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Joined: 14 Sep 2007 Posts: 5
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:25 pm Post subject: Camps de concentrations+guillotines! |
Plus de 600 camps d'emprisonnement ont été construits aux Etats-Unis par l'administration Bush, tous pleinement opérationnels et prêts à recevoir des prisonniers. Le personnel de la direction des camps est déjà en place, ainsi que des gardes à plein temps, bien que les camps soient tous vides pour l'instant.
Entourés de miradors, ces camps sont destinés à être utilisés par la FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency - l'agence fédérale chargée de gérer les situations d'urgence) dans le cadre d'une proclamation de la loi martiale.
Les camps font partie du "Rex 84 Program", un programme prévu "officiellement" pour le cas d'un franchissement en masse de la frontière mexicaine par des immigrés clandestins, afin qu'ils puissent être rapidement arrêtés et placés en détention par la FEMA. Le programme Rex 84 prévoit aussi la fermeture temporaire de nombreuses bases militaires pour les convertir en prisons.
Les plans "Cable spicer" et "Garden plot" sont deux sous-programmes de "Rex 84" qui seront déclenchés en même temps. "Garden plot" est un programme destiné à contrôler la population, et "Cable spicer" est le programme pour la prise de contrôle des états et de leurs gouvernements par le gouvernement fédéral. La FEMA sera le bras armé exécutif et dirigera toutes les opérations sous l'autorité du président des Etats-Unis.
Les camps de détention sont tous desservis par voies ferrée aussi bien que par la route. Beaucoup disposent également d'un aéroport à proximité. La majorité des camps ont une capacité de 20.000 prisonniers. Le plus vaste de ces camps est situé en Alaska à coté de Fairbanks. Deux autres sont localisé à Palmdale et à Glendale, dans le sud de la Californie.
http://lepeupledelapaix.forumactif.com/le-nouvel-ordre-mondial-nom-f5/camps-de-concentrations-et-guillotine-t3288.htm#22453 _________________ http://lepeupledelapaix.forumactif.com/index.htm |
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vicflame Committed Poster
Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 4507 Location: Belgium
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:28 pm Post subject: |
Eh oui, Charles-Edouard !
Nous avons, sur ce forum, amplement documenté ce triste fait qui, honteusement, n'est apparu nulle part dans les médias !
La multinationale Haliburton, via sa filiale Kellogg Brown & Root (à la tête de laquelle on retrouve salopard de vice-président, Dick Cheney ), a reçu il y a un an et demi la bagatelle de 386 millions de dollars pour poursuivre la construction de ces camps de la honte, commencés il y a longtemps déjà, notamment sous John Ashcroft (ancien ministre de l'Injustice... oups ! Pardon, de la "Justice").
Mais PAS UN SEUL MASS MEDIA N'EN A PARLE (ou alors un lundi à 3 heures du matin) !!! Les putes des mass médias jouent leur rôle, y compris dans notre Europe si corrompue (nos gouvernements félons sont les valets inaliénables de la dictature américaine, prenant exemple sur celle-ci et singeant tout ce qu'elle fait) et ne souhaitent absolument pas diffuser ce fait alarmant, mais hautement anti-américain.
Et chez nous, en Europe, on commence à voir le même genre de phénomène : prisons "secrètes" de la CIA, construction d'hôpitaux-prison en fRANCE, etc.
Les USA sont au bord de la "solution finale" façon Hitler ! Ceux qui rempliront ces camps américains "d'internement pour civils" seront évidemment les opposants, les activistes, les manifestants et autres "terroristes" du même genre, bref la POPULATION CIVILE DANS SON ENSEMBLE !!!
Le régime américain actuel est bien basé sur la PEUR, comme en Allemagne hitlérienne et nazie, et les citoyens, en "bons Américains" (comme les "bons Allemands" de 1940-1945), n'osent pas broncher, alors qu'ils devraient faire la révolution !
Nous savons vers quoi ce genre d'erreur mène... Les gens n'ont pas été capables de tirer les leçons de ce qui s'est passé il y a plus de 65 ans. Ils vont donc le PAYER amèrement. Aux USA POUR COMMENCER, dans nos pays ensuite, hélas, car le MÊME SYSTEME que celui de la tyrannie techno-nazie américaine est en train d'être reproduit dans nos pays (cf. topic "forum libre discussion 4") !
