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Bilderberg 2007: breaking news on date and location
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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for letting me know. You guys are really committed with your tireless efforts. I'll post something up on the Turkish forum.

(One trick some taxi drivers may do, especially if they know you're a foreigner, is switching the meter from day-time to night-time prices. If the meter keeps flashing at the end of the journey, it may have been set wrong. But then again, you're not really losing that much. This is just a heads-up, even though most Turkish taxi drivers are decent, honest and friendly people who wouldn't resort to scams due to their religious or personal beliefs.)
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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Marek, maximus, Tony etc. Just got this message:


Timucin Hi,
read yr message this morning,
I don't think that's accurate info, Hyatt is in the middle of Taksim
you know. Here the news people would not miss such an occasion, there are also the radio stations etc, in the same area an anomaly would not be
unnoticed in Hyatt.
today's agenda by Anka news agency is to be checked in the above link.
And I passed by the Hotel on my way to work, not a leaf is moving.


What do you think?
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you Timuçan for this quiet info. Last year i had an info the meeting was in Salzburg i think, and that it was over. i give some credential to it and had some reporters asking me about. It is not so easy than that. ask a fisher to catch one special fish and no others...
On the other side, we are going on fishing...
we have yet to collect info about the General Annual Meeting...for instance Koç...could you get some info in turkish about it?
I personnally feel guity about this bad information. I could have checked more, phoning to the hotel.But are they obliged to tell me the truth?
Not so easy. I found this last two years and am still in the race.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CUMERIO- Davignon 30/3/2007
Accor-14.5.07 ( already given by maximus)-Davignon

To be discovered ( davignon)

-Compagnie Maritime Belge ( CMB)
-SN airholding
-SN Brussels airlines
-Real Software
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear all,
some news about the conference in september.

and TESEV is a turkish organization for democratization in relation with Europe. Timuçin have you more info about ?
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Following an article (interior pages) of the paper ‘ Le Soir’ today, the Trilateral Commission Universal Meeting is holding its discussions in Brussels from Friday up to Monday.( they do not say where).
Presents: Kissinger , Volckeré Deutch, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Holbrooke, Prince Hassan of Jordania Baroso, Trichet, Solana, Baron Lippens, and Dehaene , De Gucht (Belgian foreign minister), Davignon, Karl Van Miert ( former European commission member about competitiveness)

Subjets discussed ( in principle)

Future of Europe
Corruption ( !)
Climate Change
Middle East

For Paul Revay, there is no doubt that the treated topics are at long term. There is also nothing suspiscious about the organization.


Réunie en session plénière annuelle à Bruxelles, le président Paul Revay a daigné accorder au ‘Soir’ ( ) (voir aussi en pages intérieures un quart de page d’interview au sujet de la réunion de la Trilatérale.Les sujets traités sont mentionnés ci dessus ainsi que certains participants. La présence de Dehaene pose problème dans la mesure ou cet homme politique surrané n’a aucune chance de former un gouvernement à l’issue des élections belges du 7 juin et que sa seule qualité est d’agir en tant qu’ administrateur de INBEV, qui a délocalisé pas mal d’emplois de Belgique vers la Hongrie.

PS : article disponible en cliquant sur la rubrique 'au fil de l'info' pour le prix de 1 euro. Je devais vous le dire
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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Last edited by Johnny Meadows on Sun May 13, 2007 1:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:35 pm    Post subject: look at this ! Reply with quote

Dimanche 30 mai
09h30-12h30 Enfin la liberté de la presse dans le monde arabe?
Notre table ronde annuelle dédiée à la liberté de l’information.

Quelles opportunités à saisir dans les nouveaux médias numériques?
Notre table ronde annuelle dédiée aux nouveaux médias.

(Les deux réunions sont ouvertes à tous les participants et auront lieu à l’Hôtel Hilton).

19h30-21h30 Réception de bienvenue au musée archéologique d’Istanbul.

Lundi 31 mai
Toutes les séances du Forum ont lieu au Lütfi Kirdar Convention & Exhibition Centre.

10h00-12h00 Cérémonie d’ouverture.
Interludes musicaux par ‘Fire of Anatolia, the Sultans of the Dance’.
Welcome addresses by:
Aydin Dogan, Président de l’association turque des Editeurs de Journaux.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Premier ministre de Turquie.
Seok Hyun Hong, Président, AMJ.
Remise de la “Plume d’Or 2004 de la liberté de la presse” par Gloria B. Anderson, Présidente du World Editors Forum.
Séance conjointe avec le congrès de l’AMJ.
12h00 Ouverture d’Info Services Expo 2004. Offerte par Reuters.
14h00 Les tendances mondiales de l’industrie de la presse: dernière mise à jour par Timothy Balding, Directeur Général de l’AMJ.

