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Planned Euthanasia for the Disabled in Greece?
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Joined: 16 Jun 2009
Posts: 157

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:43 pm    Post subject: Planned Euthanasia for the Disabled in Greece? Reply with quote



The Bilderberg has obtained from the elections of 4 October 2009 in Greece the result desired and precisely a strong

government in order to implement the economic measures and the persecutions against the Greek disabled people .
The party of Pasok of George Papandreou won the election with a wide margin .
The bilderberger George Alogoskoufis has not obtained the necessary votes to enter in the Greek parliament and he will return

in the university environment .
The newspaper Economist states that " Mr Karamanlis promptly stood down as ND leader, opening the way for a succession battle

in which Dora Bakoyannis, the outgoing foreign minister, appears best prepared."
It means that the Bilderberg prefers the bilderberger Dora Bakoyannis as leader of the party New Democracy because , as

stated in the electoral campaign , she will not make any opposition to the program of economic reforms of the Pasok party .
The three bilderbergers of the Pasok party are in the new government and precisely George Papandreou as Prime Minister ,

Theodoros Pangalos as Deputy Prime Minister
and Anna Diamantopoulou as Minister for Education .
The Bilderberg has given to the new Greek governmement the term of the 100 first days of governance in order to implement the

economic reforms , among the other the reform of the disability pensions .
The program of the Bilderberg for the Greek disabled people has not been canceled but only delayed .
The bad news for the Greek disabled people is that in this government there are two member that worked at the OECD (

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ) and precisely Giorgos Papakonstantinou and Louka Katseli .,3438,en_21571361_31938349_38794760_1_1_1_1,00.html
The OECD is an organization similar to the International Monetary Fund that seeks to implement the obscure directives of the

bankers .
John Martin, OECD Director of Employment, Labor and Social Affairs states " We now know that most people who receive a

disability benefit for more than a year will never work again. ",3343,en_2649_33729_42765056_1_1_1_1,00.html,3453,en_36719422_36719572_36739425_1_1_1_1,00.html
Consequently Mr. Martin sustains that must not be granted any disability benefit to the disabled people , it make no

difference for him if the labor market in concrete is shielded to the disabled person .
Always in the same page (,3343,en_2649_33729_42765056_1_1_1_1,00.html )
We read " serving to cut the unemployment figures at a very large cost to the public finances " .
Perhaps in order to give more and more money to the banks ?
The plan of persecution of Greek disabled people of the Bilderberg return with the new Pasok government and it proves that

now in Greece and in Europe does not exist independent governments .
On 13 October 2009 in a message to the new Greek Prime minister Papandreou , Mr. Vardakastanis ( http://www.edf- ) insists in the paragraph 8 about the necessity of " establishing of an

incorruptible single system of evaluation of the disability " .
Mr. Vardakastanis knows that some Greek disabled people have understood the meaning of the system of evaluation ICF and

denominates it as " incorruptible system " making disinformation . Nothing is incorruptible in the hands of the human being .

Mr. Vardakastanis must justify his affirmations .
Some Responsibles of the Greek National Association of disabled people (esaea ) state that :
1) there will be the general re-examination of all Greek disabled people with the new system ICF " adapted to the Greek

reality " .
2) Greek disabled have nothing to fear if they are not fake disabled .
The Greek National Association of disabled people chaired by Mr. Vardakastanis is hiding that the new system of evaluation of

disability ICF will imply drastic cuts to subsidies and pensions of disability for all the Greek disabled people .
Mr. Vardakastanis and other Greek associations of disabled people use the strategy that used the former FBI director Hoover

in the 50's that stated " If you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry " and with this excuse intercepted

telephone calls and opened letters without judicial authorization .
What is the ICF " adapted to the Greek reality " ?
In a country like Greece that have not disbursed money to form a friendly environment for the disabled people , with a labor

market completely shielded to the disabled and the courts that give reason to employers that dismiss disabled , what kind of

ICF Mr. Papandreou and Mr. Vardakastanis want to apply ?
It is simply the extreme version of the ICF in order only to cut subsidies to disabled people .This government wants perhaps

to implement a Nazi-scheme ?
In a country with enormous deficits and corruption how they will found money to create a friendly environment for the

disabled people ?
The new Minister of labor Andreas Loverdos wants to implement Nazi experiments when on 18 October 2009 spoke for

rationalization of the procedures for the provision of the disability pensions ?
The request to apply the new system ICF " adapted to the Greek reality " we may notice also in the paragraph 3 of the

programmatic positions of the SY.RIZ.A party for the people with disabilities .
Therefore there will be doctors that will infringe the oath of Hippocrates applying the system ICF and consequently cutting

subsidies and pensions of disability .
According to the opinion of some people the Pasok party and the SY.RIZ.A party would be under the influence of the

bilderberger George Soros .
The same Mr. Vardakastanis , chairman of the European Disability Forum , is a collaborator of the Open Society Institute of

George Soros .
It explains the strange behavior and the lack of transparency of Mr. Vardakastanis against the Greek disabled people .
Regarding Mr. Dimitris Rizos director of the Greek newspaper Adesmeytos Typos that stated on 19 October 2009 " pass through a

sieve the disability pensions " , we have great problems of human sensibility .
Also for Mr. Rizos fits the saying " we can recognize the tree from its fruits " .
Perhaps someone implement old criminal plans behind the excuse of a debt or of a crisis artificially constructed ? and "EU Oligarchy: European Nations Must Now Engage in Human Sacrifice"
The political program that claim the Prime minister Papandreou is centralized on the transparency and the green development .
The " transparency " is a strategy used by the Bilderberg in order to persecute humble people and impoverish them .
It seems that Mr. Papandreou wants construct a dictatorial State because the transparency will not be directed to strike the

great corruption that exists at the peak of the Greek State .
It would be an excuse to hit the Greek disabled people under the excuse of " false disability" .
Infact apart the Social Security Card that has not been contrasted as due , is provided the sanitary e-card ,the disability

e-card and the e-card of the citizen as announced by the new Minister of
Interior, Decentralization and e-Governance Yannis Ragousis on 18 October 2009 .
In the meeting of the Bilderberg of 14-17 may 2009 were discussed also of interference in the privacy of the Greek citizens .
Surely the death of the Archbishop of Greece Christodoulos on 28 January 2008 convened to many people .
Why Mr. Papandreou that speaks about " transparency " does not says the exact amount of money given to the banks and the

exact amount of the billions of euro expenses for the Olympic Games of Athens in 2004 ?
According to the opinion of someone the billions given to the banks were not 28 but more than 60.
Some members of the Pasok party that now are ministers in the actual government stated that were favorable to give the

billions to the banks but with " transparency " .
Infact the opposition of the Pasok party when was Prime Minister Mr. Karamanlis was absent .
Why Mr. Papandreou hides his real name in Greece that is Jeffrey ?
Why Mr. Vardakastanis , chairmen of the Greek National Association of disabled people and member of the Pasok party of Mr.

