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The Covid Come-On - Prelude to WWIII

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 1:51 pm    Post subject: The Covid Come-On - Prelude to WWIII Reply with quote

Loads more here of course

Scripted: the Great Global Lurgy Swindle.


Covid1984 was conceived as a psy-op: it was was never about Health or Safety. It is a sophisticated scripted screenplay running through your mind, designed to distract you from the controlled demolition of the financial system.

The entirely scripted and staged events at the Senate in Washington DC perfectly demonstrated the fact that Donald Trump is and never was the saviour of mankind. This runs contrary to the Q or Qanon storyline, a psy-op that has all the hallmarks of this one that was propagated in the Soviet Union of the 1920s. Source: Blacklisted News

The UK ‘gov’ has been carrying out these scripted ‘psy-ops’ or false flag operations against the population for some time now, all in readiness, no doubt, for the promulgation of the greatest of all psy-ops, the Great Lurgy Swindle that is Covid1984.

From the point the psy-op begins, it is all about controlling the narrative and the best way to do it is through brutal propaganda that inverts the truth and instills fear in the target audience:

Those behind the false and entirely scripted reality know the truth – namely that maya is the essential reality of the man-made world in which we find ourselves. This is in contradiction to that of nature. There are no contradictions in nature, yet there are countless in a false narrative.

In other words, the man-made ‘reality’ is nothing more than an illusion. As Marshall McCluhan stated,

The media is the message.

…the form of a medium embeds itself in any message it would transmit or convey, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived.

The words, sounds and images that we are presented with, whether from a mobile phone or a hi-tec camera, become embedded in our consciousness to shape our perception of what we take for reality.

Like the ‘strongman’ who lifts 100 kg labelled weights, we are being presented with an unreality – maya – which we cannot truly perceive without lifting them ourselves. We cannot know the reality without directly experiencing it. All media is indirect experience and, as such, it cannot be relied upon.

Contrast this with reading a piece of writing. An infant child’s reading of a book is largely dependent upon its illustrations: one cannot read a story with a youngster as easily as when it does not contain pictures as the child’s language skills are less developed than its abilities to make sense of images. The child is reading the pictures as much, or more so, as it is listening to the text.

As its language abilities grow, the child’s reliance on pictures can be gradually lessened to the point where it is reading or listening to the words and creating its own visual sense of the narrative or information in its mind’s eye.

However, we would do well not to overlook the resonance of the spoken word and the way that affects the listener. My four year old daughter responds in a more emotionally engaged way to the timbre of my reading voice when I add emphasis, inflection and a variety of accented voices to whatever I am communicating to her, via a book or from a direct rendition of a story like, for example, The Three Billy Goats Gruff. As her ability to visualise without imagery grows, she takes a simple delight in the emotions, understandings and imaginings that take place in her mind as she listens.

This process is simply the way the mind develops and it is true of every individual on his path through life.

This knowledge of how the brain shapes its realities has been known for ages long and explains the methodology of religions, systems of education and all forms of influencing. Take for instance Plato’s allegory of the cave, which is essential knowledge to any one who aims for individual intellectual autonomy. The cave has now taken the form of the television and the world-wide-web,

Post-industrial man has a network identity, or a net-ID. The role is now a temporary shift of state produced by a combination of environmental factors, like in a neural network. This possibility has always been latent in the concept of role, but in the machine age this was perceived as a danger, while today it is simply a game – we no longer see shifting roles as dangerous and taboo and therefore theatrically compelling. Rather, we follow these shifts as if we were doing a puzzle or kibitzing a chess game. Yes, the medium is the message, but this does not mean and never meant that the content of the medium is a conscious reflection on itself. The medium is the message because it creates the audience most suited to it. Electronic media create an audience whose shifting moods are as impersonal as the weather.

– Wolf, Gary. (1996, Jan 1) Channeling McLuhan. Wired Magazine [Online]. Available:

Edward Bernays was acutely aware, perhaps to the point of psychopathy, of how this development can be used to manipulate the emotions, the desires and consciousness of mankind by deploying what are essentially psychological techniques for shaping and influencing the perceptions of the target audience.

