Bilderberg.org the view from the top of the pyramid of power
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:09 am Post subject: |
Club Bilderberg en Estambul
01/06/2007 | Actualizada a las 16:19h
Estambul. (EFE).- La reina Sofía participó en la reunión anual del Club Bilderberg, que reúne a personalidades influyentes de Europa y Norteamérica y se celebra en esta ocasión en la ciudad turca de Estambul.
La Reina de España se encuentra en Estambul "en visita privada para asistir al encuentro del Club Bilderberg", según confirmaron fuentes diplomáticas en Ankara.
Entre la lista de 135 invitados figuran el ex secretario de Estado estadounidense Henry Kissinger, el comisario de Ampliación de la Unión Europea, Olli Rehn, y el director ejecutivo de Coca-Cola, Muhtar Kent, además de ministros y miembros de Casas Reales de varios países europeos, según la prensa local.
El Grupo Bilderberg es una conferencia a la que asisten destacados miembros del panorama político, económico y de los medios de comunicación, que se celebra anualmente desde que en 1954 la instituyera el príncipe holandés Bernardo de Lippe-Biesterfeld para reforzar los lazos entre los países de América del Norte y Europa.
En su edición de 2007, mandatarios y personalidades se han reunido en el hotel Ritz-Carlton de Estambul, rodeados de estrictas medidas de seguridad.
http://www.lavanguardia.es/gen/20070601/51356950887/noticias/la-reina-sofia-participa-en-la-reunion-del-club-bilderberg-en-estambul-europa-sofia-norteamerica-henry-kissinger-union-europea-america-ankara-estado.html |
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:12 am Post subject: |
There was also an aticle in metro's belgian version.
Mystérieuse réunion au sommet
Istanbul La conférence de Bilderberg a débuté hier près d’Istanbul. Ce groupe se compose d’élites politiques, économiques, financières, académiques et médiatiques qui se réunissent dans le but d’échanger leurs points de vue sur l’avenir de la communauté Nord-Atlantique. Le groupe Bilderberg, dont le président n’est autre que le Belge Etienne Davignon (photo), se réunit chaque année depuis 1954 dans un endroit tenu le plus secret possible. En 2003, la BBC décrivait l’organistation comme l’une des plus influentes au monde. Les spéculations vont bon train sur le nom des participants et les thèmes abordés.
www.bilderberggroup.tripopd.com |
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:18 pm Post subject: |
The military thinks differently
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Mehmet Ali Birand, participant of this year conference.
I work in the media. Information flows to me from all around the place and I present and interpret it on the Kanal D news at 7 p.m. If there is some guilty party in the media, I am definitely a part of it.
We have been presenting some news in such a way in the media that we are giving the impression that Turkey will soon invade northern Iraq. The media has to use the information coming to it. When one adds all the statements released and news stories, plus the war of words over who has the authority between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Chief of General Staff Gen. Yaşar Büyükanıt, the tension naturally increases.
The outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) has begun its murders once again. The explosion in Ankara shocked everyone. From the televisions, we see the tanks and soldiers patrolling the borders.
In such an environment, public begins to expect certain things.
So, what is the truth?
On Thursday, there was an international symposium at the military academy. I met with the chief of general staff there. I asked him, “What's happening? Are we going to invade northern Iraq?”
“No. You are exaggerating it,” he said. He blamed the media of needlessly increasing public expectation.
I was surprised.
When I asked, “So what is really happening?,” he said: “We are not deploying troops to go into northern Iraq. We redeployed our troops just as we do every spring. We took our positions to fight the PKK. That's it. Don't exaggerate. We have no preparations for an incursion.”
Officials from the Office of the Chief of General Staff said the same thing. There are no preparations for any such incursion.
I asked the Air Force Commander Gen. Faruk Cömert about the airspace violation by U.S. jets.
“There is nothing to exaggerate. Such things happen. We also sometimes may pass the border. Americans said it was a mistake and apologized. That's the end of the matter,” he said.
So, wasn't the United States giving us a message by violating our airspace?
The commander's answer was a surprise.
“The United States doesn't need to violate our airspace to give us a message. They can do the same through normal channels. We speak to them every day. There is no need for any indirect communication. The media exaggerated the matter.”
Two different worlds.
The military sees things very differently from the way the public is interpreting the developments. I tend to favor the military's version.
At least for now, I don't expect any incursion.
Bilderberg participants' view of Turkey:
American guests at the Bilderberg conference, before entering Ritz Carlton, attended various meetings and tried to understand Turkey.
Especially Dr. Henry Kissenger, during the speech he made at the conference held by Akbank, and the questions he asked with Richard Holbrooke at the breakfast meeting showed what they were curious about.
One issue is the civilian-military relations and the other is a possible incursion into northern Iraq by Turkey. Both are worried. They constantly asked: “What's happening? Is there a coup in the cards? What will happen if the Justice and Development Party (AKP) wins again?”
The AKP is not seen as a threat by the United States. They don't think the AKP is out to change the system. They note that there is no proof to back such an allegation. On the issue of direct election of the president by the people, they believe it is just natural.
On the issue of a possible Turkish intervention into northern Iraq, both believe it is a trap and they also are sure that the Turkish military will not commit such a mistake. The recent statements by the chief of general staff relaxed them.
This is what I have been saying from the start.
It is good that Bilderberg was held in Istanbul.
Don't point fingers at secularists joining the AKP:
We love to explain things away in simple terms. We have no idea what kind of changes the world and Turkey are going through.
After describing one as a “leftist” and the other as a fundamentalist” or “secularist,” we never believe time and experience can make people change their ideas.
Two individuals have been at the receiving end of criticism as of late. One is former Republican People's party (CHP) General Secretary Ertuğrul Günay and the other is famous leftist Alevi Reha Çamuroğlu, both of whom have joined the AKP.
They are being accused of betrayal.
Both believe they have a mission of establishing peace in a polarized society. They want both sides to understand each other.
I support both.
I don't believe the arguments that they betrayed their principles just to become a deputy.
Just like these two individuals, many AKP candidates, whose secularist credentials are second to none, will be our guiding light.
They will watch where the AKP is headed towards from the inside.
When there is an effort to change the country, they will be the first to know.
I know some will not believe me and will chose to attack the AKP to get it to behave the way they want it to.I am against such an aggressive stance. I believe we can protect our secular democratic system by understanding each other and finding agreement on basic principles. |
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:37 am Post subject: |
Netherland article, by Het Parool, a leftist newspaper published at 80 000.
Waar rook is, is vuur
De Bilderberg-conferentie, die dit weekeinde in Istanboel wordt gehouden, is al jaren onderwerp van samenzweringstheorieën over een nieuwe wereldorde. Aan Nederlandse complotdenkers op internet geen gebrek. Maar over de grens vinden hun ideeën gretiger aftrek dan in eigen land.
Robin de Ruiter (56) is één van de meest vertaalde Nederlandse auteurs. Zijn boeken verschenen in meer dan veertig landen. Vooral in Latijns-Amerikaanse landen is zijn werk populair.
In eigen land daarentegen is de belangstelling voor zijn boeken altijd klein gebleven. Journalisten lopen met een boog om hem heen. Voor zijn laatste boek lukte het hem niet eens een Nederlandse uitgever te vinden.
