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Could Brexit in June 2016 unleash economic/political storm?

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:16 pm    Post subject: Could Brexit in June 2016 unleash economic/political storm? Reply with quote

The sort of excellent analysis as not seen on the BBC
I'm starting to think a 'Brexit' is a good idea and I never thought I'd ever say that
Lianna Brinded Oct. 1, 2015, 4:39 PM

Britain is going to have to decide whether the UK stays in the European Union by the end of 2017 – and for the first time ever, in my view, the arguments for us breaking ties with Brussels are looking more appealing.
Britain exiting the EU – "Brexit" – wasn't something that I've ever thought was a good idea, either financially or politically.
After all, each of the 28 nation members are in it together, working under a single market ideal, where policies and laws are enacted for the good of all countries and do not give a distinct advantage to one more than any other another. Right?
Well, I don't think so anymore.
Seeing how the markets and politicians have dealt with the eurozone sovereign debt crisis, the worst refugee problem since World War II and constant squabbles over EU lawmaking that wrecks national sovereignty, I've become fully unstuck from the mud of the pro-EU camp and will sit on the fence until we vote.

The EU referendum is not the same as the Scottish referendum
Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron gestures as he delivers a speech at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre in Aberdeen, Scotland September 15, 2014. Cameron appealed to Scots' emotions on his last visit to Scotland before this week's historic referendum by warning them on Monday that a vote to leave the United Kingdom would be irreversible. The referendum on Scottish independence will take place on September 18, when Scotland will vote whether or not to end the 307-year-old union with the rest of the United Kingdom.REUTERS/Dylan Martinez
Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron .
Naturally people will ask why I believe that Britain should potentially leave the EU but still believe Scotland should be part of the UK.
Mainly, as with most of my arguments, it's the economics – cold, hard numbers. Scotland had a much better case decades ago for breaking off from the rest of the UK without cutting off their nose to spite their face.
Scotland massively depends on oil for revenue, and in the 1980s it would have probably been able to argue that the country's economy was strong enough to sustain jobs and its own balance sheet.
However, the landscape has changed and the resource that the Scottish National Party highlighted as a jewel in the country's crown doesn't shine anymore. The North Sea oil industry is in dire straits. OPEC statistics show that average oil output in 2013 from the North Sea clocked its lowest level since 1977, and prices have plunged.
Scotland depends on the rest of the UK for its pensions, its welfare and for jobs. Leaving the UK would've been horrific.
However, Britain is not in the same boat as Scotland, and we shouldn't treat both referendums the same way. The political and economic situation is far more complex.

No single market
We are meant to be operating under the bloc's Single Market mechanism as an EU member.
The EU describes it as "one territory without any internal borders or other regulatory obstacles to the free movement of goods and services." It's basically meant to stimulate competition and trade, improve efficiency, and helps cut prices.
We are meant to operate as one. Basically, it only works if all countries are identical and work as a hive, like the Borg in Star Trek. That sounds like a Utopian ideal, and it has not worked at all.
Take a look at the complete schism between the economic growth of the UK, Germany and the rest of the Eurozone.
Britain's performance has more in common with the economic recovery in the US than the Eurozone. It doesn't really look like we need the EU. It needs us.
Britain is sitting pretty at the moment regardless of the political camp you hail from. Unemployment is just 5.5%, which is pretty much as close to "full employment" as we can get. Inflation is low, real wages are rising at a solid pace, and more people are able to get on the housing ladder. We are also one of the key financial centres in the world.
Now compare it to the unemployment rate in these countries and the rest of the Eurozone as a whole:
Doesn't really look like a Single Market right? Certain countries are propping up Europe's economic figures, while others are still stagnant or practically in recession.
At the beginning of September, my colleague Oscar Williams-Grut pointed out that the so-called Single Market has a massive problem – Germany.
German manufacturing is a booming behemoth, while almost every other nation bar Greece is at some sort of low. Britain's manufacturing sector is not he same as it was back in 1950s, and we now depend a lot on imports and exports (I will come to this later).
Greece's rebalancing towards exports has been achieved simply by imports collapsing. All you need to do is take one look at that country and realise there is nothing about that nation that is rebounding at the moment.

