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Bilderberg related 2011 news
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:38 pm    Post subject: A FINGER OF BILDERBERG IN PAK AFFAIRS???? Reply with quote

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HomeAbout UsContact UsUrdu VersionA political love fest in Pakistan
South Asian News Agency (SANA) ⋅ April 18, 2011 ⋅
Dr Syed Mansoor Hussain

Those of us that have faith in the democratic system and want that Pakistan eventually develops into a stable two-party parliamentary democracy hope and pray that Mr Nawaz Sharif is well enough to return to Pakistan at the earliest and take over once again as the real leader of the opposition

Originally I was all set to write a bitterly cynical column about how bad things were in Pakistan but then the weather in Lahore turned really pleasant. As the temperature went down and the clouds and sprinkles of rain came around, the venom in my thoughts also dissipated. Perhaps something similar is happening to the politicians in Pakistan these days, as they say with spring, love is in the air.

The best description then for the political goings on in Pakistan at this time is a ‘love fest’, since almost all major politicians, except of course those of the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N), are in an overtly loving mood. Mr Imran Khan of the PTI is suddenly full of brotherly love for Mr Altaf Hussain of the MQM; soon they will be brother Imran and brother Altaf for each other. The PPP was always full of love for any political party willing to support it in the federal government. The latest to succumb to this love is reportedly the Muslim League led by the Chaudhries of Gujrat.

Even former president, retired General Musharraf is making loving overtures to Mr Nawaz Sharif, and since both are in London these days, who knows where that might lead. Perhaps the most striking example of all the loving goings on was the recent trip to Afghanistan led by Prime Minister Gilani. It was indeed heart warming to see the PM lead (yes lead) a team that included the chief of the army staff as well as Pakistan’s spy master. And during the talks between the PM and Afghan president, love was definitely in the air. It almost seemed that during their joint press conference, if given the opportunity, the two leaders would prefer to give each other loving hugs instead of answering questions from the press.

First, let us take the political scenarios within the country. It is still two years to go before the constitutionally mandated elections, hence all this realignment seems a trifle premature, so why all this now? Perhaps the ruling coalition at the Centre has finally realised probably after some prodding by the ‘powers that be’ that it is time to try and fix things. To do so the PPP government will need a broader coalition to pass unpopular but necessary laws and to get the upcoming budget through parliament. This budget by any estimation will bring much pain to a lot of people.

As far as the PML-N is concerned, the younger Sharif might arguably be a decent administrator but he is no politician. Neither for that matter is the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly. Both of them are stuck on anti-American rhetoric which, considering the present state of the economy, is neither useful nor relevant. Everybody and his aunt in Pakistan would very much like to see the drone attacks stop and Raymond Davis brought to justice. But that is not going to help with the severe power shortage or the all-pervasive corruption. Nor will it decrease terrorist activity or improve tax collection.

Those of us that have faith in the democratic system and want that Pakistan eventually develops into a stable two-party parliamentary democracy hope and pray that Mr Nawaz Sharif is well enough to return to Pakistan at the earliest and take over once again as the real leader of the opposition. Whatever Mr Sharif’s detractors might have to say about him, he is without doubt the best ‘retail’ politician in Pakistan today and having been prime minister twice has the experience to unite the disparate groups that constitute the right-of-centre political forces in Pakistan and create a coherent and meaningful alternative to the PPP-led government at the Centre.

Now to ‘external’ factors. There are a number of situations that are directly or indirectly related to the Pakistani situation. These include the instability in the Middle East, especially in major oil producing nations like Libya and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), the nuclear tragedy in Japan after the earthquake, the US/NATO timetable to leave Afghanistan in the near future, the US financial crisis and the upcoming US elections.

Since nuclear energy is off the table at this time and the availability of oil is a little dicey, the developed and developing countries need the Central Asian gas supply and that can best happen through a ‘pacified’ Afghanistan and a cooperative Pakistan. Also, the US will like very much to be out of Afghanistan as soon as possible for political as well as financial reasons. For this the US needs Pakistan. The ‘spat’ between the CIA and the ISI over the role of these two spy agencies in Pakistan has evidently been resolved. The US might have to make some sort of a deal with the Afghan Taliban to be able to leave Afghanistan any time soon and for this the ISI becomes a necessary intermediary.

This US imperative was behind the rather contrived declarations of eternal love and affection between Pakistani and Afghan leaders on display during the recent bilateral talks. Whether this newfound love for each other will last beyond the US departure from Afghanistan is questionable. However, the ‘security establishment’ in Pakistan will do whatever it can to facilitate an early US departure even if it entails overt expression of cooperation with the Karzai government.

The relations between the US and Saudi Arabia and the role Pakistan might play in helping the Saudi kingdom to survive the present political unrest is a rather interesting story that is still evolving. What effect this will eventually have on Pakistani politics and the PML-N’s anti-US rhetoric remains to be seen.

Finally, all that I have written above might just be a figment of my imagination. The truth could well be that everything going on in Pakistan is really under the direction of the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group and the ever-present Illuminati.

The writer has practised and taught medicine in the US and Pakistan. He can be reached at
Courtesy Daily Times
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:04 pm    Post subject: SCARONI THE BILDERBERG HELPING REBELS... Reply with quote

Ghadaffi wanted to stop selling his oil to know the result of this.Here are some additive news about Lybian oil with the source of the article, partly reproduced for a group of limited readers...