Papandreou , has not still opened a forum on his site ( ) in order to listen to the opinions and the

requests for clarification of the Greek disabled people ?
Mr . Vardakastanis instead uses to impose and to disinform without listen the other opinions ?
Is it transparency and democracy ?
If Mr . Vardakastanis is not doing anything wrong , he has nothing to worry .
Mr. Papandreou continuously says " I do not owe nothing to nobody " perhaps in order to appear as incorruptible .
Therefore why Mr . Evangelos Venizelos , actual Minister of the National Defense , stated in 2007 that Mr. Papandreou leads

an advanced standard of living above to his incoming ?
The Greek Deputy minister of health Fofi Gennimata announced on 22 October 2009 " the establishment of permanent disability

card for the relief of the disabled people " .
It is clear the reference to the law 2430 of 1996 that does not provides a relief but only the ill-treatments with a general

medical re-examination of all the Greek disabled people on zero basis and the distribution of the disability card (article 3

of ECHR) .
Mrs. Fofi Gennimata stated , perhaps in order to appear as a sensible person , that comes from a family that gave a lot to

the Greek health care system .
Does she now intends to take all back from the disabled cutting subsidies from them and depriving them from the right to the

life ? (article 2 of ECHR)
Each government is free to enter in the black pages of the history as we are free to give the due publicity to the fact

everywhere .
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Joined: 16 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

On 11 November 2009 the greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou , a politician with "

strong and sensible personality " , openly signed with light conscience a series of economic

measures proposals by the european commission that hit hardly the simple greek citizen .
The agreed economic measures between mr. Papaconstantinou and the european commission then

have been listed in the article of the newspaper TA NEA of 13 November 2009 entitled " Ten

measures on the table for the insurance " .

The article of the newspaper TA NEA states that the greek government will open a dialogue-

express with the social partners for the social insurance this week after the strict

recommendations of the European Union. Among the express-measures promoted by the government

for the social insurance are also the re-examination of the disability pensions .
We had already said that the Bilderberg gaven to the new Greek governmement the term of the

100 first days of governance in order to implement the economic reforms
About the reform of the disability pensions surely the dialogue will be express because the

greek government has already the consent of mr. Vardakastanis , chairmen of the Greek

National Association of disabled people and of the European Disability Forum ( ) .
So with a dialogue-farce between the greek government and mr. Vardakastanis,with fast

procedure will be executed the greek disabled people .
In a letter sent to the Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou and to the Minister of

Labor and Social Security Andreas Loverdos , mr. Vardakastanis states " People with

disabilities are the first to call for change in the insurance and pension system because it

is characterized by marked differences in the type and amount of benefits among different

pension funds ."

But the greek disabled people would like to be re-examinated with the new system of

evaluation of the disability ICF , as wanted by mr. Vardakastanis , in order to cut their

subsidies and pensions ? With the pretext that there are marked differences in the type and

amount of benefits among different pension funds , mr. Vardakastanis in collaboration with

the government wants to obtain the cut of the subsidies as much as possible from the

totality of the greek disabled people .
Mr. Vardakastanis invokes as pretext also the principle of transparency in order to justify

the medical re-examination of all the greek disabled people .
Mr. Vardakastanis can not give lessons of transparency as result from this article entitled

" NO to the National Confederation of People with Disabilities " .
We can read in this site that the " Greek National Confederation of People with Disabilities

chaired by Mr. Vardakastanis with a staff of 24 employees , with almost no production of

social work , had spent 8,460,497.25 euros from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2008 ! In other words ,

2,820,165.75 euros per year or 7,726.48 euros per day ! In times of crisis for the poor of

course! This article speaks also about an Administrative Control of the National

Confederation of People with Disabilities on 28/01/2000 by an Inspector of the the Ministry

of Finance .
The result was a relation of about 100 pages accusing mr. Vardakastanis and his staff for

excessive waste of money and for living and behaving , while traveling, as Saudis princes .

Mr. Vardakastanis and his staff were acquitted in the criminal trial by the " transparent "

Greek criminal justice .
Certainly is convenient serving mr. Soros as mr. Vardakastanis does !
Recently mr. Soros arrived twice in Greece at the end of october and at the beginning of

november 2009 and probably he spoke with member of the greek government like the prime

minister Papandreou and the Minister of Finance George Papaconstantinou about the cut of

disability pensions .
He also meeted with various bilderbergers like mr. papahelas
Mr. Soros is a man that likes to move when there are deals to be concluded and where he

smells the scent of money .
The European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Joaquin Almunia continues to

repeat that the excessive debt of Greece is due to economic measures that have not been

taken and he makes continuous pressures in order to be carried out .


Mr. Almunia makes disinformation because he knows very well that the excessive debt of

Greece is caused by the excessive corruption of the Greek political class and by the

malfunction of the criminal justice system in Greece .Perhaps many people do not know that

the Greek politicians are among the richest in the world .This corruption of the Greek

political class is tolerated by mr. Almunia and by the European Commission in order to

justify economic reforms and persecutions against poor people .
Why mr. Almunia and mr. Trichet do not implement economic reforms against Greek politicians

and bankers ?
The billions of euros given to the bankers have not increased the debt of Greece ?
On Friday 13 november 2009 the bilderberger Prime minister George Jeffrey Papandreou stated

" reversals here and now on all fronts " with reference to the hard program of economic and

social reforms that intends to implement .

In fact apart the reform of the disability pensions , mr. Papandreou wants implement the

reform of the Greek health care system that consists also in the introduction of the "

sanitary credit e-card " .
In the page 26 of the pdf downloadable on the site of the OECD ( Organization for Economic

Co-operation and Development ) we can read " To rein in the growth of public health

spending, each patient will be given an individual health account with a yearly expenditure

ceiling. Spending above this limit will require an authorisation to justify the
allocation of more resources. "$FILE/JT03269899.PDF
This document is the proof that the social policy of the Greek State is not established by

the Greek parliament but by organizations controlled by the World Bank and by the European

Central Bank and therefore by the Bilderberg .
Perhaps the bilderberger mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou plans the homicide of the greek sick

persons ?
Mr. Papandreou was born in St Paul , Minnesota , in the United States and therefore he feels

himself to be firstly an American citizen and his great properties are located in Canada and

in the United States . Perhaps,one day we will found somebody who will give us a detailed

description about his huge properties in America .
If the things were to go wrong for him in Greece,he will return in his homeland and perhaps

for this reason he has been chosen by the Bilderberg to be the prime minister of Greece . It

is a well-known fact in Greece that mr. Papandreou has not a strong personality and he is

controlled by his mother Margarita Papandreou that works in various organizations of human

rights (SOROS).
Politicians with little personality are a good tool in order to implement the black plans of

