Bilderberg.org the view from the top of the pyramid of power
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TonyGosling Site Admin
Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1416 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:27 am Post subject: German Contra Mag: Bilderbergers, SS and the Fourth Reich |
Bilderbergers, the SS and the Fourth Reich
The British investigative journalist Tony Gosling revealed how empowered the military-industrial complex of the British army, and how the Bilderberg group is involved. With the Bilderbergers, the SS was reorganized and created a global financial network of the multinational military power, its impact on the people of this world are no less dangerous.
By Marco Maier
The appointment of the force as a hotheaded former officer and today's Tory MPs Rory Stewart as Chairman of the Westminster Defence Committee is viewed very critically in investigative British circles. The Bilderbergers Stewart will also be in Copenhagen this year already, and there to answer the wishes of the most powerful private clubs in the world.
Just last week precipitated the Home Affairs Committee a damning verdict on the supervision of the British military and intelligence agencies. In particular, in relation to the cost of the British taxpayer. But the criminal conspiracy by the Americans, the British and the Arab League in 2003, which led to the destruction of war in Iraq could soon be surpassed. The current events in Ukraine will be available namely certainly on the Bilderberg agenda.
Looking at history, it began from 1943 - when the defeat of Germany in World War 2 was foreseeable - to form a network, in which not only the postwar order in Europe are controlled, but this also should not be welded to the United States. The "War and Peace Study Group" of the Council On Foreign Relations of the United States developed the Marshall Plan, which was used in addition to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to keep the West Europeans from communism.
Bilderberg as a new SS elite?
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the first chairman of the Bilderberg Group and part of the German aristocracy, was an early member of the NSDAP and SS Nevertheless, he was named after the German invasion in 1941, when he fled and his family to Britain by British forces as a trusted Dutch liaison officer viewed. He coordinated the collaboration with Dutch resistance fighters and prepared before the Allied invasion of the Netherlands. But his contact man, precious Lindemans, was a double agent and delivered the plans for Operation "Market Garden" the German authorities. After the war he came under mysterious circumstances in British captivity died.
The operation "Market Garden" was through the treachery of a disaster because the element of surprise to put the British now missing. A young British captain, Lord Peter Carrington, who led the Panzer Grenadiers, was himself later part of the Bilderberg Group. Interestingly, the first meeting of the group in 1954 in Oosterbeek took place, that place where the German troops were able to celebrate the last major victory, and the British Army had to complain about 10,000 deaths.
The then wrote the Treaty of Rome, which is the foundation for today's European Union goes directly back to the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954. Tony Gosling described it this way: Just as psychopaths return again and again to the scene of their crime, and Prince Bernhard returned to Oosterbeek. As a sort of hint, hint that the Nazis nearly a decade after the defeat are back. Only just a new look.
Bilderberg - the new influential oligarchy
Some 70 years after Arnhem and 60 years after the first conference in Oosterbeek was obtained from the European Economic Community (EEC), a European Union comprises 28 countries with over 500 million inhabitants. NATO serves as the military arm of the new oligarchy, consisting of business magnates, bankers, politicians, aristocrats, scientists and media moguls. SS General Hausser said after the war that the multinational SS troops had been as it were the precursor to the NATO. Former CBS News correspondent Paul Manning described in his 1981 book " Martin Bormann in exile "the transformation of the SS from a military to a financial empire.
With the transatlantic free trade agreement TTIP, which is negotiated by Bilderberg members, compliant officials and a crowd lobbyists behind closed doors, the next level of global corporate rule is intended to represent. This enabling act for the multinationals whose heads long ago are part of the Bilderberg Group, nor snatches more parts of administration of democratic control.
The establishment of a Fourth Reich that has reached Europe and North America with a massive expansion, is now very little in the way. What Himmler once considered his elite troops, his "new nobility" for Europe, became a multinational elite of the money powerful and influential. The uniforms gave way to tailored suits, the skulls of the company logo, the MP44 the financial industry. Again, pull the cohorts to the east and chosen Ukraine as a gateway to Russia. Whoever still believes the direct financial support of Bandera hordes of rights sector is an accident, which can not be helped. The pinstripe-fascists are what make people bleed for the corporate interests.
The English articles by Tony Gosling, see here .
Bilderberger, SS und das Vierte Reich
Der britische Enthüllungsjournalist Tony Gosling deckte auf, wie sich der Militärisch-Industrielle-Komplex der britischen Armee ermächtigt, und wie die Bilderberg-Gruppe daran beteiligt ist. Mit den Bilderbergern wurde die SS neu formiert und aus der multinationalen militärischen Macht ein global agierendes Finanznetzwerk geschaffen, dessen Auswirkungen auf die Menschen dieser Welt nicht minder gefährlich sind.
Von Marco Maier
Die Ernennung des als hitzköpfig geltenden ehemaligen Offiziers und heutigen Tory-Abgeordneten Rory Stewart zum Vorsitzenden des Westminster-Verteidigungsausschusses wird in investigativen britischen Kreisen äußerst kritisch gesehen. Der Bilderberger Stewart wird auch dieses Jahr in Kopenhagen dabei sein und dort die Wünsche des mächtigsten Privatklubs der Welt entgegennehmen.
Erst letzte Woche fällte der Innenausschuss ein vernichtendes Urteil über die Aufsicht der britischen Militär- und Geheimdienste. Insbesondere in Bezug auf die Kosten für die britischen Steuerzahler. Doch die kriminelle Verschwörung von Amerikanern, Briten und der Arabischen Liga 2003, die zum Vernichtungskrieg im Irak führte könnte bald schon übertroffen werden. Die aktuellen Vorgänge in der Ukraine werden nämlich gewiss auf der Bilderberg-Agenda stehen.
Betrachtet man die Geschichte, so begann sich ab 1943 – als die Niederlage Deutschlands im 2. Weltkrieg absehbar wurde – ein Netzwerk zu bilden, in dem nicht nur die Nachkriegsordnung Europas kontrolliert werden, sondern dieses auch noch an die USA geschweißt werden sollte. Die "Krieg und Frieden Studiengruppe" des Council On Foreign Relations der USA erarbeitete den Marshall-Plan, der neben dem Office of Strategic Services (OSS) dazu dienen sollte, die Westeuropäer vom Kommunismus fernzuhalten.
Bilderberger als neue SS-Elite?
Prinz Bernhard der Niederlande, der erste Vorsitzende der Bilderberg-Gruppe und Teil der deutschen Aristokratie, war ein frühes Mitglied von NSDAP und SS. Dennoch wurde er nach dem deutschem Einmarsch 1941, als er samt Familie nach Großbritannien floh, von britischen Kräften als vertrauenswürdiger niederländischer Verbindungsoffizier angesehen. Er koordinierte die Zusammenarbeit mit niederländischen Widerstandskämpfern und bereitete die alliierte Invasion in den Niederlanden vor. Doch sein Kontaktmann, Edellindemans, war Doppelagent und überbrachte die Pläne für die Operation "Market Garden" den deutschen Stellen. Nach dem Krieg kam er unter mysteriösen Umständen in britischer Gefangenschaft ums Leben.