"ROME, April 19 (Reuters) - A meeting of Western and Middle Eastern states in Rome next month will seek ways of enabling oil from Libyan rebel areas to be sold on world markets, Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said on Tuesday.
The comments underline the uncertainty created by United Nations sanctions, which were intended to constrain Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi but have also prevented rebels from selling oil to raise funds themselves.
Speaking after talks with Mustafa Abdel Jalil, head of the main Libyan rebel council, Frattini said the Libya "Contact Group" of European and Middle Eastern countries, the United Nations, the African Union and the Arab League would meet in Rome in early May.

No final date was set but Italian officials have said May 2 was possible.

Frattini said the group would look at ways of freeing up frozen assets belonging to Gaddafi, and on how to allow "the sale of oil products produced in Cyrenaica (eastern Libya) by producers and suppliers to international buyers with transparent financial instruments".

"On this, we will be asking for the adoption of a decision in Rome," he said.

Jalil, who also met Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi before going to Paris on Wednesday, appealed to Western powers conducting air strikes against Gaddafi's forces to step up the pressure.

But he stopped short of asking Rome to lift restrictions that prevent its aircraft taking part in the NATO operation from opening fire.

"What we hope that our Italian friends will do is to put further military pressure on Gaddafi to force him to leave the country and to give up," he told reporters.


As well as asking for military and other support including student scholarships, Jalil's visit was also aimed at building up economic ties with Italy, the former colonial power that was among Gaddafi's closest friends in Europe until the revolt.

Abdurrahman Shalgham, a former Libyan ambassador to the United Nations who was travelling with Jalil, said the delegation had had brief contacts with Italian firms including utility Enel, defence electronics maker Finmeccanica and Italy's top bank, Unicredit.

Paolo Scaroni, the chief executive of Eni, the largest foreign oil exporter from Libya prior to the upheaval, was also present at the meeting with Berlusconi, according to an official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The United States, Britain, France and Qatar are among countries urging the sale of oil from eastern Libya, which includes the area referred to as Cyrenaica, where the rebels have established their stronghold.

So far, the rebels have been able to export only small quantities of oil with the help of Qatar, which, along with France and Italy, was among the first countries to recognise the insurgent Provisional Transitional National Council.

Jalil thanked Italy for its support and reiterated that a future rebel government would uphold all existing Libyan treaties and commercial agreements with foreign partners. He said early supporters would be regarded particularly favourably.

"All future economic agreements will be especially directed towards those who have supported us today and who have been on our side in this delicate phase," he said.

"There will be strong cooperation and friendship with Italy, Qatar, France in the first instance. After them will come all our other friends -- the United States, Great Britain -- which have supported us, but each....
(continued on the site)

Marek Tysis
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:17 pm    Post subject: NICE ARTICLE ABOUT BILDERBERG Reply with quote
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:29 pm    Post subject: BLAIR THE BILDERBERG PUSHING WAR IN IRAK FOR BENEFIT OF BP Reply with quote

Blood for oil? Documents reveal talks between Government and oil giants BEFORE invasion of Iraq
By Gerri Peev
Last updated at 10:23 AM on 20th April 2011
Telling the truth? Tony Blair said oil conspiracies about the Iraq war were 'absurd' but leaked documents have revealed ministers met with BP and Shell about Iraqi oil before the invasion

Tony Blair’s government discussed plans with British firms to exploit oil opportunities in ‘post Saddam Iraq’ five months before joining the invasion of the country.
Secret papers reveal that then international trade minister Baroness Symons told energy firms back in November 2002 that they should be given a share of the country’s huge oil reserves.
The Labour peer also lobbied the Bush administration on BP’s behalf amid fears the firm was being locked out of lucrative deals it believed the U.S. was striking with other countries.
The revelations, in minutes of meetings between oil executives and the Labour government in late 2002, appear to be at odds with their insistence Iraq’s vast oil reserves were not a consideration ahead of the March 2003 invasion.
After one meeting, in October 2002, Edward Chaplin, then Foreign Office Middle East director, is quoted as saying: ‘We were determined to get a fair slice of the action for UK companies in post-Saddam Iraq.’

As premier, Mr Blair dismissed suggestions oil was a motivating factor as an ‘absurd conspiracy theory’. Shell described suggestions it held talks with Downing Street ahead of the war as ‘highly inaccurate’ while BP denied it had a ‘strategic interest’.
More...At last: Hundreds of Libyans evacuated from Misrata as Britain vows to help thousands still left behind
Most voters have not even heard of the AV battle, warns Cameron
UK colonel 'shoots suspected bandit at army camp in Kenya'

But minutes from an October 2002 meeting with BP, Shell and British Gas said: ‘Baroness Symons agreed it would be difficult to justify British companies losing out in Iraq if the UK had itself been a conspicuous supporter of the U.S. government throughout the crisis.’

Read more:

For ltd group of interested readers
Marek Tysis
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:35 pm    Post subject: STRAUSS KAHN HAS TO DECIDE NOW HIS FUTURE DESTINY Reply with quote

As a few are knowing, the future president of IMF has to come from BRIC
with the agreement of India and China together.
Strauss Kahn has the possibility to become an honorary chairman of IMF
if he resign to become candidate against Sarkozy in 2012 in France...
now have a look on England position in this game..
UK's Cameron dashes Brown's IMF prospects
(AP) – 1 day ago

LONDON (AP) — Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron insisted Tuesday that his predecessor Gordon Brown shouldn't become a candidate to lead the International Monetary Fund, and suggested the next chief should be the first from outside of Europe.