the Bilderberg group .
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

On 7 December 2009 Jean-Claude Trichet , chairman of European Central Bank , stated that Greece must follow Ireland's example of taking tough decisions to bring its budget deficit down and yet that he is " confident that very difficult and courageous decisions will be taken in Greece too " .
After these statements of Mr. Trichet we have in Greece an exceptional campaign of the media designed to instill terror in the Greek citizens that reminds Nazi-times .The terrorist message of the Greek media was " the Greek state is failing and it is necessary to proceed to economic and social reforms " .
Various Greek newspapersurn to speak of disability pensions reform and in particular the newspaper Eleftherotipia of 8 December 2009 insists in the implementation of the reform of the disability card that consist in the naNaNaziical re-examination of all the Greek disabled people with the system of evaluation ICF in order to cut their subsidies.
We can see that the bilderberger Mr. Trichet , Mr. Almunia and Mr. Juncker prosecute Nazi and satanic finalities under the pretest of the excessive public debt . For the bilderberger Mr. Trichet the ill-treatment and the persecution of vulnerable persons like the Greek disabled people is a courageous decision ?
Mr. Trichet has a strange conception of courageous .
The Greek minister of labor Andreas Loverdos , man of elevated culture in the sector of the football , on 10 December 2009 stated that the new reform of the pensions is in accordance to the European standards .
It seems us that the social reform that the bilderberger Greek prime minister Mr. Papandreou wants to impose to the Greek disabled people is in accordance with hitlerian standards .
Mr. Loverdos stated also that if the Greek government will not proceed to reforms of the insurance and pension system , the Greek pension funds will fail to pay the pensions in the future years.
Perhaps Mr. Loverdos and Mr. Papandreou have great problems of memory because they do not remember that the Greek pension funds were depretaded in the past under various pretests like the excuse to " finance the development of Greece " .
The same Pasok party in the past tooks the money from the pension funds to "invest" them in the stock exchange and to be plundered by nternational speculators like George Soros . Perhaps many persons do not know that in these times there are also " philanthropists " ! . Perhaps these "philanthropists " have great psychological traumas from their infancy and great problems of doubled personality ? They want to appear the Robin Hoods for the poor people while in concrete they are the opposite of their mask making the poor poorer and the rich richer .
Mr . Loverdos and Mr. Papandreou do not remember that in the year 2008 the bilderbergers traitors Karamanlis and Alogoskoufis through the opposition-farce of the Pasok party gave billions of euros to the bankers , Microsoft ,other companies , etc and yet that the Olympic Games of Athens in 2004 , wanted by the pasok party , costed tens of billions of euros ?
But not even one billion of euro was given to the Greek pension funds . Perhaps it was planned that the Greek pension fund had to be exhausted in order to make appear as inevitable the reforms ? It is strange that in all the Europe the pension funds are failing under the false pretest of the ageing of the population . If that was the real problem why
the States did not gave generous incentives to increase the births ?
Now Mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou have the shamelessness to ask sacrifices to the Greek citizens .He is the typical figure of politician that is ruling in Europe !
The persecution of the disabled people is implemented simultaneously by the rulers of other countries of Europe that try with futile pretests to pass them by general medical re-examination with the new evaluation system ICF in order to implement old dark plans .
On November 2009 the minister of labor of Cyprus , the puppet Mrs. Sotiroula Charalambous said that " there are currently many different files from different government agencies dealing with disability issues and it is estimated that the percentage of the people with disabilities is 10% of the population. But she noted that creating a single file is one of the objectives that will be achieved through the implementation of the new System of
Evaluation of Disability and functionality " .
The new System of Evaluation of Disability and functionality is the same ICF system invoked in Greece like also the futile pretest to create a single file was also invoked in Greece in order to re-pass by medical re-examination all the Greek disabled people . The finality of every Democratic Public Administration is to serve the citizen and not to harass
the citizen with futile pretests .
Very probably Mrs. Sotiroula Charalambous said it behind directives or communications coming from international offices in some way connected with the person of the bilderberger Mr. Soros . The puppet Mr. Vardakastanis and the puppets Greek rulers do not do the same things when they execute the " typed orders " ?
Another strange coincidence is that after the national election the budget deficit is " more than doubled from 6% to 12.7% of GDP " .
The newspaper Economist of 19 November 2009 says " Revenue-raising slowed in the run-up to the European elections—a traditional ploy by Greek governments to keep voters loyal—then stagnated over the summer and during the national election campaign in September. A pre-election splurge (another tradition) helped widen the deficit."
The Economist speaks about phenomena of Greek political corruptions . Perhaps is the Economist explaining that during the electoral campaign the politicians plunder also the Greek pension funds ? Perhaps also for this reason always after every election the Greek rulers want to proceed to reforms because the Greek pension funds are empty ?
If it is true where is the action of the organization Transparency International ?
Why does not appear a " Greek Di Pietro " ?
Always the Economist stated that the suspicion remains that the statistical data about the budget deficit " are now being massaged to discredit the previous government " .
We remember that the statistical data about the budget deficit have been modified by the actual pasok government with Mr. Provopoulos chief of the Bank of Greece that is under the direct dependency of the Central Bank of Europe and therefore of Mr. Trichet .

First of all , for the bilderberger George Jeffrey Papandreou the high budget deficit has been a good pretest in order to annul , in a hypocritical way , all the electoral promises just as wanted by Mr. Trichet .
The article of Mrs. Emanuela Puosi " Eurostat: Prodi Cooked The Books " of 30 October 2008 reveals that the bilderberger Romano Prodi in 2006 " purposefully inflated the deficit data to justify the tax rises and to influence electorate against the Right. Eurostat uncovers the scam. - Eurostat has exposed the tricks played by ex-Prime Minister Romano Prodi and his
government to inflate the data regarding the Italian deficit. "
Therefore these tricks was already used by the bilderberger Prodi , a notorious great friend of Mr. Soros just like the bilderberger George Jeffrey Papandreou .
If these tricks were used to " justify the substantial rises in taxes " in the same way can not be used to justify also economic and social reforms ?
Perhaps also in this case the Eurostat will reveal , after that the reforms have been implemented and when Mr. Papandreou will lose the position of prime minister , that the budget results were false :important is to be achieved the desired result .
However as rightly someone asserts " Greece is not going to default. Besides, the banks created this crisis and now they are using it to impose their neoliberal agenda on the states " .
In fact everything was planned according to the schema public debt artificially created by puppets traitors and subsequent reforms .
The bilderberger Alogoskoufis asserted " the crisis makes necessary now reforms that otherwise would take ten years to implement them " .
The same bilderberger Papandreou stated " we must render the crisis an opportunity " in order to implement economic and social reforms .
Where is the parliamentarian Mr. Paputsis that with his speeches wanted to convince the Greek citizens that Greece is a sovereign state ?
The situation in the last days in Greece shows the opposite .
The puppet Mr. Papandreou speaks also that wants remove privileges and therefore ensure social justice .
At this point he must remove firstly his privileges in order to give the example .
What other State of the European Union allows to the prime minister the privilege to exempt from every criminal responsibility himself and the ministers of his government ?
We have here in Greece the shameful law 3126 of 19 March 2003 and according it the prime minister can dissolve the parliament and automatically exempt from every criminal responsibility any member of his government . This law is the true proof of the missing transparency and of the high level of corruption present in the Greek politicians .
The abrogation of the law 3126 of 19 March 2003 and the modification of the Greek constitution , the reduction of salaries and pensions of the parliamentarians , severe criminal penalties for them - these are the reforms that Mr. Trichet must impose to the Greek State , if he is in good faith , otherwise we will understand that he wants implement in Europe a corrupted and dark dictatorship !
The bilderberger George Jeffrey Papandreou continues to speak about " transparency " falling in the ridicule . Mr. Papandreou wants to create a Medieval dictatorship under this pretest ? He want to implement strange stories of corruption to hit poor and vulnerable people ?
Perhaps we have in Greece false representatives of the people ? Regarding the transparency why he does not give us a true and detailed report of the expenses of the Olympic Games of Athens in 2004 ?
Here in Greece we listen " fables " about politicians owners of enormous villas, of entire quarters of cities, of islands, of off shore companies , of enormous accounts in banks , etc
....certainly all things obtained with a life of sacrifices and hard job .
Is transparent the past life of the members of the actual Greek government ? Because there are strange details and coincidences in their past. But they are pure " fables " because Greece is the homeland of the incorruptible and transparent politicians .
That is the reason that in Greece Transparency International does not act against the politicians and there is not even the necessity of a " Greek Di Pietro " or more precisely Transparency International acts but against poor people because they are the corrupted! .
However to the scheme of the Bilderberg " corruption of the politicians ===> public debt ====> reforms for the citizens " ,
we overpose the scheme " public debt ===> prison for bankers and corrupted politicians .
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Greek newspaper Adesmeftos Tipos of 13 December 2009 stated :
" The government is preparing with the social insurance reform the review of 25 non-contributory welfare benefits of funds
4. Allowance for paraplegia - quadriplegia.
5. Absolute disability allowance.
6. Allowance for blindness. Payable to beneficiaries of the insurance fund of agriculturists ( OGA ) .
7. Foresight pension for blind people .
8. Foresight pension for paraplegics.
15. Allowance for aerotherapy (suffering from respiratory problems).
16. Allowance for unsuitable children.
18. Allowance for handicapped children .
24. Allowance for disabled people from terrorist attacks.
25. Allowance for the cure of special unhealthy situations . "
The newspaper stated also " The government plans to change the conditions of payment, since the 25 non-welfare benefits " and that " the European Commission has hit the bell, Greece, calling on it to boost revenues from the Funds to cut waste, and to change the Insurance, because in a few years the State should work just to pay the pensions without receiving. "

