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Microchip Implants: The Terrible Dangers!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:00 am    Post subject: Microchip Implants: The Terrible Dangers! Reply with quote

Dear friends,

I open this topic to post you some articles that will explain to you the ultimate and terrible dangers of microchip implants. Shocked

We must REFUSE these demonic implantable chips, even through Revolution if necessary ! Mad

May this topic be useful, and may you always remember and teach your children that FREEDOM must NEVER be sacrificed for a so-called "security". Wink

Enjoy, and please, in the name of the Lord, NEVER GET CHIPPED ! Exclamation

Yours faithfully, Vic.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:06 am    Post subject: Plans To Microchip Every Newborn In U.S. & Europe Underw Reply with quote


Plans To Microchip Every Newborn In U.S. And Europe Underway, According To Former Chief Medical Officer Of Finland

Technology exists to create a totalitarian New World Order and sinister plans to use it on innocent public being covered up by U.S. policy makers.

11 May 2006

By Greg Szymanski

Are you ready for a total elimination of privacy and a robotizing of mankind, as well as an invasion of every thought going through your head?

Are you prepared to live in a world in which every newborn baby is micro-chipped? And finally are you ready to have your every move tracked, recorded and placed in Big Brother's data bank?

Although it seems impossible, plans are well underway to control every move and thought of the American population once the New World Order ends it period of extended violence, a stage of takeover the country is now experiencing.

And since there is very little written in the compliant U.S. media, a story that appeared in the Finnish-language journal, Spekula, tells Americans just how close we are to entering the totalitarian New World Order.

According to the Finnish article, distributed to doctors and medical students, time is running out for changing the direction of military medicine and mind control technology, ensuring the future of human freedom.

"Yet the technology exists to create a totalitarian New World Order," said Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD, a former chief medical officer of Finland. "Covert neurological communication systems are in place to counteract independent thinking and to control social and political activity on behalf of self-serving private and military interests.

"When our brain functions are already connected to supercomputers by means of radio implants and microchips, it will be too late for protest. This threat can be defeated only by educating the public, using available literature on biotelemetry and information exchanged at international congresses."

In her article, entitled Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics, Dr. Kilde claims the U.S. is the main culprit behind the covert use of electronic equipment and weaponry, saying "one reason this technology has remained a state secret is the widespread prestige of the psychiatric Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV produced by the U.S. American Psychiatric Association (APA) printed in 18 languages.

"Psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligence agencies no doubt participated in writing and revising this manual. This psychiatric "bible" covers up the secret development of MC technologies by labeling some of their effects as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia."

Dr. Kilde added the media has remained "hush hush" about the true intent and purpose behind micro-chipping, saying the perfect cyber soldier can be created with sophisticated equipment and weaponry being used in certain NATO countries since the 1980's.

Listen as Dr. Kilde explains the sinister nature behind the government's use of electronic weaponry as a political means of control:

This secret technology has been used by military forces in certain NATO countries since the 1980s without civilian and academic populations having heard anything about it. Thus, little information about such invasive mind-control systems is available in professional and academic journals.

The NSA's Signals Intelligence group can remotely monitor information from human brains by decoding the evoked potentials (3.50HZ, 5 milliwatt) emitted by the brain.

Prisoner experimentees in both Gothenburg, Sweden and Vienna, Austria have been found to have evident brain lesions. Diminished blood circulation and lack of oxygen in the right temporal frontal lobes result where brain implants are usually operative.

A Finnish experimentee experienced brain atrophy and intermittent attacks of unconsciousness due to lack of oxygen.

Mind control techniques can be used for political purposes. The goal of mind controllers today is to induce the targeted persons or groups to act against his or her own convictions and best interests. Zombified individuals can even be programmed to murder and remember nothing of their crime afterward. Alarming examples of this phenomenon can be found in the U.S.

This silent war is being conducted against unknowing civilians and soldiers by military and intelligence agencies. Since 1980, electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) has been secretly used to control people targeted without their knowledge or consent. All international human rights agreements forbid nonconsensual manipulation of human beings even in prisons, not to speak of civilian populations.

Targeting brain functions with electromagnetic fields and beams (from helicopters and airplanes, satellites, from parked vans, neighboring houses, telephone poles, electrical appliances, mobile phones, TV, radio, etc.) is part of the radiation problem that should be addressed in democratically elected government bodies.

In addition to electronic MC, chemical methods have also been developed. Mind-altering drugs and different smelling gasses affecting brain function negatively can be injected into air ducts or water pipes. Bacteria and viruses have also been tested this way in several countries.

Regarding plans to microchip newborns, Dr. Kilde said the U.S. has been moving in this direction "in secrecy." She added that in Sweden, Prime Minister Olof Palme gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners, and Data Inspection's ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s. The technology is revealed in the 1972:47 Swedish state report, Statens Officiella Utradninger (SOU).

"Implanted human beings can be followed anywhere. Their brain functions can be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even altered through the changing of frequencies," wrote Dr. Kilde.

"Guinea pigs in secret experiments have included prisoners, soldiers, mental patients,handicapped children, deaf and blind people, homosexuals, single women, the elderly,school children, and any group of people considered "marginal" by the elite experimenters. The published experiences of prisoners in Utah State Prison, for example, are shocking to the conscience.

"Today's microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them.With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe. Such a technique was among a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl Sanders, who invented the intelligence-manned interface (IMI) biotic, which is injected into people. (Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip, designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.) The 20-billion-bit/second supercomputers at the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) could now "see and hear" what soldiers experience in the battlefield with a remote monitoring system (RMS).

"When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuro-impulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuro-impulses can be projected back to the person's brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads.

"Every thought, reaction, hearing, and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures, and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person's brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture."

For more informative articles, go to

Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site

Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio Greg is also regular on the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:23 am    Post subject: CARL W. SANDERS' TESTIMONY ! Reply with quote

Dear friends,

Here are some excerpts of an article that was released in the Australian magazine "Nexus".

This is the testomony of Carl W. Sanders, an engineer who helped inventing the subcutaneous microchip, more than 37 years ago !

I've been speaking to this man. What he revealed years ago is being confirmed in today's events. The risks and dangers are real.

So far, all he said has been confirmed. One can recognize a tree to the fruits that it's bearing. Dr. Sanders information has been proved useful and true. Here is his testimony...

Carl W. Sanders' website can be viewed here : You'll also find the necessary information to contact him on that site...

Best regards, Vic.


The Microchip and the "Mark of the Beast"

by Dr. Carl W. Sanders

Here are excerpts from an article published in the June-July, 1994 issue of NEXUS (P.O. Box 30, Mapleton, Queensland 4560, Australia). It is the testimony of Dr. Carl W. Sanders, who was in charge of conceiving the microchip. Dr. Sanders is an electronic engineer, inventor, author and consultant to various government organizations as well as to IBM, General Electric, Honeywell and Teledyne.

"Thirty-two years of my life was spent in design engineering and electronics — designing microchips in the Bio-Med field.

"In 1968 I became involved, almost by accident, in a research and development project in regard to a spinal bypass for a young lady who had severed her spine. They were looking at possibly being able to connect motor nerves, etc.

"It was a project we were all excited about. There were 100 people involved and I was senior engineer in charge of the project. The project culminated in the microchip that we talk about now — a microchip that I believe is going to be the positive identification and "the Mark of the Beast".

"Working on the microchip, we had no idea about it ever being an identification chip. We looked at it as being a very humanitarian thing to do… Our team was made up of people out of San Jose, people out of Motorola, General Electric, Boston Medical Center — it was quite a group of people. (…)

"As the chip began to evolve, there came a time in the project when they said that the financial return on bypassing severed spines is not a very lucrative thing for us to be into, so we really need to look at some other areas. We noticed that the frequency of the chip had a great effect upon behaviour and so we began to branch off and look possibly at behaviour modification.

"The project almost turned into electronic acupuncture because what they ended up with was embedding a microchip to put out a signal which affected certain areas. They were able to determine that you could cause a behavioural change.

"One of the projects was called the Phoenix Project which had to do with Vietnam veterans. We had a chip that we called the Rambo chip. This chip would actually cause extra adrenaline flow. (…)

"There are 250 000 components in the microchip, including a tiny lithium battery. I fought them over using lithium as a battery source but NASA was doing a lot with lithium at that time and it was the going thing. I had talked to a doctor at Boston Medical Center about what that concentration of lithium in the body could do if the chip broke down. He said that you would get a boil or grievous sore.

