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The Power of London (Queen, Prince, City etc.) - Must read!

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:43 pm    Post subject: The Power of London (Queen, Prince, City etc.) - Must read! Reply with quote

You can download the book “Hidden Secrets of the Alpha Course” here:

J. D. Christian further comments on his book,
`Hidden Secrets of the Alpha Course’

As you will be already be aware, demonic global events are now moving at frantic pace and it is hard for genuine Christians to keep up with radical changes and loss of freedoms that are being implemented at present.
In my recent book, Hidden Secrets of the Alpha Course, first published in April 2005, I explained how the British Queen, (a modern Protestant “Queen Jezebel,” who is to be succeeded by her Philosopher Prince son) through the City (City of London Corporation) and her despotic vassals, knights, lords, barons, sheriffs, banking pirates, “King’s Jews,” and “merchants of the earth” arrogantly control World Freemasonry, the Vatican, the invalid Pope, EU, UN, Alpha International Space Station laser weapon system, global maritime trade and navy, global secret intelligence services, United States Government and financial system, global media, finance and business — and are presently privatizing and taking over the world (prophesied in Revelation 18 ) — and through the Alpha Course & Purpose-Driven Course, are destroying the Christian Church. Well, enclosed are a few recent news-clips that you may have missed.
From the enclosed clips you will observe former US president/Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton and former US vice-president are travelling around the world at present giving British [propaganda] speeches on “Global Initiatives” and “Global Warming”. Both are high-level secret vassals of the Queen. Al Gore, for example, in a recent November 2006 visit to Auckland University’s business school, New Zealand, while presenting his climate change slide show “An Inconvenient Truth” to a selected audience, he revealed that he was chairman of a firm called Generation Investment Management, a fund set up finance his global “climate change, global warming, environmental, sustainability initiatives. His firm has about $US 500 million under management and founded by himself and David Blood in 2004. Who is David Blood ? He is none other than former executive of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, a subsidiary of British-controlled Goldman Sachs International whose current chairman, Peter Sutherland, just happens also to be the current chairman of BP, the former founding director-general of the World Trade Organisation and former director general of GATT.
Goldman Sachs Bank of New York is one of the eight giant British shareholding banks that privately owns the US Federal Reserve. Gore has also worked closely with other key City of London despots, such as sir Nicholas Stern, who recently released the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change with Fabian British Chancellor Gordon Brown and British PM Tony Blair. Recently, the British-controlled bank Morgan Stanley unveiled a 1.6 million Pound investment in carbon trading with the World Bank where Sir Nicholas previously worked as chief economist.
The close links between Al Gore’s “Global Warming” propaganda, Goldman Sachs, false prophets in the church, and the universal destruction of Christianity through the Gnostic Alpha course and Purpose-Driven course global mind-control programmes can be directly traced back to the City of London banking fraternity and the Queen.

