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BBC3 Revolution Will Be Televised psy attack fringe festival

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:54 pm    Post subject: BBC3 Revolution Will Be Televised psy attack fringe festival Reply with quote

Starts around 4:40 in
Bilderberg 2013: Day 4

The BBC were caught trying to infiltrate the Bilderberg 2013 Fringe Festival with actors dressed up in satanic outfits, to pose as and discredit genuine visitors of the event. Once exposed, they were then briskly expelled by people who sensed a psy-op in the making.
It is so ridiculous that they are trying to discredit these types of people and events. Whether their cause is laughable or not. Everyone has a right to their own opinion and view. Whether that view is right or wrong. The visitors at the Fringe Festival were causing no trouble. Yet the BBC decide to take it upon themselves to try and frame these people as being crazy and weird..
How and why anyone would be using the BBC as their main news outlet is a mystery to me. As was rightly said BBC = British Brainwashing Channel..
They can take their dirty tricks and take a hike...!
Secret Rulers
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

precisely the same theme - what a weird lot they are the pro Bilderberg types

The Conspiracy makes paranoia fun again
Christopher MacBride's faux-documentary uses found footage to spin its tale of the shadowy Tarsus Group

John Patterson - The Guardian, Saturday 5 October 2013

The Conspiracy.

Faux-documentary The Conspiracy pulls off two tricks that alone warrant 82 crisply compelling minutes of your time: it makes conspiracy theories fun again (or perhaps it just makes them funny, as well as quite scary); and it finds new life in the increasingly threadbare found-footage genre.

Two small-scale Canadian documentarians named Aaron Poole and Jim Gilbert – the actors' real names – are profiling a conspiracy theorist named Terrance, who bears a žižek-y resemblance to those derelicts you see waving tin cups on freeway off-ramps, but who is building his own unified field theory of every conspiracy ever out of newspaper clippings, push-pins and pieces of string on his apartment wall. When Terrance disappears, the more credulous Aaron develops his theories, while Jim the sceptic holds his tongue. Key recurring elements lead them to the secretive Tarsus Group, some unspeakable combination of the Parallax Corporation, the Carlyle and Bilderberg groups, the Illuminati, and the orgiastic overdogs of Eyes Wide Shut. Their hidden hand, Aaron comes to believe, can be discerned at work in the run-up to history's most momentous events. The film-makers' obsession with Tarsus leads them to infiltrate, with concealed mini-cams, one of the the group's highly secret bacchanalian gatherings of the obscenely rich and the monumentally powerful, all reminiscent of the nude male powermonger frolics at Bohemian Grove each summer.

What's interesting is that the conspiracy theories themselves don't matter that much. Some of them are rightwing and delusional, others leftwing and ditto. Writer-director Christopher MacBride seems more interested in the paranoid mindset itself, that delicious frisson of fear and panicked exhilaration that sets in when paranoia bites deep. His characters have their apartments turned over and are followed in the streets by mysterious black SUVs and fascistic-looking bicyclists – and being documentary makers, they document everything. Armed with tie-pin cameras, they crash the seemingly benign and polite super-secret retreat, naive enough to still consider themselves the hunters and not the prey.

The Conspiracy is intentionally cheap-looking, with a lot of different stocks and exposure levels, occlusions and blackouts, but MacBride turns his apparently meagre resources into a movie that's both plausible and watchable (and not merely in the sense that all his moving cameras don't induce nausea in the viewer). It can be faulted for its predictability, but the film-making is surefooted and confident. It's a movie for anyone who secretly fears (yet also craves) the idea that 10 powerful men in a single room control the universe. Well, don't they?
Secret Rulers
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Joined: 26 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BBC caught demonizing Bilderberg protesters: "We know who you are"
During the 4th day (9 June) of the Bilderberg Fringe Festival, the BBC provoked protesters under the banner of 'satire'. Instead of covering the demonstration, the BBC were accompanied by actors dressed in satanic outfits. When they were exposed by the protesters they left the festival.

Features statement from Steve Lee the Police Liaison Officer
BBC ejected from the Bilderberg protest as they walk around dressed as possible Baphomet, Odd chap with glasses gets irate with protesters & gets even more irate after when interviewed.
It seems the irate guy with glasses was with them as he said how dare you treat US like this. On the other hand there may be nothing in it and he may just not be great at getting his point across, you decide.
What was their motives & who organised it. We got wind that there was going to be some trouble on Sunday was this it?
The guy with the rams head on was walking around handing leaflets out then snatching them away, and generally being rude to anyone he spoke with.
The program they were trying to make is possibly called "The illuminate after party" maybe by The Revolution Will be Televised.
It looks like the guy pointed out in this video could be Nick Martian, in the first part of the interview after with Nick he states that he has borrowed Charlie Skeltons video camera @08:08 secs. Just before the BBC get the boot this chap is filming a chat with himself the BBC ram guy and a police officer @00:54 secs - It would be swell if Charlie would upload the footage so we can catch what the BBC guy is telling the officer
Footage by Malcolm Massey Photo's by Rick Margetts Commentary By Sam
Secret Rulers
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