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Bilderberg crims create Euro crisis - now blocking solutions

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PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 1:02 pm    Post subject: Bilderberg crims create Euro crisis - now blocking solutions Reply with quote

Martin Bormann's Bilderberg created this Euro crisis and is now blocking all solutions
Our Western democracies are on their knees.
Being occupied by a financial power mob with a corrosive agenda.
Time is on Bilderberg's side, as time means interest, and with every tick, tick, tick of unpayable interest, Bilderberg grows stronger.
Today's G8 call for 'growth with austerity' is yet another oxymoron from these lords of misrule.
They are making money our master and not our servant thereby destroying ciivlisation & deliberately paving the way for the next Hitler.
Their ideas are only to drag us down into a pit of misery and indignity for the most helpless & vulnerable in society so that only the strong and the cult of virile youth survives.
Welcome to Bilderberg's Olympian old Gods' world of might is right and the law of the jungle.

Bought Eurozone politicans are failing to act as the plucky Icelandic Government have done, and lance the boil of private, and secret, banking power.
Civil servants calmly explain that sovereign countries must revert to their own currency to survive, and that banks must be nationalised.
But the faceless Bilderberg controllers of the Euro say no, as they continue to wage economic warfare on countries like Portugal, Italy, Spain and Greece.
The G8 leaders have just, at the end of their Camp David meeting, pledged to smash Greece, in an artificial 'consensus', just as so many third world nations have been smashed by the IMF in the past.
To keep Greece paralysed, dying, to take away this great nation's elderly peoples' dignity... and keep it in the Eurozone.
Greece and the other Euro nations gave up the right over their own currency when they entered the Euro zone.
Before that the Greek government could have printed its own money, now it can't unless it goes back to the Drachma.
This iron fist over Greek politics will only make Germany stronger, which had it's debt forgiven in 1949 and these two entire nations are now being driven to hate one-another again.

Bilderberg is at the heart of the lawless transatlantic banking, oil & royalty cartel that is both causing and stopping the solutions to this crisis.
And the mainstream media is keeping the solutions: Iceland; nationalisation; printing government money to stimulate economies; leaving the Euro & default ... out of view.

So what occult economic and political power does the Bilderberg represent?
Let's go back to the little village of Oosterbeek in Holland, just West of Arnhem, where it all began at the inaugural Bilderberg meeting, chaired by a former SS officer, in 1954.
The site, exactly a decade before, of one of the most controversial battles of the second world war.

Do have a listen to this hour long show if you didn't yet
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Many have questioned why Eisenhower backed Monty's Operation Market Garden (MG) and failed to back US General Patton who, with hindsight, stood a better chance further south of dealing a decisive blow to the Nazis. Was indeed Eisenhower's choice to back Montgomery over Patton perversely exactly what the Nazis wanted?

