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Top Secret - Bilderberg 2008 - original dates/venue search
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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 11:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To correct my last phrase: ' I could consider a future report, containing date,venue,participant list and agenda of this year's meeting, faked, for many reasons' !!!!!

So we have to be very carefull !!!!!
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2008 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Krijec,

The normal list is always faked by omitting interesting personnages which have been in and that they don t want to appear on the list.Example: King Juan Carlos.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 5:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

IMFC( Bilderberger) Chairman Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Tenders Resignation from IMF Panel
Press Release No. 08/105
May 9, 2008
International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) Chairman Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa has tendered his resignation from the chairmanship of the International Monetary Fund's policy advisory committee. With Mr. Padoa-Schioppa's resignation from the panel chairmanship, which was effective May 8, 2008, the IMFC will begin the process of selecting a new chairman.

IMF Managing Director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, made the following statement:

"I pay tribute to Mr. Padoa-Schioppa's invaluable service to the IMF and its membership. His immense experience in national, European and international policy-making, and his deep commitment to the goals of international monetary cooperation have been a great benefit and inspiration to all of us. Though his tenure as Chairman may have been brief, he played an invaluable role in working with me and the membership on critical reforms, and we were able to secure support for significant changes in IMF quotas and voice and on a new income model for the Fund. His strong intellect and quiet diplomacy were instrumental in bringing these reforms forward, and his chairmanship will be remembered as marking the beginning of a new era in which a stronger IMF will be better positioned to promote global financial stability and serve its universal membership."

Mr. Padoa-Schioppa has been Italy's Economy and Finance Minister since May 2006. He served as a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank from 1998 to 2005. Prior to that, Mr. Padoa-Schioppa was chairman of Italy's financial market authority (Consob), and held senior positions in the Bank of Italy and the European Commission. He has served in a leadership capacity on various European and international economic and monetary committees. He was named in October 2007 to a term of up to three years as Chairman of the IMFC (see Press Release No. 07/221).

The IMFC, which is comprised of finance ministers and central bank governors, has operated since September 30, 1999 following a resolution of the IMF Board of Governors that transformed the Interim Committee of the Board of Governors on the International Monetary System (usually known simply as the Interim Committee), which had been established in 1974, into the IMFC. The change signified a strengthening of the role of the primary advisory committee of the Board of Governors. As the Interim Committee did, the IMFC usually meets twice a year before the Bank-Fund Annual Meetings in the autumn, and at what are referred to as the Spring Meetings.

The Board of Governors resolution on the IMFC stipulates that its Chair is selected by the Committee to serve for such period as the Committee determines. In line with the practice so far for the selection of the 15 chairmen of the IMFC and its predecessor, the Interim Committee, the process of selecting the Chair involves consultations among IMFC members at the level of IMF Executive Directors and in capitals until a consensus on a new IMFC Chair is reached.


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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jessica Mathews hosted an event discussing US-China energy at the Carnegie Endowment (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA) on May 8

Graham Allison will host a roundtable on nuclear terrorism at the Harvard Club of Boston on Tuesday May 12.

Vernon Jordan will deliver a convocation address at the University of Texas at Austin (one of my alma maters) on May 17.

Kissinger, IMF's Strauss-Kahn, Dauvignon cohort Gerard Mestrallet, Paul Volcker, Bilderberger interviewer Charlier Rose, and others will make appearances between Monday June 9 and 12 in Montreal at Rockefeller's International Economic Forum of the Americas.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Correction - the Carnegie Endowment is in Washington DC. Carnegie Mellon is in Pittsburgh.
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Marek Tysis did tell me that he thought it might be this weekend and the weekend before but I didn't circulate the information as there was no hard evidence - other than the hotel being booked for both weekends (1-4 May too).
This 2008 Bilderberg conference, the first we have ever missed since 1990's, is now being discussed here.

Bilderberg 2008 met. Vouliagmeni, Greece, 8-11 May 2008
Bilderberg have met this past weekend!
A rough translation of this Greek page follows

Στην Aθήνα συνεδριάζει η Λέσχη Bilderberg των ισχυρών της γης!

Bilderberg Club meets at the place of the powerful in Athens

In Greece (in a Vouliagmeni hotel), is currently happening, according to information, the world Congress of secret Club "Bilderberg", which is brought proapofasj'zej for the chances of world, but also this is where Prime Ministers are nominated. It should be stressed, that according to the infamy that circulates round the club Bilderberg, they play for some reason, the role of an 'informal world government'.
Some say indeed, that anything important that has happened in the planet the last 51 years, has first been discussed and organised in her meetings.
The Club, meets for four days each year in different cities, countries and 120 politicians, businessmen, journalists only from the 30 until 35 selected NATO countries participate.
Participants are prohibited to speak to the press or to anyone else and anything they learn there they are not allowed to mention where they heard it. Further, they even go as far as to deny that they were there.
It is prohibited for them to tell their home Parliaments of their countries, if they are politicians, too.
Big Greek interests are there in the list of persons that participates in the meetings of the club in question. According to information, in the meetings of club "Bilderberg" from 1988 up to 2007 have participated Kostas Karamanli's, Giorgos Alogoskoy'fis, the Nto'ra Mpakogja'nni, the Ste'fanos Ma'nos, Giorgos Papandre'oy, Theodoros Pa'gkalos and Anna Djamantopoy'loy.
The only Greek journalist that has taken part in the meetings of club, is Alexis Papahela's. In the meetings at the same time, they appear to participate the General Director of Coca - Cola, Giorgos Dayj'd and the professor of university Athens Loukas Tsoykala's and two shipowners.

Babel Fish Translation
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