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Fighting the crooked Masons for our FR33DOM
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Joined: 08 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:15 pm    Post subject: Re: Fighting the crooked Masons for our FR33DOM Reply with quote

Second Family (UK),

You talk in generalities without facts, without specific instances, without proof. And even if a specific case of masonic misdeeds could be dug up, that does not necessarily extrapolate to characterize the whole organization. Saying something is true does not make it so.

You are so filled with hatred -- while claiming not to be -- that you can't make a cohesive argument. And above all else, you appear to know nothing about Masonry.

One might as well search-and-replace in your text all references to masons with Catholics, or Christians, or Africans, or Chess Players and it would make about as much sense and be equally untrue. Come to think of it, maybe that's what you did. Maybe the original passage was about Nazi's, and masons just happen to be a mysterious enough group to become your enemy-dujour meriting a search-and-replace smear treatment.

The only allowances that can be granted to your missive is that you reference UK masonry and my familiarity is with the US masonry. There have been times in history and in certain countries where masons did have significant influence in realms outside of the masonic temple, when maybe masonic ties could be determined. Still, to my knowledge and experience as a mason, I can find little fact or reason in what you write as it relates to masonry today.

Masonry is not a secret society. Quite the contrary, it is a public organization that has some secrets (in the form of ceremonies, signs, and passwords). The masonic temple is not hidden. You can easily observe who comes and goes. The identity of lodge officers is often of public record, if not the general membership as well.

What secrets do Masons have? In reality today (with google and whatnot) very little. Most of what is meant to be secret is printed in the public domain, whether or not the uninitiated recognize it as pertaining to masonry. And the most sacred masonic symbols are liberally reproduced on letterhead, in concrete on the masonic temple, in jewelry, on bumperstickers, t-shirts, and caps.

I suspect that your application into masonry was blackballed by a lodge, quite possibly for the negative character traits exhibited in your post. Rather than improving yourself to overcome those deficiencies, you instead expend your energy in slandering the institution that slighted you by denying you membership. Such a supposition would certainly explain both your lack of knowledge of what goes on in lodge as well as your hatred.

Get over it. And get your facts straight.
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joe stirling
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:33 am    Post subject: Maxbridges, Masonic Drone Reply with quote

Dear Max ? (how come you all hide your true ID ? Here is one of your pretend brothers emails (below)and our reply. This offer applies to you as well, bye....

Here is our reply to Mike and Max? (email below and same to FM drone above)
Dear Mike,

When you were born you knew nothing, you either accept or reject truth and common sense.
Please do not offend us Masonic victims with your judgment of "perceived enemies" ????Like most defenders of criminal organisations, you did not read the two sides of the story, only the Masonic side.

We as a group have concrete evidence. Would you like to have a debate in front of a live audience? Freemasonry is an extreme evil and infects everything it contacts.

Joe Stirling on behalf of

START HERE....On 8 Aug 2007, at 22:21, Ernest Andrews wrote:

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ernest (Mike) Andrews
mike5993@comcast dot net

To Whom It may Concern:

In re "Freemasonry is a Criminal Organization" it has been my pleasure over the years to write a number of letters and "white papers" to individuals who vilify the name of Masonry without fully explaining the venerable history of its wondrous craft, which dates far, far back into the dark yaw of archaic Time.

This will be brief, as the afternoon is sweltering and there is no air conditioning where I live; but suffice it to say that so-called "Freemasonry" is today in the West under the almost exclusive control of organized Jewry.

The myriad subterfuges which Jewish groups such as yours engage in merely perpetuate the controversy of civilization vs Freemasonry. . . and therein lies great profit potential through hype and the playing upon public interest.

Masonic craft is coeval to the incipiency of spiritual Man on planet Earth. From the dawn of time it has ever been among the human races which have appeared in this, the current field of evolution, and will always remain. Indeed, the Masonic teachings are coeval to Oulom. . . the Universal Great Cycle, and far transcend the human element.

The Ancients, whom I love and revere, taught that there were seven great Cycles of time, during which Man-the-spirit saw his beginnings in the Earth as an incorporeal, divine Being endued with the three potencies of godhead: Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence, who progressed from a state of abject mindlessness to that of a fully illuminated god-man with wondrous intellectual potential. The legend of Jason and the Argonauts is an allegorical account of Man-the-spirit winning the golden fleece (of mind) and returning home to the starry heavens from wince he came. . . his grand prize intact.

Indeed, the universe is a man-God factory, in which infinite spiritual Logoi projected from the Central Spiritual Sun are "crystalized" in planetary spheres serving as home to races of Men!

After many eons of time the age of the "Kings of Edom," which is a metaphor for man's incipiency as a mindless god slated to 'fall' into the material sphere and conquer the world of form, ended with corporialization (if I may coin the term) of spiritual Nature; it's entombment, in other words, as the fall into dense material bodies was accomplished. Later came that quantum leap known as the separation of the Sexes, when Man became distinctly human.

From that point on a portion of collective humanity have perpetuated the memory of our spiritual heritage, which became consolidated into a written, scriptural form. These records are the true apocrypha of Biblical reference and are not available to the profane masses. . . those of us who have fallen far beyond the intended level of materiality which had originally been proscribed by the Elohim.

At the same time, a small portion of the original number of (us) spiritual beings –– "Sparks" from the great Flame whose existence in the Earth sphere was coeval to the very beginnings of sentient life, have never fallen to the same abject state of materiality as the bulk of mankind, and today remain free as the watching Teachers of humanity.

It is from these great Ones and certain other higher-ups that all genuine scriptural accounts of the Wisdom Religion of the Ancients have appeared in the world, to serve as the collective summary of human potential and to grace us all under certain nobel prerogatives to which men can attain through dedication to duty and the assertion of the divine Will.

The world is filled in its myriad secret places with scriptures that these great ones have proffered throughout ages past. Masonic sodalities the world over had served as repositories for these sacred teachings until only a few thousands of years ago; but sadly, they have now been removed from the prying eyes of the vile and wicked men who are part and parcel to this, the dark age of Kali.

Yet even until very recent times –– the year 1798, specifically, Masonry had remained with us in exoteric form as a means to the esoteric, spiritual Path to betterment of all who knocked on her Lodge doors and were willing to meet the basic requirements for entry. These were 1) that all vestiges of the personal god as all trappings of material station in life be left outside with the "Brother Terrible" and 2) that all who entered the sacred precincts of the inner Lodge understand that they were to regard one another as perfectly equal, with no distinctions of separateness as to class or station.

Can the present-day lodges of Freemasonry truthfully say that these nobel prerogatives of old are still being met?

After the death in 1798 of Elias Ashmole, last Grand Wizard of the old Order –– crafty, ambitious men, seeing their chance, seized the exoteric form of masonry. . . its outer, empty husk, in other words, and renamed the new craft "Freemasonry."

In the beginning Freemasonry was largely under Christian control, but gradually fell into the hands of wealthy Jews, ensconced in a world of power and material prestige the like of which is scarcely fathomable to most gentiles.

This latter is the so-called Freemasonry which you and others like you rail against. Your casting of stones against Freemasonry, however, would not be so unjust if you also gave the factual information attendant to original and true Masonry, which neither will nor can die as it is the very Doctrine of Truth itself; yet this you conspicuously omit, whether out of ignorance or otherwise –– a sacrilege, in my opinion, against one of the oldest pathways to freedom in human history!

In the final analysis it matters little what fools and tyrants write of Masonry. Its sacrosanct teachings are now taken mercifully from the reach of all such as would stoop to destroy even their own lives in order to have revenge against perceived enemies.

An adage poignant to this is, "cutting off one's own nose to spite his face."


Ernest Andrews, Jr.
We are all victims of Freemasonry, only........ YOU haven't figured it out yet. Second Family UK do not hate Masons or anybody, only ignorance and evil. Why do all Masons hide ? Give us a public register and SF will show you why they all hide.
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Joined: 08 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:25 pm    Post subject: Re: Maxbridges, Masonic Brother Reply with quote

Dear Mr. Stirling,

Just because you are adept at cutting and pasting in an electronic forum doesn't mean that what you've posted is relevant or even worth reading & responding in detail to. If it isn't a blatant error, then it is you ranting about your religious beliefs through a serious misunderstanding and miscomprehension of what tiny fraction of the Masonic spiritual truths you might know. Mostly, it is utter speculation on your part with no basis in reality or fact.

It was news to me that my Masonic lodges were controlled by Jews. I didn't even know they had any Jews or who they would be, such is the extent of my ignorance of my brother's religious worship. We practice tolerance of other's beliefs and know that a common spiritual bond between us is a belief in a higher power, or God. Nearly all of the brothers with whom I associate outside of lodge to the point of knowing their religious affiliation are Christian, and that running the whole spectrum from Christian Science to Protestan to Baptist to Lutheran to Unity. (I also know a brother or two who are Muslim and were initiated on a Koran.)

To the extent that all Christian denominations have as their foundation the Old Testament and its Ten Commandments can one talk about, and be even marginally correct, in a statement of Jewish influence.