First to go must be the myth that the Nazi spying operation in Britain was weak.
Former SS officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was in Whitehall on the Market Garden planning team and quite possibly passing information back to FM Model/Adolf about exactly what was being planned.
King George VI (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) is also implicated as it was he no less who instructed MI6 officer Ian Fleming to approve Prince Bernhard's British army Whitehall security clearance.
George VI's brother Edward VIII was a known enthusiastic Nazi and married Nazi agent Wallace Simpson.
Royal Navy's Admiralty prohibited Bernhard from coming anywhere near them as he was believed to be a spy.
Bernhard contributed too to the fateful decision to get Airborne Army Intelligence Officer Sir Brian Urquhart kicked off the MG planning team because Urquhart was saying MG was going to be a disaster.
Meanwhile drops take place on Sunday 17th September 1944 with not to be confused with General Roy Urquhart commanding 1st Airborne Division. He bizarrely decides to go off on his own & gets lost in Arnhem and is hiding from Germans in a loft for most of the second and third day crucially leaving 1st Airborne without a leader.
All is going well however further down the road and XXX corps are heading for Arnhem now reaching the next town, Nijmegen. They are delayed but the Welsh Guards tanks are tied up at Grave Bridge and Coldstream Guards are fighting in Groosebeek Heights.
A young Lord Peter Carrington, later to chair Bildereberg, is sitting in his Grenadier Guards Sherman tank after just having crossed Nijmegen Bridge. As the last Arnhem bridge troops of John Frost's 2nd Batallion 1st Airborne Division were just about hanging on he gets out of his tank and brews up a cup of tea ... and it is 18 hours before he is ready to go.
Rest of Grenadier Guards and Irish Guards are back on the other side of Nijmegen bridge, thats up to 80 tanks, are then free to make armoured assault 20 minutes up the road to Arnhem at 7pm on Wednesday 20th September 1944 but they don't.
Moffat T Burris of 82nd Airborne points Tommy gun at Lord Carrington's head after losing half his men taking Nigmegen Bridge and orders Carrington to get in his ##### tank & get moving to Arnhem.
As portrayed loosely in the film 'A Bridge Too Far' in this excerpt, Carrington battons down & stays put in his tank over night as last Brits are running low on ammunition at Arnhem bridge 10 miles away.
Lots of people wonder why as XXX corps commander of over 150 tanks General Brian Horrocks has halted the advance at 7pm, after all he is known to be the greatest preponent of the night tank assault in the Allied Armies.
10 miles up the road or a 20 minute Sherman tank drive away, in Arnhem, 3 Tiger tanks make their way through wreckage southwards across the Arnhem Bridge expecting to fight scores of Shermans which have not, in fact left Nijmegen. British 1st Airborne Colonel Frost & Major Hibbert can't stop them, they are hanging on by their finger nails at Arnhem bridge.
Carrington hides in his GG Sherman tank overnight at Nijmegen and eventually by the next morning in Arnhem, an injured Frost and Hibbert are out of amunition & have been forced to surrender.
This leaves only the Oosterbeek perimeter known as witches cauldron or HexenKessel. Here the remainder of 1st Airborne Div who never made it to Arnhem or the bridge despite being given a clear route, Lion, by Hibbert, have been encircled by German tanks, flamethrowers, rockets, artillery, anti tank guns, assault guns, mortars and being slowly massacred.
When Grenadier Guards and Irish Guards eventually start moving at 1pm on Thursday 21st September Harmel has a solid blocking force on the Nijmegen to Arnhem road - the chance to get the Arnhem bridgehead is lost.
Horrocks later writes a secret letter to Leo Cooper, who later married Jilly Cooper, to be opened after his death but Leo Cooper, now ill with parkinsons, loses the letter.
OC 10th SS Panzer Division Heinz Harmel says to author of 'It Never Snows In September' Robert Kershaw after war there were only a few security pickets between Nijmegen and Arnhem at the time as he was expecting to be able to blow up Nijmegen bridge.
Stories are rife that the Germans found a copy of the MG plans in a crashed glider also that a US soldier was captured with MG plans in his posession, several different stories but no proof, suggesting it's just a myth to cover for Bernhard's spying in the run up to the op.
Ten years later Bilderberg meeting takes place in the former Hexenkessel in Oosterbeek with former SS officer Prince Bernhard sitting proudly in the Chair.
Was Operation Market Garden deliberately scuppered to delay the end of the war so as to allow Nazis to get all their loot out of Berlin and smuggle it through to Sweden and S America?

The question has always been what could the motive possibly have been for Horrocks to halt the Irish and Grenadier guards' advance at the crucial moment just as they crossed the Nijmegen Bridge at 7pm on Wednesday 20th September 1944. Now we have a possible motive. Something very secret and very big was afoot. The Nazi capital flight had just begun at the notorious Red House meeting of which Martin Bormann was in charge, it was going to take best part of a year to achieve and nothing could be allowed to stop it. Not even the combined forces of the British & American post D-Day armies.