Vic. |
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marektysis Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 01 Nov 2006 Posts: 1581 Location: Brussels
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:54 pm Post subject: |
S'il vous plait, je sais qu'on raconte des histoires au sujet des guillotines chinoises que les USA auraient acheté pour déolleter les citoyens US...Je vous invite à ne pas y croire, les neuf grammes du camarade colt suffiront amplement
Marek |
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Joined: 14 Sep 2007 Posts: 5
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:03 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | Marek:S'il vous plait, je sais qu'on raconte des histoires au sujet des guillotines chinoises que les USA auraient acheté pour déolleter les citoyens US...Je vous invite à ne pas y croire, les neuf grammes du camarade colt suffiront amplement |
Pourquoi ne pas y croire? _________________ http://lepeupledelapaix.forumactif.com/index.htm |
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marektysis Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 01 Nov 2006 Posts: 1581 Location: Brussels
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:09 pm Post subject: |
Charles Edward,
Les wagons avec chaînes, ils existent.On les a montré voici 8 ans sur internet et toutes les garanties de crédibilité sont là.centaines de photos facilement obtenables.Je lles ai vues.Aucun doute possible. Ces wagons ont été achetés du temps de Reagan ( REX84) et de Bush père.
Les guillotines achetées en Chine, aucune n'a été montrée. Là commence le Royaume du mythe , obstacle à la mainfestation de la vérité. Une simple balle par nuque suffit amplement: voir les crimes Cambodgien, Soviétique, Chinois.
Pourquoi s'embarasser de ce symbolisme stupide?Pour rejoindre la dynamique de la révolution française avec un zeste de perversité.?
Marek |
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Joined: 01 Sep 2008 Posts: 11
Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:58 pm Post subject: N'oublions pas non plus les camps de concentrations pédophiL |
Informons nos concitoyens des, non spéculatives mais irréfutablement constituées, protections et couvertures accordées aux lucratifs réseaux pédo-criminel dans le cadre de l'affaire des Cdroms de Zandvoort et bien d'autres affaires.
A voir d'urgence en rapport avec le sujet, les deux lettres ouvertes vidéos adressées à Mr Nicolas Sarkozy concernant la protection, par son ami le procureur Dreno exerçant à Perpignan, accordée à un pédophile ayant abusé sexuellement de son enfant.
La dite protection par l’ami de Sarkozy se manifestant dans les faits par l'étouffement et les non prises en comptes successives de plusieurs plaintes déposées par une maman, Myriam, à l'encontre de son ex-conjoint, François, pour :
Coups et blessures, menaces, et viols, sur son enfant, Vincent.
Voir également l'étouffement de l'affaire des Cdroms de Zandvoort sur lesquels se trouvent des vidéos de tortures, humiliations, viols et sacrifices d'enfants de tout âge, dont des bébés, et ou sont identifiés, par des parents français, plusieurs jeunes enfants exécutés dans ces réseaux de l’horreur que nous nous devons de dénoncer sans mâcher nos mots ni prendre de gants!
Et toutes les nombreuses autres affaires annexes à ce sujet, tous plus ou moins vicieusement et crapuleusement occultées.
Nous laissons le soin au lecteur d'analyser notre site afin qu'il examine lui même les affaires étouffées, qui sont censées ne jamais être en la connaissance du peuple souverain, mais nous nous évertuons d’y remédier de toutes nos forces et nous vous y invitons également.
Bonne réflexion et bonne insurrection.
Commission citoyenne. |
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Joined: 14 Sep 2007 Posts: 5
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:13 pm Post subject: |
Le détail des camps d'internement aux USA et leur situation géographique
Opelika WWII German/Italian POW camp now being renovated.
Wilds of Alaska possibly East of Anchorage.
No access by road however, there is a railway system.
Facility holds 500,000 people.
Ft. Huachua, 20 miles from the Mexican border, 30 miles from Nogales. Rex 84 program. Emergency Custodial Facility.
Florence WWII German/Italian POW camp now being renovated.
Pinal County Gila River. Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention facility.
Yuma County Colorado River. Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention facility.
Ft. Chaffee Has a new runway for aircraft, new detention camp facilities with cap of 20,000 prisoners.
Chicot/Drew Counties Jerome. Renovated spec Interment camps for Japanese Americans WWII.
Descha County Rohwer. Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention centers.