Die Operation "Market Garden" wurde durch den Verrat zum Desaster, da der Überraschungsmoment auf den die Briten setzten nun fehlte. Ein junger britischer Hauptmann, Lord Peter Carrington, der die Panzergrenadiere führte, wurde später selbst Teil der Bilderberg-Gruppe. Interessanterweise fand das erste Treffen der Gruppe 1954 in Oosterbeek statt, jenem Ort an dem die deutschen Truppen den letzten größeren Sieg feiern konnten und die britische Armee über 10.000 Todesopfer zu beklagen hatte.
Der danach verfasste Vertrag von Rom, der den Grundstein für die heutige Europäische Union darstellt, geht direkt auf das erste Bilderberg-Treffen 1954 zurück. Tony Gosling bezeichnet es so: So wie Psychopathen immer wieder an den Ort ihres Verbrechens zurückkehren, kehrte auch Prinz Bernhard nach Oosterbeek zurück. Sozusagen als Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl, dass die Nazis knapp ein Jahrzehnt nach der Niederlage wieder zurück sind. Nur eben im neuen Gewand.
Bilderberg – die neue einflussreiche Oligarchie
Rund 70 Jahre nach Arnheim und 60 Jahre nach der ersten Konferenz in Oosterbeek wurde aus der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (EWG) eine Europäische Union die 28 Länder mit über 500 Millionen Einwohnern umfasst. Die NATO dient hierbei als militärischer Arm der neuen Oligarchie, bestehend aus Wirtschaftsmagnaten, Bankern, Politikern, Adeligen, Wissenschaftlern und Medienmogulen. SS-General Hausser sagte nach dem Krieg, dass die multinationalen SS-Truppen sozusagen der Vorläufer der NATO gewesen seien. Der frühere CBS News Korrespondent Paul Manning beschrieb in seinem 1981 erschienenen Buch "Martin Bormann im Exil" die Transformation der SS von einem militärischen zu einem finanziellen Reich.
Mit dem transatlantischen Freihandelsabkommen TTIP, welches von Bilderberg-Mitgliedern, willfährigen Beamten und einer Lobbyistenschar hinter verschlossenen Türen ausverhandelt wird, soll die nächste Stufe der globalen Herrschaft der Konzerne darstellen. Dieses Ermächtigungsgesetz für die multinationalen Konzerne, deren Köpfe längst schon Teil der Bilderberg-Gruppe sind, entreißt noch mehr Teile der staatlichen Verwaltung der demokratischen Kontrolle.
Der Verwirklichung eines Vierten Reichs, welches mit Europa und Nordamerika eine gewaltige Ausdehnung erreicht hat, steht nun nur noch wenig im Weg. Was Himmler einst als seine Elitetruppe, seinen "neuen Adel" für Europa ansah, wurde zu einer multinationalen Elite der Geldmächtigen und Einflussreichen. Die Uniformen wichen den Maßanzügen, die Totenköpfe den Firmenlogos, die MP44 der Finanzindustrie. Und wieder ziehen die Kohorten nach Osten und erkoren die Ukraine als Einfallstor nach Russland. Wer da noch glaubt, die direkte finanzielle Unterstützung der Bandera-Horden des Rechten Sektors sei Zufall, dem kann nicht mehr geholfen werden. Die Nadelstreif-Faschisten sind es, welche die Menschen für die Konzerninteressen bluten lassen.
Den englischen Artikel von Tony Gosling finden Sie hier. _________________ http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/2149
Secret Rulers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0p-e2ng0SI
Last edited by TonyGosling on Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:08 pm; edited 2 times in total |
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TonyGosling Site Admin
Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1416 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:35 pm Post subject: |
A Bridge Not Far - was Operation Market Garden sabotaged at Lent, Nijmegen Bridge?
Keine Angst vor den globalen Eliten
Armin Medosch 14.11.2000
Die Bilderberg-Konferenzen: Geheime Weltregierung oder seniler Debattierklub?
Alljährlich im Frühsommer treffen sich die reichsten Unternehmer der westlichen Welt mit den führenden Politikern und Herausgebern und Chefredakteuren der wichtigsten Medien zu einer zweieinhalbtägigen Konferenz. Diese trägt den Namen "Bilderberg" nach einem Hotel in Holland, wo die Konferenz 1954 zum ersten Mal stattgefunden hat. Was bei den Bilderberg-Konferenzen genau besprochen wird, bleibt der Spekulation überlassen. Denn die Konferenzen finden stets in abgeschirmten Luxushotels außerhalb urbaner Zentren statt. Mini-Armeen von privaten und staatlichen Sicherheitsagenten sorgen dafür, dass sich die Einfahrtstore vor den Nasen neugieriger Journalisten schließen. Für die Teilnehmer ist es Bedingung, dass sie später nichts über den Inhalt der Gespräche verlauten lassen und die Vertreter hauptamtlicher Nachrichtenmedien sorgen persönlich dafür, dass nichts in ihren Presseorganen zu lesen sein wird.
Als Initiator der Bilderberg-Konferenzen gilt der Exil-Pole Joseph Hieronim Retinger (1888-1960), dem auch enge Kontakte zum britischen SIS nachgesagt wurden. Den geschichtlichen Hintergrund bildete das Abkühlen der transatlantischen Beziehungen zu Beginn der fünfziger Jahre. "Transnationale" Kreise in Europa wie in den USA waren an stabilen Beziehungen der Westmächte interessiert. Retinger, eine Art "graue Eminenz" hinter den Kulissen und ohne politisches Amt, involvierte Prinz Bernhard von den Niederlanden. Dieser wurde erster Vorsitzender bei der namensgebenden Konferenz vom 29. - 31 Mai 1954 im Hotel "de Bilderberg" in Oosterbeek bei Arnheim. (siehe Foto)
ieht man den politischen Einfluss und die wirtschaftliche Macht der Bilderberg-Konferenzteilnehmer in Betracht, ebenso wie die fast vollständige Geheimhaltung, so is es kein Wunder, dass sich die wildesten Verschwörungstheorien um diese Treffen ranken. Für Kritiker der Linken ebenso wie der extremen Rechten ist Bilderberg eine Art geheimer Weltregierung, die dafür sorgt, dass die Globalisierung unter dem Vorzeichen westlich-kapitalistischer Dominanz voranschreitet. Kosovo? Die NATO-Bombenangriffe wurden schon bei der Bilderberg-Konferenz 1998 in Schottland beschlossen. Die Europäische Währungsunion? Eine von langer Hand vorbereitete Intrige der "Bilderberger". US-Präsidentschaftswahlen? Bilderberg unterzieht die Kandidaten einem vorherigen Screening und entscheidet, wer gewinnen darf. Tschetschenien? Die "Bilderberger" beschlossen, dass die NATO Putin freie Hand gibt und sich die Westpresse danach in gespielter humanitärer Entrüstung übt.
