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Hillary ousted after she & Obama attend Bilderberg?

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:46 pm    Post subject: Hillary ousted after she & Obama attend Bilderberg? Reply with quote


Dear friends,

The following article confirms 2000% the fact that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are both part of the New World Order,


I already had given you confirmation that Obama, Clinton, Mc Cain and Huckabee were ALL sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations, another high instance of the New World Order. Exclamation


NOW, THE BIG QUESTION IS : DOES MC CAIN ALSO TAKE PART TO THIS INFAMOUS MEETING ? Question Let's hope that Alex Jones won't forget to check this out... Rolling Eyes

One thing is for sure : NO MATTER WHO IS ELECTED IN THE USA IN NOVEMBER, DEMOCRACY WON'T BE THE WINNER ! Shocked It's like Alien vs. Predator : no matter who wins, we lose !

Please note, once again, the SHAMEFUL SILENCE of the new world order's corporate and prostituted mass medias... Mad

The article, below...


P.S. : all of this invites us to wonder more about the meaning of the presence of U.S. presidency candidates. What are the issues that will be addressed at this year's meeting the beginning of the attacks in war against Iran ? The implementation of martial law in the USA ? The spread of "bird" flu ? The mandatory chipping of the US citizens ? The dollar collapse and worldwide economic crisis that will result ? The North American Union ? The rise of one north american currency ("amero") ? The worldwide rise of the prices of food, oil and energy ? The sequel of the "war against terror" and the crush of individual liberties ? Question Confused ALL OF THIS is possible, and even probable. Exclamation

Source :

Hillary & Obama In Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous

Campaign spokespeople refuse to disclose location of meeting, but reports admit Democratic candidates convened at "an event in Northern Virginia"

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, June 6, 2008

According to news reports, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton went out of their way to hold their long-awaited private meeting in a very specific location - not at Hillary's mansion in Washington - but in Northern Virginia, which also just happens to be the scene of the 2008 Bilderberg meeting.

Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs told the media that Obama and Clinton held a private meeting last night but he refused to disclose where it taken place, except that it was not at Clinton's home in Washington, as had been widely reported. Hillary campaign managers also refused to disclose the location of the rendezvous.

"Reporters traveling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane," reports the Associated Press.

Dulles just happens to be walking distance from the Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly where Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and the rest of the Bilderberg globalists are convening.

"Asked at the time about the Illinois senator's whereabouts, Gibbs smiled and declined to comment," the reports adds.

What is the only political "event" taking place in Northern Virginia at the moment? The Bilderberg Group meeting of course. Rather than taking the easier option of meeting at Clinton's Washington mansion, Obama and Hillary went out of their way to grace the Bilderberg elitists with their presence.

The neo-liberal website Wonkette, which had previously ridiculed "conspiracy theorists" for ascribing power to Bilderberg, seemed to take a somewhat different tone when it made the connection between Obama and Hillary's meeting and the Bilderberg Group.

"Guess who had a very private talky-talk in (maybe) romantic Northern Virginia tonight, probably at the Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly? Your Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton!," states the blog. "They really met and talked, in private, Thursday night. And really, it sounds like they did this at that creepy Bilderberg Group meeting, which is happening now, and which is so secret that nobody will admit they’re going, even though everybody who is anybody goes to Bilderberg."

To have the potential future President and Vice-President of America attend a conference that debunkers have dismissed as a mere talking shop for old white men once again underscores the real influence that Bilderberg enjoys.

Not one U.S. corporate media outlet has made the connection between the location of the Bilderberg Group conference this year and Obama and Hillary's decision to venture out to Chantilly for their confidential "tet a tet".

Not one U.S. corporate media outlet has yet uttered one word about 125 of the world's most influential power brokers meeting behind closed doors to discuss the future of the planet on U.S. soil - while being met by the probable future President of the United States.

Both Hillary and Obama have deep rooted connections to the Bilderberg elitists.

Bill Clinton attended the 1991 meeting in Germany shortly before becoming President and he attended again in 1999 when the conference was held in Sintra, Portugal (despite Clinton's lie that he had not attended in 15 years).

Hillary herself was rumored to have attended the 2006 meeting in Ottawa, Canada.