(Séance conjointe avec le Congrès de l’AMJ).

14h45 Discours d’introduction. Les journaux doivent-ils réinventer le jounalisme?
Juan Luis Cebrián, PDG, El País et Grupo PRISA, Espagne.
Anssi Vanjoki, Vice-Président, Nokia Group, Finlande.
Dean Wright, Wright, Rédacteur en Chef,, Etats-Unis. Première Séance. La crédibilité de la presse à l’ère numérique: nouvelles attaques, nouvelles réponses.

Jamais les journaux imprimés n’ont eu affaire à autant de concurrents: télévision câblée, services en ligne, téléphones portables, journaux gratuits, sans parler des “bloggers” sur internet... Pire encore, la crédibilité de la presse est attaquée, son sérieux mis en doute par l’opinion. La télévision plus crédible que les journaux... les rédacteurs en chef doivent réfléchir à ce paradoxe inquiétant.

Débat entre les rédacteurs en chef et les PDG de groupes de communication.
Yeon-Ho Oh, Fondateur et PDG, OhmyNews, Corée du Sud.
Andrew Nachison, Directeur, Media Center, American Press Institute, Etats-Unis.
Orateurs à préciser).

16h45 “Rapport Mondial 2004 sur l’innovations dans les journaux” par la société Innovation International Media Consulting Group.

(Séance conjointe avec le Congrès de l’AMJ).

20h00 Fête et spectacle vivant dans le vieil Istanbul (quartier de Kumkapi). Cuisine turque et animations.Offerts par Anadolu Efes Beverage Group.

Mardi 1er juin
08h-09h00 Petit déjeuner de travail des rédacteurs en chef.
Le World Editors Forum rencontre la presse turque.
09h00-12h30 Deuxième séance. Le boom des tabloïds: jusqu’où? Il se passe rarement une semaine sans qu’un journal grand format annonce sa transformation en tabloïd. Certains prédisent que tous les quotidiens seront des tabloïds d’ici 2010! Quelles sont les raisons de cette mutation majeure? Les journaux “broadsheet” peuvent-ils résister à cette déferlante?
Simon Kelner, Rédacteur en Chef, The Independent, Royaume-Uni.
George Brock, Rédacteur en Chef, The Times, Royaume-Uni.
Niels Lunde, Rédacteur en Chef, Berlingske Tidende, Danemark.
Raymundo Riva-Palacios, Rédacteur en Chef, El Independiente, Mexique.
14h00-17h00 Troisième séance. Révolution à la “Une”: ce qui marche et ce qui ne marche pas. Vous avez deux secondes pour séduire votre lectorat: tel est le défi quotidien du rédacteur en chef chargé de la “Une”. Certains journaux ont trouvé des stratégies vraiment performantes et ils sont prêts à les partager avec le World Editors Forum.
Roger Black, Black, Président et designer, Danilo Black,Etats-Unis.
David Wadmore, Directeur Artistique, The Times, Royaume-Uni.
Terry Quinn, Directeur du Développement du Groupe Fairfax, Australie et Nouvelle Zélande.

Soirée libre.

Mercredi 2 juin
09h00-12h15 Quatrième séance. Le Photojournalisme au coeur des nouvelles stratégies visuelles.

(en association avec la World Press Photo Foundation).

Dans notre civilisation de l’image, l’avenir du photojournalisme est un enjeu majeur pour les journaux imprimés... mais qui s’en soucie? Et qui invente de nouvelles voies pour le photojournalisme dans le processus de couverture de l’information?
Brian Storm, Vice Président, Corbis, Etats-Unis.
Jean-François Le Mounier, Directeur du Département Photo, Agence France Presse, France.
Angelo Rinaldi, Rédacteur en Chef et Directeur Artistique, La Reppublica, Italie.
Fred Ritchin, Professeur, New York University, Directeur de PixelPress et ex Directeur-Photo, New York Times Magazine, Etats-Unis.

12h15-13h00 Assemblée Générale Annuelle du World Editors Forum (ouverte à tous les participants).
14h30-16h00 Cinquième Séance. Les médias arabes: une force émergente pour quoi faire?

Du leadership de CNN en 1991 au pouvoir d’Al- Jazeera (et d’Al-Arabiya) en 2003... C’est un raccourci, mais il est indéniable que la télévision arabe a joué un rôle majeur durant la guerre en Iraq et au lendemain du conflit. Mais qu’en est-il des journaux arabes et de la presse écrite? Ont-ils une influence majeure sur l’opinion publique?
Tariq Ramadan, P rofesseur d’Islamologie, Université de Fribourg, Suisse.
(Orateurs à préciser).