It is, of course, a form of brainwashing and one which can be deployed for nefarious reasons. As Bill Hicks so succinctly put it:

By the way if anyone here is in advertising or marketing…kill yourself.

Seriously though, if you are, do.

Aaah, no really. There’s no rationalisation for what you do and you are Satan’s little helpers. Okay – kill yourself.

Seriously. You are the ruiner of all things good.


By way of illustration, the reader is encouraged to view this latest piece of sadistic propaganda which emanates from the criminal entity known as the UK ‘gov’:

Scripted: it’s all a macabre play in which the gov wants you to ‘act’.
Some marketing team or individual has come up with this cleverly conceived (but ultimately stupid) propaganda. It is as clear an example of Orwellian doublespeak and trauma inducing nonsense as could be imagined. Whoever is responsible for its creation is, in blunt terms, working for the devil, or as it was known in more ancient times, the spirit of Ahriman.

This is symptomatic of the age we are living in and Bernays’ statement is as applicable now as it ever was:

Edward Bernays, the influential pioneer of public relations and the nephew of iconic psychologist Sigmund Freud, wrote in his 1928 book “Propaganda” (page 37) regarding an

“unseen mechanism of society” that constituted “an invisible government” that was, assuredly, “the true ruling power of our country”. Bernays added:

“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”

“Our minds are molded” – just as Plato showed in his Allegory of the Cave in which the inhabitants are fed a scripted series of shadows that their minds accept as reality.

Long-term readers of these pages will be aware that this ‘rogue male’ was formerly a teacher of English, Drama and Media Studies in a variety of state-sanctioned propaganda institutions (or prisons), more commonly referred to as ‘schools’. Throughout my childhood, into my adolescence and into adulthood, it was my view that mastering language, specifically the English language, was crucial if I was to be able to successfully manoeuvre my way through life. Now, I am not so sure. Why? For a variety of reasons, but the most significant is that words can be a bind and language can create more division between us than unity for it can steer us away from the spiritual reality of our existence and connection with previous generations. Whilst it would be very difficult to steer our way through life’s journey without being able to read, write and speak, one can still perceive the essential truths of life without those things. Observation and direct experience of life can be felt and can lead us to the truth of nature. To walk through a woodland without thinking in words, without being compelled to label everything and have a constant inner conversation going on in our heads is to relieve the mind of the clutter of chatter that can dominate the experience. Hence, meditation is key to stilling the chattering mind: an understanding I came to when partaking in 4 separate and silent Buddhist retreats in India and Thailand twenty years ago. The quietening of the constantly chattering, monkey mind came naturally to me, like slipping into a state of truth that was always with me, just lying below the surface.

Why do I mention this? Firstly, because right now we are being bombarded by words and images via all forms of media (some of it nefarious, as in propaganda and some of it in the form of actual truths and knowledge). It is all scripted, so how can the individual know if he is operating on his own thoughts or those that have been embedded in him by the writers and directors of the false reality, or maya, he finds himself in. However, consider the man who – like a monk of old, who has taken a vow of silence – does not engage with any of it. In his reality, he is impervious to the wordplay around him and the bombardment of sounds and images that take hold of his mind. By so doing, he comes to a more natural and profound understanding of the natural world in which he lives. Like the prisoner in the allegory of the cave, he is mentally unshackled. Such a man would, because he has nothing to influence his thoughts, be wholly natural.

What is the answer to the dilemma we find ourselves in? Most probably it exists, as all natural states of existence do, in a middle way in which the individual has balanced and cultivated a resilient mindset which allows for critical thinking and the ability to switch off from the manmade clutter of words, sounds and images that are so heightened right now and which have a direct effect on our emotional and mental well-being.

It is now clear and apparent that the Great Global Lurgy Swindle was never about keeping people safe (from an imaginary bogie man) nor was it about improving their health. No, the GGLS was a cover for the ‘Great Reset’ of the world’s monetary system, in the light of the inevitable collapse of the Dollar.

