NY Times July 1995 On My Mind - $20 Billion Thriller - a limited hangout - by Council on Foreign Relations Member A.M. Rosenthal & MOI

Spent weekend reading great yarn of international intrigue reaching into high places, very high. Stakes of billions of dollars, manipulation of governments, that kind of thing. Bit long - 748 - pages - but moves right along; highly recommended.

Only two things may spoil reader enjoyment. Perpetrators win and justice is not done - that's one.

The other is that since this story is all true and the money your own, it can leave you with a heavy awareness that you have been taken for a ride economically, morally and politically by the Administration and Congress you put in office.

In fact you are still on it - a ride for which Americans had to gamble $20 billion of taxpayer money without ever being asked if they wanted to get on board. In fact, this article was written to help keep you on that ride. This article was written to misdirect, you, the reader, and prevent you from learning who cheated you. This article was written to misdirect you from believing that you were cheated by the Council on Foreign Relations. Rosenthal is a member of the group and a psychological manipulator, trained to help create false reality worlds for the American people through his articles.

The narrative, chronology and documentation are all in this story - a report put out by Senator Alfonse D'Amato, as head of the Senate Banking Committee, about the Clinton Administration's $20 billion loan to Mexico. It is the result of undernoticed committee hearings and months of staff research. This statement is only partially true. Some of the narrative, chronology and documentation are in this story. What the story lacks are any specific individual and corporate names. What this story doesn't tell the reader is that individuals and corporations are connected to the Council on Foreign Relations. This oversight is no accident. Rosenthal wrote this article to misdirect the reader.

The reason given for the loan was to prop up a staggering Mexico because any default on loans would end foreign investment in all developing countries. That was malarkey then and is malarkier now. The real reason was to rescue American and Mexican investors who had thrown their money into the craps game of high-interest Mexican Government bonds. They saw their money disappearing. So they got the US to make the loan that would turn their risks into a guaranteed return - in American money. Some lighthearted day ask for the same deal on your own investments in America. This statement is only partially true. Many of the investors not only saw their money disappearing but knew before it disappeared that that is exactly what would happen to it. These investors were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. The money "disappeared" right into the accounts of other Council on Foreign relations members -- who knew what was going to happen before it happened. The Council on Foreign members whose money "disappeared" knew they would get it back because Council on Foreign Relations members would insure that the US Government would give them the money back through the Mexican bailout.

From the beginning the issue seemed to me not so much the Mexican Government and its failures, but the conduct of the US Government. For a year before the loan was ordered, on January 31, 1995, top Treasury officials and President Clinton were telling us how great things were going economically in Mexico. Didn't they know the truth, which they revealed only at the time of the loan, that Mexico was heading to disaster? Who knew what? When?

The answer given here in several columns was gathered from available information. It was a cover-up to prevent Congressional defeat of the North American Free Trade Agreement, to bolster the Mexican and US administrations in upcoming elections in both countries , and to protect the major speculators. This answer is only partially true. Members of the Council on Foreign Relations in the State Department and National Security Council planned a carefully prepared psycho-political operation to defraud the American public and enrich themselves and other Council on Foreign Relations members . It was planned and scripted by members of the Council on Foreign Relations in the state department, and on the National Security Council. This group has been carrying out similar psycho-political operations aimed at the American public since World War I.

C. Boyden Gray is the son of Gordon Gray, a powerful Council of Foreign Relations member, now deceased. Upon graduating law school C. Boyden Gray joined Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering. Many of the firms associates counsel different Government departments including the FBI and CIA. Lloyd N. Cutler counseled President Carter; C. Boyden Gray counseled President Bush. Cutler, Carter, and Bush belong to the CFR. The OIC Iran-Contra report tells us about the character of Presidential Counsel Gray -- Gray and his colleagues advised Bush to lie.

In 1993 Environmental Organizations sued to compel production of an environmental impact statement on NAFTA before it was submitted to Congress. Clinton sided with the Environmental Organizations. A law called The National Environmental Policy Act required an environmental impact study in major Federal Actions. The Environmental Organization won. The judge ordered the study.

The group that lost was the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (OTR), an executive agency that advises the president. The OTR appealed. The Automobile Manufactures Association, had C. Boyden Gray file a friend of the court brief in behalf of the OTR. Gray used political connections, legal chicanery, weasel words and double talk. The OTR won the appeal. President Clinton and the American Citizen lost. NAFTA was "fast-tracked" through congress, there was no impact study.

