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The New Religion of Global Warming
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:01 pm    Post subject: The New Religion of Global Warming Reply with quote

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July 2007 -
Vol. 14, No. 7

Keeping Time
On God’s
Prophetic Clock

The Religion of Global Warming

By Dr. Edward F. Blick, Ph.D.

Dr. Edward F. Blick, Ph.D., has been a professor of aerospace and a professor of mechanical and nuclear engineering at the University of Oklahoma from 1959 to 1981. From 1981 to 1992, he served at the same institution as a professor of petroleum and geological engineering, and also served as adjunct in the School of Meteorology and an adjunct professor in the College of Medicine. From 1951 to 1954 he was United States Air Force weatherman, providing weather information for A-bomb and H-bomb tests. He has written some 150 scientific articles and publications, and has authored an engineering textbook, and co-authored another engineering textbook. He is more than qualified to address the subject in this month’s Prophetic Observer.

Al Gore has replaced God in at least one California hotel. The Gaia Napa Valley Hotel has replaced the Gideon Bible on night stands with Al Gore’s book, An Inconvenient Truth. These same rooms have waterless urinals installed. How fitting! In mythology, Gaia is the goddess of the earth who gave birth to a son, with whom she later committed incest and gave birth to other son-gods.

Is there any doubt that global warming environmentalism is a religion?
The predecessors of today’s unbelievers replaced the Holy Bible with Darwinism. Now with the help of Al Gore and the United Nations they are trying to replace the book of Revelation with anthropogenic global warming hysteria. They tell us that man’s use of fossil fuels have-put too much carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere which causes excessive warming and melting of polar ice caps. They say if we don’t raise taxes for this (trillions of dollars of taxes, year after year after year), we will either be roasted to death or drown in the rising seas. The plan is for the U.N. to take control of the world and dictate what we can eat, where we can live, and what industries we must shut down. This whole scheme is a Trojan horse for global socialism!

Climate change activists have a message, but it’s not from The Bible. Basically it is about destroying our modern industry and worshipping the creation instead of the Creator God. Environmental religion is at least 4,000 years old. God warns us over and over not to worship false idols. We are not to worship trees, stars, the sun, spotted owls, worms, etc. Global warming is hatred against humanity. They would like to transform America into a natural environment, like the Indians had, where one mil-lion human beings could survive. Sorry fellows ... 299 million Americans will have to go! They want to eliminate using oil, coal, and natural gas. But you can’t run cars, airplanes, steel mills, rail-roads and chemical plants on solar panels and wind mills. If you accept for the sake of argument that humans can only survive by CO2 free energy, that leaves only nuclear energy. But these same environmentalists destroyed the nuclear power energy program in America 30 years ago.

Industrialization of our agriculture industry only employs two per cent of our population. But they do not want us to farm with animals either, because they produce too much manure and flatulence, which shows up as global warming gases. They tell us we must stop consuming meat and dairy products.

Because animals produce 18 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Is there any solid evidence the earth is warming due to man’s use of fossil fuels putting excessive amounts of CO2 in our atmosphere? The answer is a resounding NO! Even the U.N. admitted in a 1995 chart that earth temperatures during the past several decades were not as warm as back in the medieval warm period of A.D. 1000-1400. During this period, grapes were grown in England (today it is too cool), the Vikings had farms in Greenland, and the Andes had no glaciers.

An excellent book for those interested in this subject is “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism by Christopher C. Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The book is full of interesting information re butting Al Gore’s message of global disaster. For example, NASA scientist Jay Zwally and his associates used satellite data to measure the changes in polar ice caps and their effect on sea level changes. They found that from 1992 to 2002 Green-land gained 11 billion tons of ice per year. The net change in sea level, even with Antarctica’s loss of 3l billion tons per year, was .05 mm per year, which is half the thickness of a sheet of typing paper. At that rate it would take 1,000 years to rise two inches. Al Gore predicted a rise of 20 feet by A.D. 2100! Another mystery for Al’s disciples is that the northern and southern hemisphere atmospheres have about the same amount of CO2 since the 1970s, but the southern hemisphere has experienced no warming compared to the northern. If CO2 were the cause of warming they should both warm the same.

There is a dearth of record high temperatures this past 50 years. In fact North Dakota is the only U.S. state to experience its record high since 1996. There were 25 states that had their record high temperature in the 1930s.
Why is there any
global warming hysteria now?
There should have been some in the 1930s! Hurricanes are not more common during these last 45 years. Not a single hurricane hit the U.S. in 2006. Polar bears are not dying off in Canada. Eleven of 13 regions in Canada show an increase in population.

There is some evidence that we’ve had almost no warming of the earth since the late 1800s. Scientists went back and check-ed on the thermometers used in the 1800s and found they gave slightly lower reading. There is a “heat island” effect in large cities. They are covered with lots of concrete, asphalt, brick, and heat sources. They absorb and hold more heat than rural areas with grass and trees. Hence, they record higher temperatures than the surrounding rural areas. When satellites started measuring the earth temperature about 40 years ago, many nations shut down their small town and rural weather stations. They left the record keeping to the larger city weather stations with their heat island effect. At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union (around 1990), they could not afford all of their weather stations in Siberia. Hence, with the loss of the cold temperature data from Siberia and the rural stations in other countries, coupled with the heat island effects of the large city stations, any increase in the average earth temperature may be an illusion. The amount of CO2 that man puts into the atmosphere each year is about 3 billion tons per year. But this is insignificant compared to the 39,000 billion tons coming from our oceans, 2,200 billion tons from our vegetation and soils, and 750 billion tons from our atmosphere. Much of the CO2 generated by man is consumed by vegetation. Famous climatologist Dr. Reid Bryson has stated you could go outside and spit and have the same affect as doubling carbon dioxide! Carbon dioxide is transported into the atmosphere by bubbling from the ocean during warm periods. But it does not produce a temperature increase on the earth. Various researchers have shown that in the past the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere was much higher that it is today.

For thousands of years our earth has undergone cooling and warming under the control of God. How does God control our warming and cooling? Scientists have discovered it is the sun! Amazing! Even grade school children know this. The sun’s warming or cooling the earth varies with sunspots. This relation was discovered in 1801 by an astronomer named William Hershel, who discovered that when sunspot activity was high, the price of wheat fell. When sunspot activity was low, the price of wheat rose. High sunspot activity is associated with the increase in warming from the sun and a higher yield of wheat which depresses the price and vice versa. Scientists have done a detailed study of the earth’s temperature and sunspots going back hundreds of years. They discovered an extremely close correlation between sunspot activity and the earth’s temperature. For example, during the Little Ice Age period from about A.D. 1500 until 1900, sunspot activity was very low and much cooler temperatures were recorded. The English were ice-skating on the river Thames. During the past three or four decades we’ve had an increase in sunspots and an increase in temperature. It is interesting that some of the experts on sunspots are predicting that starting this year, 2007, we will be having a rather substantial decrease in sunspot activity and a drop in average earth temperature.

It appears they may be correct. Here in Oklahoma, four of the first five months of 2007 have been cooler than normal. During the month of May 2007, South America saw their late fall and start of winter hammered with much colder weather and snow in places that haven’t seen snow in many years. Over thirty people died because of the early cold and snow. Maybe this is God’s way of reminding Al Gore and his Oscar that he doesn’t know what he is talking about.

The interaction between the sun’s magnetic field during sunspots and cosmic radiation from outer space is the key to cloud formation. In 1997, brilliant research by Svensmark and Fris-Christiansen discovered this science. Cosmic particles enter our Atmosphere, collide with nitrogen molecules and kick off ions which form the nuclei for water vapour to condense and form clouds, which cool the earth. In periods of strong sunspot activity the sun’s stronger magnetic field weakens the cosmetic particles and fewer clouds are formed, which allows the sun’s thermal radiation to warm up the earth.

The book of Job makes clear that God alone controls the unpredictable changes in weather.
“For He maketh small drops of water: they pour down rain according to the vapour thereof; Which the clouds do drop and distil upon man abundantly”
(Job 36:27-2Cool.

Here indeed is remarkable insight. The drops of water which eventually pour down as rain are indeed “made small” (vapour molecule), then condense into tiny liquid droplets (via cosmic particle impacts) forming clouds. They finally form into drops large enough to over-come the updrafts and fall as rain. God controls the weather. We must not let Al Gore & the U.N. to even try!


There is still a war against God going on in the Weather Warfare Department, which God is allowing, because he has given Satan authority here, `till HIS own purposes are finalized. Evil NWO people are out to enslave the world & reduce the population, before Christ Returns.

Who are the people behind the religion of global warming?

Maurice Strong, a pioneer of the New Age movement, helped to ignite today’s Green movement. He was a senior advisor to Kofi Annan. He was responsible for setting up the Kyoto Protocol. He has stated the only way to save the world is for industrial civilization to collapse, deliberately seek poverty, and set levels of mortality control.

Timothy Wirth, former undersecretary of state in the Clinton administration stated,
“We have to ride the theory of global warming even if it is wrong!”

Richard Benedict, former special advisor to Kofi Annan stated, “A global warming treaty must be implemented even if there is no evidence of global warming.”

Dr. James Hansen is known as the father of global warning. He is Al Gore’s advisor. The national media depicts him as an objective, non-partisan scientist. But he has admitted that he was willing to exaggerate science in order to get public attention. In 2004 he publicly endorsed John Kerry for president and then received $25,000 from the charity of Kerry’s wife. He forecast how much the U.S. would warm in the 1990s, but he was too high by a factor of three. Hansen was NOT trained in climatology, but rather in astronomy and chemistry.

Liv Arnesen, a disciple of Al Gore, attempted to prove the ice was melting in our arctic polar region by pulling a sled to the North Pole. In March 2007 she left Ward Hunt Island in Canada for her 530-mile journey. Three days later she had to quit because of the cold and frozen toes!

On May 9, 2007, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) proposed a global warming reduction tax bill (S309) that will cost a family of four $4,500! Those who signed the bill were 15 democratic senators including Clinton, Obama, Dodd, Biden, Feingold, KennedyInouye, Lautenberg, Leahy, Menendez, and Milulski,. Senators John Rockefeller (D-WV.) and Olympia Snowe (R ME) sent a letter to Exxon Mobil CEO Tillerson demanding that his company stop supporting groups skeptical of global warming alarmism and announcing that an “American scientific group” was going to expose the company as the primary founder of those “climate-change-denial front groups.” The scientific group the senators mentioned was the far-left Union of Concerned Scientists (funded by Hollywood celebrities).

Global warming alarmist Al Gore has praised the work of Prof. Paul Ehrlich, calling Ehrlich’s work the “prescription” for our global woes. Ehrlich has promoted population control and described human population growth as “cancer.”

An analysis carried out by citizens for a sound economy (CSE) showed that 90 percent of the 2,600 “scientists” that Gore offers up as evidence of scientific consensus on global warming were NOT qualified. Only one was a climatologist! Among the so-called experts were a plastic surgeon, two landscape architects, one hotel administrator, a gynecologist, seven linguists, and one traditional Chinese medicine practitioner!

The following are some of the ERRORS in Gore’s film, “An Inconvenient Truth”, or as called by some, “A Convenient Lie”.

• He ignored the Middle Age warming period and showed the false 1,000-year “hockey stick” chart.
• He showed photos of New Orleans floods and linked hurricane frequency to global warming.
• He asserted today’s Arctic is undergoing record warming, while ignoring temperatures were as high
or higher in the 1930s and 1940s.
• He failed to show that Arctic temperatures more closely correlate with sunspots than CO2.
• He failed to explain that the sun has been hotter (due to sunspots) in the last 50 years than for
thousands of years in the past.
• Gore said that the Antarctic is warming and losing ice, but failed to state that this is only true for a small
region. The vast bulk is cooling and gaining ice.
• The “Larsen B Ice Shelf” is breaking up, but experts believe it has been breaking up since the Little
Ice Age 300 years ago.
• Greenland’s ice is inciting, but NASA’s Jay Zwally’s satellite data showed it gained 11 billion tons of
ice per year from 1992–2002!
• Global warming caused icecap melting of Mt. Kilimanjaro, but it was due to local deforestation and
the drying of its atmosphere.
• A 20-foot rise in sea levels by A.D. 2100 will swamp coastal cities. But the latest UN estimate is 8–17
• Peruvian glacier’s retreat is due to global warming. But the region has been warming since the 1930s
and other Andes glaciers are advancing.
• Gore blamed global warming for water loss in Africa’s Lake Chad. NASA concluded that it was
excessive water use and over-grazing.
• Polar bears are drowning due to global warming melting the ice.
• But the population has more than doubled in 11 of 13 regions of Canada since 1940!
• A review of 928 scientific papers has shown NONE against the global warming consensus. In fact,
only 13 were pro-consensus.
• Temperature changes followed CO2 changes for thousands of years. In fact, CO2 follows

Al Gore should take the hint and pray for forgiveness and take off The arrogance of the U.N. is unbelievable. Former chief of the U.N. World Health Organization, socialist, and former prime minister of Norway, Dr. Harlem Brundtland declares the climate change debate over. She stated on May 11, 2007, that the diagnosis is clear, the science is unequivocal. It is completely immoral to even question the issue.