Doch so unwahrscheinlich derartige Behauptungen auch klingen, eines steht fest, nämlich dass die Bilderberg-Konferenzen selbst nicht zum Reich der Verschwörungstheorien zu zählen sind. Die Konferenzen finden mit schöner Regelmäßigkeit tatsächlich jedes Jahr statt und dieses Jahr wurde die 48. Bilderberg-Konferenz in Belgien abgehalten. Das mit der Organisation betraute Bilderberg-Sekretariat hat auf Anfrage sogar eine Pressemeldung verschickt, allerdings erst nach dem Ende der Tagung. In dem lapidaren Statement heißt es:
"Die 48.Bilderberg-Konferenz wurde vom 1. bis 3. Juni 2000 in Brüssel, Belgien abgehalten. Neben anderen Themen diskutierte die Konferenz die US-Wahlen, Globalisierung, die New Economy, den Balkan, die EU-Erweiterung und die europäische extreme Rechte. Etwa 100 Personen aus Europa und Nordamerika haben an den Diskussionen teilgenommen. Das Treffen war privat, um eine offene und freie Diskussion zu ermöglichen".
Dieser letzte Satz ist eine Standardformulierung, die als Paradoxon das Bilderberg-Problem zusammenfasst. Diskussionen müssen also abgeschottet von der Öffentlichkeit stattfinden, damit sie "frei und offen" sein können. Nach einigen weiteren Erläuterungen, die wenig erhellend über den Inhalt sind und Presseerklärungen vergangener Jahre exakt gleichen, folgt eine Teilnehmerliste. Das 2000er-Treffen muss ein wenig Low key gewesen sein, was vielleicht daran lag, dass der Konferenzort in letzter Minute aus Österreich, das gerade etwas zu weit nach rechts gerutscht war, nach Belgien verlegt worden war. Gekommen sind natürlich Bilderberg-Veteranen, die seit Jahrzehnten kaum ein Meeting ausgelassen haben, wie Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, FIAT-Boss Agnelli und James D. Wolfensohn, Weltbankpräsident. Ebenfalls regelmäßig vertreten sind Personen aus der deutschen Wirtschafts-Intelligenzia. Im Jahr 2000 waren das u.a. Hilmar Kopper von der Deutschen Bank AG, Gerhard Cromme, Thyssen Krupp AG und Matthias Nass vom Hausblatt des deutschen liberalen Großbürgertums Die Zeit.
nteressanter ist allerdings, wer entsprechend den Themenschwerpunkten 2000 extra eingeladen worden war. Und siehe da, trotz ihrer vielfältigen Verpflichtungen mit ICANN fand Esther Dyson Zeit, mit Spitzen von Old Economy und Politik über die New Economy zu diskutieren. Pascal Lamy, EU-Kommissar für Handel war dabei, nachdem schon in den Vorjahren die EU-Kommissare Mario Monti und Erkki Liikanen zur Bilderberg-Konferenz gekommen waren. Und auch der EU-Verwalter für Bosnien und Herzegowina, Wolfgang Petritsch, findet sich auf der offiziellen Anwesenheitsliste Bilderberg 2000.
Die Teilnahme höchster EU-Beamter bei diesen Treffen ist ein äußerst umstrittenes Thema. Die Abgeordnete der irischen Grünen im Europaparlament, Patricia McKenna, quält die Kommission in den letzten Jahren mit offiziellen Anfragen bezüglich der Teilnahme von Mitgliedern der EU-Kommission. Der heikle Punkt ist, inwiefern EU-Politik von diesen Treffen beeinflusst wird. Auf McKennas Anfrage bezüglich des Bilderberg-Einflusses auf die Kommission antwortete Mario Monti:
"Die Bilderberg-Konferenzen sind ein internationales Forum, bei dem politische Führer und Vertreter der Wirtschaft ihre persönlichen Ansichten über Themen von allgemeinem Interesse ausdrücken, insbesondere in den Themengebieten Außenpolitik und Weltwirtschaft. Die Teilnehmer treten als Privatpersonen auf und ihre Statements sind für die Kommission nicht bindend. Es werden keine Resolutionen verfasst, keine Abstimmungen vorgenommen und keine politischen Kommuniques herausgegeben."
Gerade jedoch dieses Nicht-Herausgeben von Kommuniques ist, was vernünftige Kritiker ebenso wie Verschwörungstheoretiker erst so richtig aufstachelt. Indem die Bilderberger derartig großes Gewicht auf die "Privatheit" ihrer Diskussionen legen, wird alles für möglich gehalten. Bereits 1974 schrieb ein Kolumnist der Financial Times, Gordon Tether: "Wenn die Bilderberg-Gruppe keine Verschwörung irgendeiner Art ist, dann ist ihr Verhalten jedenfalls so, dass es den erstaunlich stichhaltigen Eindruck einer Verschwörung ergibt". Herr Tether wurde wenig später von der FT gefeuert. Chefredakteure und Herausgeber der FT zählen seit langer Zeit zu den geladenen Gästen der Bilderberg-Treffen...
benso bedenklich wie die Teilnahme von EU-Kommissaren ist die von gewählten Politikern. Waren Verteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping und Wolfgang Ischinger, Staatssekretär im Auswärtigen Amt, im Juni 1999 in Portugal etwa in ihrer Eigenschaft als "Privatpersonen" bei der Bilderberg-Konferenz, und das ausgerechnet zum Höhepunkt und Ende des NATO-Bombardements? Haben sie mit Power-Brokern wie Richard Holbrooke, USA, und Carl Bildt, Schweden, wirklich nur "private" Gespräche über die Lage der Welt im allgemeinen und auf dem Balkan im besonderen geführt, unter dem wohlmeinenden Auge eines Henry Kissinger? Haben sie ihre Flüge selbst bezahlt, um an diesen inspirierenden Gesprächsrunden teilnehmen zu können?
Ein weiterer besorgniserregender Punkt ist die Teilnahme von Politikern, bevor sie in hohe Ämter gewählt werden. 1991 wurde Bill Clinton von seinem Freund Vernon E. Jordan Jr. bei Bilderberg eingeführt, 1992 wurde er Präsident der USA. 1993 nahm Tony Blair an der Bilderberg-Konferenz teil, 1994 wurde er Spitzenkandidat von New Labour. Manche sagen, die "Bilderberger" würden Präsidenten und Regierungschefs "machen", andere meinen, die Leute aus dem Bilderberg-Kreis hätten eben die Kontakte und das richtige Gespür für die "kommenden" Leute.