However, the way you use it, it is clear that you are anti-seminic. Gotta have someone to hate, right? If it isn't the Masons or the Jews, I bet you hate blacks, and Indians, and Mexicans, and Slavs,... and women, ... in short, anyone who is different than you and can't be browbeaten into submission with your articulate (but unfounded) drivel.

As to your statement:

joe stirling wrote:
Dear Max ? (how come you all hide your true ID ? Here is one of your pretend brothers emails (below)and our reply. This offer applies to you as well, bye....

Hide my true identity?

As it relates to Masonry, Masonic Lodges are listed in the telephone book. Their street addresses are of public record. You could google them. Many even have websites. Their edifices are clearly marked. Where's the hiding there?

You could park yourself outside of any Masonic lodge and freely observe all who enter and exit. Paranoid that you are, you could write down license plate numbers and research our membership. No hiding there.

Of course, it would be easier simply to approach one and ask.

You could enter the lobby of just about any Masonic temple and see posted the meeting times of all Masonic bodies as well as their top officers. Where's the hiding there?

You've obviously never even taken the most basic footsteps in this direction, so confident are you in your divergent and alternate reality.

If you were so bold, you could probably collect any number of Masonic publications, such as a monthly tressel board, which again lists officers and their contact information. Where's the hiding there?

As for this forum and the fact it is on the internet, that is an entirely different question regarding whether or not it is prudent to use email aliases and/or junk email accounts to avoid spam and junk mail.

Alas, this again shows yet another area where you are ignorant.

I suggest you do more homework before you go spouting off in a public forum. You're in the UK, right? Don't they have very strick laws about libel and slander, such as that practiced by you?
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joe stirling
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:35 pm    Post subject: FR33DOM Reply with quote

Dear Masonic Max, Josh, Peggie or whatever. (UK Masonic names)

We have a dozen Second Family members with their physical addresses in the public domain. I asked you to identify yourself or to take part in front of a live audience, but you refused and started rabbitting on about other dribble. The fact is that you are trying to defend a criminal organisation, and as long as you are a member you are destroying society.

Please re-read the email (most Masons don't or won't). We did ask you to be sensible and focused. You appear to be by the seaside with an empty bottle. Go away and iron your apron. Another Masonic tactic is to waste your targets time and you sure take the biscuit on that one.

Incidentally, I'm not religious, political or into capitalism. I live in a logical world and when something happens to me thats not right (Freemasonry) then I want to know why. You can't deny that we were right about a Mason being a fool and a tool to be used. Freemasonry is an extreme evil. You actually believe that us victims should just lie down and take it. Just you wait till the 90% of the world wakens up. You will become a Masonic Scab and deservedly so. A beautiful sense of role reversal. I know we said hatred doesn't work but try telling the Masons that.

Have a not so nice day (accomplice in Masonic crime). Now, I am going to swear loudly at you.... TRANSPARENCY

MasonMax, reveal yourself or get back behind the curtains.


Joe Stirling

We are all victims of Freemasonry, only........ YOU haven't figured it out yet. Second Family UK do not hate Masons or anybody, only ignorance and evil. Why do all Masons hide ? Give us a public register and SF will show you why they all hide.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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Location: near St. Gall in Switzerland

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:41 am    Post subject: FREEMASONRY -- TWO ORGANIZATIONS, Reply with quote

Hi to everybody,
actually I am a Christian of not so specific brand and would like to share the following article with you. The best is you go at this weblink and read it there:


Good Resources on Freemasonry

Subtitle: This is a short article we hope every Mason will read before he begins to read any of our other articles. There is a Masonic organization out there most of you know nothing of, even if you are a 33rd Degree Mason.

We have constantly received emails from Freemasons who are absolutely anguished over our articles depicting Masonry as being Satanic. They honestly proclaim to us that this is NOT the situation in their Lodge; further, they say, they are 32nd or 33rd Degree, and would certainly know what Freemasonry is and what it is not; and, they boldly proclaim: Masonry is NOT Satanic.

We are both right: You are right when you claim that Freemasonry is certainly not Satanic as you have practiced it in your Lodge. And we are right when we say that Freemasonry is Satanic to the core, and is striving mightily to produce the New Age Christ [Antichrist].

How, you ask, can we both be right? Simply put, Freemasonry is an organization within an organization. One organization is deliberately lied to and mislead with false interpretations, while the inner organization knows the spiritual Truth of Freemasonry, and embraces it with heart, soul, and mind.


Let us hear Masonic author Manly P. Hall describe this two-dimensional organization of Freemasonry. Masonry is comprised of two distinctly different organizations, one visible and one invisible. Hall describes this two-level organization: [Hall was honored by The Scottish Rite Journal, who called him 'The Illustrious Manly P. Hall' in Sept, 1990, and further called him 'Masonry's Greatest Philosopher', saying "The world is a far better place because of Manly Palmer Hall, and we are better persons for having known him and his work"]. This is what Manly P. Hall said:

" Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity -- an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect ... it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate and yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of 'free and accepted' men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most August [defined as 'of majestic dignity, grandeur'] fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcannum arcandrum [defined as 'a secret, a mystery']." [Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, p. 433]

Many well-meaning men are members of this visible society with no knowledge whatsoever of the inner invisible society. In fact, Albert Pike had some things to say about the brethren in the visible society: "Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be mislead; to conceal the Truth, which it calls light, and draw them away from it." [Morals and Dogma, p. 104-5, 3rd Degree]

Did you hear these key words from Pike? Masonry is a religion after all, after the order of the Satanic Mysteries, the equally Satanic Hermetic Philosophy, and Alchemy! Masonry conceals its secrets from the brethren in the outer visible society, no matter their rank; only the Elect in the inner invisible society ever know the truth. The poor brethren in the visible society are spoon-fed "false explanations and misinterpretations" of its symbols" -- for what reason? -- those poor guys in the visible society "deserve only to be mislead".

If a man were known to revere Jesus Christ in the beginning of his membership within Masonry, he would be immediately shunted into the visible society, and would never, ever learn the truth. You would never be considered an Adept, or a Sage, or one of the Elect, for those terms are reserved for the members of the invisible society. You would be one of those who were deliberately lied to about the doctrines of Masonry, and given deliberate misinterpretations of its symbols, so that you would merely THINK you knew the Truth.

Pike then completes his instructions to intentionally mislead those members of the visible society, by saying: "So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray." [Ibid., p. 105]

Members of the visible society are referred to as the 'masses', and you do comprise 95% of all Masons. Listen to what Pike says about telling the truth of the organization to the 'masses': "A Spirit", he said, "that loves wisdom and contemplates the Truth close at hand, is forced to disguise it, to induce the multitudes [that is you] to accept it ... Fictions are necessary to the people, and the Truth becomes deadly to those who are not strong enough to contemplate it in all its brilliance." [Morals and Dogma, p. 103, 3rd Degree; Emphasis added]

If a person is not capable of accepting the Truth that inner-core, invisible Freemasonry really worships and serves Satan, then such Truth would become "deadly" to you. Therefore, "fictions are necessary" so visible Masons would not be so devastated that they would leave Freemasonry and expose its inner secrets.

A very recent book also speaks of these two organizations. David Ovason, a noted astrologer, has written a book publised in 1999, entitled, The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital: The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C. This book is not an anti-Mason book; in fact, a glowing forward to this book is written by none other than C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33 Degree, Sovereign Grand Commander, The Supreme Council, 33 Degree (Mother Council of the World), Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Washington, D.C. In other words, the conclusions of this book are highly thought of by one of the most important current Masons in the world today! Listen to what this book says about the two organizations of Freemasonry,

After speaking of the "cosmic astral journey in Masonic terms", Ovason speaks of the meaning of the more common symbols of Masonry. "... Bromwell injected a profound level of esotericism into the bland-seeming symbols used within the Lodges. These proliferate on the so-called tracing boards and carpets ... used by Master Masons to demonstrate Masonic symbols to the neophytes. When not used as an instrument of education, the tracing boards and carpets remain as symbols of the Lodge -- of the inner and outer way of the Craft." [Page 99] So, David Ovason admits that Masonry has both an "inner" [Invisible] and an "outer" [Visible] society. And, Albert Pike has boldly stated that the "neophytes" are deliberately taught untruths about the meaning of the symbols!

New Age author, Bill Cooper has this to say about these two fraternities, one within the other. "Most members of the Freemasons are not aware that the Illuminati practices what is known as 'secrets within secrets' or organizations within organizations." [Behold A Pale Horse, p. 79]

The final example of this "fraternity within a fraternity", the Invisible residing within the Visible, comes from the oldest New World Order planning document known to be in existence. This document is one of the best examples of Automatic Writing, and it details many of the changes societies throughout the world must make in order to achieve the Kingdom of The Christ. This document is known as the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and is being followed carefully today. Listen as the supernatural author speaks of the two organization within Freemasonry. The author is speaking of the guise by which the Illuminati will ultimately seize dictatorial control.

