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Bilderberg '07 - analysis by scrutineers not in Istanbul
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:14 am    Post subject: CARL BILDT Reply with quote

This is really inteersting
Can you summarise in a few paragraphs. the gigantic plot from the French forum???

marektysis wrote:

The title is giving the music. So he does not reveal anything but accuses the others of what he is. A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL CAPITALIST ( the fifth international) and a member of a gigantic plot I demonstrated in French on ' Bonjour à tous'-on the french topic. The plot is no more to be contested now and mr Bildt is a member of it. .....................
We have to end with the heirs of the Cesars.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:34 pm    Post subject: Texas governor speaks at Bilderfascist Conference Reply with quote

Hi Marek,

I didn't mean to imply the Gov Perry was invited to BC because of his involvement in the push to inject every Texas woman with Merck drugs. I just mentioned it as evidence of his willingness to work on behalf of the Corporate fascists.

Personally, I think that "Governor Goodhair" (as he is known here in Texas) is being vetted for a possible spot as Republican VP in the upcoming US elections, and eventually as a President.

- side story: I actually shook hands with George W. Bush when he was first running for Governor of Texas. One of his campaign offices was in the same building I worked in at the time. They had an unpublicized impromptu "meet and greet" at his campaign office when word of his arrival got around the building. Of course, at that time we thought he would make a good governor and (regrettably) voted for him.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Alls,
From the core of all powerful multinationals company, a great number of people are interrelated sharing the same values. These values have nothing to see with national values or anything else of the same kind. These people became Internationalists, because where their money is, beat their hart. In one vision they may call themselves , citizen of the world, but they aren t. Their fight is more money and moire money is the same than more power. The one goes with the other. They are forming a class above the bourgeoisy.Where they are acting illegally is when they do not observe the law or international law. We have seen a lot of example of that: Total, the subsidiary of Halliburton in Iran etc..etc...
They then act against the law and don t be afraid of anything...because they are represented in CFR, Trilateral, Bilderberg, Center for reform of Europe, Friend of Europe, American french convention, etc... all these organisms and a lot more are containing trilateralists, bilderbergs and CFR. They are all mixed. Naturally, these organisms are often controlled by this elite class. They propose the agenda: Climate Change, shortage of fuel etc IN FUNCTION of their interests. As the media are bought to follow tyhe word of order, they make a lot of publicity in consequence without saying to anybody WHO asked them to do so.
So the international capitalim is ruling over the oceans...
When Moscow founded the III st International , it was all naturally controled since Sovietic Russia. The fourth International ( Trostkysts) was acting since Mexico.
Their message was materialist but not selfish.It was to create the paradise of the workers. ( common nism)

Now with have a fifht International, proning materialism but bringing the promess of sellfishness. This is presented with ' democratic' publicity as if the one was going with the other.

Now the mot d ordre is ' Capitalists of all nations, Unite" !

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:28 pm    Post subject: The Go-Between Reply with quote

Hi Danny, can you explain how and why you know so much about what goes on behind Bilderberg`s closed doors, as I`d like to know, even if nobody else here does? Cool
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:02 pm    Post subject: Still Waiting Reply with quote

My last post on this thread, I asked a very reasonable question of Daniel Estulin. This was Daniel Estulin`s first post on this forum under this name. More than 24 hours have passed since I posted my question. Maybe I/ we aren`t worthy of the truth? Cool
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear All,

Still awaiting an official list.The one published by a turkish daily is WITHOUT ' ROYALS'. So it is not a official one. Can someone publish an OFFICIAL LIST coming from Bilderberg ( even if we know that is not complete) to begin WORKING ?

PS : we know the royals are king Sofia ( and her man never quoted in official list) , prince Philip of belgium and Bea from Holland. ( she is a flying dutch)

Marek Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Even Marek fails to recognise a reasonable question..."still awaiting the official list"..."can someone publish an official list coming from Bilderberg". Confused

What on Earth is going on? Shocked

Marek, ask Daniel Estulin, he seems to have very high level Bilderberg access. Cool
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Cj,
In the American right, indeed , since the famous affair of the Wilson's wife, american journalists are going in jail for not revealing their sources.
The European rigt is yet permitting to mr Daniel Estulin not to reveal his sources. You have to admit his right about this. More, to respect his right about it.
I personnally know that mr Estulin had a lot of contact of former East secret services. Perhaps did he got his infos from there.? i am not revealing anything about it because i am not knowing.