Dr. Reid Bryson, a climate icon with scores of honours in atmospheric science, does not believe the debate is over. When asked about computer models used to forecast long-range climate data, he answered with, “Do you believe in five-day weather forecasts?” Bryson stated, “CO2 always lags temperature changes.” (Attention, Al Gore!)

He also pointed out that from the tenth to the thirteenth century, Greenland was green. Old Viking farmlands are covered with ice. “Eighty percent of the heat radiated back from the earth’s surface is absorbed in the first 30 feet by water vapour. Eight hundreds of one percent is absorbed by CO2... or one thousandth as important as water vapour. You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide.” Yet our brilliant Supreme Court (who have morphed into climatologists) has ruled that there is a “consensus that global warming is a reality”!

Christopher Monckton is the former science advisor to British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. an article entitled “Climate Chaos? Don’t Believe It,” published in the Sunday Telegraph (5/11/06), he stated that scores of scientific papers show a medieval warm period of up to 3 C existed from A.D. 1050-1300. It wasn’t CO2 that caused the warming; it was the sun. The Antarctic, which holds 90 percent of the world’s ice and most of the 160,000 glaciers, has cooled and gained ice mass. The snows of Kilimanjaro are vanishing not because the summit temperature is rising (it isn’t), but because post-colonial deforestation has dried the air. The U.N.’s computer models are full of purposeful errors that result in climate chaos!
Man cannot predict the weather beyond four or five days, let alone 100 years. Yet we have been continually bombarded by alarmist headlines predicting gloom and doom from future weather changes.
Consider the four climate disasters predicted by the New York Times in the last 110 years:

• FEBRUARY 1895—
“Geologists think the world may be frozen up again. Doomsayers say Canada may be wiped out and lower crop yields will cause billions to die.”

• MARCH 1933—
“America is in the longest warm spell since 1776 as temperatures record a 25 years rise.”

• JUNE 1974—
“Weather aberrations may be harbinger of another ice age.”

• DECEMBER 2005—
“Climatologists state the ice cores left no doubt that burning fossil fuels is warming the atmosphere in a substantial and unprecedented way.”

CO2 is not poison, and it is not our enemy. CO2 and oxygen are the twin gases of life. Humans and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out CO2. Plants breathe in CO2 and make carbohydrates, and breathe out oxygen. We help the plants, and they help us. God knew what he was doing with this arrangement. Researchers have run experiments where the CO2 was approximately doubled from 280 ppm to 600 ppm, and the increase in wheat, oranges, and pine trees ranged from 41 percent to 265 percent. If Al Gore’s efforts to decrease our available CO2 are successful, we can expect to see a drop in our food production.

The more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the more abundant and bigger the plant life, which will use more CO2 and balance the ratio of oxygen to carbon dioxide again. This is the way God created environmental control, and without Al Gore’s help. When temperatures rise on the earth, there is a corresponding rise on Mars, which proves we should be more concerned about sun activity than with flatulent cows or our neighbour’s SUV. There aren’t many SUVs or pooping cows on Mars.

In February 2006 the Evangelical Climate Initiative (ECI) was established to involve the church in global warming hysteria. Heading the list of 86 prominent Christian endorsers was Purpose Driven pope, Dr. Rick Warren. While it is certainly true that God created man with the responsibility to take care of His garden here on earth, we know from the very beginning the devil has been around to deceive us. The religion of “global warming” is just another one of Satan’s lies.

2007 by Southwest Radio Church of the Air Reprints of this publication may be obtained from:

Southwest Radio Ministries. P.O. Box 100 • Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 789-1222
• (800) 652-1144 n FAX (405) 787-2589.

You can listen to our daily broadcast on the Internet at

This information is taken from Despatch Magazine, Vol. 19.2 – Nov. 2007

For more information visit:

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:02 pm    Post subject: you just read about Rick Warren.... Reply with quote

Another note on Rick Warren from Saddleback Church:
These Change Agent pastors are well trained! They sound just like Rick Warren. Who is a New World Order change master himself. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations!

( confirms this fact in their article:

Megapastor Rick Warren's Damascus Road experience

Posted: November 20, 2006
1:00 am Eastern

WASHINGTON ? Rick Warren, the superstar mega-church pastor and bestselling author of ''The Purpose Driven Life,'' had a Damascus Road experience last week ? and like Saul of Tarsus, one of the after-effects appears to be blindness.
Warren went to Syria and could find no persecution of Christians. He could find no persecution of Jews. He could find no evidence of extremism. He could find no evidence of the sponsorship of terrorism.
…. ….
I really didn't expect to hear back from Warren ? but, a few minutes later, I did, with an absolutely stunning retort.
He let me know he is a close friend of President Bush ''and many, if not most, of the generals at the Pentagon.''
He also told me he did not tape anything while in Syria, ''because it was a courtesy call, like I do in every country.''
Warren explained that he had also counselled with the National Security Council and the White House, as well as the State Department, before his little courtesy call for a neighbour.
''In fact,'' Warren added, ''as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Oxford Analytica, I might know as much about the Middle East as you.''
Stay tuned for more on Rick Warren's ''Agenda-Driven Life'' in the coming days ? sponsored, of course, by the Council on Foreign Relations.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:03 pm    Post subject: Who is behind "Climate Change" Plans ?? Reply with quote


Simon Upton, Rhode’s Scholar, and CHATHAM HOUSE, London.

The New Zealand Herald April 30 2007 ran a report on “New Zealand and Australia could set an example by bringing together divergent responses to climate change.”

Here is some of the report:

“Simon Upton’s sharp intellect is focused on how New Zealand and Australia can achieve commonality on climate change. Upton, formerly chair of the OECD’s (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) ROUNDTABLE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, was a big star of this month’s Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum.
[The Forum was held under Chatham House rules].
Upton maintains that if New Zealand and Australia can work closely together, they will effectively unite in a practical way the two big global strategies on climate change which will at some point have to come together any way….

He says the development of CARBON MARKETS in both countries should be undertaken in a way that allows them to talk to one another in precisely the same language.

A harmonised approach would add liquidity and depth to any carbon market, simplify compliance and lower transaction costs, and thereby reduce the burden of emissions reductions….

Upton’s second point is for the two countries to combine in a defensive fashion to counter the barriers that consumers, possibly aided and abetted by Governments, might throw up against exporters. The food miles debate is a case in point, as is the growing debate over emissions relating to air travel.” (End of quotes).


Big money, “carbon markets” are, put simply, the selling of use of carbons emission allowance to companies who have been using too much of their allowed energy, thus emissions have become too high. The “food miles” debate is about globalising everything, thus making nations-states and nationals react adversely.

A former New Zealand politician. He became Minister of Health, Minister for the Environment, and Minister of Science and Technology. In the environment post, enacted the

• Resource Management Act 1991. • He was responsible for establishing the Crown Research Institutes.

• He has an interest in Sustainable Development, and

• chaired the OECD’s Round Table on Sustainable Development.

Extract: by Joan Veon (Vol.8, Issue 1)

“...The United Nations conference on the Environment & Development-UNCED, held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. There at the “Earth Summit” a new philosophy for how the world should be governed was “agreed” to by 25,000 participants that supposedly represent the 6-7 billion people in the world. this conference had great behind-the-scenes power backing all of its environmental philosophies found in conference Programme of Action, Agenda 21 that included sustainable development and the Biological-Diversity Treaty: Prince Charles, Britain’s Prince of Wales.
It was the Prince who held a SECRET MEETING on the royal yacht Britannia in April, 1991 where key participants, including then Sen. Al Gore & Maurice Strong, the man who would oversee the Earth Summit as secretary-general. The goal was to strategize how this total world-changing asset-controlling agenda would “go down”.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:04 pm    Post subject: [size=24]PRINCE CHARLES & THAT ROYAL LETTER![/size] Reply with quote


Thursday, October 11, 2007; Page A17


British Executives Bring Message on Climate Change from a Prince.

“Members of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming heard from Britain’s future king yesterday [October, 2007] when Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), the House panel’s chairman, read excerpts from a letter from Prince Charles, who happens to head a British business coalition known as the Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change.
Two corporate executives who belong to the alliance journeyed from London to testify before the select committee: Prince Charles helped ease the way by sending along a letter informing U.S. lawmakers that, when it comes to mustering support for a cap on greenhouse gases, these executives are ‘playing a highly strategic role - essentially helping to create a political space in which effective policies can be introduced and global progress can be achieved.’
F&C asset Management chief executive Alain Grisay told the panel that a mandatory carbon cap would yield business opportunities for some innovative entrepreneurs, without
damaging the overall economy significantly.
‘My message is simple: Business and investors can only play their part in tackling climate change if government takes decisive action to make it possible,’ Grisay said.
Although the panel’s Republicans did not offer a reaction to Prince Charles’s latest foray into the climate-change debate, Markey welcomed it.
‘Prince Charles is giving global warming and energy the royal treatment, and the planet would benefit if Congress and the Bush administration did the same,’
he said.” Juliet Eilperin
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Prince of Wales’s
Business & Environment

Clarence House,


3rdd October, 2007.

“ Dear Mr Markey (Rep.),
I Just wanted to write and thank the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming for giving my Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change the opportunity to give evidence. The Group much enjoyed meeting Speaker Pelosi and members of the Committee when they visited London earlier this year and could not be more pleased to be in front of you today represented by Mr. Neil Carson, Chief Executive of Johnson Matthey P .L.C. and Mr. Alain Grisay of F.&C. Asset Management, accompanied by Mr. Craig Bellett, Facilitator of the Group Without delaying proceedings too much, I thought it might be helpful if I introduced the Corporate Leaders Group and said something about its work. It was established in May 2005 under the auspices of my Business and the Environment Programme and brings together business leaders from major United Kingdom and international companies who are united in their belief that there is an urgent need to develop new and longer-term policies for tackling climate change.

I know that this Committee does not need me to tell you anything about the serious threat which climate change poses to humanity. The three recent reports of the Fourth Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (I.P.C.C.) emphasized in the starkest terms how the impacts of climate change will fall disproportionately upon developing countries and the poor. Furthermore, The Stem Review on the Economics of Climate Change concluded that failure to mitigate the phenomena could result in a global economic depression equivalent to the two World Wars and the Great Depression combined.

But what I find particularly striking is the latest science, as reported in the I.P .C.C. Fourth Assessment, on how the biosphere is likely to respond to just a couple of degrees or so of warming. As permafrost thaws and rainforests become drier, there is a real danger that these carbon “sinks” will become new sources of greenhouse gases.

The United Kingdom Government’s then Secretary of State for the Environment and now Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mr. David Miliband, put it very well when he commented earlier this year that “the science has only gone in one direction since 2000, which is to say that the situation is more grave and that the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is more urgent”.

Against this context, the work of my Corporate Leaders Group is crucial in demonstrating that tackling climate change is the way to ensure economic security for the longer term and that it can be done in a way that does not limit the aspirations for growth of rich or poor countries. What is particularly encouraging about the Group’s approach is its determination to work with Governments in a genuine partnership. I am delighted that since it started it has been a major contributor to the development of climate policy by the then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and is now engaged in a similar way with the President of the European Commission. If I might say so, it is a source of great encouragement to all of us that a sister organization has recently been established in the United States of America and my Corporate Leaders Group is working increasingly closely with the U.S. Climate Action Partnership Fundamental to my Group’s belief is that investing in a low-carbon future should be a strategic business objective for industrialized countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. But the members recognize that all too often the private sector and Governments find themselves in a ‘Catch 22’ situation in which Governments feel limited in their ability to introduce new climate change policy because they fear business resistance, while companies are unable to invest sufficiently in low carbon solutions because of the absence of long-term policies. To overcome this, the Group is calling on Governments to set strong policy frameworks, including market mechanisms and ambitious mandatory targets, to provide business certainty and create a step-change in the development of low-carbon goods and services.

