Bilderberg.org the view from the top of the pyramid of power
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TonyGosling Site Admin

Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1420 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:51 pm Post subject: Project for European Unification |
The Bilderberg Group and the project of European unification
by Prof. Mike Peters, Leeds Metropolitan University
'The Treaty of Rome [1957], which brought the Common Market into being, was nurtured at Bilderberg meetings.' (George McGhee, former US ambassador to West Germany)
'Bilderberg' takes its name from the hotel, belonging to Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, near Arnhem, where, in May 1954 the first meeting took place of what has ever since been called the Bilderberg Group. While the name persisted, its meetings are held at different locations. Prince Bernhard himself (who, incidentally, was actually German not Dutch) was chair until 1976 when he was forced to resign because of the Lockheed bribery scandal. The possible significance of this group may be gleaned from the status of its participants: the membership comprises those individuals who would, on most definitions, be regarded as members of the 'ruling class' in Western Europe and North America-In particular, the conferences brought together important figures in most of the largest international corporations with leading politicians and prominent intellectuals (in both academia and journalism).
Moreover, virtually all the European institutions we take for granted today, or treat as if they 'emerged' as a matter of course, from the ECSC, EEC and Euratom down to the present European Union, were conceived, designed and brought into existence through the agency of the people involved in Bilderberg.
Last edited by TonyGosling on Thu May 22, 2008 6:52 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Johnny Meadows Committed Poster

Joined: 17 Feb 2007 Posts: 312
Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 4:42 pm Post subject: |
FYI: The Irish referendum on the EU Reform (Lisbon) treaty will be held in early June. This is the EU constitution that the Bilderberg Group have wanted for decades and among other things will turn the EU into a military superpower. This means that if one EU country decides to go to war with a foreign country, we will all be obliged to join, thus ridding us of any vestiges of neutrality.
Due to a legal right brought about by Irish activist Raymond Crotty, the citizens of Ireland will be the only Europeans allowed to hold a referendum on this treaty, after which there will be no turning back. We have a small population of 4 million, but the electorate turn-out may be even less. Therefore, approximately 2 to 3 million people will be deciding the fate of 450 million people in all 27 EU countries. France and the Netherlands have voted No before but have been gagged this time around. The EU Constitution will therefore be forged on a complete lack of democracy.
This year, the Irish people voted unanimously to send a hand-puppet (Dustin the turkey) to the Eurovision Song Contest. Let's hope we also send a 'two finger' message to Bilderbergers - such as EU Commission President Barroso - by voting No. |
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kevink Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 07 Dec 2006 Posts: 284 Location: Santa Rosa, California, USA
Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:23 am Post subject: Friends of Europe and Trilateral meeting |
The Trilateral Commission holds its annual meeting in Washington DC the weekend of April 24th. Of course Bilderbergers such as Peter Sutherland will be there.
How about some coverage on Tony's excellent site about Bilderberg's own propaganda arm for the EU, namely Friends of Europe:
Yep, it's old Etienne himself.
And here in the US, Bildeberg's public outlet, the Charlie Rose show, continues to have Bilderbergers as guests- recently Richard Perle and George Soros.
http://www.charlierose.com |
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Joined: 21 May 2008 Posts: 1
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:46 am Post subject: News on Balkenende |
Jan Peter Balkenende is aggressively positioning Royal Dutch Shell in global oil AND GAS. He just negotiated plans to develop 30 trillion cubic meters of gas with Russia.
April 30th 2008 Balkenende met with Gazprom to speed up the development The fields-Yamal- are in the ARCTIC circle. We aren't doing jack with our arctic fields. Rumor has it that if Washington opened the Alsakan fields gas and oil prices would fall 50% Think there is a connection? Think Washington is agreeing at the Bilderbergs NOT to develop our arctic holdings to keep oil and gas high?
That aggressive positioning would also explain the weird story about a terror group in Iran. Could the CIA be attempting to blow Iran's oil/gas fields? Or use it as a reason to force negotiations?
Royal Dutch shell is also working with Repsol of Spain to develop an Iranian gas field in the South Pars Iran . Balkenende also leads those negotiations.
Washington demanded the contract be renegotiated May 12 2008. Both Royal Dutch Shell AND REPSOL stock are widely held in the US
so Washington told both companies they had to make the deal come in line with the US laws. so it looks like Balkenende is trying to smooth ruffled feathers.
Guess who owns the major stock here in the US? Halliburton, In fact Cheney negotiated for Royal Dutch Shell in Nigeria before he was VP
The Bush family has some interesting connections to Royal Dutch Shell and Eugenics
Maybe Athens is a symbolic ruse . Washington architecture was based on Athens. Why not? use it to flaunt their plans to us? The movie National Treasure is all about symbolism. It is jammed down out throats.What are they trying to tell us with this symbolism?
Maybe the Rule of the 30 Tyrants ? After Athens was defeated in the Pelopenesian wars their rights were severely abridged and Spartan Tyrants were installed. They were called the council of 30. There was a purge of leaders and weapons were seized. Athens fell into a reign of terror
Washington is dying and so is our country. The Bilderbergs are vultures waiting to pick at our bones.
Of course the politicians are freaking at the power of the Bilderbergs. The corporations and banks are going to foreclose on this country
and the power of our politicians over us is going to be second to the world banks.
Our politicians are not the most powerful people in the world anymore. They have been reduced to debt collectors.
And the world currency is going to tank with us unless the world banks moves away from the dollar. Are the Bilderbergs coming to tell our leaders this?
Is the Bilderberg meeting in Washington a meeting of financial undertakers getting ready to present the family with the bill for the corpse of the Republic?.
Constant political upheaval and constant war. It was planned long ago. Is it being put in place now? Is this what John McCain is referring to? Is this why Hilary Clinton is a John McCain wannabe? Is it why Huckabee talks of Obama being shot and thinks it is funny?
I think you have seen a interesting pattern Tony Thanx
siriusss |
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