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Emannuel Macron - new French presidential Bilderberg puppet

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PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 11:17 pm    Post subject: Emannuel Macron - new French presidential Bilderberg puppet Reply with quote

"Kissinger invited Macron to Bilderberg in 2014, along with François Baroin & Christine Lagarde."

Ecco chi è Edouard Philippe, nuovo primo ministro francese
Laureato a Sciences Po e specializzato all'Ena, Edouard Philippe si è avvicinato alla politica al fianco di Michel Rocard (socialista), poi la svolta a destra con Alain Juppè

"Kissinger invited Macron to #Bilderberg in 2014, along with François Baroin & Christine Lagarde."

Talking of post war Nazi power networks
Check Emmanuel Macron
Mainstream media clueless

Charlie Skelton @deYook
Macron "does not have a major party machine behind him".
… Luckily, he has other things behind him...

Emannuel Macron - der Bilderberg- und Rothschild-Kandidat
Secret Rulers

Last edited by TonyGosling on Wed May 17, 2017 5:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Presidential : the call of the Freemasons against the FN and against abstention
Sébastien Maillard, the 13/04/2017 to 17h35

With the approach of the presidential election, seven masonic obediences French sign a "call" republican " against the Front National, without giving other instructions than to take part in the election
The masons also invite the other parties to do "their own self-criticism" and, more broadly, to rethink the dominant economic model

Marine le Pen in The meeting. / Francois Nascimbeni/AFP
In a unique way before a presidential election, seven masonic obediences in france, made public, on 13 April, a " call " republican ". Worrying about a surge of " national selfishness and (to) the impulses of identity ", the re-emergence of " old prospects who have done so much wrong in the past " and opposing " racism, to the hatred of the other " their text is in the hollow of the national Front. The signatories were immediately recognized by presenting their appeal to the press in Paris, from the headquarters of the Fédération française du droit humain, a masonic obediences signatories which, in the aggregate, together with 160,000 members.

Against the FN, and beyond

"There is an urgency before the néoboulangisme (1) what is the FN, which has not cut with its roots,"commented the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France, Christophe Habas, the other signatory. The call occurs just after the controversy around the words of Marine Le Pen on the raid of Vel d'hiv, but the leaders of the masonic explain have prepared their text earlier, " for at least a month" in the face of a president of the FN, which remains in the lead in voting intentions.

READ : Marine Le Pen, an ambiguous relationship to the Story

"It is not intended that the FN ", added, however, one of the signatories, citing without naming them " the current downward movements for social rights and other movements, outside parties ". Their report regrets in particular that the " political word (is) is blurred by (..) reprehensible practices ", an allusion perhaps to the court cases involving French prime minister François Fillon.

"Voting is more than ever essential "

If they are unanimous to ask " not to vote for the FN ", as another signatory, has stated bluntly to the press, the masons do not give to much " any instructions to vote ", or they do not engage in an analysis of the programs.

They call to " do not give in to the temptation of forbearance, which is a part of the youth. " To exercise his civic duty by turning out to vote is more than ever essential,"they write, while the level of participation could be among the lowest for a presidential election, according to several polls.

TO READ : A young person declares to abstain in the first round of the presidential

Even if it was intended explicitly to the presidential election, the text of the freemasons also endeavours to register beyond this date, inviting them to " regenerate and revive the democratic space ". " We need to build and not to be afraid ", conclude the signatories are concerned about the rise of populism in outside also of the Hexagon.

Discredit politics and the economy deregulated

"Regardless of the outcome of the election, it is necessary to think of a new popular democracy ", says Christophe Habas, who committed " the traditional parties to make their own self-criticism " in front of " a drift to the discredit of politics ". " Our goal is to ask ourselves how we got there ", he explains to The Cross.

A request for introspection, which is not without reminding us of that own to the bishops of France, who has just over six months, issued a brief essay entitled Rediscovering the meaning of the policy.

TO READ : The bishops call to refound policy

The masons remind them of their commitment to corporate " anxious not to consider the human being as a variable of adjustment in an economy deregulated ". " You can't serve warm water, which strengthens the extremes ", said the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France, taking on " the single thought liberal dominant " and " the adoration of the divine market " : " it is necessary to take out the austerity policies that affament peoples ".

Asked if the persuasions supported Jean-Luc Mélenchon – who takes publicly be a freemason and defends a project fundamentally antilibéral –, Christophe Habas responded that the candidate of " the France insubordinate " was " standalone " and without " dependence, ideological " in regard to them, without criticizing his program on the merits.

TO READ : The main protestant Church of France goes up to the niche against the FN

Sébastien Maillard
Inscrivez-vous pour recevoir l'essentiel de l'actualité de La Croix.

