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Bilderberg 2007: breaking news on date and location
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:27 pm    Post subject: Bilderberg 2007: breaking news on date and location Reply with quote

Breaking news on Bilderberg 2007 dates and location will be announced here

Please send tips here

Last edited by TonyGosling on Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tony mate, its Moh, look there are only two hotels in istanbul which meet the criteria for the bilderberg group, 1) a 5* hotel and 2) a golf course.
So the only two hotels in istanbul that meet this criteria are the CONRAD HOTEL and the HILTON HOTEL.

I have added the link for the hotel's website so take a look, i reckon it's gonna be the Conrad hotel....

copy n paste into address bar...

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:12 pm    Post subject: HUNT FOR BILDERBERG 2007 Reply with quote

Dear All,
In seven days i will lock momently the french topics and will redirect the french efforts to find Bilderberg's place of meeting for 2007 in this topic(here).I will translate ( the best i may do) under the suggestions and findings from the french people participating to the hunt.Translation will be not be done of every word but a condensation of the main sense, in order to help us in our own language to work together.Of course french people knowing the both languages will do their own translation for english people.

As we begin in 7 days calender, my proposition is first to check the Turkish tracks with the help of some hostellery logicials or Turkish friends who may help us find the good way.
On my own (the french topic)i am giving the last information i may to help my french readers to understand that we are facing a huge organization and in a few days we will prove that we are not intended to fear them, as powerful they believe to be.
They may have an hundred heads ,as the beast in revelation, we will do as Hercule done, cut some of them.

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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Mibman,

Although you've probably hit the nail on the head with the Conrad, please don't rule out another 5 star hotel with a golf course in Istanbul called The Klassis. It's in Silivri, just outside of the city.

There's the Klassis Resort Hotel, but a short distance away they have their own Golf & Country Club. Also it's in a more secluded area than either the Conrad or the Hilton.

Here are the links:

I still think the Conrad is likely.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:16 pm    Post subject: BEGIN OF THE HUNT Reply with quote


Chers Amis,

Nous avons deux pistes pour l’ouverture de la chasse:
1) Istanbul, Turquie
2) Ivry ou If ou Ivy en France
Nous allons commencer par examiner la piste turque. La réunion se passe d’ordinaire dans un hôtel de grand standing ( au moins cinq étoiles ou équivalent) avec 130 ) 150 chambres, DU JEUDI AU DIMANCHE. Les salles de conférence et un club de golf sont prévus.De préférence à l’extérieur de la ville, facilement contrôlable par les forces de police.Panorama insensé de préférence.Utilisez un logiciel comme Du jeudi au vendredi l’hotel doit être bloqué et aucune chambre disponible.

Dear Friends,

We have two tracks to begin :
1The Turkish track (Istanbul)
2.The French track(If-Evry-Ivy)
We will begin to examin the Turkish track.The meeting will occur in a luxuous hotel ( five stars minimum) outside the city with conference rooms-130 to 150 rooms FROM THE THURSDAY TO THE SUNDAY. Golf is required, place easily controllable by the police ( or the army forces) and a nice point of view.

I invite you to use a logiciel of hotel research as Thursday to Sunday has to be blocked.No more room available during these four days
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Après une première vue de la ville d'Istanbul, trois hotels attirent mon attention.
1.Radisson sas bosphorus
2.Rdisson Airport ( doit être bruyant) mais est situé à l'écart de la ville
Intercontinental-mais il y a 380 chambre

Je pense à un hôtel de luxe un peu plus loin...mais où

After a first sigt of the city of Istanbul, three hotels are drawing my attention
1.radisson sas bosphorus (120 rooms and a nice point of view)
2.radisson sas airoport-14 meeting rooms +250 rooms, but noisy perhaps?
3.Intercontinental-380 rooms-too big

Do anybody knows a luxuous hotel a bit farther from the city?

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As some turkish readers have said, it would be during the month of may.
So we may determine 26-29 april,3 to 6 may,10to 13 may with a fair on the 10 may,17-20 may with a fair on the 17,24-27 may and 31 may to3 june.
We have to focuse on these dates with the occupation of the hotels.
(it is a shared work....i hope)

Comme certains lecteurs turcs l ont laissé entendre, nous pouvons penser que c'est durant le mois de mai que Bilderberg se réunira.( voir dates plus haut).Donc nous devons nous focaliser sur ces dates et les réservations des différents hotels pour savoir les hotels de haut standing qui sont bloques.Cela constitue notre premier indice.Naturellement des hotels d'au moins 120 chambre+ salles de conférence+site pittoresque.
( c'est un travail en commun, donc au travail -y compris moi)

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear readers,

You may as well use to look after the place where Bilderberg may gather in may..

if not working use the www.conferencehotel searching program

Chers lecteurs,
je vous invite ausi à utiliser le site ci dessus pour votre chasse à Bilderberg.
Vous ne risquez absolument RIEN. Moi, tout.