At the mercy of Germany
Concerns over the Single Market being a whole load of poppycock are more relevant than ever, especially since the eurozone debt crisis of 2009.
First and foremost, even though we are meant to be part of one big unit, we have no fiscal union to address underperforming areas.
In Britain, for example, London may generate greater amounts of wealth than certain regions in the country. If somewhere like Nottingham was struggling, the money is redistributed to pay for welfare or prop up the local economy. Infrastructure, like new railway lines, could be installed to link cities and create greater connection for people working or looking to expand business.
In the EU, we don't have this. Just look at Greece and the sorry mess it is. Sure, we lend money and force them to gut their country from the inside out, but a loan is not a re-distribution of wealth. Countries that need to devalue their currency to spur exports can't. The bloc is not a "single" anything.
The EU isn't doing as well as it used to and it's really down skewed economic reporting that suggests the eurozone is doing great. As demonstrated before, Germany is propping up manufacturing growth figures.
Take a look at how the EU really isn't as well-positioned as it was when Britain entered the bloc in 1973:

The EU's economy is "shrinking relative to other countries across the globe" and its population is ageing. In 2020, the ratio of working-age people to pensioners in the EU will be 3:1, while in 2050 it'll be 2:1. This is according to a Business for Britain report published in June, which had Mark Littlewood of the Institute of Economic Affairs, John Mills of JML, and fund manager Helena Morrissey of Newton on its editorial board.
They added that tax payments to the EU, the level of bureaucracy, and the changing population are all contributing to greater cost for the nation.

Destroying national sovereignty
Relinquishing national sovereignty sounds a lot like right-wing hooey, but having a look at how the EU has operated in the worst of times hasn't resolved any of these concerns.
Sovereignty is meant to be when a state has the absolute power to govern itself, make, execute, and apply laws, and impose and collect taxes.
Of course, being part of a union means we should all technically share that burden and have a say in what laws are enacted, while also making sure others aren't penalised to the advantage of other nations. It shouldn't be all bad.
Take a look at Greece again. The country has teetered on the brink of collapse so many times, it might as well jump off the cliff. But it can't because it's stuck with loans it doesn't want, that seem near impossible for it to pay back.
The one time it did show some semblance of sovereignty or power was at its referendum on the bailout. The public voted against the extremely harsh (and arguably necessary) conditions in exchange for emergency cash. And we all know how that turned out – an utterly pointless exercise.
All that happened is that Greece wound up owing its creditors so much that they used it against them in their next round of negotiations.
Angela Merkel glances at British Prime Minister David Cameron during a State Banquet at the Schloss Bellevue Palace on the second day of a four day State Visit on June 24, 2015 in Berlin, Germany.
German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said radical left-wing Greek finance minister Yannis Varoufakis "strains the solidarity of European partners" shortly before his departure from the government.
And what happened to Greece – well the referendum didn't make a difference and it still had to go back to its creditors with its tail between its legs.

Renegotiations look impossible
There are a few things that Britons are getting really tired of, and a growing mountain of examples to show how the UK doesn't really have much of a say in what happens within the bloc.
Since 2010, the EU has introduced over 3,500 new laws affecting British business. Business for Britain highlighted in its report in June that the sheer volume of red tape that affects the UK is costing billions.
"The British Chambers of Commerce has shown that the total cost of EU regulation is £7.6 billion ($12 billion) per year," said the report. "Since the Lisbon Treaty came into force in December 2009, it has cost British businesses £12.2 billion ($19.3 billion) (net) in extra regulation."
Furthermore, Britain doesn't really as much of a say as I thought.change or go 4Business for Britain
"The Commission proposes new laws in the EU, but the UK’s representation has declined dramatically and many officials are adamantly opposed to the sort of changes that the UK seeks," says the report.
"When the UK joined the EU in 1973, we had 20% of the votes. Today we only have 9.5% of the votes. British MEPs voted against 576 EU proposals between 2009 and 2014, but 485 still passed and became law."
While the UK Prime Minister David Cameron has publicly said that he and George Osborne would prefer to stay as part of the EU but under renegotiated terms, genuine reform seems highly unlikely to happen.
He is reportedly being repeatedly snubbed.