Soirée Dîner de gala et spectacle à Sultanahmet (situé entre la Mosquée Bleue et l’ex-Sainte-Sophie). Offerts par Union of Chambers of Commerce (TOBB).

Tous les horaires sont donnés à titre indicatif et sujets à changement.

World Press Photo, la sélection 2004 du concours de photojournalisme le plus réputé au monde.

so mr cebrian is coming to IStanbul end of may for this conference..
look at who is coming too....

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:45 pm    Post subject: CEBRIAN IN STAMBUL Reply with quote

Mr Cebrian, member of Bilderberg, of whom i posted the activities in Stamboul end of may will have the occasion to have a meeting of the World press Forum with the journalists of Turkey. We have here a precious indication that the most press leaders will be in Istanbul too...end of may. So we precise our forket of the Bilderberg meeting :

31may to 3 june most probable
24 may to 27 may eventually

Cebrian will welcome the press aeropage in Hilton Hotel.Where will be the others?

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The hereabove french text is the detail of the next meeting in Istanbul of mr Cebran of Prensa Press, in 2007.
That is the padlock of Bilderberg Conference most than probably held in the same city.I will translate on tomorrow ( with the new securized site of Bilderberg, i know i will refind the text tomorrow...Wink ).
It is quite important for us and our work. Marek is doing sometimles stupid things, sometimes doing good Clouzeau ... Wink

Marek Smile
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:27 pm    Post subject: A MISTAKE Reply with quote

rereading the text about the presence of mr Cebrian in Turkey, i noticed that this event took place in 2004. I confused it with 2007.
You should have shouted: Marek You are a ******* ! a stupid Clouzeau !
It is too late now.

We are nowhere and have to try again...with a little help of my friends, and help of no friends...i gave the tricks. A little info as the one i gave yesterday , but an actual one is able to move the whole thing in the good sense.

Marek Sad
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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry for my absence. Marek, you and your friends have been doing some incredible work, which is more than I can say for the rest of the 6 billion people on this planet, so please don't be putting yourself down. Less Inspector Clouseau, more Inspector Poirot (he is Belgian after all). So, keep at it. Who said tracking down the world's most powerful criminal masterminds was easy?... also there's an edit/delete function on these boards which you can use.

Extending the analogy, Tony must be Sherlock Holmes then (hence the avatar) Wink No news my end, but I have a new more powerful argument to add to the open letter. Will post it up soon.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

a present for you : availibilty of Klassis Golf and Klassis Ressort. A work of intelligent patience but i got ir:

Ok it s saying that Klassis Golf will be available from 5-apr 07 up to 3 june 07.
It is also saying that Klassis resort is fully bookerd from:
3 may-6/5
31/8-3 june

Here are the new news: Smile

April 21 -The queen beatrix open the International School of the Hague.
Ypu may scrap this week 19 apr up to apr 22

Week may 3- may 6 may be scrapped too: too much General Meeting with Davignon -Lafarge-Sofina-Nokia-Deutsche Telefon and ..Suez on the 4th.

Other weeks in May possible.

Marek.Thanks Timuçin for you emphaty. I would make a great deal if there were 50 Timuçin working together on this forum.That take not so much time at all for everybody and together we will get the informations fast and help us prepare the meeting.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Timuçin,
Of course i will not go down.We will find Bilderberg as i found them these last two years. But i admit my weakness, my toll of wrong analysis, my errors and blindness. I am working with all my heart and hoping help and outside help.But even alone, i will find it if i have enough time.The ideal solution is naturally a lot of help. The best should be divine help. But i know there will be little help from the skies because , we human let this horror take power upon us.So i am reduced to ask human help and for myself enough force. I know i have this force, by i do not know about time and help.As a human we are all damned to abuse of intelligence or believing strongly what we are believing. And may be this has results on our search efforts. So when i am mistaking as a result of all this, am i obliged to judge me as the worst judge on earth would judge me. How more should i be judged by me if there were other brightly human doing a better job on this topic. Anyway, Clouzeau is the dark side of myself.the brightest side should be as dr Watson... Smile

Take this as a joke.

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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

<<intelligent patience >>

Those are two things I'm lacking in at the moment. Anyway that's brilliant work - it certainly narrows it down to the Klassis Resort: May 10-13, 17-20, 24-27, June 31-3. Are all the other hotels free or booked on those dates? I'll have to look back on all the posts.

Dr. Watson? More like that Terminator 2 guy. Now if we could only "morph" into Dr. Kissinger and just walk in.
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