De Ruiter publiceert al sinds de jaren tachtig, maar met de komst van internet heeft de verspreiding van zijn gedachtegoed een grote vlucht genomen. Hij groeide op in Spanje, waar hij in opdracht van een katholieke organisatie een boek over Jehova's getuigen schreef. ''Tijdens dat onderzoek ging een wereld voor me open. In de loop der jaren heb ik een netwerk van contacten opgebouwd. Politici en journalisten speelden me informatie toe. Voor mijn boek over 11 september kreeg ik via twee CIA-agenten toegang tot geheime documenten.''
'Complotten bestaan'
De Ruiter is ervan overtuigd dat duivelaanbidders bezig zijn de wereldmacht over te nemen. Ver voor de jaartelling heeft de duivel dertien bloedlijnen gecreëerd, die tot op de dag van vandaag voortbestaan. Roemruchte dynastieën als de Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers en de Kennedy's gebruiken hun macht om Satan tot wereldleider te maken, volgens De Ruiter.
De auteur vindt het geen probleem om voor complotdenker te worden uitgemaakt: ''Complotten bestaan. Dat heeft de geschiedenis wel aangetoond.''
Dat theorieën over samenzweringen in Nederland doorgaans belachelijk worden gemaakt, beschouwt de Amsterdamse reïncarnatietherapeut Albert Toby als een teken van zwakte; ''Want op basis van argumenten, durven wij elke discussie aan.'
Toby was één van de drijvende krachten achter de website Ditkannietwaarzijn.nl. Enkele maanden geleden werd besloten de site uit de lucht te halen. Over de reden doet Toby geheimzinnig. ''Laten we het erop houden dat we niet in een vrij land leven en dat wij daarover mee kunnen praten. Of we zijn bedreigd? We zijn gestopt - daar laat ik het bij. Sommige mensen bleken zeer goed op de hoogte van onze activiteiten. Nee, dat waren geen particulieren.''
Dat de mede door hem opgerichte Partij voor de Waarheid vorig jaar niet mee mocht doen aan de verkiezingen, was evenmin toeval, denkt Toby. ''Alles draait om centralisatie van de macht. De burger komt steeds meer buitenspel te staan. Bodyscans op Schiphol, camera's op straat, iedereen vindt het tegenwoordig vanzelfsprekend.''
'Elk verzet tegen de nieuwe wereldorde is zinloos'
Dat de belangstelling voor complottheorieën toeneemt, merkt Herman Hegge, eigenaar van de Amsterdamse boekwinkel Frontier. ''Het zijn hectische tijden, op allerlei gebieden. De aanslagen op 11 september hebben veel mensen aan het denken gezet. Internet speelt daarbij een grote rol, want daar kun je schrijven wat je wilt. Waar rook is, is vuur, denkt men.''
De meeste complotdenkers hebben hun vertrouwen verloren in de reguliere media. Zo vraagt De Ruiter zich af waarom geen enkele krant onderzoek heeft verricht naar de werkelijke oorzaak van de huidige klimaatveranderingen. ''Ik weet dat de Verenigde Staten al vijftien jaar bezig zijn met een geheim project in Alaska, waarbij natuurlijke luchtstromen met behulp van elektrische lading worden verplaatst. De huidige klimaatveranderingen zijn geen gevolg van de opwarming van de aarde, maar worden veroorzaakt door experimenten waarmee de grootmachten het klimaat willen beheersen.''
Nieuwe boeken zullen er voorlopig niet meer van de Ruiter verschijnen. Hij gaat zich definitief in Ecuador vestigen. ''Ik heb mijn boodschap uitgedragen. Elk verzet tegen de nieuwe wereldorde is zinloos. We gaan donkere tijden tegemoet.''
Hagedismensen of Rooms complot?
De Bilderbergconferentie, genoemd naar de eerste bijeenkomst in 1954 in het gelijknamige Oosterbeekse hotel, is jaren in verband gebracht met een geheime wereldregering. Maar de laatste jaren lekten de gastenlijsten en notulen steeds vaker uit - zo behoren dit weekeinde Neelie Kroes en Jaap de Hoop-Scheffer tot de genodigden. Daarmee lijkt deze complottheorie zijn beste tijd te hebben gehad.
Toch blijft het geloof in sinistere krachten die aan een nieuwe wereldorde werken, hardnekkig. Zo maakt de website van het Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions gewag van een een nieuwe geheimzinnige organisatie, die Le Cercle wordt genoemd. Een centrale rol is daarin weggelegd voor Otto van Habsburg, de zoon van de laatste Oostenrijkse keizer Karel I. Le Cercle is volgens de website een 'geheimzinnige, met privékapitaal gefinancierde, transnationale denktank', die om de twee jaar bijeenkomt. Die vergaderingen worden bijgewoond door politici, diplomaten, bankiers duistere zakenlieden, olie-experts, mediamagnaten, uitgevers, hoge militairen en inlichtingendiensten.'' Veel leden zijn afkomst uit oude aristocratische families of hebben banden met het Vaticaan. En ze zijn strenggelovig. Want Le Cercle streeft naar een nieuw Heilig Rooms Rijk.
Maker van de Engelstalige website, die voor een groot deel uit voetnoten bestaat, is de Nederlander Joël van der Reijden. Desgevraagd laat hij per mail weten dat hij geen behoefte heeft zijn ideeën telefonisch toe te lichten: ''Wie geïnteresseerd is zal het vinden.''
Duidelijk is dat Van der Reijden zich heeft laten inspireren door David Icke, voormalige Britse profvoetballer en BBC-sportverslaggever. Maar waar Van der Reijden waarschuwt voor een ultraconservatief katholiek complot, komt het gevaar volgens Icke uit de hoek van van vrijmetselaars, jezuïeten en internationale bankiers die bezig zijn van mensen gehoorzame robots te maken die via geïmplanteerde microchips kunnen worden bestuurd. Dat hierbij een sleutelrol is weggelegd voor buitenaardse reptielwezens die in een handomdraai een menselijke gedaante kunnen aannemen, doet veel complotdenkers afhaken. Ook voor de Amsterdamse reïncarnatietherapeut Albert Toby gaan Ickes hagedismensen 'tien bruggen te ver'. Maar toch vindt Toby dat Icke veel zinnigs te melden heeft: ''Veel van wat Icke heeft voorspeld is uitgekomen.''
- www.pehi.eu
- www.davidicke.com
© Het Parool, 02-06-2007 |
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:46 am Post subject: |
Dagens Nyheter (help·info) (DN) (Swedish: lit. "news of the day") is a daily newspaper in Sweden. It has the largest circulation (345 000) of Swedish morning newspapers, followed by Göteborgs-Posten and Svenska Dagbladet, and is the only morning newspaper that is distributed to subscribers across the whole country. Opinion leaders often choose DN as the venue for publishing major debate articles. The stated position of the editorial page is "independently liberal".
It is published in Stockholm and aspires to full national and international coverage.
Publicerad 1 juni 20:05
Bildt deltar i hemligt möte
Utrikesminister Carl Bildt och Investors ordförande Jacob Wallenberg deltar i helgen i ett möte med den hemlighetsfulla Bilderberggruppen på Ritz Carlton Hotel i Istanbul.