Last edited by marektysis on Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Marek,

Thanks for the info. I tried the search engine with the following options: May or June (less likely, although meetings have taken place on that month as well), 5 Star, "Golf Hotel" and within a 100km radius. Unfortunately all that seems to come up is the "Istanbul Princess Hotel"! This is quite central, very close to the touristic sites like the Hagia Sofia and seems to be 1km away from both Golf and Horse Riding, but it should've listed the Klassis as well, which is a little odd. I therefore suspect it's not specifically a "Golf Hotel" that they require, but somewhere near those facilities? Or perhaps there's a reason for the Klassis not appearing on their database? It's apparently near a more secluded wooded area. However The Conrad still looks like a more luxurious hotel, though!!! If I were rich, that's where I'd go Smile

One reason I suspect they will hold the meeting in Istanbul is because Prime Minister Erdogan apparently met with Henry Kissinger in New York recently. Both are strong advocates for Nuclear Power, which is more about controlling the country and destabilising the Middle East rather than solving any energy shortages. (I think Kissinger even wrote the book: "Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy").

Mr. Gosling states in the Sabah thread "Bilderberg Conference held in Canada this year also had its repercussions in Turkey". Because the Turkish Pro-Nuclear Lobby is primarily directed by Canadian and French companies, I suspect last year's meeting in Canada had a direct influence on Turkey with regards Nuclear Power. Last summer, around the time of the Ottawa meeting, there was an incredible upsurge of pro-nuclear propaganda in Turkey, so much so that most Turkish people have been brainwashed en-masse into accepting nuclear power as being "clean" and "safe" even though the evidence proves to be the contrary. (For example, a document leaked last year to Greenpeace showed French nuclear power-plant blueprints still don't have a safe-guard against terrorist attacks).

My primary concern is that if Bilderberg hold their meeting in Turkey this year, Turkey's first nuclear power plant - proposed to be built in Sinop using French technology - will be put back on the agenda. This is very sad considering the Black Sea is already polluted on the Northern coast. We don't want French nuclear power companies like Areva selling us their out-dated technology. The long-term hazards still outweigh whatever short-term profits they will make. Plus, the world's uranium deposits will only last us 50 years, so it's not a long-term plan to help any energy shortages, but a short-term plan for control and profit.

Therefore, due to their goals of destabilising the Middle East, I suspect it would be advantageous for them to hold the meeting in Turkey this year. However, if they change their minds in the last minute, France would still work as a way of dictating to the French nuclear lobby exactly what's next on their agenda.

Any ideas?

PS: Also, I have noticed the trend of selling Turkey to the International conglomerates has also become more evident - with companies like Danone and Pepsi owning more and more Turkish food products. It's obvious that the country's GNP is being siphoned off by International concerns.

Last edited by Johnny Meadows on Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:55 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Lemclef,

Turkey is really important to American policy, for sure. They want to include Turkey in the UE for NATO full integration of their policy in Asia and Near Asia ( Caspian sea).(that's why there were 5 turkish people in Bilderberg's 2006 meeting. We have to determine a certain number of hotels of real luxe. This hotel may be in city if easily defensible by the police ( side of the shore, near a bridge) with only a few streets to defend it ( private police =$$$). It has to be on a nice panorama ( lake, see, woods because the participants have a lot of work and must feel as they were on another planet- they don t need to be stressed) this occur often in weeks where you find christian holidays ( reason for which i spoke of two fairs, because then their agenda is softened).Naturally we have to crosscheck the hotels not only with Golf but also with rooms availibilty, a, hotel of 600 rooms will not be taken, because the boss will loose 450 rooms during three hotel of 200 rooms may be taken...

1. Protection and sightview, calm
2. Golf and luxe, privacy
3. Conference rooms

Have a look as well on conferencehotel ( i found one at 630 usd the night..must be really nice)

To finish, i have to compliment the Turkish people for the high choices of hotels in Istamboul. You have a lot more hotels than in brussels, and at cheap conditions.

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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Marek,

Thanks for the support and kind words! I realise you’re right about the number of rooms. Because it’s a private affair, they wouldn’t want a hotel with more than 150 – 200 rooms. I was in Istanbul recently to do some sleuthing because of this. Although I’m back in Ireland now, I’ll see if I can find out more.

Also, I remembered something very important: One reason why Bilderberg may not happen in France this year is because Dr. Henry Kissinger – a member of the Bilderberg policies committee - is wanted for War Crimes there! Therefore France may have to be ruled out. I can’t find the exact article I read, but I found this in Wikipedia:

“With the recent declassification of Nixon and Ford administration documents relating to U.S. policy toward South America and East Timor, Kissinger has come under fire from certain journalists and human rights advocacy groups, both in the U.S. and abroad;… officials in France, Brazil, Chile, Spain, and Argentina have sought him for questioning in connection with suspected war crimes such as Operation Condor, hindering his travel abroad.[2]”

Also, according to “The Trial of Henry Kissinger”, it says Dr. Kissinger’s “foreign policy was chiefly concerned with attaining allies that had valuable geographical and strategic locations, such as Turkey and Pakistan”

So if Dr. Kissinger is attending the meeting this year, it would benefit him if they hold the meeting in Turkey! Also, mibman2003 may have been right about it being The Conrad this year. It could just be that it's a very luxurious hotel - but who knows? Has anyone spoken to Jim Tucker recently about where he thinks it would be held if it's held in Istanbul?