"7. For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the gentiles without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for our scattered tribe unattainable by the direct road? It is this which has served as the basis for our organisation of SECRET MASONRY WHICH IS NOT KNOWN TO, AND AIMS WHICH ARE NOT EVEN SO MUCH AS SUSPECTED BY, THESE GENTILE CATTLE, ATTRACTED BY US INTO THE SHOW ARMY OF MASONIC LODGES IN ORDER TO THROW DUST IN THE EYES OF THEIR FELLOWS." [Protocol #11 - The Totalitarian State, Paragraph 7; Emphasis was in the original]

Notice that this supernatural author described the Freemasons of the Outer, Visible Fraternity as "Gentile Cattle" which had been deliberately drawn into the Fraternity for "show" so as to "throw dust in the eyes of their fellows". It turns out that the Masons of the Invisible Fraternity think quite lowly of the Masons of the Visible Fraternity!

But, why should we be surprised, for Albert Pike called the Visible brethren who are just trying to learn what the symbols of the Lodge mean, "conceited interpretors". [Morals and Dogma, p. 105]

By the way, for those of you who have tried to convince me that Albert Pike is discredited today, listen to what David Ovason in his book on the secret Masonic architecture of Washington, D.C., says about Pike:

1. "Albert Pike -- probably the most learned esotericist in the United States ..." [P. 31]

2. "... Albert Pike was a fine scholar in some areas ..." [P. 92]

3. "The learned Albert Pike ..." [P. 366]

4. "... Pike died in his rooms at the temple on April 2, 1891. Seven years later, Congress approved the raising of the Albert Pike memorial ... The statuary is imposing. A larger-than-life, full-length satute of Pike stands on a high pedestal, attended by a lamenting woman said to represent the spirit of Masonry." [P. 321]

Remember, this book was glowingly recommended by the current top leader of Freemasonry, C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33 Degree, as noted above! Obviously, if Mr. Kleinknecht thinks this highly of Albert Pike, then all those people who have tried to convince me otherwise need to take this matter up with Mr. Kleinknecht! The fact is, Pike IS Freemasonry today.

There IS one short paragraph that properly and concisely defines the heart and soul of the Invisible Fraternity of Freemasonry. Let us return to Manly P. Hall for this quote:

"When a Mason learns the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy." [The Lost Keys To Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall, published by the Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc., Richmond, Virginia, 1976, p. 48; Emphasis added]

The Scottish Rite Journal praised Manly P. Hall in 1990 as "Masonry's Greatest Philosopher". One 32nd Degree Mason wrote back to me, stating that he had never, ever heard of Manly P. Hall; yet you can see his book was published by the Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company. The only reason this high-ranking Mason had never heard of Manly P. Hall is that Hall was a leader of the Invisible Fraternity, while this Mason was participating in the Visible Fraternity!

Another 33rd Degree Freemason, Foster Bailey, sponsored his wife, Alice A. Bailey, into Co-Masonry, where she became a key leader. Alice was also the top leader of the House of Theosophy from the 1920's to the early 1950's; she was a prolific writer, admittedly a channeler for a spirit by the name of Master D.K. She had significant revelations to add to this subject of Inner, Invisible Freemasonry.

"There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the inner-most circles of the esoteric societies. [Bailey, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 513]

Bailey is saying here that, once you get into the Inner, Invisible part of Freemasonry, there is no distinction possible between this heart of Masonry, the true Universal Church [which we know to be the church of Antichrist], and of the similar inner-most circles of the other secret societies throughout the world.

But, then, Bailey makes an even stronger statement revealing the Inner, Invisible Masonic fraternity. "The Masonic Movement ... is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries, and the seat of initiation. It holds in it symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go forward. It is a far more occult organisation than can be realised, and it is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists." [Bailey, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 511]

Since the meaning of the word, "occult", is "hidden", or "invisible", we know that Bailey is here speaking of the Inner, Invisible part of Freemasonry. And, not only is does this Invisible Fraternity exist, it is intended to be the training ground for the coming advanced occultists!!

THIS is the Invisible Freemasonry, about which you have been kept in ignorance all along! To verify this fact even further, we encourage you to go to the publishing and distribution house of Invisible Freemasonry, Kessinger's Freemasonry and Occult Publishing; Kessinger's publishes all the old, formerly very secret Masonic books of the Invisible Society. The address is and we encourage you to peruse the subjects they have listed at the very bottom of their Home Page, noting the extremely Satanic, anti-Christian subjects of which the Invisible Fraternity is comprised! We have noted a few of these subjects below as Kessinger's has listed them:

Alchemy; Ancient Religions; Astral Body [Satanic practice]; Astrology [Forbidden in Bible]; Auto-Suggestion; Babylonian; Blavatsky, H.P. [one of the most Satanic Black Magick practitioners of all time! Her teachings were studied by Adolf Hitler and provided basis for the Jewish Holocaust]; Buddhism; Card Reading; Chaldean [Babylon and Chaldean Mysteries were brought into total annihilation by God for their severe Satanism, and is the same Babylon condemned in the Book of Revelation]; Christian Mysticism [This is the "Christianity" of Masonry, where every single doctrine is reinterpreted]; Christian Science [Fully anti-Christian but compatible with Masonry]; Clairvoyance [Satanic to the core and forbidden in the Bible]; Color and Sound [Critically important to Satanism]; Cosmic Consciousness [SATANIC]; Crystal Gazing [Forbidden in Bible]; Divination [Forbidden in Bible]; Druidism and Celts [Elevated human sacrifice to highest levels]; Eastern Doctrines; Esoteric Christianity [Redefining Christian doctrines]; Evolution [And you just thought Masonry was compatible with true Christianity]; Fortune Telling [Forbidden in Bible]; Geomancy and Gematria [Satanic]; Gnosticism [Fought against in the Epistles of Paul in the Bible]; Hermetic; Holy Grail [Satanic allegory to produce Antichrist]; Hypnotism; Islam; Karma [Satanic doctrine teaching Reincarnation]; Love and Sex Consciousness [Completely Satanic]; Magic [Forbidden in Bible]; Nature Worship [Sun Worship primary worship of Invisible Freemasonry]; Palmistry [Satanic Divination]; Phallicism [Worship of Male erect Sex Organ!]; Qabalah [Satanic Reinterpretation of Hebrew Old Testament]; Reincarnation; Rosicrucian [Satanic to the core]; Serpent Worship [Not only is Masonry a religion, it worships the Serpent, actually Satan himself]; Telepathy [Satanic communication without audible language]; Tarot [Divination forbidden in Bible]; Transcendental Physics; Zoroastrianism [Satanic cult destroyed by God in Old Testament].

THIS is the heart and soul of the Invisible, Inner Fraternity. The absolute darkest part of this heart is Phallicism, worshipping the erect Male Sex Organ. The obelisk is the major symbol for this worship, which is why you see obelisks everywhere associated with Freemasonry! It is time to stop being deceived, don't you think?!

Listen to Albert Pike speak of the obelisk: "Hence the significancy of the phallus, or of its inoffensive substitute, the obelisk, rising as an emblem of the resurrection by the tomb of buried Deity …" [Morals and Dogma, p. 393] Now, you know why you see so many obelisks atop the graves of Freemasons, for it is "an emblem of the resurrection of buried Deity"; the Invisible Mason believes he is becoming a god throughout his life, so the obelisk at his grave is simply the visible manifestation of that belief.

The obelisk was originally created by the Egyptian Mysteries of the Pharaohs, and is spoken of in the Bible. Listen: "… King Jehu said to the guards and to the officers, 'Go in and slay them; let none escape'. And they smote them with the sword; and the guards before the king threw their bodies out, and went into the inner dwelling of the house of Baal. They brought out the obelisks of the house of Baal and burned them." [2 Kings 10:26, Amplified Bible]

God Almighty ordered the Satanic obelisks burned, but only after He ordered King Jehu to slaughter the worshippers of the obelisk, also known as Baal worshippers. Thus, the Invisible Freemasonry is devoted to the obelisk worship so forbidden by God as to be worthy of the Death Penalty. Keep this in mind the next time you contemplate the Washington Monument!

Finally, Serpent Worship takes us directly into Hell itself, for Satan stands directly behind this form of worship. This is the Invisible Fraternity of Freemasonry, and I bet you never knew it existed, did you?

Now that you know all this, I encourage you to read The Cutting Edge articles, realizing that they deal with the invisible inner organization. Remember this: we are not participating in a debating society, nor am I trying to win you over to my side. Your precious eternal soul is at stake here; you are participating in the most evil, deceptive organization in the world. Your very participation in the Visible Fraternity gives all demons the legal right to afflict you, to cause you great distress and grief, even though you are totally ignorant of the Inner Fraternity.

Your eternal soul is at stake; please read our articles with the greatest of care, and with your 'spiritual eyes' opened.

David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge Ministries
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 09 Jan 2007
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Location: near St. Gall in Switzerland

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:04 am    Post subject: TITLE: MAJOR DISCOVERY IN FREEMASONRY! Reply with quote


Subtitle: At long last, we have solved the question as to how Freemasons can consider themselves to be "Christian" -- when their teachings deny the Deity of Jesus Christ, many other critical doctrines -- only to then turn around to espouse teachings the Bible describes as "Antichrist".