As I am sure you can imagine, in advance of the 13th Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change in Bali in December, the Group is particularly focussed on the need to express its support for an international, legally-binding U.N. agreement to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. It is the Group’s belief that such agreement is the only way to provide business with the certainty it needs to increase investment sufficiently in low-carbon technologies, and with the certainty that the threat of climate change will be adequately addressed.
I have been following with the greatest attention the most recent policy evolutions in key industrialized countries. To secure the future for generations to follow, I hope that the boldest possible targets can be set, together with the policies needed to implement them -otherwise how can we expect developing countries, such as India and China, to take action? The legally-binding targets that will be put in place in the United Kingdom through the Climate Change Bill, together with those being put in place in the State of California -and steps being undertaken in numerous other states and cities in the United States -are evidence of how policy-makers in both our countries are moving to address this problem.

A challenge of the magnitude of climate change requires a co-ordinated response, based on actions across every sector of society, and the business community is going to be critical in achieving this. The companies which are members of my Corporate Leaders Group are playing a highly strategic role -essentially helping to create a political space in which effective policies can be introduced and global progress can be achieved.

I very much hope that the hearing this week will be productive and that members of my Corporate Leaders Group will be able to work with members of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming in the future to develop further policy responses to this most pressing of problems.

This brings my warmest good wishes.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:07 pm    Post subject: Live Earth on 7/7-07 - remember 7/705 Reply with quote



Remember on 7/7-07 Al Gore and his fellows had the huge media spectacle ‘Live Earth’ where about 2.5 billion people participated and everything was about saving the earth (= mother goddess Gaia) and CO2.
(Interestingly enough precisely on 7/7-2005, = another 777, there were the London bombings which most probably was an insider job to bring the people of GB and the EU under massive (electronic) surveillance).

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:09 pm    Post subject: [color=green][size=24]Prince Charles and other Signatories o Reply with quote

Prince Charles and other Signatories of the Bali Communiqué.
(The 2007 UN Conference against “CO2 and Global Warming”)
150 global business leaders call for legally binding UN framework to tackle climate change

On 30th November 2007, the business leaders of 150 global companies published a communiqué to world leaders calling for a comprehensive, legally binding United Nations framework to tackle climate change.
The initiative represents an unprecedented coming together of the international business community and includes some of the biggest companies and brands from around the world, including the United States, Europe, Australia and China.
It has been led by The Prince of Wales’s UK and EU Corporate Leaders Groups on Climate Change, which are developed and run by the University of Cambridge Programme for Industry.

It is hoped that The Bali Communiqué will have a significant impact on the UN climate negotiations starting on December 3rd 2007 in Bali, Indonesia.

The Bali Communiqué calls for:
· a comprehensive, legally binding United Nations framework to tackle climate change
· emission reduction targets to be guided primarily by science
· those countries that have already industrialised to make the greatest effort
world leaders to seize the window of opportunity and agree a work plan of negotiations to ensure an agreement can come into force post 2012 (when the existing Kyoto Protocol expires)

Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change

The Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change ( CLG ) brings together business leaders from major UK and international companies who believe that there is an urgent need to develop new and longer-term policies for tackling climate change. The first output from the group was a letter to the Prime Minister in the run up to the G8 Summit in Gleneagles. The letter argued that investing in a low-carbon future should be "a strategic business objective for UK plc as a whole" and pointed out that at present "the private sector and governments are in a 'Catch 22' situation with regard to tackling climate change, in which governments feel limited in their ability to introduce new climate change policy because they fear business resistance, while companies are unable to scale up investment in low carbon solutions because of the absence of long-term policies". The group is currently working in partnership with the UK Government towards strengthening domestic and international progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They are also working to engage other British businesses, the UK public and governments and businesses internationally to back this effort.

On Tuesday 6th June the Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change wrote a second letter to the Prime Minister, offering further support in taking bold steps to prevent climate change. This letter says the UK Government should take ambitious action to stimulate investment in low carbon technology and should use the negotiations of the next round of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) as an opportunity to take on challenging targets.

The Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change is an initiative of the University of Cambridge Programme for Industry and the Prince of Wales Business and Environment Programme.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


You can contact Mr. Wiedenroth here:

For more information on THE PRINCE OF WALES UK AND EU Corporate Leader’s Groups on Climate Change please visit

(I hope I did not mistype, I got this info from the companies logos.... Wink

Anglian Water Group
Deutsche Telekom
e.on / UK
John Lewis
Johnson Matthey
Lloyds TSB
Reckit Benckiser
Schneider Electric
Shell Oil
Standard Chartered
Sun Microsystems

Additional companies that have already signed the communiqué include:
Adidas GROUP
Akzo Nobel
Bancaja habitat
Cadbury Schweppes
The Coca Cola Company
CP Holdings LTD
Croatia Airlines
E endesa
Earthcare Products
Green Atlantic Partners GAP
Gap Inc.
IAG Insurance Australia Group
General Electric
Industry Funds Management
International Power
Johnson & Johnson
National Australia Bank
News Corporation
Novo nordisk
NXP founded by Philips
Merill Lynch
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Pakistan State Oil
Plug power
Pell Frischmann Consultants
Ryle Technology
Scottish Power
Shanghai Electric
Sol Meliá
Sony Ericsson
Sustainable finance
Swiss Re
United Technologies
? Technology

Sjunde AP-fonden
ACSI Australian Council of Super Investors Inc.

Also in support:
Thomas P. Di Napoli, State Comptroller of New York
John Chiang, State Controller of California

Last edited by lauchenauermartin on Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:19 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:14 pm    Post subject: Al Gore and Prince Charles Reply with quote

Al Gore the front man on “CO2 and Global Warming (= Film: An Inconvenient Truth)” and Prince Charles have been working together on Environmental Matters since about 20 years… (Not that I am against preserving the environment… I even did my best to get the US (!!!) made oil pest in Kuwait with biological means in good order again… And once I was proposed a position in a local Green Party – but then I learned that they are also for abortion and pro homosexuality L )

[img] [/img]

Last edited by lauchenauermartin on Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:15 pm    Post subject: [size=18][color=green]Green gong for Prince Charles [/color] Reply with quote

Green gong for Prince Charles Published: 29 Jan 2007

PRINCE Charles is greeted by former US vice-president Al Gore before receiving a top gong for his green campaigning.
He was presented with the Global Environmental Citizen Award by Mr Al Gore in New York last night.
Meanwhile he has cut back on flying by axing his annual skiing trip to Klosters, Switzerland. But his police bodyguards will fly there on an £8,000 “recce” for his holiday next year.
Has there ever been such puffed up hysteria as the “global warming” “climate change” agenda! Who is really behind this?

A hugely powerful international elite, earth worshippers and Satanic pagans, who are putting the last touches to their capture of the entire world. They have said for years that what is needed is an earth crisis, that this would precipitate the masses into blind, total serfdom.

People everywhere imagine that the global environmental movement is about preventing excessive pollution and to save the natural resources of the planet. You believe that do you? If you do you are ignorant, naïve and deluded! Sorry to be so blunt, there is now no time left to be polite. What is needed right now is a few quotes from the New Age, New Green Order, to show what this is really about. Read these quotes and weep - and pray.

They will make you feel an outright ignoramus if you have fallen for this global warming con!
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortage, famine and the like would fit the bill…”

Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution (1991).
This is an ELITE international think-tank, consultants to the UN. A global government authority.

“We need to get some broad based support; to capture the public’s imagination….So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of doubts . ... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”
Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology.

“No matter if the science of global warming is all phoney…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” Christine Stewart, then Canadian Minister of the Environment.
“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis…”
David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive member.

“The emerging ‘environmentalization’ of our civilization and the need for vigorous action in the interest of the entire global community will inevitably have multiple political consequences. Perhaps the most important of them will be a gradual change in the status of the United Nations. Inevitably, it must assume some aspects of a world government.”
Mikhail Gorbachev, Club of Rome member, State of the World Forum, 1996.

“A New World Order is required to deal with the Climate Change crisis.”
Gordon Brown, British Prime Minister.

“We require a central organizing principle - one agreed to voluntarily. Minor shifts in policy, moderate improvement in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change - these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public’s desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary.”
Al Gore. Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit (1992) (Page 274).

“I envisage the principles of the Earth Charter to be a new form of the ten commandments. They lay the foundation for a sustainable earth community.” Mikhail Gorbachev, Club of Rome mem ber. “The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many, doing too well economically and burning too much oil.”
James Lovelock, BBC Interview (2002).

“Humans on the Earth behave in some ways like a pathogenic micro-organism, or like the cells of a tumour.”
James Lovelock, Healing Gaia: Practical Medicine for the Planet (1991).

“The fate of mankind, as well as of religion, depends upon the emergence of a new faith in the future. Armed with such a faith, we might find it possible to resanctify [re- establish worship of Gaia] the earth [as goddess].”
Al Gore, quoting Gaia worshipper deChardin.

“The earth is literally our mother, not only because we depend on her to nurture and shelter but even more because the human species has been shaped by her in the womb of evolution…. Our salvation depends upon our ability to create a religion of nature.”
Rene Dubos, board member, Planetary Citizens. (a major N.W.O. organization).
“It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light. We must therefore transform our attitudes, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior laws of DIVINE NATURE [nature is God].”
Maurice Strong, who works extensively with Mikhail Gorbachev and Al Gore. Former Sec. Gen. of UNEP, in his opening speech of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit.

“What if Mary is another name for Gaia? Then her capacity for the virgin birth is no miracle…it is the role of Gaia since life began….she is the source of life everlasting and is alive now; she gave birth to humankind and we are part of her.”
James Lovelock, Ages of Gaia (1995).

“Cosmos is my god. Nature is my religion.”
Mikhail Gorbachev. Green Cross International.

“The spiritual sense of our place in nature…can be traced to the origins of human civilization….The last vestige of organized goddess worship was eliminated by Christianity.”
Al Gore. Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit (1992) (Page 260).

“I pledge allegiance to the Earth and all its sacred parts. Its water, land and living things and all its human hearts.”
Earth Pledge, Global Education Associates.

“By fostering a deep sense of connection to others and to the earth in all its dimensions, a holistic education encourages a sense of responsibility to self to others and to the planet.”
Global Alliance for Transforming Education.


MASTER Magician that he is, Al Gore is a man of many deceptions. Of course the churches claim he is a Christian, don’t they always welcome the New World Order Change Agents into their bosoms! A man we do not like to quote from usually, David Icke, (he is unsaved and deluded about God) but he wrote some interesting material from private research in his July 15, 2007 newsletter.

Here is some of it:
“This week came a new low in the concert circus with ‘Live Earth’, the global manipulation of reality to sell the lie that rising temperature is caused by human activity, thus giving the manipulators the excuse for more taxation, global laws and centralised control to ‘save the world’.

The Illuminati front man for this grotesque misrepresentation of ‘climate change’ is the practising Satanist, the so-appropriately name, Al Gore, who was given free-range on worldwide television to deliver deceit that human-created carbon dioxide threatens our every existence. Gore used 221,000 kilowatt hours of electricity in 2006, 20 times the American national average, but, hey, don’t criticise the High Priest of the Carbon Cult or we’ll dub you a ‘global warming denier’, you horrible person.

The official companion publication to Live Earth is the Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook written by David Mayer de Rothschild, son of the notorious Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, and tool of the Rothschild dynasty, one of the most central and influential of the Illuminati satanic bloodlines.

The fact that these concerts at locations across the world took place on July 7th – 7/7- the same day as the London bombings in 2005 (the week of Live-Cool is no coincidence, either. The same force ultimately behind the terrorist attacks that killed more than 50 people is ultimately behind the global warming con.” (End of quote).
Please realise, readers, that the global Luciferian government is behind all that is affecting Australia right now – and this is without a doubt the Antichrist system of Biblical prophesy. Watch, be intelligently informed, act as though time is short, be about your Lord’s business whilst you still have the opportunity.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:16 pm    Post subject: „Flucht vor der Wirklichkeit“ Vaclav Kl Reply with quote

„Flucht vor der Wirklichkeit“ 10.11.2007
Interview Vaclav Klaus.
Der tschechische Staatspräsident Vaclav Klaus über den Klimawandel, eskapistische Politiker und die Moral der Wissenschaft.
Klaus, 66, ist seit 2003 Staatsoberhaupt der Tschechischen Republik. In den Neunzigerjahren war der frühere Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Premierminister. Der Mitgründer der liberaldemokratischen Partei ODS verficht die freie Marktwirtschaft im klassischen Sinne des schottischen Ökonomen und Philosophen Adam Smith.
WirtschaftsWoche: Herr Präsident, die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel setzt sich während ihrer Staatsbesuche auf der ganzen Welt für den Klimaschutz ein. Überall findet sie Gehör. Nur bei Ihnen nicht. Warum?

