and other German leaders are also adamant that the ECB has only a limited role to play in the region’s crisis response.

Germany joined the euro region only after receiving guarantees that the ECB would be run on the same principles as the Bundesbank, the German central bank — which has a singular focus on controlling inflation, strict independence from elected officials, and little room to finance governments or engage in the type of massive bond-buying programs undertaken by the Federal Reserve to boost the U.S. economy.

Merkel, as she has throughout the crisis, said the only solution was for countries to put in place more responsible economic and fiscal policies.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:12 pm    Post subject: ANOTHER OPINION ON BILDERBERG Reply with quote
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

World Government, Currency and the Bilderberg Group
Politics / Conspiracy TheoryNov 21, 2011 - 08:58 AM
By: Sam_Chee_Kong

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had man’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlock, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” By President Woodrow Wilson on The New Freedom

These people President Woodrow Wilson referred to are none other than the Bilderbergers. They are the bourgeois of society and they are living at the top of food chain.

The Bilderberg Group was formed in 1954 and was founded in the Netherlands after the meeting of the Dutch Royal Crown and the Rockefeller family in the luxurious Hotel Bilderberg. After the meeting was over they decided to meet once every year to discuss about international affairs as well as plotting the subversion and takeover of governments around the world. Thus the Bilberberg Club was formed. Their meetings are held in total secrecy with reporters and outsiders are prevented from attending. Their goal is for a World Government and its leaders are handpicked by them. They control the world’s Press and virtually all the big banks and financial institutions. They will screen and choose who America’s current and future’s will be and even determine who run for Democratic and Republican parties.

Among the elitist membership are David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Prince Charles, Helmut Kohl, President Barack Obama, President Bill and Hilary Clinton, Prince Juan Carlos of Spain, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, President Gerald Ford, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, George Soros, Paul Volker, Alan Greenspan, Robert Zoelick (World Bank President), Rupert Murdoch, H.J Heinz (Heinz & co), Eric E. Schmidt (Google Chairman), Lloyd Blankfein (CEO of Goldman Sachs), Ben Bernanke (Federal Reserve Chairman), Peter A.Thiel (Paypal founder), Timothy Geithner (US Treasury Secretary), Dan Quale, Bill Gates (Microsoft Chairman), Tom Enders (Airbus CEO) and many others.

Mario Monti, the new Prime Minister of Italy is a member of the Bilderberg Group, he is the European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission (a think tank founded by David Rockefeller in 1973, see quote at the top) and is international advisor to none other than Goldman Sachs.

The annual Bilderberg meeting is one of the most important meeting in the world. It is attended by the elite political, military, industrial, academic and media from Northern America and Europe. Participants include CEOs and Chairman of the world’s largest corporations, oil companies such as Shell, BP and Total SA, as well as various European monarchs, Presidents, Prime Ministers, international bankers such as David Rockefeller and central bankers of the world.

The importance of this meeting is that it attracts and attended by all leaders of most major international institutions such as IMF, World Bank and the United Nations
The Bilderberg Group original intent is to link all the economies and governments of Europe and the United States. The European founders of the Group are Joseph Retinger and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands while on the American side the founders are David Rockefeller, Dean Rusk (head of Rockefeller Foundation), Joseph Johnson (head of Carnegie Endowment) and John McCloy (head of the Ford Foundation).

These foundations had been central in promoting Globalization and laid the groundwork for organizations such as Council of Foreign Relations and Bilderberg to exist. These foundations aim was to support a foreign policy with a New World Order with the United States as the leading power.

These philanthropic foundations are created not for the benefit of mankind but to benefit the bankers and industrialist in order to engage in social engineering. Through banks they control the world economy and through think tanks they control political and foreign policy establishments.

Members of the Bilderberg Group have long been advocates of ‘globalization’ and crisis is always an excellent opportunity for them to achieve their agenda. Just as the Greek crisis steps up call for a ‘European economic governance’, the current ongoing global economic crisis calls for a ‘global economic governance’. Outgoing IMF Managing Director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn said in May 2010 that ‘crisis is an opportunity’ and he called for a new global currency issued by a new Global Central Bank which also acts as a ‘Lender of last resort’.

What is interesting in this year’s meeting is the attendance of two Chinese participants for the first time ever in this exclusive White only club. This is due to China’s importance and growing power in the international arena. China is a major player in Africa , Middle East and South America and had become an international player both in trade and geopolitics. Its importance is strengthened by IMF’s admittance that by 2016 China’s economy will be bigger than the United States. The two Chinese attendants are Huang Yiping , a prominent economic professor from Beijing University and Fu Ying, China’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. This is unusual because during 1972, Japan even with the support of David Rockefeller failed to gain access to this exclusive club. This resulted in the formation of the Trilateral Commission in 1973 to integrate Europe, United States and Japan. The Trilateral Commission in 2000, eventually expanded to include South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines

When we write about the Bilderbergers and illuminati people are accusing us as being part of the conspiracy theorist . But when so many people with so much power get together in one place, I think they owe us an explanation of what’s going on. As the 21st century dawns, a new system of Fascism will emerge under the guise of free trade practices and will be guided by the Bilderbergers. The Bilderbergers have approved The Red Chinese model of economics as the standard for the emerging New Europe and the United States. As in China all dissidents will be severely dealt with. As soon as the program is implemented all citizens will be issued a Universal Biometric Identification Card. A Gestapo style Police State will be established to enforce the Bilderberger’s New World Order.

by Sam Chee Kong

Last edited by marektysis on Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:38 pm    Post subject: THANKS TO BILDERBERG CORZINE...BANKS HOLIDAYS ??? Reply with quote

AS USUAL, see the youtube in english

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:16 am    Post subject: A GOOD IDEA OF WHAT THE GREED OF BILDERBERG AND NWO IS Reply with quote

I found this extraordinary document made on basis of values
not normally discussed here ,but giving a FULL AND BRIGHT SPOTLIGHT
upon the thick, little, in a word miserable, poorly miserable goals of a bunch of men, heirs of the roman empire through the force of the past, violence, greed never corrected because of the shortness of our
human lives ( in time).
I do not consider the value of the approach scientifically, historically of this document but i consider the central value of it (about the NWO) as the most comprehensive view about this well, really well documented
information.Once again as a matter of precaution i do not know who has financed it or in which goals it has exactly been done ( i mean after vision goals),(even to discredit the anti NWO movement,in confusing it with UFO chasers) but i recommand the approach of NWO you have never seen described like this. It takes more than one hour to have their vision of it.
If one thing should have to be taken of this picture, it should be this explanation about the NWO , its function and the targets of this fist of men).Evidently you could disagree with my opinion, but as you know, an answer is free, the site is open.

But it deserves this time you will take on your sleep or TV time.
The link is hereafter.


Last edited by marektysis on Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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