As a Christian I will pray for you.... I will pray that your lies will end regarding freemasonry. As a member of the Knights Templar I can state categorically you are wrong in your allegations. I am a prayer warrior. I will fast and pray that your lies will be removed from the web in some miraculous way... In the name of Jesus Christ may you see the truth and your blindness be removed. You owe your religious freedom to my masonic ancestors who established this nation under God that you may worship as you desire... If your research were unbiased by your tainted preconcieved notions, you would find you owe more to masonry than you could ever believe, all of it inspired by Christ and the New Testament..... The great cathedrals of europe were dedicated by faithful workers for Christ all masons. The temple of solomon created by the hands of Masons read your bible. My great grandfather was an operative mason which means he was a builder with stone. His children were also they were members of lodges in scotland and here in this country. They were all god-fearing Christians and are rolling over in their graves at your lies..... You will have to repent this at the Great Throne Judgement. I will also pray that God will forgive you your slander and lies.
>Douglas M. Martin D.D.S.
> President Douglas M. Martin DDS, Inc.


First of all, you must understand something: I have many of Mason's formerly secret books and have read them, underlined in them, and spent hours cataloging them. Let me quote you some of the Masonic writings. Remember, I have each of these books I quote you, so I did not get the information "second-hand".

Manly P. Hall -- "When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly handle energy." [Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 124; Emphasis added]

Hmm, so you guys worship Lucifer? Amazing

Now, let us turn to the definitive Masonic author, writing in the book, Morals and Dogma, which is the training manual for each of the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. This is the man to whom much praise by subsequent Masonic authors have given such praise and adulation; Pike is the man whose large statute graces the Masonic Temple in Washington, D.C.; Pike is the man lauded by Kessinger Occult & Freemason Publisher, "If you want to understand Freemasonry, you must understand Albert Pike".

Albert Pike -- "The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth Degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer." In other words, that mean old dirty God, the equal but opposite of Satan, despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. On page 567, Pike says that, while Satan created this world, the soul of man emanated from God, thus setting up a very long conflict between God and Satan. Then, Pike launches into a defiant and glorious defense of Lucifer.

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual or selfish souls? Doubt it not! for traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed. Plato and Philo also, were inspired." [Morals and Dogma, p. 321; Lucifer similarly glorified on page 567]

Right here, Masonry is proven to be NOT-Christian, as Jesus said so emphatically: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." [John 14:6] You cannot believe other religions are as valid as Christianity and still think you are a Christian; on the other hand, you can certainly "think" you are a Christian, but whether you get into heaven depends upon whether the Lord Jesus Christ recognizes you as His own.

Now, let us see what Pike has to say about Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us to "test the spirits, to see if they are from God". [1 John 4:1]

"The Light could not unite with darkness. It but put on the appearance of a human body, and took the name of Christ in the Messiah, only to accommodate itself to the language of the Jews ... He suffered in appearance only ... the person of Jesus having disappeared ..." [Morals and Dogma, p. 567; Emphasis added] This quote from Pike directly, completely, and perfectly fulfills the Biblical definition of Antichrist, because Pike just separated the human body of Jesus from His Divine Nature.

Listen to the Biblical definition of Antichrist: "By this you may know the Spirit of God; every spirit which acknowledges and confesses the fact that Jesus Christ actually has become man and has come in the flesh is of God [has God for its source]. And every spirit which does not acknowledge and confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, but would sever Him, is not of God. this is the spirit of antichrist." [1 John 4:2-3, Amplified Bible Commentary]

Pike has just said Jesus only put on the appearance of human, and that he "disappeared", [while the Christ Consciousness left him to go to the next Avatar, I am sure]. Your gig is up, my friend. The facts are the facts and the Bible is quite clear, as are Pike's teachings on Jesus Christ. You are left without a fig leaf. Masonic teachings are NOT Christian; they are Antichrist.

"Who is such a liar as he who denies that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah? He is the antichrist, the antagonist of Christ, who habitually denies and refuses to acknowledge the Father and the Son. No one who habitually denies and disowns the Son even has the Father." {1 John 2:22-23, Amplified Bible Commentary}. Masonry makes such a big deal of worshipping God, but then turns right around to disown His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible says you do not even have the Father, either!

You talk about Truth; let's see what Pike had to say about Truth.

Masonic Lying -- "A Spirit that loves wisdom and contemplates the Truth close at hand, is forced to disguise it, to induce the multitudes to accept it ... Fictions are necessary to the people ... the truth must be kept secret and the masses need a teaching proportional to the imperfect reason." [Morals and Dogma, p. 103] In other words the masses need to be lied to. But, Pike is talking about lying only to the non-masonic population, surely; we must assume he would not counsel Masonic leaders to lie deliberately to lower-level Masonic brethren, right? After all, those lower-level brethren so look up to their Masonic superiors as to place them on a very high pedestal. Surely, no Mason would deliberately lie to his brethren?

Listen to Pike again: "Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it ... So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray." [Morals and Dogma, p. 104-5; Emphasis added]

Therefore, Masonry deliberately lies to its own lower-level people! Masonry "uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead." [Pike's words, not mine]

The Bible has some very important -- eternally important -- statements about lying.

"Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;" [Colossians 3:9]

"... no lie is of the truth." [1 John 2:21] You speak glibly of the "truth" and yet defend an organization that deliberately lies to its lower-level members!

"And there shall in no wise enter into it [eternal Heaven] any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie:" [Revelation 21:27; no liar will ever enter into Heaven; do you still have the gall to call yourself 'Christian'?]

"For without [Heaven] are ... sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie." [Revelation 22:15]

Once again, the gig is up; Freemasonry has exposed itself as Antichrist, and has counseled lying, and admittedly worships Lucifer. Do you still think you are a Christian?

Let us see more teaching about Jesus Christ.

Pike teaches that Jesus was from an inferior line of beings, created by Ialdabaoth, who had himself been created by the god Buthos, sexually uniting with Wisdom. [Morals and Dogma, p. 653, teachings of the 26th Degree] But, the Bible says Jesus Christ was never created, that He existed from Eternity Past. Further, the human Jesus was not conceived as the result of a sexual union, but without a sexual union [Luke 1:30-37]

Pike first says that Freemasonry is not a religion [page 161, teachings of the 10th Degree], but then he turns around to instruct Masons of the 13th and 14th Degrees that Freemasonry IS a religion [pages 213, 219, Morals and Dogma] Then, on page 224, Pike says that "religion must be mixed with error" [lying].

Whom, besides Lucifer, does Freemasonry worship? Pike says on page 718, teachings of the 28th Degree, that Masonry worships Nature, and then on page 776, he says Masons worship the Sun. Pike's revelation perfectly fits the Biblical definition of a Pagan: "... they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator ..." [Romans 1:25] By Biblical definition, Freemasonry is PAGAN.

In this same section, the Apostle Paul, speaking under the influence of the Holy Spirit, tells us exactly what type of people these creature worshippers are. Listen carefully: "... they became futile and godless in their thinking with vain imaginings, foolish reasoning, and stupid speculations, and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools; professing to be smart, they made simpletons of themselves." [Romans 1:21b-22, Amplified Bible Commentary].

As I read the writings of Pike and other authors, I can see the stupid speculations and downright pagan teachings. Pike has professed to possess the highest of all spiritual light, but the Bible calls him "stupid" a "fool", and a "simpleton".

Pike then says that Masonry is identical with the Ancient Mysteries, [p. 624, 28th Degree]. This statement is damning, because God brought into physical annihilating judgment all the Ancient Mysteries, from Babylon to Egypt, to Rome, to Greece, to the child-sacrficing Druids. Yet, Freemasonry says it is identical with them! Do you still want to stand by your statement that you are Christian?

Evil or Very Mad Arrow The Freemason Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth [Genesis 1:26-27]. Well, this must be the lie reserved for the ignorant masses, because Pike says Adam and Eve were created by the Prince of Darkness and of Demons [p. 566, teachings of the 26th Degree]

Who is the God, of whom you so lovingly speak? Pike identifies him thusly: "The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God ... For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force ..." [Morals and Dogma, p. 102, 3rd Degree; Emphasis added] Once again, Masonry perfectly fulfills one of the identifying marks of Antichrist. Listen: "But in his estate shall he [Antichrist] honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not ..." [Daniel 11:38] The true Jew worships the God of the Bible, Who is clearly shown to be a Person, not a force. But, Antichrist shall worship the "god of forces". Just like Freemasonry worships a god of "Force".

Freemasonry also teaches the following about Jesus Christ: 1) "Jesus received his wisdom from Gnosis" [p. 563, 26th Degree]. Gnosticism was one of the heresies Paul and the Apostles battled. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the Creator of all things, that by Him and His Wisdom, everything was created [John 1:1]. Once again, Freemasonry is discovered to be teaching pagan nonsense rather than Biblical Truth. 2) Jesus is the same as other great spiritual lights in history, like Plato [p. 539, 26th Degree]. 3) Jesus is not unique at all, despite acknowledging that Jesus claimed to be unique. Masonry has just called Jesus Christ a liar! Do you still want to call yourself a Christian?

