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USA : Imminent Dollar Colapse + Risk of Martial Law!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:04 am    Post subject: USA : Imminent Dollar Colapse + Risk of Martial Law! Reply with quote


Please read till the end and take heed !

Now we KNOW how the New World Order wants to reach a worldwide currency (electronic and virtual, and through the devilish chip implants) : through ECONOMIC COLLAPSE ! Twisted Evil Mad

THe best example is given via the dollar collapse and its replacement with the "Amero". Shocked Confused

We ALSO know how they're going to implement martial law... Twisted Evil Mad Shocked Exclamation

What occurs in the USA right now is terrible. Crying or Very sad

Please read on...


Source :



This is EXTREMELY URGENT -- pass this info on immediately to all your friends, family, neighbors and others you care about. The collapse of U.S. Banks is VERY VERY near; people must prepare to survive without access to ATM's and banks. THat means having cash money on hand to tie over for a week or two.
Click Here :



We are standing on the edge of an abyss. I have warned about this for over two years. Few listened. This week could prove decisive. We may watch the end of the US dollar as a currency this week. We may see a "bank holiday" to shut the banks. I hope all of you are prepared with cash to tie you over. Food to keep you alive. Guns to protect yourselves.
Click Here :



If you folks are smart, you will look into opening a foreign checking account and wire transferring as much as you can out fo the U.S. If the dollar collapses, the Treasury can declare a "force majeur" which would be a defacto repudiation of our national debt. Within one day, Asia and European markets would nosedive. By day two, our currency would be virtually worthless around the world and the treasury would "de-monetize" the dollar, making all assets held in dollars instantly worthless.

They would then offer you a replacement currency (the AMERO) and maybe give you two cents on the dollar for your life savings, IRA, 401K and the like. I urge all of you, in the strongest terms possible, get your money to a safe country fast.
Click Here :



Word has begun leaking from last nights special, closed-door session of the United States House of Representatives.

Not only did members discuss new surveillance provisions as was the publicly stated reason for the closed door session, they were also bluntly warned about:

the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008,

the imminent collapse of US federal government finances by February 2009,

the possibility of Civil War inside the USA as a result of the collapse,

advance round-ups of "insurgent U.S. citizens" likely to move against the government,

The detention of those rounded-up at "REX 84" camps constructed throughout the USA,

the possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses,

the location of "safe facilities" for members of Congress and their families to reside during expected massive civil unrest

the necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada (for its natural resources) and with Mexico (for its cheap labor pool),

the issuance of a new currency - THE AMERO - for all three nations as the proposed solution to the coming economic armageddon.

Members of Congress were FORBIDDEN to reveal what was discussed and ABC News via WCPO web site at the link below CONFIRMS congress members were FORBIDDEN to talk about it!

Several are so furious and concerned about the future of the country, they have begun leaking info. More details coming later today and over the weekend. SPREAD THE WORD!!!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i tend to believe there is to be a mild recession, which mean there would not be enough trouble in the street to declare a martial law.

I don't believe chinese will go further in the establishment of martial law so they won't provoke a massive selling of us dollar.

Iran and venezuela alone cannot provoke it...their credibility is too much at stake for reelection.

There is too much people involved in the commodity market to provoke any excessive action that could trigger revolt on a massive scale.

We're in a period of relative risk and medium instability, not enough to impose rfid too.
What is possible if you take into account the amount of cynism by the majority who vote?
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:41 am    Post subject: "Mild recession" ? NO : GLOBAL ECONOMIC CATASTROPH Reply with quote

Dear friends,

After this comment, I'll post you articles that show you without the shadow of a doubt what the "mild recession" claimed by Samuel is actually all about. It's not a "mild recession" we're in for, but in a GLOBAL ECONOMIC DISASTER ! Surprised Exclamation

The dollar didn't collapsed yet, unlike what the Hal Turner Show had forecasted. NEVERTHELESS, regarding ECONOMY, a real WORLDWIDE CATASTROPHE is expected for the end of 2008/beginning of 2009 , with some consequences that are far from being great. Shocked Sad

The following articles will prove you definitely that the criss is way more serious and grave than what the mass media prostitutes (and Samuel) have claimed. Mad The "REASSURING" balloneys should be considered as highly dangerous. I believe it is time for people to face the truth (the danger of a global collapse) and to get ready for the consequences.
Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation

It is also time to wonder why some (rare) persons, here on the forum, are trying to apply the hogwash dictated by the NWO and the mass medias, and to go on with the brainwashing. Confused Probably in order to KEEP THE MASSES QUIET AND PREVENT THEM TO REACT AND TO REVOLT. Mad Mad Mad


P.S. : the dangers regarding this economical krach are definitely accounted for, explained and documented on the Frenchspeaking forum, on the topic "Bilderberg 2007". Wink Some "reassurers" take advantage of the lack of information on this subject on the English forum to reassure and manipulate the Englishspeaking readers. Twisted Evil Mad

Last edited by vicflame on Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:02 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Trends for Downsizing the US: The Bright Side of the Panic of ‘08

Written by Christopher Ketcham
by Christopher Ketcham

Futurist and trends forecaster Gerald Celente, director of the Trends Research Institute in Rhinebeck, NY, predicted the 1987 stock market crash, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, the Asian economic implosion of ‘97, the decline of the dollar beginning in 2005, the meteoric rise in gold prices in an age of currency volatility, and the turn of events that may be the blessing of our era, the subprime mortgage crisis. Because of this habit of prescience, Celente has appeared regularly on CNN and Fox and MSNBC, his “Trends Reports” widely quoted in newsprint, on Oprah Winfrey, on Good Morning America.

Now in his Report for 2008, issued in mid-December, he carried the news every thinking American already knows. “The United States of America,” Celente pronounced, “has gone from first class to third rate.” It’s a “nation on the skids and heading down.” Celente projects economic and political crisis in the coming year. “In 2008, Americans will wake up to the worst economic times that anyone alive has ever seen,” he wrote on December 17. “Just as they didn’t see 9/11 coming and were frozen in shock when terror struck, [Americans] will be frozen in shock when terror strikes again.” He predicts “failing banks, busted brokerages, toppled corporate giants, bankrupt cities, states in default, foreign creditors cashing out of US securities…the stage is set, the big one is on its way.”