Last edited by Johnny Meadows on Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:29 am; edited 5 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:46 pm    Post subject: Marek begins to have some fun Reply with quote

Dear Friend,

About your revolt I do understand it. But there's a lot of ways to act cleverly. (I will give you some of my ideas when we have found them in Stamboul. Smile )

You know, Kissinger was under a warrant of arrest when he came in Paris in 2003. But nobody has noticed him.

So your argument for not France falls..... Powerful of Weak...( fables of J. de la Fontaine)

OK, this weekend I will do my best to circle around them. Conrad, why not?

What we have to do is to choose everybody one hotel and to check the availibility of the hotel. Once someone's found a hotel completely booked during the period of time have given, we have a candidate.

If the hotel is the good one Tony Gosling will celebrate the member of the forum who has found it - this year. Will we make a modest prize?

Naturally I will give you more tricks after we find one hotel corresponding to the dates.

RESUME: réponse sur l'impunité de Kissinger, auteur de crimes contre l'humanité et j'affirme que ce week end je vais essayer de trouver un hotel de luxe complètement réservé pour une des périodes décrites auparavant. Celui qui trouve un hotel de luxe réservé à ces périodes risque de se voir décerner les étoilmes de chasseur de Bilderberg (Bilderberg's buster stars). Je vous donnerai des trucs au fur et à mesure pour supprimer le silence autour de cette engeance.

Marek Tysis
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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:44 am    Post subject: Hotel List - Updated Reply with quote

Okay. For Turkey, so far we have the following list of 5 Star hotels which are allegedly near golfing amenities:

KLASSIS RESORT HOTEL / Golf & Country Club
RADISSON SAS BOSPHORUS (as you said: 120 rooms & nice view)

Please add/subtract from it. As Marek said, we need to know how many rooms they all have and whether any have already been block-booked. Also Marek, the three hotels you mentioned (2 Radissons and the Intercontinental) don't list golfing facilities. Do you know if they're close to one?

The best way to “act cleverly” is to talk about it openly. The louder the better. If people don’t complain, nobody will realise there’s a problem - or what's at stake - and nothing will get done about it. Also, re: Kissinger. In 2003, less people knew about his crimes against humanity. Perhaps enough people didn't complain about him being there for the local police to do anything about it. If people don't complain about these criminals, the government will turn a blind eye. Therefore, with Bilderberg 2007, it is vital that we start protesting now and generating an interest. Hardly anyone in Turkey has heard of them!

Sorry for being so vocal about the subject. Smile

Last edited by Johnny Meadows on Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Timuçin Leflef,

Just have been on Unable to get one corect information from this site NOW ( last week , we had nice pictures from the Istanbil nicer and expansive hotels from Stambul.Strange, really strange ( trey on your side-they allways give you intercontinal and swiss hotel).So conference hotel is giving no more curious ( try on your Pc is old)

I noticed that Conrad was not included in ( how strange !)(last year i was using two databases to find the right place in Ottawa after some jokes from
Klassis resort is not quoted as well in

In my idea we have two candidates= CONRAD and Klassis resort ( hilton and Princess is taken by

About the bosphorous and airport , not definitively to be forgotten, but nearly.It was a guess following position and interest.

So i feel we go ahead. HAve you a link to the klassis hotel?


J'ai quelques problèmes avec qui ne me donne plus que deux hotels alors que la semaine passée c'était merveille sur mon écran.Bizarre ! d'autre part le Conrad et le KLassis resort (golf) hotel semblent les meilleurs candidats.Je demande à Timuçin une vue de l'hotel classis vous pouvez trouver une vue du Conrad sur ce topic.
En ce qui concerne les deux hotels sas radisson, leur position est en train de disparaitre devant ces deux nouveaux hotels.
MAximus as tu un avis? ( je le traduirai en anglais)

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Timuçin,

Conrad hotel is not ok because it gas 585 rooms available.
I propose the swiss hotel ( on side of the Bosphorus) although it has 350 rooms and the Ciragan hotel-315 rooms, both on side of Bosphorus, easily defendable and looking like Bilderberg is having every year ( not in 2006 where it went in a building).I think to the Ciragan which is very nice .
Have you an idea about?

L' hotel Conrad ne convient pas (585 chambres).Je propose soit le Ciragan hotel ou Swiss hotel, tous deux sur le bord du Bosphore et facilement défendables.Le Ciragan correspond le mieux a ce que Bilderberg offre chaque année ( luxe, prestige)

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