Recently, Alpha News-UK Edition November 2006 — April 2007, p.2, advised that, Rick Warren, founder of the Purpose Driven network and one of the most influential pastors in America is partnering Alpha and the Billy Graham organisation in the My Hope India project through which millions are expected to become Christians next spring.
In this same newspaper, p.24-25, they ran a two-page feature article entitled, “The banker who had it all — Oliver Sachs was one of the most high-flying graduates of his generation in France — and a convinced atheist. By the age of 40, he was a successful banker living in London with all that life could offer. Then God moved in.”at Alpha at Holy Trinity Brompton — or did the “Queen’s bankers move in?” With Jewish Oliver Sachs, from Goldman Sachs now at Alpha and Jewish Ken Costa, (former chairman of UBS -Warburg and now current chairman of Investment Banking at UBS, the biggest bank in Europe — the Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam is also one of the eight British-controlled banks that privately own the shares in the U.S. Federal Reserve ), chairman of Alpha Partners funding of Alpha International’s worldwide expansion of the Alpha course, operating in conjunction with the Vatican, Rick Warren and Sir Billy Graham, Al Gore, David Blood and Jewish Sir Nicholas Stern — to mention only a few — the Queen is having a proverbial ‘field day’ in taking over America and the world.
What is particularly insulting, is that numerous Christians still hold to ridiculous, long-held view that it is the Vatican or the United States that controls the world. Really, the facts do not support this view any longer.
Recently the City of London magazine The Business p.11, arrogantly proclaimed that a consortium of seven massive British-controlled banks, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and UBS, which between them officially account for over half the volume of share trading in Europe own European share trading platform to compete with the Euronext, New York and London stock exchanges - as they take over the world through their frantic mergers & Acquisitions (M & A) program.
But where does “slick Willie” and “I did not have sexual relations with that women” Miss Lewinsky fit in?
Bill & Hillary Clinton, Alpha, and the Destruction of Christianity and “Americka”
The high honour of Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports in Britain goes back many hundreds of years and symbolizes the British sovereign’s control of global naval force (hence “rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves” etc.). Today it is still one of the highest honours the Queen can bestow on anyone. Up until her death the Queen Mother held the position. In February 2004, while the majority of the American public were sound asleep and under God’s judgment having forgotten that their Declaration of Independence is all about the “TYRANNY” of the British king - at a special ceremony Queen Elizabeth II appointed former US President Bill Clinton to the position.
This is why, like Al Gore, Bill Clinton is flying around the world at present giving all sorts of propaganda speeches to selected business leaders secretly on behalf of the Queen and City on various NWO global initiatives such as dealing with “global warming,” the elimination of crime, poverty etc., and of course, we mustn’t forget, the hunt for Osama bin Laden, 9/11 and the “war against terror.”
The Daily Mail on November 6,2006, reported, “Former U.S. President Bill Clinton is to tour three Indian cities, giving speeches with Cherie Blair. One of the organisers says: `It will be the biggest event of its kind India has ever seen.’ “ This initiative is to coincide with Holy Trinity London’s Alpha course mass mind-control “My Hope India” initiative in which more than a million pastors (yes, that’s right - a million) are presently being trained to run Alpha courses there next spring. This initiative is expected to reach tens of millions of people across India and is being run jointly with the Billy Graham organisation and Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life Ministry. More than 15 television networks across the country are set to broadcast an address by Sir Billy Graham at Christmas 2006. Teams from churches all over the UK, Europe and the Far East are travelling to India in the run-up to Christmas to help train key leaders who will themselves train others. It is hoped that more than 70,000 Christian pastors will be trained at 50 conferences, which will be translated into 11 different languages, including Gujarati, Hindi and Tamil. They will then each go on to hold Alpha training days in January 2007 for 1.2 million lay leaders, enabling the Alpha course to start in more than a million locations at the end of February 2007. British church teams will lead the training events and Pastor Rick Warren has recently visited India and expressed his astonishment at the scale of the project.

Also, as part of the Queen’s HOLY TRINITY BROMPTON GNOSTIC ALPHA COURSE PROGRAM in forming a One World Luciferian Church and Religion, out of the old Protestant and Catholic churches, and Eastern religions, the Roman Catholic Church is now also a prime target. In April 2006 about 350 delegates from ten different countries and major denominations attended the first ever Latin American Alpha conference in Peru. Alpha courses have been running in Peru for several years but this was the first official two day conference on the continent. The World Bank, IMF, and Anglo-American banks have controlled the Roman Catholic Latin American countries for years. But now the British oligarchs are after their spiritual hearts. Officially, over 40 per cent of the entire global congregation of the Roman Catholic Church is now held in the Latin South American countries.