Martin Bormann — Nazi in Exile
A decisively powerful network of corporate entities run by hardened SS veterans, the Bormann group constitutes what one veteran banker termed “the greatest concentration of money power under a single control in history.” The founda­tion of the organization’s clout is money—lots and lots of money. Controlling German big business and, through invest­ments, much of the rest of the world’s economy, the organization was the repository for the stolen wealth of Europe, estimated by British intelligence to have totaled more than $180 billion by the end of 1943

Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich the EU

Von Clausewitz, List, the Bormann Capital Network and the Subjugation of Europe
Posted by Dave Emory · February 23, 2012
COMMENT: To come to understand what is taking place in Europe, it is essential to understand the military philosophy of Prussian military theo­retician Karl von Clausewitz. In All Honorable Men, James Stewart Martin highlighted an important aspect of von Clausewitz’s philosophy, that war and diplomacy are two sides of the same coin. When diplomacy is no longer effective, the policy goal is pursued through the use of armed force. When war and military power have reached the limits of their effectiveness, diplomacy continues the pursuit of the goal.

Nazi Gold
Part 3: Bormann’s Aktion Feuerland
The British Ministry of Economic Warfare (MEW) estimated the Merkers hoard was only twenty percent of all the gold Germany held. In August 1945, the Bank of England estimated there would only be enough gold available at the maximum for a 58% restitution against the claims. This only included the claims from the central banks and not the private claims. Where did the rest of the gold go? To this day the CIA (in reference 12) denies the Nazis had a plan for a comeback despite captured Nazi documents showing otherwise. Even members of Congress and in particular members of the Kilgore Committee were aware of Nazi plans for a comeback. The translations of the Nazi comeback plans are located in the appendix of the preceding chapter. They come from documents captured near the end of the war. To understand where the missing gold went, we need to look at the German plans for a comeback.
The Nazis definitely had organized plans for a comeback. At the center of the plan was Martin Bormann, the Reichsleiter. Bormann had risen through the ranks to Party Secretary, the number two spot in the Nazi hierarchy. Hitler had entrusted Bormann with ensuring the Reich would be able to stage a comeback once hostilities ceased. The meeting in the Red House was the beginnings of Bormann's effort to expand his plan to include industrialist and top ranking office. The meeting had been the result of Bormann’s order. However, Bormann did not attend the meeting.16 The Treasury Department has a transcript of the meeting from a captured document. The SS agent conducting the meeting told the group that all industrial material was to be evacuated to Germany immediately; admitting the battle for France was lost. He also assured the gathering the "Treason against the Nation Law" about foreign exchange was repealed. At a smaller conference that afternoon, Dr. Bosse of the German Armaments Ministry indicated the Nazi government would make huge sums available to industrialists to help secure bases in foreign countries. Dr. Bosse advised the industrialists that two main banks could be used for the export of capital: Schweizerische Kreditanstalt of Zurich and the Basler Handelsbank. He also advised the industrialists of Swiss cloaks that would buy Swiss property for a five-percent commission. A month later, Bormann countermanded Hitler’s scorched earth policy to preserve Germany’s industrial base.
Secret Rulers

Last edited by TonyGosling on Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:33 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bilderberg off radar for BBC => Ken Clarke's drive of shame
Great coverage from Charlie as ever - with a smattering of leaks from disenchanted hotel staff too.
From the Telegraph...? Rien.

Kissinger & Bilderberg global neo-Nazi protection racket
Tony Gosling rounds up after Bilderberg 2012, interviewed by Rick Wiles from (40mins)

Bilderberg 2012 - New Era of Reporting
lots and lots of links to info dug out this year

Bilderberg 2012 - Secret Rulers of the West (30mins)

Bilderberg off radar for BBC (in today's Evening Standard)
Justice Secretary Ken Clarke and former business secretary Peter Mandelson weren’t the only Britons who attended the Bilderberg conference — along with leading international politicians and industrialists — in Chantilly, Virginia.
The BBC had a man there, too, at the weekend: Marcus Agius, senior independent director of the BBC’s executive board.
Agius, who is married to Katherine Rothschild and earns a £750,000 salary in his day job as chairman of Barclays Bank, is paid £47,000 by the BBC for 28 days’ work per year, principally advising the BBC Trust, which represents the interests of licence-fee payers.
This might explain why the corporation did not report on the event this year.
*BBC insiders say the much- maligned coverage of the Jubilee river pageant might have implications for the internal applicants hoping to succeed Mark Thompson as director-general. Among those whose cards may be marked are George Entwistle, the corporation’s BBC head of vision, and Helen Boaden, head of news. Which is good news for another internal candidate Caroline Thomson, the chief operating officer, who is not strictly involved with programming so is untainted by what has been dubbed “the Fearne fiasco”.