As we reported last month, Bilderberg luminary and top corporate elitist James A. Johnson will select Democratic candidate Barack Obama's running mate for the 2008 election and in turn potentially act as kingmaker for America's future President.

Johnson also selected John Kerry's running mate John Edwards in 2004 after Edwards had impressed Bilderberg elitists Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller with a speech he gave at the globalist confab in Italy that year.

Johnson, who attended last year's Bilderberg meeting in Turkey, is a representative for Friends of Bilderberg, an offshoot group that organizes Bilderberg's annual meeting.

Hillary and Obama's attendance of the 2008 Bilderberg meeting, and the complete failure of the mainstream media to report on the fact, once again betrays the super-secretive nature and influential reputation that the 54-year-old organization still maintains.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:55 pm    Post subject: Bilderberg boys will decide who’s Obama’s “chosen” Veep Reply with quote

Source :

Bilderberg boys will decide who’s Obama’s “chosen” Veep

Judi McLeod
Canada Free Press
Friday, June 6, 2008

Although coming on like a freight train as the Messiah For Change, Barack Obama’s just another poodle of the powerbrokers when it comes to who will be his Veep.

Visit to Mrs. Clinton notwithstanding, Obama’s in no position to play favours in the vice president department, the big boys will decide who fills that slot.

“It has been announced that Bilderberg luminary and top corporate elitist James A. Johnson will select Democratic candidate Barack Obama’s running mate for the 2008 election and in turn potentially act as a kingmaker for America’s future president.” (Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet, May 23, 2008).

Bilderberg boys will decide who’s Obama’s “chosen” Veep

Judi McLeod
Canada Free Press
Friday, June 6, 2008

Although coming on like a freight train as the Messiah For Change, Barack Obama’s just another poodle of the powerbrokers when it comes to who will be his Veep.

Visit to Mrs. Clinton notwithstanding, Obama’s in no position to play favours in the vice president department, the big boys will decide who fills that slot.

“It has been announced that Bilderberg luminary and top corporate elitist James A. Johnson will select Democratic candidate Barack Obama’s running mate for the 2008 election and in turn potentially act as a kingmaker for America’s future president.” (Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet, May 23, 2008).

Bilderberg boys will decide who’s Obama’s “chosen” Veep

Judi McLeod
Canada Free Press
Friday, June 6, 2008

Although coming on like a freight train as the Messiah For Change, Barack Obama’s just another poodle of the powerbrokers when it comes to who will be his Veep.

Visit to Mrs. Clinton notwithstanding, Obama’s in no position to play favours in the vice president department, the big boys will decide who fills that slot.

“It has been announced that Bilderberg luminary and top corporate elitist James A. Johnson will select Democratic candidate Barack Obama’s running mate for the 2008 election and in turn potentially act as a kingmaker for America’s future president.” (Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet, May 23, 2008).

For the Bilderberg uninitiated, Johnson also selected John Kerry’s running mate John Edwards in 2004 after Edwards had impressed Bilderberg elitists Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller with a speech he gave at the globalist conflab in Italy that year, says Prison Planet.

For all of their power, Bilderberg Pooh-bahs are just as vulnerable to political speeches as are their lessers known as John & Josephine Q. Public.

Bilderbergers pull the puppet strings of contemporary politicians. While the media tends to present Bilderberger luminaries as bigwigs in pinstripe suits attending endless secret meetings, they’re the global elitists pushing the envelope on one-world government.

“In reality, the group is shaping some of the primary developments in the domestic and geopolitical arena today, particularly in the context of oil prices which continue to accelerate towards Bilderberg’s target of $200 dollars a barrel.” (Prison Planet).

Some say it is the Bilderbergers behind all market trends.

Having to march along to the tunes of Bilderberg Blues Band makes Obama’s promise for change something of a mirage.

In the opinion of Prison Planet, “It also ridicules once again any notion that an Obama presidency would bring “change” to the status quo of America being ruled by an unelected corporate and military-industrial complex elite.”

“Former Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson has been asked by Senator Barack Obama on Thursday to start the search for a viable Vice Presidential candidate,” reports Trans World News.

“Johnson and Obama are starting the top-secret search as Obama edges closer to the Democratic nomination. Johnson did the same job for Democratic nominees John Kerry in 2004 and Walter Mondale in 1984.”