Cameron said Brown may not be a suitable contender to replace Dominique Strauss-Khan, because of his views on what needs to be done to sort out Britain's public finances. During Brown's premiership, Britain's borrowings mushroomed in the wake of the financial crisis and the ensuing recession.

The Prime Minister said the next chief must be someone who "understands the dangers of excessive debt," and suggested the IMF should look to emerging economies in India, China or South Asia for a candidate, instead of a "washed up politician."

"It may well be it's time actually to have a candidate from another part of the world in order to increase its standing in the world," he said.

That would mark a change of direction for the IMF, which has been headed by a European since its formation after World War II. Frenchman Strauss-Khan is widely tipped to leave the post he has held since late 2007 at the end of this year, and possibly make a run for his country's presidency in 2012.

Since taking office last May, Cameron's coalition government has set out 81 billion pounds ($132 billion) worth of spending cuts. The opposition Labour Party, which Brown no longer leads, has called for slower and less severe budget restraint.

"If you have someone who didn't think we had a debt problem in the U.K. — when we self-evidently do have a debt problem — then they might not be the most appropriate person to work out whether other countries around the world have debt and deficit problems," Cameron told BBC radio.

The existing convention is that the European Union proposed the IMF's managing director, which effectively hands Cameron a veto on the process. Meanwhile, the U.S. proposes the president of the IMF's sister organization, the World Bank.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:42 pm    Post subject: KISSINGER BUSY TODAY Reply with quote

Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC

April 19, 2011


On April 20th, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Secretary of State Dr. Henry A. Kissinger will participate in the first of a series called "Conversations on Diplomacy, Moderated by Charlie Rose.”

The Conversation will enable the Secretaries to discuss the issues of the day and reflect on their experiences as America’s top diplomat. Emmy award-winning journalist Charlie Rose is the host of “Charlie Rose,” the nightly PBS program that engages the world's best thinkers, writers, politicians, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers. “Charlie Rose” also airs on Bloomberg TV globally.

The event and the ensuing series of conversations is part of the 50th Anniversary Patrons of Diplomacy Initiative for the Diplomatic Reception Rooms at the Department of State. For more information on the Rooms, please click here.

For fifty years, the art of diplomacy has thrived in the State Department’s Diplomatic Reception Rooms against a stunning backdrop of American art and architecture from the time of our country’s founding and its formative years. The historic suite of forty-two rooms contains a museum-caliber collection of American fine and decorative art, including 5,000 objects from the period of 1750-1825. In these rooms, the United States has signed treaties and conducted summit negotiations, hosted peace talks and facilitated trade agreements.

The Patrons of Diplomacy Initiative will ensure that the Rooms and collection continue to provide an extraordinary backdrop for American diplomacy.

The event will be open to a limited number of invited press.

PLEASE NOTE that if i remember well Clinton female was working at Rose lawyer cabinet in the past...curious, really curious.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:47 pm    Post subject: BILDERBERG DE CASTRIES CARING ABOUT PREVENTION Reply with quote

But not against Globalism....
(for a limited group of interested readers)
AXA and CARE team up for risk prevention education
Date:18 Apr 2011
Source(s):AXA Group

The AXA Group is joining with CARE, the international humanitarian NGO, to help vulnerable populations better prepare for climate-related risks. This three-year partnership is part of a global corporate philanthropy program initiated by AXA to promote risk prevention and education in social, financial and environmental fields.

AXA and CARE have chosen to work together in two areas:

- Where the Rain Falls, an international research project, which will be conducted with the United Nations University in four countries, including India and Thailand. It aims first at better understanding the impacts that changes in rainfall patterns have on vulnerable people regarding food insecurity and migration, and then helping them address these challenges through adaptation projects.

- Programs aimed at raising awareness on natural disaster prevention, targeting communities that are particularly exposed to this type of risks in emerging countries. These projects, whose objective is to reduce the human and economic impacts of such disasters, will be implemented in Vietnam, the Philippines and Madagascar.

Work in both areas began in early 2011. AXA Group’s employees will have the opportunity to actively take part in this partnership, mainly by putting their skills at the disposal of these communities and taking part in Corporate Responsibility International Week events to be held in June in the countries where AXA operates.

Henri de Castries, Chairman and CEO of AXA, said: “The natural disasters that have recently shaken the world have demonstrated how important risk prevention is to help reduce such tragic consequences. Our business as an insurer has given us knowledge and expertise in risk management. We wish to share the benefit of this know-how with society, because a better understanding of risks makes it easier to manage and address those risks. I am delighted with the CARE partnership, which involves the active participation of AXA’s employees who will have the opportunity to make good use of their skills and enthusiasm for our risk prevention training programs.”