"As the development moved along, I left the project and came back as a consultant several times. I was used in many meetings as an expert witness in regard to the uses of the microchip.

"I was in one meeting where it was discussed, ‘How can you control a people if you cannot identify them?’ People like Henry Kissinger and CIA folk attended these meetings. (…)

"As we developed this microchip, as the identification chip became the focal point, there were several things that were wanted. They wanted a name and an image (picture of your face), Social Security number with the international digits on it, finger print identification, physical description, family history, address, occupation, income tax information and criminal record.

"I’ve been in seventeen ‘One World’ meetings where this has been discussed, meetings in Brussels, Luxembourg, tying together the finances of the world.

"…There are bills before Congress right now that will allow them to inject a microchip in your child at the time of birth for identification purposes. The President of the United States of America, under the ‘Emigration Control Act of 1986’, Section 100, has the authority to deem whatever type of identification is necessary — whether it be an invisible tattoo or electronic media under the skin. So I think you have to look at the facts, folks: this is not coming as some big shock. The paving has been done ahead of time!"
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 6:58 pm    Post subject: HELP US PREVENT 200 PEOPLE FROM BEING IMPLANTED! Reply with quote

Please join us next Saturday for an anti-chipping prayer vigil in West
Palm Beach, Florida.
If you can't attend in person, visit to learn
more and get involved.

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

Do you believe human beings should be implanted with numbered RFID

Neither do we. That's why we are organizing a march and prayer vigil
next weekend to oppose the planned injection of VeriChip implants into
200 Florida Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers. If it's not
stopped, these patients will be used as research subjects for an implant
study to be conducted by the VeriChip Corp. and a Florida-based group
called Alzheimer's Community Care.

Here are the details of our event:

March and Prayer Vigil to Protect the Vulnerable
Saturday, May 12, 2007
West Palm Beach, Florida 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
* Pre-Event Presentation and Book Signing by RFID Expert Dr.
Katherine Albrecht 10:00-12:00
* Peaceful March to Alzheimer's Community Care and Prayer Vigil
For event details and to learn why we oppose VeriChip, see:

It's crucial that we stand up and speak out to oppose this plan. Here's

* Microchipping people as if they were dogs or laboratory animals
is not just demeaning and dehumanizing. According to the FDA, it
could be dangerous, too. The FDA has identified health risks
associated with chip implants ranging from MRI incompatibility
and migration of the implant to adverse tissue reaction and
needle stick.

* Using Alzheimer's patients as research subjects raises troubling
ethical issues. VeriChip must not be allowed to inject
microchips into people whose mental impairments prevent them
from giving fully informed consent. Medical ethicists strongly
advise that vulnerable members of society should not be used to
test controversial and potentially dangerous technology.

* Injecting an electronic device into someone's flesh without
fully informed consent is as violent and invasive as rape.
Simply being unable to say "no" is not the same as giving
consent. And for millions of people around the globe, receiving
a numbered mark is one of the most serious religious violations
a person can commit. This is not a step to be taken lightly.

Please join us on May 12th, 2007, for a prayer vigil outside of
Alzheimer's Community Care in West Palm Beach, Florida. If you can't
attend in person, here are some things you can do right now:

* Visit and click on "What you Can Do"
to help out
* Spread the word by and placing a link to on your
website and distributing this message to others
* Sign up for our free mailing list to follow this issue, as well
as our other RFID, freedom, and privacy issues
* Download our model legislation and share it with your elected

We believe what VeriChip is planning to do is wrong. We hope you do,
too, and will join us to give a voice to vulnerable members of society
who cannot speak for themselves.

In freedom and in Christ,
Katherine Albrecht, Ed.D.

Dr. Katherine Albrecht
Founder and Director, CASPIAN Consumer Privacy

Co-author of "SPYCHIPS: How Major Corporations and Government
Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID" //
Bio online at:

Note: CASPIAN is a secular (non-religious) organization which welcomes
members from all faiths, backgrounds, and political persuasions. To
learn more, see:


CASPIAN: Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering
Opposing supermarket loyalty cards and other retail surveillance
schemes since 1999

You're welcome to duplicate and distribute this message to others who
may find it of interest.


To subscribe or unsubscribe to the Caspian-newsletter-l mailing list, click
the following link or copy and paste it into your browser:

If you have difficulty with the web-based interface, you may also
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 1:06 pm    Post subject: USA : All Airport Employees To Have Microchip Implants !? Reply with quote


Dear friends,

The need to REACT AGAINST those devilish chip implants becomes more and more URGENT. Shocked Surprised Exclamation

Here is an article telling us that the CONGRESS OF THE USA is considering and discussing THE MANDATORY IMPLANTATION OF THOSE HORRIBLE SUBCUTANEOUS CHIPS IN ALL AIRPORT EMPLOYEES !!! Twisted Evil Shocked Surprised Exclamation

Always under the FALSE pretexts of "security" and "struggle against terrorism" ! Mad

The REAL and ONLY purpose is the TOTAL CONTROL (including MIND CONTROL) over global populations, and the ERADICATION OF ALL LIBERTIES (including free agency !) !!! Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Shocked

This is what the New World Order (CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission etc.) has PLANNED many years ago and is realizing NOW in order to ENSLAVE all human beings !!! Twisted Evil


Please remember that when USA takes decisions about AIRBORNE TRAFFIC, IT DOESN'T TAKE LONG BEFORE EUROPE FOLLOWS !!! Shocked Surprised Exclamation

We had the proof of this with the liberticide and revolting RFID PASSPORTS CONTAINING BIOMETRIC DATA !!! Shocked Confused


So please FIGHT RFID and implantable chips ! We MUST make these devilish devices ILLEGAL. Wink THEY MUST BE PROHIBITED !!! Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation

The article, below...


Source :

All Airport Employees To Have Microchip Implants ?

Need to track all employees from mechanics to chefs may lead to implantation

Steve Watson

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Congress is moving quickly to put into motion measures that will ensure airport employees are subjected to stricter security checks. Everyone from Restaurant employees to airline mechanics could soon be forced to provide biometric finger and iris scans and may even face the possibility of being implanted with a microchip.

Currently all airport employees must pass a police and FBI background check, however this may soon be upgraded to include credit checks, routine searches of bags and property and the use of biometric readers with the possibility of microchip implants on the table

The measures are still under Congressional discussion.

Local News Channel KENS5 broadcast a report on the proposals from San Antonio airport recently

Such biometric readers are becoming commonplace in many places of work, yet the use of microchip implants is yet to become widespread.

There are however some workers who have been forced to take the chip.
Government workers in Mexico are being forced to take the chip or lose their job. Staff of Mexico's attorney general had to take the chip in order to access secure areas.

In February, a Cincinnati surveillance equipment company became the first U.S. business to use this application when a handful of employees voluntarily got implants to allow them to enter secure rooms.

In a trail blazing act last year however, Governor Jim Doyle of Wisconsin signed a law declaring it a crime to require an individual to be implanted with a microchip. The people of Wisconsin welcomed the RFID law which imposes fine of up to $10,000 per day for a violator. The Bill was introduced by Rep. Marlin Schneider, D-Wisconsin.

A spotlight has recently been placed on chip implants by the London Times which ran a piece asking whether children should be implanted in the wake of the kidnapping of British toddler Madeleine McCann.

We have also previously highlighted how implantable chips are being used for recreational purposes, to pay for drinks in bars. The Financial Times today ran a piece on the Baja Beach club in Barcelona which has championed the technology for years.

Earlier this year award winning director Aaron Russo, appearing on the Alex Jones show, stressed that the true intentions of the global elite, in particular the Rockefeller family, is a microchipped society. A society where you have no privacy, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, whether you’re innocent, guilty, indifferent or impaired. A microchipped society sounds like something from a horrific science fiction movie, as ever fiction is being mirrored by reality as we now see it being debated in Congress.

The Age in Australia reported that within ten years the chip will be as common as cell phones are today. If the scheme became commonplace then it is estimated that around 75% of the population would be mandated to take the chips.