Zero say over policies
Migrants pass under a highway security fence as they try to find a new way to enter Hungary after Hungarian police sealed the border with Serbia near the village of Horgos, Serbia, September 14, 2015.
Britain shouldn't leave the EU and shut the borders because of fears of immigration, but the position the country has been put in is an extremely uncomfortable one.
As demonstrated, Britain's economy and society is unique. It doesn't fall into a hive mind of Europe. No country within the European Union does, that's why a Single Market doesn't actually exist.
However, the way Brussels has handled the worst refugee crisis in over half a century is not making it easy to bat away concerns over sovereignty and understanding of the different needs of a country.
The United Nations said on October 1 that it was expecting 700,000 migrants and refugees to reach Europe via the Mediterranean sea this year. The same amount again in 2016.
Britain, as well as the rest of Europe has to tackle this but by forcing countries to blanket quotas, which is what was bandied around over the last month, it is only making it even more apparent that there is one way – their way or the highway.
Economically, take a look at the financial transactions tax (FTT) proposal. The FTT, more commonly known as the Robin Hood Tax, places a 0.05% on trades involving stocks, bonds, foreign currency, and derivatives.
However, the European Commission is aiming to launch the FTT in January 2016 with slightly different tax calculations — 0.1% on shares and 0.01% on bond transactions where at least one of the parties was based in the EU.
The Conservative government, the financial sector, and various business groups are heavily against the FTT. The Tory-led government hates the tax proposition so much that UK Chancellor George Osborne even had to go through the length of launching a legal suit against the FTT plan which was adopted by 11 EU states.
Basically, even if Britain doesn't sign up for it, the UK would be still financially penalised if it does business with other countries that sign up for FTT.
Now, I am still not fully up for Britain leaving the European Union – there are still a huge amount of advantages of staying in. But the argument for leaving is not looking as scary as I first thought.
We are a nation that depends on imports for energy and goods and in turn of being part of the EU we have a decent mechanism for trade. Severing links could easily make it more expensive to import or ship goods.
But, at the moment, if Cameron is unable to renegotiate Britain's terms of membership under the EU, I fear I may have do the previously unthinkable and vote for a Brexit.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Brussels Business – Who Runs the European Union?
March 16th 2012 The power of lobbies


The Brussels Business - Who Runs the European Union? - which puts the spotlight on the power of the lobbying industry in Brussels - is to have its Belgian Premiere at the Millenium Documentary Film Festival in Brussels on Thursday 19 April 2012. Corporate Europe Observatory was approached by the filmmakers at the start of their project and our early work features prominently in the film, which tells the story of how industry lobby groups heavily influenced the EU's development from the 1980s onwards.
Since that time, the presence of industry lobbyists in Brussels has grown – as has their influence and the corporate agenda is clearly visible in the EU’s policies – including in its response to the crisis. This year, CEO celebrates its 15th birthday – and in May this year we will be marking the event with a conference that highlights the corporate influence on the current crises facing the European Union.
Here’s how the film-makers introduce “The Brus$els Business” movie:
“In the early 1990s two young men come across the huge influence of lobbying on the EU decision-making in Brussels. One starts to investigate and fight it and becomes the EU’s leading lobby-watchdog, the other becomes a high profile lobbyist for 40 multinational companies.
The film dives into the shadowy world of lobbying, the secretive networks of power and big business influence on EU-policy-making in Brussels. It tells the non-official version of the European Integration since the 1980s, the story of the neoliberal take-over in European politics.
At a time when Europe is facing a deep crisis that can bring the world economy to collapse this film tries to answer one question millions of people ask themselves: Who runs the European Union?”

You can find more information about the “The Brus$els Business” on the website and more information about the Millenium Documentary Film Festival here.
The movie will enter cinemas in other countries over the coming months, while the TV version will be showed on ARTE, Belgian, German and Austria TV in the autumn.
Further reading
“The Brus$els Business” features a number of important cases of industry influence over the last 15-20 years which Corporate Europe Observatory has researched and documented. Here’s a selection of recommended reading:
Europe Inc. – Regional and Global Restructuring and the Rise of Corporate Power, 2000, Pluto Press, London.
The 2nd edition (2003) of Europe Inc. can still be ordered on line from Pluto Press.
Here you can download pdfs of three chapters:
Writing the Script: The European Roundtable of Industrialists
Polishing the EMU: The Association for the Monetary Union of Europe
Doing Business in Amsterdam: The ERT, UNICE and the Treaty of Amsterdam

