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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:39 pm    Post subject: FAMILY NEWS OF BILDERBERG CISNERO GUSTAVO Reply with quote

NEW YORK: Adriana Cisneros, the vice chairman and director of strategy at the Cisneros Group of Companies, is to take part in a One-on-One session with World Screen’s Anna Carugati at NATPE on Monday, January 23, at 11 a.m.

ADVERTISEMENTAdriana Cisneros is the granddaughter of the Group’s founder, Diego Cisneros, and daughter of the chairman, Gustavo Cisneros. In her role as vice chairman and director of strategy, she works closely with her father in managing operations and developing strategy for the group as a whole. The Group sells TV programming and other media content on five continents and in more than 90 countries. Its holdings include Venevisión, the leading television network in Venezuela; Venevision International, a global Spanish-language entertainment company; and Venevision Productions, a producer and supplier of telenovelas for North American and international audiences.

The “Thought Leadership: One-on-One with Adriana Cisneros” session will take place at 11 a.m. on January 23 in the Fontaine Ballroom.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:47 pm    Post subject: BIG BENEFICES FOR CHINESE BILDERBERGER YIPING? Reply with quote

Could China Bring Big Benefits to Apple?
By Balasubramanyam Seshan: Subscribe to Balasubramanyam's RSS feed

January 11, 2012 4:50 AM EST

Barclays Capital reiterated its belief that China is a big growth opportunity for Apple Inc. and could be bigger than even the U.S., within a few years.
At a recent visit to Apple headquarters, Chief Executive Tim Cook indicated he is very focused on the growth opportunity in China," said Ben Reitzes, an analyst at Barclays Capital.

On the last weekend of calendar third quarter of 2011, Apple opened seven retail stores in six countries, including the first store in Hong Kong, which helped deliver the highest opening day for Mac sales ever. Reitzes said the Hong Kong store joined five other Apple stores in China as the highest traffic stores and the highest revenue generating stores in the world.

Greater China revenue represented just 2 percent of Apple's sales in fiscal year 2009. However, in fiscal 2011, the region accounted for 12 percent of total revenue, making it Apple's fastest growing major region In the September quarter alone, China delivered $4.5 billion of revenue or 16 percent of total, up about 270 percent year-over-year, bringing the total revenue for the fiscal year to over $13 billion.

In addition to six retail stores in Greater China right now, Apple's online store opened in the region at the end of 2010. The company is expanding distribution with over 200 mono-branded stores that Apple calls APRs (resellers).

Apple is also now up to over 7,000 point-of-sales on the iPhone in Greater China. The iPhone currently sells officially through carrier, China Unicom, with the 4S going on sale on Jan. 13.

Reitzes believes more carriers (likely third biggest carrier, China Telecom) will be added in China for the iPhone over the next few quarters and that growth in China could drive up to Apple's estimates over the next few years.

In fact, Yiping Huang (Chief Economist, Emerging Asia) and the Emerging Markets Research team, along with colleagues from Equity Research and Asia-Pacific Credit Research teams, recently authored a Barclays Capital Cross Asset Research Piece, predicting China may be at an inflection point with regard to consumer purchasing power.

Huang states China could see further increases in household income and improvements in income distribution that could impact mid/high level consumer goods sectors over the long-term.

Huang forecasts a multi-year, multi-layer wave of consumption upgrading to take place in China in the coming decade, as lower-income/rural/inland households increase demand for mid and high-quality consumer goods and services. This consumption upgrading story will be underpinned by rapid household income growth and the rise of the middle class.

China's middle class, if defined as those with an annual income of 55,000 to 200,000 Chinese yuan - the equivalent of $8,000 to $30,000 - amounted to 135 million households in 2010, according to surveys conducted by McKinsey & Co. in 2011. This number is expected to reach 200 million by 2015.

In particular, upper middle class (annual income of 100,000 to 200,000 Chinese yuan, or $15,000 to $30,000) will rise from 13 million households in 2010 to 76 million by 2015.

Although the luxury goods market is likely to remain strong, colleagues with Asia Ex-Japan Consumer and Asia Ex-Japan Retail Equity Research teams believe the upgrade in Chinese consumption will also create great opportunities in mid- to high-end products over the next five years, with Consumer Discretionary items benefiting more than Consumer Staples on a relative basis.

If accurate, this thesis could bring big benefits to Apple, which continues to grow its footprint in that region.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:57 pm    Post subject: THE RETOUR OF THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS...BRRR Reply with quote

Neocon Israel Mouthpiece Writes Syrian Opposition Intervention Paper

12. Jan, 2012 Print This Article!0 Comments

Al-Assad blames ‘external conspiracies’ for Syrian violence

“The mask has fallen off these faces,” [Syrian President Bashar al-Assad] said. “No wise person denies these international conspiracies that (are) being done in order to spread fear inside. But this time, it was done with people from inside.”