By pure coincidence (ahem) IBM, the company behind Verichip, the major retailer of implantable chips, also ran the cataloging system used by the Nazis to store information on Jews in Hitler's Germany.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:24 pm    Post subject: Implanted Microchips Reply with quote

I'm new, so please forgive if I am way off base and asking silly questions. I am wondering -- are our politicians implanted? The vapid look on Bush's face at times may be an indication?

I have had all I implanted? How can I tell. And then, how about removal?

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Egypt,
I'm fairly new too. You raise a spectacular question - are we implanted and don't know it? Hmmmm interesting. I, personally have absolutely no idea. But maybe someone on this forum, who is better informed than I, might have some links or books or whatever that we could study?
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:06 pm    Post subject: Have we been implanted and don't know? Reply with quote

Hi Garbo Smile

Thanks for replying... I'll go do a search and see what comes up.

And, how easily implanting could be done on newborns. A chip could be placed inside bone so effectively, without notice. Then, as our children grow, the bone encloses the chip even more...

People have had chips removed. They say they come from Aliens.. who knows? But, the amazing part of these chips as they were studied by professionals is that the power source from them comes from our nerve system. The chips actually have "tendacles" of unknown substance that transmit energy to operate the chip.

oh my...what is it all coming to? What is really going on? Is it our government, aliens or both?
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:47 pm    Post subject: My article... Reply with quote

Dear friends,

I'm going to post hereafter my article about the dangers of microchip implants.

This article will be posted in several posts, as it is quite long. But it's definitively worth it ! Exclamation Wink

It summarizes all I found about this during 4 years of reading, posting, translating, commenting about the chip.


So please read it carefully, and most of all... NEVER GET CHIPPED, AND FIGHT AGAINST THE TYRANNY OF CHIP IMPLANTS !!! Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation


The article, underneath...


P.S. : this is the translation of the last update of my article. This article was first written in French, which is my mother tongue. I tried to translate it as best as I could in English. It might not be perfect though, so would you please "forgive my French"... Embarassed
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:51 pm    Post subject: MICROCHIP IMPLANT : THE ULTIMATE DANGER FOR HUMANKIND ! Reply with quote



Electronic chips became so "ordinary" nowadays that we don't even think about them anymore. They are everywhere : in our calculators, our computers, our household appliance etc. For a couple of years, we also have been finding them on our bank cards, social security cards, credit cards and even...on our identity cards ! Microchips that are very close to those that are spoken of in this article are also implanted under the skin of animals, which contain medical data (name, vaccinations etc.); they also allow to identify them, to localize them, to track them so that you can find them back by satellite when they got lost or escaped. In one word, what was yesterday part of science-fiction is reality nowadays...

But let's go on with the thought : if one succeeded implementing that technique on animals, why couldn't we do the same thing on human beings ?

This is technically and technologically possible, anyway. Of course, we have legal, moral and ethical rules and also the Human Rights (that are flouted every day) to "protect" us... But are those fences truly sufficient and efficient, especially if those who have the power are the ones who infringe or contour them ?

A priori, the hypothesis of a microchip implanted on humans on a huge scale could be thought as pure paranoïa... But after the reading of this article, maybe you'll change your mind. What was being prepared - without our knowledge ! - fortunately appeared, and a nightmarish scenario will - MAYBE ! - be avoided thanks to us, thanks to YOU, if you react in time ! So, GET UP ! Today, the time has come to act for you, for your children and for future generations, or this planet will soon be crowded with zombies that will be guided by the will of those who will have implanted them the microchip...

And now, please read this article till the end and let it help you make up your mind. The choice is yours... Yet, I hope that you'll choose to move, because the things we're going to talk about are happening HERE AND NOW ! You can also check out that what is said in this article is true by going to the links that were added at the end of this article (point 9 : sources and references).
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:53 pm    Post subject: part 2... Reply with quote


The subcutaneous microchip is not a brand new invention; it's been worked on for more than 30 years, as the testimony of Carl W. Sanders shows.

Dr. Carl W. Sanders is an electronics engineer and an inventor who worked for many governmental organizations and companies such as IBM, General Electric, Honeywell and Teledyn. For 32 years, he worked in the bio-medical field, focusing on microchips.

In 1968, he takes part to a research project regarding a "spinal bridge" in order to heal a lady whose spine had been severely injured. The goal was to find a solution to link the motor nerves etc. That project led to the creation of a microchip that reloads itself automatically thanks to the human body's temperature variations, which gives it an almost unlimited life expectancy. In order to do so, the microchip is equiped with a thermo-electrical reloading circuit, and with a small reusable lithium battery. It's interesting to note that back then, lithium was used a lot, notably by the NASA.
Dr. Sanders was confirmed by a Boston Medical Centre doctor that if the microchip broke inside a human body, the lithium would cause a severe and painful wound filled with pus. But despite that danger, "one" still decided to use a lithium battery for the microchip...

After spending $1.5 millions in that purpose, it was found that both places of the human body where the temperature changes very fast are the forehead (just down the hairline) and the back of the hand.

Because of financial considerations (the microchip "was not bringing enough money"), the ones responsible for the project were told that they were to find new applications for that chip...

As it had been noticed that the microchip's frequency changes had direct effects on the patient's behaviour once the microchip had been implanted in the body, "one" oriented the researches on the possibility to modify human behaviour with the help of the microchip. The microchip could broadcast a signal stimulating different parts of the brain. It was possible, for instance, to raise the adrenaline rate, which caused a change of behaviour...

Furthermore, according to the discoveries made by Carl Sanders and his team, birth control can be implemented through the use of the chip. The chip stops the production of hormones in the area of the pituitary gland, which causes an instant menopause. This was studied in India and in other parts of the world. Following Sanders, the ultimate purpose of the powers controlling the world is to reduce the global population of 90% : a size that is easier to control, according to them.

During a meeting with members of the C.I.A. and important personalities such as Henry Kissinger (ancient american secretary of State who's in favour of a New World Order and who has a more than dubious past; under president Nixon, he personally supervised the major operations of the C.I.A. and of the F.B.I. , and commanded the military officials), it was brought to Dr. Sanders' attention that, in order to be able to control the population, it was necessary to IDENTIFY it first.

So the project had to be reoriented once again, and they added to the microchip the ability of recording (and restoring) data that could include the name and the face of the individual, his social security number (with international codes), his fingerprints, his physical description, his family genealogy, his address, his job, informations regarding his taxes reports and his medical records. The "restoring" of the data can be done thanks to a special scanner that analyzes and processes the data contained in the microchip...

In that time, Dr. Sanders was working for the “Lucent Technologies” company. He baptized his subcutaneous microchip for humans the “#BT952000”. During the invention and the set up of the #BT952000 chip, the computer that Sanders was using was a “Data-Net 30”… That computer already had a 18 bit name divided in 3 groups of 6 bits (6,6,6), to be precise. Sanders (who wasn’t a believer back then and who didn’t pay attention to numbers and such things) also used for the microchip, logically and by convenience, a name corresponding to 18 bit, divided in 3 groups of 6 bit (6,6,6). Afterwards, Dr. Sanders realized that he had been fooled and that he actually took part to the creation of an awful device that could even be the “mark of the Beast” described in St John’s Revelations (see point 6 of this article). He became a believer afterwards, and he now goes around the world to warn people about that kind of technology…

Among its components, the microchip has a transmitter-receiver that sends a digital signal based on pulsions that transmits 85 data elements. It also transmits, at regular intervals, a signal digitally created. Used as a relay, this signal sends important informations, eventually being used in order to localize the implanted person through satellites, Earth bases and relay antennas. So the bearer of the microchip becomes a "living antenna" that can be spotted any time by satellite !!!

Dr. Sanders took part to 17 meetings around the world (including Brussels and Luxemburg) where those matters were discussed in the aim of a worldwide government and of a worldwide currency. (Before laughing to the idea of a worldwide currency, look at the evolution in Europe, for instance : national currencies were replaced by a supranational currency – the euro; furthermore, take a look at the “Terra” project that the Da Vinci Institute and the Future of Money summit prepare for us, for it clearly is a worldwide currency project. For further informations about it, please go to or to ).