Under the smoke and behind the mirrors of Covid1984 was the building of a social credit scheme known as Universal Credit and a gargantuan heist of people’s wealth by way of asset forfeiture (repossessions) and massive increases in taxation to cover the cost of the fake loans. For the shadowy overlords who inhabit the corridors of the sprawling House of Rothschild are the ones at work here – this is why it was Goldman Sachs that was issuing masquerade and social distancing mandates. For them, Big Pharma are simply their henchmen for culling the herds of people in a genocide that is to run ahead of the nefarious financial reset.

Control the world’s entire financial system and you control it all.

The banksters issue fake loans to countries but only to those who go along with their instructions, as illustrated by these 2 headlines:

Coronavirus: World Bank warns 60m at risk of ‘extreme poverty’

The World Bank Group Moves Quickly to Help Countries Respond to COVID-19

Thus, it was always about the money: greater financial rewards for those who utilise the Ahrimanic spirit whose intention is to keep Mankind down and out, too weakened and subservient to kick back in any meaningful way. When the false reality has been scripted, with the intention of placing the people in a state of paralysis through fear, then we are in a matrix. The scripted media are literally just that: no investigative journalism takes place, stories are embedded in the media without any regard to their truthfulness and press releases simply get inserted into the machine.

The overlords’ biggest fear is Christ consciousness – a flowering in and of the people, that will take place in the same way a plant flowers only after it has sprung its roots, stems and leaves. It is inevitable and it is why it behoves us to speak truth to power, as and whenever it is necessary. To claim one’s refuge in the Christ is one’s birthright.

From this it follows that the antidote to the deceptions of the Ahrimanic forces is truth and all it takes is for a sufficient number of people to stand up and say, ‘Enough of this bullshit’ –

Stand under Christ, stand under Natural Law and within the jurisdiction of UCT for thy salvation is but a hair’s breadth away. The shift in consciousness is coming – I feel it in every cell of my being. That is the only reset you need to be tuning into. And, to all those marketeers who, on behalf of Big Pharma, peddle the vile vials to the gullible sheople, the literal lambs to the slaughter, you’d do well to heed the words of Bill Hicks,

No this is not a joke. You’re [going], “There’s going to be a joke coming.” There’s no ******* joke coming. You are Satan’s spawn filling the world with bile and garbage. You are fucked and you are ******* us. Kill yourself. It’s the only way to save your ******* soul. Kill yourself.

On the other hand, let us contemplate the various roles that we play in our lives and know this fact:

The entire universe is God’s cosmic motion picture, and that individuals are merely actors in the divine play who change roles through reincarnation; mankind’s deep suffering is rooted in identifying too closely with one’s current role, rather than with the movie’s director, or God.? Paramahansa Yogananda

As ever, the question is who is writing the scripted fake reality and, equally significantly, are you going along with it or are you scripting your own?


Much gratitude, as always to David R for his generous sponsorship of the RogueMale site.


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With all the controlled demolition of the financial world going on behind the smoke and mirrors of the GGLS, please read this article about creating our own system of financial freedom. I would like to encourage any reader who would like an opportunity to help out, both in terms of helping the work at RM and the growth of ILN, to make a donation, either via this site’s PayPal link or by way of my Bitcoin address 178UdeXRTSs1hyYHCNDoTPBCDMyUMwyFrE

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Posted in Rogue History
Tagged Ahriman, Ahrimanic, Big Pharma, Bill Hicks, Covid1984, Donald Trump, Edward Bernays, false flags, marketing liars, Marshall McLuhan, maya, PfuckPfizer, Plandemic, psy-op, Q anon, Q psy-op, scripted reality, Vaxxtermination
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FEBRUARY 13, 2021 AT 10:27
For many this is necessary = It must therefore be a real thing, however strange its birth.