Vaclav Klaus: Die unfaire und irrationale Debatte über die globale Erwärmung ärgert mich. Das Thema entwickelt sich mehr und mehr zum grundsätzlichen ideologischen Konflikt unserer Gegenwart.

Frau Merkel hat sich einer Ideologie verschrieben?

Sie glaubt vermutlich an diese Ideen. Das überrascht mich. Denn gerade als ausgebildete Physikerin ist sie doch ohne Zweifel fähig, umstrittene Hypothesen zu prüfen. Aber das zeigt eben auch, dass es hier gar nicht um Wissenschaft geht. Die Klimaschutz-Bewegung verkörpert eine neue Ideologie. Erstaunlich, dass gerade Frau Merkel diese vertritt – sie hat doch selbst in einer sozialistischen Gesellschaft gelebt. Sie kennt doch die Gefahr, die mit solchen gegen die Freiheit gerichteten Ideologien verbunden ist.

Halten Sie die Bundeskanzlerin für eine Weltverbesserin?

Ich möchte nicht Frau Merkel analysieren. Die Welt verbessern, das wollen Utopisten. Für Politiker sind Utopien aber manch- » mal eine ausgezeichnete Sache, denn dadurch können sie sich mit der entfernten Zukunft beschäftigen und müssen sich nicht mit dem Tagesgeschäft herumärgern. Solche Politiker sind Eskapisten, sie wollen der Wirklichkeit entfliehen. Das Thema Klimawandel eignet sich hervorragend für diese Flucht, denn da kann man 50 oder sogar 100 Jahre in die Zukunft planen, Visionen entwickeln – ohne dass der Wähler die Folgen kontrollieren kann.

Eine Flucht wovor?

Politiker fliehen vor der Leere, vor ihrer eigenen Ideenlosigkeit. Sie haben keine Inhalte, mit denen sie die Gegenwart füllen könnten.

Gilt das auch für den amerikanischen Präsidenten George W. Bush, der sich inzwischen ebenfalls für das Klimathema zu erwärmen scheint?

Bush und ich haben einige Male darüber gesprochen. Bei unserem letzten Treffen in New York am Rande des UN-Klimagipfels im September hat er mich gefragt: „Vaclav, wo ist dein Buch? Ich warte schon darauf“ (lacht). Als Amerikaner sieht er das Ganze etwas pragmatischer. Amerikaner waren nie an Utopien interessiert.

Die Environmentalisten, wie Sie sie nennen, beschreiben Sie in Ihrem Buch „Blauer Planet in grünen Fesseln“ nur vage. Wer sind jene ominösen Verschwörer, die Sie für so gefährlich halten?

Die Klimadebatte selbst bedarf einer soziologischen Analyse. Da sind zunächst Politiker, die den Klimaschutz aus den genannten Gründen auf die Agenda setzen. Dann Journalisten, die den ganzen Wirbel nutzen und als Trittbrettfahrer auf das titelträchtige Thema aufspringen. Und auch die Klimaforscher handeln nur zu ihrem eigenen Nutzen, auch sie maximieren ihren Profit, widmen sich den Themen, die die meisten Fördergelder versprechen.

Zu denen, die Sie angreifen, zählen seriöse, angesehene Forscher. Sind das alles opportunistische Kleingeister?

Nehmen wir den Klimabericht der Vereinten Nationen. Was darin steht, entscheidet das Präsidium des Internationalen Panels für Klimawandel (IPCC). Dort sitzen kaum authentische Wissenschaftler. Leute wie IPCC-Präsident Rajendra Pachauri waren vielleicht einmal wissenschaftlich aktiv, inzwischen aber sind sie Bürokraten. Den letzten Fachartikel haben diese Leute vor mehreren Jahren veröffentlicht. Heute machen sie Politik. Und unter den wirklichen Wissenschaftlern gibt es viele, die keine eigenen neuen Ansätze finden. Sie folgen einfach dem Mainstream.

Wissenschaftler können sich doch gerade durch Widerspruch profilieren. Wenn es berechtigte Kritik gibt – warum findet sie dann kein Gehör?

Was dem sogenannten Konsens dieser Klimatologen widerspricht, findet gar nicht erst Eingang in den UN-Klimabericht. Ich bekomme täglich Briefe aus der ganzen Welt von Wissenschaftlern, die gegen die herrschende Meinung anschreiben – aber keiner will sie hören oder ihre Thesen drucken. Sie liegen einfach nicht im Trend.

Damit unterstellen Sie der Klimaforschung, sie zensiere sich selbst.

Wissen Sie, das Ganze kommt mir sehr bekannt vor. Ich wurde nach dem Prager Frühling, als die Warschauer-Pakt-Truppen einmarschierten, von der Tschechoslowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ausgeschlossen, weil ich als Feind des Marxismus betrachtet wurde. Ich konnte in den Siebzigerjahren keinen einzigen Artikel über Volkswirtschaft verfassen.

Sie sind ausgebildeter Ökonom, kein Klimaforscher – können Sie diese wissenschaftliche Debatte überhaupt beurteilen?

Als arbeitsloser Volkswirt nahm ich damals eine Stelle in der Staatsbank der Tschechoslowakei an. Dort standen die ersten Computer. Ich sollte an statistischen und ökonometrischen Modellen arbeiten und habe mich so gegen meinen Willen mit Dingen beschäftigt, die wichtig und relevant für die Klimatologie sind. Die Klimatologie ist nicht die Welt von Physik und Chemie, wo man ein kontrolliertes Experiment 1000-mal wiederholen kann. Man arbeitet mit Zeitreihen und statistischer Analyse. Da geht es um Daten und Hypothesen, die man entweder akzeptiert oder nicht.

Misstrauen Sie deshalb den Methoden der Klimaforscher?

Ich habe jahrelang mit ähnlichen Modellen gespielt. Ich habe Hunderte und Tausende ähnlicher Gleichungen immer wieder gerechnet, hier einen Parameter verändert, dort einen hinzugefügt und weiß, wie radikal sich durch die geringste Modifikation das Gesamtergebnis der komplexen Modelle ändern kann. Deshalb bin ich dieser Methodik gegenüber prinzipiell sehr kritisch.

Streiten Sie den Klimawandel rundweg ab?

Nein, natürlich nicht. Dass das Klima sich wandelt, weiß doch jedes Kind. Dafür muss man kein Nobelpreisträger sein, dazu braucht man auch keine Professur am Potsdamer Institut für Klimafolgenforschung. Natürlich spielt auch der Mensch eine Rolle. Aber die entscheidende Frage ist doch: Wie groß ist der Einfluss der Menschen auf diesen Prozess? Dabei streitet die Wissenschaft über Größen im Dezimalbereich. Ist es die dritte, vierte oder fünfte Stelle nach dem Komma? Das ist die seriöse Frage, die wir beantworten müssen. Und dazu gibt es keinen Konsens.

Sie sagen, Environmentalisten wie der ehemalige amerikanische Vizepräsident Al Gore bedrohten mit ihren Denkverboten die Freiheit. Mit dem Begriff der Freiheit argumentiert es sich leicht. Denn wer wäre nicht für die Freiheit? Was verstehen Sie eigentlich darunter?

Das lässt sich kaum in ein paar Sätzen beantworten. Ich meine sowohl die politische als auch die wirtschaftliche und wissenschaftliche Freiheit. Wichtig ist für mich, dass nichts vor dieser Freiheit stehen darf. Kommunismus war eine Variante dieser Ideologien, die etwas „Heiliges“ vor die Freiheit setzten. Environmentalismus folgt derselben Logik: Erst kommt das Klima, dann die Freiheit, dann die Prosperität. Solche Prioritäten sind falsch. Für mich ist die Freiheit ein wichtiger Wert. Wir Tschechen haben unsere eigenen Erfahrungen mit Unfreiheit gemacht. Wir reagieren auf die Bedrohung von Freiheit sensibel, vielleicht sogar übersensibel – das können die Menschen in Westeuropa manchmal nicht so gut verstehen.

Die Europäische Union hat sich – mit Zustimmung der tschechischen Regierung – ehrgeizige Klimaziele gesetzt. Mit Ihren Ansichten stehen Sie doch völlig allein da.

Nein, ich bin nicht allein. Aber ich finde die heutige Situation in Europa und den USA mitunter tragisch. Ich habe bei der Klimakonferenz in New York in meiner Rede als Einziger die Klimapolitik kritisiert. Beifall gab es dafür nicht. Erst danach beim Abendessen sind viele Regierungschefs auf mich zugekommen und haben mir gratuliert. „Das war notwendig, jemand musste das sagen“, hieß es. Anscheinend bedarf es inzwischen politischer Tapferkeit, sich gegen die Klimapolitik auszusprechen.

Wer hat sich denn bei Ihnen bedankt?

Die Namen kann ich nicht nennen. Das wäre den Betroffenen nicht recht.

Sie argumentieren, Wirtschaft und technischer Fortschritt seien in der Lage, alle durch den Klimawandel entstehenden Probleme zu lösen. Was macht Sie da so sicher?

Nicht die Wirtschaft – der Markt! Dieser Unterschied ist fundamental. Ich glaube an den Markt. Mein ganzes Leben lang habe ich Wirtschaft in all ihren Ausprägungen studiert, bereits im Kommunismus. Plan versus Markt, Steuerung versus Spontaneität – die ewige Debatte seit Adam Smith. Warum ich so überzeugt bin? Das ist mein Leben. Ich habe 100-mal gesehen, wie Regierungen sich irren. Der Markt ist nicht perfekt, aber seine Fehler sind im Vergleich zu denen der Regierungen gering. Ich habe in einer Planwirtschaft gelebt – für mich sind die 50-Jahres-Pläne von Angela Merkel heute genauso falsch wie die Fünfjahrespläne damals.

Was halten Sie vom Emissionshandel? Wenn Kohlendioxid einen Preis bekommt, können die Kräfte des Marktes frei wirken.

Unsinn. Das ist ein Schwindel der Klimatologen und Environmentalisten. Das können nur die falschen Ökonomen unterstützen. Das ist Dirigismus und kein freier Markt. Diese Methode erscheint bestenfalls marktfreundlich. Emissionshandel ist nur eine Variante des gespielten Marktes, den ich als klassischer Liberaler ablehne.

Es gibt Unternehmer, die am Umweltschutz verdienen. Deutschland ist inzwischen Marktführer bei Umwelttechnologien. Da passen Umwelt und Unternehmergeist doch wunderbar zusammen.

Dass Unternehmer an den Bemühungen, Energie zu sparen, verdienen, ist völlig klar. Schließlich müssen alle sparsam mit ihrer Energie umgehen. Etwas anderes ist es, wenn Unternehmer mit alternativen Technologien ein Geschäft machen. Die Geschäfte mit Fotovoltaik und Windkraft sind nämlich nur möglich, weil die Regierungen hohe Subventionen zahlen. Diese Unternehmen spielen mit den politischen Vorgaben und nicht nach den Regeln des freien Marktes.

Niemand bezweifelt, dass wir Verbotsschilder im Straßenverkehr brauchen. Ohne ein Minimum an Regeln droht Gesellschaften das Chaos. Brauchen wir nicht auch ein paar Warnschilder für den Umweltschutz?

Das kommt darauf an, ob wir über Umwelt oder Klima diskutieren. Ich habe natürlich nichts gegen Gesetze, die verbieten, den Abfall in den nächsten Teich zu werfen. Aber die Umweltschutzgesetze – vor allem die der EU – gehen inzwischen zu weit. Immerhin kennen wir bei Umweltsünden die negativen Konsequenzen unseres Handelns. Wenn der Teich verseucht ist, ist er verseucht. Beim Klimawandel ist nicht sicher, wohin er führt und wie groß der menschliche Einfluss überhaupt ist. Das ist eine Gleichung mit vielen Unbekannten – deshalb bin ich gegen restriktive Klimagesetze und andere Formen von Dirigismus.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:22 pm    Post subject: Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince Reply with quote

Whatever got you here, please take some time to read this information or, bookmark it for later.

Synopsis of
Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince y Joan M. Veon

Paragraphs of Key Importance

However, our look cannot only deal with the man, but must deal with his politics, an empowered United Nations and empowered multinational corporations. The politics of the Prince, specifically the environmental philosophy, are enshrouded in "sustainable development" which is a merger between communism and capitalism. This merger then necessitates a new form of governance through public- private partnerships. The picture is complete when one considers both the empowered United Nations (which the Royal family directs) and empowered multinational corporations (which Charles influences through the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum. When all of these are placed into operation through public-private partnerships, all of society, as we know it, will change. We must understand each of these in order to know the "day and hour."