Nicht zuletzt gibt es eine erstaunliche Kontinuität darin, dass alle NATO-Generalsekretäre der letzten 30 Jahre regelmäßige Bilderberg-Teilnehmer waren - Joseph Luns (1971-1984), Lord Carrington (1984-1988), Manfred Wörner (1988-1994), Willy Claes (1994-1995), Javier Solana (1995-1999) und Lord Robertson (1999- ). Die bevorzugte Erwähnung von Teilnehmern aus der Politik soll aber nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass die eigentlichen Bilderberg-Schwergewichte die Wirtschaftsmagnaten sind. Die passenderweise "Grenzwissenschaften" genannte Website zitiert Egon Bahr bezüglich Bilderberg wie folgt:
"Wenn Tausende von Milliarden Dollar in Gewicht von Zentnern zu rechnen wären, dann würde der Fußboden einsturzgefährdet sein, auf dem sich die Herren Rockefeller, Agnelli, Ford, Rothschild, Heinz, kleinere Millionäre wie Wolff von Amerongen, Herren der Banken, Minister, Präsidenten und sonstige Koryphäen bewegten, die etwas zu sagen haben, dank ihrer Stellung oder ihres Gehirns."
Und so läuft das verschwörungstheoretische Argument letztlich darauf hinaus, wie weit der Einfluss der Banker und Wirtschaftsleute auf die internationale Politik tatsächlich geht. Die auf der Seite der Verschwörungstheorie glauben, dass bei den Bilderberg-Konferenzen die politischen Konzepte entwickelt werden, die später von anderen internationalen Gremien wie G7/8, Währungsfonds, EU und NATO nur noch sklavisch abgestempelt werden. Moderatere Kritiker (und gelegentlich auch Bilderberg-Teilnehmer selbst) sprechen von "einer Art grundsätzlichem Konsens", der trotz vieler Meinungsverschiedenheiten erzielt werden würde und später vor allem zur gezielten Beeinflussung der öffentlichen Meinung führen würde.
Ein Problem gibt es allerdings auch mit den Bilderberg-Kritikern. Diese kommen nämlich überwiegend aus den USA und stehen politisch sehr weit rechts. Ihre Kritik an Kapitalismus und Globalisierung kippt nahtlos in die nur zu bekannte Rede von der "jüdischen" Weltverschwörung. Die aufgeklärte und demokratische Linke hat Bilderberg als Thema seit Anfang der achtziger Jahre als heiße (rechte) Kartoffel fallengelassen. Erst mit dem Internet, in dem bekanntermaßen Verschwörungstheorien von geheimen Weltregierungen einen hohen Beliebtheitsgrad haben, kamen die "Bilderberger" wieder vermehrt ins Gespräch.
Wieweit der Einfluss des geheimniskrämerischen Debattierklubs wirklich geht, können wir nicht beurteilen. Das Problem jedoch ist die Geheimnistuerei selbst, das bedeutsame Schweigen in den wichtigsten Medien. Eine Abfrage des Spiegel-Online-Archivs führte zu genau einem Treffer, doch dieser bezog sich auf eine Bildagentur namens Bilderberg. Mit dem Fehlen jeglicher Berichterstattung ist auch nicht überprüfbar, was unsere EU-Vetretern und Politiker bei den Bilderberg-Konferenzen tatsächlich treiben. Anstatt aber vor lauter Angst vor der angeblichen Allmacht der Banker und Politiker in Ohnmacht zu fallen, sollten wir uns zuletzt noch ein Zitat von Marshall Mc Luhan in Erinnerung rufen. Nachdem er 1969 an einer Bilderberg-Konferenz teilgenommen hatte, soll er gesagt haben, er sei "beinahe erstickt von der Banalität und Irrelevanz" der Gespräche und beschrieb die Teilnehmer als "durchgängig von der Geistesverfassung des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, aber vorgebend sich auf das späte zwanzigste Jahrhundert zu beziehen".
Der Großteil der Materialien, die diesen Artikel ermöglichten, findet sich auf der Website ◥Bilderberg.org von Tony Gosling, einem ehemaligem BBC-Radiojournalisten. _________________ http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/2149
Secret Rulers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0p-e2ng0SI
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TonyGosling Site Admin
Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1416 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 5:37 pm Post subject: |
This is based on the following article from September 2014
A betrayal too far: Only brutal honesty will do at Arnhem’s 70th anniversary
Beginning his working life in the aviation industry and trained by the BBC, Tony Gosling is a British land rights activist, historian & investigative radio journalist. Over the last 20 years he has been exposing the secret power of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and élite Bilderberg Conferences where the dark forces of corporations, media, banks and royalty conspire to accumulate wealth and power through extortion and war. Tony has spent much of his life too advocating solutions which heal the wealth divide, such as free housing for all and a press which reflects the concerns of ordinary people rather than attempting to lead opinion, sensationalise or dumb-down. Tony tweets at @TonyGosling. Tune in to his Friday politics show at BCfm.
Published time: 1 Sep, 2014 13:03
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British veterans attends a commemoration ceremony to mark the 63th anniversary of Operation Market Garden, the battle of Arnhem at the Airborne monument in Arnhem, 21 September 2007 (AFP Photo) / AFP
From Wednesday 17th to Friday 26th September this year thousands of friends and relatives of the fallen and the final few who fought there 70 years ago will gather to commemorate the Battle of Arnhem.
Anniversary, UK, History, WWII, Germany
In 1944, as the Allies were heading for Berlin, British Airborne troops were dropped in to take the Arnhem bridge, and the US 82nd Airborne the penultimate Nijmegen bridge. British tanks of XXX corps chugging up the road as reinforcements – at least that was the plan.
Known to most through the 1977 feature film, “A Bridge Too Far” (directed by the late Sir Richard Attenborough), Operation Market Garden was the biggest airborne operation in history. Over 40,000 American and British soldiers, with artillery, jeeps and light armored vehicles were dropped, by parachute and hundreds of gliders, behind German lines.
The objective was to liberate a large slice of Holland, cross the Rhine, grab a bridgehead into the industrial heartland of the Ruhr’s Nazi war machine, and end the war by Christmas 1944. Instead the mission's failure brought a colossal 16,000 casualties, and left a 60-mile finger of Allied troops sticking into German-held territory leading nowhere. A disastrous “Hongerwinter” of bitter starvation followed the military failure, where an estimated 22,000 Dutch civilians starved to death under Nazi occupation.
But as both sides gather in 2014 to remember, and puzzle over, one of the most enigmatic and engaging battles of the war, the organized evil of fascism is again legitimized, active and growing in Europe. Right now the legacy of Hitler's “Crooked Cross” is a political force, notably in Greece, with the Golden Dawn party, and Ukraine, with the openly pro-Nazi Pravy Sektor party.
“Did we,” many of the old soldiers will be wondering, “really finish the job in 1945?”“Have our leaders set us on the right path with their War on Terror determined to vanquish terrorism from the face of the Earth?”“Or has that enemy been deliberately 'cooked up' by the real enemy within?”“Will our children again have to confront this totalitarian menace in our midst before social justice triumphs and the cult of fascism and gangsterism is winkled out forever?”
At many of the twenty-four now mostly abandoned airfields all over the south and southeast of England from which the airborne Market forces took off, you’ll find war memorials to the thousands that died trying to liberate Holland. We owe it to those 11,000 or so that never returned to expose both the mistakes in and lies about the battle. 4th Parachute Brigade commander General Sir John Hackett, in the foreword to “The Devil's Birthday,” described it as “an absorbing field of study which is by no means fully exhausted.” In plain talk, perhaps, “a can of worms.”