Gruppen har ofta kritiserats för att vara en klubb för världens makthavare utan demokratisk kontroll. En maktens innersta cirkel.
I årets möte, som är det 55:e sedan 1954, deltar 73 makthavare eller före detta makthavare. Det inleddes i torsdags och avslutas på söndag. Carl Bildt deltar enligt listan över deltagare som "tidigare statsminister" och inte i sin roll som utrikesminister. Carl Bildt har deltagit i ett flertal Bilderbergmöten sedan 1992.
Enligt en lista publicerad av jonesreport.com deltar som vanligt en rad tunga makthavare i mötet, bland annat den tidigare amerikanske utrikesministern Henry Kissinger, finansmannen David Rockefeller, SAS ordförande och ordföranden i Norsk Hydro Egil Myklebust, Nokias styrelseordförande Jorma Ollila och Natos generalsekreterare Jaap G Hoop de Scheffer. Också den finske finansministern Jyrki Katainen deltar vilket också bekräftas i ett pressmeddelande från det finska finansdepartementet.
Någon liknande bekräftelse finns inte när det gäller utrikesminister Carl Bildt men han nämner själv att han ska "delta i en diskussion" på årets möte sin blogg. Regeringens hemsida tiger om Bildts deltagande. Enligt den har Bildt följande engagemang under vecka 22: 28-29 maj, Asia-Europe Meeting i Hamburg och därefter bilaterala möten i Jerusalem och Ramallah den 4 juni.
- Men det stämmer att han deltar i mötet, säger Carl Bildts pressekreterare Martina Ränk.
Bildt reste till Istanbul i går, torsdag, och reser vidare till Jerusalem efter mötets avslutande på söndag.
Årets möte handlar om energifrågor och kommer enligt uppgift också att ta upp den planerade ryska gasledningen över Östersjön men den exakta dagordningen är inte känd och ingen av deltagarna får efteråt diskutera det som sagts på mötet. Gör man detta stryks man från listan och bjuds aldrig mera in.
Olika personer bjuds in varje år men ett antal personer återkommer. En av dessa är Carl Bildt. En annan som ofta förekommit de senaste åren är SAS-chefen Egil Myklebust. När han kontaktades av en norsk tidning inför Bilderbergmötet i Versailles 2003 vägrade han ens att bekräfta var mötet skulle äga rum.
Flera amerikanska politiker har genom åren kritiserats för sitt deltagande i Bilderberggruppens möten. När de återvänt till USA från Europa, där mötena oftast äger rum, konfronterades de av journalister som undrade om de hade sin lojalitet hos Bilderberggruppen eller hos sina egna väljare. När biträdande försvarsministern för internationell säkerhet, Paul Nitze, återvände från ett Bilderbergmöte i Cannes 1963 kom han att utfrågas om sin resa av senatens försvarskommitté. Enligt tidningsuppgifter hade Nitze "mycket svårt att minnas dagordningen för mötet".
När gruppen höll sitt möte i Sverige den 24-28 maj 2001 stod Wallenbergs maktbolag Investor som värd. Från svensk sida deltog bland andra dåvarande statsministern Göran Persson och den dåvarande handelsministern Leif Pagrotsky.
Förutom Carl Bildt har en rad andra svenska makthavare deltagit vid något eller några möten: bland andra dåvarande statsministern Olof Palme, dåvarande regeringsledamoten Mona Sahlin, Volvochefen Leif Johansson, dåvarande finansministern Gunnar Sträng, dåvarande styrelseordföranden i Investor Percy Barnevik, dåvarande statsministern Thorbjörn Fälldin med flera.
Clas Svahn |
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:23 pm Post subject: |
Editorial: Gov. Perry's job
Sunday, June 03, 2007
If Rick Perry were, say, a third-grader, he’d have received an “incomplete” on his report card and would be confined to summer school.
Instead, last week he jetted off to Istanbul, Turkey, for the secretive, invitation-only Bilderberg Conference.
Istanbul? Bilderberg?
Reportedly the governor is due back Monday. Good. He has work to do.
More glaringly, he has not renewed the terms of Education Commissioner Shirley Neeley and State Board of Education Chairwoman Geraldine Miller or chosen successors.
Appointments and reappointments are Job 1 for a Texas governor. Not making decisions on these positions while lawmakers were in session took away from the Senate the opportunity to review the appointments until after the fact.
Perry’s office said he was busy with the Legislature in session. That’s understandable. That’s also no excuse.
Mother Nature gets cranky and shows Craddick who's boss
Star-Telegram Staff Writers
Tom Craddick may have "absolute" power as speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, but that apparently doesn't extend to everything in his life.
Like weather.
Fierce thunderstorms with hail kept him from attending a news conference at Mesquite Metro Airport last week to tout a new emergency-vehicle operations course geared to teach law enforcement officers safe driving techniques.
Craddick had planned to fly in for the event but was grounded in Georgetown.
That makes at least one legislator who's well-grounded.
International man of mystery
Gov. Rick Perry is racking up the frequent-flier miles. He left Thursday for a long weekender to Istanbul, Turkey, where he was scheduled to attend the Bilderberg conference. The confab is an annual affair for the well-connected in government and finance. Perry's topic will be state-federal relations.
Early in the recently concluded legislative session, the governor packed his bags and ditched Austin for Qatar for an economic development jaunt.
The excursion also included stops in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, both in the United Arab Emirates.
And early last year, Perry traveled to Iraq and Kuwait to visit with Texas troops in and around the war zone.
Political resolution
Every legislative session down in Austin, lawmakers pass hundreds of resolutions honoring everyone from former lawmakers to everyday constituents.
Rarely are they controversial -- until Rep. Lon Burnam, D-Fort Worth, stepped in on the last day of the session.
Burnam's resolution would have commended former House Parliamentarian Denise Davis and former Deputy Parliamentarian Christopher Griesel for their service to the state.
Seems innocuous enough, right? Nope.
The two had become the center of attention three days earlier by resigning in protest over House Speaker Tom Craddick's contradictory interpretation of House rules. Their resignations sparked a raucous weekend in the House that some political observers say has permanently weakened Craddick.
No surprise then that Burnam, a fierce Craddick critic, decided to give Davis and Griesel a legislative thumbs-up. No surprise, either, that Craddick never got around to letting the resolution come up for a vote.
Anna M. Tinsley, 817-390-7610 atinsley@star-telegram.com Aman Batheja, 817-390-7695 abatheja@star- telegram.com Maria Recio, 202-383-6103 mrecio@krwashington.com |
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:32 pm Post subject: |
From a netherland belgian news magazine.
Wereldelite verzamelt zich voor Bilderbergconferentie
31/05/2007 16:32
Nabij de Turkse stad Istanboel is donderdag de jaarlijkse Bilderbergconferentie begonnen, waar traditioneel de machtigen der Aarde aan deelnemen. Dat meldt het Azerbeidzjaanse persbureau APA. De conferentie duurt tot zondag en streek voor de derde keer in Turkije neer.
De eerste Bilderbergconferentie werd in 1954 georganiseerd naar aanleiding van de verslechterde relatie tussen de Verenigde Staten en Europa.