Chapter 1 - The Rhodes Legacy
Of particular interest with regard to the Milner (Kindergarten) Group was how the world would be ruled once under the British Empire. According to Quigley, "They feared the British Empire might fall into the same difficulty and destroy British idealism and British liberties by the tyranny necessary to hold on to a reluctant Empire. And any effort to hold an empire by tyranny they regarded as doomed to failure .... the Group feared that all culture and civilization would go down to destruction because of our inability to construct some kind of political unit larger than the national state, just as Greek culture and civilization in the fourth century B.C. went down to destruction because of the Greeks' inability to construct some kind of political unit larger than the city-state. This was the fear that had animated Rhodes, and it was the same fear that was driving the Milner Group to transform the British Empire into a Commonwealth of Nations and then place that system within a League of Nations" The United Nations became the successor to the League of Nations in 1945. While there are a number of major differences between the two organizations, the biggest difference was an empowered United Nations. The decisions of the League [of Nations] Council were essentially recommendations, whereas "the decisions of the [United Nations] Security Council are legally binding upon the Members of the United Nations."

Chapter 3 - Philosophical Components of the Agenda
(1) Public-Private Partnerships
What is "public-private partnership?" Public-private partnership is just what it says it is. First, it is a business arrangement, sealed by an agreement or in some cases, a handshake. The terms of the partnership will vary, according to partners and objectives. Second, the parties in the partnership are public and private entities. Public entities refer to government -- -local, country, state, federal or global agencies. Private refers to non governmental groups such as foundations, non-profit groups, corporations, and individuals. For example, foundations could include the Ford, the Rockefeller, or the local "good-works" foundation; nonprofits could refer to non governmental organizations like The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum (= nowadays International Business Leader Forum, The Nature Conservancy, The Sierra Club, World Wildlife Federation, Planned Parenthood, NOW, etc.; and corporations could be any corporation from a small one to a multinational like Exxon, Johnson Wax, 3M, Black and Decker, or Giant Foods. Lastly, individuals could be any person -- such as a businessman, rancher, or dentist.
A public-private partnership will always have as its goal a business-making venture that requires some form of "governance." The question is, since the players will vary in experience and wealth, who has the most power? We know from life itself that whoever has the most money has the power. For example, when a public-private partnership is comprised of governments, such as the County Department of Environmental Initiatives, the State Department of Environmental Resources; a number of private entities, like a Land Trust (foundation) and The Nature Conservancy (non-profit); along with a corporation such as Black and Decker, the players with the most money control the partnership. In this case, it would be The Nature Conservancy, with assets of over $1B, and Black and Decker Corporation, with a capitalization of $1.6B. Representative government loses.
Pubic-private partnerships were "unveiled" in June 1996 at the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Habitat II, held in Istanbul. In an interview I conducted with Dr. Wally N'Dow, Secretary- General of the Habitat II conference, he said, "We have got to a point where we cannot not partner with the private sector, as governments, as the civil society, as NGO's, but also as people active in international development such as the UN. That is what Istanbul tried to convey." In a follow-up interview with Dr. Noel Brown, former Director of the United Nations Environment Programme and currently Special Advisor to the Group of 77, he said of public-private partnerships, "I believe that the future of the UN will rest on effective partnering with the private sector -- with business and industry. But I also believe that the environment and the environmental community must also rethink its mission and redefine its role as we enter the phase of globalization and as we are on the threshold of the twenty-first century."
While this concept may appear to be new, public-private partnerships have been used for the last twenty years in America as a method of providing financing to low-income families. HUD and its Office of Community Planning and Development has used public-private partnerships to create affordable housing since 1990. In addition, Maryland, Oregon, and Minnesota have implemented state-level public-private partnerships. It should be noted that as public-private partnerships continue to rise in the United States, our Constitution is being eroded as a result of the shift in power.
It should be noted that as public-private partnerships continue to rise in the United States, our Constitution is being eroded as a result of the shift in power. The key to governance in the twenty-first century is the partnership between business, the private sector, and government.
(2) Gaia - The Philosophical Shift
As mentioned, the first United Nations environmental conference was held in 1972 with the second one, the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (UNCED), held twenty years later. UNCED, also called the "Earth Summit," was an unveiling of the philosophical shift from the Judeo-Christian world view to Gaia. The Programme of Action, called Agenda 21, is 297 pages long, and a second related document, Global Biodiversity Assessment, is over 1,100 pages long. Together these documents contain an agenda that can only be called evil, as the implementation of the action items will turn freedom into bondage and life into misery as all of what we know today will be replaced with a planned electronic society in which our only value will be to produce. This is the agenda Prince Charles is facilitating. In feudalistic times only the king and nobility owned land and had freedom. So, too, under United Nations rule, feudalistic times will return and the lights of freedom will go out. Charles has nothing to lose and the world to gain.

Chapter 4 - Sustainable Development
Let me provide for you my own paraphrased definition of sustainable development, which I think is simpler to understand and embraces all of their points: The world has too many people and if we do not reduce the number of people on planet Earth, they will use up all of the earth's resources so that future generations will be left without any resources. The United Nations is the best global body to monitor and manage and preserve the resources of the planet.
The Philosophy of Sustainable Development
Where does this concept come from? Before I went to the June 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) in Istanbul, I was trying to figure out just where sustainable development came from. The number of people serving on the World Commission on Environment and Development who were Communist, Marxist or Socialist provided my first clue. In thinking about that, it occurred to me that this philosophy is not in our Constitution. I then looked in a constitution opposite of ours, the constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1977). I found my answer in Chapter 2, Article 18, which states,
In the interests of the present and future generations, the necessary steps are
taken in the USSR to protect and make scientific, rational use of the land and
its mineral and water resources, and the plant and animal kingdoms to preserve
the purity of air and water, ensure reproduction of natural wealth, and improve
the human environment."
In the executive summary of the book Business as Partners in Development Creating Wealth for Countries, Companies and Communities, the authors write, "In most cases, the debate is no longer about extreme alternatives -- about communism versus capitalism, the free market versus state control, democracy versus dictatorship -- but about finding common good."
The Result of Sustainable Development
This same interconnectedness can be seen in the merging of environment, economics and social issues into one. This is another aspect of the public-private partnership concept. As the environmental ideology permeates all aspects of life, it takes on a spiritual dimension that mirrors the Gaia philosophy, which is paganism. When the three become one through partnership, they form a philosophical approach that will change representative government in America. As the precepts of the Constitution are eliminated through new (UN policy guided) legislation, the power of the Constitution is eroded and in its place are public-private partnerships, which run parallel to representative government and form the new governance for the twenty-first century. This is a new twist to the concept of world government that most people visualize, and is the key to understanding how important is the Prince of Wales and the corporations to which he is providing leadership.

Chapter 5 - Public-Private Partnerships and Governance are ONE
It is on the global level that a number of key concepts and philosophies come together. Charles has adopted a very radical environmental agenda that calls for a planned society, using the environment and sustainable development as the reason for the change in governance (government) and freedoms. Public-private partnerships are the modus operandi to effect this change. The definition of governance by the UNDP (Chapter 4) is that public-private partnerships and governance (government) are one. In other words, sustainable development equals governance equals public-private partnerships equals ONE (government). We will be controlled on the local from the global through public-private partnerships.
Quote from James Gustave Speth:
Just as important, we look forward to a growing role in supporting the involvement and
participation of NGOs and civil society organizations, including private business, in forging partnerships of many types -- partnerships [public-private] that are an integral part of the web of global governance and the glue that holds our troubled world together. (emphasis added)
Chapter 6 - The Empowerment of the United Nations
In order to understand the power which Charles has, we must look at the increased strength of both the United Nations and transnational corporations. It is not enough to state "Charles is powerful," one must explain how he is powerful in order to understand the magnitude of the day and the hour. Not only is the Rhodes legacy complete through the United Nations, but the apex of the global governmental structure is being revealed through his actions and activities.
The Global (UN) to the Local Connection
Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke, a Rhodes Scholar, was on the presidential delegation along with two other mayors from the United States. I asked him what his presence meant. He replied in part, "Well, what I have tried to do here is to let other members of the delegation and those from around the world know how important this conference is to mayors in the United States. We just wanted people to know how important this conference is. It is the beginning of a new era with local government officials being listened to in the development of UN documents and we see this as kind of the wave of the future." Just as local chamber of commerce chapters receive direction from the International Chamber of Commerce, so too, are mayors receiving direction from the global UN level.

Chapter 6 - Multinational Corporations

The following is a message from Dr. David C. Korten, president of the PDC Forum. The following are excerpts from his Internet message:
On June 24, 1997, the CEOs of 10 TNCs [transnational corporations] met over lunch at the United Nations with the UN leadership and a number of senior government officials to chart a formalization of corporate involvement in the affairs of the United Nations. I attended the lunch. I found it a shattering experience for it revealed a seamless alliance between the public and private sectors aligned behind the consolidation of corporate rule over the global economy ....
Chapter 7 - Fascism and the Empowerment of Corporations
Many multinational and transnational corporations have assets and sales in excess of the value of most small and midsize countries. As if this power were not enough, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris is lobbying to pass the Multilateral Agreement on Investments (MAI), which would give corporations unlimited rights in any country that signs the agreement. In the words of Tony Clarke, Director of the Polaris Institute in Canada, "The MAI is designed to establish a whole new set of global rules for investments that will grant transnational corporations the unrestricted 'right' and 'freedom' to buy, sell and move their operations whenever and wherever they want around the world, unfettered by government intervention or regulation. In short the MAI seeks to empower transnational corporations .... by restrict[ing] .... what national governments can and cannot do."
I think the best definition of fascism, which basically points to everything the Prince of Wales believes and is doing, is: "Fascism adheres to the 'philosopher-king' belief that only one class -- which is by birth, education or social standing -- is capable of understanding what is best for the whole community and of putting it into practice."

Chapter 8 - The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum see ([url] [/url])
The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum is an educational charity with close to 50 multinational corporations from the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan, and several other countries on its executive directorate. The U.S. corporations who work very closely with the prince include: 3M, American Express, TRW, Coca-Cola, SmithKline Beecham, ARCO, CIGNA, DHL Worldwide Express, Levi Strauss & Company, The Perot Group, and U.S. WEST International. Additional partners are the American Chamber of Commerce, American Hotel & Motel Association, The Atlanta Project, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, The City of Charleston, the Ford Foundation, the Kellog Foundation, Eli Lilly, the New York City Housing Partnership, the Office of Ronald Reagan, the Soros Foundation, Texaco, Tufts University, Turner Broadcasting, USAID, and Warnaco, to name a few.
The Forum is accountable to a board and council made up of the international CEOs and directors from the above listed principal supporters and funded by its members with programmes funded by other sponsors, international development agencies, and foundations. It works with the World Bank Group, United Nations agencies, the European Commission, Overseas Development Agencies, and a number of bilateral agencies from the UK, Japan, and North America.
"The mission of the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum (PWBLF) is to promote continuous improvement in the practice of good corporate citizenship and sustainable development internationally, as a natural part of successful business operations. It aims to work with members and partners to:
1. Demonstrate that business has an essential and creative role to play in the prosperity of local communities as partners in development, particularly in economies in transition;
2. Raise awareness of the value of corporate responsibility in international business practice;
3. Encourage partnership action between business and communities as an effective means of promoting sustainable economic development."
The PWBLF operates in 26 countries and concentrates on post-Communist countries and developing economies. It has held 26 high-level international meetings in 18 countries involving 5,000 corporate, government, and non governmental leaders.
Chapter 9 Charles -- The Hidden Prince
In an interview that Prince Charles gave on BBC's "Newsnight" program in 1994, "he expressed his devotion to his work for Britain and the Commonwealth. He said, 'so much I try to do is behind the scenes. So it is difficult for people to understand how all the things fit together.' He also asserted that there is a common theme to all his projects and insisted they will turn out to be for the long term good."
Charles -- The Defender of Faith
As a result of my personal study and in light of the above, I have come to believe that when the United States ratified the United Nations Charter, we and the other countries of the world who were not part of Britain's Commonwealth reverted back under British rule through the United Nations organizational structure. Therefore, the fulfillment of the Rhodes Trust is complete.

King Charles III
There has been much speculation with regard to when Charles will become king. I surmise that he does not need a throne, for he already has one. The environmental agenda via sustainable development, and public-private partnerships with the world's largest and strongest multinational corporations, many of which have cash flows and assets exceeding that of most countries, provide Charles his throne. It appears that he rules behind the scenes, encouraging, expanding, pushing, and strengthening the agenda of the United Nations, partnering with the World Bank and other global agencies, all of which are advancing world government, a philosophy with which he is not uncomfortable. After all, there have been many kings, popes, and world leaders who have tried to attain it.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 09 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:16 pm    Post subject: Vatican lists "new sins," including pollution Reply with quote

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Thou shall not pollute the Earth. Thou shall beware genetic manipulation. Modern times bring with them modern sins. So the Vatican has told the faithful that they should be aware of "new" sins such as causing environmental blight.