After the success of the Normandy Invasion, back in June 1944, the hard slog to Berlin was on. US and British generals were vying for the precious ammunition, food and other supplies being shipped over the English Channel. British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery in the north won the tussle and was granted, in Operation Market Garden, a last chance to prove that audacity and imagination might make a quick end to the war in Europe. The traditional slugger, US General George S. Patton in the south, would have to bide his time.
Major Brian Urquhart was an intelligence officer in the planning of Market Garden. When he was shown aerial reconnaissance photographs of the 9th and 10th SS Panzer divisions “resting” just outside Arnhem he demanded a total rethink. British Airborne chief “Boy” Browning, though, would have none of it and Urquhart was unceremoniously put on sick leave. After the war Brian Urquhart went on to become Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations. He blamed the failure of the operation firmly on the incompetence and vanity of those in charge.
Of all the British airborne leaders, Colonel John Frost is roundly thought of as the most able, so much so that the bridge at Arnhem is now named after him. His 2nd battalion fought their way into Arnhem and held on to the bridge for three days and nights in the face of an enormous German force.
In his 1980 autobiography, “A Drop Too Many”, Frost makes it crystal clear that the pre-drop intelligence that the German Panzer divisions were in the area was kept from him. “We had been given absolutely no inkling of this possibility,” he relates. Indeed, airborne commander Browning actually diluted what he knew into a deliberate deception for Frost. “There were said to be some SS recruits in the Arnhem area without guns or armor.”
At the Arnhem Bridge “hanging on by their fingernails” with Colonel Frost was Brigade Major Tony Hibbert, who I was privileged to interview in 2012. Like so many others in Arnhem, he felt let down by the ground army that never came. His insistent desire, though, was that the Polish General Stanisław Sosabowski, stripped of his command and scapegoated by Browning for the operation's failure and who sadly died in poverty in 1967, should have his rank restored and be posthumously honored by the British Army.
Led by a donkey
Despite commanding all three airborne divisions, according to William F. Buckingham's book, “Arnhem 1944”, Eton-educated General “Boy” Browning “had no operational airborne experience at all.” Instead of ferrying fighting men, he used 36 of the precious aircraft and gliders to bring in his lavish headquarters on a peripheral objective, the Groesbeek Heights, and after ordering US General Gavin to forget about his main objective, the Nijmegen bridge, instead to take up positions around his headquarters. As John Frost put it, his main objective, “Nijmegen bridge was there for the walk-over.”
Browning spent the first day cruising about in his jeeps and making a trip across the nearby German border, into the Reichswald Forest, joking that he could take the credit as the first British officer to urinate on Germany. Adopting a more serious pose, he had his photograph taken for the home press as the first British officer to set foot on German soil.
Possibly Browning’s most damning act though, when the desperate fight for the Nijmegen bridge was at its height, was to turn down the aid of an entire air-landing formation waiting in England who were straining to get in on the fight. Major General Hakewell-Smith, commanding the 52nd Lowland Division, offered to come to Browning’s aid but was rebuffed, as Geoffrey Powell records in his “The Devil’s Birthday: The Bridges To Arnhem 1944,” with the reply, “Thanks for your message but offer not repeat not required as situation better than you think.”
After the war, Browning landed a top post as Comptroller of the Royal Household, that of Treasurer to both the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. But despite the top job he remained an alcoholic throughout his two post-war decades and was forced out of his responsibilities for the Duke of Edinburgh's finances in the 1959 by a nervous breakdown.
Tanks take 18-hour break 11 miles from Arnhem
The burning question of Market Garden though remains Captain Peter Carrington's and his great Grenadier Guards' tank break. Eyewitness 82nd Airborne Captain Moffatt T. Burriss recounts the words of General Horrocks, in charge of the tank reinforcements of XXX Corps, promising the collected Allied commanders, poised to take the penultimate Nijmegen bridge. “My tanks will be lined up in full force at the bridge, ready to go, hell-bent for Arnhem. Nothing will stop them.”
Instead, once Burriss and his men had taken the bridge, Horrocks, now with a clear run to Arnhem, ordered his men to take an 18-hour break, by which time Frost’s men at Arnhem Bridge had been defeated, and the battle was lost.
Historians and soldiers have argued, and will continue to argue, over why Horrocks’ depleted Corps of tanks, at least 100, failed to make that final 11-mile cruise to Arnhem on the evening of Wednesday 20th September, 1944.
Not enough ammunition, we are told. Well, one tank that did make the trip on its own through Lent and out the other side was described by its commander Sergeant Robinson pumping “round after round” into a lone German assault gun, then moving further up the road to do the same into Lent church from which unholy fireball a company of SS Panzer Grenadiers were observed to scatter in disarray.
Darkness, making it impossible for anti-tank guns to sight and range, might be the perfect cover for a tank advance and Lloyd Clark reveals in his 2008 book Arnhem, “Jumping the Rhein, 1944 and 1945,” that Horrocks “was a great advocate of the night tank attack.” Even Colonel Frost points out how vulnerable the German soldiers were at night. According to the maestro, “They had one major weakness in that they did not relish fighting by night… then was the time to advance on them, to bypass them, to do what one wanted.”
Not enough infantry is another excuse given for the halting of the tanks, but Horrocks had the crisp 130th Brigade of the 43rd Infantry Division twiddling their thumbs just south of Nijmegen, which he appears to have forgotten about. Not only that, scores of 82nd Airborne paratroopers that had taken the Nijmegen bridge were leaping up onto, and on one occasion even into, British tanks, expecting to accompany them on the 20-minute ride to Arnhem.
Then there was the “boggy terrain” of the lowlands which meant the tanks would have to stick to the mostly elevated dyke roads. No problem, according to German General Heinz Harmel, who insisted later that he had no forces to block the way and the British had made a big mistake staying put. “If they had carried on it, would have been all over for us,” he told the author of “It Never Snows In September: The German View of Market Garden,” former British Army Colonel Robert Kershaw.
Having taken the Nijmegen bridge, Captain Moffatt Burris was the first to arrive at Captain Carrington’s Sherman tank, parked triumphant but motionless by the north ramp. When urged to head north to relieve the British Airborne at Arnhem, Carrington refused to budge, saying his orders were to “stay here and wait for the infantry.”
When I interviewed Moffatt Burriss, he testified: “I cocked my tommy gun, pointed it at his head and said, ‘Get down that blankety-blank road before I blow your blankety-blank head off." Carrington explained politely that Captain Burriss surely didn’t expect him to obey orders of a foreign officer, but then, Burriss says, Carrington “ducked into his tank and locked the hatch” so, as Burriss recalls, “I couldn’t get at him.”