Now the report puts reality beyond discussion: It was indeed a cover-up. Scores of internal documents show that from February 1994, while the Administration was shilling for the Mexican "miracle," its top officials knew that Mexico was in big economic trouble. Documents show that they had information from their own statistics, from what Mexicans told them privately and from the C.I.A. An article from Newsday , Peso Hits Record Low As Bailout Is Debated ( Karen Rothmyer - 1/31/,95) identifies that some of the Council on Foreign Relations members involved in the cover-up. They were "Former Presidents George Bush, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford [who] signed a declaration of support for the [bailout] plan. Also endorsing the plan was George Soros, probably the world's most influential international investor." Bush, Carter, Ford, and Soros are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

George Soros is also a member of the Carlyle group. The Carlyle Group is an investor team led by Ronald Regan's Defense Secretary Frank C. Carlucci III and funded in part by the Mellon family. Carlucci is a sawed off runt with a Napoleon complex and a poor self image. The furniture in Carlucci's office is miniaturized so he feels bigger. When Carlucci is photographed with other men, they sit down, and he stands up, to give the perception he is bigger. As president and CEO of Sears World Trade center, Carlucci left the company with a $60 million dollar loss, and went work for government.

The managing director of the Carlyle group is George Bush's White House Office of Management and Budget Director Richard Darman. A partner in the group is George Bush's Secretary of State James A. Baker III. Another member of the Carlyle group is Richard Nixon's White House Office of Management and Budget Deputy Director Frederic Malek. George Bush Sr.'s son George Bush Jr., former CIA Director Robert Gates and current SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt are advisors to, investors in or board members of Carlyle's companies. Included in Carlyle's press kit are Vernon Jordan and Bob Strauss. Carlucci, Darman, Gates, Jordon, Malek and Strauss are members of the Council on foreign relations. The Carlyle group has exploited their governmental connections and ties to turn itself into one of the twenty-five largest defense contractors in the world. All the members of the Carlyle group have been part of dubious investment activities. Many have been exposed in scandals that involve the Central Intelligence Agency.

The report puts chief responsibility for the charade on Under Secretary Larry Summers. But Obviously the Treasury Secretary, then Lloyd Bentsen, knew. If they knew, so did the White House. William Clinton, Lloyd Bentson, and Clinton's economic advisor Laura D'Andrea Tyson are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Did D'Amato's congressional investigation uncover this fact. Did D'Amato investigate the Council on Foreign Relations. If not, why not. Why doesn't Rosenthal raise this issue in his article? Could it be that D'Amato's investigation and Rosenthal's article are part of the psycho-political operation itself. Is this tactic simply meant to get the people riled up over a phoney bi-partisian issue and to get them to lose sight of the fact that they have been cheated and swindled by both Republicans and Democrats working together in consort with the Council on Foreign Relations.

Epilogue: The burden of the whole Mexican-American mess falls on ordinary citizens in both countries. In Mexico, one million workers have lost their jobs and inflation is expected to reach 50 percent this year.

For the US, according to the report, trade with Mexico has gone from an American surplus to a deficit that may reach $15 billion this year. The beneficiaries are Mexican, American and international companies that are increasing their exports of cheaper Mexican-made goods. Why doesn't Rosenthal mention some of the names of the companies? Why doesn't Rosenthal mention Soros, the Carlyle group and the other influential Council on Foreign Relations members who leant support to the bailout plan?

The decision of Congress to go along, for fear of taking responsibility, was a historic example of cowardice hiding behind bipartisanship. Was it? Or, is it because Congress is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations members and insiders. Is it because members of Congress are part of the fraud themselves. Are members of Congress play acting. Are they showing false concern over criminal activities, to give the public the perception that they have a representative government when they have nothing of the sort.

When the first $10 billion was turned over to Mexico, the US said no more would be needed this year. Now Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin says the second $10 billion is available to Mexico immediately. Who gave Rubin this type of power?

Senator D'Amato asks for a fight against that second $10 billion, since the loan is a betrayal of American's trust in their Government. Is D'Amato's entire investigation and posturing simply part of a psyco-political operation being used to make the American citizen perceive a false reality world. A world in which the American citizen perceives they have responsible representatives watching out for their self interests. If a $10 billion dollar fraud was committed why isn't anyone being indicted? Why should Congress vote on whether or not to appropriate $10 billion more? Why doesn't Congress find the men who cheated America out of $10 Billion, get money back and jail the guilty parties?