“The report lists Johnson as a member of “American Friends of Bilderberg,” which is an offshoot Bilderberg front group that has accepted donations from the Ford Foundation to fund Bilderberg meetings where lavish hotels are entirely booked up for three days, by no means an inexpensive feat. The organization is basically a steering committee for the Bilderberg Group—a secretarial outpost through which Bilderberg conferences are organized.

“Johnson has also directly attended Bilderberg meetings, therefore he can be classed as a Bilderberg luminary. He attended last years’s meeting in Istanbul, Turkey.

“Johnson is also “A vice chairman of the private banking firm Perseus LLC, a position he has held since 2001. He is also a board member at Goldman Sachs, Gannett Company Inc., a media holding group, KB Home, a home construction firm, Target Corporation, Temple-Inland and UnitedHealth Group.

“Predictably, he is also a member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.

In 2004 it was reported that John Edwards’ Goody Two Shoes performance in front of the Bilderberg big boys in Italy was a factor in his selection as John Kerry’s Number Two. Edwards was so in sync with the brass that attendees even dispensed with house rules to applaud him at the end of the speech he gave about American politics.

That time, Johnson himself selected Edwards in a last-minute change decision after it appeared as though Dick Gephardt was going to secure the position. The New York Post even reported that Gephardt had been chosen and “Kerry-Gephardt” stickers were being placed on campaign vehicles before being removed when Edwards was announced as Kerry’s handmaiden.

Kerry, of course went on to lose to what Prison Planet calls “his fellow Skull and Bones member George W. Bush.

“But with Obama enjoying an 8-point lead over Republican candidate John McCain, this year’s running mate decision is all the more important, with the individual selected likely to have a shot at becoming President in 2012.

“Bilderberg has a proven history of acting in a kingmaker capacity. Both Bill Clinton and Tony Blair attended Bilderberg meetings in the early 90’s before becoming President and Prime Minister respectively.”

History may record the Democrats bringing both the first black and first female president and vice president to the White House.

Barack Obama may look like the Messiah For Change when in reality he’s just another Bildeberg Boy.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Did they or didn't they? Use your brain!

Speculation about Obama, Clinton attending Bilderberger meeting

Posted: June 07, 2008
By Alyssa Farah

WASHINGTON – Sen. Barack Obama ditched his unsuspecting press entourage yesterday to attend a secretive meeting with Sen. Hillary Clinton.

But where did that meeting take place? Was it at the secretive Bilderberg conference in Chantilly, Va.? So far, neither campaign is talking.

The 56th Bilderberg meeting is still going on this weekend at the Westfields Marriott, according to various sources. But attendance is a well-guarded secret – along with the agenda, which tends toward the promotion of globalist ideas.

Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs confirmed Clinton and Obama met but declined to inform the press of the location of the meeting. However, it was reportedly not held at Clinton's Washington home. Hillary's spokesman also declined to give the location of the rendezvous.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., told Fox News the two candidates met at her house in Washington. Feinstein said she was working upstairs while Clinton and Obama sat by her fireplace.

Asked if Obama attended more than one meeting last night, Gibbs declined to "get into all the details."

(Story continues below)

Speculation about the pair meeting yesterday began when reporters traveling with Obama arrived at Dulles International Airport, in Northern Virginia, to find Obama was not aboard the plane, as was scheduled.

"Reporters traveling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane," the Associated Press reported.

Members of the press were outraged over the way Obama's campaign organizers covered up the meeting. Reporters were led to believe they would be getting on a plane back to Obama's campaign headquarters in Chicago with the senator. But while they were in the airport, the presidential candidate remained in the area for a secret meeting.

Dulles is just three miles from the Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly, where Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller, among other globalists, are gathered for the annual Bilderberg Group conference.

"Asked at the time about the Illinois senator's whereabouts, Gibbs smiled and declined to comment," the AP report continued.

Bilderberg is a highly-secretive meeting where the most influential men and women of North America and Western Europe meet ostensibly to discuss policy. But the group has spent years promoting a globalist agenda, according to reports from journalists who have penetrated the meeting.

The Bilderberg Group made a press release available explaining the agenda for the meeting.