“MAIGALOMANIA! Citizens and the Environment Sacrificed to Corporate Investment Agenda”, report on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), February 1998.
“WTO Millennium Bug: TNC Control Over Global Trade Politics”, report about the proposed Millennium Round of negotiations in the World Trade Organisation, July 1999.
“Would you bank on them?”, report about industry capture of the high-level EU advisory group on the financial crisis, February 2009
The power of lobbies
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:22 pm    Post subject: Unintended Consequences Reply with quote

No one was more surprised than David Cameron when the Tories won an outright majority in the 2015 election - opinion polls did not predict the result and may, themselves, have influenced the outcome!

Consequently, after the unexpected victory, Cameron had no choice but to try and keep his party together by agreeing to hold a referendum on EU membership. The momentum seems to be for Brexit as the EU is incapable of solving the escalating refugee/immigration crisis and it hasn`t got the financial and political institutions needed to deal with global crises when they occur.

So..the UK leaves the EU...Scotland leaves the UK to join the EU...other EU members push for reform...the Global markets react badly to continual uncertainty and bad news and an already fragile World economy goes into meltdown!

All thanks to David Cameron trying to save the Tory Party.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In the span of this 12 minute interview with Charlie Rose on Brexit and the EU, Micklethwait opens with “I am delighted to be associated with any erosion of democracy”. He harkens to the Ken Clarke pro-EU glory days, recalls Ed Balls’s story about Jacques Delors getting EU buyin, credits George Osborne’s tight money policy as effective versus for the UK versus a Larry Summer loose policy, admits that the EU was and is a project of the elites in the face of populism, and admits that globalization has fueled populist anger at the elites.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fascinating Kevin - as ever dear boy Wink

The British steel, car, aviation, film, fishing, rail, electronics and farming industries...
- where have they all gone since Ted Heath joined the EEC in 1973?

This Brussels Business documentary is by far the best thing I've ever seen on the EU
Please circulate as far and wide as you can
We used a clip on Friday [47:30mins in] from near the end where they talk about the CEO and EU Commission reaction to the 2008 crisis
2008 financial crisis. Clip from documentary ‘The Brussels Business’ about the EU: the eight wise men who were employed to look at 2008 financial crisis – all had links to the banks and businesses that caused the crisis.
Here it is on the original film:
Was working with these Corporate Europe Observatory people back in 1998 over in Amsterdam
Top types
The background to it all in the German cartel system - becoming the 'Common Market' (for the German cartels!) I have only ever seen describe cogently in one book
Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile by the forgotten CBS wartime journalistic genius, Paul Manning (1983)

What BBC won't tell you about Brexit: Why leave EU? Decline of Britain since 1973 EEC Tony Gosling

King Mervyn, ex head of Bank of England, says another financial crash inevitable as banks haven’t been reformed:

All the best for the poss. coming war and deffo. financial tsunami which the banksters hope will cover all their crimes, war, child and otherwise.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

BY JOSH LOWE ON 3/14/16 AT 5:36 PM
A British Union Jack flag and a European flag, March 3, 2016. Britain's Brexit debate is getting increasingly heated.
MPs and a government minister from David Cameron’s Conservative party have slammed foreign leaders who intervene in the “Brexit” debate, with one blaming the “international Bilderberg group.”
Speaking in the House of Commons on Monday, Philip Hollobone, a Conservative backbench MP, said: “How can it be in any way acceptable for members of Her Majesty’s Government from the Prime Minister downwards to encourage foreign heads of state to comment on the EU referendum?
“Is this not demonstrative of the fact that the international Bilderberg Group is ganging up against the British people?”
The Bilderberg group is an informal, off-the-record discussion group for leaders of business, politics, academia and other elite figures from around the world. It is also a favourite target of conspiracy theorists.