A similar wake-up call was issued last summer in a report by none other than the chief investigator for the US Government Accountability Office, comptroller general David Walker, who warned that US policy on energy, education, the environment, health care, immigration, Iraq – pretty much the gamut – was on an “unsustainable” course, bound for a maelstrom of insolvency that could threaten to sink the ship. According to the GAO chief, the fall of Rome seemed an apt historical comparison: “[D]eclining moral values and political civility at home, an over-confident and over-extended military in foreign lands, and fiscal irresponsibility by the central government. Sound familiar? I’m trying to sound an alarm.”

When I called up Celente on Jan. 2 to see how the new year was taking shape on the first day of trading, he fired back in an e-mail: “An attack in Nigeria (Africa’s biggest oil producer) by anti-government forces on the port city of Port Harcourt hit the futures markets hard. On the New York Stock Exchange, trading conditions worsened on reports that the Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing index dropped to 47.7, the lowest reading since April 2003. Growth in European and Singapore manufacturing also slowed in November, showing signs for all those that were looking that the slowdown would be global.” By early afternoon, gold had surged $24 an ounce, crude oil climbed $3, the dollar fell against all major currencies, and the Dow was down over 200 points. The next day, Jan. 3, oil hit a record $100 a barrel. And indeed, as Celente warned, world markets were unraveling by the second week of January, the Nikkei on its worse start to a new year since 1970, the MSCI World Index dropping 6.9 percent, a loss of $2.1 trillion from members' market capitalization, while Swiss world banking giant UBS posted a $13 billion loss, and authorities in Britain reported the first run on a British bank in a hundred years.

When on January 14 Celente sent out his weekly e-mail alert to subscribers, the news was no better. The Dow registered its third consecutive week of losses, one of its worst New Year starts in history, losing in just the first week of 2008 half its gains from 2007. “Slumping retail sales, dire housing data, rising unemployment rates, gloomy consumer confidence, spiking oil prices, a ballooning trade gap, eroding wages, mounting credit card debt and delinquencies, mortgage defaults, record foreclosures,” said Celente. “The data floods the wires and spreads the fear.” It’s telling that Tiffany's was off 11 percent in sales, as even the very rich hide their cash under beds.

So is the subprime mortgage mess the catalyst for the Big One, what Celente calls the Panic of ‘08? Stock guru Jim Cramer, host of CNBC’s Mad Money and co-founder of, seems to think so. “There are a group of insurance companies that insure all these bad mortgages,” he told Chris Matthews on Jan. 18. “And I think they’re all about to go belly up. And that will cause the Dow Jones to decline 2,000 points. They have got to be shut down. This is going to happen in maybe two, three weeks, Chris. It’s going to be on the front of every paper. And no one in Washington is even willing to admit it. I am telling you these companies do not have the capital to make good. And, when they do fall – I believe it is when – if the government doesn’t have a plan in action, you will not be able to open the stock market when they collapse…No one is even talking about it.”

From panic, offers Gerald Celente, will arise almost overnight an era of social and political upheaval and plain awfulness. Self storage will finally “live up to the meaning of its name. Down and out, thrown onto the streets, homeless Americans will empty out storage lockers of useless junk…to store themselves.” He predicts wage riots and anti-government street protests and intensified anti-immigration movements looking to scapegoat the “aliens” among us. Toward the 1 percent of Americans who received 50 percent of all income gains in recent years – those same 1 percenters, roughly 3 million people, who took in 22 percent of all income in 2005 – there will be growing rage. “Kidnappings for ransom will become common, as they were in the Depression and as the poor strike out against the rich,” Celente predicts. Lawlessness will be met, as in most third rate nations, with violence from an increasingly sophisticated and brutal police state. A different type of violence from the ground up, tax revolts, will also develop in strength, targeting a tax-ravenous federal government that Celente charges has failed “to protect food, win wars, clean the environment, upgrade infrastructure, improve living standards, provide health services or advance education.”

Meanwhile, the dollar will bottom out at 10 cents to the euro sometime in the next several years, perhaps by 2010. Newspapers report that even Third World vendors are beginning to refuse payment in greenbacks, while foreign governments and investors, mostly the Chinese, deploy the muscle of their currencies to buy US property and businesses (proxies of the Chinese government late last year snagged a 5 percent stake in Citibank, a 10 percent stake in Morgan Stanley).

Note that this is no fringer veering into conspiracist phantasm: Celente consults for hundreds of large and small corporations, addresses government bodies worldwide. Norway flew him to Europe in 2006 to address a conference on innovation, while the International Council of Shopping Centers hosted him as the key-note speaker at its 2007 convention – the mall builders hoped to glean from Celente “what people want from malls.” It’s notable, in the wake of the prognoses of his 2008 reports, that he is no longer invited onto the TV and cable networks – “the first year in decades,” he says, “that they did not have me on and that USA Today did not cover the Trends Report.” When Celente sent out an e-mail alert to his mailing list in mid-January, Jack Marks, the publisher and CEO of The Wall Street Reporter, one of the oldest investment organs in New York, wrote him back to say “You are a ******* retard motherfucker” and “Remove me from this list, you ******* moron.” The local publishing group near Celente’s home in Rhinebeck is perhaps more typical in its spinelessness: The Taconic Press, which publishes six newspapers in the Hudson Valley and upstate New York, told Celente in December via e-mail that there was “a general uproar about the inclusion of your Trends forecast [in 2007]…reader and advertiser reaction was strong, and they made their feelings known to our publisher.” Celente’s long relationship with Taconic Press is no more. Par for the course in the nation of blinkered denial.