"The conference will deal mainly with a nuclear free world, cyber terrorism, Africa, Russia, finance, protectionism, U.S.-European Union relations, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Islam and Iran. Approximately 140 participants will attend, of whom about two-thirds come from Europe and the balance from North America," the release stated. "About one-third is from government and politics, and two-thirds are from finance, industry, labor, education and communications. The meeting is private in order to encourage frank and open discussion."

Additionally, a list of the conference's attendees was released and included James A. Johnson, who was named this week to the three-person team vetting possible running mates for Obama. Rampant speculation in the blogosphere says the Obama-Clinton meeting last night was held to arrange the New York senator as Obama's vice-presidential candidate.

Attendees at the Bilderberg conference included Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Senate majority leader Tom Daschle and Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the board of governors for the Federal Reserve.

Hillary Clinton is no stranger to Bilderberg. Bill Clinton attended the 1991 meeting in Germany shortly before he was elected president. According to reports, he attended again in 1999 when the meeting was held in Sintra, Portugal, and Hillary herself may have attended the 2006 meeting in Ottawa, Canada.

"Why were we not told about this meeting until we were on the plane, the doors were shut and the plane was about to taxi to take off?" one reporter asked Obama spokesman Gibbs in a heated exchange caught on camera by CNN.

"Senator Obama had a desire to do some meetings, others had a desire to meet with him tonight in a private way, and that is what we are doing." Gibbs replied.

"Is there more than one meeting, is there more than one person with whom he is meeting?" asked another reporter.

"I am not going to get into all the details of the meeting." Gibbs replied.

Obama's spokesman explained the Clinton meeting was not planned in advance, and it was a last minute decision to attend.
Secret Rulers
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, use your brain ! Exclamation

Obama was in a "private meeting". That's what is written in the
article. Do you see any other meeting that would be more "private" than
the Bilderberg meeting ? Rolling Eyes

The "controversy" about the presence of Clinton and Obama at Bilderberg
is brought by World Net Daily, a news media outlet managed by Joseph
Farah. The article was written by a certain Alyssa Farah (Joseph
Farah's daughter, probably). Joseph Farah "co-founded the Western
Journalism Center, known for its promotion of conservative causes Exclamation , with
James H. Smith, former publisher of the Sacramento Union.[4] In 1994
and 1995, foundations controlled by conservative financier and former
owner of the Union Richard Mellon Scaife gave $330,000 to the Center"
(cf. ). Rolling Eyes

It seems that WND is controlled by financial moguls (what
a "coincidence", financial moguls are also part of Bilderberg ! Surprised Rolling Eyes ). Is it
a real surprise that the "controvesry" is brought by such media ? Rolling Eyes

Anyway,following what is written in the article, it is crystal clear
that Obama was at Bilderberg. Except if he has a mistress less than 3
miles from Dulles airport Laughing , but chances are few.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:03 am    Post subject: Re: Hillary ousted after she & Obama attend Bilderberg Reply with quote

[quote="vicflame"][b]OBAMA AND CLINTON BOTH ATTEND BILDERBERG 2008 !!![/b]

Dear friends,

[b]The following article confirms 2000% the fact that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are both part of the New World Order,[/b]


[b]I already had given you confirmation that Obama, Clinton, Mc Cain and Huckabee were ALL sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations, another high instance of the New World Order. :!: [/b]


NOW, THE BIG QUESTION IS : DOES MC CAIN ALSO TAKE PART TO THIS INFAMOUS MEETING ? :?: Let's hope that Alex Jones won't forget to check this out... :roll: [/b]

[b]One thing is for sure : NO MATTER WHO IS ELECTED IN THE USA IN NOVEMBER, DEMOCRACY WON'T BE THE WINNER ! :shock: [/b] It's like Alien vs. Predator : no matter who wins, we lose !

[b]Please note, once again, the SHAMEFUL SILENCE of the new world order's corporate and prostituted mass medias... :x [/b]

The article, below...