Very probably the change of the conditions of payment for the above mentioned allowances of disability consist in the medical re-examination of these categories of disabled people with the system of evaluation of the disability ICF " adapted to the Greek reality " that is not even the pure ICF but a Nazi-system of evaluation in order to cut subsidies to people with serious and irreversible diseases and consequently to kill them . Among the other the newspaper speaks for the review of others subsidies regarding elderly and poor peoples.
In the same time the article of 12 December 2009 in the link speaks for " a single administrative scheme for the supply of the disability pensions in all the Greek insurance funds " . The puppet Greek governmentt of the bilderbergerMr.. Papandreou tries with various tricks and schemes to cut the allowances of disability according to dark planes .
Are these the privileges that Mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou want to eliminate ? The subsidies for disabled , elderly and poor people have become privileges ?
Mr. Papandreou tries to implement Nazi discriminations among the disabled people and the full healthy people and to hit their acquired rights ?
Mr. Papandreou , Mr. Trichet , Moody’s Corporation and Fitch Rating Agency want the implementation of old dark planes that consist to kill elderly and disabled peoples ?
Mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou have not shame to diffuse with light conscience dark purposes through the newspaper Adesmeftos Tipos ?
The director of the newspaper Adesmeftos Tipos , Mr. Risos have not shame to publish the Nazi-purposes of the Greek government with inexistent critic ?
The article in the link ( ) reveals that the owners of the ratings agencies Moody and Fitch that attack the Greek State are the " philanthropists " bilderbergers Mr. Warren Buffet , Mr. Bill Gates and Mr. Rockefeller and more precisely the participants of the conference that took place in Manhattan on 5 May 2009 with argument the reduction of the world population .
However according with the general principles of the criminal law , the penal responsibility is not only of the persons who give the criminal order but also of the persons that , without conscience , implement the criminal order .
The Greek government can not kill vulnerable persons in order to appear pleasant to the bankers .
Perhaps Mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou tries to safeguard his position of prime minister with the blood of the Greek disabled ?
We have the intention to give all the possible publicity of the criminal plans of the European central bank , of other lobbies and of the Greek prime minister .
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 11:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

On 16 December 2009 the blind parliamentarian of the pasok party Panagiotis Kouroumplis ( ), former chairman of Greek associations of disabled people , stated " the institution of the the disability card , which has not been implemented so far , could exempt the apparatus of the State from millions of lost working hours and the disabled people from great discomfort " .
Mr. Panagiotis Kouroumplis stated the same things on 22 December 2009 in the parliament and spoke also about the necessity of the institution of the CREDIT CARD for all the Greek citizens in order to eliminate the corruption and the tax evasion .
In the meantime , during the speech of Mr. Kouroumplis , the parliamentarians of the pasok party Christos Papoutsis ( ) and Petros Efthimiou ( ) laughed between them .
They laughed perhaps cynically because Mr. Kouroumplis spoke about the disability card provided by the Nazi law 2430 of 1996 and therefore about the medical re-examination of all the Greek disabled people in order to cut their subsidies ?
They laughed because they were talking about funny stories or because they were in " strange " state of joy ?
However it testifies the seriousness of the Greek parliament .
Mr. Kouroumplis and the bilderberger Mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou want to eliminate the big discomfort of the Greek disabled people with a bigger discomfort and with ill-treatments , making to re-pass from re-examination all the Greek disabled people ?
Mr. Koroumplis speaks about the necessity to exempt the apparatus of the State from " millions " of lost working hours in the sector of the disability .
It seems that here in Greece each politician can assert all the stupidities that he wants without having to justify and to specify even the lie of the " millions " of the lost working hours in the sector of the disability . Perhaps with the " millions of lost working hours " and the with an " infinity of nonexistent furnitures " in the sector of the disability has failed the Greek State ?
Finally arrived the Greek genius that found the solution for the excessive debt of Greece : the disability card !
How many lost working hours there will be with the medical re-examination of 300-350.000 Greek disabled people ?
It result us that the implementation of the law 2430 of 1996 and of the project for the disability card will cost to the Greek citizen many hundreds of millions of euros .
The bureaucracy for the Greek disabled people has been created by the false representatives of the Greek disabled people and by the corrupted and cynical Greek political class .
Now , someone affirms that to solve this bureaucracy it is necessary to lead the disabled in the enormous bureaucracy of the monstrous medical re-examination of all the Greek disabled people with all the discomfort for them .
Perhaps Mr. Kouroumplis and Mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou want increase and not reduce the bureaucracy and the ill-treatments to the Greek disabled people ?
Perhaps Mr. Kouroumplis and Mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou want introduce the Greek disabled people , with ridicule pretests , in Nazi schemes regarding the cut of their subsidies and also the intromission in their privacy ? ( Article 8 and 9 of ECHR )
It seems that the genius Mr. Kouroumplis found the solution also to eliminate the corruption and the tax evasion in Greece : obligatory CREDIT CARD for all the Greek citizen !
But this things in other Democratic States does not solve them with a good criminal justice ?
Perhaps the colleagues of Mr. Kouroumplis were deriding his speech ?
Very probably it has been suggested to Mr. Kouroumplis by an umpteenth order that came from offices of Mr. Soros .
Why Mr. Kurublis did not asked the abrogation of the shameful law 3126 of 19 March 2003 ( ) that exempt from every criminal responsibility the Greek ministers ?
This law covers the puppets-traitors that created the black hole in the Greek finances that many people believe that was intentionally created . What guarantee of transparency may give the actual prime minister George Jeffrey Papandreou that on 18 march 2003 signed the law 3126 of 2003 ( at that time he was foreign affairs minister ) .
This law is also signed by :
the actual minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks Mr. Dimitris Reppas ( minister of labour in 2003 ) ;
the actual minister for the Citizen's Protection Mr. Mihalis Chrysohoidis ( minister of Public Order in 2003 ) ;
the actual minister for national defense Mr. Evangelos Venizelos ( Minister for Culture in 2003 ) ;
the actual parliamentarian Mr. Petros Efthimiou ( minister for education and religious affairs in 2003 ) ;
the actual parliamentarian Mrs. Vaso Papandreou (minister for environmentttt in 2003 ) ;
the actual parliamentarian Mr. Konstantinos Skandalidis ( minister of Interior, public administration and decentralization in 2003 ) ;
the actual chairman of the Greek parliament Filippos Petsalnikos ( minister for justice in 2003 ) .
Consequently we have currently in Greece the usual corrupted political class that gives lessons about the " transparency " .
Can a transparent person sign a law that exempt him from every criminal responsibility ?
Talk about " transparency " , " elimination of privileges " and " Just State " after have signed the law 3126 of 2003 is pure disgusting hypocrisy !
For example is " transparent " the Greek minister of finance George Papaconstantinou ?
The " transparent " Mr. Papaconstantinou " between 2002 and 2004 served as a member of the Council of Economic Advisors of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, he was a board member of OTE (Hellenic Telecommunication Organization) " .
We read also that " The US Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating whether employees of Siemens, one of the world’s largest electrical and industrial engineering companies, paid hundreds of millions of euros in bribes for telecommunications and other contracts " and " Kickbacks are believed to have been given to Greek political parties, particularly before the 2004 national elections, OTE telecom staff members and officials involved in the construction of Olympic Games venues worth billions of euros. "
" OTE ( Hellenic Telecommunication Organization ) officials have also allegedly received bribes, particularly in the runup to the Athens 2004 Olympic Games."
Here in Greece , all the scandals when regard the political class and the high levels of the public administration remain pure scandals because does not exist in this cases substantial criminal justice .
In Greece is just the caste of the political class that has great problems of transparency , problems of social justice and privileges .
With the law 3126 of 2003 nobody can believe that the public debt has been created from nothing .
In reality there is not intention to reduce the public debt by the puppet Greek political class because in this case the bankers would cease to collect interests from the debt and to blackmail the Greek people .
The unique intention of the puppets prime minister George Jeffrey Papandreou and of the minister of finance George Papaconstantinou is to hit the social rights of the Greek disabled and of the Greek people .
We continue to substain that Mr. Trichet , Mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou and Mr. Papaconstantinou must implement the following reforms if they want solve really the problem of the Greek public debt : the abrogation of the law 3126 of 19 March 2003 and the modification of the Greek constitution , the reduction of various privileges , salaries and pensions of the parliamentarians , severe criminal penalties for them ,etc .
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