Bashar al-Assad is right. There are international conspiracies to take him down.

This is for example obvious when the expatriate Syrian National Council uses a policy papers arguing for military intervention in Syria that was written by a neocon and Israel supporter and paid for by the U.S. State Department. To further the military intervention the paper is defended by doing away with the local protesters in Syria who oppose any intervention.

Michael Weiss is Director of Communications and Public Relations for the Henry Jackson Society, a British neocon organization which patrons include the U.S. neocons Richard Perle, William Kristol and James Woolsey. He also has a blog at the Telegraph website.

Michael Weiss is also executive director of Just Journalism a “pressure group whose stated goals are to focus “on how Israel and Middle East issues are reported in the UK media.” Critics characterize Just Journalism as a “privately-funded mouthpiece for Israel”. Until the end of 2009 Weiss published a blog for the Jewish magazine Tablet.

Recently Weiss wrote a policy paper Safe Area for Syria – An Assessment of Legality, Logistics and Hazards (pdf) which is an amateur attempt (Weiss is, as far as can find out, neither a lawyer nor does he seem to have military experience) to write a playbook for military intervention in Syria:

In the interest of assessing all suggested options for hastening the end of a totalitarian dictatorship and/or averting a mass humanitarian catastrophe, this paper examines the way in which foreign military intervention could work for Syria.

The paper was written for the Strategic Research & Communication Centre, a somewhat mysterious organization in Britain that claims to offer “Informed insight on Syria”, founded in 2010 and run by the Syrian expat Ausama Monajed who “previously served as the director of Barada Television”. As is known from Wikileaks cables:

Barada TV is closely affiliated with the Movement for Justice and Development, a London-based network of Syrian exiles. Classified U.S. diplomatic cables show that the State Department has funneled as much as $6 million to the group since 2006 to operate the satellite channel and finance other activities inside Syria.

We can safely assume that Ausama Monajed, who’s current organization does not reveal its funding sources, is still on that indirect U.S. State Department payroll.

The paper Weiss wrote to argue for military intervention is endorsed as a Special Report by the expat Syrian National Council on its slick new website.

In a recent Foreign Affairs piece Weiss again argues for military intervention in Syria but sees a more united opposition as a requirement toward that. He achives that more united opposition by simply doing away with those parts of the opposition that are against intervention.

His way to do so is seemingly to promote the interventionist expat Syrian National Council (SNC) while denigrating the non-interventionist on-the-ground protesters in Syria who are organized in the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change:

Making matters worse, in the last two weeks, the SNC has further embarrassed itself by sending mixed messages about its real intentions. First, the group said that it was in favor of foreign military intervention. But on December 30, 2011, reports swirled that Ghalioun and a handful of senior SNC figures had inked a unity agreement with the anti-interventionist National Coordination Body for Democratic Change, a domestic opposition group that activists suspect is a cover organization pushing reconciliation with Assad’s regime.

The local Syrian protesters who do not want outside military intervention are now a “cover organization pushing reconciliation”. Cover for whom? How dare the protesters in Syria to want a peaceful solution and have a “cover” for that!

Two high-ranking members of the SNC, Ausama Monajed and Radwan Ziadeh, told me that the council rejected the text of the agreement, which they claimed was only a “draft.” Sure enough, a few days later, the SNC launched its official Web site that, drawing on a blueprint I prepared, called for outside forces to establish a safe zone in Syria. This more aggressive call for foreign military intervention reflects a need to hang on to support from the protesters, who now often denounce the regime and the SNC in the same breath.

Weiss then does away with the split between the expatriate regime-change-by-force militants and local Syrian protesters who want peaceful solutions by simply vanishing the later:

Nevertheless, there are signs of progress. Now that the SNC has endorsed foreign intervention, bringing it in line with what all factions of the Syrian insurgency have advocated for months, there is a greater likelihood that the various political and military arms of the opposition will unite, if only out of their shared desperation over the unabated carnage.

See, that nasty “cover organization pushing reconciliation” that represents the real protesters in Syria is now simply done away with.

The neocon org’s communications director and excecutive director of a “mouthpiece for Israel” Michael Weiss writes a paper to further military intervention in Syria for a U.S. State Department funded expat Syrian think tank which then gets adopted by the expat militant Syrian National Council.