(1) Reference to the boulangisme, a political movement that brings together at the end of the XIXe century, under the name of general Boulanger, of the opponents of the IIIe Republic.
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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2017 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ecco chi è Edouard Philippe, nuovo primo ministro francese
Laureato a Sciences Po e specializzato all'Ena, Edouard Philippe si è avvicinato alla politica al fianco di Michel Rocard (socialista), poi la svolta a destra con Alain Juppè

Here is someone who is Edouard Philippe, the new French prime minister
A graduate of Sciences Po and specialized at the Ena, Edouard Philippe, he approached the political side of Michel Rocard (socialist), then the right turn with Alain Juppè

Raphael Binelli - Mon, 15/05/2017 - 16:55
The name of Edouard Philippe was already circulating since weeks. The mayor of Le Havre and deputy of the party Les Republicains, has been appointed French prime minister by Macron.

Macron has appointed the "gaullist" Philippe

Marine Le Pen of the new head of the National Front
Born in Rouen in 1970, the son of teachers, is a graduate of Sciences Po , and immediately after, he attended the Ena, the school of public administration French, from 1995 to 1997. His debut in politics is on the side of Michel Rocard, socialist prime minister Francois Mitterand. The commitment of Philippe it was in the moderate left, with a turn to the right, the Ump, after that Rocard was dismissed from the guidance of Ps.

After Philippe has worked alongside Alain Juppè, in the years of the birth of the Ump, the party neogollista founded in 2002, which was subsequently transformed into "Les Republicains" (2015). Since 2010, Philippe mayor of Le Havre, in addition to being a member of parliament, representative of the 7th district of Seine-Maritime.

Of childhood and youth, recalls some strict rules: "No damage to the books, the only luxury good of the family", "it is forbidden to criticize the teacher, "it is better to get good grades in school". Then the abitur in Bonn, Germany, where his father had been transferred as the director of the French school. After a year of preparation he entered the university, Sciences Po, where he spent "three years from sognio" and in which he discovers the charm of the capital city. Between the benches of the university and falls in love with the law: "Requires that the reasoning, the logic, the eloquence and rigor in the writing".

After the specialization at the Ena, which ends in 1997, he started his career with the State Council, specializing in commercial law. Remains there for five years, but his desire to take care of the "public" more and more increases. A desire that he felt already as a boy, when his father followed the political talk shows on Antenna 2.

The encounter that changes your life is in 2001 with a politician for a long, Antoine Rufenacht the mayor of Le Havre. Is the first citizen to call him. Offers to enter in the list as a city councilor. Once elected, he was given the role of deputy manager in the office legal Affairs. Her first battle election important place in 2002, just after his marriage. Gives the assault to a constituency impregnable, the 8^ of Seine-Maritime. That same year, Alain Juppé proposes to participate to the foundation of the Ump, the moderate party that aims to unite all the political formations of the centre-right. Philippe holds the position of manager up to the forced resignation of Juppé, took place in 2004. Subsequently, carries out the activities of lawyer, in a large studio, and is elected regional councillor of Haute-Normandie (2004-2008).

The relationship with Juppé is now consolidated. He goes into his cabinet, to the ministry of Ecology and Development. October 24, 2010 the council of the municipal of Le Havre elected him mayor, after the resignation of Rufenacht. The engagement that takes place concurrently with that of member of parliament, of the 7th constituency of Seine-Maritime. In 2016 is part of the staff election of Juppè, to the primary of the political party "Les Républicains". And the same year he participates in the meeting of the group Bilderberg.

At the beginning of march this year, in the framework of the scandal Fillon, left the team of the candidate of the centre-right presidential. And waiver to recur in the parliament in respect of the ban on the cumulation of mandates. A short break from the imopegno direct policy, since macron calls him, soon after, for the leadership of its first government.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kadima! En Marche!
by Thierry Meyssan
After having successively elected an agent of the CIA and an employee of the emirs of the Gulf to the Presidency of the French Republic, the French have been ripped off a third time, this time by an Israeli product. They believe that they have chased away the spectre of fascism by voting for a candidate supported by NATO, the Rothschilds, all the companies of the CAC40 and the unanimous Press. Far from understanding their mistake, they are still in a trance, and will probably not wake up before the end of the general elections.

As soon as his victory was announced, democratically elected President Emmanuel Macron defined a distance between himself and the People. Refusing to mingle with the crowd, he took a long, solitary walk across the courtyard of the Louvre where his supporters were gathered.

The team of elected French President Emmanuel Macron has managed to hypnotise the French nation. They managed to fabricate the election of their protégé with two thirds of the votes cast – a young man, only 39 years old, whose party was created on the Internet just one year ago, and who had until then never stood in any election.