Aware of the terrifying possibilities of the microchip, Carl Sanders, after finishing the project, decided to choose prevention and to warn populations about the dangers that the subcutaneous microchip represents. This microchip, thanks to miniaturization, doesn't measure more than one millimetre, contains 250.000 elements and can be implanted under the skin thanks to a hypodermic syringe and under the effects a local anesthetic.

One of the first identification microchips was the TX1400L transponder made by the Destron company (U.S. patents 4730188 and 5041826), originally designed for animals BUT whose commercial stated that “although it was designed to be injected in animals, this transponder may be used for other applications requiring an identification tag” !

Dr Daniel Man was the first to get a patent in the U.S.A. for a microchip used on humans. He wanted to find back missing or kidnapped kids…

Jack Dunlap, an entrepreneur from Arizona, proposed the KIDSCAN system. That device was supposed to track the implanted children whose chip would have sent signals to satellites… That system, fortunately, never saw the light of day… But right now, such systems do exist, including for children ! We’re going to check this out in the sequel of this article…

It is important to notice that children always were a particular priority and target in the development of subcutaneous microchips for humans. The reason for this interest in children is developed in point 5 (How “they” will try to make people accept the microchip implant).
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:57 pm    Post subject: part 3... Reply with quote


At the moment where medicine uses micro-surgery and begins to use small “electronic pills” that take pictures of our inner body (regarding that subject, go to and get some information about the pill-camera « PillCam »); in a time where it is more and more spoken about “nanotechnology” (a technology that is miniaturized to a microscopic or even molecular scale); now that the abortion pill is in sale in pharmacies, that contraceptive implants are used and that some genetic experiments on embryos were adopted; now that cloning experiments have begun, that cellphones are massively marketed (those cellphones whose waves and frequency are dangerous for your health), what do we notice ?

• First of all, we were progressively brought to adopt barcodes, then microchips on our cards (smart cards : bank cards, social security cards, credit cards and even identity cards for some countries - the new Belgian identity card is a good example), and finally microchip implants placed under the skin of animals and pets and called “transponders” (let’s notice that in some countries, those chip implants for animals have already become MANDATORY).

The question is : what will be the next step ???

• Then, we now have performing orientation or localization systems that works thanks to satellites (including relay antennas and the GPS - Global Positioning System - by example)

• Our discoveries regarding chemical, bacteriological or nuclear weapons progressed

• Governmental systems and their institutions went over the conception of the nation and are more and more based on international groups (U.N., W.T.O., O.E.C.D., I.M.F., the world bank etc.) that turn more and more into worldwide organizations

• Economy prevails on loads of things and metamorphoses itself into globalization, with a hegemony of multinational companies whose power and capitals are so important that they’re sometimes bigger than those of some countries

• Medias have a huge impact on populations; the systems of transmission and information are faster than ever

But what’s up regarding the subcutaneous microchip ?

Well, today, the microchip is part of what is named the “RFID” technologies (for Radio Frequency Identification Devices), or of the ICT implants (implants of the Internet and Communication Technologies).

In the United States of America, it’s possible for any citizen, since the end of 2002, to get the microchip implant for the “modest” amount of 200 dollars !!! The company A.D.S. (Applied Digital Solutions Inc.), through its subsidiary company “Verichip Corp.”, was authorized by the American Food and Drug Administration, since 2004, to market its revolting microchip implant that is also named “verichip”. If you believe that this is a hoax, please check out the following website :

“But where’s the problem ?”, could you think, since those good people chose that option in all liberty ? Well, the problem lies here : there are law projects that passed through the American Congress and that will allow the injection of the microchip implant to children from birth, under so-called “identification purposes”. Moreover, the president of the U.S.A., following article 100 of the 1986 law on control of immigration, has the power to decide any kind of identification measure that he finds necessary, including a subcutaneous microchip. The microchip implant has already been used during the Gulf war in august 1991; it has already been tested on soldiers, government officials and on the personnel of some enterprises.

The other problem is that people who get “chipped” are often very ignorant of the huge risks that the subcutaneous microchip represents.

Still in the USA, the ex-Attorney General (who’s also an army general), John Ashcroft, allowed the development of “internment camps for civilians”. In a video called “Gulag USA”, it was proved that these camps are full of torture devices, but also that it is planned to use devices allowing to implant prisoners with the subcutaneous microchip !!! During World War II, nazis would “mark” prisoners at the entrance of the camps thanks to tattoos… Nowadays, the USA, in these camps for civilians, would mark the prisoners (civilians !) with subcutaneous microchips in order to identify them and to follow their slightest move !

Even scarier : the U.S. independent press warned about the existence of a project that will make the “chipping” of the homeless mandatory in 5 States, including New York and California ! So this means that the microchip will begin to become MANDATORY, starting with the weakest parts of the population ! The pretext invoked makes an amalgam between the homeless and the criminals (the homeless “are easily criminalized”) !!!

In October 2004, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave the authorization to the verichip to be used in U.S. hospitals “for medical purposes”, even though the FDA recognized that this disgusting implant represents dangers for people’s health (see chapter 4 : the true dangers of the microchip and of its functioning) !!! Question : who, during his/her lifetime, doesn’t go to the hospital at least once ? If one begins to “chip” sick people in hospitals for so-called “medical monitoring” purposes, the whole population will be chipped sooner or later !!!

The Food and Drug Administration has definitively classified the verichip as a “class II medical device requiring special controls”.

American “intellectuals” and CEO’s also began to be “chipped” !

And the verichip is currently more and more used in American hospitals ! For instance, the Boston-based Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center installed in its emergency room verichip scanners/readers, and gets ready to chip the patients !!! HUNDREDS of American hospitals and healthcare facilities already ADOPTED the microchip implant !

Still in the U.S.A. , a bus called the “Chipmobile” drives through different states, trying to encourage people to get chipped ! And when they find a place where plenty unaware people are interested in getting chipped, the Verichip Corporation people build a verichip center to spread the chip and its influence !

Finally, always in the U.S.A. , here are the latest alarming news : a former Wisconsin governor and ex-secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under George W. Bush, Tommy Thompson, had joined the Applied Digital Solutions board of directors and had promised to get "chipped" very soon. He just resignes in order to dedicate all of his time… to run as a candidate for the American presidential elections in 2008 !


In September 2005, after the ravages caused by the hurricane "Katrina", Verichip Corporation chipped the remains of the corpses of the victims of this terrible natural disaster. Some more free advertisement for the scums from Verichip Corp. ! Besides, some stocks of microchips were made in Louisiana and in Mississipi, "just in case there would be other natural disasters"...

But the microchip doesn’t make ravages only in the U.S.A. , and right now we can even say that all parts of the world are concerned by this terrible problem ! See below…

A little while ago, Applied Digital Solutions (the company that commercialises the subcutaneous microchip) signed trade agreements with new countries for the “Verichip” and the “Digital Angel”. This is how Mexico, South Korea, Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia, the Caribbean Islands, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Central America and South Africa were contaminated, in just a couple of months, by the phenomenon of the microchip implant. In Mexico and in Brazil, kids are even being "chipped" !

In may 2006, the Colombian president URIBE proposed, in order to make sure that all Colombian workers who are leaving Colombia to work on a seasonal basis in the USA would actually come back to Colombia, that these workers WOULD BE CHIPPED IN ORDER TO TRACK THEM and in order to be able to spot them and catch them in case they would try to stay in the USA illegally !

Worse : the USA took back this concept : it is currently spoken about to CHIP IMMIGRANT WORKERS “to make sure that they go back to their country and that they don’t stay in the USA as illegal immigrants” !

Verichip Corp. is in full discussion with Washington in order to CHIP THE AMERICAN SOLDIERS (the chip would then replace the “dogtags”, those medallions that contain each soldier’s specific data).

And a project planning to CHIP ALL THE AMERICAN AIRPORT EMPLOYEES is on his way before the American Congress ! The paranoïd security measures taken since 911 “against terrorism” lead to the so-called “necessity” to control and track all the members of the airport’s personnel.

THE FIRST “MASS CHIPPINGS” WITHOUT THE PERSONNAL CONSENTMENT OF THE IMPLANTEE (which means MANDATORY chippings !) WERE MADE IN MAY 2007 ON 200 ALZHEIMER PATIENTS, in the infect “care” center named « Alzheimer's Community Care », in West Palm Beach, Florida ! As some patients don’t have the mental abilities to knowingly accept or refuse these implants, members of their family took the decision FOR THEM !