There is apparently an upside to the rottenness to come, according to Celente – if Americans dare to reinvent for the 21st century the free thinking and civic courage of their past. This good cheer as Rome burns is buried somewhat in Celente’s report for 2008, but what it suggests is that, catalyzed by crisis, a fair number of Americans – a minority, likely, but still to watch – will begin this year a transformation of consciousness. Celente predicts that the smaller communities, the smaller groups, the smaller states, the more self-sustaining communities, will “weather the crisis in style” as big cities and hypertrophic suburbias descend into misery and conflict. “Like Katrina’s victims that knew the hurricane was coming but didn’t flee – and looked to Uncle Sam to save the day – those that don’t take action before panic strikes or wait for Washington to lend a hand, will suffer the most from the calamity that follows,” he writes. Economically, the new consciousness will recapture Yankee frugality and reject the lunatic behaviors that have been unsustainable since the Second World War – big houses, big cars, big spending. Those who market and embrace “products and services that focus on compact, smart, functional, efficient, neat, clean, reusable, 'less is more' and 'small is beautiful',” Celente writes, “will handsomely profit.” There will be a downsizing of expectations and perceived needs. There will be a downsizing of giantist institutions to fit to human scale – the center cannot hold, particularly as state’s righters and tax rebels and what Celente calls “the newly flourishing state secessionist movements” begin to repudiate a $9 trillion-in-debt federal government that too often practices the most offensive kind of taxation without representation. Altogether, there will be a downsizing of America.

“This could be the end of something really ignorant and stupid and dark,” Celente told me recently in a phone interview. “The end of a dark age! The end of the age of what I call Bottom-Line Fascism, the ruthless and dictatorial profit-only way of thinking that produces crap over quality in all the major institutions, dopiness and blob-thinking, the manipulations of an idiotic media and political establishment, the Cartoon News Networks, the Greta Van Susterens and the Hillary Clintons uttering the same pablum ad nauseum over and over. All the institutions are coming apart – government, corporations, media, education, health care. They present nothing less than a vacuum! Something has to fill it! The systems that are in place? Things can only get worse if they stay in place. But I’m an optimist. I’m gunning for something better to replace what we got.” He pauses. “A renaissance! I’m gunning for a renaissance: an era where quality beats out the crap of quantity.”
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Paulson’s Wild Ride on the Hindenburg: “The worst has just begun”

Mike Whitney
Information Clearing House
February 15, 2008

It’s a good thing Hank Paulson wasn’t around in 1929 or we’d all be hawking apples on a street-corner. Paulson is currently on a losing-streak that would have been the envy of Marvelous Marv” Thorneberry and the ‘67 Mets. In the last three months he’s put together three new programs to deal with the subprime crisis which have fizzled out in a matter of weeks. First, he tried to entice struggling investment banks to put their mortgage-backed bonds in a Super SIV (structured investment vehicle) to see if it would help off-load billions of dollars of down-graded junk onto unsuspecting investors.

That flopped. Then he brokered "Hope Now"” (1-888-995-HOPE) which was designed to help the banks and homeowners work out the details for a rate freeze on mortgage resets. Paulson assured the public that 500,000 homeowners would take advantage of the program, which would dramatically reduce rate of foreclosures. So far, the Hope Now hotline has provided counseling to just 36,000 borrowers. Representatives have suggested loan workouts for fewer than 10,000 of them, a small fraction of borrowers in need.” (Earlier Subprime Rescue Falters; Wall Street Journal) "Only 10,000 homeowners; and Paulson promised 500,000? Another slight miscalculation.

This week, Paulson announced another new program, "Project Lifeline”, which targets homeowners who are delinquent 90 days or more on their mortgages. Here’s a run-down of how it works: (thanks to Calculated risk)

“"Project Lifeline involves servicers sending letters to borrowers–prime, Alt-A, or subprime, we’re past pretense on that part–who are very seriously delinquent (90 days or three payments down or more). The letter says that if the borrower contacts the servicer within ten days, agrees to homeowner counseling, and provides sufficient financial documentation that the servicer can consider a case-by-case, deep-analysis style modification of the mortgage terms, the servicer will agree to put the foreclosure process on hold for 30 days while the workout is considered. If the borrower fails to respond to the letter, foreclosure proceeds."”

At the very best, the program just buys a little more time for the homeowner to pick out a nice rental where he and is family can live after the bank repos his home.

So far, all of Paulson’s solutions have been nothing more than business-friendly”band-aides which fail to address the core issues of rising foreclosures, falling home prices, skyrocketing inventory, and tumbling sales. Yesterday, at a press conference in Washington, Paulson made this shocking admission in response to a reporter’s question:

Reporter: "Sir, is the worst over, yet? Will 2008 have fewer foreclosures?"

Secretary of the Treasury Paulson: “"In terms of sub-prime and the resets, the worst isn’t over. The worst is just beginning…. There’s close to 2 million adjustable rate mortgages where the rate is going to be reset over the next couple of years. These loans are of a vintage where there was the most lax underwriting. So, this is the biggest challenge and this is why this is so important.” (see the video at Calculated Risk)

Paulson is right; it is important. So, why is he wasting time with these bogus public relations gambits when he should be making serious recommendations?

Paulson’s so called "mortgage modifications" just don’t cut it. They’re pointless They just put off foreclosure until a later date. The only real solution to the problem is renegotiating the mortgages with the lenders so that people with negative equity” have an incentive to continue making their monthly payments. Otherwise, the number of "walkaways" will mushroom and wreak havoc on the entire industry.

This week’s housing stats from California illustrate how desperate the situation really is. DataQuick Information Systems said Wednesday a total of 9,983 homes were sold in Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties last month, a drop of nearly 50% from January last year.

50%. That is unprecedented. California is in a housing depression. Is a 30-day grace period really the best that Paulson can come up with?

That’s nuts. California is a vital part of the US economy. In fact, California and Florida combined represent two-fifths of the nations’ GDP. Is Paulson planning to let California go the way of New Orleans?

For the last four months, housing sales in California have plummeted 40% (year over year) At the same time, prices in Southern California have dipped a whopping 16.7%. The market is freefalling. So far, the only analyst to come up with a reasonable solution is Professor Nouriel Roubini who suggests a three year rate-freeze and a reduction of the face value of the mortgages by the banks.

Of course the banks will scream bloody murder, but it’s the only way to stem the tide of foreclosures and prevent a crisis that could suck the rest of the economy down a black hole.