Weiss then takes to the pages of Foreign Affairs where he excommunicates the anti-intervention local Syrian protesters as “cover organization pushing reconciliation” to then claim that military intervention is endorsed by all factions involved in the Syrian protests.

Assad says that there are “international conspiracies” driving the violence to overthrow the Syrian government by force. He is right. The neocons and zionist are out to take him down by military forces against the will of the Syrian people including that of the protesters.

Posted by b on January 10, 2012 at 01:36 PM | Permalink Moon
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

(Jessica) Mathews wondered what major global issues would define 2012. She predicted 2012 would be another historic year. She said the first thing to look at is the quartet of issues in the Middle East: Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Iran.

“Within moments after the end of the war in Iraq and the departure of US troops, (Iraqi) Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki made astonishing moves against Sunni leaders—on the very heels of the last American troops crossing the border. It’s too soon to say whether Iraq is going to unravel, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the situation gets much worse.”

She continued: “We are entering a particularly dangerous period in Iran. The latest intelligence is that Iran is planning to expand enrichment activities at an underground facility near Qom.

“Israel is engaged in a debate over whether to attack before such a facility is fully operational. The politics of this for the US administration in an election year are awful. This would be a war that Israel can start but can’t finish.”

Mathews said Republican candidates are trying to outdo each other on aggressiveness toward Iran. The United States could be drawn into military action that would cause global oil prices to skyrocket and in all probability lead to an outbreak of Shia terrorism. Mathews told the audience that any army solution to Iran would be a catastrophic mistake. She discussed how the US presidential election would shape America’s foreign policy. Mathews said there are three areas where politics will most obviously impinge on policy.

The first is China. She said the United States has a long history in which the party out of power—whether Democratic or Republican—hammers the party in power for being too nice to China.

The next issue is Israel. She said President Obama will be under a great deal of pressure to prove that he loves Israel as much as the Republicans, at the same time that Israel’s current government is, to be polite, not exactly a constructive force for peace. With the building of settlements continuing and the constant drumbeat in Israel to take action against Iran, this issue could pose a major challenge to the American administration.

The third area that could be a major focus of the campaign is a contest to see who can be the toughest on Iran. She said the truth is that the world may ultimately need to live with an Iran that has the capability to make nuclear weapons—a so-called “screwdriver’s turn away.” If the Iranians are smart, this will be their goal. The biggest threat from an Iranian nuclear weapon is not that Iran’s rulers are lunatics who will start a nuclear war, but that it will set off a nuclear arms race in one of the most dangerous regions in the world and where governments have the money to pay for it.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The biggest winners coming out of the new defense strategy are former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and the rest of the so-called neo-cons. It was they who saw the future: a need to focus on emerging competitors and threats such as China and Iran, the desirability of investing more in aerospace technologies that could transform the way the U.S. military would fight and put less emphasis on large land forces. This now appears to be the strategy the Obama Administration has chosen to pursue. Not much of what Rumsfeld and company put in place in 2001-2003 survived the twin conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, but there may yet be life after death.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:49 pm    Post subject: BRILLANT ANALYSIS OF MR KISSINGER ABOUT US CHINA RELATIONS Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:08 pm    Post subject: when bilderberg ELDRUP is working with Bilderberg VAN ROMPUY Reply with quote

Are they serious to think to wind carbon solutions when the EUROZONE
may be facing the worst financial tornado of its history?
Are they amateurs in a wild world? manipulated by fantastic financial forces taking money in the pockets of European workers to give it on the other side of Atantic Ocean, making a terrible recession a self fullfilled prophecy ?
No more than 5 hedge funds based in America working in derivatives markets , notably on CDS, are pushing the notation agencies to destroy the European wealth and ruining millions in a near future, with the certainty of a big never seen recession on the both sides of this ocean.. and Georges Soros the shabbataist and Bilderberg is one of them !
Are the European Cretins at the head of Europe good willing victims?
Or are they volontarilly complice of this crime against the people of Europe?

This has to be accurately defined in a near future .

Marek tysis
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:50 pm    Post subject: IS SARKOZY REELECTION BEEN THREATENED BY US-UK MARKETS?? Reply with quote

Marek Tysis

It seems the action to destroy the Eurozone, look like a kind of conflict
wich is targeting the supremacy of the US dollar as reserve currency.
The incident effect of this ' drole de guerre' could be a more Eurasian oriented European policy.But, to this effect Europeans have to get rid of Atlantical corrupted people inside the EU administration.I mean at the top of it.(Barroso, Van Rompuy, Ashton, Solana etc..)
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:49 pm    Post subject: BILDERBERG BUSY WITH EDUCATION? BILDERBERG ROBERT PRITCHARD Reply with quote

DeKALB – Local lawmakers have joined the latest push to eliminate the oft-criticized Legislative Tuition Waiver Program in the state.