Over the subsequent hour-and-a-half in-between the Nijmegen bridge and the little town of Lent that evening, a succession of ever higher-ranking American Airborne officers turned up to have a word with Captain Carrington in his tank. “Why aren’t you going?” demanded Capt. Burriss’ CO, Major Cook. Half an hour later 504 Parachute Infantry Regiment’s Colonel Tucker arrived, telling Carrington: “Your boys are hurting up there at Arnhem. You’d better go. It’s only 11 miles.” Just before dark, around 8pm, the top US officer, General Gavin himself, arrived and told Carrington: “If they were my men in Arnhem we would move tanks at night, we would move anything at night to get there.”
Carrington was after all, just following orders. His divisional commander, Major General Allan Adair, who commanded the Guards Armoured Division in which Carrington served as a captain, left only a sketchy memoir of the battle. (Adair spent much of the post-war years as Yeoman of the Guard, ceremonial bodyguard to the monarch. In the 1960s and 1970s, he took up the less ceremonial office of Deputy Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons.)
Tank corps commander General Brian Horrocks, who was ultimately responsible for the 18-hour halt at the crucial point in the battle, is rumored by some, including military publisher Christian Bace, to have left a letter with another military publisher Leo Cooper, only to be opened after he died. According to Leo's wife, the novelist Jilly Cooper, Horrocks' letter is a complete mystery. Either it was lost, or it never existed at all.
But perhaps the greatest enigma connected with Arnhem was not to take place until a decade after the battle itself. In the self-same suburb of Oosterbeek, known as the Hexenkessel, or “witches cauldron” where, surrounded by overwhelming German firepower, so many British soldiers lost their lives, NATO’s secret political lobby was inconspicuously born.
In the chair at the first-ever “Bilderberg conference” in 1954 was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former SS officer who was in on Market Garden's planning, peering over Monty’s and Horrocks' shoulders. Many believe he was instrumental in sabotaging the Allies’ efforts at Arnhem 10 years before.
The Prince was the British Army’s Dutch liaison officer for this planned liberation of his adopted country. Bernhard’s trusted agent for Market Garden was Christiaan Lindemans, codename “King Kong”. So why the questions about whether Prince Bernhard was actually still a Nazi? Because when he was smuggled across into German lines on Thursday 14th September, Lindemans deliberately took everything he knew of the Dutch underground resistance network and the Market Garden plans straight to German Army intelligence. Bernhard's star player was a double agent.
Those who questioned whether it was wise to trust a former German aristocrat and SS officer, which Bernhard was, in that Dutch liaison role would have been reminded that King George VI himself had instructed Naval Intelligence officer Ian Fleming to give him security clearance. But like something from a plot which Fleming would later pen as author of the James Bond thrillers, other Allied forces, specifically the US Army and Royal Navy, refused to allow Bernhard anywhere near their secret facilities.
Another important figure in the drama of Market Garden, Peter Carrington, later Lord Carrington, also went on to chair the Bilderberg conferences. As UK Defence Secretary, Carrington was responsible for the army in Northern Ireland on Bloody Sunday in 1972, where 26 civilian demonstrators were shot by the British army, 13 of whom died of their wounds. Many point to this as the spark that ignited two-and-a-half decades of the Northern Ireland troubles. After several years as Foreign Secretary to Margaret Thatcher, Carrington resigned to become Secretary General of NATO for four years in the 1980s, moving on to chair the elite Bilderberg meetings for eight years through most of the 1990s.
Bilderberg is where the transatlantic banking, royal, media and corporate elite give our politicians their orders, and has been meeting annually in Europe or North America from 1954 to this day. Its connection to NATO is umbilical, yet often overlooked, as all Bilderberg steering group members and important attendees are from the NATO countries.
NATO's Nazi ties go right back to the supposedly defensive alliance's first meetings. Quoted in AJ Barker’s “Waffen SS at War”, HIAG, the SS veterans association's chief after the war, former Eastern front Panzer corps General Paul Hausser, “claimed that the foreign units of the SS were really the precursors of the NATO army.”
Critics point out that, through politically motivated state terror campaigns such as Operation Gladio, which left hundreds of innocent European civilians dead, right through to liaison with Ukraine's far right paramilitaries UNA/UNSO, NATO’s covert operations with fascist groups have been continuous since the end of World War II. As Italian “gladiator” Vincenzo Vinciguerra put it in a BBC Timewatch documentary: "In 1945 World War Two ended, and World War Three began.”
Was Market Garden sabotaged?
The evidence has mounted over the decades to support the idea that there was not just incompetence but a conscious “lack of enthusiasm” amongst some senior British army officers for Market Garden to succeed. That evidence has led some to link the disaster at Arnhem and Nijmegen with the wider “endgame” of World War Two, and the ultimate creation of the anti-democratic European Union which Bilderberg conferences have so successfully put in place.
Though it was never admitted in German propaganda, the Nazis' defeat became obvious a few weeks before the ill-fated Falaise Gap battle of August 1944 signified the beginning of the end of the Third Reich.
The titans of German industry hastily arranged the “Red House Meeting” in Hotel Rotes Haus, Strasbourg for August 10th, setting plans in motion to “bury the Nazi treasure”. They were practical men, determined to keep control of their doomed war industries and ready to go underground, only to resurface after the war to take their cut of the Nazis' looted wealth.
Hitler had friends amongst the Allies, particularly in the United States where, in 1934, the patriarch of the Bush dynasty, Prescott Bush, attempted to overthrow the US government in a military coup which was only thwarted by plucky US Marine Colonel Smedley Butler. The unrepentant Prescott Bush was prosecuted twice during WWII under the “Trading With The Enemy Act”.
Deals were done toward the end of the war through the OSS with this US Nazi faction in exchange for Hitler's war machine technology, particularly for rockets and missiles as well as uranium and plutonium for the Manhattan Project’s nuclear weapons. Apart from a shared hatred for anything left-wing, particularly communism, the Germans also held bargaining chips of a massive hoard of artworks, gold and securities their armies had looted from the treasure houses of European capitals.
Operation Market Garden’s failure put the conduct of the remainder of the war and arrangements for post-war Europe firmly into US hands but it would need the cooperation of some of the top Brits to throw the fight.
Failure at Arnhem also gave the Nazis a much-needed extra four months, to 1st May, 1945, in which to transport everything and everyone of value out of Germany, to hiding places in Switzerland and far-flung corners of the world such as Argentina and Indonesia.
After the war, Bush's fellow Nazi sympathizers, brothers Allen and John Foster Dulles, were busy laundering much of the Nazi loot through their New York law firm Sullivan and Cromwell. John Foster ran the State Department, and his brother the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The Dulles' Nazi continuity regime which Kennedy tried, and failed, to break, had set the US on an immediate aggressive foreign policy post-war.
The Dulles brothers' enthusiasm for corporate lobbyists like the Council on Foreign Relations, who they were happy to let dominate the State Department, created the climate whereby John F. Kennedy could be assassinated in 1963 with impunity, sending a clear message to all US presidents and candidates not to cross the all-powerful US military industrial complex.
‘History will be kind to me. I know because I will write it.’ – Winston Churchill
Just before he set off for June 2014’s 70th D-Day anniversary, I was privileged to chat, off the record, to one of Britain’s most respected military historians. A former senior army officer who has written the most detailed account of the crucial Nijmegen part of the Market Garden battle, told me: “Oh no. I won’t be going to the Market Garden anniversary. It’s got way too political.”