And, for those who still doubt that a collapse in housing will batter the broader economy; here’s a video of Yale economist Robert Schiller that drives the point home. Schiller predicted the dotcom bust in 2000 and is widely respected for his analysis of the real estate bubble.


Economist Robert Schiller: “

"We are in a historic housing bust comparable to that of the Great Depression. Prior to the Depression housing prices only rose 19% (between 1921 to 1925) and then fell 30% The cycle we are going through now, is a unique cycle; it will go down as the subprime cycle. The excitement in housing was unprecedented and the unraveling of that (bubble) will have unpredictable consequences….Real estate owned by households is roughly $20 trillion and we’ve already seen an 8% decline which means a loss of $2 trillion. That has a powerful impact on the economy…The losses are throwing peoples’ balance sheets off. So now household balance sheets are in bad shape. People who used to be able to borrow against their house are facing new constraints. This is an ongoing thing that will last for more than a year. So we have unfolding problems to forward to.”

“We should be thankful that we have Ben Bernanke, who is an expert about the Great Depression at the helm. I don’t think he will make the same mistakes that the Fed made that last time around… On the other hand, it (the bubble) is a major misalignment and cutting rates—when homes prices have doubled in the last decade—won’t change that. The correction (in home prices) is not going to be stopped by the Fed.”

“If this isn’t handled right, this could be a serious recession."”

Notice how Schiller dismisses inflation as a major concern and emphasizes the potential dangers of a deflationary downturn. It’s clear that he would prefer to see Bush increase the $168 billion than face an economy that is stuck in neutral. In other words, he anticipates a collapse in consumer spending.

Schiller continues:

“"I am a big believer that ‘confidence matters’. What is happening now, is that people are getting a succession of scare stories and personal savings are down… If you look at what happened before the Great Depression…..there was evidence of a sudden and sharp drop in consumer confidence and people pulled back and stopped spending. And we are seeing consumer confidence falling and I expect that it could take a much bigger tumble if we don’t do something."”

Are you listening, Hank Paulson?

Consumer spending is down (excluding food and fuel) and consumer confidence is falling at the fastest pace since the 1990-91 recession. Also, $2 trillion has been wiped out from falling home prices and another $600 billion will vanish this year from mortgage equity withdrawals (MEWs). Traffic to the shopping malls has slowed to a crawl and retail shops had their worst January on record. Homeowners are hoarding their earnings to cover basic expenses and to make up for their lack of personal savings. The spending-spigot has been turned off. America’s consumer culture is in full-retreat.

Everything Schiller said is taking place right now. So, where’s the political leadership? Does anyone in Washington even have a game-plan?

In the fourth quarter of 2007, new foreclosures averaged 2,939 a day, double the pace of a year earlier. Business inventories are on the rise. This week’s release of the Institute for Supply Management’s Non-Manufacturing Index (ISM) showed steep declines in all areas of the nation’s service sector—including banks, travel companies, contractors, retail stores etc—The Business Activity Index, the New Orders Index, the Employment Index, and the Supplier Delivery Index have all contracted at a historic pace.

These are the classic signs of overproduction. The next shoe to drop will be rising unemployment. Layoff notices have already gone out in new construction, retail, car manufacturing and financial services. This is all the predictable outcome of low interest” bubble-making. It invariably ends in a painful deflationary spiral.

“"Confidence matters," Schiller warns.

Yes, it does. But the American people lost confidence in their leaders long ago. So–like Paulson says–the worst is probably just beginning.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

An older article explaining what would happen in case of an economic collapse in America (= consequences of the economic collapse). Wink

The big question is : what would happen in Europe in such a case of economic collapse ? Question Confused


Source :


Source: Google Groups
URL Source:
Published: Feb 6, 2008
Author: Al Martin
Post Date: 2008-02-06 20:28:32 by Sam Diamond

NOTE: Elements within the U.S. Government have been threatening web site administrators all over the internet and forcing them to take down the following article because it's exposes the Bush/Cheney cabal's involvement in the coming economic collapse of 2008.

Everyone make copies of this article and send it everywhere so everyone will be fully aware of how the economic collapse was engineered to happen on purpose.


"Everybody knows that the dice are loaded. Everybody rolls with their
fingers crossed. Everybody knows the war is over. Everybody knows
the good guys lost. Everybody knows the fight was fixed. The poor
stay poor, the rich get rich. That's how it goes, Everybody knows" -
Leonard Cohen


Al Martin

And this is how the U.S. Treasury would handle an economic collapse.
It's called the 6900 series of protocols. It would start with
declaring a force majeure, which would immediately be interpreted by
the marketplaces as a de facto repudiation of debt. Then the SEC and
the various regulatory exchanges would anticipate the market's
decline, hour by hour -- when Japan's markets opened the next day,
what would happen when the European markets, and all the inter-
linkages of the global markets. On the second day, US Special Forces
would be dropped in by parachute in the cities where the twelve
Federal Reserve district banks are located.

The origin of these protocols comes from the Department of Defense.
This is contingency planning for a variety of post-collapse scenarios.
Those scenarios would include, obviously, military collapse, World War
III, in other words, and its aftermath. What we're talking about now
is aftermath -- how the aftermath would be handled.

One does not necessarily know how the events would transpire that
would cause the collapse, whether it's military collapse or economic
collapse. In World War III, it would become obvious -- when the
mushroom cloud started to appear over cities.

Economic collapse scenarios were always premised on the basis of a US
declaration of force majeure on debt service. It's a very extensive
scenario. The scenarios are all together, i.e., military, economic,
political and social complete destabilization leading to collapse.
Then they break down individual scenarios. In the economic collapse
scenario, the starting point would be the United States Treasury
declaring a force majeure on debt service, which is de facto
repudiation, and that's how it would be interpreted by the world's
capital marketplaces. Then the scenario goes on from there. The US
Treasury would obviously declare a force majeure sometime after the
European markets had settled down. In other words, they had gone out
on the day, which means 11:38 a.m. EDT, our time. They'd wait until
the European markets closed, and the US markets had been open for a
couple of hours. That's when they'd determine how to begin the process
of unwinding or controlling the collapse to the best extent possible,
mainly because they know that the greatest hedge pressure would be
people seeking to use other markets to hedge their long exposure in
the United States and that the US would be the biggest seller in all
the rest of the world's markets. Therefore you would want to declare
the force majeure when the rest of the world's markets closed. The
declaration of force majeure would be precipitated by the declaration
that the United States is no longer able to service its debt. That's
pretty simple. Who makes that decision? The Treasury Department. The
President does not make that decision. The Secretary of the Treasury
does. He has that authority.
You might ask -- wouldn't he have his arm twisted not to do that?