State Sen. Christine Johnson and Rep. Robert Pritchard said it is time for legislators to stop doling out tuition waivers to constituents because of repeated abuses in the system.

Each lawmaker is allowed to hand out up to eight one-year tuition waivers to public university students from his district regardless of merit or financial need. State officials say nearly 80 of the Legislature’s 177 members have quit the program, which has been criticized for more than a decade because some have used it to reward campaign contributors, family members and friends.

“It became apparent that when you hear the stories about some of the legislators, this is probably not a program that needs to continue,” said Johnson, R-Shabbona.

Johnson handed out legislative scholarships in 2011 because former Sen. Brad Burzynski, who she replaced in February, committed to the program.

Pritchard, R-Hinckley, also participated in the program last year and had done so throughout his eight-year tenure. Pritchard said an independent committee selected his recipients to avoid potential favoritism or bias.

Although many students cab use the scholarships, the lack of oversight and the financial condition of the state have made the program problematic, he said. The tuition waivers cost the state between $13 million and $14 million in 2011, when the state closed the fiscal year with nearly $8 billion in unpaid bills.

Pritchard said public universities can no longer take the financial hit from the waivers, especially when the state has failed to adequately fund higher education.

“It’s really made a difference, and I really think they are valuable,” Pritchard said. “But they need to go away for a while.”

Gov. Pat Quinn has urged the General Assembly to eliminate the program before, but Johnson said Democratic leadership in both chambers has halted previous legislation to eliminate waivers.

Both chambers currently have pending legislation to end the program.

Johnson said there is nearly unanimous support among Senate Republicans to eliminate the waivers, but there are still legislators on both sides of the aisle who rather would see reform.

State Rep. Mike Tryon, R-Crystal Lake, admits the tuition waiver program is flawed, but he isn’t ready to give it up.
“The question to me is if you’re going to have these scholarships awarded in a fair manner,” he said. “I think the process has allowed for criticism. ... I think the time has come to discuss tuition waivers that we give in its entirety, not just in the General Assembly.”
• The Associated Press and Shaw Media reporter Jane Huh contributed to this report.

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Posted for education purposes only.........
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:54 pm    Post subject: 'EUROPE' REFUSE TO SEE THE REALITY...SADLY TRUE! Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:13 pm    Post subject: BILDERBERG PETER THIEL SPEAKS ABOUT EDUCATION AND STATE Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:19 pm    Post subject: BILDERBERG ATOMIC ANNE SPEAKING ABOUT THE SPY AFFAIR Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:53 pm    Post subject: MASS PROTEST IN STOCKHOLM AGAINST BILDT AFRICAN'S ACTIONS Reply with quote
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:17 am    Post subject: PROTESTS AGAINST BILDT IN FOUR CITIES OF SWEDEN Reply with quote
I 've given my opinion a few times about this 'blood diamonds' thirsty
foreign ministre who had not understood that you may lie to everybody for a time but not all the time.Now that he is unmasked by his sweden fellows he has to take the one decision he obstinately is refusing.Otherwise he will have to do it in complete dishonor.
Curiously Goteborg was a town where a Bilderberg meeting was held.
Marek Tysis
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:32 pm    Post subject: FRANCE BLOCKING BILDERBERG ENDERS Reply with quote

France Blocking EADS From Naming Enders CEO- Report
16/01/2012 04:47 (1 Day 11:41 minutes ago)

The FINANCIAL -- A Franco-German power struggle at the European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co. NV is delaying Thomas Enders from moving into the role as chief executive of EADS from his current position as CEO of the Franco-German aerospace group's unit Airbus, according to a report in Monday's edition of Handelsblatt, according to London Stock Exchange.

An EADS spokesman declined to comment on the report Monday, saying the process to name a successor to current CEO Louis Gallois is known and is on track.

Through the supervisory board, France's influence delayed the board from agreeing to extend more than ten other top managers' contracts in early December, according to Handelsblatt.

The French state, a major shareholder of EADS, needed more information for the appointments, the newspaper reports, citing a German manager at the company.

Enders aims to move the finance and personnel departments from headquarters in Paris and Munich to Toulouse in the medium term, the newspaper says, and Paris is demanding the finance department and French leadership of the helicopter unit Eurocopter as compensation, which is currently run by the German Lutz Bertling.

Enders rejected both requests before Christmas, the article attributes unnamed company sources as saying.
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