Bilderberg 2012: Ken Clarke's drive of shame
Britain's lord chancellor Ken Clarke looks a little weary as he makes a late appearance at a pleasantly chaotic Bilderberg
Red Ken: looking his best at Bilderberg 2012. Photograph: Charlie Skelton

Ken Clarke was the last man out. I'm not surprised he was late up. Britain's lord chancellor had the beery sheen and aspirin eyes of a man who'd found the closing banquet of Bilderberg 2012 more than usually chillaxing. He looks like he's been pulled through a hedge fund backwards. I'm not even sure he's wearing trousers.
Poor Ken. It can't be easy for him, trying to reconcile being an MP, the minister for justice and a member of Bilderberg's steering committee. Imagine having interests so conflicted. No wonder if he's got a sweat on. Plus, he's trying his best to champion transparency, trumpeting it as "the most effective public inoculation against corruption that any country can have", while refusing to talk about the Bilderberg conference or any of the steering committee meetings.
Back in 1994, Clarke thundered in parliament about "the desirability of greater transparency of decisions on monetary policy", but these days he's having to thrash it out in private with the heads of the major banks. What a nightmare.
Another tired face belonged to Bassma Kodmani, the head of foreign affairs for the Turkey-based Syrian National Council.

Being handed power by a cartel of banks can be a tiring business. Photograph: Carter Osmar

She looks a sad little puppet. I'd have thought she'd look happier, having had the hawks of Bilderberg cluck around her for the weekend, planning her new country. It's no wonder they've taken Bassma under their wing. After all, she spent seven years at the Ford Foundation. She's "one of them".
Happier than Bassma is Karen Field, a satisfied protester from Baltimore. She befriended an insider from the venue and came away with the hot gossip from the conference. A great deal of heavy flirting and some awkward lip dodging earned her this admission: "We had a load of the hotel staff gathered round a computer in the back office, watching Alex Jones – and they're all rooting for him." Grinning through gritted teeth at the banksters. It makes you wonder what ended up in the soup. No wonder Ken looks queasy.
As for the conference: "He told me that they don't just all sit together in a big room – which is what I always thought – but they have tons of separate rooms and they split up for the meetings. The first ones are after 4.30 on Thursday." Between meetings, says Karen's source, all the delegates talk about is "money, just money". The source told her: "They don't tip, although four years ago he got $20 from Henry Kissinger's aide. This year, no one got anything." Fair enough, there's a recession on.
Four years ago, Bilderberg was here at this same hotel. And according to Karen's leak: "In 2008 Queen Beatrix got the penthouse suite. This year, Kissinger got it." What better reward for a distinguished old man accused by some of war crimes?
Karen's flirty staffer is the biggest Bilderberg leak in a long while. I picked up a couple of smaller tidbits myself. I was helping a cop move a security cordon near some trees, when he lowered his voice and casually let slip: "We don't support Bilderberg, trust me." And there's what a hotel employee told me as he drove through the gates of the hotel. He lowered his window and beckoned me over. "I want you to know that they call you people 'cockroaches'. I work in the hotel and they asked me if those cockroaches were still out there. They meant you."
That's nice. A nearby live-streamer, Sky Adams, laughed when I told him, and said: "Well, at least cockroaches are indestructible. They keep coming back." I'm sure the organisers of Bilderberg will be delighted to know that. As the last limousines purred off to their private jets, the admin team were lining up for a souvenir snapshot, when up strolled three fearless citizen journalists, cameras whirring, live streams streaming. Mayhem ensued:
Shrieks, hands to the lens, various escortings from the premises. A lovely moment ruined. I almost feel sorry for them.
No, wait … I don't.