Freemasonry also teaches the age-old Satanic lie that reality is not the same for everyone, but that it changes with each person. I would like to see you drive an automobile with this mentality; when you crash into that car crossing your path, whose reality would win out, yours or the other driver? Listen to Pike: "Perfect truth is not attainable anywhere ... God is as man conceives Him, the reflected image of man himself." [p. 223, teachings of the 14th Degree]

What was that again? "God is as man conceives Him, the reflected image of man himself". You had better check your Bibles, for God revealed this about Himself: "... if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." [2 Corinthians 4:3-4] Jesus Christ is the image of God. [The image of God spoken of in Genesis 1:26-27 is an eternal spirit and the ability to think and reason]. But, standard occultism twists this Genesis verse into saying that man is divine, that every man has a "divine spark" in him, and that man can become god. Freemasonry once again is proven to be standard occultism, as Pike said it was, "identical to all the ancient mysteries" [p. 624]

Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me" [John 14:6] This statement means that Truth is Personified in Jesus Christ, as is His Word, the Bible. Truth, therefore, shares the same attributes of Jesus Christ, specifically His Perfection, His unchanging nature, and His supreme existence throughout the universe. Yet, look what Freemasonry says about Truth:

"Perfect truth is not attainable anywhere." [Morals and Dogma, p. 223, 3rd Degree]

"Truths are not eternal, but meant for a period of time only". [p. 37, 2nd Degree]. Boy, has the New Age Movement really latched on to this lie big-time! Further, our Public School System has taught this lie to our young people, so that they really believe that the "truths" of 2,000 years ago do not apply in this 20th Century. Now, I know where the New Agers and the school system got this lie -- from Masonry. You all are going to be mightily surprised on Judgment Day to discover that God never changes, never changes His mind, and never lets mortal man with death in his mouth to decide which commandments he wants to obey!

"Truth is different things to different people" [p. 165, 10th Degree]. Once again, you will discover that God never, ever changes, and that every Word He uttered was complete, absolute Truth. As Jesus said, "My words shall never pass away" [Matthew 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33]

Listen to Pike describe Masonic truth:

"The Sun and Moon of the Alchemists concur in perfecting and giving stability to the Philosophical Stone. They correspond to the two columns of the Temple, Jachin and Boaz. The Sun is the hieroglypical sign of the Truth because it is the source of the Light." [Morals and Dogma, p. 776, teaching of the 28th Degree]. Once again, you are the "pagans" worshipping the created object, rather than the Creator; a true Christian will acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Truth, just as He claimed to be.

I can hear the Apostle Paul calling you from Romans 1:21-25 --- "godless in thinking", "stupid", "claiming to be wise", "senseless minds that are darkened", "simpletons".

Do you still want to claim Freemasonry is Christian?

Eternal Life Teachings. Since every religion has to answer the question of what lies beyond Death, Masonry is no exception. Let us see how Masons hope to attain eternal life:

"... sacrifices to God are good works ..." [Morals and Dogma, p. 219, 5th Degree] Saved by works, eh? Is that why Masonry does so many good works in the community -- such as Children's Burn Center -- because you all are trying to earn your way into Heaven? The Bible says it is impossible to please God with our good works, and we cannot earn our way into Heaven by them. Listen:

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works ..." [Ephesians 2:8-9] Further, we are told God hates the good works of man when they are offered as a means of pleasing Him or of obtaining salvation. "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags;" [Isaiah 64:6]

Pike continues revealing Masonic teaching:

"The Initiate was regarded as the favorite of the Gods. For him alone Heaven opened its treasures ... the sweet hope which we have in death of passing to a more fortunate state ... participation in the Mysteries is the finest of all things and the source of the greatest blessings. The happiness promised there was not limited to this mortal life; but it extended beyond the grave. There a new life was to commence, during which the Initiate was to enjoy a bliss without alloy and without limit. The Corybantes promised eternal life to the Initiates of the Mysteries of Cybele and Atys ... After Lucius had, by the grace of Isis, recovered his human form, the Priest said to him, 'Calamity hath no hold on those whom our Goddess hath chosen for her service, and whom her majesty hath vindicated'. And the people declared that he was fortunate to be 'thus after a manner born again, and at once betrothed to the service of the Holy Ministry." [Morals and Dogma, p. 386-88]

I reiterate: The Ancient Mysteries have all been physically judged and annihilated by God. Yet, Freemasonry not only states that it is identical to these Mysteries, they continue to revel in that pagan pigpen. Here, they falsely stated that "participation in the Mysteries is the finest of all things and the source of the greatest blessings".

Further, in all Masonic teaching on attaining eternal life, both with Pike and other authors, I have read all about every pagan god and goddess in history. And yet ---

I have not once heard or seen the name of Jesus Christ mentioned! This fact is amazing, since there is no way to the Father except through Jesus Christ! Of all the facts about Freemasonry that astounds me is its almost total, absolute elimination of any mention of Jesus Christ; how, then, can you claim to be Christian? "Christian" was coined in the early Church to mean "followers of Jesus Christ".

Wait a minute! I know how you can still call yourself Christian! You are followers of "The Christ", the coming superman avatar, the Antichrist whose Biblical definition Masonry fits perfectly. You have redefined the word, "Christian", while the "ignorant masses" have not caught on. Of course, that makes perfect sense now that I think about it; you are a "Christian" because you are a follower of the coming "Christ" -- Antichrist.

You say you are a Prayer Warrior. Since you are obviously not praying to Jesus Christ -- and why would you, since He is an "inferior god" created by Ialdoboath -- to whom are you praying? I suggest your praying is perfectly described by Jesus Christ:

"The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself …" [Luke 18:11] This Pharisee thought he was praying to God and that God heard him; instead, Jesus said that his prayer was to "himself". He was praying only to himself!! The prayers of this Pharisee were going no further upward than the ceiling!

Since your eternal soul is so very precious, I would hope and pray that you will thoughtfully meditate on the following very frightening Scripture uttered by Jesus Christ:

"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

On the Great White Throne Judgment Day, Jesus Christ will be forced to make this statement to all Freemasons. "You call me 'Lord, Lord', and yet believe I am an inferior created god, created by another inferior god, Ialdoboath . You have done many mighty good works on your communities, and yet, you have denied My Deity, My Words, and My commandments. You have deliberately lied to your members, to the world at large, and to yourselves. You have created only iniquity."

Then, Jesus Christ will have no choice but to reject you, just as you rejected Him in your nefarious teachings. Jesus will grant you for eternity the choice you have made during your lifetime -- an eternal state that does not include Him. Unfortunately, your eternal state will be Hell, and it breaks my heart to say this.

Please recognize your tremendous error, and turn, while "Today is still called today", and repentance is still available.

May God Richly Bless You Through Jesus Christ,

David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge Ministries

Thus ends my email reply to Dr. Martin. When I suddenly realized how it is that Freemasonry could call themselves "Christian" even though they deny all Biblical truth about Jesus, and even though they teach doctrine that completely fulfills the Biblical definition of Antichrist, I felt a huge ray of sunshine shining on the entire scene before me.

Of course, Freemasons can consider themselves to be "Christian", because they have deftly redefined the word! Christian does not mean a follower of Jesus Christ, as everyone else assumes it means; rather, the Freemason defines "Christian" as one who is awaiting the soon appearance of their "Christ", the New Age superman, whom some occult authors have had the courage to call, "Antichrist"!

Why wasn't it obvious to me before? The name, "Jesus" appears nowhere in the word, "Christian". Therefore, the word is wide open to reinterpretation! And Masons have reinterpreted it mightily.

I call upon all Masonic men who consider themselves to be Christian, to re-consider in light of this information! Certainly, the Southern Baptist Convention has much to re-consider in this regard. They have endorsed Freemasonry to the extent that many of their Pastors are Freemasons, many of their Deacons are Freemasons, and many of their members are Freemasons.

The huge majority of Freemasons have one thing in common with the huge majority of Christians -- they do not read their own writings. But, we at The Cutting Edge Ministries have read these books, underlined in them, and study them thoroughly. We know what their formerly secret teachings are, and now we realize why they were so adamant for so long in keeping them secret. If men and women really knew what they taught, in their secret councils, they would rise up as one to insist the organization be outlawed.

Freemasonry has been the leading force in moving the world toward the One-World Government, Religion, and Economy of Antichrist. If you have been paying attention to world affairs in the least little bit, you will know we are nearly there. Freemasonry comprises the greatest threat to our lives, liberty, and religious freedom of any organization on earth. We need to rise up as one to demand that our Fathers, Husbands, and friends get out of the Lodge now -- they have been repeatedly lied to by their own Masonic leaders. The entire Masonic organization is corrupt with the kind of corruption only Lucifer himself could create.

Truly, the very fact that Freemasonry has been so successful in moving the world to the Kingdom of Antichrist is proof positive we are living in the last of the Last Days.

Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

You can contact us by mail or email.

Cutting Edge Ministries


Finally, we would love to hear from you.

You can contact us by mail or email.

God bless you.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:22 pm    Post subject: Re: TITLE: MAJOR DISCOVERY IN FREEMASONRY! Reply with quote

Solche Mist!

Look, if you want to make an argument about Masons being devil worshippers, do it without quoting from the Bible. It should stand on its own merits.

You name the cause, even I could cherry-pick from the bible (genau wie die Nazi's) and find justification for it.