Only heard of John Taylor Gatto latterly, difference between Schooling & Education …

Some events in the Middle Ages (round “1485”) that tie in with research you’ve done- I heard mentioned by Clint Wayland … Where is it please?
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Covid’s Evil Origins

In 1925, Britain’s Winston Churchill, a rabid racist drunkard, commented in favor of the potential for biological warfare, writing concerning the desirability of the government being able to produce “pestilences methodically prepared and deliberately launched upon man and beast, blight to destroy crops, and anthrax to slay horses, cattle and man.”

The architects of the Nixon strategy of taking the dollar off the gold standard in August of 1971 were the City of London merchants banks. They saw a golden opportunity in Nixon’s dissolution of the Bretton Woods gold standard that summer of 1971. London was once more to become a major center of world finance, again on borrowed money of American Eurodollars.

After August 1971, the policy of the US Government under the White House national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, was to control and not develop economies world wide. US policy officials started referring to themselves as “neo-Malthusians.” Population reduction in developing countries, as opposed to technology transfer and industrial growth strategies became the dominant policy of the 1970s. This was another return to the nineteenth-century British colonialism.

The design behind Nixon’s August 15, 1971 strategy for the dollar was used by the London-New York financial establishment to buy time, while policy insiders prepared a shocking new monetarist design, a ‘paradigm shift.’

In May 1973, with the dramatic fall of the dollar reeling, a group of 84 of the world’s top financial and political insiders met at Saltsjobaden, Switzerland, the secluded island resort of the Swedish Wallenberg banking family. This gathering of Prince Bernhard’s Bilderberg group heard an American, Walter Levy propose a scenario for an imminent 400 percent increase in OPEC petroleum revenues.

The Bilderberg annual meetings were begun, in extreme secrecy in May 1954 by a group of white Anglophiles which included David Rockefeller, and George McGhee, of the US State Department and later a senior executive of Mobil Oil. Meeting for the first time at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Belgium, the annual Bilderberg meetings gathered top elites of Europe and America for secret deliberations and policy discussions. The secretive group has been and continues to be one of the most effective vehicles of postwar Anglo-American policy formation.

On April 24, 1974, during the worldwide oil crisis caused by Bilderberg directed rise in oil prices by 400 percent, the national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, issued the top secretNational Security Council Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200), which dealt with the subject of ‘Implications of Worldwide Population for US Security and Overseas Interests.’

NSSM 200 posited that population expansion in select developing countries which also contained important strategic resources necessary to the US economy were potential US ‘national security threats.’ Kissinger, carrying out the Bilderberg craven hegemonic plan listed 13 countries as ‘strategic targets.’ The 13 countries targeted by Kissinger were Brazil, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia.

The May 1973 Bilderberg deliberations and their petro-dollar recycling that enslaved the Third World in debt to the IMF and World Bank, had calculated the winners and losers. It didn’t matter to them that their artificial oil price inflation was a manipulation of the world economy of such an amoral and hideous extent that it created an unprecedented transfer of the greater world into the greedy hands of a tiny minority.

The Bilderberg manipulations were a perverse variation on the old mafia ‘protection racket’ game. The same Anglo-American interests which manipulated political events, causing the Arab, Israeli Wars, to create the 400 percent increase in oil price, then reacted to the countries which were victims of the financial assault and ‘offered’ to lend them petrodollars to finance the purchase of the costly oil and other important imports, at vastly inflated interest rates. The petrodollars were used simply to refinance deficits, rather than to finance the creation of new infrastructure, to help agriculture or to improve the living standards of the people of the world.

In the 1970’s acting as National Security Advisor (NSA) under Nixon, Nelson Rockefeller and Bilderberg protege Henry Kissinger oversaw foreign policy, which included his NSSM 200 project, the top secret Third World population reduction plan for the US, Britain, Germany, and other NATO allies. The US Congressional Record of 1975, disclosed that Kissinger selected to have the CIA develop biological weapons. Among these new human concocted biological weapons were strains of germs far deadlier than the avian flu.