Bilderberg 2012: were Mitt Romney and Bill Gates there?
Another conference over. Charlie Skelton talks to some of the 800 activists outside the gates to find out what they learned
What a Bilderberg it's been. Big names, big money, big decisions, big crowds. Somewhere around 800 activists outside the gates (up from about a dozen in 2009), and inside? Well, here's what we learned.
A Mitt Romney attendance?
Four eyewitnesses on the hotel staff told me Willard Mitt Romney was here at Bilderberg 2012. My four eyewitnesses place him inside. That's one more than Woodward and Bernstein used. Romney's office initially refused to confirm or deny his attendance as Bilderberg is "not public". They later said it was not him.
So, was he being crowned, or singing for his supper? Will Mitt Romney follow in the august footsteps of Clinton, Cameron and Blair to have attended Bilderberg and then shortly become leader? Four years ago, Senator Obama shook off his press detail and nipped (many think) into Bilderberg. This exact same hotel.
Did Romney have to get down on one knee in front of David Rockefeller? This sounds flippant, but it's a serious question: has Bilderberg switched allegiance? Are they going to toss away Obama after just one term?
I put this question to author and Bilderberg expert Webster Tarpley. Is Wall Street going to throw its chips in with Romney? "I think there's a frisson that's gone through the ruling class against Obama," he says. The leak we had from the flirty hotel staffer corroborated this. "They don't seem to like Obama very much," he said.
Tarpley's conclusion is this: "They want Romney and Mitch Daniels, who will run together as moderate rightists." Governor Daniels of Indiana was on the official list.
The official list is nonsense
The Washington Post saw Bill Gates come in. And I've got three eyewitnesses from inside who confirmed he was here. This is his ear:
You won't see the names Mitt Romney or Bill Gates on the officially released Final List of Participants because, well, the list is a nonsense. It's nothing like a complete list of people who attend Bilderberg. It's a smokescreen, a bit of spin. So can we all, please, stop repeating it as gospel?
The Syrian war is on
Attending Bilderberg 2012 as an 'international' participant was Bassma Kodmani.
So who is Bassma Kodmani? The answer to that question is also the answer to the question: what the hell is happening in Syria? This is where it gets interesting (and worrying) for Bilderberg followers.
Kodmani was at Bilderberg in 2008, the last time it was here in Chantilly. She is a member of the European Council on foreign relations – its parent group, the council on foreign relations, is a sort of über lobby group, a couple of rungs down from Bilderberg, but still hugely powerful.
There's a lot of CFR/Bilderberg crossover. Honorary chairman of both is David Rockefeller; co-chairman of the CFR is Robert Rubin (he was here); and on the CFR's board of directors are Fouad Ajami and Henry Kravis, both at Bilderberg 2012.
Bassma Kodmani is also the executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative. This body, set up in 2004 by the CFR, is helping to steer "a comprehensive process" of "democratic reform" in the region. In 2005, the Syrian National Council came into being. Bassma Kodmani was a founding member, and is on the executive committee. Kodmani is one of the SNC's two spokespeople, alongside Radwan Ziadeh (who has a flawless Washington pedigree – look him up). According to its website, the SNC is a non profit public policy research organization register in the District of Colombia and headquartered in Washington DC. Just up the road.
I asked Tarpley about Kodmani. He doesn't mince words. "She's a Nato agent, a destabilizer, a colour revolution queen. The fact that Kodmani was there is a scary one for Syria", says Tarpley.
To those gathered outside, at least, it looks increasingly like, at this year's Bilderberg, the war of regime change got signed off. In the airport lobby, on the way home from Bilderberg, I looked up at a TV monitor to see Bilderberg attendee and CFR board member Fouad Ajami talking about how Syria is about to become another Libya. That sound you can hear? It's all those juicy defence contracts being scratched out around Chantilly. Fuel the jets and open the champagne, boys. We're going in.
Occupy Bilderberg turned up
A statement of support from Occupy London was read out at Occupy Bilderberg. A symbol of Anglo-American unity, like Bilderberg itself. The statement protested against (amongst other things): the rise of an undemocratic "technocracy" – a "network of cronies" in which financial "experts", largely from the international banking community, who have been appointed rather than elected, are handed the reins of government.
So here you've got the (broadly speaking) liberal left protest movement, with its anti-corruption and pro-transparency agenda, finding common ground with US libertarians and an anti-Obama, anti-fascist, pro-union New Deal American like Webster Tarpley.
As Tarpley says: "Bilderberg creates a singularity, where a lot of seemingly disparate things come together." That applies not just to the people inside – megabank money and government – outside the security cordon you've got Occupy Bilderberg rubbing shoulders with US veterans, German students who've flown over for the event, truckers from Michigan, Orthodox Jews, Ron Paul supporters, anarcho-syndicalists, academics and grandmothers.
Why? In the words of the statement from Occupy London: "the profound denial of a participatory, direct democracy which the Bilderberg Conference represents."
Mainstream news turned up
Finally. The Washington Times sent Ben Wolfgang, the Guardian sent Ryan Devereaux and the Times of London actually tried to get a journalist inside – Alexandra Frean was turned away at the gates. But she tried. At least she tried. That's a start. We can work with that.
Internet ID
There was speculation before the conference that on the Bilderberg agenda this year would be how to implement a unique EU internet ID. Who would be pushing that through? Step up Neelie Kroes, EU commissioner for digital agenda.
Presumably Eric Schmidt (Google) and Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn) would have been sharing podium-space with Bill Gates at that session. That's if there was one, of course.
Collin versus the new world order
I'm not sure global governance stands a chance against Collin Abramowicz. Here – by popular request – is a last blast from the frontline of the resistance:
Hopefully Collin and I will see you all again in 2013. You can email me at – if we had 800 this year, I think we could be having ourselves a party. The Bilderburgers are on me.