The answer is that if there isn't any money left to service the debt,
it doesn't make any difference what the current regime might want to

The day of reckoning is now coming. What has happened in the interim,
from 2001 to present, is dynamic, global economic deterioration. The
economic deterioration visited upon the United States by Bushonomics
is not a localized event. It is, in fact, global. We have a planet now
that is sinking into a sea of red ink.

The United States is consuming 80% of the planet's savings rate to
finance its debt. The central banks of Germany, Japan and Saudi Arabia
are no longer the powerhouses they used to be. Their reserves have now
been substantially depleted. They can, therefore, no longer hide the
fact that they own a certain number, likely in the trillions of
dollars, of U.S. Treasury debt that isn't being serviced, because they
can't hide it through bookkeeping tricks anymore because their
reserves are so depleted.

Therefore somebody has covertly been putting demands on the Bush-
Cheney regime for payment. Why do you think 2900 metric tons of gold
is depleted from U.S. inventory since March of `01?

Why do you think that $2 billion in currency seized from Iraq last May
is now unaccounted for?

Someone is putting demands on the Bush-Cheney regime. Someone is
saying to the Bushonian Cabal that -- You've got to start servicing
this debt because we, foreign central banks, are in nations - European
and Asian - whose reserves are now nearly exhausted.

Who could be putting that kind of pressure on them?

It has to be coming from whoever is organizing this thing at the very
top, which I would tend to think has got to be most likely a cabal of
people that would involve Henry Kissinger, James Baker, George
Schultz, possibly William Simon. It would be somebody at the very top
that is familiar with how to do this. It would have to be someone
familiar with finances.

So would this be one faction of a cabal blackmailing or forcing
another faction? No, it's not really blackmailing. It's being done out
of desperation. The German, Japanese and Saudi central banks are
saying to the Bushonian cabal, You've got to start servicing this debt
because we don't have the reserves to cover you anymore. We can no
longer make it appear that the debt is being serviced because our own
reserves are so substantively depleted. Therefore you must begin to
cover this debt. If you don't, then, at some point, we will have to
publicly admit in order to save our own necks -- that we were the end
buyers of a lot of stealth debt, a lot of debt that your Treasury
issued illegally and has never serviced. That would then expose the
whole cabal.

The Kissinger-Baker faction are at the top of how this was done on the
economic side of the equation. They were not the original insiders so
much, but the managers of the conspiracy from the U.S. Treasury, to
wit, the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve role-play the part.

Take Henry Kissinger. It may not have occurred to anyone why in the
last 3 years Henry Kissinger has been back in Washington more than he
has in the last 30 years. And why are all these quiet meetings in
Washington with alleged senior Bush-Cheney regime officials, as
foreign news services endlessly put it. It's because Kissinger is the
point man. He's the one that is telling them the disposition of other
foreign central banks.

Kissinger would probably also be involved in transfer or hypothecation
of any assets from the cabal. In other words, they're being stolen
from the American people by the Bush-Cheney regime and the Bushonian
Cabal, and they are being used to hypothecate, transfer, service, or
otherwise carry this debt held by certain foreign central banks.

The process of unraveling has already begun because of ever-spiraling
Bushonian budget deficits. The Bush-Cheney regime, even in its overt
policies (now they're overt political, economic, social and military
policies) is generating $600-billion-plus deficit per year, which is
consuming 80% of the planet's net savings rate.

It doesn't have the slack. In other words, it can't refinance stealth
debt by issuing more stealth debt anymore. Nor can they bleed money
out of the system like they could in the 1980s by hiding it when the
overt policies of the Bush-Cheney regime are already producing a
budget deficit of 6% of Gross Domestic Product. There is no other
mechanism that they could use anymore to hide expansion of debt that
could be used to service said stealth debt, and they are, frankly,
running out of assets that they can steal from the American people.

So the proverbial day of reckoning is coming. The Bush-Cheney regime
(and I give them credit for this) are telling the American people
what's coming, knowing the American people are too stupid to
understand. They are telling the American people about the re-
institution of the Gold Confiscation Act and the sudden scrapping of
the Treasury's emergency post-collapse gold note scheme to maintain
domestic liquidity.

David Walker, US Comptroller General and chief of the GAO has said
that should the Bush-Cheney regime be re-ensconced into power and,
hence, the scourge of Bushonomics persist, that the United States
could no longer service its debt beyond 2009. They're not hiding it
from anybody anymore. They are telling you what's happening. Now, what
does that mean? The key is in what Walker is saying when he says the
debt can no longer be serviced. I've been asked this on the radio
shows. People have noticed what Walker said because he's out in the
news more often than he used to be. It's unusual for the Comptroller
General of the United States, which is a rather arcane position, to be
out in the news so much.

It simply means that when he says the United States will no longer be
able to sustain Bushonian budget deficits, he means that by 2009, if
Bush-Cheney have a second term in office, the United States will be
consuming 100% of the planet's savings rate to finance Bushonian
budget deficits.

Therefore, if the planet can no longer generate any more liquidity to
lend to the United States, one of three things have to happen: A)
There has to be a sudden and dramatic reduction in federal spending.
There are only two places that can come from. There would have to be
an immediate $100-billion cut in defense spending, which would end any
hopes the Republicans had of getting into office for years to come
because it would destroy any confidence the NFWCs (Naïve Flag Waving
Crowd) had in them. Or you would have to scrap the multi-trillion-
dollar Bushonian tax cuts for the Republican rich, something that's
equally unpalatable.

