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Participant says next Bilderberg meeting set for Istanbul

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:10 pm    Post subject: Participant says next Bilderberg meeting set for Istanbul Reply with quote

19Jun06 - Participant says next Bilderberg meeting set for Istanbul


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Senior Turkish newspaper columnist Fehmi Koru, after participating in 2006 Ottawa Bilderberg meeting, has published six articles (titled: 'When I was in Bilderberg 1-6') on the meeting. Koru's articles show that being in Ottawa deeply changed his ideas and theories on Bilderberg.

It was expected that Fehmi Koru, who was the harshest critic of Bilderberg Organization and especially the journalists participating in but not writing on Bilderberg meetings, would reveal at least some secrets of Bilderberg. But Fehmi Koru, in the six articles he published during last week in Turkish conservative newspaper Yeni Şafak, has explained almost nothing about Bilderberg and has deeply disappointed his readers.

Koru preferred to go deeply into the debate about whether or not to accept an invitation from Bilderberg, rather than any 'inside story' of the conference. Koru strictly observed the 'Bilderberg's off-the-record rules so he did not name anyone who uttered the few quotations he published from the meeting.

Disappointed readers of Koru were shocked to read his last article in which he expressed his hope to be invited to next year's Bilderberg meeting that will take place in Istanbul (İstanbul), Turkey.

His articles on Bilderberg can be reached here:
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello tony,

After experience of 2003 , i have got the evidence ( a letter sent by Sutherland to Pat Cox - a member of the International Crisis group and leader of the european parliament in october 2003) that the decision of next meeting is taken in autumn of the year before.So, what they were saying to this journalist was in no way the truth. It might be, but this is not certain.

Marek Tysis
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear All,

I invite you to post upon the personnalities of Bilderberg 2006.In such a way, progressively we will degage the lines of strenght of Bilderberg 2006.Some articles wrote in french will be translated by me in english to complete your work. Forgive me in advance for my amusing english... Smile

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What a pity that the different articles of Kuru don't translate at least in English !
But perhaps it's not relevant ?
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:37 pm    Post subject: A MESSAGE FROM DANIEL ESTULIN Reply with quote

Hi all,
Here follows a personnal message from Daniel who with we worked last spring:
"Hi Marek,

I do not know if you have seen the latest broohaha in Belgium over Prince
Philippe´s role in the Bilderberg conferences, but all is due to the fact
that my book on the Bilderbergers is about to come out in Belgium and the

You can watch the first of three segments on the exclusive Bilderberg
interview with me on the VTM channel in Belgium. These people came to Madrid
this week for a three hour interview and will be showing the first segment
this Sunday.

Even Davignon was forced to come out and grant the same TV station an
interview denying everything I say as pure fantasy. He did admit, on camera,
however, that he had read my book.

I attach the article in the Belgian newspaper.

Hope you are well

Danny "

For sure i read the french version of the brohaha, but nobody explained it was coming from your book, Danny.(although i guessed it was coming from something coming from your pen as i said to some of my friends)They instead explained Bilderberg was a well reknown organization where the belgian reigning family had its place." Infamy, on which deguizment we may find you!
Not a word about the Daniel's book. Flemish are more opert and show courage about the royal family, because not a lot of flemish are delighting them.

Hopefully to read you in a french version or at the less in an english version. If not in a flemish version Smile. I will anyway make this effort.
Encouraging you to be participing here for the next chase to Bilderberg!

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:36 pm    Post subject: A SMEAR CAMPAIGN AGAINST ESTULIN Reply with quote

Dear All,
As a result of the habitual denial from mr Davignon on the flemeish channel sunday eve, the french press has attacked the 'conspirational nuts' that we are about the belonging ,that mr Davignon admitted finally, of belgian Prince Philippe to Bilderberg.

The 'Libre Belgique,' a catholic bourgeois paper threw mud upon all who are believing Bilderberg is something else than a normal association. They were putting everybody in the same bag, included the ones who were believing that 11-9 was an american inside job. They probably ignore that followiung a pew poll, 84% of real americans are believing it as well...

I do remember that the same smear campaign ( accompagned with false real trial before the belgian justice-banana one) were taken against a couragous journalisty called Jean Nicolas. Since he has learnt the power of money and its force and the diplomatioc force of hypocrisy...The press camapaign was then gigantic.And the normal belgian was not understanding and normalized as he is, accustomed to believe wat is printed, what was said and seen on TV.The perfect pigeon. Tha standard slave. As Lenin, disgusted was saying " the belgian is belgianing, to say, plunging more and more in the matter". It was just prophesy and real constate !

Yes , the real Justice is not belonging to this world. I hope that Daniel will have more chance and more help from all working for his work to know success.

Marek Tysis
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:20 pm    Post subject: Message from Daniel Estulin Reply with quote

Message from Daniel estulin;

Good morning to all!!!!

My personal web page is up and running!

What you should expect to find on my page is everything that mainstream press would not dare to publish, from my daily blog on current affairs, to a section on secret documents and intelligence reports, gallery of photos, articles, interviews and very promptly web casts on the world of intelligence.

I hope you visit often and needless to say, I would love to have your comments and suggestions.

Daniel Estulin
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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Tony,

Great work tracking down this article. I speak relatively fluent Turkish and can translate some of the paragraphs if you require. (All 6 articles may take me some time, though!)

The last paragraph says something to the tune that it was declared the next meeting would occur in Istanbul and Mr. Koru was wondering whether he'd be invited or not. I think this is genuine, so I'm putting my chips on Istanbul.

Mmmm... chips.
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