Blythville AFB This base was closed but is now being used as a camp location. New wooden barracks have been constructed at this location. This camp is surrounded by high wire topped with barbed wire, and has guard towers.
Berryville FEMA facility located east of Eureaka on Hwy 62.
Omaha FEMA facility located on Hwy 65 south of old wood processing plant. It is on an old dirt road that leads to a toxic waste dump. Note: The facility in Miss. is also located on an old toxic waste dump.
Oakdale Ca 90 miles East of San Francisco on HWY 120. Holds a minimum of 15,000 people. REX 84 program, Emergence Custodial Facility.
Vandenberg AFB Located midway between San Louis Obispo, and Santa Barbara. The base is on Hwy 1 and close to Hwy 101. REX 84 program, Emergency Custodial Facility.
Ft. Irwin Irwin is a remote Mtn region south of Death Valley, National Monument. This base is designated as inactive however, there is a concentration camp located at this facility about 30 miles from Interstate 15 in Barstow.
Inyo County Manzana. Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention center.
Modoc County Tulelake. Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention facility.
Sacramento Army Depot No specific data at this time.
Old Lowell AFB. Recently all new chain link fence was installed around the borders, plus 400,000 handcuffs and shackles were purchased by the government for this site.
Avon Park No data available
Camp Krome Located near Miami Dept of Justice detention and interrogation facility.
Elgin AFB This base is greater than 50 miles long extending from Pensacola Bay to Hwy 331 in De Funiak Springs. It is adjacent to Interstate 10 on the North and the Fort Walton Beach vacation spot.
REX 84 program, Emergency Custodial Facility.
Ft. Benning Located East of Columbia near the Georgia/Alabama state line. - REX 84 program - Emergency Custodial Facility.
Unadilla, Ga Macon County; Located on east railroad street, Plunket road leads into the facility 1 1/2 miles from Unadilla on county road 230. This is a FEMA prison manned and staffed but no prisoners.
Oglethorpe, Ga. Macon County; facility is located five miles from Montezuma, three miles from Oglethorp. Traveling south on highway 49, located on the west side of the highway. This FEMA prison has no staff and no prisoners.
Morgan, Ga. Calhoun County; I-75 exit 32 to 300 south to Albany. Take highway 234 to Morgan. Go through Morgan taking highway 45 south. The FEMA facility is 1 1/2 miles on the right (west) side of highway 45. This FEMA facility is fully manned and staffed but no prisoners.
Camilla, Ga. Mitchell County; from Camilla take highway 19 south, travel 5.4 miles from 37/19 junction to Mount Zion Road, turn left (east) on Mount Zion Road. The FEMA facility is located on Mount Zion Road aprox: 5.7 miles south of Camilla. This facility is not manned or staffed and there are no prisoners.
Hawkinsville, Ga Pulaski County; located on fire road 100/ Upper River Road, 2 miles west from alternate 129 North 257 / 112 east. Five miles east of Hawkensville. This FEMA facility is fully manned and staffed but no prisoners.
Abbeyville, Ga. Wilcox County: south side of Abbeyvilleon highway 129 (Broad Street) off highway 280 (Main Street). This FEMA facility is fully manned and staffed but no prisoners.
McRae, Ga. Telfair County; 1.5 miles west of McRae on highway 134 (8th street). The FEMA facility is on Irwinton Ave. off 8th street. This facility is fully manned and staffed but no prisoners.
Frequencies: 153.7400 Georgia State Correctional Institutions 154.9050 Intrastate Coordinating (car to car state wide) 154.9350 Intrastate Coordinating (base to base / state wide) 155.3700 Georgia Police Intersystem (State wide)
Jerome County - Minipoka - Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention facility.
Kooski plus 50 miles East. Near Lolo pass
Moose Creek Unmanned and there is a near by landing strip in or near a national forest.
Marseilles It is located on the Illinois river off Interstate 80 on Hwy 6. It is a relatively small facility with a cap of 1400 prisoners.
Though it is small it is designed like other concentration camp facilities with high fences topped with barbed wire and guard towers.
Thousands of acres located just out of Indianapolis, Indiana holds a large Concentration camp facility complete with barracks, high fence, razor wire, towers, turnstyles, a railroad, helicopter landing pads, and what appears to be three large furnaces with 3inch mains on one of the buildings. This is a massive facility, still under construction with a completion date sometime in 1996.