In 1968 Kissinger demanded and received new intelligence on useful “synthetic biological agents” for germ warfare and population control. Mutant recombinant flu viruses had been recently engineered by US Government Special Virus Cancer Program researchers. Influenza and para-influenza viruses were recombined with fast acting leukemia viruses to bring about gain of function weapons that spread cancer, like the flu, by sneezing. The researchers on Kissinger’s orders, also developed avian cancer, sarcoma viruses and inoculated them into humans and monkeys to determine their carcinogenicity.

Government researchers also used radiation to enhance the cancer causing potential of the avian virus. These maniacal scientific realities were officially censored from public disclosure. The sudden and shocking emergence of a global scare over a supposedly deadly strain of Avian Flu or Bird flu virus in 2003 had to be regarded with much suspicion.

Concocting gain of function aerosols like CoronaTHRAX, Airborne Ebola, and pig corona virus, that could soon be leaking from labs everywhere.

The avian flu scare was also being used to advance US agribusiness and its global domination along the model of Arkansas based Tyson Foods. The huge, unsanitary and overcrowded factory chicken farms of the global agribusiness behemoths were not being scrutinized as possible incubators and sources of H5N1 or Rotherham diseases. Rather, the small family run chicken farmers of Asia, with at the most 10 to 20 chickens were cruelly scape-goated to lose in the Bird Flu hysteria. This was an integral part of the Harvard directed agribusiness vertical integration project. The US poultry industry became one of the first targets for industrialization or “factory farming.” Factory farming, rather than small free range chicken operations of Asia, was the real source of new diseases and viruses such as H5N1.

Migratory bird flight occurs in the late fall, as birds fly from the Northern Hemisphere to warmer, sunnier climates for winter. But, the Bird flu outbreaks followed an East-West route along the transportation routes by air or rail of the factory farming operations, not North-South. Officials at the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Government’s Center for Disease Control (CDC) blatantly omitted that important fact as they spread fear of free-flying birds.

The next piece in the US global control over man’s food chain was executed by the purchase of the Terminator seed by Monsanto Corporation from Delta & Pine Land in August of 2006. The stage was set for the final steps of the Rockefeller Foundation’s long planned dream of controlling the human species. The terminator seed technology, was an illicit imperial “technology protection system” that renders the seeds which are saved after the first generation and the first sowing sterile. It is a Genetic Use Restriction Technology (GURTs) that is now patented by the US Government’s USDA and Monsanto company. The Terminator GURT modifies a crop in a manner that the genetic enhancement engineered into any crop does not function until the crop plant is treated with a chemical that is sold by Monsanto. Farmers cannot grow their sterile seeds to produce crops unless they purchase the activator compound from the seed patent owner.

The Rockefeller Foundation was seriously dedicated about wanting to deal with the world hunger problem through the worldwide proliferation of Terminator GMO seeds and crops. Their method had been to do so by focusing on the “supply side” solution rather than the “demand side.” They would aim at the demand side by going after the health and reproductive systems of mankind itself.

The Rockefeller Foundation also had quietly funded a WHO program in “reproductive health” in poor developing countries which had developed an innovative tetanus vaccine. The vaccine which was supposedly designed to protect from the tetanus disease, but the ingredients in the vaccine contained human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or hCG. hCG was a natural hormone needed maintain a pregnancy. When combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier it stimulated the formation of antibodies against hCG, rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy. This was an immoral despicable design by the Rockefeller Foundation and WHO of an anti-fertility vaccine, and a form of concealed abortion.

By mid 1993 the WHO had spent a total of $365 million of its research funds on what was dubbed “reproductive health” including research on implanting hCG into tetanus vaccines. WHO officials declined to explain why the women they had vaccinated developed anti-hCG antibodies, and could not have full term pregnancies.

The history of virology and bio weapons is long and dark and full of deadly secrets and dumb mistakes made by gain of function scientific ghouls that our government is funding. Mad scientists are mixing and matching deadly diseases like anthrax with corona virus. They are re-engineering the Ebola virus to make it airborne and resurrecting dangerous viruses from dead bodies.