Bilderberg 2012: guess who's coming to dinner
In Charlie Skelton's latest, a surprise guest slips into Bilderberg, and gets a warm reception from the 'Golden Bullhorn'
Yesterday at 4pm a limousine with a police motorcade entered the rear entrance of the Bilderberg hotel. Heavy security, heavyweight politician. Let the guesses commence: was it Romney getting the green light for the presidency? Was it Hilary, nipping in to sign off on Iran?
4pm – time to freshen up, before a mix and mingle over cocktails, and a place at the top table for an extremely noisy dinner. The noise was courtesy of the Bilderberg bullhorn disco – an iTunes playlist, blasted out at the hotel.
During cocktail hour, the delegates chatted amiably about Greek asset stripping to the tune of Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine. Over dinner, they divided up the post-invasion Iran restructuring contracts to Uprising by Muse. And just before the noise curfew kicked in, they sipped their coffee to the gentle sway of Megadeth's Endgame.
The Bilderberg bullhorns went head-to-head mid-afternoon, in the 'Best Rant' contest, for the chance to win a golden bullhorn. The rants were judged by We Are Change San Antonio and guerilla moviemaker Mark Dice. The winning rant was delivered by Steve Milroy, who said modestly, as he collected his prize: "They only voted for me because I was packing heat."

Packing noise: the weapons of choice of the 21st century patriot. Photograph: Hannah Borno for the Guardian