On the link
came in evidence situations of ill-treatments of disabled people with cut of their subsidies in various other States of Europe .
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First of all we thank a friend from Sweden who gave us the link ,it is very interesting to know about the barbarous killing and the ill-treatments of the swedish disabled people implemented by the inhuman swedish rulers . We can see on this site a true gallery of horrors implemented by the nazi bilderbergers prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt ( ) , the minister for finance Anders Erik Borg ( ) and the minister for social security Cristina Husmark Pehrsson ( ) . In Sweden there are many cases of disabled people that commit suicide after the cut of the subsidies , disabled people that die by stress from job because they have not a subsidy , persons suffering from cancer that have been cut the subsidy , etc.
For example in a post of 28 december 2009 a swedish woman tells :

" Lċt mig fċ komma med ett mothugg gällande att ingen skulle begċtt självmord pga utav ett avslag frċn Försäkringskassan..Min fästman tog livet av sig den 1 dec, efter att ha fċtt avslag pċ förlängning av hans sjukpension. <<han blev bara 55.JAg är 34... MIn man e borta...och varken försäkringskassan eller psykiatrin har haft resurser...eller insikt nog att följa upp min fästmans ärende. Och nu ska en massa stackae bli utförskrade som inte har möjlighet att arbeta full tid. OCh varningar kommer frċn mċnga om att de kommer ta sina liv. JAg blir rasande!! MIn mans borng, som blev en följd av bla Försäkringskassans beslut att inte längre lċta honom vara sjukpensionär, det blev droppen för honom...sċ han tog sitt liv. Tro inte att jag kommer vara tyst i denna debatt. Det stöd min man behövde frċn vċrd och frċn Försäkringskassan har inte funnits. Hans val att dö var hans eget val. Det vet jag. MEn hur mċnga fler ska svikas pċ detta sätt innan vċr regering fattar??? "

" my husband killed on 1 December , after have been refused the renewal of his disability pension became the last shock for him ... so he ended his life. "
Someone affirms also in another post :

" Fredrik Reinfeldt hċller pċ att fċ Sverige att likna Tyskland under tiden 1930-1945! Alliansens politik är helt huvudlös och kommer att skicka Sverige tillbaka till medeltiden! "

" Fredrik Reinfeldt is bringing Sweden to resemble to Germany in the period 1930-1945 ! the policy of the Alliance party is completely headless and will bring Sweden back to the Middle Ages ! "
Perhaps the nazi bilderberger swedish prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt in his barbarous plan of homicide of the disabled people wants to subtract from them subsidies and healthcare in order to transfer more and more money to the bangsters ?
The nazi swedish minister for social security Cristina Husmark Pehrsson " believes that the new health rules will lead to employment the disabled that have the ability. "
It is simple , is sufficient to declare all the disabled people capable to work ! The nazi solution to the disability problem . " Arbeit macht frei " and helps the bangsters !
It is strange also the light conscience of the nazi swedish doctors that infringe the oath of Hippocrates cutting subsidies to ill persons and thus killing them ?
This situation confirms that in the bilderberg meeting of Athens on 14-17 May 2009 was given the precise order to kill the disabled people .
Sweden: IMF and OECD demand deeper social cuts
The swedish european affairs minister Cecilia Malmstroem on 10 December 2009 stated " the situation in Greece is very serious ......It's a difficult situation that needs time, political courage (and) some reform " .
Is courage the new euphemism for the homicide of the disabled people ? What is the position of the various swedish association that would protect the health of the swedish disabled people ?
The swedish member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe mr. Göran Lindblad sent on 9 July 2008 a written question to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe about the Persecution of people of Roma origin in Italy and stated that " Collective expulsion is prohibited under the European Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. "
Always mr. Göran Lindblad on 7 January 2009 " condemned the violent and unjust way in which the Iranian government suppresses the opposition in the country " speaking about the existence of a totalitarian regime in Iran .
Mr. Göran Lindblad does not take note that in his State and in Europe there is a totalitarian regime that kills and maltreats the disabled people ?
Mr.Göran Lindblad does not keep in mind the articles 2 and 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights that speak about the protection of the right to life and the prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment ?
It seems that now in Greece the puppets of mr. Soros , the bilderberger prime minister mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou and the minister of finance mr. George Papaconstantinou plan a medical re-examination of at least 90% of the greek disabled people under the pretest that nine out of ten documentations of the greek disabled pensioners are missing of various elements . It is reported in an article of 7 january 2010 of mr. Risos director of the newspaper Adesmeftos Tipos .
According to another article of Adesmeftos Tipos always of 7 january 2010 inspectors of the Public Administration have identified irregularities in the documentations like the absence of medical certificate , medical certificate without the timbre of the doctor , the missing clear description of the condition of healt of the disabled person , the missing signatures of the doctors members of the commissions that examine people affected by disabilities , the removal and the addition of entire paragraphs in the decisions of the medical commission .
Perhaps mr. Risos and mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou affirm that almost the totality of the greek disabled people are suspects of false disability ?
Perhaps through this pretest almost the totality of the greek disabled people will repass from medical re-examination with the nazi evaluation criteria like those already actuated in other States of Europe in order to kill them ?
Perhaps the prime minister mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou and the minister of finance mr. George Papaconstantinou have been charged by someone in order to make disappear and to counterfeit the medical documentation of the greek disabled people because the percentage of the case of documentation with irregularities is so high that only mentally handicapped people could believe that?
The total re-examination and the kill of the greek disabled people has not been the finality of the various greek government,of the bodies of the European Union and of the International Monetary Fund from the early 90s till now ? The goal justifies the means . The pretest of the " false " beneficiaries of disability subsidies and the pretest of irregularities in the documentations are not schemas used in other States of Europe in order to cut the same subsidies ?
The articles of the newspaper Adesmeftos Tipos of 7 january 2010 have been written by own inspiration of the authors or have been dictated by an office of international organizations correlated with with the OECD
( Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ) ? The nazi propaganda of the " false disabled " , here in Greece , has followed quickly after every national elections and is used by greek governments both of the "left" and "right" in order to cut disability subsidies .The goal has always been the greater tightening of the criteria of issuing of the disability pensions in order to more easily reach the grave before that the insurance fund gives the disability pensions . Thus, after each similar operation increases the number of the uninsured disabled .

An article of the newspaper Rizospastis of 8 december 2006 stated that " According to a Presidential Decree prepared by the Pasok party and signed by the New Democracy party , in order to obtain 114 millions of euro .....the insurance fund of the sailors cutted the disability allowance of 114 euros from one leg amputated sailor because according to the new regulations would have been mutilated in both legs ! " .