Senator Robert Dole recently put the entertainment executives a question every adult must face sooner or later. Now it faces all member of Congress who permitted the betrayal: "Is this what you intend to accomplish with your careers?" Hasn't Dole ever heard of the Council on Foreign Relations? Why hasn't Dole exposed this group of unethical greedy avaricious thieves, robbers, and traitors by name? Is Dole a Council on Foreign Relations insider, whose political career hinges on help from members of this group? Are a large majority of elected and appointed officials controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations. Are these elected and appointed officials playing parts in well coordinated and planed psyco-political operations scripted, directed and produced by members of the Council on Foreign Relations in the State Department, the National Security Council, and in US Intelligence agencies? Are these psyco-political operations covert operations planned to control the American citizen, steal their tax dollars and rob them of their freedom? Does a Council on Foreign Relations controlled media help to misdirect and misinform the American public by carefully shaping the publics perception of reality using psychological warfare techniques? WAKE UP AMERICA WE HAVE LOST CONTROL OF OUR GOVERNMENT.

MEDIA Past & Present CFR/TC members ( CFR men outnumber CFR women 10 to 1 - In addition to such character flaws as avarice and greed CFR members are also racist and sexist )


Jane Pfeiffer CFR

Barbara Walters CFR


C. Hunter-Gault CFR


Katherine Graham CFR

Meg Greenfield CFR


Karen House CFR


William Paley CFR

William Burden CFR

Roswell Gilpatirec CFR

Henry Schact CFR/TC

Manetta Tree CFR

C.C. Collingwood CFR

Lawrence LeSuer CFR

Dan Rather CFR

Harry Reasoner CFR

Richard Hottelet CFR

Frank Stanton CFR

Bill Moyers CFR


Jane Pfeiffer CFR

Lester Crystal CFR

R. W. Sonnenfeldt CFR

T.F. Breadshaw CFR

John Petty CFR

David Brinkley CFR

John Chancellor CFR

Marvin Kalb CFR

Irvine Levine CFR

P.G. Peterson CFR/TC

John Sawhill CFR/TC


Ray Adam CFR

Frank Cary CFR

T.M. Macioce CFR

Ted Koppel CFR

John Scali CFR

Barbara Walters CFR


Daniel Schorr CFR


Hartford Gunn CFR

Robert McNeil CFR

Jim Lehrer CFR

C. Hunter-Gault CFR

Hodding Carter III CFR


Keith Fuller CFR

Stanley Swinton CFR

Louis Boccardi CFR

Harold Anderson CFR


H.L. Stevenson CFR


Michael Posner CFR


David Rogers CFR


Tom Johnson TC

Joseph Kraft CFR/TC


Henry Trewhitt CFR


James Hoge CFR/TC


John Cowles, Jr. CFR/TC


William P. Hobby CFR


Richard Gelb CFR

James Reston CFR

William Scranton CFR/TC

A.M. Rosenthal CFR

Seymour Topping CFR

James Greenfield CFR

Max Frankel CFR

Jack Rosenthal CFR

Harding Bancroft CFR

Amory Bradford CFR

Orvil Dryfoos CFR

David Halberstram CFR

Walter Lippmann CFR

L.E. Markel CFR

H.L. Matthews CFR

John Oakes CFR

Harrison Salisbury CFR

A. Hays Sulzberger CFR

A. Ochs Sulzberger CFR

C.L. Sulzberger CFR

H.L. Smith CFR

Steven Rattner CFR

Richard Burt CFR


Ralph Davidson CFR

Donald M. Wilson CFR

Louis Banks CFR

Henry Grunwald CFR

Alexander Herard CFR

Sol Lionwitz CFR/TC

Rawleigh Warner, Jr. CFR

Thomas Watson, Jr. CFR


Katherine Graham CFR

Philip Graham CFR

Arjay Miller TC

N. deB. Katzenbach CFR

Frederick Beebe CFR

Robert Christopher CFR

A. De Borchgrave CFR

Osborne Elliot CFR

Phillipo Geyelin CFR

Kermit Lausner CFR

Murry Marder CFR

Eugene Meyer CFR

Malcolm Muir CFR

Maynard Parker CFR

George Will CFR

Robert Kaiser CFR

Meg Greenfield CFR

Walter Pincus CFR

Murray Gart CFR

Peter Osnos CFR

Don Oberdorfer CFR


(Wall Street Journal)

William Agee CFR

J. Paul Austin TC

Charles Meyer CFR

Robert Potter CFR

Richard Wood CFR

Robert Bartley CFR

Karen House CFR


Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. CFR

Richard Brookhiser CFR