Alice Steenland, Corporate Responsibility Director of AXA, said: “Through this partnership with CARE, we decided to expand the AXA Group’s role in society. The initiatives we selected aim to reduce the economic and human impact of natural disasters on communities in at-risk countries. According to the United Nations, only four percent of the 10 billion dollars invested in humanitarian aid worldwide are currently dedicated to prevention. And yet, as shown by the experience of countries such as China, who spent 3.15 billion dollars between 1960 and 2000 to reduce the impact of floods and avoided an estimated 12-billion-dollar loss, according to a United Nations study(1), investing in risk reduction curbs economic loss in the event of a disaster.” (1) Millennium Development Goals Report 2010

Arielle de Rothschild, Chairman of CARE France, said: “Millions of people in the world live in situations of chronic vulnerability and insecurity which mean they remain trapped in poverty. Climate change is an increasingly important facet of this vulnerability and disproportionately affects the poorest. This innovative partnership with AXA will benefit from CARE International’s expertise and commitment in working toward a better anticipation of the risks that threaten the most vulnerable communities, finding concrete solutions and moving the debate forward with decision-makers.”

Dr. Charles Ehrhart, Chief Climate Change Advisor, CARE International, Hanoi, said: “Climate change is fundamentally altering the risks faced by vulnerable communities around the world. Last year’s droughts, floods and heat waves contributed to the current spike in food prices. Although events such as these pose an obvious, growing threat, changing rainfall patterns – such as shortened, delayed and less predictable rainy seasons – may prove an even greater threat to global food security. As the livelihoods of small farmers become more precarious, those with limited capacity to adapt may have to move in search of alternatives. Studies like 'Where the Rain Falls' are needed for us to better understand the implications this may have for development and stability, and to take action to help local populations to prepare for these risks.”

About the AXA Group’s corporate philanthropy

AXA’s commitment to corporate philanthropy is an integral part of the Group’s corporate responsibility policy, whose flagship is on risk research and education. This commitment includes three key initiatives:

- Volunteer work, carried out through the AXA Hearts in Action international solidarity organization for 20 years. In 2010, over 23,000 employees volunteered in over 6,000 charity projects around the world.
- Scientific philanthropy, through the AXA Research Fund, which is endowed with a five-year budget of €100 million.
- Risk prevention and education, in particular through the partnership with CARE, an international humanitarian NGO.
For more information:

About AXA

AXA Group is a worldwide leader in insurance and asset management, with 214,000 employees serving 95 million clients. In 2010, IFRS revenues amounted to Euro 91 billion and IFRS underlying earnings to Euro 3.9 billion. AXA had Euro 1,104 billion in assets under management as of December 31, 2010. The AXA ordinary share is listed on compartment A of Euronext Paris under the ticker symbol CS (ISN FR 0000120628 – Bloomberg: CS FP – Reuters: AXAF.PA). AXA’s American Depository Shares are also quoted on the OTC QX platform under the ticker symbol AXAHY. The Group is included in the main international SRI indexes, such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and FTSE4GOOD.

About CARE

A leading non-political and non-sectarian aid organization, CARE is one the largest humanitarian global networks. CARE manages projects for and with women who are the main victims of poverty in the world. Every year, CARE provides assistance to nearly 55 million people in more than 70 countries. In emergency relief or in long-term assistance situations, CARE addresses underlying causes of poverty towards sustainable development, mostly by way of programs based on microfinance,
education, AIDS relief, food security and drinking water. The success and durability of CARE’s actions rely upon the involvement of recipient communities at every stage of the project implementation and here, once again, the role of women is crucial. For more information, please visit:
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bilderberg definitively not on april 29-30.
Queen Sofia will be there. look at the amazing presence of zoroaster
trust fund ...will mithra give the benediction of the sun bull? ole !

Marek Tysis
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:06 pm    Post subject: The truth wll set you free... Reply with quote

Another article about Bilderberg;
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:11 pm    Post subject: I NEVER HEARD OF THE 1969 TECHNICAL MANUAL OF BILDERBERG Reply with quote

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:51 pm    Post subject: SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN THE KINGDOM OF AMERICAN PRESS Reply with quote

Obama’s ineligibility: The American press has dishonored itself

Sandy Williams Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Lawrence Sellin Thursday, April 21, 2011

We now have the media of an one-party state.

I was watching ABC‘s George Stephanopoulos interviewing Donald Trump about the birth certificate issue.

It struck me how much more Stephanopoulos sounded like an Obama staff member than an independent and objective journalist.

George Stephanopoulos
George Stephanopoulos was the senior adviser for William J. Clinton, a Rhodes scholar at Oxford University, was the chief Washington correspondent for the ABC News, is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative, the co-anchor for Good Morning America, and a trustee at Save the Children.

Note: William J. Clinton‘s senior adviser was George Stephanopoulos, a Rhodes scholar at Oxford University, Strobe Talbott roommate at Oxford, and the founding chairman for the Clinton Global Initiative.

Strobe Talbott was William J. Clinton’s roommate at Oxford, a Rhodes scholar at Oxford University, and is the president of the Brookings Institution (think tank).

Juju Chang is the news anchor for Good Morning America, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank).

Christine L. Anderson was a segment producer for Good Morning America, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank).

Cyrus F. Freidheim Jr. is an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, and an honorary life director at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

Brenda C. Barnes is a director at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, and a director at Catalyst (think tank).

William M. Daley is a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, Mayor Richard M. Daley’s brother, the chief of staff for the Barack Obama administration, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a director at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, and a director at the World Business Chicago.

Mellody L. Hobson is a director at World Business Chicago, and a contributor for the ABC News.

Michelle Obama is a director at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, married to Barack Obama, a friend of Valerie B. Jarrett, an advocate for the ONE Campaign, was a lawyer at Sidley Austin LLP, and Mayor Richard M. Daley’s staffer.

Barack Obama is married to Michelle Obama, and was an intern at Sidley Austin LLP.

