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Brexit kills Bilderberg United States of EUrope project?

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 4:28 pm    Post subject: Brexit kills Bilderberg United States of EUrope project? Reply with quote

Brexit Day: ‘I voted Leave in 1975 ...and again in 2016’
By Andrew White @apwecho

David Kernek explains why he’ll be in Parliament Square to send up three cheers at 11pm tonight

VOTES in general elections and referenda can change history – making nations and perhaps breaking empires.

They are not, though, sufficiently powerful to change the convictions of those on the losing side, and neither should they be. None of those who I know voted Remain in Britain’s 2016 referendum on European Union membership have changed their minds; some of them have been out on marches, rallies and street stalls to support those in parliament who at the outset declared their respect for the plebiscite result and went on to spend three years attempting shamelessly to have it binned.

Similarly, the result of the UK’s first referendum – the one back in 1975 – on its unenthusiastic involvement in the European project didn’t change my judgement, which was that joining the European Economic Community (EEC) was an error, and that the referendum result confirming that membership was likewise mistaken, as was our then prime minister Harold Wilson when, in welcoming the Remain vote, he declared: “It means that 14 years of national argument are over.”

During those 14 years I read up on the history of the European movement from its origins in 1918, when the founder of the Fiat motor company wrote a book – European Federation or League of Nations – which argued the case for the former. He was followed in 1922 by the son of an Austrian diplomat who wrote Pan Europa, in which Count Richard Coudenhove Kalergi proposed a merger of the German coal and French steel industries that would be the basis of a federal “United States of Europe”.

I had taken the trouble to read the Treaty of Rome. I studied the arguments against membership set out by the Left and the Right, and thought carefully about those put up by the Sensible Centre, most of which – then as now – seemed to be about the frictionless sale and distribution of cars, kettles and cattle.

I looked back at the contribution made by General de Gaulle who, as France’s president, not once but twice – in 1963 and 1967 – rejected British applications to join, citing “a number of aspects of Britain’s currency, economy, from working practices to agriculture” that made “Britain incompatible with Europe”, adding that the UK harboured a “deep-seated hostility” to the pan-European project.

“England,” he summarised, momentarily overlooking the fraying union known as the United Kingdom, “is insular, she is maritime, she is linked through her exchanges, her markets, her supply lines to the most diverse and often the most distant countries; she pursues essentially industrial and commercial activities, and only slight agricultural ones. She has in all her doings very marked and very original habits and traditions. In short, the nature, the structure, the very situation that are England’s differ profoundly from those of the continentals.” He knew it wouldn’t work.

That swung it for me. I voted Leave in 1975 and, having since then read or seen nothing to bring about a change of mind, did so again 2016. From Rome to Lisbon, via Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice, each EU treaty has been a building block in the construction of a fantasy country called Europe, a dystopia that will sooner or later implode beneath the weight of its own insoluble economic, political, social and cultural contradictions. Which is why at 11pm today I shall with many thousands of others be in Parliament Square, Westminster, to cheer and applaud if not the definitive termination of the UK’s European Union membership, then at least the decisive and irreversible half-way stage to that end.

Going into Europe was not seen by most of the English – as the general might have said – as anything remotely resembling an historic change. It was just about shifting those cars and kettles and for some, perhaps, the promise of better nosh here and a modest villa in Provence or Tuscany. For the political class and Her Majesty’s Commentariat, the EEC offered a world stage and a gravy train to replace those provided previously by the empire.

The Foreign Office’s deeper thinkers might have had a more strategic bent, as Sir Humphrey explained in Yes, Minister (1980):

Sir Humphrey: “Minister, Britain has had the same foreign policy objective for at least the last 500 years: to create a disunited Europe. In that cause we have fought with the Dutch against the Spanish, with the Germans against the French, with the French and Italians against the Germans, and with the French against the Germans and Italians. Divide and rule, you see … We had to break the whole thing [the EEC] up, so we had to get inside. We tried to break it up from the outside, but that wouldn’t work. Now that we’re inside we can make a complete pig’s breakfast of the whole thing.”

Minister: “But surely we’re all committed to the European ideal?”

Sir Humphrey: “Really, minister!”

Well, that hasn’t worked, as evidenced by the 52,741 laws* – directives and regulations – that since 1990 have been generated by EU legislation and imported without hindrance into Britain’s statute book.

The point is not that all of these laws might be rubbish; some might be judged beneficial, others damaging in one way or another. The point is that they have been laws not made by governments that can be turfed out by electors. They have been laws not made here … or in Athens, Berlin, Rome, Vienna and the rest. Leaving the EU, then, will be historic in a sense that slithering half-heartedly into the EEC on January 1, 1973 wasn’t.

That’s why I’ll be in Parliament Square at 11pm tonight, to send up three cheers – at long last – for home rule, and for a precious European ideal that pre-dates the EU by some centuries: democracy.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 6:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

WikiLeaks releases trove of damning Bilderberg documents from early meetings.