If Bill’s wife, Senator Hillary Clinton, were to run for and win the presidential candidacy of the Democratic Party in 2008, and subsequently, she were to become President of the United States - then the British Fabian Society plot in the 12-hour mini-series propaganda movie AMERIKA, broadcast right across the United States in 1987, would be implemented.
Two of the leading stars in the movie were Kris Kristofferson and New Zealander, Sam Neill, both Rhodes scholars. Here is what the introductory advertising for the movie said:
“The unthinkable has happened.
Democracy is dead.
The Bill of Rights is a powerless piece of paper.’
From sea to shining sea,an occupying force controls the United States.
Can the nation somehow reassert itself?
Or is it doomed for the dustbin of history.”
The stage for this momentous event is being prepared NOW!
The plot in Amerika is going to be enacted to the letter. SOON.

Before long, America will be ruled under martial law by UN troops, headed by a Russian general (Sam Neill) as the Capitol is ransacked, burned and the country is abolished, then “regionalised” under the British Fabian Society global plan called “Devolution” - as the Protestant “Jezebel” Queen, or more appropriately, her successor, her Philosopher Prince son, (in the movie played by Kris Kristofferson) HRH Prince of
Wales becomes their saviour and peacemaker, while he gains the whole world.

More recently, the plot in the Fabian propaganda movie, V for Vendetta, is saying much the same thing.

If Hillary ever were to become President, the Queen would literally have a “husband and wife team” running the United States. Although, now, in a sense she does already with President George Bush Jnr. because his father George Bush Snr is knighted.

Because of their apostasy, like may other countries as well, it is plain that America particularly, is dangerously close to a horrific era of severe judgment.


(on behalf of the British Sovereign).
From John Christian
New Zealand, October 27, 2006.

“I am still continually amazed at how ignorant the majority of most leading Christian writers are about the power of the City and Queen - while they in most cases still hold to the old erroneous view that it is either the United States of America or the Vatican that really controls the world.
I have extensively written about the City of London and ‘Kings’ Jews’ in my two previous books

Gladiator and Hidden Secrets of the Alpha Course, and there are a few others, mainly secular writers, who have also written about the subject as well. Gradually thinking people are starting to wake up, set aside their long-held prejudices and look at the simple facts.
God always gives plenty of warning, and He never speaks only through one person like myself or anybody else. Always He speaks through two of more people and if the message is really important, usually a great multitude of witnesses.
Before he brought judgement on Jerusalem with the sacking of the city and temple by the king of Babylon, through his prophets and other clear signs He gave the Jews plenty of warning. The same thing happened again during and after the time of Christ. Now the same thing is happening again, but this time it is on a global scale.
Often it is hard to believe a new view, no matter how much factual evidence is offered. This has been the case surrounding my writings about the CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION. However, things are changing fast. Recently, Wendy Howard in Australia kindly sent me a DVD of Prince Edward’s Crown and Country documentaries broadcast globally on Sky TV’s History Channel, including a one half hour part about the power of the City of London Corporation and another about the power of the Cinque Ports and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports etc. which I have previously written about in detail. If there was any doubt after reading my books, now there should not be – for the information is now coming directly right out of the horse’s mouth and a member of the Royal Family themselves!
And now, so that there is no longer any excuse for anyone to remain totally ignorant, the City of London has arrogantly launched its first truly global magazine on 14 October, 2006, called The Business – in which they reveal how they are taking over the world – from their own mouths! Attached are a few pages from the first edition.”

From the editorial of The Business, October 2006, page 10: “Over the past decade, London has undergone a remarkable transformation which its citizens, as well as the rest of Great Britain, have yet fully to digest.
The London of the 21st century is no longer just the capital of Britain but a global-city state with a breathtaking array of international businesses, a metropolitan culture and political concerns increasingly divergent from those of the rest of the country.
Today’s London has more in common with other global cities such as New York than with Birmingham, Edinburgh or Cardiff, let alone rural Britain, and its economy follows the global growth cycle, rather than the British one.
London has already emerged as the uncontested financial capital of Europe, the capital of global capital and an international financial centre on a par with New York….”
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