Save the Children is a partner with the ONE Campaign.

R. Eden Martin is counsel at Sidley Austin LLP, and the president of the Commercial Club of Chicago.

Richard M. Daley is William M. Daley’s brother, a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, the Chicago (IL) mayor, Michelle Obama was his staffer, and Valerie B. Jarrett was his deputy chief of staff.

Valerie B. Jarrett was Mayor Richard M. Daley’s deputy chief of staff, is a friend of Michelle Obama, a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, the senior adviser for the Barack Obama administration, and her great uncle is Vernon E. Jordan Jr.

Rahm I. Emanuel is a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, was the White House chief of staff for the Barack Obama administration, and Ari Emanuel is his brother.

Commercial Club of Chicago, Members Directory

Ari Emanuel is Rahm I. Emanuel’s brother, and the co-CEO & director for William Morris Endeavor Entertainment.

Condoleezza Rice is a client of the William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank), an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Kati Marton was the Bonn bureau chief for the ABC News, is an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, a director at the New America Foundation, and was married to Richard C. Holbrooke.

Eric E. Schmidt is the chairman of the New America Foundation, Frank P. Quattrone is his adviser, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Frank P. Quattrone is Eric E. Schmidt’s adviser, and was the head of global technology for Credit Suisse First Boston.

Richard C. Holbrooke was married to Kati Marton, the vice chairman Credit Suisse First Boston, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Henry A. Kissinger was a lifetime trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), is a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank), an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, a member of the Bohemian Club, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Madeleine K. Albright is a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank), an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a director at the National Democratic Institute (think tank), and was the chairman for the National Democratic Institute (think tank).

Mario M. Cuomo is a senior advisory committee member for the National Democratic Institute (think tank), and his son is Christopher Cuomo.

Christopher Cuomo is Mario M. Cuomo’s son, and was the co-anchor for Good Morning America.

Tom Daschle is a director at the National Democratic Institute (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

James D. Wolfensohn is a director at the National Democratic Institute (think tank), an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), was the president of the World Bank, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Christopher J. Dodd is a senior advisory committee member at the National Democratic Institute (think tank), and his wife is Jackie Clegg Dodd.

Jackie Clegg Dodd is married to Christopher J. Dodd, and was the vice chairman & first VP for the Export-Import Bank of the US.

John D. Macomber was the chairman & president of the Export-Import Bank of the US, and is a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank).

William H. Draper III was a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank), and the chairman of the Export-Import Bank of the US.

James H. Lambright was the chairman & president for the Export-Import Bank of the US, a VP at Credit Suisse First Boston, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and the interim chief investment officer for the 2008-2010 financial bailout.

John J. Mack was the president & CEO for Credit Suisse First Boston, and is a director at Catalyst (think tank).

Ann Dibble Jordan a director at Catalyst (think tank), and married to Vernon E. Jordan Jr.

Richard C. Holbrooke was the vice chairman for Credit Suisse First Boston, a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank), a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a director at Malaria No More, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Charles F. MacCormack is a director at Malaria No More, and the president & CEO for Save the Children.

Pernille Spiers-Lopez is a trustee at Save the Children, and a member of the Belizean Grove.

Sonia Sotomayor was a member of the Belizean Grove, and is the justice for the U.S. Supreme Court.

Ann E. Dunwoody is a member of the Belizean Grove, and a U.S. Army 4-star general.

Belizean_Grove is the equivalent to the male-only social group, the Bohemian Club.

The Bavarian Order of the Illuminati Owl of Wisdom Owl_of_Minerva.

Henry A. Kissinger is a member of the Bohemian Club, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

George H.W. Bush is a member of the Bohemian Club.

Walter L. Cronkite was a member of the Bohemian Club.

NWO and Walter Cronkite the Right Hand of Satan

Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove ( Alex Jones )

Bohemian Club Owl

Weaving Spiders Come Not Here

Eric H. Holder Jr. was a trustee at Save the Children, and an intern at the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund.

Vernon E. Jordan Jr. is a director at the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, of counsel at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), Valerie B. Jarrett’s great uncle, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Thomas S. Foley is a partner at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and an executive committee member for the Trilateral Commission (think tank).

Martin S. Feldstein is a director at the Trilateral Commission (think tank), was a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Klaus Kleinfeld is a member of the Trilateral Commission (think tank), a trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), the chairman of the U.S.-Russia Business Council, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

James A. Johnson is a member of the Trilateral Commission (think tank), a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), a member of the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Jessica Tuchman Mathews is a member of the Trilateral Commission (think tank), a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank), a director at the Nuclear Threat Initiative (think tank), a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), was an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Ed Griffin’s interview with Norman Dodd in 1982
(The investigation into the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace uncovered the plans for population control by involving the United States in war)

James F. Collins is a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank), an honorary director, director at the U.S.-Russia Business Council, and was a senior advisor at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP.

Ted Turner is the co-chairman for the Nuclear Threat Initiative (think tank), the founder of CNN, and a director emeritus at the United Nations Association.

William J. McDonough is the co-chairman at the United Nations Association, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Warren E. Buffett is an adviser for the Nuclear Threat Initiative (think tank), and a trustee & major donor for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

ABC News is the grantor, for 2010-2011 health project at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Ann M. Fudge is the U.S. program advisory panel chair for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and a council member for the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Oprah Winfrey is a council member for the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Ann Dibble Jordan is a council member for the National Museum of African American History and Culture, an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), a director at Catalyst (think tank), and married to Vernon E. Jordan Jr.