Did you know that Jesus was a big advocate of both homosexuality and masterbation? His very words were "Love your neighbor as yourself." He also supported beheadings and mutilations. How so? He said, "I come not to destroy the law but to fulfill it." The law is in reference to the Old Testament and Jewish law. The Old Testament contains the inspiriing story of David and Goliath. What did David do after he slew Goliath with the smooth river rock thrown from his slingshot? He took Goliath's broad-sword, whacked off Goliath's head, put it on a spear, and paraded around with it.

If you knew anything about Free Masonry, you'd know about the difference between blue lodges, the Scottish Rite, and York Rite. Blue lodges have Entered Apprentices, Fellowcrafts, and Master Masons. Once you have been raised to be a Master Mason, you are a free mason. Being a Master Mason is the first and unyielding requirement to voluntary membership in any of the other masonic bodies, which incidentally are independent and don't have a hierarchical relationship with the blue lodges.

Your arguments that something cherry-picked from a degree in Scottish Rite (the only body that goes to the 33rd degree, with that particular degree being an honorary one and can't be requested) applying to all of free masonry shows what little you know.

It is like saying that everybody in the USA believes and supports Bush/Cheney. It is like saying that all bike riders are drug addicts because a few elite riders in the Tour de France were cherry-picked for drug testing and showed abnormal hormone levels.

And if you want to bring up the topic of New World Order, ask the question about whether or not the movers and shakers in politics, finance, military, etc. are masons. Are the following masons? Bush I & II, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Blair, Schroeder, Haider, etc.

Your brush is too broad. Your facts are skewed. In fact, your facts lack verification by others or evidence. You've got a single-source -- an ancient one at that -- from which you seem to be cherry-picking.

The bottomline is that your motives don't appear to be to expose the truth about masonry, because nothing you have written does. In reality, you desire to convert people to your perverted brand of Christianity, and to achieve these ends you need to put down some other group. When your hate isn't directed at Masons, it's against Jews or anyone who doesn't look or think like you. How is that Christian?

And how about reposting my reply from yesterday that you've deleted from your site? Otherwise, how can you came to want the truth.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:33 pm    Post subject: Comments to Maxbridge Reply with quote

Hi Maxbridge,

do please not loose the temper. This is not good for anyone.

I have not deleted any of your comments - and cannot do so, because I am not the owner of the forum. I am simply a partaker of the Forum.

Question to you which I ask you to answer me honestly:

Is "Morals & Dogma" from Albert Pike a reliable source for your brand of Freemasonry or not?

Thanks for answering!

Martin Lauchenauer / Austria

PS: The webmaster is in the United Kingdom. His name is Tony Gosling, if you want to complain, please do it directly to him, you can reach him under his homepage, there you find his contact details.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:53 pm    Post subject: Is Alber Pike a reliable source? Probably not. Reply with quote

lauchenauermartin wrote:
Hi Maxbridge,

Question to you which I ask you to answer me honestly:

Is "Morals & Dogma" from Albert Pike a reliable source for your brand of Freemasonry or not?

Thanks for answering!

Martin Lauchenauer / Austria

The short answer is: "no".

The long answer is that I personally have never heard of the author or his works. That in itself is not saying much.

From what I read of his text quoted by you, the references were to Scottish Rite masons because mention of 32 degrees was made. If indeed this is true, then it would apply to them, but not to all of free masonry.

A man who claims to be a Master Mason or Free Mason does not have to be a York Rite (or Royal Arch) mason or a Scottish Rite mason or Shriner. Those are options that he may or may not pursue. I have pursued York Rite, but I am neither fully initiated nor am I active. I'll finish it at some point, but may never become active there until many years from now & I retire and my wife wants me to pursue activities outside of the house just to get rid of me.

Within the next few years, I'll probably pursue Scottish Rite as well to the same degree. I have received no red flags from my brothers, some who have already done both, regarding the things you quote from Pike.

Is Pike reliable? I doubt it to a 90% certainty. And even within the 10% margin for error, those quotes were so selective and so cherry picked. Devil worshipping could hardly be the case.

Here's more secrets on Masonry that aren't so secret. The Scottish Rite degrees are plays that teach moral lessons. It could very well be that a Lucifer character comes up in the play; it could very well be that characters in those plays spout the words quoted by Pike that mention the devil or devil worshipping. But that doesn't mean that their lines taken out of context are the moral lessons of the plays (degrees). Just the opposite.

You could name just about any movie or play with heroes and bad guys. Taking the bad guys words out of context does not make those words the moral or message of the piece.

Every human institution will have people, former members, who have turned away from it and have bad things to say about it. (Some institutions have enemies who were never in the inner-circle, but have an axe to grind nonetheless. They'll spout things they don't know for sure and create pure speculation.) The truth to their claims comes in supporting claims from others and evidence.

I view Pike in the same light, although I am unfamiliar with his writings. From what I know, I have no desire at his point in time to explore them. It would be easier for me to petition and join the Scottish Rite, experience it for myself, and then make up my own mind.

With 99% certainty, I do not expect to learn that my free masons brothers who are involved with Scott Rite are devil worshippers.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One mustn't forget the famous Freemason saying...
"Masons do for Masons no matter how evil or corrupt!"

It is the motto they live by and the motto they use to SCREW the world over!
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:45 pm    Post subject: Second Family, your lies are transparent Reply with quote

Every other posting of mine to your site gets removed. Who is it that can't handle the truth about Freemasonry: us or you?

Moreover, your supposedly official and detailed site that documents the offenses of Freemasonry is neither. No proof. No evidence. No documentation. No information, except some internet whackos ranting about things which they know nothing based on documents that over 100 years old that don't even come from the lodge. You've convinced me. (Not.)

You know, it would be easier for you to subdue your passions, petition a lodge, and go through the degrees to learn what goes on in our "secret" society. I could guarantee you that years before you stumbled upon any dark and ancient secret from brothers long since departed, you would ascertain that conspiracy theories in 21st Century masonry were blown vastly out of proportion. Seriously, a lodge of masons is barely able to organize a Sunday picnic for its brethren and families, let alone "control the world with evil intentions." And in the process of learning the dark & hidden truth that I have openly conveyed in the last sentence, you might just become a better person.

Why don't you redirect your hatred (which is what it is) to something deserving, like the Bush/Blair/Blair-replacement New World Order guys. They truly do have evil plans, are openly carrying them out, and have many many evil deeds to their credit.

Look, 660,000+ dead Iraqis ain't no chicken feed. Yeah, it is also sad the number of American & British casualties (3600+), were they not purposely underreported and conveniently masking the toll that mercenaries are taking. The Americans looted a country. They had no plans except to occupy it and control the oil.

The citizens in American who were paying attention believed it was about oil, but were misled into thinking it was about stealing it. Yes and no. Eventually we'll get around to rebuilding the infrastructure needed to pipe it out and appease our addiction. The number one goal at the onset, however, was in turning off the oil pipeline so that gas prices would rise to new heights and pay back the oil corporations and the Saudi royals for their financing all these years. Yes, profits are being made.

That, my dear friend, is no masonic conspiracy.

Get a clue.
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joe stirling
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Masonic Max, who doesn't want to reveal his real name or address.
Just wants to shout his mouth off from behind the curtains.

You did not read "fighting the masons for our freedom", read it again .
Also, you did not answer any questions that we asked you previously.

You are trying to defend the indefensible. You know nothing of Freemasonry's inner circle. Pure 100% criminal evil, nothing less.

We can blow you away with evidence and we will. This time the crooked Masons will not get a chance to dilute and discredit our stories.

Why won't your top Criminal masons take up our invitation in front of a live independent audience and their victims ????

When you were born, you knew nothing. You seem to accept and defend the "G" in Freemasonry. The "G" that stands for Gobble-De Gook.
If you want proof, read Albert Pike's "Morals & Dogma" He writes "it's not important that the Masons understand Masonry, it's as long as they think they understand it". Now, give us you're money and here's some more Gobble-De-Gook.... we'll give you one more chance to come up with something sensible. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Masons do for Masons no matter how evil or corrupt. (thanks LM)

Incidentally, we noticed that this is a fresh email address you are using.
Forum to forum under different guises? will you answer this one ? Twisted Evil
We are all victims of Freemasonry, only........ YOU haven't figured it out yet. Second Family UK do not hate Masons or anybody, only ignorance and evil. Why do all Masons hide ? Give us a public register and SF will show you why they all hide.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:07 pm    Post subject: Let us use friendly words... Reply with quote

Hello Joe Stirling,

do not let yourself be uptset. Max Bridges seems to be an honest mason.

Max wrote before, that he is pursuing York Rite and that he is not yet fully initiated. This tells me he does not know what is really going on in the upper levels.

I had contact with a Jewish lady, Tami Lesser is her name, she has grown up in South Africa and her father was - if I remember right - a 33° mason.
She had a website, when living in Israel, where she told all about the evil things behind masonry and how her father put her under immense pressure.

I recommend you and Max Bridges to study carefully the following link:

From this picture (mason site) and additional information available there it is easy to understand, that both the top of the York Rite and the Top of the Scottisch Rite are equals.