The other option, B, as Paul O'Neill mentioned, is a dramatic increase
in the rate of federal income taxation from the current nominal rate
of 28% to 65%, which is what the Treasury Department estimated would
be required post-2009 to provide the U.S. Treasury with sufficient
revenues to continue to service debt.

The third option, or C, becomes the declaration of a force majeure on
credit service of U.S. Treasury debt by the United States Treasury,
which is tantamount and would be accurately construed as de facto debt
repudiation by the United States of America.

There are other signs to look for. They're not going to happen now,
but if Bush-Cheney is re-elected, you'll begin to see more signs that
the end is coming. I know a lot of people may disagree, but you wait
and see. If Bush-Cheney has a second term, see if they do not
institute some currency expatriation control. See if that doesn't come
in the way Nixon tried it in May-June of 1971.

In the second term, there will be some sort of currency expatriation
control in the United States, but there will also be loopholes that
will allow the large money to escape. The restrictions will apply to
the 10- and 20-thousand-dollar people. It ain't going to apply to the
10- and 20-million-dollar people. It would be self-defeating to do

When that day comes, in other words, when the U.S. Treasury declares a
force majeure on debt, it wouldn't be broad-cast on mainstream media.
There's no sense because the American people don't even understand
what it means. But the announcement would actually be put on the
Federal Reserve wire system, which would, of course, immediately be
picked up by all media outlets anyway.

The U.S. Treasury would declare a force majeure on debt after the
Asian and European markets closed, probably at 12:30 p.m. EDT. The
reason why that hour was always selected is because Asian and European
markets close. It's also the lunch hour for the markets. It's when
you're going to have the fewest people on the floor of the exchanges.
That would be the ideal time to make such an announcement.

A few seconds after that announcement was made, all United States
markets, both equities debt and commodities i.e., stock, bonds,
commodities, that have trading collars or permissible daily limits
would all be limit-offered with pools. Limit-offered means that there
are more sellers at the limit i.e., limit down, than there are buyers.

So-called 'pools' would immediately begin to form, probably a thousand
contracts every few minutes. 'Limit-offered with pools' - this is
trader language. Pools to sell 2,000 lots, 3,000 lots. That means, the
number of sellers over and above the available buyers at the limit-
offered price. That would begin to build.

By 1:00, the news would begin to sink in because it would take awhile
before panic selling would arise from the public. This news is being
released at lunch hour.

A lot of the American people initially would not even understand the
temerity of the news. You would see professional selling first, and as
that professional selling intensified over the afternoon, the SEC, the
CFTC, NASDAQ, and various market regulatory authorities would begin to
institute certain emergency market protocols. This would be the
installation of the so-called 'declaration of fast market conditions,'
for instance; the declaration of 'no more stop orders,' the
declaration of 'fill at any price,' etc. in a desperate bid to
maintain liquidity.

That first day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and related indices
on a percentage basis would lose about 20% of their value by the close
of business that day. The real impact would come overnight when the
American people found out what this was all about and when it was
explained to them.

At 7:30 a.m. EDT, the Tokyo markets would open, and no price would be
affixed for probably three or four hours into the session due to the
avalanche of selling. Once prices were established, the government of
Japan would close all of its financial markets. Europe would not even
open. All European governments would close all capital exchanges the
next day.

The United States would, in order to accommodate global electronic
trading, attempt to open the market on the second day, which they
would do, regardless of price, just to maintain some liquidity. At the
end of Day Two, the Dow Jones and related indices, would have lost two
thirds of their value, and prices would be set accordingly.

On Day Three, the New York Stock Exchange, the SEC and other related
agencies would recommend to the United States Treasury and the Federal
Reserve that all markets be closed. That would be on the morning of
Day Three. Eleven a.m., the Federal Reserve would then order all
domestic banks closed. All of the twelve Federal Reserve district
banks would (30 minutes later) have special U.S. forces parachuted in
and around them to secure whatever gold bullion reserves they had

Day Three, 9:00 p.m., the President of the United States would declare
a state of martial law. All financial transactions would come to an
end. The Treasury would act to formally de-monetize the U.S. dollar
and declare it worthless.

This would be totally unprecedented. In the past, collapses have been
temporary and have been brought back up. But what we're talking about
now is the end.

These protocols that I'm referring to aren't even all that secret.
They were publicly available all through the Clinton era. These are
Treasury protocols that were instituted mostly in the late 1970s when
the Treasury and Federal Reserve began to feel that it was important
to have an emergency-collapse protocol in place.

What precipitated the timing of this was the inflationary spiral of
the late 1970s. The U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve were both
concerned that this inflationary spiral, which was occurring not only
domestically but globally, might lead to a global, uncontrollable
hyper-inflation that the Federal Reserve or major central banks could
not stop by traditional means, i.e., by raising interest rates and
contracting money supply.

There was also the recognition, of course, that global central reserve
bank bullion inventories had been so depleted over the previous 30
years that any re-institution of a species currency, even on a
temporary basis, and even within a regional or individual nation-state
basis, was no longer possible.

This is an analogy. In a military scenario, it's like the President of
the United States pushing the final red button -- the commit button.
The Treasury Secretary of the United States has a similar mechanism.
It's called the yellow button, the commit button. The Secretary of
Defense has the same system. This is what happens. Computer program
starts to institute these protocols. Imagine the complexity of trying
the manage all this. I think it's going to happen all simultaneously.
There are hundreds of different agencies involved, both domestically
and internationally. In order to maintain liquidity for as long as
possible, it has to be extremely well-coordinated, and there must be
existing collapse protocols that can be used.

The reason I was familiar with them was because I used to see the U.S.
Treasury 6900 Series Collapse Protocol, 6903, 6904 there'll be A, B,
and so on which keyed in to the Department of Defense to be
incorporated within the Department of Defense's own World War III
scenario and various types of military/ political/ social instability/
war/ pestilence, chaos, etc. scenarios.

All federal agencies had individual collapse protocols that ultimately
got coordinated through the Department of Defense. Obviously, the
Department of Defense would be the ultimate coordinator because it
would need to have special forces available, on a stand-by basis,
ready, that could quickly parachute into areas all over the country,
into the cities particularly, to secure federal properties and assets.