De conferentie groeide uit tot een jaarlijks gebeuren waar de wereldelite uit de politieke, economische, financiële, academische en mediawereld bijeenkwam om van gedachten te wisselen over de toekomst van de Noord-Atlantische gemeenschap. De BBC berichtte in 2003 dat het om één van de meest invloedrijke organisaties ter wereld gaat.
Het WorldNetDaily (WND) voegde eraan toe dat de bijeenkomsten een globalistische agenda omarmen en het idee promoten dat nationale soevereiniteit voorbijgestreefd is.
De strikte geheimhouding van de Bilderberggroep, waarvan de Belg Etienne Davignon vice-voorzitter is, zorgde voor kritiek. Ook zou de geheimzinnigheid aanleiding geven tot 'samenzweringstheorieën' betreffende mogelijke geheime plannen van de planetaire elite om de wereld te regeren. Dat staat te lezen op de website van de Turkse krant Zaman.
Nog volgens Zaman zouden de deelnemers het dit jaar hebben over een mogelijke 'operatie' tegen Iran, de energiepolitiek en het Turkse lidmaatschap van de Europese Unie. Maar alleen de deelnemers weten zeker wat er aan bod komt.
Een andere grote bron van speculatie is elke keer weer de deelnemerslijst. Dit jaar duiken namen op als Henry Kissinger, de vroegere Amerikaanse minister van buitenlandse zaken, de voormalige voorzitter van de Wereldbank Paul Wolfowitz en de vroegere Amerikaanse minister van buitenlandse zaken Donald Rumsfeld.
Genodigden van het Europese niveau zijn onder meer voorzitter José Manuel Barroso van de Europese Commissie en Hoog Vertegenwoordiger José Solana voor de buitenlandse betrekkingen van de Europese Unie. Ook het nationale niveau is vertegenwoordigd, zo zijn onder meer de Franse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Bernard Kouchner en zijn Zweedse collega Carl Bildt uitgenodigd.
Toplieden van kranten als Le Figaro, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, The Times, Die Zeit en International Herald Tribune vertegenwoordigen de vierde macht.
(Belga/YG) |
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:38 pm Post subject: |
From Svoboda newspaper, in Russian.
Бильдербергский клуб, скромный шепот элит
Софья Корниенко (Амстердам)
В Голландии на прошлой неделе вышла книга научного сотрудника Нидерландского института военных документов Херарда Алдерса (Gerard Aalder. Bildeberg) о таинственной Бильдербергской конференции (Bilderberg conference) — ежегодном закрытом съезде политиков, крупнейших предпринимателей и глав ведущих мировых СМИ. В широких кругах до сих пор нет однозначного ответа на вопрос — принимаются ли на этой конференции важнейшие решения (например, о вводе войск в Ирак) или это просто клуб глобальных элит.
Вот отрывок воспоминаний Элдена Хэтча (Alden Hatch), придворного биографа отца королевы Беатрикс (Queen Beatrix) принца Бернарда (HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands):
Об этой встрече не было дано ни одного публичного объявления. Отель был окружен охранниками, и ни один журналист не мог подойти к отелю ближе, чем на расстояние в один километр. Все участники дали обещание хранить молчание обо всем, что обсуждалось на конференции.
Бильдербергская конференция названа так в честь Hotel Bilderberg на востоке Нидерландов, где это овеянное тайной мероприятие было проведено в первый раз с 29 по 31 мая 1954 года. Идея основать клуб западной суперэлиты принадлежала политологу и философу Джозефу Ретингеру, которого в прессе называют то «пауком в паутине международного шпионажа», то «апостолом европеизма». Поляк по происхождению, Ретингер жил в Англии и общался с влиятельными людьми в Европе и США. В начале пятидесятых Ретингер и несколько западных бизнесменов обратились к голландскому принцу Бернарду с предложением организовать площадку для неформального общения крупных политиков и предпринимателей, в частности для того, чтобы улучшить взаимодействие между европейскими странами и США перед лицом коммунистической угрозы.
Бернард был идеальной кандидатурой на место председателя клуба, или, как метафорично пишут голландские историки, ideale boegbeeld — идеальная «фигура на носу корабля» Бильдербергского клуба. Принц всех знал, представлял маленькую страну, обладал неподдельным обаянием и королевским величием. Он лично приглашал участников, он сделал все, чтобы заинтересовать американскую сторону. Таинственный ореол собрания только придавал ему популярности. Вот отрывок из обращения Бернарда к участникам первой конференции:
Мы предлагаем вам совершенно искренне и открыто обмениваться мнениями. Дословных цитат зафиксировано не будет. Прессы не будет, так что вы можете дать себе волю, если вы позволите мне так выразиться.
Тогда, в 1954 году, обсуждали проблему коммунизма в европейских странах (во Франции и Италии), войну в Корее и потенциальную европейскую интеграцию. Каждому приглашенному выделялось 8 минут на выступление, но основное общение происходило, разумеется, вне официальных заседаний. Принц Бернард оставался председателем Бильдербергского клуба до 1976 года, когда в ходе расследования так называемого «дела Локхида» он был уличен в коррупции и лишен многих привилегий. С тех пор на ежегодной конференции председательствует его дочь, королева Беатрикс.
Сотрудник Нидерландского института военных документов (Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie) NIOD Херард Аалдерс, автор нескольких книг по истории Европы, только что завершил масштабное исследование на тему истории Бильдербергской конференции, основываясь, в частности, на случайно найденных им в лондонском архиве секретных протоколах заседаний клуба.
Говорит Херард Аалдерс: «Вот, смотрите, это протоколы 1999 года. Здесь речь идет о Косово. Имен выступающих не указано. Вместо этого — просто «Выступающий-1 сказал то-то, выступающий-2 сказал то-то». Изначально в организации конференций значительную роль сыграло ЦРУ, - прежде всего, в виде финансовой поддержки самого мероприятия. Однако очень важна и фигура самого принца Бернарда. Если, например, кто-то сначала отказывался принимать участие, принц звонил премьер-министру любой страны и говорил, что ему нужно присутствие на конференции такого-то и такого-то политика».
В свете новой книги Аалдерса под названием De Bilderberg-conferenties, несколько участников конференции впервые нарушили обет молчания и дали интервью голландской телевизионной программе «Неттверк» (Nettverk). Рассказывает участник Бильдербергской конференции 1999 года в Португалии, бывший министр обороны Нидерландов Франк де Храве.
Попасть туда можно только по приглашению. Нельзя напроситься самому, послать свое резюме — об этом можете забыть. Больше всего мне запомнился момент, когда я однажды слишком рано спустился утром к завтраку. В ресторане никого не было, только какой-то господин одиноко пил кофе. Я решил подсесть к его столику. В процессе разговора оказалось, что передо мной Дональд Рамсфельд. Правда, он тогда еще не был министром обороны.
Бывший министр экономики Нидерландов Лауренс Ян Бринкхорст принимал участие в конференции три раза, еще в качестве молодого госсекретаря в 70-е годы.