By Mark Anderson

Starting in the 1950s, when the super-secretive Bilderberg group was assembled in the Netherlands, and well into the 1960s, industrialist Lord Henry Pilkington was a regular attendee of the group’s unpublicized meetings. As AFP readers know, in these early days, the Bilderberg Meetings were (and still are) attended by a coterie of extremely well-connected power players from high finance, the corporate world, government, Dutch royalty, the military, and pliant media moguls, among others. AFP has learned, after viewing recently leaked Bilderberg meeting records from the group’s early days—which include detailed accounts of the procedures and talking points from eight Bilderberg Meetings in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1980—that, at least as far back as 1962, the elite Bilderberg attendees were setting the stage for Britain’s entrance into what was then the European Economic Community (EEC). The EEC would later be absorbed into the emerging European Union (EU).

In the early 1960s, the average Briton had no clue that his nation was being primed by an unknown private assemblage for admission into the EEC. Some 54 years later, Britons are still trying to break free of international control via the “Brexit” referendum.

Justin Walker—the late Lord Pilkington’s nephew-by-marriage—told AFP on Dec. 18 that, given his extended conversations with his uncle growing up, he feels that, while Pilkington himself surely would have known that the “Bilderbergers” were quietly helping shepherd the UK into the EEC in the early 1960s, the average Brit did not have an inkling about plans to hitch the UK’s destiny to the common market (aka the EEC).

“The UK referendum to officially join the EEC didn’t happen until 1975,” Walker recalled, stressing how Bilderberg’s machinations proceed long before “official” announcements are made to the public. “I would certainly say that the average person did not know anything about what was being planned. Later in the 1960s—1968, 1969—is when the public debate got going.”

British monetary reform author John Briggs of Hastings, UK, now 82, concurred. “It was all foisted on us way back then,” he told AFP. “And I don’t know if they’re ever going to actually let us out of the European Union.”

The leaked, authentic Bilderberg records are a small but valuable part of a large documentation collection released by WikiLeaks that surfaced or re-surfaced in early to mid-December, amid questions over whether it constituted an especially large new data “dump.” While some of the information may have surfaced before, the contents include documents, memoranda, and articles about Europe, the Middle East, China etc., and it includes some emails from former Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, as well as emails of his former boss’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The leaked record from the May 18-20, 1962 Bilderberg meeting in Saltsjobaden, Sweden at the Grand Hotel contains a passage on page 31 (as numbered in the original document) that refers to “an American report” that was provided to the meeting’s attendees. That report, in part, stated:

The European Community must not only expand geographically (and here the entry of Great Britain and other countries will constitute very important milestones) but must also extend its field of action in political and military matters. Europe must be united as rapidly as possible in the political and military fields.

The same 1962 meeting record goes on to note, “The [EEC] is developing simultaneously along three separate lines.” These lines were: 1) The need to move “rapidly toward the culmination of the Common Market envisaged by the Treaty of Rome”; 2) “The present negotiations with the UK, Denmark, and Ireland etc., leading toward a larger geographical scope and enlargement of the [EEC’s] base”; and 3) “the negotiations among the ‘Six’ for a new treaty on political and defense cooperation.”

Notably, “the Six” refers to the six nations that comprised the EEC at that time, under the 1957 Treaty of Rome. They were Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany. Moreover, the UK, Denmark, and Ireland all initially joined the EEC in 1973, with the UK’s 1975 public vote having asked the voters whether to stay in. They voted “yes.”

So, not only was Britain’s entry into what became the EU basically preordained via the Bilderberg Meetings, the above-noted quotes also indicate that another Bilderberg goal was deeper military and defense “cooperation.”

Mike Robinson, editor of “The UK Column News,” noted that, over the last two to three years, there has been talk of a nascent “European Defense-Military Union” that has yet to fully emerge. However, Robinson added that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen estimates that, roughly by 2025, not only will an EU military organization likely exist, but NATO’s membership will be reduced to having only “the EU” listed as a member, with the individual European nations now involved no longer listed. Thus, NATO would chiefly consist of the EU, the UK, the United States, and Canada.

If that happens, with a parallel European Union military presumably up and running, NATO, according to Bilderberger/NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, would re-focus its military strategy toward China under the rubric of “NATO 2030,” as Robinson, an astute geo-political analyst, understands the situation.

Bilderberg—formed in 1954 via CIA money, as documented by British Prof. Richard J. Aldrich of Warwick University—was, from the very beginning, out to create a “United States of Europe” to achieve rough parity with the U.S. This would involve “economic union,” sold to European and British citizens in order to snare them into the Common Market/EEC/EU, but also monetary, defense, fiscal, and banking integration—in part due to the largely hidden hand of Bilderberg. Most of this has come to fruition.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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Location: Santa Rosa, California, USA

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Their frail puppet Biden in place as POTUS, the genocidal pedophilic psychopathic globalists resume their march to enslave the planet.

With the USA POTUS election and Georgia senate successfully purloined, Stacey Abrams has been elevated to the BB Steering Committee.

Will BB allow themselves to be injected with Gates' vaccine so they can conspire in person this spring? If so where?
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