Ft. Benjamin Harrison A U.S. Army facility located on the outskirts of Indianapolis will be used to hold prisoners.
Ft. Wayne FEMA Detention facility
Terre Haute FEMA Detention facility
Leavenworth U.S. Marshal's Fed Holding Facility PFP.
Concordia WWII POW German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
El Dorado Federal prison.
Topeka 80 acres converted to a holding camp.
Louisville FEMA Detention facility
Lexington FEMA Detention facility
Livingston WWII German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
Houlton WWII German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
Richards Gebaur AFB This facility is located in Grandview, A large civilian internment facility has been built on this facility, and base personnel are restricted from the area.
Kincheloe Correctional Facility (Formerly Kincheloe AFB with B-52 sized runways). Has five large prison buildings able to house 5000+. The facility has about 500 prisoners at this time. Location: 20 miles south of Sault Ste. Marie (Soo Locks) at the eastern end of the Upper Penninsula of Michigan.
K.I. Sawyer AFB Large construction program has been going on under the name of "Operation Gateway". High security is in place with a large portion of the base closed to civilian view. Location: 20 miles south of Marquette, MI in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan.
Raco Field Raco field is an interesting facility. The above ground runways form a perfect triangle. Few buildings appear on the surface, but ventilators can be seen. Civilian workers report that a subsurface facility exists. No publicity exists indicating what the role of Raco Field is, although something is there. To observers, it is an "inactive WWII base." Location: 15 miles NW of Kincheloe Correctional Facility on Hwy 28.
Bark River A large construction operation is ongoing in the Bark River, MI, area. Locals are tight-lipped. The facility is off the main highway in a wilderness area. While most of the locals say that the construction is associated with the ELF (extreme low frequency) project of world-wide communications, others suspect FEMA is involved. (Note: the ELF grid is located 100 miles NE of the Bark River area) Location: 20 miles west of Escanaba in the upper penninsula of Michigan.
Bay City Sits on Saginaw Bay which connects to Lake Huron. This facility has high fencing, barbed wire and guard towers.
Grayling Camp Grayling Michigan National Guard Base. Detention facility. Guards towers, razor wire.
Southwest area of the state FEMA Detention facility
Central part of the state FEMA Detention facility
Detroit FEMA Detention facility
Hancock County - The NASA facility at this location has two camps the first being located at the end of Kiln road at Waveland, and then the next road after ammo road at the Post Office.
The second camp is located in the center of a rest station back from the Interstate.
Inmates from the Hancock County jail claim they have worked details involving the delivery of food to these camps under the supervision of U.N. Guards.
Scottsbluff WWII German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
Northwest corner of state FEMA Detention facility
Northeast corner of state FEMA Detention facility
South Central Hastings area FEMA Detention facility
Elco There is a prison facility 10 miles out of Elco.
Wells Camp is located in the O'Niel basin area, 40 miles North of Wells, and West off Hwy 93, 25 miles.
Winnemucca Camp is located at the I-80 mile marker 112, on the south side of the road and 3/4 miles off of the road.
Wells/Winnemucca Camp is located near the base line of the mountains. Reno Nevada plus 150 miles east south side of road if your headed west, 150 yards off the road.
New Jersey:
Ft. Dix Fully operational prison camp with approximately 35,000 prisoners.
New York:
Ft. Drum located in upstate New York, probable location for Eastern area processing of people, located near the St. Lawrence river and access to Lake Ontario. Both waterways may be used for transport. Located very close to Canada.
Watertown FEMA Detention facility
Albany FEMA Detention facility
Buffalo FEMA Detention facility
Cleveland FEMA Detention facility
Columbus FEMA Detention facility
Cincinnati FEMA Detention facility
Lima FEMA Detention facility
Oklahoma City Tinker AFB, This is a civilian detention facility, all base personnel are prohibited from going near the area, and the area is under constant guard.
McAlester WWII German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
Will Rogers Air Port This is a newly constructed FEMA facility, and it is believed that it will be used as a primary processing center for prisoners West of the Mississippi River.
Camp Hill Camp Hill Pa located off I-15. Sits across the navigable Susquehanna River from Harrisburg. Close to Cumberland Army Depot and the Camp Hill Correctional facility.
Crossville WWII German/Italian POW Camp being renovated.
Ft.Hood Ft. Hood has a newly built concentration camp, constructed complete with towers, high fencing, and barbed wire.