Establishment “groupthink” historians have so massaged events at Arnhem and Nijmegen that telling the truth would put writers and historians in the West “beyond the pale”. All except one, that is. William F. Buckingham, commissioned by Oxford University’s Hew Strachan, wrote the most damning account of Market Garden, “Arnhem 1944,” in 2002. In it, Buckingham rightly shreds what might be left of the reputation of airborne commander “Boy” Browning.
Echoing the theme of Powell and Pressburger's 1943 film, “The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp,” that “jobs for the boys” mean failures in self-seeking, entrenched, ossified leadership, which in wartime spells disaster. Browning put General Roy Urquhart in charge of 1st Airborne Division “because he was pliable”.
“The crux of this particular problem,” Buckingham says, “was the British Army’s tendency to value personal recommendation over specialist experience or operational expertise.”
With the rise of the Bilderberg faction, that “problem” has now grown to mammoth proportions throughout Europe and America. Formalizing privilege and promotion through gentleman's clubs and secret societies in Britain has so enforced a “them and us” culture that we are heading back to Victorian levels of preventable, beggar-thy-neighbor homelessness, hunger and deprivation. Ever widening social division, and the viciousness that comes with it, has become de rigueur.
The prosperity of a parasitic, gangster elite has become the only priority, at the expense of everyone but the favored few. Authoritarian society has spread like a cancer where politics, education, religion and the media is all being denuded, sucked dry in a stranglehold of debt.
As the last of the old soldiers gather in Nijmegen and Arnhem for this, their last decade, we owe it to those who died at and after Arnhem, and to our children, not to pussyfoot around when it comes to nailing those Nazis and their collaborators. Because the politics of racism, greed and betrayal that Hitler was so determined to impose on Europe in World War Two is now back with a vengeance. _________________ http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/2149
Secret Rulers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0p-e2ng0SI
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TonyGosling Site Admin
Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1416 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 1:35 pm Post subject: |
Bang up-to-date Marco Maier article
France: The economic collapse is only a matter of time
in economy & Finance, economy, Europe 26. May 2016 26 Comments
For years, France is struggling with a difficult economic situation, which was as a result of the financial crisis significantly worse. Strikes, protests and disruptive actions could now lead to a collapse. Long the "Grande Nation can no longer afford" the dangerous Mix in the environment.
By Marco Maier
France is burning at all corners and Ends. The second largest economy of the Eurozone is struggling both in terms of state finances, as well as on the economic and social level, with massive problems. This is further compounded by the protest actions of trade unions and other left-oriented groups, the smallest Softening of the EU-by far probably the most rigorous in the labour market to try to prevent laws.
The recent trade Union revolt against the Reform of the French labour market by the socialist government, is only the tip of the iceberg. Across the country in strikes and protests, and even the power supply is attacked. The refineries are already blocked for a long time, so that the fuel supply device to a Halt.
The pugnacious Frenchman worsen, but it is only the already extremely tense economic and financial situation of the country. The measures should continue for a few weeks, this will cost up to one percent of economic output – the corresponding loss of tax revenue is included. And those are just the direct consequences.
Because for international companies in France is becoming less attractive and more and more French entrepreneurs are thinking about moving their production abroad. Too much bureaucracy, very strong workers ' rights, high non-wage labour costs, extremely high taxes and a high level of strike readiness of the trade unions are a difficult mix. The existing abuses should stop, would be a GDP loss of more than five percent and more by 2020 is conceivable. Poor future prospects for the French. _________________ http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/2149
Secret Rulers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0p-e2ng0SI
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KMER8 Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 25 Nov 2017 Posts: 20
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 4:37 am Post subject: |
"The British investigative journalist Tony Gosling revealed how empowered the military-industrial complex of the British army, and how the Bilderberg group is involved."
Further evidence supporting that the mega corporation CGI serves The Bilderberg Group...
"For 40 years CGI has been a global provider of information services to the defence and intelligence agencies of the UK, Canada, USA and across Europe."
"UK MOD appoints CGI to help transform education and training for British Army Signallers
CGI to conduct assessment of operational training and provide recommendations for introduction of e-learning for British Armed Forces
"CGI to provide support for UK Ministry of Defence Fire Control Battlefield Information System Application (FC BISA)
Distributed command and control application supports battlefield effectiveness of Infantry and Artillery"
"The "War and Peace Study Group" of the Council On Foreign Relations of the United States developed the Marshall Plan."
All 5 founders of CGI, formerly known as American Management Systems or AMS, are members of the Council On Foreign Relations.
"NATO serves as the military arm of the new oligarchy"
"CGI was awarded a contract as NATO's consulting partner...CGI has been delivering defense systems for over 37 years. Our secure managed services support operations around the world. 23 NATO headquarters in 14 countries use systems exclusively developed by us for their business, every day, so we have the experience and expertise."
"We have developed the NATO Document Handling System which over 25,000 NATO staff in 14 countries utilise on a daily basis."
"Working With CGI For Nato"
"élite Bilderberg Conferences where the dark forces of corporations, media, banks and royalty conspire to accumulate wealth and power through extortion and war."
CGI -"We serve 22 of the top 30 banks globally and 23 of the top 25 banks in both North America and Europe. Our top 10 banking clients have worked with us for an average of 25 years."
CGI was formerly known as American Management Systems or AMS "AMS clients include Fortune 500 companies and federal, state and local government agencies in North America and Europe."
"CGI has a long-standing partnership with Microsoft that provides us with unique knowledge of Microsoft services and solutions."
"As an IBM Premier Business Partner, CGI offers clients access to IBM's software portfolio, which includes DB2, VisualAge, Datacap and more. In addition, we develop new software using IBM tools and offer a wide range of IBM services."
The evidence proves that CGI have taken over the media in Canada to control and manipulate what is reported to the public to serve The Bilderberg Group - though this important information has never been reported in the mainstream media - just like The Bilderberg Group have also done in the U.S. For example, CGI are partners with Bell who own CTV News in Canada...
"CGI and Bell Canada announcing major strategic alliance."
"Bell Media Inc. (French: Bell Média) is the mass media subsidiary of BCE Inc. (also known as Bell Canada Enterprises, the parent company of the former telephone monopoly Bell Canada). Its operations include television broadcasting and production (including the CTV and CTV Two television networks), radio broadcasting (through Bell Media Radio), digital media (including CraveTV) and Internet properties including Sympatico.ca."
"CGI Awarded Prime Contract on Multiple-Award ID/IQ with US$2.5 Billion Program Ceiling by the U.S. Army Forces Command"
"CGI awarded $92.5M in contracts to support U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) programs"
"France: The economic collapse is only a matter of time"
"CGI expands cybersecurity capabilities by opening new security operations center in France"
"Thinking collectively makes all the difference.