Vernon E. Jordan Jr. is married to Ann Dibble Jordan, an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), Valerie B. Jarrett’s great uncle, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) of counsel at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).

Mary Agnes Wilderotter is a director at Catalyst (think tank), and a member of the Belizean Grove.

Jeffrey R. Immelt is a director at Catalyst (think tank), and a member of the Clinton Global Initiative.

George Stephanopoulos is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative, and a trustee at Save the Children.

Anne M. Mulcahy is a director at Catalyst (think tank), and a trustee at Save the Children.

Susan E. Arnold is a director at Catalyst (think tank), and a trustee at Save the Children.

Kevin B. Rollins was a director at Catalyst (think tank), and a partner & director for the Bain & Company.

Bain & Company is a subsidiary of Bain Capital.

Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP was the lobby firm for Bain Capital.

Mitt Romney is the co-founder of Bain Capital.

Amusing isn't it?
Marek...notice the number of false jews inside the band....
nothing else to be added.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:27 pm    Post subject: Bildt in Washington the 28 & 29 of april Reply with quote

Carl Bildt
Now I'm leaving for a couple of days in Washington. Talks on large number of issues. Formal and informal. Most important relationship.
27 Avr via Twitter for iPad

marek .
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:35 pm    Post subject: G20 AT THE IMF CONFERENCE.MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING? Reply with quote

Martin Feldstein: The G20's empty gestures
Recent meeting in Washington contributed little to our current global imbalances understanding
Martin Feldstein / April 28, 2011, 0:07 IST

The world’s 20 most important finance ministers and 20 most important central bankers travelled to Washington this month from every part of the globe to accomplish, predictably, exactly nothing.

The subject of the G20’s recent meeting was “global imbalances”. According to the communiqué issued by the group, the meeting focused on developing a procedure for identifying which G20 countries have “persistently large imbalances” and why they have them. This delicate analytical task was assigned to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is to complete its work before the ministers’ next meeting in October.

It hardly takes a team of IMF economists to answer these questions. Anyone who has taken a first-year undergraduate course in economics would have no difficulty in identifying the countries with the largest trade surpluses and deficits. The United States wins first prize with a trade deficit of more than $650 billion in the most recent 12 months. No other country comes close enough to be awarded second prize.

The broader current account indicator (which includes trade in services and net investment income) confirms America’s leading role: its external deficit is nearly $500 billion. No other country has more than a $100 billion current account deficit.

Even if we look at current account deficits relative to countries’ GDP, America’s 3.3 per cent ratio exceeds that of almost every other economy. The three countries with larger deficit-to-GDP ratios have a combined deficit of less than $70 billion — not enough to warrant the G20’s attention.

The country with the largest current account surplus is, no surprise, China, with a positive balance of more than $300 billion. Japan and Germany are the only other countries whose current account surpluses exceed $100 billion.

China’s current account surplus is 4 per cent of its GDP. Several oil producers have larger relative current account surpluses that, combined, exceed China’s in absolute terms. And there are several other European and Asian countries with higher relative current account surpluses that together exceed that of China.

But the G20’s decision to focus only on the member countries that account for more than 5 per cent of its combined GDP will exclude these smaller countries from the spotlight. Only China and the US, and perhaps Germany and Japan, will occupy centre stage.

So much for the not-so-difficult task of identifying the countries with big imbalances. But what about the causes of those imbalances?

Every student of economics knows that a country’s current account deficit is the difference between its national investment (in business equipment, structures and inventories) and its national saving (by households, businesses and government). That is not a theory or an empirical regularity. It is an implication of the national income-accounting definitions.

The US has an enormous current-account deficit because the federal government’s dis-saving (that is, the fiscal deficit) drags down America’s overall national saving. And the reverse is true for the Chinese, German and Japanese current account surpluses. In each of those countries, the level of national saving exceeds domestic investment, leaving output to be exported and funds to be loaned abroad.

So the policy actions needed to reduce the trade and current account imbalances are clear enough. The US must raise its national saving rate by shrinking its budget deficit, which currently stands at nearly 10 per cent of GDP. Fortunately, the desirability of doing so is now clear to every policy maker in Washington and to most of the American public. It will begin to happen as the massive “fiscal stimulus” enacted in 2009 comes to an end, the political process begins to deliver spending cuts, and economic growth yields more tax revenue.

When President Barack Obama attends the G20’s summit of heads of state in Cannes in November, he will no doubt agree to further reductions in the US budget deficit. But that will be an empty promise: the US president has far less control over legislation than government heads in parliamentary democracies like Britain or in countries like China. And Obama’s power is even more limited now that his Democratic Party controls only one house of the US Congress. The history of previous summits suggests that the president will promise in Cannes only what he has already proposed at home.

The G20 ministers and central bankers are, of course, in no position to change the behaviour of either the US or China, whose recently adopted five-year plan makes clear that it will reduce national saving by increasing consumer spending and raising government outlays for services like health care. In other words, China will, for its own domestic reasons, reduce its current account surplus.

The same kind of national self-interest that is driving the Chinese to stimulate domestic spending was at work when the G20 leaders met in London in April 2009 and agreed to take steps to stimulate their economies. That agreement was easy to achieve, since it was in each country’s interest to expand demand. The G20 only ratified what was going to happen anyway. But the G20 leaders and finance ministers nonetheless now point with pride to what they “accomplished” in London.

