Bilderberg.org the view from the top of the pyramid of power
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CJ Suspended
Joined: 02 Aug 2006 Posts: 540 Location: London
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 2:52 am Post subject: Rotten Apples; was David Walton a rotten apple? |
Remember David Walton...he died on the 21st June 2006. Walton was a star economist at HM Treasury, then Goldman Scahs where he became chief economist....he then joined the Bank of England "Monetary Policy Committee".
In the months leading upto his death, Walton held the strong view that interest rates should rise. No other member of the MPC held this view, well, they certainly never made their true felllings known, like Walton.
Walton was taken ill on the 20th of June 2006. He had "necrotising faciitis" which is commonly understood as a flesh eating infection. His doctors knew early on, that he would die due to the rapid spread of the infection.
So lets try and set this in context. Please forgive me, I`m just a normalish guy trying to understand whats going on...there will be mistakes.
In recent months, the MSM has leaked the fact that "real" inflation is way higher than reported. Unemployment is also way higher than reported, this is almost certainly replocated in the US. So, Britain and the US are almost in line with Europes major economies.
The BofE has just rasied interest rates.....yet no one in the City predicted this rise....thats right...HOT-SHOTS on multi million pound bonuses failed to read a major number. This begs the question; this interest rate rise has not been done for purely financial reasons....there is a political motive and its unlikely to be aimed at Britain. Otherwise it would have been forecast by the City!!!
Before Christmas, Amerika sent a team of very wise men to China (Poulson/Bennake). There brief was to get China to assist the US government with its crippling debt payments....China didn`t play ball. This now placed the US in a January decision, raise, or cut US rates. Maybe the BofE decision is an indicator of US policy.
Poulson is following a high risk policy, by using a controlled silde in the Dollar over the past 6 months. If rates are cut, China and other countries could release their Dollar holdings....this leading to a possible crash in the Dollar. This would lead to a global downturn. A weak Dollar would reduce the interest payments on the US debt, make US manufacturing more competative, but could send the US housing market crashing into the basement....either way, the US is between a rock and a hard place!!
This Dlooar slide could overshoot. If it does, we could end up with $2.50/3.00=£. This would trash the British economy!!
In some way, the BofE is assisting the US with its debt problem. Its likely that a whole bunch of Western countries could be involved in supporting a bust Amerika. David Walton said UK rates should have been rasied in the early months of 2006. It is clear; the Bank of England does not serve the British public, it follows policies which serve the NWO and the elite familes which control it.
When we look at Litvinenko`s murder, at a cost of $10 million in Polonium 210, ten time the required dose to kill a man. We can see this death carries a message for the living....was David Walton infected? Was his death long and painful for a reason, did his death carry a message? |
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CJ Suspended
Joined: 02 Aug 2006 Posts: 540 Location: London
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:38 pm Post subject: Ben Bannake spills the beans |
Today US Fed. Chairman Ben Bannake told the Senate the US economy was "in the calm before the storm"!!!
This follows yesterdays MSM blitz coinvincing the British public, the interest rise was imposed becaue of inflation....this is in part true. But inflation has been rising for over a year, yet, the only member of the Bank of England "Monetary Policy Committee", who was in favour of increasing interest rates was David Walton. Was Walton`s death just bad luck, or was it another Litvinenko style killing?
Bananke`s statement proves the US economy is bust and about to implode. In 1929 total US debt was 266% of GDP, today its well over 300% of GDP. It looks like the Bank of England has dedicated itself to protecting the US economy no matter what.....similar to the British military`s policy in Iraq and Afganistan.
You can imagine what happens when a debted out public just after an expensive Christmas is faced with higher mortgages....less money in the economy....we are being led into recession by the NWO!!
At the same time we can expect attacks on Iran and maybe Syria. A cash strapped public will be led into a full blown NWO police state and ust as the public are waking up to the 911 con, and a scam war on terror, so we reach the next chapter.
Yesterday Ed Balls (Bilderberger) stated the Bank of England was committed to fighting inflation....as I`ve pointed out, David Walton wanted action 7, 8 & 9 months ago prior to his death....and now we have an unpredicted Interest rate rise....if the public weren`t brainwashed, they be burning the BofE down. From what I can gather talking to people in the City....most haven`t got a clue whats going on. A falling Dollar and higher Interest rates will make US debt payments (interest only) easier to cope with....we the public will suffer!!
Yesterday we saw the power of the BBC lying machine at work. As David Icke says in a recent google video "David Icke - was he right" (must watch), "repeaters"...this is all the media does, "repeat NWO messages"! No wonder our world is so screwed up. |
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