The threat to all of us is frighteningly obvious. The Pentagon operates 30 military and biomedical research labs around the world that mutate many different viruses in top secrecy. In the name of health, scientists are mutating viruses to make them more infectious and deadly, and able to move between species. Then they try to create vaccines that work by spraying in the air.

The National Institute of Health, under NIH guidelines requires research institutions to maintain Institutional Biosafety Committees to oversee lab safety and protect dangerous biological agents from theft and misuse. Few IBCs ever meet and most exist only on paper, never reporting on BL3 or BL4 activities.

The Chinese Center for Disease Control admitted in May, that the earliest detections of Covid 19 had no connection to the Huanan Market as the origin of the pandemic.

The maniacal scientists genetically engineering pathogens to make them even more deadly are now out of control, concocting gain of function aerosols like CoronaTHRAX, Airborne Ebola, and pig corona virus, that could soon be leaking from labs everywhere.

In 2014, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) established a biological technologies office. DARPA has revealed reluctantly program Prophecy, a project to predict all the ways a pathogenic virus might mutate, to sequence and synthesize viral genomes, to test how they adapt and change in various hosts, and to create “high energy evolutionary boundaries” that keep genetic mutations at bay.

The DARPA Insect Allies project which uses virus infected insects to genetically engineer crops while they are growing, a horizontal genetic alteration system.

The DARPA program called PREventing EMerging Pathogenic Threats (PREEMPT), a process to disrupt the cross species jump of viruses involving animal or insect targeted vaccines, gene editors and therapeutic interfering particles.

DARPA is spending 6.7 million in research on the genetic engineering of transmissible viral vaccines.

The WHO admitted at their 34 member meeting on October 5, and then retracted, that the global death toll attributable to Sars-Covid is 1,061,593 of the world population. That is an infection fatality rate of 0.14%, exactly in line with seasonal flu, and the predictions of health experts around the world.

The Director General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghereyesus is a major booster of immunization. He false lies claims that vaccines are the major reason for the near annihilation of smallpox, polio, and other feared diseases. He now promises that the WHO and COVAX lab facility will be delivering 2 billion doses of the COVID vaccine by end of 2021.

The pharmaceutical companies that wholly fund and own the WHO are driving the “Trojan vaccine” push will make billions around the world, while potentially causing grave injuries to the 1.5 billion humans of the world.

The Covid crisis has covertly allowed the IMF and global central bankers to deviously devise a financial markets reset, a new Bretton Woods digital currency, a craven system crushing individual and national sovereignty. It’s a mafia style slight of hand operation, facilitating a financial coup d’etat, by the quantitative easing of the Federal Reserve and Central Banks financial fraud, giving billions more to the one percent.

Across continents the military regimes of countries have used the Covid 19 pandemic as an opportunity to further repress political activists, rights defenders, lawyers, journalists and doctors, arresting hundreds, denying them basic assistance in places of detention, and placing people on terrorist watch lists.

State and non-state actors in the United States and many other countries are now exploiting opportunities created by fear of the pandemic to shape online narratives, rig National elections with massive mail in ballot schemes, censor critical speech, and build new technological systems of social control.

The Covid 19 pandemic has accelerated society’s reliance on digital technologies, coming at a time when it is less free.

The restrictions that are happening now around the world are undermining people’s political rights and civil liberties in very severe ways.

Our unbalanced irrational centuries old rush into technological mastery has made us unwilling servants of our own new iterations of weapons of war. The new biological weapons dictate what we are to do, forcing us into horrible compromises. They may give many their livings, they may sustain our economy, they may make our politicians rich while being complicit, while they sell and control our mass media. We live at the mercy of their sly social distancing demands, and their craven militant Malthusian hegemonic strategies. If we allow them to continue to rule us, and diminish our dissent, we will most surely die by them.

We must take to the streets, and be in the suites in peaceful protest and revolution through our collective civil disobedience, as communities of truth, against the tyranny of unchecked power.

Truth, in every case, is the most reputable victory a man can gain. -Thomas Paine
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