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7/7 and a tremor in Kent!!

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Joined: 02 Aug 2006
Posts: 540
Location: London

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:50 pm    Post subject: 7/7 and a tremor in Kent!! Reply with quote

As every day goes by, the NWO lies become more detached from their last set of lies and to be frank, its very funny! Laughing

On Friday, the NWO decides to inform us that No 3/4 in al-Qaeda was caught crossing the Iraq border in the latter half of last year ....isn`t it strange that the US military can catch such a highly ranked al-Qaeda leader....yet they can`t stop the alledged flow of insurgents. Cool

Today The Times (London) informs us that Abd al Hadi was the mastermind behind London`s 7/7 bombings.....remember the British governments cliam that the 7/7 bombers were "ACTING ALONE" and were so detached from hard-core terror that MI5 had recorded conversations between two of the alledged 7/7 bombers, they were planning to carryout crimes in order to fund their alledged terror activities....yet they could afford several long trips to Pakistan....police reported that Janweer had £120,000 in his bank account after alledgedly blowing himself up...we are still waiting for an explanation! Cool I believe the money was put there by the SIS, the plot changed and someone forgot to remove the funds! Cool

Now I don`t claim to be an expert, but this chap "Hadi" looks to have very Western facial features, in fact he reminds me of an actor in "Enter the Dragon" this a Freemasonary laff....of course, this supplied picture has been degraded for your consumption!

The following day, the media is supplied with a new news story about a tremor in reports of pre-shocks, or very strange, and you`d expect the media to be reporting the exact epicenter...I`m still waiting! Laughing Kent has tremor history, so the tension is there in the ground waiting to be released.

The NWO has the power to cause quakes, tsunami and hurricanes. Was this just a story...a "full stop"....tell a lie and change the subject? Cool

Now we move onto the interesting bit: the NWO contends that prosecution of alledged terrorists would endanger SIS operations, but here, we have a high ranking (alledged) al Qaeda leader who was picked up crossing the Iraq danger here to SIS operations!! Cool Hedi has spent months being interogated....and then is moved Cuba where he won`t face trial for years....surely, if "Hedi" is a terrorist leader, why isn`t he going on trial right now???????? Confused Cool

The Kent quake is only interesting because of its timing the day after some of the NWO`s silliest and funniest lies for some time. I suspect this could develope (Hedi) into an Iran link, and assist the NWO plan to attack/topple the Iranian government. Cool
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