Despite the protestations of activists, this scandalous “care” center, that’s directed by true NAZIS in white shirt, decided, IN SPITE OF the protestations, to chip those 200 Alzheimer patients !

But there’s not only in the USA that the microchip makes ravages, and right now we can even say that ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD are concerned by this terrible scourge ! See what comes hereafter…

A little while ago, Applied Digital Solutions (the infamous company that markets the subcutaneous microchip for humans) signed commercial agreements for the « Verichip » with new countries. This is how Mexico, South Korea, Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia, the Caribbean Islands, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Central America and South Africa were contaminated in just several months by the phenomenon of the subcutaneous microchip. In Mexico and in Brazil, some kids are already implanted !!! The attorney general of Mexico was implanted with the verichip, along with some employees of his !!!

And Malaysia bought microchips (of a different brand than those of Applied Digital Solutions) that can be used in different ways, including under the skin, to spot and identify people…

Malaysia also adopted the verichip; some Asian countries, indeed, just signed an agreement with Applied Digital Solutions and Verichip Corp. for the purchase and distribution, spread on 3 years, of 65,825 verichips and 4,687 scanners minimum ! These countries are Malaysia, Indonesia, Thaïland and South Korea !

Canada, through British Columbia, has been contaminated : Applied Digital Solutions, indeed, has submitted a bid to buy a British Columbia-based company. This B.C. company is called EXI Wireless Inc. This purchase will add more or less 200 retailers and distributors to Verichip Corporation !!! The purpose, which is clearly admitted, is to spread and distribute as wide as possible the verichip in American and Canadian hospitals !

And, from now on, Africa, Singapore, Taiwan and Saudi Arabia also have their authorized Verichip distributor !

In November 2003, during a safety fair in Paris, Applied Digital Solutions’ boss made a sensational statement, revealing that the verichip could be the “ultimate means of protection” and that it could even bring people to a cashless society ! So it seems that the purpose to use the subcutaneous microchip for humans as a “worldwide currency” and that Carl W. Sanders warned us about, is confirmed !!!

After the earthquakes and tsunami that ravaged Asia at the end of 2004, some corpses were “chipped” for later identification, and also in order to “avoid epidemics” and to allow the harshly struck families not to suffer even more, knowing that one of theirs would “rest in an anonymous grave”. These arguments are actually humanistic or medical pretexts given to present those chips as “useful”, “convenient” and “unavoidable” to the eye of the public opinion. The chipping of corpses was also implemented in the USA after the Katrina hurricane disaster.

Finally, regarding Europe, Applied Digital Solutions found a distributor in… Spain (where “terrorist” attacks happened in March 2004…a “coïncidence” ?) ; in the United Kingdom (great friend of the U.S.A.), it was decided to follow the movement of worldwide dictatorship, since Applied Digital Solutions, via its fully owned subsidiary Verichip Corp., signed commercial agreements with a London-based company, Surge IT Solutions, for the distribution of the verichip : 9,000 subcutaneous microchips for humans and 110 scanners were ordered !

People are ALSO beginning to be chipped in some British hospitals (just like in the USA), and it must be noticed that the United Kingdom is the ONLY European country that has 2 different subcutaneous microchips for humans that are used and implanted : VeriChip Corp.’s “verichip”, and Trovan’s ID100IH !

Switzerland and Russia also joined the “microchip countries”, ordering a certain amount of “verichip” microchip implants and of “verichip reader” scanners ; the Netherlands, Italy and Germany (September 2005 for Germany) were also hit by this scourge ! So, Europe is not spared, and the subcutaneous microchip for humans is already present on the European ground !!!

More than 30 countries around the world (including European countries) are thus already touched by the scourge of the microchip implant ! All of this seems to confirm the “worldwide plan” that Karl W. Sanders denounced a long time ago !

Worse : in Barcelona, Spain, a nightclub company called “Baja Beach Club” uses the verichip as a subscription for its faithful customers and for its V.I.P. . The owner of the nightclub company encourages people to get chipped ! Since June 2004, the verichip is also proposed in the Baja Beach Club in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) ! It had even been spoken of a new Baja Beach Club in Cologne (Germany) where the verichip would have been proposed too… A bar, named the Bar Soba, in Glasgow, U.K. (the United Kingdom, let’s not forget it, has its official verichip distributor), also proposes the verichip to his regulars, and its boss, what a “coincidence”, also got chipped…at the Baja Beach Club, in Barcelona !

Some fans of new technologies, in the USA but also in the UK, begin to be chipped, even sometimes with microchips destined to animals (!), in order to automatically open doors or to unlock their computer without using any password (yes, it seems that laziness becomes a terrible disease)… but they don’t take into account or they’re not aware of the terrible risks and dangers of those chips !

Could the verichip become a “fashion gadget” ? Everything is tried in order to do so…

In Italy, the verichip was introduced since April 2004… in a hospital, in Rome, and it received an award in March 2005 !

In France, after heat waves that caused the death of hundreds of elderly people, the government foresaw, for the elderly people residing in nursing homes, RFID chip bracelets or… a verichip implant !!! And Verichip Corporation planned to find, by the end of 2005, a reliable distributor for France !

Always in Europe, the development of chip identity cards and transponders
(= subcutaneous microchips) for animals, notably as a consequence of the so-called “terrorist peril” that threatens us all and is a pretext for everything and anything, shows us that us, humans, could follow the same way very soon, even more now that the subcutaneous microchip for humans (the “verichip”) is already on our ground !

RECENTLY, the European ethics group for sciences and new technologies gave to the European commission a report on “ICT implants” (implants of the new technologies of information and communication), and the subcutaneous microchip is part of them !

In this report, the “ethics” group recognizes the dangers of the implant regarding privacy but also regarding “human identity” and the “individual subjectivity” (so, the influence of these implants on free-agency and on behavioural control is recognized !) ! But this “ethics” group also recognizes the “beneficial” use of the microchip at the medical level ! And at a non medical level, it considers that if the legislator is in a situation obliging him to use that technology for SURVEILLANCE or more (that kind of extreme situation is, of course, not developed or described in the report), then the use of this kind of implant should be authorized !

On a still scarier note, this report tells us about CEREBRAL implants and speaks about the “human improvement”, notably regarding the persons having light genetic malformations as well as deseases or deficiencies and other abnormalities that are not visible at first sight !!! Are we back in the Nazis era, with their grotesque “superman” (“Ubermensch”) theory and the elimination or exploitation of the weak, the handicapped etc. ?

The G29 (an advisory committee of the European commission) released a report on RFID. This report, in substance, recognizes the dangers of RFID for privacy, BUT RECOMMENDS NO ACTION OR REGULATION BEFORE MISUSES WERE COMMITTED !

The European commission took the decision to not develop ANY REGULATION regarding RFID technology. It’s afraid that the huge profits that are planned on a industrial level could be threatened by this kind of regulation ! The problem is that RFID is a highly liberticide technology ! Between the liberties of European citizens and the profits of the enterprises, it seems that the European commission took its decision… a decision that will be harmful to the rights and liberties of the European citizens !

So Europe is more than ever threatened by this liberticide and hyper dangerous technology !

Finally, another type of microchip (called RFID tag and containing a RFID microchip = radio frequency identification device) can be put on consumer goods, for some “logistic” reasons. This system has already been used by the U.S. Army for a while, but private companies begin to use it too : Gillette razors and Benetton clothes, and also the supermarkets “Carrefour”, will put on their products tiny chips transmitting signals that, officially, would allow them to “supply the stores” with their products as soon as these stores don’t have their products anymore. But who knows the role of those “tiny spies” that we could bring back home ? Some consumer groups already (and rightly) denounce this invasion of privacy…

On the other hand, these RFID tags threaten many jobs, and they already caused some strikes in France…

Important question : Is Applied Digital Solutions’ verichip the ONLY microchip implant for humans ?

NO, absolutely not !

At the moment, Applied Digital Solutions’ verichip is simply the chip that is talked about the most in the medias. The disgusting market of the microchip implants for humans tends to expand itself, and as an idea (good or bad) that brings money on a potentially very juicy market is often followed by different concurrent companies (and despite any morality and ethics), we currently see other chip producing companies that adopt those damned microchip implants for humans !