"CGI selected by UGAP, France’s national procurement agency, to bring its consulting and IT skills to the public sector
Paris, France, February 4, 2013 -
CGI Group Inc., (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), a leading provider of information technology and business process services, is pleased to announce its selection by the Union des Groupements d’Achat Public (UGAP), the only general public procurement agency in France, to provide information technology consulting services to the public sector in France, including the national government, territorial communities and hospital sector. The €9 million agreement, which is country-wide..."
...and on and on and on. Step by step The Bilderberg Group are using CGI to take over the world.
[/b] |
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TonyGosling Site Admin
Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1416 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:22 pm Post subject: |
for the sake of balance - - not very credible though in my opinion!
An Obsession Too Far
September 17, 2014 8:51 PM
RT manages to find the hidden anti-Ukrainian angle in an Anglo-American World War II battle In Holland.
RT, the Russian-government-owned news network formerly known as Russia Today can’t change its mind but also won’t change the subject.
The international channel is marking a tragic anniversary from the Great Patriotic War: Operation Market Garden. Seventy years ago Wednesday, the Western plutocracies, ravenous to grab land and resources from the international workers before the mighty Red Army completed its liberation of Europe, launched the largest airborne operation in history.
Market Garden dropped 40,000 British, American, and Polish paratroopers along a narrow corridor in the Netherlands, with the intention being for the airborne troops to seize and hold an intricate network of bridges and create a carpet over which a British armored corps would roll, eventually gaining the Allies a toehold on the east bank of the Rhine in the Dutch city of Arnhem. The tough and ultimately unsuccessful offensive has been commemorated in Cornelius Ryan’s excellent 1974 book A Bridge Too Far and in Richard Attenborough’s woefully underappreciated 1976 Hollywood adaptation of that book. (The 1946 British movie Theirs Is the Glory is also available in its entirety on YouTube, focusing on the battle of Oosterbeek and featuring many veterans of the campaign, with shooting in original locations.)
But RT’s Tony Gosling, in the article “A betrayal too far: Only brutal honesty will do at Arnhem’s 70th anniversary,” says the dwindling handful of veterans of the 1944 struggle are seeing their pride overshadowed by, of all things, the misbehavior of Russia’s pro-Western opponents in 2014 Ukraine:
The objective was to liberate a large slice of Holland, cross the Rhine, grab a bridgehead into the industrial heartland of the Ruhr’s Nazi war machine, and end the war by Christmas 1944. Instead the mission’s failure brought a colossal 16,000 casualties, and left a 60-mile finger of Allied troops sticking into German-held territory leading nowhere. A disastrous “Hongerwinter” of bitter starvation followed the military failure, where an estimated 22,000 Dutch civilians starved to death under Nazi occupation.
But as both sides gather in 2014 to remember, and puzzle over, one of the most enigmatic and engaging battles of the war, the organized evil of fascism is again legitimized, active and growing in Europe. Right now the legacy of Hitler’s “Crooked Cross” is a political force, notably in Greece, with the Golden Dawn party, and Ukraine, with the openly pro-Nazi Pravy Sektor party.
“Did we,” many of the old soldiers will be wondering, “really finish the job in 1945?” “Have our leaders set us on the right path with their War on Terror determined to vanquish terrorism from the face of the Earth?” “Or has that enemy been deliberately ‘cooked up’ by the real enemy within?” “Will our children again have to confront this totalitarian menace in our midst before social justice triumphs and the cult of fascism and gangsterism is winkled out forever?”
Gosling, for reasons of his own, declines to quote any actual Market Garden veterans expressing any of the sentiments he attributes to them — let alone engaging in Soviet-style rants against “gangsterism” and fascism in Ukraine. You may be a little foggy on what a long-ago battle in the Netherlands has to do with Russia’s struggle over Ukraine today (maybe it’s that Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 originated in Amsterdam?), but Gosling’s a big-picture man. (It is true that many Ukrainians initially welcomed the Nazi invasion as a liberation from the USSR and that Germany found many willing Ukrainian collaborators.)
- Airborne March Oosterbeek Arc Photo
Operation Market Garden saw some feats of breathtaking heroism, in particular from the American 82nd Airborne Division and the British First Airborne Division, which held out around Arnhem for nine hopeless days, suffering 80 percent casualties and eventually evacuating a remnant back across the Rhine at night. (Some Brits ended up swimming buck-naked across the legendary river.)
The causes of the operation’s failure have fascinated generations of armchair generals, but they are not particularly mysterious. Market Garden was built around nearly impossible logistics, a highly unrealistic timetable, and an excessive number of high-impact variables, the failure of any one of which (several ended up going wrong) could doom the operation. Most scandalously, the airdrop was made in the face of credible intelligence indicating two German armored divisions were positioned along the route. History has also looked unfavorably on British armored forces who failed to push quickly enough through the final eight miles of the route while there was still hope of capturing the Arnhem bridge.
But Gosling says the failure of Market Garden was Bush’s fault:
Hitler had friends amongst the Allies, particularly in the United States where, in 1934, the patriarch of the Bush dynasty, Prescott Bush, attempted to overthrow the US government in a military coup which was only thwarted by plucky US Marine Colonel Smedley Butler. The unrepentant Prescott Bush was prosecuted twice during WWII under the “Trading With The Enemy Act”.
Deals were done toward the end of the war through the OSS with this US Nazi faction in exchange for Hitler’s war machine technology, particularly for rockets and missiles as well as uranium and plutonium for the Manhattan Project’s nuclear weapons. Apart from a shared hatred for anything left-wing, particularly communism, the Germans also held bargaining chips of a massive hoard of artworks, gold and securities their armies had looted from the treasure houses of European capitals.
Operation Market Garden’s failure put the conduct of the remainder of the war and arrangements for post-war Europe firmly into US hands but it would need the cooperation of some of the top Brits to throw the fight.
Gosling in his bio claims to have been “trained by the BBC,” and his Bilderberger fantasias are tricked out with erudite references to Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger as well as some comments on the unsavoriness of the Dulles brothers. But failures like Market Garden (of which there were many along the western Allies’ road to victory) brought long-term pain for reasons Gosling isn’t professionally inclined to mention. At that late date, the World War II end game had begun, and the final shape of the postwar zones of influence (between the West and the Soviet empire) was still being determined. Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman gave away too much to Stalin, but to some degree they were constrained by facts on the ground. Every day wasted on the Western Front meant more square miles captured by the Russians in the east. Ending the war by Christmas might have spared countless Eastern Europeans from postwar oppression.
But maybe that’s giving Gosling’s tortured connections more attention than they will bear. The real revelation here is how grim it must be to labor in Vladimir Putin’s international media gulag. When you have to lace even your World War II–anniversary thumbsuckers with denunciations of the “parasitic, gangster elite” that threatens Putin’s troubled commonwealth, you’ve got less in common with the heroic paratroopers of 70 years ago than with the escapees from a local insane asylum who (true story) greeted them when they landed.
— Tim Cavanaugh is news editor of National Review Online. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. _________________ http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/2149
Secret Rulers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0p-e2ng0SI
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