EU referendum: Bilderberg group is ganging up against British voters, claims Tory MP
Foreign leaders intervening in the EU referendum campaign is evidence that the secretive Bilderberg group is "ganging up" against British voters, a Tory MP has claimed.
The international group of politicians, business leaders and academics is known for holding an annual conference behind closed doors.
One of the more outlandish theories about the group is that it is run by a race of humanoid creatures descended from lizards.
Philip Hollobone, the Tory MP for Kettering, believes the group is seeking to influence the referendum. Meanwhile, Eurosceptic minister Chris Grayling warned foreign leaders not to get involved.
Mr Hollobone said: "It is quite right that Her Majesty, our sovereign, should have no views on important issues such as the EU referendum.
"How can it be in any way acceptable for members of Her Majesty's Government from the Prime Minister downwards to encourage foreign heads of state to comment on the EU referendum?
"Is this not demonstrative of the fact that the international Bilderberg group is ganging up against the British people?"
Mr Hollobone made the point during an urgent question in the Commons on whether the Government should launch an investigation into claims the Justice Secretary Michael Gove revealed details of Eurosceptic comments reportedly made by the Queen.
Mr Grayling replied: "I would discourage any foreign leader from entering the debate at the moment.
"This is a matter for the British people and it should remain so."
Meanwhile, Peter Bone, the Tory MP for Wellingborough, hit out at reports that Barack Obama is going to call on the UK to vote to remain in the EU when he visits next month.
Mr Bone said: "Do the Privy Council rules extend to previous colonies which might now have a president who might want to come over here and tell us how to vote in the EU referendum?"
The Speaker of the House John Bercow said: "I think we know of the president of whom you speak.
"The president is a most illustrious individual but last time I looked he was not a member of the Privy Council."
George Osborne and Ed Balls have both attended the Bilderberg conference in the past.
The events are held under Chatham House Rules, meaning that while participants can use the information received, comments and views should not be publicly attributed to any individual.
No minutes are taken of meetings, and no resolutions are proposed.

Read more
Bilderberg Group meeting: Big business set to lobby politicians on the future of the EU
Bilderberg Group: Four things we know about the secretive meeting of the global elite and one thing we'll never know
Bilderberg 2015: George Osborne and Ed Balls attend meeting of global elite in Austria
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What the BBC won't tell you about Brexit I
Decline of Britain since 1973 - EEC & EU as Financial Warfare machine - Tony Gosling

What the BBC won't tell you about #Brexit II
Documentary evidence the EEC & EU was designed in 1942 in Berlin by the Nazis - Tony Gosling

What the BBC Won't Tell
You about Brexit - II
EU 1942 origin in Nazi Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft
Pippa Jones - Tony Gosling
Easter Monday 2015

Sounds incredible but here's some of the proof
The Document [pdf]

Nazi Origins of the EU & German Imperialism

This show focuses too much like the global media on Anglo-American imperialism, ignoring the imperialism of the EU, especially Germany which never de-nazified. Some sources:

The NAZIS and FASCISTS who founded the THE EU and their influence today - speech by Rodney Atkinson:

Text of that speech:
This is not in audio format, but I would be willing to read it if it would be turned into an episode eventually. A translated economic conference from the height of Nazi German conquest in 1942 that shows the EU was a long-standing German plan to bureaucratically restructure Europe to their advantage:

The European Economic Community - Berlin 1942:
Would also be willing to read out this, the Red House Report:

Rodney Atkinson: German dominance not unintended
by SPARTA on APRIL 3, 2013
Rodney Atkinson
Rodney Atkinson
From: Rodney Atkinson
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 3:18 PM
Subject: German dominance not unintended


Mr Millar’s article on Germany and Europe grossly underestimates the extent to which German dominance in Europe was planned. “Might is right in politics and war” said the former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, while the former German Foreign Secretary said “Germany should now get all that Europe and the whole world refused in two world wars – a sort of smooth hegemony over Europe”. While Hitler had said of 1930s Czechoslovakia that they had no choice about joining the Third Reich because “the points are set” so Helmut Kohl used the same metaphor when he promoted the break up of Czechoslovakia in the early 1990s.

Germany’s Euro with its headquarters in Frankfurt is crippling the social and economic fabric of Europe and unelected technocrats were imposed on both the Greeks and the Italians as their “leaders”. Germany’s ruthless treatment of Greece and Cyprus contrasts with Greece’s generous post war aid to Germany after 1945 while the leader of the German Social Democrat party said that Italian democracy had “elected two clowns”.