And that's literally how it would begin. By the end of the third day,
it would be all over -- a state of martial law. We're not talking
about war, now; this is just economic collapse.

There's no military implication here, no political, no social
implication or policy directive thereunto. This is strictly economic
collapse. By the end of Day Three, effectively, all banks in the world
will be shut down, all paper currencies will become valueless. Martial
law would be declared. There would be no continuing transactions, at
least for a period of time, of commodities. All providers of fuels and
foods would be shut down automatically.

They have this in great detail too. U.S. Department of Defense Special
117th Assault Unit would parachute in to seize control of the cattle
yards in Oklahoma City. This is how well it's planned. In other words,
economic collapse would automatically involve expansive military
action and control.

By the end of the third day, when you no longer have a domestic medium
of exchange, you have to have secured food and fuel stocks. You've got
to have troops that have secured distribution points where there is
food and fuel stocks, warehouses, tanks, etc. Otherwise people are
just going to go get them, and the people have to know that if they
try to go break into that store and steal that loaf of bread, they're
going to be shot.

Protocols for environmental disasters are called 'scaling-circle
scenarios.' 'Scaling circles' is a Department of Defense euphemism.
It's also used in FEMA, OEM and other emergency management services.
In environmental catastrophes, which are going to become national or
global, it's got to start someplace. It's going to start in one very
small, specific area. Therefore what happens is that the immediate
force containment is the greatest in the first circle, to try to
contain the spread of the disaster and keep it within that circle.

The environmental problem, to whatever extent it's possible, before it
spreads, will be neutralized or mitigated, in order to keep that
catastrophe within that circle, or, if it is likely that it is to
escape that circle, to attack whatever it is in such a fashion as to
mitigate its strength and its ability to contaminate or otherwise
affect other areas.

In the case of earthquakes, for instance, affecting the west coast,
beginning at Mt. Rainier and moving southward -- that's a different
type of scenario. That does not include as much Department of Defense
involvement. It includes separate protocols, wherein mostly FEMA and
OEM act as the senior coordinating agencies between municipal, county
and state disaster and containment, which is called Disaster and
Containment Units. Federal troops would only be brought in for the
purposes of maintaining control.

In a military or economic collapse situation, National Guard units
would provide any spare help they could in combating whatever the
problem is. Federal troops would be used in order to have the specific
authority simply to shoot anyone. There are plans for all sorts of
scenarios. The economic-disaster scenario is the one I always found
the most intriguing because it is the one that is least understood by
the American people.

Military control would be necessary when lines begin to form at the
banks, people trying to access their money. But that wasn't even
anticipated as a big problem. Lines would form at the banks, but it
was not even envisioned until sometime on Day Three because the
American people wouldn't get it. It would be announced that the stock
markets are down 2000 or 3000 points, and since we've always been
taught they'll come back, the people would still be buying stocks.

You could count on everybody remaining in ignorance all the way down
because the American people have never been taught Economics 101. The
American people wouldn't realize the full extent of it until the
markets were closed on the third day, or until the time when they went
down to cash a check and the bank was closed with soldiers out in
front. Then they would go down and see the gas station's closed. They
see the local supermarket has been shuttered, and there's federal
troops in front of it. Then they might begin to catch on. And remember
-- it's not just federal troops. In emergency-collapse protocols, even
before the declaration of a formal state of emergency or a state of
martial law, the local military authorities within any given county or
jurisdiction have the ability to essentially militarize anyone, that
is, any civilian. This would be more than just deputizing civilians.
It's federal. In other words, they would have the ability to
militarize and give military authority to a civilian force. This would
include not only police and the sheriffs and state police, but all
local law enforcement that exists below the state level would be
immediately militarized. They wouldn't take just anybody like they did
in Iraq. It would be like the military when they call for volunteers.
Then they'd have everybody and their brother-in-law volunteering,
waving around the American flag and so on.

You've got a lot of pickup-driving guys in this country with the gun
racks in the back and the Confederate flag flying. So you start waving
the American flag in front of their face and say, Hey, you're going to
get your chance you always wanted -- to fit your potbelly inside an
army uniform and carry a gun and shoot people. How appealing would
that be?

And besides, if you do this, then you're going to get to eat.

In other words, this is how it would unfold over three days, but, in
fact, very few Americans would know what to do about it or how to take
any precautions. They wouldn't have a clue because they don't
understand enough about economics to know what is happening. So that's
what it is -- Economic Armageddon. If the Bush-Cheney regime is re-
installed into power, that is effectively what Comptroller General
David Walker is saying.

In conclusion, since there is very little the people of the United
States can do to protect themselves. We're not going to make any
suggestions of how to protect yourselves because there's very little
you can do.

We could tell you to go out and buy gold coins and bury them in the
coffee can in the back yard and go to your nearest survivalist store,
but, frankly, that's useless. In the last analysis, it's a lot of
hype. There is very little the average US citizen could do.

The only thing that can prevent this, as the Comptroller alluded to
when he was asked by Barbara Walters, How do we prevent reaching the
problem by 2009? He said simply, "A change of regimes."

So how do you prevent it? Don't vote for Bush and Cheney -- and hope
that Bush does not use his emergency powers to cancel or postpone the
election by edict, powers which you, the flag-waving citizens, have
given him.

All flag-waving citizens, be warned. If you want to vote for Bush-
Cheney again, make sure you got plenty of Spam on hand.

Here's an interesting and humorous aside. A couple of days ago, Hormel
Foods, which makes Spam, announced that in the last six months there
have been record sales of Spam in the United States the survivalists'
food of choice. After all, they pride themselves on the fact, as the
spokesman for Hormel said, "It is the only food product you can buy
with an expiration that's 50 years."

When everything goes to hell, when all that man has created has turned
to dust again, the final legacy is going to be Spam. It will be the
last surviving item -- when the anthropologists of 20 thousand years
from now are digging sites and they see these enormous mountains of
unopened cans of Spam They'll have monuments to the past out of Spam.