I suppose that Max Bridges is still in the "Blue Lodges". And according to Albert Pike, masonry is lying to the lower degrees as to what the top level masons are out for.

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05.

Pike, Albert

1809–91, American lawyer, Confederate general in the Civil War, b. Boston. He settled (1832) in Arkansas, where he became a newspaper editor and a lawyer. He was a captain in the Mexican War. In the Civil War, Pike secured for the Confederacy the loyalty of the tribes in the Indian Territory. Criticized for inept handling of his Native American brigade, especially at the battle of Pea Ridge (Mar., 1862), he resigned. After the war he practiced law in Memphis and Washington. His Prose Sketches and Poems Written in the Western Country (1834) resulted from a trip over the Santa Fe Trail. A prominent Freemason (he joined the order in 1850), his writings on the movement include Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (1871).

A quote of Albert Pike in "Morals & Dogma":
"Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods.... Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.''

Why the Statue of Albert Pike in Washington, DC must fall:

Max, I recommend you to read the following site with due care:

I have Morals & Dogma on my Computer and can trace any information to be true or not.
He had in the interim joined a Masonic lodge and become extremely active in the affairs of the organization, being elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite's Southern Jurisdiction in 1859. [citation needed] He remained Sovereign Grand Commander for the remainder of his life (a total of thirty-two years), devoting a large amount of his time to developing the rituals of the order. Notably, he published a book called Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1871, of which there were several subsequent editions.

Pike is still sometimes regarded in America as an eminent and influential Freemason. His anti-Roman Catholic pronouncements were seen as representative of American freemasonry by Catholic sources. However, in his published response to the Humanum Genus of Pope Leo XIII, it is evident that he had no particular antipathy to Catholicism as a religion nor to membership of Roman Catholics in the lodge. His fight was against the desire of institutional Catholicism to suppress Freemasonry by force.

But as somebody said: Christians do not read their own books - and so are most masons not aware of their leading and cruel doctrines in certain books.

I agree completely with Max regarding the Bush/Blair conspiracy.

I would like to add the following: On Sept. 11, 1990 G HW Bush declared "THE NEW WORLD ORDER" when he assembled the "coalition of the willing nation to liberate Kuwait.
Here is an official Bush Library link, which confirms this:
Once again, Americans have stepped forward to share a tearful goodbye with their families before leaving for a strange and distant shore. At this very moment, they serve together with Arabs, Europeans, Asians, and Africans in defense of principle and the dream of a new world order. That's why they sweat and toil in the sand and the heat and the sun. If they can come together under such adversity, if old adversaries like the Soviet Union and the United States can work in common cause, then surely we who are so fortunate to be in this great Chamber -- Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives -- can come together to fulfill our responsibilities here. Thank you. Good night. And God bless the United States of America.

11. Years later upon the day was September 11, 2001 - when George W. Bush was the illegal occupant of the White House. I think until now most informed people now that George W. Bush stole the election twice. Once from Al Gore and once from Kerry (who is - what irony - also Skull & Bones).

I have no intention to go into the 911 details. There is enough information on the net and enough movies and actions are taken. But the media is silent.

I have spoken a few yeary back with a nationalist, Austrian politician in the City Counsel of Vienna. He has written a book about 911 and according to me he is very well informed. We spoke a lot about the Bidlerbergers ( together etc. etc.

What he told me still shocked me: He said to me: "Look, all the Media in Austria is in the hands of Freemasonry."

If this is a reason why they do not uncover the true happenings of 911?

Look the grandfather of Presiden GW Bush, Prescott Bush, was an important figure at Yale University. His son is member of Skull & Bones as is his grandson. Skull & Bones is a very dangerous, occult, satanic Lodge who has it's roots in Germany. Prescott Bush helped to finance Adolph Hilter and tried to overturn the democratic US government and introduce a Fascistic State. So there is no wonder that his son GHW Bush and his grandson GW Bush are working in the same line.

Jess LaVey, the son of Anthony LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan in the USA, became Christian and he tells very clearly what he has seen in black messes. He testifies that he has seen GHW Bush & GW Bush at such meetings. He is saying that the President "George W Bush" is a cold, deadly weapon in the hands of the Devil.

Here is his website:

(I myself have contacted Jess LaVey and he was on a radio show with Dr. Gianny Hayes "The New World Order Disorder". Dr. Gianni Hayes is a friend of mine. And I really believe this story to be true.)

Here is what Jess LaVey has to report in this connection:
To think that Bush and his whole family is a part of this kind of thing is hard for some people to believe. But the Lord warns us all about the dark one in sheep's clotheing. The whole Bush family are Satanists, run down the family lines. I have met Bush Jr. once when he came to a ritual at the castle once with his father. My thought when I met him is still the sam as today. He is very cold man for Satan. Like a lethal weapon.

And then there is the Blair - Bush connection - Max Bridges - speaks about, yeah, this is very important:

Check out the ID-Card of Tony B Lair Rolling Eyes
Even if the ID-Card is only a mockery - what it tells you is bitter reality!

Do not forget that Tony Blair is a good Friend of Prince Charles of Wales and collaborated extensively with the British Crown! And do not forget that the British crown sits on top of the regular Freemason Lodges.,_prince_charles.jpg

The Duke of Kent is the Grandmaster in the United Grand Lodge of England. He is a cousin of both HM the Queen and Prince Philip.
Here is the proof for:

Duke of Kent = Grandmaster (As far as I know he is the highest ranking freemason of all regular lodges. Max Bridges, if you know better please inform me. I am NO freemason.).

And the The Most Hon the Marquess of Northampton, DL is
Pro Grand Master of the UGLE.

Leo Zagami (Italian born Aristrocrat and ex-Illuminist; from the mothers side connected to the Queen mother) told me the following: The Pro Grand Master of the UGLE is a real crook. And he also told me, that he is - as far as Freemasonry is concerned - responsible for the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem - which is as far as I understand not only the goal of the Orthodox Jewry but also of Freemasonry per se.
(Fundamental Christians believe that the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt, that the Jews will restart their temple service and that after some time the "Son of Perdition" (2nd Thess 2) is sitting in that temple and declaring to be God himself - this is the final Antichrist).

Here is the website of Leo Zagami. He is a former Catholic, but what he saw inside the Vatican shocked him so much, that he left Catholicism and became a Muslim. His wife is a Turkish Arab and a direct descendant of "prophet" Mohammed. (I am no Muslim; I would declare myself a Christian, a follower of Jesus the Christ; brand: more or less free Evangelical. Not registered member of any group.)
When Leo Zagami first had his websites up after a few weeks they were deleted from the net and Leo did not even have copies of the articles he wrote. Fortunately, I had saved nearby all together on my computer and together with an Italian friend they were able to get a pretty secure server and continue from Italy. Leo lives now in Oslo/Norway.

I do not agree with all he is telling. He believes that George W Bush is the AntiChrist. I think not. But I fully agree that George W Bush is possessed by a devil. Actually, he tells that Jesus is his greatest example and officially he is in the "Methodist" church. But de-facto he is sworn in member of Skull & Bones and collaborated with Anthony LaVey, the founder of the church in the USA. Leo Zagami was telling me that in 2001 the Illumianti had a black mess in the Vatican and that George HW Bush was participating.

Leo Zagami was selected to become the Follower of Licio Gelli, of the infmaous P2 (Propaganda due Lodge) in Italy, who some years back aspired to overthrow the Italien regular government and introduce again Fascims. But Leo Zagami - according to his own words - became so disgusted with all he saw, that he is now working against the system.

He was also Member of a British lodge - and knows well about how corrupt the Freemasons in Britain are.

911 led to the attack upon Afghanistan (with Depleted Uranium munition) and to "Shock & Awe" in 2003 in Baghdand and Irak. During "Shock & Awe" all Europe was covered by a radioactive cloud. Just wonder why all the European Newspapers did not speak about.... (who blocked the information ? Some powerful Freemason??)
So Afghanistan and Iraq are poisoned with DU dust for another 4,3 billion years half life period!!!! (Bill Clinton used the same munition in Europe: Yougoslav-War in Kosovo... So much re Humanitarin help to the poor suppressed in Kosovo Rolling Eyes )

911 led to the "War against Terrorism" - which in itself is a huge lie...

President Putin got a few days ago so mad upon the British, that he cancelled his collaboration in the "War against Terrorism"... So much to the Gentlemen Behaviour of the British Government....

Now Tony Blair is the "Peace Apostle" to Israel/Palestine... Maybe, he aspires to get the Peace Nobel Price.... What a scum!
Henry Kissinger, the biggest War Criminal alive, got it!

When Tony Blair was in Jerusalem a few days ago, he said he wants to get the old Palace of the British High Commissioner for Palestine, which the English gave to the United Nations some 60 years ago, when they left Palestine, what led to the direct war between Israel and the Arabs neighbours. This Palace is in Western Jerusalem on a hill, and I am not joking, the hill has the name: "Hill of EVIL COUNSEL"- Embarassed

He is said to be keen to take over the one-time residence of the British High Commissioner for Palestine, with its ballroom and spectacular view of the golden dome of Al-Aqsa mosque.