Steele & Holt

This exploit was realised by the team of Steele & Holt, a mysterious company whose name refers to the TV series Remington Steele, a police procedural in which the director of a detective agency asks a thief (Pierce Brosnan) to play the rôle of her boss in order to serve as her cover.

Don’t bother trying to find out who is hiding behind this company – you’ll find nothing. Except for the fact that its two main clients are AXA and the Rothschild family. Everyone knows that Emmanuel Macron worked for the Rothschilds, but it’s a well-guarded secret that they organised his party. As for the insurance company AXA, it is presided by Henri de La Croix, fifth Duke of Castries, who is also president of the NATO think-tank (the Bilderberg group), the Bosphorus Institute (Turkey’s think-tank) and, in France, the Institut Montaigne (a right-wing think-tank).

Henry Kissinger also incidentally invited Macron to the annual meeting of the Bilderberg group in 2014, along with François Baroin and Christine Lagarde.

The Bosphorus Institute made it possible to identify and corrupt various personalities from the right and the left who lent their support to Macron.

The first meetings of the new party were held in the offices of the Institut Montaigne, whose headquarters were declared as the personal address of the Institut’s director.

Kadima !

The name of the new party - En Marche !, was chosen in order to have the same initials as its candidate. Otherwise, it would have been called En Avant ! In Hebrew - Kadima ! When it was pointed out to general Ariel Sharon that the name of his new party evoked the name of Mussolini’s party - Avanti ! - he retorted that that was not the case at all. En Avant ! was the order he gave to each of his special teams, for example when he invaded Beirut against the advice of his military staff.

Kadima ! and En Marche ! are centrist parties assembling personalities from the right and the left. Ariel Sharon was a well-known « centrist » who created his party in order to break away from Benjamin Netanyahu. Sharon was a colonialist who wanted to create a Palestinian state on the model of the South African Bantustans. For him, apartheid was the only way to preserve Israël. On the other hand, Netanyahu is a Talmudist. He refuses to accept the idea of sharing Palestine with the goyim. For him, they must be expelled, if they can’t be exterminated.

We will no doubt learn later why Macron wanted to break with the Socialist Prime Minister, Manuel Valls. For the moment, it’s enough to note the insistance with which Valls attempted to join En Marche ! and the flippancy with which Macron rejected him, to see that there is a serious conflict between them.

Fascism En Marche

In order to launch Macron, Steele & Holt – in other words NATO and the Rothschilds – relied on the old pro-US network of the Fondation Saint-Simon. Together, they staged the « peril Le Pen », so that many electors who are strongly opposed to Macron nonetheless voted for him for fear of a possible victory by the « foul beast ». Since there was little for which they could blame Marine Le Pen, they accused her of the crimes of her father... and many others.

This manipulation shows that in our « showbiz society », form is more important than content. Indeed, what are the characteristics of fascism ? The end of the class struggle, thanks to corporatism, which unites bosses and workers in the same organisations, the end of the right-left dialectic thanks to a unique party, and consequently, the end of all opposition by the use of force.

While the first of these three characteristics might have been applied to the vision of Jean-Marie Le Pen, none of them are valid for his daughter – however, the first two are applicable to the vision of Emmanuel Macron. He is supported by all the major bosses of the CAC40, as well as by the CGT. He does not question the capacity of the right- and left-wing parties to defend the values to which they claim to adhere, but calls their leaders to join him in his party to defend their common interests. There can be no doubt that if the general elections go the way Macron hopes, the destruction of the opposition will begin. Indeed, the unanimous support of the written Press for candidate Macron, and the campaign against dissenting Internet sites, give us a taste of things to come.

History repeats itself – in 1940, the French supported Philippe Petain in order to preserve themselves from Nazism, but it was Petain who installed fascism. In 2017, they voted for Macron in order to preserve themselves from fascism, yet he will be the one who installs it.

A hijacked campaign

It’s true that some electors were disturbed both by the unusual personality of the candidates and by a wealth of propaganda methods which have never been used in Europe since the Second World War.

At the age of 15, Emmanuel Macron had a sexual relation with his drama teacher, who was 23 years older, moved in with her, and then married her 15 years later. Marine Le Pen inherited the presidency of her party from her father – she first of all cleaned it up, and then excluded him from it. In psychoanalytical terms, Macron married his mother, and Le Pen killed her father.

Above all, Emmanuel Macron’s team did not hesitate to accuse his rivals of the worst forms of treason, without any logic, certain that the local and national Press – which it already controls in its entirety – would not dare to express the slightest criticism. The right-wing candidate, François Fillon, is now perceived as a thief, although not one of the accusations levelled against him has been verified. Marine Le Pen is considered to be the incarnation of fascism, although she has never supported the positions with which she is charged.