When we see a similar nazi propaganda used by various European States and various governments , we understand that there is a single mind that gives the directives to various puppets european rulers . The propaganda of the " false disabled " has been studied by astute sociologists in order to put the citizens against the disabled people and is based on the principle " divide et impera " .
Another article of the newspaper Adesmeftos Tipos of 18 january 2010 stated that half of the greek diabled people that perceive disability subsidies are full of health and that the cost of the " false disabled " would be of 2 billions of euros per year .
Very probably , if someone has not the gift of prophecy , the cinic minister of finance mr. George Papaconstantinou has calculated that in order to save a predetermined amount it is necessary to cut half of the disability subsidies . Who is mr. George Papaconstantinou , a person with a dark past life that became minister of finance without being elected by the greek people ?
During the electoral campaign we knew that mrs. Louka Katseli would became minister of finance but after a bomb in her office and residence in Athens and after the national elections,instead of her,minister of finance became mr. Papaconstantinou .
Perhaps mr. Papaconstantinou has been imposed by foreign interests against to the national interest ?
On 14 January 2010 the minister of finance George Papaconstantinou stated " We will attain our goals by any means possible " . Perhaps also killing sick and disabled persons ?
Always the articles of Adesmeftos Tipos of 7 january 2010 describe Greece as the homeland of " false disabled " .
Instead Greece is the true homeland of the highly corrupted politicicians and mass-media .
Perhaps mr. Risos is the result of the experiment of a mentally disable inserted into the working world ? Or the number of the mentally disabled in Greece is very high if there are people that buy and read determined newspapers ?
Perhaps Mr. Risos receives discrete amounts of money when writes determined articles that remember us the propaganda of old dark times ?
Mr. Risos has never received " help " from greek politicians ? He has not passed a lot of hours talking with the former prime minister the bilderberger mr. Karamanlis ?
Why mr. Risos does not tell that the greek government is trying to save the bangsters with the blood of the greek disabled people ?
Why mr. Risos does not tell the true problem of the high debt of the greek State dued to the corrupted politicians that had the shameless temerity to approve the law 3126 of 19 March 2003 ( ) that exempt their crimes from every penal responsability ?
Mr. Risos says also that " We expect that the fraudsters disabled will be sent to the prosecutor and to see many of them in prison " .
Mr. Rizos does not want to see in prison all those who signed the law 3126 of 19 March 2003 in order to cover their crimes ?
Perhaphs the greek people want to see in prison the corrupted traitors that simulate to represent the people ?
Really very strange the concept of justice of mr. Risos !
Is this the State of justice that the bilderberger mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou proclaims ? The disabled people without subsidies and in prison and the corrupted politicians
out of prison ? Is this a pure act of courage similar to that of Samson ? How can be proud the mother of the " little Jeffrey " by the fact that he also signed the criminal law? This fact does not contrast with the jewish culture of her family ?
The " little Jeffrey " and his mother do not know something about the recent scandal of the Hotel Xenia ?
What is the role of mr. Vardakastanis , chairmen of the Greek National Association of disabled people ( ) when the stamp publishes slander news about the greek disabled people ? In these cases does not exist in Greece the prosecutor ? In these cases the silence is equivalent to consent .
The government of the courageous mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou plans also to cut 1,4 billions of euros from the already poorly financed health care system !
Infact on 20 january 2010 the light conscience of the nazi greek minister of labor mr. Andreas Loverdos stated that " there are great margins for savings in drug costs and disability pensions " .
It make us understand the killing insinct that dominates the actual greek government against sicks and disabled people .
Under these conditions mr. Papandreou and mr. Papaconstantinou have taken the power ?
So great was the desire for power and for money of mr. Papandreou and his mother ?
Money ! money ! in order to cover the infinite terrific emptiness of their mind and their uselessness .
We have to remember that a few months ago mr. Papandreou was called by the mass-media as mr. Nobody .
The True Act of Courage is that of the Iceland President Olaf Ragnar Grimsson that , as lion , defended the sovereignty of the Iceland people from the rapacity of the bankers , a True example of Personality full of ideals and not like other persons servants of the bangsters that hypocritically proclaims one things and instead make
another !
Mr. George Jeffrey Papandreou does not know that in Greece after the second world war have not been builded hospitals except very rare cases ? That the greek hospitals have a low number of nurses and doctors ? That in Greece a person that is seriously ill can be forced to sell his property ? The hospitals in Greece are even worst to those of the third world ! This is also the reason because many tourists with health problems avoid to elect Greece as their destination !
On 14 January 2010 mr. Trichet , president of the european central bank , stated " we know that some governments – one in particular, but not only one – that several governments have very tough and very difficult decisions to take " .
The incitement to commit crimes is not any longer punished in Europe ?
These statements of mr. Trichet perhaps explain the articles of the newspaper of mr. Risos and the declarations of mr. Loverdos against the greek disabled people ?
The " tough and very difficult decisions to take " concern also the law 3126 of 19 March 2003 and the reduction of salaries and pensions of the golden politicians ?
How can coexist True Human Rights with the monetatary interests of the bangsters of the european central bank and of the world bank ?

It is necessary in order to have a complete vision of what is happening in Europe to know what is happening inside each single State of Europe in order to acquire in such way a "collective conscience" that will be the most powerfull arm in our hands to stop the actuation of the criminal plans of the national and european rulers .
For as long as each of us consider beeing an isolated case in Europe , the nazi can implement their criminal plans undisturbed , but if we reconstruct their schemes ,by putting together all the " isolated cases", could be the beginning of the end for their dark plans .
However , very soon Swedish Personalities , tutors of Human Rights , will have to explain us why is become lawful in Europe that rulers commit serious crimes and monstrosities against the disabled people using the euphemism " economic reforms " .
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

FOCUS: Greece is currently brazenly violating the 3% debt limit, with its budget deficit standing at 13%. Is Greece showing you a lack of respect?

Trichet: Greece has not respected the Stability and Growth Pact. Not only Greece, but also other countries – that goes without saying – must do everything they can to put their national finances in order, bringing them fully into line with the provisions of the Stability and Growth Pact.

FOCUS: Greece, with its high levels of debt, would need to make drastic savings. How is that possible? It would result in mass demonstrations or even political unrest.

Trichet: Let me say this again. All countries have to put their house in order. Greece is no exception to this rule. Ireland has also taken these courageous and difficult steps. I am convinced that, given the nature of the situation, the Greek government will do likewise in order to meet the 3% goal it has just committed itself to for 2012.

FOCUS: Can you envisage Greece having to leave the euro area if the country does not manage to resolve its problems?

Trichet: I have already said that I don’t comment on absurd hypotheses.

FOCUS: You once said that the countries participating in Economic and Monetary Union share a common destiny. In this case, the strong countries would have to help the weak ones. Should France and Germany help Greece?

Trichet: I repeat solemnly: we – the 330 million citizens of the euro area – share a common destiny. In a monetary union, the ties between the individual member countries are indeed extremely close. The external surpluses of some member countries (in the balance of payments) finance the external deficits of some others, and the constellation can change over time. We all share a credible currency, which is an immense advantage. At the same time, all countries owe it to their partners in the euro area to behave responsibly and correct their imbalances.

FOCUS: This problem will become even bigger if other countries – such as Bulgaria or Romania – introduce the euro.

Trichet: Other European Union countries are indeed committed to joining the euro area. But only when the time is right. As you know, there are strict criteria governing the introduction of the euro, and these must be met in full. And they have to be met not just at a particular moment in time, but on a sustainable basis. The ECB is and will remain extremely vigilant in this respect.

FOCUS: But what if new member countries doctor their figures – as Greece did – and trick their way into the euro area?