Mexia WWII German/ Italian POW camp being renovated.
Amarillo FEMA Detention facility
Millard County - Central Utah - Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention facility.
Skull Valley Camp William property - west of the old bombing range South/southwestern portion of Camp Williams This camp was discovered by a man and his son who were rabbit hunting, they were discovered and apprehended.
Utah Lake 15 miles south of Saratoga Recreation center 200 - 300 yards off the road Black wire 40 to 50 feet tall, made to look something like a golf driving range.
Cedar City East of Cedar City Utah - no more data.
Okanogan County borders Canada and is a site for a massive concentration camp capable of holding hundreds of thousands of people.
Ft. McCoy Located in Western Wisconsin 30 miles East of LaCrosse between the point where 90 and 94 intersect. REX 84 program, Emergency Custodial Facility.
Central part of the state FEMA Detention facility.
Park County - Hart Mountain - Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention facilities.
North Central part of the state FEMA Detention facility
Southeast part of the state FEMA Detention facility
Southwest part of the state FEMA Detention facility
East Yellowstone - Manned facility. Investigators were apprehended by European soldiers, unable to identify the language used by the foreign soldiers, American government helped clear the situation. _________________ http://lepeupledelapaix.forumactif.com/index.htm |
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vicflame Committed Poster
Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 4507 Location: Belgium
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:29 pm Post subject: |
Préparons-nous à ce que la liste se rallonge dans les mois qui viennent , puisqu'Obama a signé une nouvelle autorisation pour de nouveaux camps de concentration - oups, pardon ! Camps "d'internement pour civils en cas d'urgence nationale" ! |
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Joined: 14 Sep 2007 Posts: 5
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marektysis Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 01 Nov 2006 Posts: 1581 Location: Brussels
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:05 pm Post subject: |
Charles Edouard,
Sans doute mais c'est sur réservation.
Pas ouvert pour les sans papiers.
Marek Tysis |
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vicflame Committed Poster
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Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:13 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | Est-ce qu'il y aurait aussi une liste d'adresse de camp de concentration en Europe ? |
Pas de façon officielle à ce que je sache, mais on pourrait déjà commencer par signaler les "prisons secrètes" de la CIA, dont certaines ont été signalées en Europe, et qui ont permis la torture (voire même la mort) de citoyens européens et non-européens !
Il y a bien eu un livre qui a été publié sur le sujet par Serge Monast, grand opposant aux puces implantables et qui fut tué dans des circonstances troubles.
Serge Monast a créé l'Agence Internationale de Presse Libre (AIPL), et avait publié un livre nommé "Programme d’Etablissement des Camps de Concentration des Nations Unies", sur lequel j'avais déjà publié un article il y a plusieurs années et dont voici le condensé :
Quote: | Programme d’Etablissement des Camps de Concentration des Nations Unies
Le Gouvernement Mondial, tome 3 (48 pages)
avec cartes et documents Officiels
Ceux qui refuseront le Nouvel Ordre Mondial seront dirigés vers des "Camps de Ré-Education" où le lavage de cerveau et les techniques les plus avancées du contrôle de l'individu, et de la transformation de sa personnalité seront expérimentées sans aucune limites. Car ceux qui refuseront d'abdiquer leur Foi et leur Nationalité seront alors considérés comme étant des dangers, des porteurs de violence représentant une menace pour la "Nouvelle Communauté Internationale", le "Nouveau Village Global". |
Hélas, cet ouvrage, comme par "hasard", n'est plus disponible, même sur le site de l'AIPL (qui fut reprise ensuite et donc récupérée par des gens nettement plus calmes et plus soumis au système mondialiste putride).
Peut-être y a-t-il moyen de retrouver ce livre sur les systèmes peer-to-peer (emule et autres). Personnellement, je n'ai jamais essayé, mais pourquoi pas ? A moins de trouver le livre dans une bibliothèque ? |
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vicflame Committed Poster
Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 4507 Location: Belgium
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:14 am Post subject: |
Après vérification, j'ai retrouvé le livre de Serge Monast en ligne, sur peer-to-peer, mais en anglais, évidemment (quand donc les francophones comprendront-ils que les réseaux peer-to-peer ne sont pas seulement efficaces pour le partage gratuit de musique et de vidéos, mais aussi de documents écrits, de programmes et d'images ? )...
Le titre de cet ouvrage de Serge Monast est : "The UN Concentration Camps Program In America".