Я очень рад, что некоторые мировые лидеры находят время и место, чтобы задуматься о будущем. Многие лидеры, к сожалению, не имеют такой привычки. Мир станет только лучше от того, что они научатся слушать друг друга, а не только трубить о своем. Все же теории заговора вокруг конференции — чистый нонсенс. Всегда особенно сложно доказать, что чего-то нет и быть не может, но я надеюсь, что у меня есть определенный авторитет и вы поверите мне на слово, если я повторю еще раз, что любые разговоры о мировом правительстве — небылицы. А коммюнике Бильдербергский клуб не распространяет по одной простой причине: если бы он публиковал информацию в прессе, то создавалось бы впечатление, что на конференциях принимаются решения, в то время как никаких решений на Бильдербергской конференции не принимается. Происходит только обмен мнениями.
Интернет переполнен трудами поборников теории заговора. «Покажем мировому правительству, что мы зорко следим за каждым его шагом», — призывают активисты. Однако, на самом деле, следить за каждым шагом Бильдербергского клуба не получается. Только post factum появляются уже в весьма уважаемых изданиях сообщения о том, как, якобы, именно под влиянием клуба подали в отставку американский президент Ричард Никсон и премьер-министр Великобритании Маргарет Тэтчер, что в клубе долго и горячо спорили, вмешиваться ли Западу в югославский конфликт, что под давлением участников клуба Джордж Буш отложил на целый год вторжение в Ирак. Недавно в интернете появился список участников прошлогодней конференции в Оттаве. Интересно, что в списке, как это уже давно принято, фигурируют главные редакторы и издатели ведущих европейских газет и журналов — Standard, Economist, Times, Figaro. Все эти журналисты также хранят о конференции молчание. Вот что сказал однажды на эту тему один из гостей клуба в 1991 году, бывший главный редактор голландской газеты NRC Handelsblad Бен Кнапен:
Организаторы конференции хотят иметь возможность говорить свободно, не боясь на следующее утро обнаружить свою цитату в газете.
С голландским газетчиком не согласен бывший глава компании Philips Виссе Деккер, участник конференции в 80-е годы:
Можно отнестись с пониманием к тому факту, что протоколы конференции не публикуются. Однако более общую информацию мы могли бы все-таки публиковать. Говорить, например, в чем мы сообща видим на сегодняшний день проблему, как, на наш взгляд, вместе можно с ней бороться. И одновременно спокойно работать дальше. На моем опыте такого не было, чтобы решения принимались во время конференции, а потом предлагались бы миру как данность. Знаете, я бы даже иногда хотел, чтобы это было так. Во всяком случае, тогда бы хоть что-то делалось. Сейчас также принимаются решения, но за пределами конференции.
Какие бы сплетни ни витали вокруг Бильдербергской конференции, однозначно одно: прежде всего, Бильдербергский клуб — это тысячи миллиардов долларов потенциальных инвестиций, говорит исследователь Херард Аалдерс. Кстати, в прошлогодней конференции, помимо гостей из западных стран, принимали участие гости из Китая и Ирана. В скором времени в Стамбуле пройдет очередная, 55-я конференция. |
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TonyGosling Site Admin

Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1419 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:43 pm Post subject: |
Pakistan, Merchantbridge, Bilderberg in Turkey and more
June 2, 2007
"BP is tipped to win a significant oil deal in Pakistan," the heading states. The financial advisor in this deal was/is Merchantbridge, www.pal-c.org/BPTippedtoWinAuctionforPakistaniOilCompany.htm
Interestingly, shortly after posting this article, the following one appeared, "contradicting" or, shall we say, modifying it slightly, suggesting the previous report was premature, www.rigzone.com/news/article.asp?a_id=45708
I can only wonder if the second article was put out to camouflage the first one. I would imagine the fix is in and the first one is correct.
As for Merchantbridge, appointed by the Iraq "government" to privatize its state industries, you can peruse their staff, advisors, management, board, etc., in an embedded link, look for it in the following, www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Iraq_Foundation. This Pakistan oil deal, referred to above, extends the reach of Dana Gas/Crescent Oil, Jafar, Iraq/Iran, Abraaj, Pakistan, Gulf countries, which I've been following throughout my blog.
For starters, see my entry from May 27, 2006.
Continuing along these financial interconnections, fistfights have exploded in Turkey's parliament, ongoing large demonstrations against the AKP continue and a united Left alliance has emerged, www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/article.php?enewsid=74276 and
www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/article.php?enewsid=74431 all of which is conspicuously absent, unreported or underreported in either mainstream or alternative media sources in the US.
Kissinger, who I previously noted is in Turkey to give a talk regarding Akbank, after their celebratory party in NYC at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, happens to be around for the Bilderberg Conference as it occurs in Istanbul. "May you live in exciting times," to quote/paraphrase a Chinese expression, I believe. At the following link, at the bottom, is a roster of some of the Bilderberg guests, www.turkishdailynews.com.tr./article.php?enewsid=74608
And, more regarding Kissinger, Akbank the Bilderbergs, www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/article.php?enewsid=74750
Anyone reading my blog might wonder why I bother to recapitulate what is so blatantly in the news. I apologize to readers who ask, "What do I need this for? I can read it everywhere, or, see/hear it anywhere/everywhere." But, NOT if you live in the US and are not on the internet. There's a virtual news blackout regarding most stories about Turkey on my blog. This is a major point. In the US, absolutely NO support for Turkey's Kemalists or their United Left Party is being advanced anywhere but, I would imagine, my blog.
So, back to the Bilderberg conference in Turkey at the moment. On their list is Zoellick, newly appointed World Bank president. Altho, Citigroup's man, Fischer from the Bank of Israel did not get the appointment, Zoellick's background is commensurate, part of the Citigroup/Morgan Stanley/Goldman Sachs family grouping.
Further, Zoellick's appointment and background solidifies the "internationalist" approach regarding November's Washington Coup, Rice, the State Department, Iraq, etc. Along the "internationalize Iraq," "Dismember Iraq Yugoslav Style," and "Let's Make a Deal" program can be found the congruent and overlapping positions of the following individuals and organizations; the "reputable," according to this article, Chalabi regarding Iraq's new oil law, the Democractic Biden plan, restated on the www.kurdistanobserver.com website under the date, May 26, 2007, "Biden To Pitch Iraq Exit Plan", a current entry "Iraq Needs A New Strategy," AND, my previous blogs regarding US Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich, progressivegovernment, Washington Coup/November elections and their corresponding private foundation and government sponsored nominal "opposition" groups in the US. See my blog from February 16, 2007 on this.
Regarding the ongoing American-Iranian cooperation in their most recent OPEN incarnation , the Baath Party issued a statement.
Now, allow me to seemingly diverge, to go off topic, momentarily. As you will see, it really is not off topic. I'm just going to use the following SNIPPET of historical background and information as an example to HIGHLIGHT, illustrate, a continuous and ongoing pattern for those NOT already aware of it. What anyone need do is simply extrapolate from the following pattern, look for the funding sources regarding any given issue and do one's own research and it all becomes extremely recognizable, predictable, understandable, demystified once one is familiar with the patterns. Like a medical diagnosis. So, consider, first, this book review by James Petras from 1999 regarding the "CIA and the Cultural Cold War Revisited".Next, keep in mind the preceeding, check out this critique of James Petras regarding Cuba from 2003 from an interesting organization and association of individuals.