Trichet: Let me be very clear on this. Never again will we accept budget figures that do not reflect the facts. Appropriate auditing must always be possible. As early as next month the European Commission will make proposals that will dramatically improve the relevant framework. This is absolutely critical.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

" Greece but also other countries .......must do everything they can to put their national finances in order "Does it means for mr. Trichet that is necessary to kill greek disabled and sick people ? The greek disabled people must to die in order to save Greece and the euro from the failure ? At this point Greece and the euro can fail !
A currency like the euro that is based on the blood of disabled and sick people can also cease to exist !
Why the " reforms " and the " sustainability " must exist only for pensions and salaries of poor people ? The expenditures of the budget of the Greek State consists only in pensions , salaries for poor greek people and for the greek health care system ?
Mr. Trichet does not know that among the expenditures of the budget of Greece are also pensions , salaries and various subsidies of the greek golden politicians ?
Mr. Trichet does not know that there are also the expenditures for various international war missions in which Greece participates ?
He does not know about the existence of the high levels of corruption in the greek politicians class ?
The shameful law 3126 of 19 March 2003 that exempt from every criminal responsibility any member of the greek government is perhaps the gift of the bangsters of the european central bank to the greek politicians because they were served very well by them ?
The Foundations of many greek politicians that every years suck millions of euro from the budget of the greek state and from the budget of the E.U. is also another gift of the bankers to them ?
If mr. Trichet tolerates this situations of privileges and corruption of the greek golden politicians perhaps must cease to push for barbarian reforms against greek disabled and poor people !
No to the criminal reforms based on the blood and the health of the citizens!.
No to the dictactorship of the bloody Euro!.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