The security fence shook on its hinges as Milroy blasted Bilderberg. "The world is onto you!" he boomed. "We're going to grab hold of your leg like a rabid dog and we won't let go. You're choosing our next president! You're trying to tell us we have a choice between Goldman… and Sachs!" Although that's not entirely fair, as I'm sure JP Morgan and Citigroup have a say.
So, was it the next US president who was escorted inside to give the after dinner speech? Obviously we've no idea who was in the limo, but we can be certain it wasn't Kissinger. Henry's been gliding in and out with untinted windows all weekend. So much so, that people have been worrying about the effect of the sunlight on his skin. "Maybe he has a special cream that stops him melting," suggests someone from the crowd, as Henry disappears inside again and the catcalls fade.
"It's weird. He seems to feed off the energy," says Steve Davies, from Press For Truth. Steve has travelled down with his colleague Dan Dicks. I ask what prompted the trip. "Lots of big Canadians here this year," explains Dan. "We've got Alison Redford, the Premier of Alberta, Mark Carney who's the head of the Bank of Canada – he was a managing director of Goldman Sachs before he took that job. And there's the private bankers, of course. Edmund Clark and Frank McKenna – one and two at the TD Bank Group."
"It's a giant bank" explains Steve with a sigh. "But that's what Bilderberg's all about: the merging of state and corporate interests – government serving corporations. There's not much coverage in Canada of Bilderberg – but people are hungry for this info and they're not finding it."
At Bilderberg, every distinction melts away: banking/academia/ownership/leadership/politics – they all just mudge into one. Twenty-eight-year-old activist John Colonna objects to the mudge. "What we need is a separation of banking and government. We need to pull them apart. Bilderberg is where they come together. The ideology of Bilderberg is the fusion of big corporations and big government. This is fascism. This is what commentators on the liberal left don't get. They've got a blind spot."
John shakes his head tiredly. "Big corporations have taken over the government. It's actually pretty easy to figure out." The history is long and complicated, the scale of cronyism and control can be giddying, but somehow it can be made to fit on a single placard.
Speaking of giddying, I would be failing in my duty as a responsible journalist if I didn't bow to pressure from readers to stick in another photo of activist Collin Abramowicz. Here he is, smouldering angrily at the New World Order. Seriously, if there are any modeling agents watching this – every single picture I've got of Collin practically melts the screen. Oh, and I'm taking 15%. Gross, not net.
Photos and footage from this year's protest have been pouring out onto the web, and people are tired and sunburned today – but a duty to go record and protest the event has dragged them back to the action. "I shouldn't be standing here with my camera," laments Michael Agyeman, 22, an aeronautics student from New Jersey. "But if I'm not here, who's going to cover this? Where is CNN? There's a job to do, so I'm going to do it."
Students have been a big part of Bilderberg 2012. I meet Matt Bobeng and Sam Porter, both 19, from North Carolina State University. I tell Matt, a chemistry major, something that I've noticed over the years: that I find the people outside Bilderberg peculiarly intelligent. "I like to consider us smart people," he laughs. "Me and a bunch of idiots? I don't like that idea." I ask Matt what happens when he talks to his friends about Bilderberg. "People typically don't like the idea of government conspiracies. Government is their safety blanket. You tell a toddler their favourite blanket is full of lice and disease, they'll be resistant to that, they find it uncomfortable."
Sam is studying computer programming: "I have a very analytical mind, and I think it's important for everyone to make their own analysis. Go home, and do your own research." Always, from everyone here, this is the message at Bilderberg. Go and study. Look stuff up. Don't take my word for it. To which I would add, don't take Robert Kagan's word for it.
The 'party line' quote that has been doing the rounds this year is from Robert Kagan, who's a Romney advisor, arch neo-con, and co-founder of the Project for the New American Century. Of Bilderberg, he says:
"With all due respect … it's a lot of vaguely uninteresting people giving vaguely uninteresting lectures and then having nice meals in nice places."
Well, with all due respect Robert, not only is Chantilly, Virginia, not a 'nice place' (it's really, properly ghastly – a tarmac dystopia, an arms company Mecca), but maybe not everyone finds the attendees of Bilderberg "vaguely uninteresting". They might find it "interesting" that the chairman, vice-chairman, and CEO of Shell are meeting up, for a three-day conference, with the chairman of Barclays, the White House national security advisor, the head of the NSA, the head of HSBC, the Chancellor of Austria, the Lord Chancellor of Britain, the governor of Indiana, the CEO of Unilever, the director-general of the World Trade Organization, the president of the World Bank and the head of the Dow Chemical Group.
Who has to show up before Kagan finds it noteworthy…? Kermit the Frog? Rihanna? George Washington? The cast of Ghostbusters? What if Henry Kissinger promised to give the CEO of Airbus a lapdance? What could possibly make Kagan stop yawning at the sheer boredom of Bilderberg?
You must be stark staring crazy to think there's anything to worry about at Bilderberg. Matt Bobeng bristles at the fact that there's still a stigma attached to taking this summit seriously. "People say to themselves: what will people think if I start talking about that? This is effectively an ostracism of ideas."
Yesterday, at breakfast, I asked businessman and navy veteran Wayne Fritzsche if he felt 'crazy' being here – talking about Bilderberg? He smiled. "No. I feel informed."
Secret Rulers
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