The same is likely to happen over the next few years as the US reduces its fiscal deficit and thereby shrinks its current account deficit while China reduces its national saving and thereby shrinks its current account surplus. The leaders of the G20 will no doubt claim credit for this achievement. Perhaps that is why they like to meet.

Don't you see the world is going in the good direction....
Marek Tysis
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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:07 pm    Post subject: SOME NEWS FROM KROES BILDERBERG EU COMMISSIONER Reply with quote

Europe And The Internet Of The Future
By Nellie Kroes, VP and Digital Agenda Commissioner, European Commission
Published Tuesday, 3 May, 2011 - 20:55

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Print this articleEmail to a friendYour feedbackCommissioner Kroes welcomes the public private partnership to forge the Internet of the Future that delivers "quality of service" through active participation of all stakeholders.

The future Internet - when I hear this concept I think of the current Internet and how it developed: so fast, that we already speak of the need of a new Internet, an Internet of the future.

The explosion of creativity, communication and innovation that the Internet has brought were unimaginable some 15 years ago. Now we are in the middle of it. Social networking sites connect over a billion people worldwide and even help people to overthrow autocratic and corrupt regimes. New products and services are launched every day and new markets are explored.

The Internet economy is valued at €500 billion with a staggering 12% annual growth rate. It is creating more jobs and paying higher salaries than virtually any other market. This future Internet economy will grow to 5.8% of European GDP or almost 800 billion euros by 2014.

So why do we insist on a future Internet if the numbers are already startling for the existing Internet? Because we are only at the beginning of the Internet era. Where so far we have experienced the Internet of connected computers, and connected people, the Internet is now going mobile and it will connect a whole range of machines and objects.

We are heading for a world that is much smarter. Where information generated by people and our environments can be used productively in real time. For example, the company UBIMET today collects environmental data for weather forecasting. In the future Internet, this data will not only be used for making better and more accurate weather forecasts but to provide input for personal health information systems, or traffic management, or agriculture.

The current Internet is simply not capable of managing these future data streams, nor is it able to provide the desired accuracy, resilience and safety. Even now, with around one billion sensors, we are unable to make proper use of all the data they generate. How much potential will be wasted once there are 50 billion connected sensors? With such additional network capacity constraints, it's clear we must find new ways to handle this data.

This gap in capacity and capabilities is waiting to be filled. We need to grab this opportunity to ensure Europe's future competitiveness; but also to safeguard European values like privacy, openness, and diversity and to unlock European creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. So whether we look at it from a societal or economic or strategic perspective, Europe cannot fail to address the challenge of the future Internet.

If we don't do it first, many others will get there ahead of us. Consider ongoing developments in places such as Song-do in Korea, a brand-new smart city housing 75 000 residents and giving work to more than 300 000 people. Or developments in Japan, where after the earthquake cloud computing services were made available by Fujitsu free of charge to those who lost their homes, to store information, communicate with government relief networks or simply help to reconstruct the social fabric.

The Digital Agenda for Europe is our roadmap for advancing the digital economy in Europe and the European Commission has launched a number of initiatives to that end, building upon a considerable legacy.

At the core is a strategy for European Future Internet research which is instrumental in developing the basic Internet technologies, services and applications. This brings together more than 140 R&D projects and charges them with the responsibility to take Europe to the leading edge of Internet research in areas such as next generation mobile Internet access networks or more efficient multi-media content delivery networks, to name just a few examples. The Future Internet Assembly, together with the Future Internet Forum, provides a European platform for national actors and the European Commission to coordinate the complex web of European, national and regional activities.

In the more specific domain of the 'Internet of Things' we are probing deep into questions of ethics, data governance, privacy and standards, which serves as a precursor to extending such discussions to the future Internet as a whole.

And today we launch the Future Internet PPP (FI-PPP). This new and important instrument builds upon and will complement our existing efforts in a number of ways.

The Future Internet PPP is led by industry and driven by users, to address the challenges holding back Internet development in Europe.

It is supposed to break down the proprietary barriers that currently exist between different applications, platforms and sectors. It also addresses market and legal barriers.

It bridges the gap between private and public interests, between the technology development and its deployment and commercialisation.

This is a programme that must provide the flexibility and adaptability to public service infrastructures and business processes to enable applications to interact seamlessly with the Cloud and sensors and to make better use of the richer data that will be collected.

And let us be aware that this is not about technology alone; this is as much about how organisations cooperate and collaborate – the governance – and how it must be adapted. This is one of the reasons why this broad partnership is so important.

We have to recognise the fact that the design of the future Internet is not dependent just on the ICT industry., They are indeed the ones we rely on for our daily communications, but it is imperative that the requirements of real users, such as the transport community, energy providers, content providers and local authorities are taken into account for the definition of an open and standardised framework. And this is exactly what this FI-PPP facilitates.

Also it must be an EU-coordinated partnership. Only the EU has the convening power to bring together 152 actors from different sectors across the continent building the Internet of the future. Moreover, national borders will have little meaning in the service provision we are dealing with – this is building up cross-border markets from a blank page.

There is a distinct role for regional governments and municipalities in this public-private partnership. While they will be supporting the pilots that are foreseen in the various case projects, they act as users of future Internet services at the same time. They are instrumental in driving public sector innovation as they serve as platforms for a wide uptake of new services and products.