Read the rest online...

(The Jesuits are controlling the Freemasons and the Freemasons are controling the Jesuits... Who is in Control? I do not know).
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:38 pm    Post subject: AL GORE, THE UNITED NATIONS, AND THE CULT OF GAIA Reply with quote


By Cliff Kincaid, President, America’s Survival,

Executive Summary

U.S. taxpayers are being forced to subsidize a new form of state religion which holds that natural resources have to be protected for the sake of Gaia, a so-called Earth spirit. This religious movement, which has cult-like qualities, is being promoted by leading figures and organizations such as Vice President Albert Gore, broadcaster Ted Turner, and the United Nations.
Gore, who as a member of the U.S. Senate participated in the 1992 U.N.-sponsored Earth Summit, is the most prominent member of what appears to be an environmental cult built around the concept of reverence for the Earth. Gore has written openly about the Earth having sacred qualities and he has praised primitive pagan religions and goddess worship.
Another key player is Ted Turner, who has turned his broadcasting empire into a virtual arm of the United Nations. A noted critic of Christianity and ambassador on behalf of the U.N. Population Fund, he promotes the concept of Gaia in his television programs, such as the "Captain Planet" cartoon show, in which characters get magic powers from an Earth spirit or goddess.
At the United Nations, the U.N. Environmental Program, founded by Maurice Strong, promotes the idea of an "Environmental Sabbath," a variation of the Gaia concept. Strong, now the Executive Coordinator for United Nations Reform under Secretary-General Kofi Annan, has described the global environmental movement in terms suggesting a religious crusade. One of Strong's organizations, the Earth Council, has produced an "Earth Charter" for the world that refers to respect for "Mother Earth" and animal rights.
As Turner's involvement suggests, this Cult of Gaia has a definite anti-Christian orientation. Traditional Christianity is regarded by this movement as anti-environmental because God is viewed as being apart from the Earth itself.
Those promoting the Gaia concept have no qualms about using the full force of government, even the international resources of the United Nations, to impose their beliefs on the rest of us. If they are successful in their drive for "sustainable development" to protect Gaia, they could stifle economic growth and promote a drastic decline in the American standard of living.
Congressional hearings are urgently needed to explore whether forced U.S. taxpayer underwriting of this bizarre religious movement constitutes a violation of the First Amendment prohibition on the establishment of a state church.

Planetary Brain

The nation was shocked when 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult killed themselves. It was the largest mass suicide in U.S. history. But are there other cults active behind-the-scenes of world events? And might they be occupying positions of power at the national and international levels? The answers, upon analysis and reflection, are very disturbing. There appears to be a high-level movement with very strange spiritual beliefs operating in the upper echelons of the U.S. Government, the United Nations and the global media.
These people believe in Gaia — an "Earth spirit," goddess or planetary brain — and they think that human beings can have mystical experiences or a spiritual relationship with this entity. In order to protect Gaia, in their view, the U.S. and other industrial countries have to be prohibited from certain uses of the world's natural resources. This is called "sustainable development." (((in the meantime offical propaganda throught the United Nations to all memberstates. Everything has to become "Sustainable"... )))
In general and secular terms, this cult, which combines aspects of the animal rights and radical environmentalist movements, holds that human beings are exploiting the Earth and other living creatures for selfish purposes.

Congressional Concern

But the religious overtones of this movement are too obvious to ignore. Rep. Helen Chenoweth (R-Idaho) has described this phenomenon as "environmental religion" and says that it has "profound constitutional implications" because of the First Amendment prohibition on government establishment of religion. Columnist Alston Chase, a reformed environmentalist, agrees, warning that "It may be only a matter of time before America becomes a complete theocracy — a place where, in the name of environmentalism, science and religion fuse with civil authority to rule the populace."1

Dr. Michael S. Coffman, president of Environmental Perspectives, says, "They are instituting a new state religion." But it is a religion at sharp variance with the Judeo-Christian foundations of the American constitutional republic. A document mandated by the U.N.-sponsored Convention on Biological Diversity, the Global Biodiversity Assessment, explicitly refers to Christianity as a faith that has set humans "apart from nature," a process in which nature has "lost its sacred qualities." The document states:

Conversion to Christianity has therefore meant an abandonment of an affinity with the natural world for many forest dwellers, peasants, fishers all over the world...The northeastern hilly states of India bordering China and Myanmar supported small scale, largely autonomous shifting cultivator societies [until the] 1950's. These people followed their own religious traditions that included setting part between 10% and 30% of the landscape as sacred groves and ponds.2

On the other hand, this U.N. document asserts that the eastern religious traditions such as Buddhism and Hinduism "did not depart as drastically from the perspective of humans as members of a community of beings including other living and non-living elements." Thus, the U.N. favors non-Christian religions as faithful stewards of the Earth.
In fact, the key difference between Christianity and these Eastern religions is the role played by Jesus Christ. Christianity holds that there is a gulf between God and man that is breached by Christ. Christianity teaches that man is distant from and radically different than God, and that atonement or mediation is achieved through Christ, who rose from the dead.
By contrast, the philosophy of Gaia holds that nature is God, and that by experiencing or even worshipping nature, humans can attain oneness with God. Some followers of Gaia believe that humans, after death, are reincarnated into non-human forms.

Secret Agenda

This decidedly unscientific, even bizarre, view of the environment appears to be driving U.S. and U.N. environmental policies, including locking up or restricting development on huge areas of U.S. lands, and making it more expensive to produce or use our natural resources. Science, technology and industrial development are regarded as anathema to the followers of the Gaia philosophy.

Under President Clinton and Vice President Gore, who is recognized as the driving force behind the administration's environmental agenda, the American people have witnessed rather extraordinary actions designed to stop economic development. First, Clinton complied with U.N. demands to cancel a mining project outside Yellowstone Park. The mining complex, which would have produced gold and copper, was planned to operate for 12 years and would have employed approximately 175 individuals on a year-round basis.

Clinton then designated 1.7 million acres of land in southwest Utah as a national monument, placing it off limits to development. This area reportedly contains billions of barrels of oil, minerals and tens of billions of tons of low sulfur clean-burning coal. It could have produced thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in revenue for the state and federal governments.

American "energy independence," once a realistic policy option, looks increasingly like a pipe dream. U.S. Department of Energy figures show U.S. dependence on foreign oil rising from 50 to 80 percent by the year 2010. This makes the U.S. vulnerable to the actions of foreign countries, some of them openly hostile, laying the groundwork for another Persian Gulf-type war.

International trade has been another factor driving up U.S. dependence on foreign oil. It is also a source of the pollution that the environmentalists claim to be concerned about.

In this context, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been established to assist in the expansion of international trade while James Gustave Speth, administrator of the U.N. Development Program, has endorsed the concept of a World Environmental Organization (WEO) under U.N. auspices to regulate such trade. Speth sees the WTO as a stepping stone to his WEO. Thus, "free trade," conducted under the management of the WTO, will lay the groundwork for the WEO to regulate it for environmental purposes. This is the U.N. plan as Speth sees it. Top U.N. official Maurice Strong reportedly agrees with this scenario.

[size=18]Climate Change Treaty [/size]

With international trade and energy use rising, another U.N. initiative, a global climate change treaty, takes on more urgency. A major U.N. campaign is underway to impose further restrictions on the use of fossil fuels in some industrial countries to fight the "global warming" that is said to result. The U.N. is sponsoring a December meeting in Kyoto, Japan, where a new treaty is expected to be hammered out.
Here, too, a preoccupation with Gaia seems to be driving some of the concern. Dr. Stephen H. Schneider, a climatologist with the National Center for Atmospheric Research, cites the Gaia theory several times in his own book on global warming, asking " there a Goddess of the Earth?" He adds, "This is not a fanciful question, but one that has spurred a major debate over what has been called the Gaia hypothesis."
Schneider, whose book included endorsements from then-Senator Al Gore and then-Senator Tim Wirth (now Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs), didn't come to any firm conclusions. However, he argued that even if the planet is a self-regulating organism, as the Gaia concept suggests, this force alone will not be sufficient to immediately negate the impact of humans on the environment and that human activity will, therefore, have to be restrained in some way.3
In other words, the industrial and economic activities of human beings will still have to be controlled for the benefit of Gaia. By whom? The United Nations, working in tandem with federal agencies and commissions.
However, a key problem with the proposed climate change treaty is the decision which has already been made by the Clinton administration to allow so-called developing countries such as Communist China to escape limits on the discharge of the so-called "greenhouse gasses" which are blamed for global warming. Will the U.S. Senate approve such a treaty?

Spiritual Awareness

Membership in what can be termed the Cult of Gaia should be understood in a loose sense because there is no evidence that Gore, Strong and others belong to a formal organization. Moreover, this movement is not a cult in the sense that there is one strong central human figure or leader. But a cult can also suggest the experience of a form of "awakening" which drives a person to have a fanatical devotion to a cause.
William D. Dinges, associate professor of religion and religious education at The Catholic University of America, points out that, in the case of the Heaven's Gate group, it was "composed of people who assume they have some knowledge of something not available to others." They thought they had inside information about the nature of life on Earth and the end of the world.
Those involved in the Cult of Gaia have a similar mentality. They believe in a form of spiritual planetary consciousness. In their minds, it is no less spiritual than the "born-again" experience of some Christians. However, some Christians believe that what followers of Gaia are experiencing is actually a "demonic" spirit.4
On the liberal-left side of the political spectrum, devotion or even worship of Gaia is becoming more popular. In their book, Spiritual Politics, Corrine McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson write:

God Imminent, the Divinity within all life, is today becoming more widely recognized in the new spiritual, ecological, and feminist movements that are working to empower the individual, support human rights, and honor the sacredness of the Earth as Gaia, the ancient Mother Goddess.5

In the book, which is endorsed by Noel Brown of the U.N. Environmental Program, McLaughlin and Davidson write about the Meditation Room in U.N. headquarters, describing it as "the focus for the energies of a unified planet and humanity, and for right relations among all kingdoms of life." Critics describe this room as a "pagan temple." However, it is not known for sure if Gaia worship takes place there.
The ties between feminism and ecology have been noted by Russell Chandler, former religion writer for The Los Angeles Times, who explains:

Nature-based religion, particularly that of the Goddess of Wicca (or "witchcraft") is strong within the New Age strand often referred to as "eco-feminism."6

An example of this trend is Miriam Starhawk, who calls herself "a goddess-worshipping pagan witch"7 and has written several popular books which are "credited with influencing thousands of persons to discover their inner power and spirituality and join the Craft [i.e. witchcraft]."8 Starhawk has written:

In the United States, the Goddess has been a central image inspiring action both toward women's issues and toward protecting and restoring the Earth...People have hungered for a spirituality that can express their understanding of this Earth as sacred. And, moved by that understanding, spiritual people have hungered to act to prevent the destruction of the Earth.
Thus, in the United States, the Pagan resurgence has strong ties to feminism as well as to the ecology and peace movements, and some ties also with the broad spectrum of human growth and potential movements termed "New Age."9

A book published by the respected "Facts on File" organization describes the history of these beliefs:

In Greek mythology, the Mother Earth Goddess, Gaia, or the "Deep-Breasted One," is the oldest of deities. Born from the dark abyss of Chaos, she married her son, Uranus (Ouranos), Father Heaven, and produced the first creatures, the Titans and Cyclops. At the height of her cult, she was served by the pythoness priestess at the Oracle at Delphi. Gradually, she was absorbed by the deities Rhea, probably of Cretan origin, whose name derives from a term for Earth, and Cybele, goddess of caverns.10

In addition to Greek mythology, Russell Chandler points out that the Gaia concept is grounded in Eastern religions, in which everything is held to be the product of the Great Goddess, "the one whose body is all manifestation."11


As noted by climatologist Stephen Schneider, a so-called scientific theory about Gaia has been offered. Dr. James Lovelock, a British biologist who worked as a consultant to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, articulated a vision of the Earth as an organism regulating itself to produce and sustain life. In a 1970 book, he wrote that, "The climate and the chemical properties of the Earth now and throughout its history seem always to have been optimal for life." Gaia came to represent the entire "biosphere" — all living and nonliving things on the Earth.
Lovelock believed that humans were a key part of this organism. However, he also believed that humans were abusing the planet environmentally, jeopardizing the organism as a whole, "as though the human race is a cancer."12 However, one observer notes:

Lovelock says that Gaia, through human technology, has awakened and is aware of herself, and has seen herself through the eyes of space cameras. He suggests that that collective intelligence of humans constitutes a Gaian brain and nervous system that can anticipate environmental changes. The result may be that in the future, nationalism will disappear in the face of the need "to belong to the commonwealth of all creatures which constitute Gaia."13

British physicist Peter Russell proposes the emergence of a "new level of evolution, the Gaiafield." Russell, who studied meditation and eastern philosophy in India, authored the book The Global Brain Awakens, in which he uses Eastern religious terminology in describing how the universe could evolve "through matter, life consciousness, Gaias, and galaxies to a final reunion in Brahman." In Eastern thought, Brahman is the one reality.
Eventually, Russell says, humanity might evolve "beyond recognition, or perhaps new life-forms would have arisen, taking over humanity's role."14 The book includes a front cover endorsement from Ted Turner, who calls it a "much-needed, optimistic perspective on humanity's future."
"GaiaMind" is the name of a project associated with the Light Party, based in California, which maintains that through "global meditation and prayer," people can "align with and expand the powerful initiating energies of The Aquarian Age..." Their literature says:

Imagine people all over the world sharing a moment of meditation and prayer, a moment of unified global consciousness when people from the world's many diverse spiritual traditions simultaneously focus attention on our interconnected relationship with Gaia — the living Earth.