So if Bush-Cheney has a second term in office, there will be some sort
of currency restriction, like Nixon did in 1971. On April 13, 2004,
Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary John Boine talked about potential
currency restrictions. He used the word that's going to fuel the
flames of the survivalist and gloom-and-doom collapse people.

It's very, very telling that the U.S. Treasury may institute a
restriction on the amount of U.S. dollars that can be converted into

Furthermore, he intimated (and I suspected that this was coming,
although this wouldn't actually become law until Bush-Cheney was in
office for second term one way or another) that the Bush-Cheney regime
determines that the Gold Confiscation Act gives to Treasury the power
for so-called forced disclosure of gold holdings.

I'm not quite sure of the language of the Gold Confiscation Act from
1933. It just says, "compelled", as in citizens are lawfully compelled
to redeem gold for script. I don't think there was any such provision,
which he was inferring that there is. That was FDR's "Raw Deal" of
1934, when people were coerced into giving up their gold. But nowhere
in this act does it specifically authorize the Treasury to mandate
citizens to report their gold holdings. So if this gets any press at
all, particularly within the circles of gold bugs and so on, watch

Furthermore, on Washington Journal they were talking about how FEMA
has recommended to the Office of Homeland Security to have increased
restrictions regarding citizen hoarding of long-term food and fuel
supplies. That's pretty sinister too.

What they're talking about is the purchase of long-term so-called
stores of survival food. FEMA was talking about some sort of
restriction preventing people from accumulating food stores; putting
it simply, that's what it means. The second point was to increase
restrictions that already exist.

FEMA was recommending even tighter restrictions on citizens building
their own private property underground storage tanks for the purposes
of long-term storage of fuel. The real intent of this is is threefold:
a) to restrict citizens' ability to hoard food; b) restrict citizens'
ability to hoard long-term storage of fuel; c) the forced
identification of citizens to reveal food and fuel stocks they may be

And that, in my opinion, is the real essence. The Bush-Cheney regime
was scared of having the FEMA angle put into the equation because they
knew what it means and how people would interpret it.

They have tried to use environmental legislation to restrict people's
ability to build fuel storage facilities on their own property -- to
get around what the true intent of that was.

But the bigger picture is that if you start to limit citizens' ability
to hoard fuel and food and shake them up by potential forced
identification of gold holdings or forced redemption.

In other words, what you don't want is citizens who have the ability
to store a lot of food and fuel and to own gold because they would be
able to resist state control in the future.

You've got to have every citizen on a rationing card to control the
civilian population. You can't have citizens out there hoarding food
and fuel because then people can say to government,"I ain't taking a
rationing card, baby, with my national ID card. I don't have to. You
can't control me through food and fuel and ever-worthless paper

I used to make fun of these people. But now, things have come full
circle on this debate. The Bush-Cheney regime is making it
increasingly clear through their small changes in policy. Not a lot of
people monitor these decisions, but I do. And the pattern is becoming
increasingly clear.

In fact, I would believe that those of the survivalist mentality (the
food, fuel, the gold coins in the coffee can in the back yard) people
who think that way will be ultimately vindicated - if George Bush has
a second term in office.

People should quit making fun of them because they would be vindicated
- even though they were all burned out, twenty-dollared to death,
buying books and tapes, and discredited by mainstream media. It may
sound like a hollow victory, but it won't be a hollow victory for them
- them that's got the Spam...
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Committed Poster
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:27 pm    Post subject: DOLLAR COLLAPSE NOW IMMINENT Reply with quote


Dear friends,

Here is a little video explaining you how "mild" the recession is gonna be in the USA. Rolling Eyes That kind of "mild" means actually real ROUGH AND TOUGH ! Surprised Confused Exclamation

The collapse of the dollar is so close now that we can almost touch it... Shocked

But of course, the scums from the New World Order have ALREADY forecasted all of this, and the collapse of the dollar seems to have been staged in order to bring the new North American Currency (the "amero"). Twisted Evil Exclamation Shocked From 3 national currencies, Canada, Mexico and the USA would then get an INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY, which will deepen the less of sovereignty of these nations. Shocked Exclamation Then, the only step left will be the "one world currency"... Twisted Evil Crying or Very sad

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Pastor Guest

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree that the collapse of the dollar, which would also cause a collapse of many other currencies, will set the stage for the creation of a global currency. I believe this is the primary reason they have set about to destroy the dollar.
I also believe that the global monetary system will be "cashless". Some of the reasons a cashless system will be preferred are, tracking of individuals and their purchases, elimination of the expense of coining and printing money, and the ability to suspend a person's ability to buy and sell if they are considered an "enemy of the state".
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved..."
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Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shocked thanks for all your hard work Vic Surprised
Embarassed however it's all like extreme deja vu when you know the agenda Evil or Very Mad
how the **** are we meant to keep half these sheep on drugs if they can't pay cash money for the shit Rolling Eyes

legalize Question

always a silver lining eh? Laughing
Chuck Norris' tear cure cancer
Too bad he has never cried...
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Joined: 03 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for taking the time to help, I really apprciate it.
DollarDays |Boden Clothing |Boden Clothing
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tucker reported last month on the next stages of establishing a global currency:

Estulin reports that's what the G-20 will discuss this weekend:
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is no secret that the Bilderberg Group have been the designers of the globalism movement. Globalism began here in the U.S. with NAFTA, and has morphed into other movements such as CAFTA. The Bilderberg Group is behind the demise of the U.S. dollar, which they hope will be replaced eventually by a central North American currency called the Amero, or some sort of global currency.

While Buffett isn't a member of the Bilderberg Group, he does have friends that are. Buffett, along with a few other very wealthy individuals, was recently invited to a private meeting (May 2009) with Bilderberg luminary, David Rockefeller.

When ask to comment about the contents of the meeting, all the participants declined. If the meeting was to help the world, and do good, why were the contents of the meeting a big secret?

The bottom-line here is to get you to think. Get you to ask questions. To not be a robot when the TV set tells you something.

It's no secret that many, if not all politicians fear David Rockefeller. Here's a simple question...Why? All I can say is "follow the money".
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