A solitary victory

As soon as his election was announced, President Macron gave a short speech from his campaign headquarters – a string of platitudes pronounced with the ponderous demeanour of a man who has suddenly felt the weight of his responsibilities descend upon his fragile shoulders. Then he offered himself a new moment of theatre with his supporters in the courtyard of the Louvre. He crossed Paris in a procession of limousines with tinted windows. He took a long, solitary, inaccessible walk across the courtyard of the Louvre to climb onto the podium which had been built in his honour. There, at the base of the pyramid, like Bonaparte, he delivered a new speech, once again consisting of verbiage, but this time in a frenzied tone - a man who has never seen combat. Finally, he gathered together with his family and a few militants to sing La Marseillaise.

Contrary to all his predecessors, at no time during this evening did he shake any hands. No-one was ever allowed to approach him. He allowed none of the political personalities who had supported him to appear alongside him and share his victory. They will only be able to collect the bounty of the betrayal of their respective parties by betraying them again and supporting him during the general elections in June.

It will only be when President Macron has a firm grasp on all the reins of power that he will allow France to wake up. It will be too late.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Emmanuel Macron, the candidate of the Bilderberg group and the Institute Montaigne
By BA on January 11, 2017 - tickets from BA
Macronite media acute
About the participants of the Bilderberg Group : all this small world forms a clan, and this clan, this new aristocracy, supported in death by the media of the microcosm anxious to mitigate the drowning of the candidates to the nomination of the PS, found a champion for the French presidential election of 2017 : Emmanuel Macron.

The political movement of Emmanuel Macron is called " power up ! ". In April 2016, the headquarters of this political movement was located at the home of the director of theInstitut Montaigne, Laurent Bigorgne, close to the right wing ultra-liberal.

Discovered by the news site Mediapart, the link would appear in the legal notices of the website of the movement, which has changed since the publication of the article, but recovered in the screen capture by Mediapart.

The band Bolhuis-Bigorgne

These legal notices were appear the name of the publication director of the site, Véronique Bolhuis, and its editor, " power up ! "association law of 1901, residing at 33 rue Danton, 94270 Kremlin-Bicêtre.

Gold, says Mediapart, Véronique Bolhuis is the girlfriend of Laurent Bigorgne, the director of theMontaigne Institute. And the address of the association "march !" is the private home of the couple.

Laurent Bigorgne has participated in the Bilderberg Group, from 11 to 14 June 2015.

His friend Emmanuel Macron has participated in the Bilderberg Group, from 29 may to 1 June 2014. At this precise moment, Emmanuel Macron was deputy secretary-general of the presidency of the Republic. He was the counsellor for economic and financial François Hollande. Two months after the meeting of the Bilderberg Group, he was appointed minister of the Economy.

To succeed Macron, her friend Laurence Boone is appointed as economic advisor and financial of the president of the Republic. Laurence Boone had also participated in the Bilderberg Group, from 11 to 14 June 2015. In January 2016, she joined the private sector : she became the chief economist of AXA insurance, whose president is his friend Henri de Castries.

The friend of Emmanuel Macron, Henri de Castries, the head of AXA, is the chairman of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group.
Jean-Pisani-Ferry, the sidekick

Wednesday 11 January 2017 :

Jean Pisani-Ferry joined Emmanuel Macron to lead his project.

It is a recruit of choice for Emmanuel Macron. According to our information, Jean Pisani-Ferry, general commissioner of the France Strategy, will join his campaign team, where he will coordinate the program and the applicant's project " In the Works ! ".

65-year-old, a graduate of Supelec and professor of Economics in Berlin, and Jean Pisani-Ferry is a respected figure on the left. He has been an adviser at the ministry in paris to the ministers Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Christian Sautter.

In 2009, the meeting of the Bilderberg Group was held from 14 to 17 may 2009 in Greece in Vouliagmeni, 20 km south of Athens, the Nafsika Astir Palace, a 5-star luxury hotel on a peninsula, with private beach and private harbour for yachts.

Jean Pisani-Ferry was one of the few French guests at this meeting.

There were other members of the left-caviar : Pascal Lamy, Denis Olivennes, Dominique Strauss-Kahn ...

In short, the band of pro-europeans of the left, the clan of the brewers ' money, the gang of businessmen as usual.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Macron is not only a Bilderberg puppet. He is ALSO a ex Rothschild's employee, AND he's been part of the French-American Foundation ! Which means he's a dream come true to the global elite, and a nightmare come true to the small people of France...

So, just like Sarkozy (who was trained by the US State Department) and Holland (who was young leader of the French-American Foundation), he's getting ready to promote globalism in France, and to annihilate the remaining liberties...
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