Il semblerait donc que je me sois trompé. Ce livre concerne essentiellement les USA... Il y a très peu de choses concernant l'Europe qui, heureusement, est encore relativement épargnée par le phénomène.
Mais n'oublions pas que désormais, les USA peuvent faire EXPATRIER vers leur propre pays et dans leurs propres camps, avec l'accord de nos traîtres de dirigeants européens, n'importe quelle personne européenne considérée comme "suspecte" ! Les camps de concentration américains ne serviront donc pas qu'aux prisonniers des USA, MAIS AUSSI AUX PRISONNIERS D'EUROPE ET DU MONDE ENTIER !!! |
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lauchenauermartin Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 522 Location: near St. Gall in Switzerland
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:01 am Post subject: Guillotines? C'est ce que la bible en dit! |
Guillotines? C'est ce que la bible en dit!
Rev 20:4 Et je vis des trônes; et à ceux qui s'y assirent fut donné le pouvoir de juger. Et je vis les âmes de ceux qui avaient été décapités à cause du témoignage de Jésus et à cause de la parole de Dieu, et de ceux qui n'avaient pas adoré la bête ni son image, et qui n'avaient pas reçu la marque sur leur front et sur leur main. Ils revinrent à la vie, et ils régnèrent avec Christ pendant mille ans.
Rev 20:5 Les autres morts ne revinrent point à la vie jusqu'à ce que les mille ans fussent accomplis. C'est la première résurrection.
Rev 20:6 Heureux et saints ceux qui ont part à la première résurrection! La seconde mort n'a point de pouvoir sur eux; mais ils seront sacrificateurs de Dieu et de Christ, et ils régneront avec lui pendant mille ans. _________________
http://www.otherbiblecode.com |
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vicflame Committed Poster
Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 4507 Location: Belgium
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:46 am Post subject: |
Oui, cher Martin, nous sommes au courant des paroles de la Bible, bien sûr.
Nous savons qu'il existe des camps de concentration (camps "d'internement poru civils", des "box cars" (wagons avec chaînes et sièges et réservés aux humains), des prisons modulaires et des milliers de caveaux en plastique entreposés aux USA.
Ceci est INDUBITABLE, et a été largement DOCUMENTE.
En ce qui concerne les guillotines, par contre, nous n'avons (jusqu'à présent) aucune photo, aucune preuve. Juste des histoires peu crédibles.
Restons donc sur nos gardes, mais ne propageons pas non plus de simples rumeurs. Nous continuerons évidemment d'être vigilants à ce sujet, et si quelque chose de concret et d'irréfutable devait sortir, nous le documenterons sans problème.
Mais pour le moment, je le répète, ces histoires de guillotines ne sont pas prouvées, et les sources sont souvent douteuses.
A surveiller de près... Vic. |
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lauchenauermartin Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 522 Location: near St. Gall in Switzerland
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:55 pm Post subject: excusez moi - c'est en langue anglais.... |
excusez moi - c'est en langue anglais....
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Form M-592 (8/15/03)
Office of Detention and
Removal Strategic Plan,
2003 - 2012
Detention and Removal Strategy
for a Secure Homeland
official Report 49 pages!
A stunning Russian Foreign Ministry report is stating today (??) that the President Obama has secretly ordered the ‘immediate’ opening of America’s vast gulag of concentration camps, built since 2001 and estimated able to hold a further 1 million of their citizens, which is aside from the 2.3 million currently imprisoned in what has become the World’s largest Prison Nation in all of history, in what they are calling Project ENDGAME.[/size]
These reports say that President Obama’s administration is being driven by the ‘outright fear’ over what they say will be an ‘explosion’ of massive social upheaval this coming summer due to their Nations economic collapse which has nearly totally destroyed their ability to maintain their food stocks as tens of thousands of US farmers have had to resort to the mass slaughter of their bird flocks, swine and cattle herds they are unable to feed due to their not being able to gain access to their much needed Farm Operating Loans they survive on until their crops come in and their flocks and herds are ready for market.
The American farmers being cut off from these operating loans is eerily reminiscent of the 1930’s Great Depression which likewise saw the total collapse of the United States being able to feed itself and which Russian historian Boris Borisov has estimated killed over 10 million Americans.