Flunking the Test

Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis has been debated by elements of the scientific community. A major Gaia conference was sponsored by the American Geophysical Union and attended by prominent researchers in 1988. However, it has not been accepted because it implies the existence of a mind, brain or even spiritual force which is nourishing and sustaining life. Lovelock himself has said that the existence of life proves the existence of this mind. "For this to have happened by chance is as unlikely as to survive unscathed a drive blindfold through rush-hour traffic," he says.15
However, the notion that man can scientifically understand and somehow safeguard Gaia through environmentally sustainable policies suffered a major setback when the two-year experiment known as the Biosphere 2 Project in Arizona was exposed as a total failure. The failure was apparent by 1993 but the details about what had happened were only disclosed publicly in 1996.
"It was a bold test of the Gaia hypothesis," noted New York Times reporter William J. Broad. The idea was to create a self-regulating system like the Earth. (Earth is supposed to be Biosphere 1). The $200 million project was an eight-story, glass-and-steel terrarium designed by man. "The would-be Eden became a nightmare, its atmosphere gone sour, its sea acidic, its crops failing, and many of its species dying off. Among the survivors are crazy ants, millions of them," Broad reported.16

The Other Gaia

Though Lovelock's pseudo-scientific Gaia hypothesis has gotten most of the attention, the truth is that another controversial figure was developing a similar concept about the same time. Tim Zell, leader of the pagan Church of All Worlds, formulated a theology of "deep ecology" that was called Theagenesis. It had to do with "the interconnection of all living things to each other and to Mother Earth, a sentient being in her own right." Zell, who now goes by the name Oberon Zell, describes the "Mother Goddess" as "a living, sentient being with a soul-essence that can be perceived by humans." This idea reportedly came to him when he had a "profound vision" in which "he saw Earth as a single biological organism that has evolved from a single original cell, making all life forms on the planet a 'single vast creature.'" He views natural disasters and plagues as the means by which the planet heals itself.
It is Zell who is credited by at least one expert as the original developer of the Gaia hypothesis. He first called Gaia by the name Terrebia. "Zell's Gaea has been largely ignored by the media in favor of Lovelock's Gaia," states writer Rosemary Ellen Guiley.17 Why? One possible explanation is that the Gaia concept could never have been sold to the public if it were known that its originator had obvious non-Christian or anti-Christian roots. Cloaking it in scientific terminology gives the notion a certain amount of credibility and makes it acceptable to some.
Interestingly, however, Guiley reports that, after hearing about Lovelock's hypothesis, Zell "corresponded briefly with the scientist and shared some of his 'Theagenesis' material with him. Zell also changed Terrebia to Gaea."
The official "mission" of the Church of All Worlds, the largest of the pagan movements in the U.S., involves mobilizing the force of Gaia or Gaea. The mission is "to evolve a network of information, mythology and experience that provides a context and stimulus for reawakening Gaea, and reuniting her children through tribal community dedicated to responsible stewardship and evolving consciousness."18 The church has what are called "nests" or "proto-nests" of members in the U.S. and other countries.
Its magazine, Green Egg, publishes articles such as "Altars & Ecology," in which readers are advised how to "worship the Earth as the Mother God, Gaia, and profess Her sacred nature..." One altar to Gaia, described in the article, included a recycling bin.19 Another article, "Sacred Rodents," insists that some of the dirtiest creatures known to man, rats, which are notorious disease-carriers, somehow have sacred qualities. The article states, "In light of their long and fascinating history, unknown even to most Pagans, mice and rats certainly deserve more respect and recognition for the magical and sacred creatures they are."20
Despite its bizarre roots, the Gaia concept is being promoted in various academic disciplines as a way to justify massive changes in the American economic system and the American way of life. Anchor/Doubleday book publishers has released "The Gaia Future Series," whose books include The Gaia Atlas of Green Economics. The book, which includes a foreword written by Robert Heilbroner, a former Vice President of the American Economic Association, recommends international monetary reform, such as a global tax or world currency, and says that the United Nations "is potentially the lynchpin [sic] in the new world order that must evolve."

Targeting the Children

The concept is also being promoted in some schools. Education analyst Eric Buehrer, president of Gateways to Better Education, says:

The Gaia theory is another New Age idea that springs up every so often in science curriculum. This is the idea that the Earth is a spiritual entity, that all life on the planet is part of that entity — like cells in a global brain. For instance, I came across an outdoor activity in which children were taught that trees had spirits we could talk to. At the top of the student worksheet the activity was titled "We are one with nature."21

Clearly, the Gaia concept is unscientific and religious in nature. But although adherents of the Gaia philosophy exhibit some of the characteristics of those who join cults, there are certain striking differences.
In contrast to the Heaven's Gate cult, for example, there is no evidence that the Cult of Gaia believes in mass suicide. Instead, they believe there are too many other people in the world. Vice President Gore, Undersecretary of State Timothy Wirth, Ted Turner and Maurice Strong are all vigorous proponents of U.N. population control programs. Indeed, Turner and his wife, Jane Fonda, have served as Goodwill Ambassadors for the U.N. Population Fund.
Asked for comment on the Heaven's Gate suicides, Turner commented, "It's a good way to get rid of a few nuts. There's too many people anyway. We've got too many nuts running around anyway, right?" Turner was widely criticized for this comment, even though his sentiments probably reflected the views of many of his associates.

Gore's Connections

Though presented to the public as a Southern Baptist, Vice President Albert Gore wrote a book entitled Earth in the Balance, in which he writes sympathetically about Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis. One chapter is entitled, "Environmentalism of the Spirit." Sounding like a preacher, Gore says the Gaia concept is able to "evoke a spiritual response in many of those who hear it." In this context, he adds that "...the simple fact of the living world and our place on it evokes awe, wonder, a sense of mystery — a spiritual response — when one reflects on its deeper meaning."
The Vice President talks about "seeing God in the world" and ourselves, asking, "Why does it feel faintly heretical to a Christian to suppose that God is in us as human beings?" Perhaps this is because Christians are taught that Jesus Christ mediates between God and man.
Although the Christian Bible refers to man being made in the image of God, Gore says that by "experiencing nature in its fullest" we can use our senses and our "spiritual imagination" to glimpse "an infinite image of God" in the world.22 Gore seems to be talking about much more than seeing beauty in nature.
Gore also displays an appreciation for Native American religions, quoting from a speech supposedly delivered by Indian Chief Seattle in which the Earth is called "our Mother."
Moreover, he goes even further back in history, writing sympathetically about cultures that worshipped an Earth goddess and attacking Christianity for eliminating those influences:

The spiritual sense of our place in nature predates Native American cultures; increasingly it can be traced to the origins of human civilization. A growing number of anthropologists and archaeomythologists, such as Marija Gimbutas and Riane Eisler, argued that the prevailing ideology of belief in prehistoric Europe and much of the world was based on the worship of a single Earth goddess, who was assumed to be the font of all life and who radiated harmony among all living things. Much of the evidence for the existence of this primitive religion comes from the many thousands of artifacts uncovered in ceremonial sites. These sites are so widespread that they seem to confirm the notion that a goddess religion was ubiquitous throughout much of the world until the antecedents of today's religions — most of which still have a distinctly masculine orientation — swept out of India and the Near East, almost obliterating belief in the goddess. The last vestige of organized goddess worship was eliminated by Christianity as late as the fifteenth century in Lithuania.23

Both Gore and Timothy Wirth were directly involved with a group called the "Joint Appeal by Religion and Science for the Environment." They met with various religious leaders and scientists in Washington in May of 1992 to formulate a religious plan of action to save the environment. One of them, The Very Reverend James Park Morton, serves as Dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, an Episcopal Center which houses an organization called the Gaia Institute. He essentially declared that the purpose of the Christian Church is to worship the creation, not the Creator:

The challenge before the religious community in America is to make every congregation — every church, synagogue and mosque — truly "green" — a center of environmental study and action. That is their religious duty.

Other participants in the Washington event included climatologist Stephen Schneider and U.N. official Maurice Strong.

The Earth Summit

Gore was a participant in and Strong was the secretary-general of the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development, otherwise known as the "Earth Summit," which produced an international document, Agenda 21, calling for "sustainable development." The conference also resulted in creation of a U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development and, in the U.S., a President's Commission on Sustainable Development.
The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), established in 1972, commissioned a major collection of articles entitled Ethics & Agenda 21, treating the issue of respect for the environment as a moral and religious concern. One article, "A Theological/Ethical Response to Agenda 21," was written by Sallie McFague, who has lectured on "A Christian Ecological View of Human Beings." Her article called for rejecting the Western model of the Earth in favor of the "ancient organic model" which "can serve to incite the needed change in perspective." She explained:

The organic model, which is found in cultures and religions in Native American traditions, Goddess religions, and even in Christianity's incarnationism, portrays Earth as a body.24

The "organic model" is obviously the Gaia concept. McFague's notion of the incarnation of Christ being ecological is truly unique and sounds like a New Age formulation of Christianity that Vice President Gore might embrace.
Like Gore, Maurice Strong shares enthusiasm for the Gaia hypothesis. "Strong has integrated the [Gaia] idea into the political institutions of the world through the UNEP and its affiliated governmental and non-governmental organizations," writes Henry Lamb, a long-time observer of Strong.25 Strong has reportedly said the only thing that might save Earth is a "worldwide spiritual awakening."26
Lamb labels Strong a "mystic" and notes that he and his wife opened a community in Colorado called Baca Grande, a "mecca for mystics," which they hoped would one day become the "Vatican City of the New World Order." One group wanted to build a 46-story, pink granite pyramid on the site in compliance with instructions from an "intergalactic leader named Commander Kuthumi who was channeling from the planet Arturus."27 Channeling refers to an outside force or entity using a person's body to communicate, a practice denounced by Christians as demonic.
Personally, Strong is reported to be an adherent of the Baha'i World Faith which proclaims the unity of all religions.28 At the opening of the Earth Summit, Strong declared:

..The change in behavior and direction called for here must be rooted in our deepest spiritual, moral and ethical values. We must reinstate in our lives the ethic of love and respect for the Earth which must be accompanied by a revitalization of the values central to all of our principal religious and philosophical traditions...29

Reflecting Strong's influence, the UNEP established a project to create an "Environmental Sabbath" and get religions involved in a crusade to "save" the environment. One of its work products was the aforementioned Ethics & Agenda 21 document. Formally titled the "North American Environmental Sabbath Planning Committee," this group was composed of the following individuals:
Dr. Noel J. Brown, Director, U.N. Environmental Program.
Dr. John J. Kirk (Sabbath Coordinator), Director and Professor of Environmental Studies, Montclair State College, Branchville, New Jersey.
Pierre Quiblier, Outreach and Liaison Coordinator, U.N. Environmental Program.
Donald B. Clark, Executive Secretary, Cornucopia Network of New Jersey, Inc., Nutley, New Jersey.
Donald Conroy, S.T.L., PhD., President, North American Coalition on Religion and Ecology, Washington, D.C.
Sister Dorothy Farley, O.P. Richmond Hill, New York.
Mrs. Joy Finlay (Canadian Coordinator), Sherwood Park, Alta., Canada.
Sister Eileen Fitz Maurice, C.N.D., New York, New York.
Sister Gloria Garcia, C.S.J., Jamaica, New York.
Richard Jordan, Global Futures Network, New York, New York.
Dr. Peter Laurence, Executive Director, The Temple of Understanding, The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, New York.
Margo LaZaro, Peace Awareness Council, New York, New York.
Norma U. Levitt, World Union for Progressive Judaism, New York, New York.
Dr. Mary Evelyn Tucker, Department of Religion, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania,
Dr. Ellen Vopicka, Federation of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Dobbs Ferry, New York.
Targeting children, the UNEP distributed "An Environmental Sabbath — Earth Rest Day Guide" which carried the cover headline "Our Children Their Earth." In a section of the publication recommending games and activities to "save the Earth," junior and high school students were told to:

Gather 'round a beautiful tree. Look, listen and meditate upon it as long as you can. When your attention starts to wander from the tree, raise your hand. You may be surprised to discover how restless your mind is. Discuss with the group why you think this is. Then try again to experience the tree, for only by contemplating with a quiet mind can we fully experience and reverence nature [emphasis added].