P.S. : all of this invites us to wonder more about the meaning of the presence of U.S. presidency candidates. [b]What are the issues that will be addressed at this year's meeting the beginning of the attacks in war against Iran ? The implementation of martial law in the USA ? The spread of "bird" flu ? The mandatory chipping of the US citizens ? The dollar collapse and worldwide economic crisis that will result ? The North American Union ? The rise of one north american currency ("amero") ? The worldwide rise of the prices of food, oil and energy ? The sequel of the "war against terror" and the crush of individual liberties ? :?: :? [/b] ALL OF THIS is possible, and even probable. :!:

Source :

[b]Hillary & Obama In Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous[/b]

[b]Campaign spokespeople refuse to disclose location of meeting, but reports admit Democratic candidates convened at "an event in Northern Virginia" [/b]

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, June 6, 2008

According to news reports, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton went out of their way to hold their long-awaited private meeting in a very specific location - not at Hillary's mansion in Washington - but in Northern Virginia, which also just happens to be the scene of the 2008 Bilderberg meeting.

Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs told the media that Obama and Clinton held a private meeting last night but he refused to disclose where it taken place, except that it was not at Clinton's home in Washington, as had been widely reported. Hillary campaign managers also refused to disclose the location of the rendezvous.

"Reporters traveling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane," reports the Associated Press.

Dulles just happens to be walking distance from the Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly where Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and the rest of the Bilderberg globalists are convening.

"Asked at the time about the Illinois senator's whereabouts, Gibbs smiled and declined to comment," the reports adds.

What is the only political "event" taking place in Northern Virginia at the moment? The Bilderberg Group meeting of course. Rather than taking the easier option of meeting at Clinton's Washington mansion, Obama and Hillary went out of their way to grace the Bilderberg elitists with their presence.

The neo-liberal website Wonkette, which had previously ridiculed "conspiracy theorists" for ascribing power to Bilderberg, seemed to take a somewhat different tone when it made the connection between Obama and Hillary's meeting and the Bilderberg Group.

"Guess who had a very private talky-talk in (maybe) romantic Northern Virginia tonight, probably at the Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly? Your Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton!," states the blog. "They really met and talked, in private, Thursday night. And really, it sounds like they did this at that creepy Bilderberg Group meeting, which is happening now, and which is so secret that nobody will admit they’re going, even though everybody who is anybody goes to Bilderberg."

To have the potential future President and Vice-President of America attend a conference that debunkers have dismissed as a mere talking shop for old white men once again underscores the real influence that Bilderberg enjoys.

Not one U.S. corporate media outlet has made the connection between the location of the Bilderberg Group conference this year and Obama and Hillary's decision to venture out to Chantilly for their confidential "tet a tet".

Not one U.S. corporate media outlet has yet uttered one word about 125 of the world's most influential power brokers meeting behind closed doors to discuss the future of the planet on U.S. soil - while being met by the probable future President of the United States.

Both Hillary and Obama have deep rooted connections to the Bilderberg elitists.

Bill Clinton attended the 1991 meeting in Germany shortly before becoming President and he attended again in 1999 when the conference was held in Sintra, Portugal (despite Clinton's lie that he had not attended in 15 years).

Hillary herself was rumored to have attended the 2006 meeting in Ottawa, Canada.

As we reported last month, Bilderberg luminary and top corporate elitist James A. Johnson will select Democratic candidate Barack Obama's running mate for the 2008 election and in turn potentially act as kingmaker for America's future President.

Johnson also selected John Kerry's running mate John Edwards in 2004 after Edwards had impressed Bilderberg elitists Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller with a speech he gave at the globalist confab in Italy that year.

Johnson, who attended last year's Bilderberg meeting in Turkey, is a representative for Friends of Bilderberg, an offshoot group that organizes Bilderberg's annual meeting.

Hillary and Obama's attendance of the 2008 Bilderberg meeting, and the complete failure of the mainstream media to report on the fact, once again betrays the super-secretive nature and influential reputation that the 54-year-old organization still maintains.[/quote]
Dear vucfkame
I would like permission to post you article on my local "Forum".
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Jerry,

As long as your forum is AGAINST the New World Order, you are welcome to copy it and post it. Wink

This article wasn't "my" article, by the way, but was posted on Smile

The only article I published was in French. Wink

Best regards, Vic.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 12:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Recently, there has been much discussion about Barack Obama having possibly attended the recent Bilderberg conference in Virginia. This speculation arose when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton sneaked off for a secretive meeting while in Virginia. As the AP reported, “Reporters traveling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane. Asked at the time about the Illinois senator’s whereabouts, [Obama spokesman Robert] Gibbs smiled and declined to comment.”
Secret Rulers
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