In the book review, above, by Petras, Jay Lovestone's name pops up. For someone totally unfamiliar with Lovestone's career, the Labor movement, his name, the history of anti-Communism and the McCarthey period, etc., I'll throw in a random link from thousands available, a book review proudly written in 1999 by someone from the anti-communist Freedom House regarding Jay Lovestone and his accomplishments, www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G1-55015120.html I've had blogs related to this in the past, so, I'm not going to bother to say more.
I will add, however, a continuation of my theme regarding American pension monies invested into private multinational corporations and "Why There's No Left in the US."
In an article from the WSJ, May 30, 2007, entitled, "Labor Leader, Buyout Kings Speak Same Language," the following, just a few small excerpts, sentences from the article, "....Andy Stern, President of the Service Employees International Union [SEIU]...has in recent months been meeting quietly--and cordially--with the leaders of the largest buyout firms including Mr. Rubenstein [Carlylye Group], Blackstone Group's Stephen Schwarzman and David Bonderman of TPG....Mr. Stern says he is trying to find a new way for labor to engage with business. 'We get it. We understand,' he says. 'All this global competition means America needs a new economic plan...Mr. Stern found he had leverage with the buyout firms, in part BECAUSE SO MUCH OF THEIR FUNDING COMES FROM UNION-DOMINATED PUBLIC PENSION FUNDS. [MY EMPHASIS]...The top executives of buyout firms make their exorbitant paydays by keeping as much as 20% of the profits of their funds, which are then paid out to them and taxed at the low capital gains rate of 15% rather than the top personal income tax of 35%. The Senate Finance Committee is looking into the tax issue and Mr. Stern with his close ties to the Democratic politicians could prove critical in the debate. Therein lies the makings of a deal. Stern has suggested the buyout firms could help his cause by, for instance, adopting standards that would encourage the use of unionized janitorial services in buildings. He hasn't said what he wants in return. But, one possibility: He eases up on his criticism of their favorable tax treatment..."
Now, back to international events and policy in relation to Kurdistan/Turkey. At the kurdistanobserver website is an article that states, according to THEIR, i.e., Kurdistanobserver scenario, any military incursion by Turkey into Kurdistan would encounter international condemnation and UN/NATO reaction and sanctions on Turkey. See the last couple of paragraphs in the article under the date, May 28, 2007, "Operation in Southern Kurdistan: Division Through Invasion?" . Well, what's sure is that the ABOVE named nominal and officially financed American "peace movement" and opposition, American Labor Against the War (but for Darfur sanctions) and extension of the Democratic Party, all of whom are totally deaf, dumb, blind, silent regarding recent events in Turkey and lots of other places will most certainly follow the scenario laid out above in the Kurdistanobserver article.
Finally, amidst all the turmoil, Iraq is getting something it really needs urgently at the moment, more important, way above and beyond water, electricity, food or anything else and emblematic of the purposes of the "invasion" of Iraq, namely, Visa cards! Perhaps, Iraqis can now recycle their "new" dinars to pay for their ammunition, recently acquired illicit drug trade and military hardware by credit card, instead of having to tote around those bulky amounts of cash. Or, they can now make deposits and transfers of their bulky, heavy illicit drug money washed, cleansed and invested into debit accounts and into equally newly created Islamic financial instruments and hedge funds. Anyway, it's nice to see Iraqis are entering the modern world of debt, credit transactions and consumerism, so early, while the bullets are flying. They should be very thankful. They can now become a part of the "American way," as its called. They can purchase their as yet unbuilt houses on speculative credit, financed courtesy of American taxpayer dollars a la a revived or revised Marshall Plan.
After all, America tore everything down so America and the World Bank should replace it. It's the only charitable, Christian, (by the way, the Vatican has just set up relations with the UAE), kind, moral thing to do. American taxpayer monies to destroy, then, taxpayer monies to rebuild.
:: Article nr. 33359 sent on 02-jun-2007 23:34 ECT
www.uruknet.info?p=33359 |
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TonyGosling Site Admin

Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1419 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:19 am Post subject: |
Craig W on the nineleven.co.uk forum wrote: | Talking of Balls, I believe Ed will be there.
So we've got Koc and Balls...  |
More Coc and Bull stories to follow no doubt
Meanwhile from this week's Private Eye...
Gordon Brown's friend Ed Balls, a sure bet for the cabinet is doing little to boost his 'old' Labour credentials in the party.
His latest move has been to hand over more regulation of the city to... vested interests in the city! His new taxpayer funded International Centre for Financial Regulation is to run with the help of handouts from such darlings of high finance as Prudential (pensions mis-seller), Citigroup (fined for rigging the bond market), Aberdeen Asset Management (mis-seller of risky split capital trusts), and US banks Morgam Stanley (fined for bent analysis of stocks it owned) and JP Morgan (the brains behind Enron's off balance sheet scaming). A banker, Mervyn Davies of Standard Chartered, has been appointed to represent these 'donor interests'.
So much for True Labour. Under brown, business will be New Labour as ever.
Latest from Istanbul here - still not confirmed the venue!!
and here
http://www.bilderberg.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2087 |
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:05 pm Post subject: |
IPR Strategic Business Information Database - 6/4/2007 - LENGTH: 69 words
According to Milliyet, the super-secretive Bilderberg meeting started in Istanbul under tight security measures. Thirteen Turkish and 122 other international figures came together at the Ritz Carlton Hotel for the group's 55th gathering. The changing world order, Turkey, the Mideast, Europe, the US, democracy and populism as well as climate...
(from lexis nexis)
IPR Strategic Business Information Database - 6/4/2007 - 117 words
According to Milliyet, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said that Turkey should continue its European Union accession process and reforms, adding that if it doesn't get into the club, it should develop a closer partnership with the US. Kissinger, in Istanbul this week for the annual Bilderberg meeting,...
(from lexis nexis)
A french article in a suiss newspaper : http://www.letemps.ch/template/finance.asp?page=23&article=208508
A german article in a austrian newpspaer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_Standard) :
04. Juni 2007
Gusenbauer war bei "Bilderberg-Treffen" in Istanbul
"Offene Diskussion ohne Öffentlichkeit" - Wilde Spekulationen in der türkischen Presse
Wien/Istanbul - Bundeskanzler Alfred Gusenbauer hat am vergangenen Wochenende in der Türkei am 55. Treffen der so genannten "Bilderberg-Konferenz" teilgenommen. Bei diesen alljährlichen Treffen ohne vorherige Bekanntgabe von Zeit, Ort, Themen und Teilnehmern, finden sich regelmäßig hochrangige Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur aus Europa und Amerika zusammen, um aktuelle Themen zu besprechen.
Prinzip der Diskretion
Gusenbauer, am Rande der Pressekonferenz mit dem portugiesischen Ministerpräsidenten Jose Socrates am Montag nach dem Treffen befragt, verwies auf das Prinzip der "Diskretion", wonach Vertreter von Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik "ohne Öffentlichkeit" eine "offene Diskussion" abhalten. Lediglich Ort und Datum werden mitgeteilt, so sei es vereinbart. Gusenbauer: "Dieser diskrete Charakter hat sich bewährt, das wurde auch dieses Mal nicht geändert."