That is how, for instance, the European company TROVAN also markets a subcutaneous microchip for humans (see the site There are 2 models of that chip implant : the Trovan ID 100IH, and the Trovan ID 100IH/A. The difference between these two models is not told, but maybe that one of them is a “passive” model, and that the other one is an “active” model…

The worst is that Trovan already has many official distributors ! Indeed, Trovan products are already used by 80 governmental agencies and by more than 20 countries !

Argentina, Australia, the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg), Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Tchek Repiblic, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Russia, Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark), Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom and (obviously) the U.S.A. already have their official Trovan distributor !!!

Regarding the Malaysian microchip that can, among other things, be used in a subcutaneous way in humans, it is produced by the FEC company ( …

And of course, the dangers of all these subcutaneous microchips are the same, as to the possible applications and the numerous risks and drifts !!!

Finally, we must also tell you about the existence of NEURAL and CEREBRAL CHIPS that are directly implanted in the nerves or in the brain ! That’s how we can speak about the revolting “brain machine interface program” project developed by the D.A.R.P.A. (an agency of the American Department of defense) or about the « Activa Parkinson’s Control Therapy » developed by Medtronics, or even of the “Braingate” and “Neuroport” systems developed by the company “Cyberkinetics”. We can also speak about the very dangerous cerebral chip “M.M.E.A.” (Multiple Micro Electrodes Array). These chips, of course, allow a TOTAL emotional, behavior and mind control, and allow to cause to the poor implantee feelings of pleasure or… PAIN following the will of the person who send the waves from a ground base ! These chips are not only an efficient means for the CONTROL OF POPULATIONS, but also a terrible and dangerous WEAPON !

Some of those neural and cerebral chips were ALREADY used in France and Belgium on Alzheimer or Parkinson Patients in order to diminish some symptoms of those diseases (please notice that the chips are in NO WAY a means to cure !).

But the gravest thing occurred in Belgium in June 2006 after the kidnapping and the murder of 2 little girls, Stacy and Nathalie, and after the rape of one of them. A Belgian deputy and neurosurgeon, Mr BROTCHI, introduced a bill so that one would implement (extremely dangerous) subcutaneous microchips for humans in… pedophiles and sexual abusers ! Once again, they were playing on people’s emotions, taking any crime as a pretext and as an excuse to implement the chip. This is obviously the beginning of a long list and a slippery slope that leads to tyranny, and we could see all criminals, law breakers and finally ALL citizens being implanted with these subcutaneous, neural and cerebral chips that allow mind control !!! This is so true that the Belgian deputy Jacques BROTCHI already admitted, in an interview given in the 28th of July 2006 issue of the « Le Vif/L’Express » magazine, that “these implants will be developed in the domain of health and in that of security”. This is really horrible…

Finally, those of you who still believe that this kind of very serious thing we’re speaking about here is just a bunch of “urban legends” spread by “conspiracy theorists” should open their eyes. Hollywood director Aaron Russo, in an interview, admitted that he had a talk with Nicholas Rockefeller (a member of the global “elite”) who confessed him that the ultimate goal was, for that “elite”, to reach a world population entirely chipped and controlled, and also a diminution of 50% of the world population (see ) ! This is a very serious warning that we shouldn’t take lightly…
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:02 pm    Post subject: part 4... Reply with quote


This new technology has multiple risks :


As we saw before, the microchip implant contains multiple data, and some of them are very personal (genealogy of the family, information on the tax reports, criminal record etc.). The use of such a microchip could be a blaring infringement of the rights on private life.

Currently, even policemen don’t have as many details on individuals !!! We should actually gather police information, banks information, information kept by the ministry of finances, by the courthouses and city halls, by the doctors and by the organisms of social security to be as precise and complete as what the microchip contains !


Given the current performances of the satellites (the most powerful ones are able to see, from space, the content of a magazine that we’re reading) and of the localization systems (GPS), we can fear that the microchip would be used to spy on our slightest deeds. We could not only be localized and spotted, but also eventually be filmed at any moment. It’s of course an infringement of our most fundamental rights but also pure espionage. We can shudder when thinking about the applications that “one” could do from that implant. Freedom of association, freedom of speech and even freedom of choice are threatened ! In other words, thanks to a power of intimidation that has never been known before, the microchip implant opens royally the way to “Big Brother” or to any malevolent power !


And then, of course, there are immense risks for health : first, the risk of breaking of the microchip inside the organism, even if chances are tiny, would cause a painful and purulent wound due to the lithium contained in the battery, as we saw before; there’s also the risk of playing with the hormones of the human body (stopping the production of the pituitary gland, for instance, which can be LETHAL !); furthermore, given that the waves produced by the microchip have direct effects on the organism and on the behaviour, we can just imagine what kind of ravage this implant could cause on the psychological and physical health of the individuals !

And, by the way, some articles were released showing that the waves spread by RFID technology can break the DNA chain contained inside the cells and can have LETHAL effects and cause numerous ailments and diseases such among other things, early dementia or cancer !

The report that the Food and Drug Administration released on the verichip recognized the medical risks of the subcutaneous microchip for humans.

These risks are the following : adverse tissue reaction, migration of implanted transponder, failure of implanted transponder, electromagnetic interference, electrical hazards, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) incompatibility and needle stick. Regarding the magnetic resonance imagery (MRI), electrical currents may be induced in conductive metal implants that can cause "potentially severe patient burns."


But there is much worse…Let’s not be naïve: it’s not for nothing that the C.I.A. and eminent members of the government who were also involved in the control of the army had research made on mind control thanks to waves and for the control of human beings !

These chips are radiofrequency waves or microwaves receivers and transmitters (microwaves and radiofrequency waves are the same type of electromagnetic energy. Radiofrequency waves vary from 100 KHz to 300 MHz, and microwaves vary from 300 MHz to 300 GHz (source : ).

We know that waves, once they’re sent at certain frequencies and during a certain time, can stimulate some specific brain structures, and that they can start or stop the secretion of hormones (regarding this, please check out what is said about microwaves on the following website : ).

Microwaves cause “a destabilization and interruption in the production of hormones and maintenance of hormonal balance in males and females” and cause also “brainwave disturbance in the alpha, theta, and delta wave signal patterns of persons exposed to microwave emission fields”. That disturbance of brainwave patterns results in “negative psychological effects”, among which “loss of memory, loss of ability to concentrate, suppressed emotional threshold, deceleration of intellective processes, and interruptive sleep episodes”.

Pr. Jose Delgado, who’s notorious for developing some of the first cerebral control chips (notably the cerebral chip called “Stimoceiver”), proved the capital influence of RADIOFREQUENCY waves on the neurotransmitters that produce the hormones (and, let’s remember it, the RFID chips – among which the subcutaneous chips – are identification chips that work with RADIOFREQUENCY !).

Jose Delgado said :

"Brain transmitters can remain in a person's head for life. The energy to activate the brain transmitter is transmitted by way of RADIO FREQUENCIES."

(Source: Cannon; Delgado, J.M.R., "Intracerebral Radio Stimulation and recording in Completely Free Patients," in Schwitzgebel and Schwitzgebel (eds.)).

So, as radio frequencies have an impact on neurotransmitters, and as neurotransmitters have a direct impact on the production or inhibition of hormones, we can for instance have, through subcutaneous RFID chips, more or less adrenaline being produced, which can make a person more or less aggressive, more or less anxious etc.


In other words, the subcutaneous microchip for humans is what is called a “mind control” device, and represents a serious risk of suppression of free-agency and of the liberty of thought !!!

This is so true that in order to CONTROL THE BEHAVIOR of pedophiles, the Belgian liberal deputy and neurosurgeon Jacques BROTCHI had proposed 2 means in his bill : the “chemical castration” (= injection of chemicals to inhibit the hormones) or… THE SUBCUTANEOUS MICROCHIP !

What you must be aware of, is that by the time where a physical means (subcutaneous, neural or cerebral chip implants) allows to suppress free agency, we reach the POINT OF NO RETURN. Chipped people are not themselves anymore, and they can be remotely manipulated in a technological way by those who have the power.