So, personnally i claim to get the official list you as well may claim phoing to the Bilderberg secretariate, to miss Maya. If you have a fax. I don t.What i mean is that if you expect to know more is that you have to show the example and procure what mau plundge mr Estulin in confusion.

I hope, Cj i am clear about all these the example now !

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I`ve already pointed out that no one is stopping Estulin from reeling off his Bilderger info. So why haven`t the verious intelligent agencies stepped up Bilderberg security?? Why do two people manage to get all the inside info, year after year?? Why haven`t these sources been stopped? Because this source must be quite high up in Bilderberg. Because most attendees only go one or two years. I can understand someone like Estulin getting lucky one year, maybe two years, bet anymore and he`d need several sources.

I`m sorry Marek, but we are being fed bullpoo by the NWO. These questions need to be asked. Its no good being happy with a few thousand people believing they`ve got one over the NWO. Its like we`re being fed scraps just to keep us quiet...Tucker and Estulin are the feeders. I`ve nothing against them...I don`t know them. If Estulin has sources in Eastern Europe, it doesn`t make it any better. They are just as likely to be working for the NWO. Cool
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Cj,
As a french, am i cartesian. If we want to demonstrate the list of Estulin we have to get an official list. I found the Carlton Ritz in working, not doing nothing.

The best way to get the official list is to phone to :
Maja Banck-Polderman, Bilderberg Meetings, Amstel 216, 1017 AJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
(ask the information line about the phone number i have somewhere)

For the US: Charles W Muller, American Friends of Bilderberg, Inc, 477 Madison Ave, 6th floor, New York NY 10022.

I personnally have written that the socle of the uncomplete list from estulin was lacking to quote king of queens (or Prince) and that secondly, i was astonished about the presence of Vernon Jordan that normally come on electoral Us years. Astonished too by the presence of Collomb of Lafarge Coppee since this one is now a retiree from this company and that that was long said before he became retiree.

Your sense of critic is good. I am the last to impose anything about the NWO but i personnally know that it is an ideologic movement on basis of International Capitalism. You have the believers that are connected through that with Atlantism ( economics, peace and war inter related).For my part it happens that i made mistakes and that i recognized them without delay permitting you to mock me lighthly. Should you give the same energy against these powerful people that i should appreciate you a lot more.


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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can provide a fax number to someone.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

' The one who expect others to do the effort he is able to do is not only a lazy man, he is already slave'. (Gogol)

Thanks Maximus, we will see if there is a living being here.
PLease write directly to maximus, he has more order than me.

Marek Smile
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Cj,
Now i learn through texts posted by Maximus that Jim Tucker has found himself the Carlton Ritz...Yes you are right not to believe what is said by them. I do believe that Jim never asserted this, but his boss....certainly did.



If they are right we will reckognize it. If wrong that will be denounced.
PS : so stupid: they could have said that turkish searchers found i declared it.No they were wrong and want to be right. HUman,too human?
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Behalf the respect of evrybody, i can t do nothing with the list nr 2 which is a mix of Estulin list and turkish members i already have received.I NEED AN OFFICIAL LIST.

Who is able to furnish me one?

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Yes, indeed bilderberg 2007 was a famous year, for reasons you yet don t imagine.
1.First let us take again the list of Estulin he received from an inside source. ( Danny forget me, i have to say all truth).
on 69 names named-42 are true and 27 are false
let s quote the false: Balls-Barroso-Bernabe-Beytout-De Montbrial-Gr.., not well read-Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (* perhaps true)-Hubbard-Joffe-Kaletsky-Kory-Kouchner ( * half false, represented by her wife, ockrent)-Kronenburg-Mc Kenna-Olechowsky-Padoa Schioppa-Ross-Schilly-Seidenfader-tremonti-Vinocur-Wolf-Zoellick-Zumwinkel.

We all know that Jaap de Hoop scheffer disappearded on may 31 with a delegation from the US parliament and senate including Pelosi.See the role of Pelosi and you may conclude they could have been secrete hosts of Bilderberg. Apart Perry we have no candidate US for the white house and Vernon Jordan is there.How do you call that? anormal, yes you re right.The choosen candidate is a secrete invitee.

OR ILLNESS. Jessica Matthews seems to be his successor.To be discussed and checked.David has a lot of respect for Davignon too.

Here are the news. Not a lot, but just a begin ...

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