Wilde Spekulationen
An dem Treffen in Istanbul nahmen laut türkischen Medien u.a. die niederländische Königin Beatrix, Schwedens Außenminister Carl Bildt, der frühere US-Außenminister Hernry Kissinger, der Präsident des Weltwährungsfonds, Rodrigo de Rato, EU-Erweiterungskommissar Olli Rehn und Belgiens Kronprinz Philipp teil. Türkische Teilnehmer waren u.a. Staatsminister Ali Babacan, Repräsentanten des Industriellenverbandes TÜSIAD und UNDP-Chef Kermal Dervis, früherer Wirtschaftsminister.
Von Seiten Österreichs hatte der frühere Bundeskanzler Franz Vranitzky mehrfach an der "Bilderberg-Konferenz" teilgenommen. Im Jahr 2002 nahm der Altkanzler seinen Parteifreund SPÖ-Chef Gusenbauer zu dem Treffen mit, das damals in den USA stattfand.
Die türkische Presse erging sich teils in wilden Spekulation über das Istanbuler Treffen. Die islamisch orientierte Tageszeitung "Zaman" schrieb in ihrer Internet-Ausgabe vom "kontroversiellen Treffen einer global mächtigen Elite". Sogar Datum und Ort seien falsch angegeben, der Ort Silivri als Tagungsort genannt worden.
Atomprogramm oder Verschwörungen?
All dem widersprach der angesehene türkische Journalist Mehmet Ali Birand, der bei dem Forum dabei war: Internationale Entwicklungen würden diskutiert, man lerne viel voneinander. Das Treffen unterscheide sich kaum von einem hochrangig besetzten NGO-Seminar. Sein Kollege Cünayt Ülsever assistierte: Die "Verschwörungstheorien" seien "Unsinn", es sei um Fragen wie das iranische Atomprogramm, die globale Erwärmung, die türkische EU-Mitgliedschaft und das Nahost-Problem gegangen.
Von österreichischer Seite hat mit Wirtschaftsminister Martin Bartenstein noch ein weiteres Regierungsmitglied am diesjährigen "Bilderberg-Treffen" in der türkischen Bosporus-Metropole teilgenommen. Weiters nahmen der Generaldirektor der BAWAG, Ewald Novotny, und der Herausgeber der Tageszeitung "Der Standard", Oscar Bronner, daran teil, wie das Blatt in seiner Wochenend-Ausgabe schrieb. Bartenstein war übrigens, wie verlautete, auch im vergangenen Jahr bei den Diskussionen des hochkarätig besetzten Forums mit dabei.
Der Name "Bilderberg" stammt vom Tagungsort - einem Hotel in der niederländischen Stadt Oosterbek -, wo im Mai 1954 die erste Konferenz stattfand. Das Treffen wurde vom niederländischen Prinzgemahl Bernhard, dem Vater der heutigen Königin, initiiert. Es entstand aus der Sorge führender Persönlichkeiten um den Zusammenhalt der transatlantischen Partnerschaft. Traditionell gibt es keine Medienteilnahme. (APA) |
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:15 pm Post subject: |
Dervis obscures political intentions
Economy Minister Kemal Dervis Wednesday said he didn't think he would like politics nor would be successful at it, casting doubts over his intentions about a political careeer.
In an interview to cable network CNBC-E, Dervis said he was deprived of any knowledge on politics. "I'm an economist, I don't know politics. I have doubts how successful I could be as a politician," he said.
Dervis was in London for a one-day trip where he attended an investor conference sponsored by investment bank Morgan Stanley, as accompanied by Treasury and Central Bank bosses.
He departed for the U.S. yesterday. There he will attend the Bilderberg meetings scheduled to close on June 2. The Bilderberg conference is a closed group bringing together leading politicians and businessmen from around the world to provide a platform for decision-makers to discuss global events.
Dervis stressed that he hasn't fostered any political ambitions since he took office, adding, however, that he would support a political party that is close his views.
The ex-World Bank official has triggered debate in recent weeks when he said the timing of elections should be specified in order to eliminate uncertainty. Dervis has suggested that snap polls would not upset the economy and said he was not certain about how to pursue a political career.
During the interview he reiterated that early election talk was causing uncertainty in the economy and that this uncertainty had a cost. "The cost is rising interest rates. This uncertainty must be minimized," he added.
Dervis said the deseasonalized economic growth figure was 3.3 percent for the first quarter, in contrast to earlier expectations that the economy would post a contraction in the mentioned period. An 18.7 percent surge in March industrial production figure has provided evidence for a turnaround in the economy.
He said foreign investors were concerned about macroeconomic instabilities in Turkey, otherwise they were very eager to invest here.
The economy minister went on to say that the results of bank audits as part of a recapitalization plan would probably be announced in ten days. He predicted that recapitalization would likely cost less than an initial projection of $4 billion.
Completion of the audits is a condition for approval by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Board of the next $1.1 billion credit tranche sometime in mid-June.
For 2003 Dervis said he didn't expect Turkey would need fresh external lending apart from what has been pledged so far by international finance institutions.
Ankara - Turkish Daily News
Dervis flies to London
Economy Minister Kemal Dervis departed for London yesterday where he is expected to attend an investor conference on Wednesday, the Anatolia news agency reported.
The economy minister, accompanied by Treasury chief Faik Oztrak and Central Bank Governor Sureyya Serdengecti, will inform investors about Turkey's macroeconomic balances and structural reform. He will also make an address at the London School of Economics and Politics, of which he's a graduate.
On May 30 Dervis will move on to the United States to attend the Bilderberg meetings scheduled to close on June 2, Treasury officials said yesterday. The Bilderberg conference is a closed group bringing together leading politicians and businessmen from around the world to provide a platform for decision-makers to discuss global events.
Ankara - Turkish Daily News
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Kissinger calls for cooperation with US:
While guests at the super-secretive Bilderberg meeting in Istanbul started to settle in the Ritz Carlton Hotel, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who is among the guests, called on the international community to cooperate with the U.S. to end the civil war in Iraq at a conference organized by Turkish banking giant Akbank.
Delivering a speech at the conference called “Global Developments and Turkey: Taking Lessons from the Past, Understanding the Future,” Kissinger called for the neighbors of Iraq along with the permanent members of the United Nations (UN) Security Council, Egypt, Pakistan and India to create “an international outline for quieting the civil war in Iraq and permit Iraqis to determine their own destiny.”
An immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq would spread the crisis to neighboring countries including India with its large Muslim population, Kissinger claimed. “Turkey is in a position to make an important contribution for shaping what I mentioned above,” he added. Saying that Turkey's being part of the European system has an extremely strategic importance.
Acknowledging that the proliferation of nuclear weapons was ignored in the past, Kissinger said that the urgent issue today was to stop North Korea and Iran developing nuclear weapons, “rather than waiting for the U.S. to make sacrifices.”
THE ANTI-BILDERBERGERS OF THE WEEK: People Liberation Party, a leftist political group in Turkey, protested against the Bilderberg Meeting held in Istanbul at a small rally held in the Taksim Square. The protesters, joined by an American journalist Jim Tucker, chanted against "the capital" and "imperialism." (AA Photo/Güler Eser) |
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:23 pm Post subject: |
What was discussed at Bilderberg?