It is important to note that Dr. Borisov’s seminal research on the massive numbers of Americans killed during their Great Depression is still banned from being published in the United States though the figures supporting his claims come from the US ’s own government compiled statistics, and as we can read as reported by the Russia Today News Service:
“As I was doing comparative research of the American Great Depression in the 1930s, and the Great Depression of the 1990s in Russia, I grew interested in the social dimension of the tragedy. It was logical that I looked up official American documents and found out that the discrepancies were so obvious that any independent researcher would not but have doubt about the official U.S. statistic data. All appears to be rather interesting. I will come to that later.
The U.S. Congress added fuel to the fire by adopting resolutions nearly every year blaming the Soviet government for alleged staged famine in the 1930s in Ukraine. The first resolution came in 1988, 50 years after the events described. The current members of Congress wonder about the following, and I quote, “people in the government were aware of what was going on, but did not do anything to help the starving”.
At that very period of 1930s, the wealthy city of New York saw kilometre-long lines of people for free soup. There were no queues on the city’s main streets though, but not because there were no hungry people but because most of the cities did not have any money – they were just bankrupt.
So, I became curious about that and carried out some research that brought about interesting results.
Seven and a half million people does not mean the number of particular victims of the famine, but a general demographic loss, or the difference between the supposed population on the date of the census that was due to be held in 1940 and the factual number of people. In reality, the total demographic loss is bigger. The fact is not contested by anyone. The figure is more than ten million people.”
To the vast gulag of new concentration camps built for those American citizens targeted by their government of ‘immediate’ arrest we can further read as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle News Service:
“Since 9/11, and seemingly without the notice of most Americans, the federal government has assumed the authority to institute martial law, arrest a wide swath of dissidents (citizen and noncitizen alike), and detain people without legal or constitutional recourse in the event of “an emergency influx of immigrants in the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs.”
“Beginning in 1999, the government has entered into a series of single-bid contracts with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) to build detention camps at undisclosed locations within the United States. The government has also contracted with several companies to build thousands of railcars, some reportedly equipped with shackles, ostensibly to transport detainees.
According to diplomat and author Peter Dale Scott, the KBR contract is part of a Homeland Security plan titled ENDGAME, which sets as its goal the removal of "all removable aliens" and "potential terrorists."
Fraud-busters such as Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Los Angeles, have complained about these contracts, saying that more taxpayer dollars should not go to taxpayer-gouging Halliburton. But the real question is: What kind of "new programs" require the construction and refurbishment of detention facilities in nearly every state of the union with the capacity to house perhaps millions of people?
Sect. 1042 of the 2007 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), "Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies," gives the executive the power to invoke martial law. For the first time in more than a century, the president is now authorized to use the military in response to "a natural disaster, a disease outbreak, a terrorist attack or any other condition in which the President determines that domestic violence has occurred to the extent that state officials cannot maintain public order."
The Military Commissions Act of 2006, rammed through Congress just before the 2006 midterm elections, allows for the indefinite imprisonment of anyone who donates money to a charity that turns up on a list of "terrorist" organizations, or who speaks out against the government's policies. The law calls for secret trials for citizens and noncitizens alike.
Also in 2007, the White House quietly issued National Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD-51), to ensure "continuity of government" in the event of what the document vaguely calls a "catastrophic emergency." Should the president determine that such an emergency has occurred, he and he alone is empowered to do whatever he deems necessary to ensure "continuity of government." This could include everything from canceling elections to suspending the Constitution to launching a nuclear attack. Congress has yet to hold a single hearing on NSPD-51.
U.S. Rep. Jane Harman, D-Venice (Los Angeles County) has come up with a new way to expand the domestic "war on terror." Her Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (HR1955), which passed the House by the lopsided vote of 404-6, would set up a commission to "examine and report upon the facts and causes" of so-called violent radicalism and extremist ideology, then make legislative recommendations on combatting it.
According to commentary in the Baltimore Sun, Rep. Harman and her colleagues from both sides of the aisle believe the country faces a native brand of terrorism, and needs a commission with sweeping investigative power to combat it.
A clue as to where Harman's commission might be aiming is the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, a law that labels those who "engage in sit-ins, civil disobedience, trespass, or any other crime in the name of animal rights" as terrorists. Other groups in the crosshairs could be anti-abortion protesters, anti-tax agitators, immigration activists, environmentalists, peace demonstrators, Second Amendment rights supporters ... the list goes on and on. According to author Naomi Wolf, the National Counterterrorism Center holds the names of roughly 775,000 "terror suspects" with the number increasing by 20,000 per month.”