This is the reason why this article is called “Subcutaneous microchip/microchip implant : the ultimate danger for humankind” !


With the same means used for mind control (the microchip, waves of a certain frequency, satellites, GPS system, ground stations and antennas), births can be controlled too !

Since it is possible to stimulate or inhibit the hormone production, it also means that it’s possible to stop the production of oestrogens in women, and so it’s possible to cause a premature menopause !!! One can imagine the terrible consequences of such an application of the subcutaneous microchip if it falls between the hands of an unscrupulous government (which seems to be the case, since Sanders claimed that “the ultimate purpose of the powers controlling the world is to reduce the global population of 90% : a size which, according to them, is easier to control”).


Hormones are VITAL to the human body. The inhibition or the suppression od some hormones can cause serious and even DEADLY physiological troubles.

We can then wonder : what would happen if “one” would begin, through that microchip that transmits but also receives waves, to send some precise wave frequencies in order to deliberately modify people’s behavior, or even to use it as a weapon in order to destroy the health of determined targets ?

And what would happen if mass chippings would happen a little bit everywhere on the planet(and that’s what is being done, as we saw in chapter 3) ?

The answer is simple : we would get a microchip that would be a WEAPON, and a worldwide dictatorship whose eventual opponents would be easily eradicated, in all discretion!

As to freedom of thought and free agency, they would also disappear ! “Big Brother” would be in possession of an army of human slaves deprived of any will and subjected to the slavery of that damned microchip !!!



Obviously, the microchip implant is not found everywhere yet, and its use begins to be imposed only in the USA. But, of course, “this only happens to others”…

Now would be the only time for us to move and REACT before the microchip is IMPOSED in our countries ! Because this will happen pretty soon, as the microchip already spreads on the planet and gets such a “strength of conviction” that few things will be able to be done to stop it, EXCEPT IF WE REACT FROM NOW ON !

“But yet we live in democracy, so no one will come to impose that microchip !”. Yeah, maybe, but then you forgot one thing : some organizations and privacy advocates already protested against the “digital angel” microchip. But their arguments were brushed aside by Applied Digital Solutions. “The expected benefits are more important than the worries about private life”, claimed Applied Digital Solutions’ ex-C.E.O., Richard Sullivan. What a wonderful morality, don’t you think ? As you can see, it’s the capitalist and ultraliberal dictatorship that prevails over everything !

After the so-called “terrorist” attacks of the 9th of September 2001, the USA voted, under the name “Patriot Act”, a certain amount of “anti-terrorist” laws that allow the government to get over the American constitution (a constitution that guarantees basic rights and freedoms of the citizen : freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of association…). So the Patriot Act is a double edged weapon that could destroy, or even suppress, the liberties of American people !!!

But do you know that the U.S.A. are not the only ones who have anti-terrorist laws of exception ? In France, the Perben law is, regarding the concept and the risks, a “twin” of the Patriot Act. In Belgium, the laws voted in July 2002 and the law of the 19th of December 2003 are also copies of the Patriot Act. The european « antiterrorist » laws that were adopted at the end of 2005 allow the retention of telephone, Internet and e-mail data (invasion of privacy). In Canada, a similar project is under way ! This means that other countries (including our european countries) inherited exception laws that have the same risks and drifts than the Patriot Act. These laws represent a REAL danger of totalitarian drift for all those countries. And in a fake democratic and fully totalitarian State, the use of the microchip can be totalitarian too !

Moreover, the big business men who try to sell the subcutaneous microchip for humans are not that dumb ! We just saw the lethal dangers of the microchip implant, but they will introduce it to you with a honeyed voice and “full of good intentions”, and the microchip will be sold with a huge marketing campaign and “thanks to its wonderful applications” !!!

But you must know this : A.D.S., in its project, doesn’t hide the fact that its microchip, among other uses, will be used in order to GIVE A FLAWLESS, ABSOLUTE AND UNFAILING IDENTIFICATION MODEL OF THE INDIVIDUAL. Now, you’re informed and you’ve been warned about it !
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:07 pm    Post subject: Part 5... Reply with quote


As we said above, the subcutaneous microchip will be introduced to us as a wonderful device so that we’ll accept it without a second thought. But never forget this : if you let them implant that crap in your body, it will be over with your free agency, your privacy and your freedom !

So here are some wicked arguments that were introduced by A.D.S. and its subsidiary company, Verichip Corp. The verichip and the digital angel will be used for :

 safety in Internet applications for all transactions concerning electronic exchanges (e-commerce, e-payments)

 research and rescue of individuals, including missing children or kids taken as hostages etc.

 medical monitoring of high-risk patients

 supervision tracking and follow through of soldiers, diplomats or any other important member of a government

 tracking, surveillance and checking of the authenticity of valuables

 tracking, localization and follow through with the tracks or trails of people who like extreme sports (hiking, skiing, mountain climbing, sky diving etc.) and who could get hurt seriously after an accident

 tracking and localization of kidnapped (or murdered) children

 use in the war against “terror” (in airports and elsewhere)

What a humanism !

Please notice that the words “supervision”, “tracking”, “surveillance”, “research”, “localization” and “checking” come back in a cyclic and almost obsessive way !

The microchip will be accepted by people because of so-called “safety” reasons : they will link the above beneficial effects of the microchip implant to the remedy against terrible events that will have occurred and that will - of course - supposedly never occur again thanks to the microchip (those events will eventually have been created in that purpose or even deliberately wanted : terrorist attacks, a particularly odious murder or a spectacular kidnapping, for instance !).

The microchip will also be related to eases, convenience, notably financial or safety eases (“with that microchip in you, your money or your bank card will never be stolen anymore!”; “no more terrorists in airports : they’ll be detected and identified way before their coming !”, etc.).

Plus, the microchip will be “cool”, “fun”, and “trendy” ! It’s the embodiment of progress “that we can’t stop, anyway”… The only thing is to know what kind of “progress” we’re talking about !!!

Financial arguments are very important for the development of the microchip implant : let’s not forget that since its conception, the microchip was thought in terms of worldwide government AND OF WORLDWIDE CURRENCY !

You’ll just need to put your hand (or your forehead) in front of an ad hoc scanner, and your “virtual bank account” will be automatically debited of the amount of your purchases. They’ll quickly replace bank cards, currencies and their “weaknesses” by the subcutaneous microchip, “unbeatable and hyper convenient”. Do you think this is only speculation ? Then, you should think twice ! For example, a certain professor Kevin Warwick, from the cybernetics department of the university of Reading (U.K.) and who was implanted with the microchip, claimed not so long ago (on the 10th of October 1999) during a television broadcast called “Souriez, vous êtes filmés” (“Smile, you’re filmed”) on the french speaking channel Arte that “soon, bank cards (and of course the identity card, passport, social security card etc.) will be replaced by an electronic implant” !!!

And what do we see today ? That subcutaneous microchips contaminated more than 30 countries and is spread all around the world !!!

This financial purpose is about to be reached : in the USA, people already adopted “contactless” bank cards that contain RFID chips. The problem is that those RFID bank cards are hackable and allow identity theft, and even the theft of your money ! Any hacker who knows what he (or she) is doing can steal money from you ! This was denounced by the American organization CASPIAN (Consumer Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion And Numbering).

Be sure that the subcutaneous microchip, conceived in a goal of unique and worldwide currency, will be proposed and then systematically imposed as the only “valid” means of payment and purchase, for the (fake) reasons written above.

Furthermore, imagine the colossal profits that A.D.S. (and other companies producing subcutaneous microchips) will make from all those operations !!! This represents an extremely juicy market ! The patents were acquired by A.D.S. for the “modest” amount of $130 millions. Usually, you don’t spend such a fortune if you’re not sure to make benefits !

But for those who will refuse the microchip implant, what will happen ??? They won’t be able to sell nor buy without that bloody implant, and they will have to survive like dropouts, bartering here and there…

Some theories and hypothesis assert that this subcutaneous microchip will only be proposed, then imposed to us, after an enormous crash, a worldwide economical catastrophe… or that other options will be joined to the microchip implant to make it even more attractive (like the possibility to combine it with a cellphone, for example). Wait and see, but let’s be careful !

