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Al Gore: Britain’s Malthusian Agent

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 09 Jan 2007
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Location: near St. Gall in Switzerland

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:59 pm    Post subject: Al Gore: Britain’s Malthusian Agent Reply with quote

Al Gore: Britain’s Malthusian Agent

by Scott Thompson and Nancy Spannaus

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Going After the Green

After he lost the Presidency in 2000, however, Gore began to take a very prominent role in championing his genocidal environmental program. After all its investment in him, the international genocide lobby decided to bring him into the millionaire/billionaire club, where he could profit royally from his love of the green. Like Strong and other corrupt green moguls, Gore was given the opportunity to become even richer, through scams ranging from the Ponzi scheme called carbon swaps, to “green” industries.

In this period, Gore prepared his Arrow Arrow fraudulent film and accompanying book, “The Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It,” Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Wink released in 2006. In October of that year, he got his appointment from Gordon Brown, as “Special Advisor to the Government on Climate Change.” Then came the Nobel Prize, itself a ticket for a $750,000 chunk of change.

Then, in December 2006, Prince Charles, according to the Telegraph, invited Gore to a private meeting at his Highgrove country home, in order to strategize about their shared passion for the environment. The specific subject was preparations for an event which the Prince was soon to sponsor at his St. James Palace, to launch an Accounting for Sustainability project.

This project was intended to encourage big business to become more “green,” according to press reports.

Gore could not attend the event in person, but addressed the nearly 200 politicians, businessmen, and others by video, showing them his slideshow, “An Inconvenient Truth.”

Then, during January 2007, the Prince of Wales and his wife toured the United States. On Jan. 28, the Harvard Medical School’s Center for Health and the Global Environment presented the 10th Annual Global Environmental Citizen’s Award to Prince Charles, at the Harvard Club in New York City. Gore, according to press reports, “praised the Prince of Wales’s knowledge and passion, [and] said he and the prince have had conversations about global environment for 20years.”

Conversations are one thing, but the fact is, that the Prince and the swamp creature have done more than talk. They have shaped the political environment, in a concerted attempt to destroy the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt, a legacy which the United States and world so crucially need today. They have forced through actions which now bring the human race into a crisis which threatens everyone’s future. We can let the British take care of their monarchy—but Americans have a responsibility for that fat hypocrite Al Gore. Ridicule this British agent until he’s out of the limelight!

Richard Freeman contributed research for this article.


Arrow Arrow Smile Smile

Last edited by lauchenauermartin on Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:39 pm    Post subject: BIOFUELS ARE A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY Reply with quote

The United Nations special rapporteur on the right to food has urged donors to increase humanitarian aid or see more people dying of starvation in the coming months.

Jean Ziegler made the appeal as 27 key UN agencies met in the Swiss capital, Bern, on Monday to come up with solutions to ease the escalating global food crisis.

"Biofuels are a crime against a large part of humanity," Jean Ziegler.

Ziegler blamed the crisis principally on biofuels and repeated his call for an immediate international five-year ban on biofuel production. (There is a Copyright upon the pictures of Mr. Wiedenroth)
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:40 pm    Post subject: CO2 in the Air = 0,036%... THIS IS CAUSING "GLOBAL WARM Reply with quote

about 21% O2
much of the rest is Nitrogen
Arrow Arrow Arrow Idea and about 0.036% CO2.... How Al Gore and Prince Charles managed this little bit to produce such huge climate waves in the political field...

Rolling Eyes Embarassed Twisted Evil It seems they have a lot of money and influence.... Wink Wink

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:16 pm    Post subject: Al Gore 1994 pushed "Biofuel" through Congress Reply with quote

26 April, 2008 - 07:46
Vizepräsident Gore setzte Biospritschwindel im amerikanischen Kongreß durch

Am 4. August 1994 gab Al Gore im amerikanischen Senat die ausschlaggebende Stimme dafür ab, daß die USA auf einen Kurs festgelegt wurden, Nahrungsmittel für Treibstoff zu benutzen und damit Millionen von Menschen Nahrungsmittel vorzuenthalten.

Die "New York Times" zitierte damals Kritiker, die diese Entscheidung als "Segen für Archer Daniels Midland (AM)" bezeichneten. Dieser Gigant im Bereich der Maisverarbeitung beherrscht mehr als 60% des Äthanolmarktes."

Es ging im Kongreß um eine anti-Äthanol-Maßnahme, die von den demokratischen Senatoren, Bill Bradley (D-NJ) und Bennett Johnston (Louisiana) eingebracht worden war. Dabei kam es zu Stimmengleichheit: 50-50, und nach amerikanischem Gesetz gibt in einem solchen Fall der Vizepräsident - in diesem Falle Al Gore - den Ausschlag. Gore stimmte dagegen und ermöglichte so die Durchführung eines neuen Bundesgesetzes, wonach "Biosprit" den normalen Treibstoff beigemischt werden muß. Ansonsten wäre der Umweltschutzagentur (Environmental Protection Agency, E.P.A.) die Finanzierung für die Regelung, erneuerbaren Treibstoffen einen Anteil von 15% am lukrativen Treibstoff- und Sauerstoffmarkt zu sichern (später 30%), verweigert worden. Mit dieser Entscheidung war der Weg für die EPA frei.

Auch vier Jahre nach dieser Abstimmung prahlt Gore noch immer mit seiner damals ausschlaggebenden Rolle, dem Biosprit-Wahn grünes Licht geschafft zu haben. Bei einer Rede anläßlich der 3. Jahreskonferenz der Landwirtschaftsjournals am 1. 12.1998 sagte er: "Ich war stolz darauf, mich für die Steuerbefreiung von Ethanol eingesetzt zu haben, als diese vom Kongress attackiert wurden war - einmal gab ich sogar die ausschlaggebende Stimme im Senat ab."

Das Resultat dieser Politik, auf die Gore stolz ist, sehen wir heute. Die internationalen Anhänger des Biospritkults sollten sich eine einsame Insel aussuchen, wenn sie diesem weiter huldigen wollen. Das ist vermutlich dann das einzige, was die Menschheit ihnen in Zukunft danken wird.
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