The house, built of Jerusalem stone in 1931, was once the pride of British diplomacy and occupies a commanding position in West Jerusalem on the inauspiciously named Hill of Evil Counsel, where Judas is said to have negotiated his betrayal of Jesus. It has acres of lush gardens filled with delphiniums, roses and trees. After the British mandate ended in 1948, it was taken over by the United Nations.

And this just happend on another "Tisha B'Av" - the day where the judgments went over the Jewish People - again and again in history!!!
Check it out here:'av

Tony Blair is the guy who was prime minister when Great Britain was transformed in a huge "Big Brother" state. And Gordon Brown his successor is just continuing the surveillance state and he himself declared to work for "The NEW WORLD ORDER".

Check this Youtube film - Gordon Brown speaks about the New World Order: 2:08 min.

And just remember how HM the Queen invited George W Bush after the inital war with Iraq was over and how she again visited George W Bush in the White House....

According to and the US is again under de-facto British rule.

Just check out about Chatham House (RIIA; which is under direct guidance of the Order of the Garter - Queen No. 1 - Prince Charles No. 2 -
the RIIA is the major think thank of the British Government, where all the ideas are precooked and later met into policy. It is the sister think thank of the Council on Foreign Relations, which has received - and it is right - a pretty bad reputation).

So I stop for now and hope Joe Sterling and Max Bridges are giving more input.

One more thing: When I some 30 years ago tried to convince "my" newspaper in Switzerland to publish a uncover story about the Bilderbergers, the redactor in chief did not want. And finally he told me "And Freemasonry is not at all bad, it is not devlish". (I had said nothing about freemasonry, and nothing about their envolvement with Lucifer).

Now last year was the Bilderberg Conference near Ottawa in Canada.

A certain Mr. Gusenbauer was there from the SPÖ (Socialist Party of Austria) and a certain Mr. Molterer ÖVP (a rather rightwing, catholic party). And when I knew about - naturally not from the Austrian media - I told: "I think Mr. Gusenbauer will become Chancellor of Austria." - And a few months later, he was Chancellor of Austria. And Mr. Molterer who is - I am pretty sure about - a high level mason became Freemason.

But NO WORD in the Austrian Media about their involvement in the Bilderberg-Group!!!! Is this Freemason tactic ?? I do not now. But in any case, this is NOT IN ORDER!!

Please Max and Joe continue to give input!

All the Best and greetings in the name of the true Creator God:
YHVH and his son Jesus the Christ, to Him will soon be given all power in time and eternity!

So better bow down before him in time as long as there is possibility to change your life and to bring things into the right order.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:26 pm    Post subject: Sorry, I have to correct myself!!! Reply with quote

A certain Mr. Gusenbauer was there from the SPÖ (Socialist Party of Austria) and a certain Mr. Molterer ÖVP (a rather rightwing, catholic party). And when I knew about - naturally not from the Austrian media - I told: "I think Mr. Gusenbauer will become Chancellor of Austria." - And a few months later, he was Chancellor of Austria. And Mr. Molterer who is - I am pretty sure about - a high level mason became Freemason.

Sorry, Mr. Molterer became Vice Chancellor of Austria....

According to what I know now and what other sources confirm, Austria never legally joined the European Community (now EU).

It was a big show - and the ballot was falsified.

This is the official Yes vote: 66,6 % (what a joke).

That non worthy Austrian Government could have told also directly to the Illuminist New World Order gang: "Yes, we accept and we bow in deep reference to the Antichristan New World Order system and fully agree to co-operate."

Just think about the following:

A few years ago the US - Government - and I think it was Heny Kissinger, the crook - told Milosevic, president of the former Yougoslavia:

Either you join the New World Order by free will - or we are going to destroy Yougoslavia.

And what happend. The west conspired that Yougoslavia started civil war - one region against the other regions. The European and the US helped to put the pot on fire!

And what was the end: Milosevic was put into prison in Den Hague and accused of being a big War Criminal - I am sure he was bad too.

But because he knew too much, they finally killed him off. Because he could have spoken too much about the US, the Europeans and the behaviour of the NATO. Just one day before he was killed he wrote a letter to his lawyer in which he wrote, that he was really scared.

Remember the Yougoslav war was put like that in the Western Media:

It is a huge Humanitarian Crisis in the Former Yougoslavia. The West - the NATO - has to interfear and make order and hlep the poor suppressed down there (this was partially right). But the goal of the NATO was to conque and divide in order to eaten up pieace after piece.

And Kosovo is until this day unter NATO occupation. And the Serbs are now even willing to give far possible autonomy to Kosovo. As far as I know they have much mineral resources...

And for 4.2 billion years half life period, a "illuminating" soil - giving cancer and sickness to the population....

MR. BILL CLINTON - what have you done in Europe???

Hillary Clinton - why you wanna become President of the US. I know you are a witch!

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:59 am    Post subject: Apples and oranges and what time has rot Reply with quote

Hoi Herrn Lauchenauermartin,

Wunderbar was Sie vor zwei Meldungen geschrieben haben. Genau so etwas kann ich es mir leicht vorstellen.

I have no problems in most of what you write, particularly as it relates to Bushes and 9/11 and current politics. There are just a few areas where apples are mixed with oranges, and when time has rotted and decayed them beyond recognition.

Specifically, as far as I and most Masons are concerned, there is no relation whatsoever between Skull-and-Bones and Masons. The former does (so we are told) have satanic rituals. The latter from my own experience thus far does not.

For the sake of discussion, let's assume that everything Albert Pike wrote was true. I'm in no position to confirm or deny it. I've admittedly never even read his book, and I'm not in the Scottish Rite. The key phrase is "was true." Albert Pike died like 110 years ago, right?

To base an entire crusade against Masonry on century old text is very irresponsible. If you could support that with modern day evidence, I'm all eyes and ears and curious as all get out. But when it comes down to brass tacks, modern day equivalents -- even if that modern day is stretch 20 - 30 years into our recent past -- are lacking in those who call Masons dirty names.

Similar analogies apply to the Catholic Church, or for that matter, any church that existed and was popular 100+ years ago. Church and bible scholars absolutely have to admit that teachings even within a single denomination over such a large time span drift. Society changes. Women get the right to vote; blacks get the right to vote; organizations rise and fall like the KKK (which I'm sure many upstanding masons of their day in certain regions were probably also active in).

Trying to tar and feather an organization today for activities and writings 100+ years ago is a hole in the argument that even a non-Mason could drive a Lastwagen through.

Another gaping hole in the arguments I've read stems from the independence of how Freemasonry is run from country to country, and in my case (United States) even state to state. I can grant you a lot of leeway that maybe Freemasonry in your countries have had a heavy hand in the community. (And if so, how recently?)

As Masons go, I'm a relatively young one (40+) and haven't been one that many years. However, I was a DeMolay in my youth. My father was a Mason, as were Uncles and Grandfathers on both sides of my family. Everything ever said to me by a Mason about Masonry -- similar to what is posted on Lodge websites -- before I joined has been proven true in my experience, without any behind my back double dealings or nefarious purposes.

Masonry in my state is experiencing somewhat of a resurgence in the 20-40 year olds. We're not talking standing-room-only capacity, but positive growth numbers. Considering that as I joined (around 9/11), lodges were literally dying. The standard bearers of the lodge were in retirement from their vocations and had time to devote to its business to help it limp along. Many were repeat office holders. But they were OLD.

I may not be 100% correct on this next issue, I'm probably much closer in my understanding of the officer structure even in the Masonic bodies that I'm not part of than you are. You talk about "Grand Masters" and "Sovereign Grand Commander" as if they were "president for life" like positions.

More than likely, you rise to those positions in the (grand) lodge after having served in other officer chairs, and when it is your turn to wield the gavel of authority, it is for a term of a year. Then you return back down to the ranks, albeit where others append things of respect to their salutations to you. It isn't as if a former Grand Master keeps on wielding power and authority over others; what they get is greater respect. I know of no "Grand Masonic board or Committee" planning to overtake the world. Planning for picnics and education scholarships is about the extent of it.

Two other points. I repeat that the different Masonic bodies are independent. With the exception of the Blue Lodge structure and their Grand Lodges, edicts don't get shoved down or between Masonic bodies. Scottish Rite might have lots of degrees, it doesn't necessarily mean that there are progressively grand, grander, and grandest worshipful masters who lord it over one another, and the blue lodges.

The second point is that there is a two-fold masonic experience: one in receiving a degree as an initiate and the other in learning by memory the parts for putting on the degree. Due to the amount of ritual that is required to be learned, the officers sitting in a station are not necessarily the same who help put on a degree. Otherwise a position like Worshipful Master of a Blue Lodge would be utterly slammed with memory work to the point of not making proficiency in his ritual parts until the end of his term, if at that.

That being said, even in my short affiliation with Masonry, I've seen things change and experiments attempted. The ritual is not identical state-to-state, let alone country to country.

If all the Masonic detractors can rely on is long-dead Albert Pike, they have a weak case against so-called Masonic criminals. It would be like me trying to attack Mormonism today based on information uncovered about Joseph Smith or Christian Science today based on hearsay of Mary Baker Eddy, both of whom were contemporaries of Albert Pike. Whatever its validity in its day doesn't make it relevant or even important today.

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