German Europe has broken up both Czecohoslovakia and Yugoslavia, destroyed 27 national constitutions, 27 national parliaments and 17 central banks and pursued policies of supranational bureaucratic power and anti democratic centralisation all too reminiscent of the 1930s and 1940s. We can accept that indibidual German voters did not know what their country was doing but we cannot believe their politicians were so innocent.

- See more at:

Nazi BMW Threatens The British – MagDa Goebbels Would be Proud

Posted By: Rodney Atkinsonon: March 04, 2016In: News Print Email
The German car company BMW has threatened its workforce in Britain that “although leaving the EU was a matter for the British voter” actually leaving would affect the company’s “British work base”. The email to staff added: “Tariff barriers would mean higher costs and higher prices and we cannot assume that the UK would be granted free trade with Europe from outside the EU.” Given the enormous German (and EU) trade surplus with the UK there would of course be no threat at all if Britain left since the EU and German car makers in particular would be decimated by any loss of UK trade.

This thinly veiled and disgraceful threat by BMW to its workers and to Britain if we vote to restore our democratic self governance must surely lead to the cancellation by all patriots of any orders for BMW cars.

This arrogance and anti British attitude by BMW is nothing new as the company has for years been dominated by its founding family the Quandts who in the 1930s and 40s were especially close to the Nazi regime, contributing to Hitler’s personal election fund.

The company was at the 1944 Red House meeting in Strasbourg with the SS to plan post war Nazism with the help of German companies. Harald Quandt who with his half brother Herbert founded BMW was the son of Magda Goebbels (Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Chief) by her first marriage to Guenther Quandt. Guenther Quant married Magda in 1931 with Adolf Hitler as best man.

During the war Hitler gave Quandt the title of “Wehrwirtschaftsfuehrer” (Leader in the War Economy) and he certainly lived up to the title supplying ammunition, rifles and using slave labourers from concentration camps.

Magda Goebbels was not just married to Josef Goebbels she was a fanatical Hitler supporter herself and wrote in 1945 (just before she and her husband murdered their children and committed suicide) to her son Harald:

“My dear son! By now we’ve been in the Fuehrerbunker for six days already, Daddy, your six little siblings and I, will give our national socialistic lives the only possible, honourable ending,”

The major shareholders in BMW today are therefore Goebbels’ step grandchildren and the direct descendant of Magda Goebbels, a Nazi so fanatical that she killed her own children by Goebbels (in Hitler’s Bunker) rather than let them grow up in a non Nazi Germany.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did this ever get here? From 10 days before voting day.
Just before Jo Cox MP was shot dead? No? Sorry!

Bilderberg Chairman Warns Brexit Possibility "Extremely High"
by Tyler Durden
Jun 14, 2016 3:01 PM
Just day after their mysterious annual meeting in Dresden, it appears The Bilderberg Group's gravest concern is Brexit. While everything from The Middle East to Donald Trump was on the agenda, the remarks this week from AXA CEO (and Chairman of The Bilderberg Group) Henri de Castries that there is an "extremely high" probability that the U.K. will vote to leave the European Union and investors will face “a true landscape of uncertainties," suggest the establishment is concerned.

As Bloomberg reports, neither the U.K. nor the EU region is prepared for negotiations that would follow a vote to leave on June 23, de Castries said at a conference in Paris...

“If they remain, the situation isn’t simple either, and this is underestimated by lots of people,” because the result will be interpreted differently by each side, he said.

De Castries, who is stepping down from France’s largest insurer at the start of September, became one of the few executives to speak out on the likelihood of a British vote to exit the EU. The Sun, Britain’s biggest-selling newspaper, backed a so-called Brexit on its front page on Tuesday. Several polls on Monday also put the “Leave” campaign ahead. The pound and European stocks plunged.

If the U.K. votes to leave the EU, any complacency in the subsequent negotiations could encourage some other countries to seek special treatment within the political bloc, threatening "to accelerate the unraveling of Europe," de Castries said.
Think that this is a "tempest in a teapot"? Think again. If the chairman of The Bilderberg Group is worried, then that means all of these entitites are 'worried' and preparing...
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