Reports from the United States are also reporting that for the first time since their Civil War, US Troops are being trained to take over whole villages and towns to capture and arrest anyone they deem a threat, and as we can read of one such US Military Unit in Iowa:
“The Carroll National Guard unit will train on urban military operations by holding a four-day exercise at Arcadia. The purpose of the April 2-5 drill will be to gather intelligence, then search for and apprehend a suspected weapons dealer, according to Sgt. Mike Kots, readiness NCO for Alpha Company.
Citizens, law enforcement, media and other supporters will participate.
Troops will spend Thursday, April 2, staging at a forward operations base at Carroll. The next day company leaders will conduct reconnaissance and begin patrolling the streets of Arcadia to identify possible locations of the weapons dealer.
The primary phase will be done Saturday, April 4, when convoys will be deployed from Carroll to Arcadia. Pictures of the arms dealer will be shown in Arcadia, and soldiers will go door to door asking if residents have seen the suspect.
Soldiers will knock only at households that have agreed to participate in the drill, Kots noted.
“Once credible intelligence has been gathered," said Kots, "portions of the town will be road-blocked and more in-depth searches of homes and vehicles will be conducted in accordance with the residents' wishes.
“One of the techniques we use in today's political environment is cordon and knock," Kots explained. "We ask for the head of the household, get permission to search, then have them open doors and cupboards. The homeowner maintains control. We peer over their shoulder, and the soldier uses the homeowner's body language and position to protect him."
During this phase of the operation, troops will interact with residents and media while implementing crowd-control measures and possibly treating and evacuating injured persons. The unit will use a Blackhawk helicopter for overhead command and control, and to simulate medevacs. The drill will culminate in the apprehension of the suspected arms dealer.”
The sheer Orwellian aspect of US Military Officials and US Propaganda Media Organs using their own citizens to assist in the apprehension of their family, friends and neighbors labeled as ‘enemies of the state’ are too chilling to comprehend, but become downright frightening when coupled with the news that the US Government is now moving to cut off access to all of their citizens to the ammunition they would need to defend themselves against these fascist barbarians.
Virtually unknown to the masses of gun owning Americans is that their fears of having their government confiscate their guns was never the greatest one to have, but to the taking away all of these peoples access to the ammunition needed for their guns is what the ‘master plan’ for subjugating them has always been, and as we can read:
“It looks like those who said the Obama Administration would strike while the iron is hot may have been correct, and the Administration may be doing it in a way that does not require them to even get a vote in Congress. In this morning's edition of the Shooting Wire, Jim Shepherd writes that Canadian officials have it on "good authority" our State Department may be on the verge of cutting off all imports of certain calibers of ammunition.
Ammos listed for this rumored ban include the .50BMG, 7.62x39mm Soviet, 7.62x51mm NATO, .308 Winchester, 5.56 NATO and .223 Remington. Additionally, we're hearing that an expansion of this proposed ban might be broadened to include the 6.8mm SPC, 9mm Parabellum, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP- among others.”
Most astounding of all of these events is that the vast majority of Americans still look upon their new President Obama as being different from their former President Bush, but as each day goes by the evidence clearly shows he is nothing more than the figurehead put into place to enact the final ENDGAME leading to the final destruction of the United States.
From Bush’s War on Terror which he is continuing, to Bush’s tax cuts to the wealthy elite he is continuing, to his backing of Bush’s torture policies, to his attempts to kill the case against seeking to find the millions of lost Bush emails, to his attempts to maintain Bush’s secrecy on spying and torture of US citizens, and so much more, President Obama is marching in virtual lockstep with his predecessor virtually ignored by the masses of Americans soon to be destroyed by what they refuse to see and defend themselves against.
To what is going to become of these once great American people we need look no further than the words of the British champion of social justice George Orwell, who in his prophetic work “1984” stated:
“The ideal set up by the Party was something huge, terrible, and glittering—a world of steel and concrete, of monstrous machines and terrifying weapons—a nation of warriors and fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same slogans, perpetually working, fighting, triumphing, persecuting—three hundred million people all with the same face.”
How terrifying it is for those Americans not having the ‘same face’ as their mindless fellow citizens we know all too well as we have seen them before in the gulags of Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, the Killing Fields of Cambodia and now soon to be….in the United States.
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