The FI-PPP should be seen as Europe's large scale experiment in developing a fully open Internet platform that delivers quality of service instead of the current best effort approach.

We are aware that this is an ambitious objective and that there is always a risk of failure, but we think it's worth it. Undoubtedly there will be disappointments along the way. But given the potential rewards and the solid commitment of the PPP partner organisations, it is a price worth paying.

What is the big prize? Well, in my mind it’s clearly the possibility of finding new ways to benefit from the wealth of real-time information generated by sensor networks, peer-to-peer communications, open data, and other sources. We are providing the digital nuts and bolts that will make the smart grids and smart transport systems work as they should, while fully exploiting them.

Given the current situation of widespread urbanisation - in 2025, over 2 billion people will live in cities of at last 1 million citizens - cities have no other choice than to transform their networks and optimise their resources, a point that is especially important since such resources are limited. The different elements of its networks (in a city, for example, traffic lights, public transport, parking, cars, or the citizens themselves) provide real-time information — collected using sensors — which can be exploited at any time. Digital cities and regions also have linked network components so that they can “speak to each other” and transform data into usable information; without transgressing individual privacy. It is precisely this digitalisation and interconnectedness that will give both citizens and administrators the ability to make informed decisions to improve overall well-being.

To continue with the example of cities and transport, the stakes tied to smart transport go beyond the simple concern of easing road traffic. They require sophisticated applications not only for transport users but for infrastructure operators as well.

Take the city of Stockholm for example. They have plenty of traffic monitoring cameras and sensors that so far only look at car number plates. How about turning their eye towards weather and road conditions or other challenges? Those are all crucial issues in Nordic countries. What if we also create a platform that allows that information to be shared and analysed? So that anyone from the city council to software developers in Cyprus could make a new economic activity based on this information?

As the PPP model is an open model we expect that users will play a key role in driving application-led innovation - with investment by all actors, notably industry, in Internet access infrastructure, in sensor and data technology and in Internet services applications for public and private sector, for consumer and citizens, such as agriculture, port management, energy and online content. So through its multiplier effect, the value created for Europeans will be much larger than the €300 million the Commission has assigned to this programme, which is matched by the industry partners in the FI-PPP programme.


This PPP is a bold but pragmatic experiment.

In a single partnership we are building up entrepreneurship, changing global expectations on this issue, and delivering concrete benefits to each citizen, business and government. And more generally this PPP will put European industry and government at the centre of an important Internet value creation culture.

At the end of this process we will have a networked innovation ecosystem that is more secure and resilient and inclusive compared to if we did nothing.

Of course, there will be hard work and hard choices before this concept becomes a set of tangible products. And we must constantly ask ourselves: is this better or different to what the market does?

It remains an experiment throughout its lifetime as industry ventures into exploring the answers to questions such as: is today's ICT industry tomorrow's Future Internet industry? What will be the new business models providing new revenues streams for the European Internet industry landscape? Will today's telecom operators be agile enough to grow into these new times? Can the ICT industry re-invent itself and invest beyond merely protecting their market share and next quarter profit targets? Can we all together motivate regional governments and municipalities to become the user innovation drivers, in today's times of financial austerity?

But I would not ask you to join this challenge, if I didn't think we could do it together. So we all seize the opportunity now laid out today, I am convinced the PPP will be a success.

EU funding will kick-start this process but in the end it's not the money that is most important – it's us, our co-operation and brain-power. The ideas from you with the right European regulatory environment!
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:21 pm    Post subject: kissinger honoring gerald Ford may 3 Reply with quote

We have never to forget that Gerard Ford reckognized a false
witnessing inside the warren commission about the assassination of JFK
and had a vice president who was...the brother of David Rockefeller, Nelson...

A bronze statue of former President Gerald Ford was dedicated at the U.S. Capitol today.
By J. Scott Applewhite, AP
Before he moved into the White House, Gerald Ford was a man of the U.S. House of Representatives.

The nation's 38th president was honored today at the U.S. Capitol where he served for 25 years, with the dedication of a bronze statue. Ford died in December 2006, at the age of 93.

Former secretary of state Henry Kissinger and Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder were on hand as the Ford statue took its place in the National Statuary Hall Collection, representing the state of Michigan.

"Jerry Ford was a Michigan man if there ever was one. Not a phony bone in his body. All heart, all class," said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

A statue honoring President Gerald Ford, who died in 2006, will be placed in the U.S. Capitol.
By David Hume Kennerly, AP

As president, Ford helped to heal the divisive wounds of the Watergate scandal. "The long national nightmare is over," he proclaimed as he was sworn in as president in August 1974.

As an incumbent Republican in 1976, Ford lost the White House to Democrat Jimmy Carter -- largely in part because he pardoned Richard Nixon for his role in Watergate.

It's fitting, though, that Ford was back today in Congress -- an institution he loved and where he earned a reputation as a genial, well-respected honest broker who could disagree with President Lyndon Johnson and congressional Democrats yet still work with them.

In 1965, Ford became House minority leader and served in that post until Nixon tapped him as vice president in 1973.

"The adjectives that best describe him are far more meaningful than the offices he held," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. "He was compassionate, forthright and reliable. He was true to his word. He was a patriot who answered every call to serve."

The Ford family was represented today by the president's only daughter, Susan Ford Bales
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