Finally, the last pretexts to “chip” people are medical gibberish (and so, humanistic and “indisputable”, since it’s about people’s health). The chip would allow to “save lives” by giving vital informations on people entering the hospital and being inconscious : their allergies, their blood type, their medical records etc. The microchip would also “enhance” the processing of the patients’ records… Obviously, all of this is just pretext to spread a device whose dangers (even for health !) were already shown.

Kids : an essential public and stake

Children and teenagers always were a particular and “privileged” public for the scums making and selling subcutaneous microchips for humans.

WHY are kids so important to them ? Just because they are the NERVE OF THE “MICROCHIP WAR" !

We do love our children and we naturally want them to be safe. This is the perfect “breach” for the companies marketing the subcutaneous microchips for humans ! “We live in an unsafe world, full of terrorists, kidnappers, sexual offenders and other bogeymen”, do they whisper in our ears.

To protect your kids in a safe way, you should have them be tracked electronically, or even microchipped, do they assert. They male you naively believe in the MYTH and lure of “total security” and they try to persuade you that, thanks to that chip, the safety problem would be “resolved” !

These scumbags are playing with the parents’ emotions! Besides, chipping the children is also an indirect means to touch the adults too. By the time the parents will have got their kids “chipped” and note that, finally and apparently, “chipping” doesn’t seem something dangerous but, on the contrary, “protects” their children, they will be tempted to get chipped themselves ! BIG MISTAKE ! Because the dangers of the chip are and will be there ! In the U.S.A. or in Japan, some parents already begin to sacrifice (often without even noticing) the freedom of their kids for a so-called “safety” !
In Mexico an Brasil (countries where kidnappings of children are “usual”), the chip industry succeeded in convincing some persons to have their children “chipped” !

If the current adult generation still shows reluctance regarding this infernal implant, kids can be brainwashed more easily : they don’t have an analytical mind yet, and they can be “attracted” in a quite simple way. Showing films and cartoons to the kids in which chips and RFID related topics are found helps “sensibilizing” them. Watch closely the last movies that were released in the theatres, recent videogames or cartoons, and you’re gonna ba amazed by what you’ll find !

Have your kids wearing RFID tags and even subcutaneous microchips at a young age, and within one or two generations, everybody will find that wearing this abject subdermal implant is NORMAL !!! This is one of the main goals that people who market the subcutaneous microchips for humans (and the members of the New World Order) want to reach !


Applied Digital Solutions tries to erase the tracks…

Since a couple of years, we can notice some technical differences regarding the verichip and ADS’ policy… Don’t let yourself get fooled ! ADS only tries to have a beautiful appearance of honorability to erase the tracks, trying to make people believe that the opponents of the microchip are wacky idiots, retrogrades, liars and so on.
Lately, Appplied Digital Solutions and its fully owned subsidiary company, Verichip Corporation, even created a “medical board” and a “privacy board” so that people would believe they’re just “honest, honorable and responsible people” who just want to make business !

The verichip, that had to contain basically a unique 18 digits number divided in 3 groups of 6 digits (666), has only 16 digits in its current configuration. Nevertheless, nothing will prevent them from adding 2 digits later on (when the verichip would be already implanted all over the world)…

Also, the verichip is not implanted anymore in the back of the hand, at the moment : it is implanted in the back of the arm (triceps). All of this is obviously done in order to lure people and to discredit the Christians who think that this kind of product is the “mark of the Beast” (a mark that is given on or in the hand or the forehead)…

NEVERTHELESS, you have to know that ADS comes back little by little to its first resolutions : for instance, we can talk about the project aiming to use the verichip in order to unlock the triggers of “intelligent” fire weapons (smartguns) and that would mean that gun owners or policemen would be implanted… in the back of the hand (let’s take note that the Belgian armateur “FN Herstal” takes part to that “smartgun” projet...) ! So, you can see how sly this malevolent company is, and how easily they can lure you and fool you ! SO PLEASE STAY VIGILANT AND, WHATEVER HAPPENS, DON’T GET “CHIPPED” !

The verichip, which ought to be an active chip (receiving and transmitting data at any time and without your knowledge), is, in its current configuration, a passive chip (which is only activated when a scanner goes over the microchip)… BUT you must know that the project of making the verichip an active chip is still there and that ADS thinks enthusiastically about it !

In fact, nothing prevents ADS to release on the market a first version of its subcutaneous microchip for humans and, once that model will be well spread and accepted, to introduce a second model which will have all the characteristics mentioned in the beginning of this article ! Besides, the dangers for your health, the risk of suppression of your privacy and the immense peril of mind control still remain !
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:10 pm    Post subject: Part 6... Reply with quote


Even if you’re not a believer, I think that this little chapter might be very useful to you.

The Bible (yes, that “old book” that is more than 2000 years old !), contains numerous important messages. In the last part of the Bible, called the Apocalypse of St John or “Revelations”, the author tells us about what was revealed to him regarding the period of the latter days and that leads to the return of Jesus Christ.

That part of the Bible is particularly difficult to understand in a precise way because John uses numerous images to tell us about “the end of times”. It is notably told about the Antichrist, about fake prophets, about the “Beast” and “the Mark of the Beast” that will all try to cause the loss and perdition of humankind. John also describes Judgement Day and the way that God will send warnings and “plagues” on Earth, then will sort out the Good ones and the Bad ones.

The weirdest thing is that this part of the Bible, that had always seemed enigmatic, begins to be able to be interpreted, in parts only, but way more clearly since a little while !
Many Christians made a more than “strange” parallel between the mark of the Beast and the subcutaneous microchip. Dr. Sanders himself, after realizing the dangers of the microchip, was convinced that the microchip implant was indeed the cursed mark quoted in the Bible.

See by yourself :

(Revelations, 13:4-5, 16-17-1Cool : “And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast…and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies… And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads : and that no man might buy or sell, save he that has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast : for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred threescore and six (666).”

When you know that the subcutaneous microchip for humans works to the maximum of its functions in the back of the hand or in the forehead (because those 2 places are the places in the body that change their temperature the most easily, allowing the tiny lithium battery to reload through thermoelectricity), it seems amazing, doesn’t it ?

When we know that the companies making that chip want to generalize it on a worldwide scale and that the microchip has financial ambitions aiming to create a cashless society where money would only be “virtual” (thus, unique), one can guess that in a society that would be dominated by the use of the microchip as a means of payment, those who wouldn’t own that chip and who wouldn’t be implanted couldn’t buy or sell a thing. One more troubling element in relationship with the Revelations…

And when we know that the number 666 is part of that microchip (see chapter 2 above: History of the subcutaneous microchip), you begin to think that there are A LOT of “coincidences” (way too much , in fact) once you compare the specificities of the microchip to the verses of the Revelations quoted above.

Another quote from the Bible : (Revelations, 16:2) : "The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image."

When you know that the microchip has a lithium battery that would cause, once it’s broken, a painful wound filled with pus, you think immediately about the Bible quote.

Finally, the greek word used for the mark of the Beast, “charagma”, is used for a mark that is made with an awl (just like the chip is injected thanks to a hypodermic syringe, which is also some kind of awl !).

Question : would we be witnessing the latter days period ?

The Bible, through the Revelations, warns us severely so that we won’t accept the mark of the beast, and encourages us to live following God’s commandments :

(Revelations, 14:9-12) : “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice : If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand… The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever : and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints : here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.”

But the Bible also tells us that refusing the mark of the beast has some risks :

(Revelations, 20:4) : “…and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had had not worshipped the beast, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, and in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”

Thus, the final victory belongs to those who won’t have accepted the mark of the beast. But it’s also here that lies the true question : are you ready to be unable to sell or buy anything and eventually to live from barter, like dropouts, because you refused the mark (=microchip implant) ? And furthermore : are you ready to be persecuted or to die because of that decision (cf. the theme of the beheading and of the resurrection in the excerpt above) ?

Or do you prefer losing your freedom, your free agency and your soul accepting a microchip implanted in your hand or in your forehead ???

Will you prefer dying as a slave, or as a free and conscious man ???

It’s the question that you’ll have to think about from now on, for when the times has come, you’ll have to choose your camp, and there will be no alternative or compromise ! Anyway, one thing is certain : you cannot tell that, believer or not, you were not warned about the risks and dangers of the microchip implant, be they religious or not !
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