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Mehmet Ali Birand
I, too, attended the three-day Bilderberg meetings on the weekend. It took place under extensive secrecy and security. We were confined to the Ritz Carlton Hotel. There were nearly 100 participants. No one else was allowed into the hotel; not even one single outsider was let in. We went to sleep, got up, ate at the same place and held meetings one after the other from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m.
My head was full of questions before going into the meetings. The identities of the attendees were known beforehand. They were all very prominent people.
What could have happened when so many famous and important people got together? Of course, according to our conspiracy theories, scenarios had to be written and decisions had to be made. If one studied the articles in the media, he or she was left with an impression that even the Turkish president could be chosen at the meetings.
I settled in my room with this excitement. I wore my best suit, put on my most stylish tie, and went down…
My excitement intensified when I looked around me. I was surrounded by people who almost constantly made it in newspaper and television headlines.
I wondered what else I would experience once the meetings started. So I let the tide of Bilderberg carry me away…
I was dead-tired at the end of the three days.
I got out of one meeting to go into the next. I needed to participate, ask questions, and watch attentively. Everyone took the meetings seriously. Nobody would leave the sessions to go outside, stroll around, and have coffee.
On the last day, when I looked at my notes, I was completely disappointed. Where were the secret decisions? Where were the conspiracy theories? And were there not supposed to be decisions made about presidential elections and a coup attempt?
There were neither secret plans made, nor secret sentences uttered, nor secret decisions taken. It was no different than hundreds of other high-end international conferences I had attended.
There was nothing different except for the influence of the participants.
On the other hand, it was heaven for someone interested in international relations, just like myself. I got to breath the air. I learned a lot.
I would like to give a couple of examples:
We started at the developments in Iraq and went on to discuss China's place in the world. Would it be a single-polar world, or a multi-polar one?
How Iran's nuclear power would affect all of us was discussed in detail. Concerns on the issue were conveyed.
The developments in the United States, what the elections would bring, and how the public opinion in the United States was progressing was deliberated.
The most important issues facing the world, from energy policies to expansion in the communication technologies, were reviewed.
At the end of the three days, we have learned and discussed the world's most prominent problems with the world's experts.
Turkey in Bilderberg
Of course, Turkey was also among the subjects discussed during the meetings.
And in two different sessions... Important questions were asked. Where the Justice and Development Party (AKP) was taking the country and whether there was a probability of a coup were deliberated.
There were four questions about Turkey:Who would win the elections?Was there the threat of a system change to Islamic canon law?Would there be a coup?Would Turkey intervene in Iraq?
The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), the developments in Iraq, the Kurdish issue, and the events in northern Iraq were discussed in great detail.
I did not witness secretive plans or decisions. But I heard what the world's most prominent leaders thought about Turkey and their concerns. I saw how confused they were.
Most importantly, I saw that, at the end of the three days in Istanbul, their views about Turkey have become clearer and their knowledge of our country has deepened.
This is why holding the Bilderberg convention in Istanbul has proved to be beneficial for Turkey. |
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
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Maximus Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 06 Oct 2006 Posts: 111
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:12 pm Post subject: |
Question about Turkey in Bilderberg
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Mehmet Ali Birand
Today I would like to share with you in greater detail what was discussed about Turkey during the Bilderberg Conference. The rule is to not disclose what such-and-such person said, but to touch upon the subjects in brief. I will abide by this rule and only summarize what we discussed outside the meetings, while having lunch or taking a tour of the city.
What we should all keep in mind is this: The world outside does not know what is really happening here and what the developments mean. They cannot understand. A leader in the western finance world thanked me for the information I gave him the night before, saying that listening to what I said made him realize he has not learned anything from what he has been reading and that they have only served to confuse him even more. I believe he was talking on behalf of many others who would also share his opinion. In general, I witnessed that there existed more doubts about the Justice and Development Party (AKP) as compared to previous times. Many more questions were asked about it. This was not the case last year.
The latest demonstrations have been affective abroad and have caused people to question whether the AKP was bringing about system change into Islamic canon law and what the demonstrating people were afraid of. They asked these same questions to us (and especially Turkey's chief EU negotiator Ali Babacan) during the conference.The second most frequently asked question was who would be the winner of the elections, the AKP, or a coalition.The third question depended on the answer they received to the second one. If they were told that the AKP had a better chance, then they would ask whether a military coup would come into question in that case. The final most frequently asked question was whether or not Turkey would intervene in northern Iraq.
Of course, the answers depended on the person whom the questions were addressed to. However, there were reactions on two separate points.
The first one was military coup and the second was intervention into northern Iraq. We did not hear “they are right” from anyone regarding the two above issues. I have asked the issues of a military coup and intervention to finance experts. They told me that in either of the above cases, Turkey might be facing a major economic crisis. I have asked the same questions to large fund managers and central bank governors and everyone replied both possibilities would drive foreign investors away.
In all honesty, they drew a pretty scary picture.
They drew attention to the fact that it would destabilize Turkey and enter it into an economic chaos.
The answers they got were not clear. So they left saying they preferred waiting for the results of the July 22 elections.
“Sarkozy cannot separate Ankara with an iron curtain”
As one can imagine, the issue that was discussed the most during the conference, both within the meetings and in private, was the relationship between Turkey and the European Union (EU).
France's attitude, especially Sarkozy's stand, as if he would like to build an iron fence between Turkey and the EU, was much criticized.
People influential in Ankara commented that the most definitive development in the course of the 21st century would be Turkey's accession into the EU. “Let's see whether the EU will be defeated or open its doors to Turkey,” they said.
Sarkozy's approach was much debated. The only element that eased up the participants on this topic was Olli Rehn's words. During a dinner with some Turkish columnists the night before last, Rehn emphasized the significance that the EU Commission put on deliberations with Turkey so much that even I felt relieved.
A participant said: “Do not panic on this issue. 22 out of the 27 member states support you. Just carry on with the reforms and close your ears.” I could not help myself from answering him with: “It is easier said than done. It is hard for politicians to hear so much criticism and carry on with the reforms.”
The most striking warning came from an active, high-level politician. He gave the example of the referendum in Austria prior to it's joining the EU. He explained that the first referendum before full-membership yielded only one-third “yes” votes. Three years went by and the second referendum yielded two-thirds “yes.” He added: “Right now, let's leave aside whether Turkey should be accepted to full membership or not. Today, neither Turkey, nor Europe is ready. Let's not build an iron fence between us, as it would be harder to get over it in the future. Let's leave it to time. Let's only ensure the continuation of deliberations. Then we will open up the issue, depending on the situation six-seven years from now.”
A very correct analysis… However, in any case, in an environment when we are constantly told “we will not accept Turkey,” one cannot deny it is hard to continue on with the deliberations.
In the meanwhile, I have heard from Sarkozy's side that they will be drawing a new Turkey strategy. “The French president will be adopting a double-edged rhetoric to get himself out of the dead-end street he found himself in,” they said.
One should keep in mind that Sarkozy's harsh mannerism is driving Paris into a corner. And they are seeking a way out.
One needs to be patient. Unfortunately, it is one of the rarest qualities in our world. |
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