Strong is currently directing the U.N. "reform" effort and helping to implement an "Earth Charter," in coordination with former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. The document calls for the protection of "Mother Earth" and urges respect for "each life form," language interpreted to mean recognition of animal rights. Besides his work for the U.N., which earned him the title "Father Earth," Strong served as a member of the board and became president of the Better World Society in 1988. This is an organization started by Ted Turner.

Turner's Record

An outspoken critic of Christianity, Turner has ruled out going to heaven, saying, "Who wants to go to a place that's perfect?" He said it would be "boring."30
He has been quoted as saying that Christianity is a religion "for losers," that he didn't need anyone to die for him, and that the Ten Commandments are "obsolete." In place of the Ten Commandments, Turner unveiled his own ten voluntary initiatives. The first involved loving and respecting the planet Earth and all living things. Two involved support for the United Nations. He told a U.N. radio program in 1986, "Down with nationalism. Up with internationalism."
Maurice Strong became president of Turner's Better World Society during a time when Turner had shed his image as a conservative and was emerging as someone devoted to U.S.-Soviet cooperation, disarmament and various causes embraced by the U.N. His Better World Society produced and distributed a number of films on international themes which aired on Turner's cable channels. One, "A Step Away From War," was so biased that even the liberal Washington Post labeled it as "baldly propagandistic." The one-sided nature of the films prompted one pro-defense group to ask for equal time.
The Better World Society had also presented a "Population Stabilization Medal" to the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, which helped underwrite Communist China's population control program of forced abortions, involuntary sterilization and infanticide.
Other members of the group's board included Dr. Julia J. Henderson, former secretary-general of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and Georgi Arbatov, a Soviet Communist Party official.
On communism itself, Turner was quoted in Fortune magazine in 1986 as saying, "Communism is fine with me. It's part of the fabric of life on this planet." His wife, Jane Fonda, was labeled a traitor for making common cause during the Vietnam War with the Communist enemy killing Americans. But the controversy continued even during the Persian Gulf War, when Turner's CNN was widely criticized for serving as a propaganda vehicle for Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Personally, Turner has been close to Cuban Communist dictator Fidel Castro and it is no surprise that Turner's CNN was the first American news organization to recently be allowed to open a news bureau in Havana.

Humanist of the Year

Another turning point in his career came in 1990 when he received the "Humanist of the Year Award," given by the American Humanist Association, a so-called non-governmental organization with official U.N. status. Humanism is a controversial philosophy which seeks to eradicate God-centered ideas from human affairs. Over the years, there have been two versions of a so-called "Humanist Manifesto," the second deploring "the division of humankind on nationalistic grounds" and urging the "development of a system of world law and a world order based upon transnational federal government." By the 1990s, Turner confirmed that he had approved a network policy to highlight U.N. conferences and U.N. themes with special programs. These included One Child — One Voice, warning of environmental disasters; a series called People Count, on population issues; and Our Planetary Police, touting U.N. peacekeeping operations.

Captain Planet

Despite his reference to the Heaven's Gate members as "nuts," Turner's promotion of the Gaia philosophy is equally bizarre. Turner claims personal credit for originating the concept of the Captain Planet and the Planeteers cartoon program, which features a character "Gaia," described as "The spirit of the planet Earth who appears to the Planeteers either in human form or as a holographic image." The form or image is of a woman dressed in long robes, like a Goddess. The voice of the character was provided by actress Whoopi Goldberg.
According to a description of the show, "Gaia, the spirit of Earth, awakens from a 100-year nap to discover the devastating effects people have had on our planet's environment in the 20th century. Fearing for the future, she calls upon five special young people from around the lead the battle against further destruction of the Earth. She gives these Planeteers magic rings that enable each of them to control one element of nature..."
Dr. Devra Lee Davis of the National Research Council commented: "Using cartoons to captivate children about the environment is a terrific idea which will enhance global awareness of this world."
The Planeteers are children from different countries, including Russia, with special powers who summon Captain Planet, a "hero for the Earth," and together battle various "eco-villains." One ad for the show proclaimed Captain Planet as "a role model for millions of kids" and "a hero to almost 250 stations" which carry the program. A "Captain Planet" superhero even makes personal appearances around the country.
In fact, according to Turner Broadcasting publicity materials, the show has reached millions of children with environmental messages on such subjects as "overpopulation," strip mining, the greenhouse effect, "inappropriate development," and "military conversion." One program told children to "urge your parents and friends to support laws like the U.S. Endangered Species Act that support our natural treasures." Several of the villains on the show are businessmen.31


One of those involved in creating the program was Barbara Y.E. Pyle, who served as environmental editor at Turner's CNN and became Vice President of Environmental Policy for Turner's TBS. Pyle, who was named a "United Nations Global Laureate," once described her mission in the media by saying, "I do have an axe to grind...I want to be the little subversive person in television."32 Another Turner program, Voice of the Planet, also featured Gaia as a character. In this program, actress Faye Dunaway provided the voice of Gaia, speaking through a computer. The main setting of the program was a Tibetan Buddhist monastery. One piece of promotional material for the program featured "thoughts from Gaia," such as:

You think Hiroshima was bad. I'm sometimes afraid it wasn't bad enough.
Overpopulation? No real problem. The more corpses, the more bacteria. The more bacteria, the more blooming begonias. I love begonias.
Most of the technology that you think distinguishes you, I find quite trivial. Though, I must confess a soft spot for spaceships.
The Black Plague was my way of housecleaning.
I love the live-action adventures of volcanoes and Earthquakes.

Promotional material for the program said:

Voice of the Planet also is an environmental project, seeking to raise the consciousness of the inhabitants of this incredible planet. The Earth has always loved and nurtured life, only to witness war, turmoil, overpopulation and abuse. Gaia, with the wisdom of all the ages, is saying that the time has come to change our ways.

How might we be forced to "change our ways?" Philip Shabecoff, the former chief environmental correspondent for the New York Times, has written a book, A New Name for Peace, in which he calls on people in the "rich industrial countries" like the U.S. to start leading a "more reasonable life" to free resources for use by others. "Were we able to do that, we could be on the way to achieving Pax Gaia, the Peace of the Earth," he writes.33
Commenting on the Shabecoff book, the New York Times Book Review said it:

Advances the notion dangled before us, then seemingly ignored, by Al Gore, who said that environmentalism must soon become "the central organizing principle of civilization." Mr. Gore should read this book.

Perhaps he has by now.


1. Alston Chase, "Prophets for the temple of green," The Washington Times, January 26, 1996, A 16.
2. Global Biodiversity Assessment, Chapter 8.1 Introduction: Concepts of the Economic Value of Biodiversity, 68,69.
3. Stephen H. Schneider, Global Warming. Are We Entering the Greenhouse Century? (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1989), 76.
4. see Samantha Smith, Goddess Earth (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1994), 31.
5. Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, Spiritual Politics. Changing the World From the Inside Out (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994), 162.
6. Russell Chandler, Understanding the New Age (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1991), 114.
7. Ibid., Smith, 80.
8. Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft (New York: Facts on File, 1989), 326.
9. As quoted in the forward to Rainbow Nation Without Borders. Toward an Ecotopian Millennium (Santa Fe, New Mexico: Bear & Company Publishing, 1991), xvii.
10. Ibid., Guiley, 131.
11. Ibid., Chandler, 114.
12. Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Harper's Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience (Edison, New Jersey: Castle Books, 1991), 449.
13. Ibid.
14. Peter Russell, The Global Brain Awakens. Our Next Evolutionary Leap (Palo Alto, California: Global Brain Inc., 1995), 321.
15. "No Longer Willful, Gaia Becomes Respectable," Research News, April 22, 1988, 393.
16. William J. Broad, "Paradise Lost: Biosphere Retooled as Atmospheric Nightmare," The New York Times, November 19, 1996, B5.
17. Ibid., Guiley, The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft, 64.
18. From Green Egg, the official Journal of the Church of All Worlds, Vol. 29, No. 119, May/June 1997.
19. Francesca Dubie, "Altars & Ecology," Green Egg, May/June 1996, 7.
20. Melissa Pinol, "Sacred Rodents," Green Egg, Vol. 29, No. 118, 1997, 37.
21. Interview with Eric Buehrer conducted by Dr. D. James Kennedy, reprinted in AFA Journal, April 1997, 18.
22. Al Gore, Earth in the Balance. Ecology and the Human Spirit (New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992), 265.
23. Ibid., 260.
24. Sallie McFague, "A Theological/Ethical Response to Agenda 21," Ethics & Agenda 21, United Nations Environmental Program, 1994), 109-112.
25. Henry Lamb, "Meet Maurice Strong," eco-logic, (November/December 1995), 5.
26. Ibid.
27 Ibid.
28. see Michael S. Coffman, Saviors of the Earth? (Chicago: Northfield Publishing, 1994), 197.
29. Quoted on back cover of Ethics & Agenda 21. Moral Implications of a Global Consensus, United Nations Environment Programme, 1994.
30. Cliff Kincaid, "Turner Claims He'd Prefer Hell," Focus on the Media column, Human Events, November 11, 1994, 16.
31. "Force-Feeding Greens to Children," MediaNomics, Free Enterprise & Media Institute, January 1994, 1.
32. As quoted in Notable Quotables, from MediaWatch, Media Research Center, June 25, 1990.
33. Philip Shabecoff, A New Name for Peace. Internationalism, Environmentalism, Sustainable Development and Democracy (Hanover: University Press of New England)

Last edited by lauchenauermartin on Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 09 Jan 2007
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Location: near St. Gall in Switzerland

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:48 pm    Post subject: Al Gore is a 33° freemason - probably even higher Reply with quote

Masonic Award And Praises For Billy Graham

On Thursday 2nd of May 1996 Billy Graham and his wife Ruth received the Congressional Gold Medal - the highest honor which Congress can bestow upon a citizen - in the Rotunda of the US Capitol in Washington, D.C.

To most people this is just another award that the Graham's are deserving of, but upon research of the characters in the photographs shown below reveal that all the people in the front row that get their names mentioned below the photo are all powerful 33rd Degree Freemasons. ( named below photo are House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Vice President Al Gore, Senator Storm Thurmond, Bob Dole, Senator Jesse Helms and Franklin Graham, all of them are 33rd Degree Freemasons )

Below : Graham receives medal from 33° Freemason Newt Gingrich and 33° Freemason Storm Thurmond

Below are quotes from 33rd Degree Freemasons praising Billy Graham
House speaker Newt Gingrich, host for the event, called Mr Graham, "one of the great civic leaders of the 20th Century", who together with his wife have "given up their lifes as a model for serving humanity, and stand as role models for generations to come. By receiving this medal, you join about as exalted a group of citizens as we have in this country, and you frankly honor us by being here to receive it."

In his remarks, Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole said, "When the idea of awarding a Congressional Gold Medal to Dr Graham was first raised, it received something rare in this building - unamimous approval. So too, did the idea of honouring Ruth Graham, Billy's remarkable partner of 53 years and a distinguished communicator of God's power and peace in her own right. There has never been a time when Mr Graham's voice and his message are more revelant," Senator Dole continued. "Billy, I can't even remember disagreeing with you, but I know I speak for millions around the world in saying that no-one will wver preach the Word of God better then you, and no-one will preach it with a better partner at his side than Ruth."

This page is not finished yet. Also Billy Graham has received more Masonic awards (awards either presented by 33º Freemasons and/or sponsored by them) which I have obtained some photographs of and will add them to my pages soon. I will later add more to this page to show more high ranking Masons praising Billy.

Please be patient and in time you will see the true Billy Graham which the media and church have tried to mask for so long.
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