On 1 February 2010 appeared on the site of the Greek Prefecture of Piraeus an unclear communication regarding nineteen (19) cases of people taking illegally allowance of blindness without specify the identities of these persons and the date in which they were discovered .
Subsequently the prefect of Piraeus asked the medical re-examination of all the disabled people that had received subsidies of disability in the last 5 years and precisely of 2148 disabled persons of Prefecture of Piraeus with the consequent cutting of the subsidies of 648 beneficiaries because they had a percentage of disability less than 67% , while 606 beneficiaries who were not presented to the re-examination have been cutted the subsidies of disability .
Because there were discovered the miserable number of 19 persons taking illegally allowance of blindness , if it is true , the barbarous prefect of Piraeus asked the total re-examination of all the disabled people that had received subsidies of disability in the last 5 years in the Prefecture of Piraeus also of the disabled persons that have not any evidence of guiltiness ? But is it transparency or pure insane cruelty and medieval inquisition ?
In order to cut disability subsidies is sufficient terrorize the disabled people that in such way will not participate to the medical re-examination . It is obvious that the disabled people that will take knowledge about the cuts of subsidies of other disabled people with serious infirmities will induce them in a state of terror and they will not submit themselves to medical re-examination . Another way in order to cut disability allowances may consists in granting monetary premiums to the doctors of the medical commission and in the threat to the doctors of severe administrative and criminal sanctions . Therefore in these cases we have a conditioning of the doctors , members of the medical commissions , that cannot act according to the medical science and ethic .
We can see two examples of what took place in these Nazi medical re-examinations .
The newspaper ELEFTHEROTYPIA - 22/05/2006 reports the case of Mrs K. NIKOLAU , a tetraplegic 22 years old that received a disability grant since she was 2 years old without slightest problem ( about 500 Euro per month ) and that was cutted after medical reexamination with the motivation that " unjustly " she had received it the previous 20 years ." The above ... miraculousness incident, seems to legitimize the claims of the disability movement that Ğon the pretext of cleansing the area of disability by " false disabled "approaches cuts welfare benefits for real disabled beneficiaries ğ. As stated the association of people with disabilities Paremvasi Anapiron Politon , Ğrespective facts which do not see the light of publicity,are afflicting in the last time hundreds of citizens with disabilitiesğ. "
Always the newspaper ELEFTHEROTYPIA in the article " The joke with the disability card " of 26/11/2006 says " a pensioner 75 years old with high leg amputation which for two years smoothly received the allowance that recently suddenly has been Ğcuttedğ. As if the the limb were regrowth ! "
Is it conform with the medical ethics and with the oath of Hippocrates to remove subsidies to vulnerable people ?
Perhaps the nazi prefect of Piraeus has abused its power ?
The Greek disabled of the prefecture of Piraeus which has been cutted the disability subsidies very probably are poor persons that had not the economic possibilities to pay a lawyer and therefore have been massacred in an atrocious way by frustrated personalities of the nazi ultraliberal party pasok .
However regarding the case of the nineteen persons taking illegally allowances , it seems that happened at least many months ago because the medical re-examination of 2148 disabled persons needs a long time . Why an old case , if it is true , has been highlighted as if it was happening now ? Perhaps to create a scenography in order to hit the acquired rights of the greek disabled people ?
Infact , at the end of the communication , the prefect Yiannis Michas proposed 12 measures in order to reform the sector of the disability to the minister of health , among the other particularly that the grant of the benefit of serious disability must be related to stricter criteria . Strangely the requests of mr. Michas are similar to the recommendations of Oecd ( Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ) that stated " Access to disability pensions should be strictly enforced on medical criteria , judged by independent doctors . "
Very probably behind the communication of the Greek Prefecture of Piraeus of 1 February 2010 are hidden directives of Oecd and European Union sent to the bilderberger Greek prime minister George Jeffrey Papandreou ( ) and to the minister of finance George Papaconstantinou that have implemented this ridiculous farce .
The prefect of Piraeus is a great friend of the prime minister George Jeffrey Papandreou and in the past has been involved in stories of corruption .
The ridiculous scenography of the little Jeffrey Papandreou continued on 2 February 2010 with various newspapers that published the case of the nineteen persons who are taking illegally allowance of blindness and presenting the episode as happened recently .
The newspaper Apogevmatini of 3 February 2010 states that the fine minister of labor Andreas Loverdos " proposed the strict limitation of the disability pensions and the reintegration of the citizens with disabilities in the labor market " .
" Reintegration of the citizens with disabilities in the labor market " is the code phrase used when the rulers want to kill the disabled people ?
The article of the newspaper Apogevmatini speaks also for the establishment of an unique super-fund for health benefits, which will cover almost all the insured people and
will determine also the cut of the costs of the Greek health care system . The bilderberger Jeffrey Papandreou wants to kill also the sick men ? This reform provides the
" commission of the death " that will authorize the health expenditures of the Greek citizen ?$FILE/JT03269899.PDF
Perhaps it explains because the Minister for Health and Social Solidarity Mariliza Xenogiannakopoulou spoken , in her speech of 7 October 2009 , for a" new age of the health care system " ?
On 3 February 2010 in the link - - mr. Vardakastanis , chairmen of the Greek National Association of disabled people , calls the Greek government , to reform now the system of evaluation of the disability under the pretest of the episode of the 19 persons taking illegally allowance of blindness in the Prefecture of Piraeus .
In this regard mr. Vardakastanis sent a letter to the Minister of Labor and Social Security Andreas Loverdos and to the Minister of Health and Social Solidarity Mrs. Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou asking a new unique method of evaluation of the disability in order to eliminate the problem of the " false disabled " .
The application of the new method of evaluation of the disability has been seen in other States of Europe and consists in the Nazi cut of the subsidies of disability to the entire category of the disabled people with the consequent murder of them .
So the farce will end when the minister of labor and the minister of health will implement the reform of the disability pensions in order to kill the Greek disabled people under the pretest that this has been requested by Mr. Vardakastanis and by Mr. Michas , prefect of Piraeus . We can notice that in the letters of Mr. Michas and Mr. Vardakastanis to the ministers is used the term
" transparency " in order to hit the entire category of the Greek disabled people .
Always on 3 February 2010 various newspapers reported the news that 20.000 Greek disabled people of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki are risking the cut of the disability subsidies since next June because the Greek minister of finance Mr. Papaconstantinou , agent of the Goldman Sucks , have not approved the necessary money to cover the regular needs .
We hope that the Prefect of Thessaloniki will take all the appropriate actions in order to protect the disabled people of his Prefecture and that he will not follow the example of the other politicians of the right parties that ask economic reforms and diffuse social hatred according to the principle " divide et impera " . Perhaps the Goldman Sucks are financing not only the pasok party but also the leaders of the right parties New Democracy and Popular Orthodox Rally ( LAOS ) of Mr. Karatzaferis ?
Perhaps there are in the Greek parliament 3 parties that simulate to represent the Greek people and instead they are working for the interests of an unique Bank ?
This Bank has opened its treasury to them ? There are also strange politicians that while time ago used to appear dressed in a simple way , now are well dressed with the
cravat . These politicians are now distant years of light from the Greek people !
To confirm that the Nazi propaganda of the " **** disabled " is used in order to apply Nazi policies against the Greek disabled people we have the article of the newspaper Rizospastis of 3 February 2010 that states " in the insurance fund of EDOEAP was cutted the allowance of 500 euros for the chronically ill (for example multiple sclerosis) that can walk and work, without regard if in these cases a disabled person can work with great difficulty . Also, reduced to 300 euros the same allowance for the chronically ill that are immobilized and not working " .
In the meantime that is in act the cut of various subsidies of disability , the Greek politicians benefit of countless privileges .
It is evident in these cases that Mr. Vardakastanis , chairman of the Greek National Association of disabled people , does not defend and does not represent the interests of the Greek disabled people but persecutes them .
Mr . Vardakastanis is also president of the European Disability Forum ( ) and represents the interests of all the European disabled people. It could explains the murder and the massacre of the European disabled
people ?
Mr. Vardakastanis is well financed by the European Union and with the money of the European citizens in order to implement Nazi plans against the European disabled people ?
Mr. Vardakastanis was elected president of the European Disability Forum because of his merits or because is supported from the bangsters of London city , hidden behind the newspaper The Economist , in order to implement their plans ?
In September 2008 , the British Baroness Mary Warnock in an interview given to the Church of Scotland's magazine Life and Work, she said: " If you're demented, you're wasting people's lives – your family's lives – and you're wasting the resources of the National Health Service. I'm absolutely, fully in agreement with the argument that if pain is insufferable, then someone should be given help to die, but I feel there's a wider argument that if somebody absolutely, desperately wants to die because they're a burden to their family, or the state, then I think they too should be allowed to die .",_Baroness_Warnock
Strangely these dark theories are being applied in England and in Europe ! Perhaps the Baroness Mary Warnock is a friend of the queen of England ?
Perhaps these satanic theories are profitable for someone ?
The bilderberger Greek prime minister George Jeffrey Papandreou stated that Greece " is the victim of speculators intent on attacking a "weak link" in the euro zone " .
Mr. Papandreou has not friendships with these speculators ? Mr. Papandreou does not meet these speculators in various occasions like for example in Davos and he does not talk by phone with them ?*tag*&par=RSS
These speculators have not financed the electoral campaign of the bilderberger Mr. Jeffry Papandreou ?
If the electoral campaign of the little Jeffry has been financed by Goldman Sucks , how he can represent the Greek people ?
Following the suggestion of these speculators , Mr. Papandreou and Mr. Papaconstantinou have not increased the deficit data of Greece with tricks as did , another agent of Goldman Sucks , the bilderberger Prodi in Italy in 2006 to justify tough measures against the Italian people ?,1518,676346,00.html
Mr. Papandreou and the European central bangsters , with the pretest of the excessive public debit , want to inculcate terror in the Greek people in order to make credible the necessity of cruel inhuman measures against the Greek disabled and other categories of citizens ?
In this optic the Financial Times of 1 February 2010 stated " Brussels’ response to Athens’ travails, much like investors’ to Madrid, has been like a game of chicken: to force an adjustment, Greece has to believe it will drown in debt. At the same time, it is essential to the eurozone project that the Greek economy stays afloat " .
Why Eurostat always realizes too late that the books were " cooked " , reciting the part of the victim that has been tricked ?
At this point there are two possibilities : that the officials of Eurostat are not competent , very remote as possibility , or that they are acting in bad faith .
The vampire Papandreou affirmed also in Davos that " his country is ready to "draw blood" to beat the corruption, waste and mismanagement blamed for the debt crisis which has rattled global markets " .
Can corrupted persons who signed the law 3126 of 19 March 2003 ( ) that exempt them from every criminal responsibility , speak also about transparency and social justice ?
Perhaps the corrupted persons have an erroneous concept of transparency and social justice ?
Why Mr. Papandreou Sucks does not give back the Hotel Xenia that was property of the Greek State ?
Under what pretest the family Papandreou and other families of Greek politicians sucks millions of euros for years from the budget of the Greek State ?
Does Mr. Papandreou know the political family that has the property of enormous trade centers in the city of Chicago ? So enormous that can be photographed only by an helicopter !
Perhaps the Greek people wants to draw the blood of insatiable traitors ?
The true problem is perhaps that here in Greece there are persons that simulate to represent the Greek people and the Greek disabled and instead they want to led the Greek people and the Greek disabled in a situation of poverty in order to ask loans from the banks that they can not pay , loose their properties thus falling in an extreme state of desperation and commit suicide . Or perhaps the Greek people will react in a less passive way ?
Perhaps Mr. Papandreou and company , Mr. Vardakastanis are the mask that acts like shock absorber and behind which are hidden the vile bangsters ?
If Mr. Papandreou wants to represent the Greek people , he must not do any kind of economic reform because the reforms are only in the interests of the financiers of London city .
It is necessary to exit from the scheme EURO=>PUBLIC DEBT=>REFORMS AND PRIVATIZATIONS , to exit from the slavery of the eager and raptors bangsters
of the European central bank ! No to the euro that sucks the blood of the Greek people and that has not any kind of morality ! It is not possible that a system based on the
rapacity of the bangsters can have a longlife expectancy . Like someone affirms , very probably , the end of the euro is very close .
Perhaps Mr. Papandreou must look for new friendships less greedy , a new credit system based on a true social justice and not on the false social justice advocated by the speculators of London city that only want to destroy the Greek State and the Greek citizens . In this perspective the crisis can be a true occasion not for the bangsters of London city but for the Greek people . Subsequently other European States can follow the example of Greece .
But has Mr. Oedipus , remote-controlled by his eager mother ( ) , the true courage , the strong personality and the foresight to make it ? The facts till now shows the opposite . But he could be forced to follow this way by a strong popular reaction . If Mr. Papandreou continues in his usual way , with the usual friendships , he could end his political life like the Argentinian Mr. Cavallo .
At this point we must put in evidence that Mr. Papandreou cheated all the Greek people promising socialistic and democratic idols and now is following the most cruel neoliberal projects . Is Mr. Papandreou doing politic or business ?
EU economic and monetary affairs commissioner Joaquin Almunia concerning Greece said " your stability programme has established ambitious targets and objectives and we fully endorse these ambitious objectives ........We consider that the achievement of these objectives in the coming three years, before the end of 2012, is absolutely necessary " .
" Ambitious objectives " means that :
1) Is it Conform the stability programme with the HUMAN RIGHTS ? Or someone is committing crimes against the humanity considering that from the Greek stability programme have resulted the cut of disability subsidies ? The disability can be considered premature retirement and the murder of sick persons as legal ? Or they are Nazi projects ? ( articles 2 and 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights )
2) shameless and without dignity Greek traitors have signed the sellout of the Greek disabled and of the Greek people in exchange of huge fees ?
3) this Greek stability programme is a satanic pact of blood like that signed by Faust with the devil ?
However stating that the European central bangsters are not above the law is only smoke in the eyes : we can recognize the tree from its fruits .
Here in Europe there is a strange propaganda that want to make appear this continent as the homeland of the human rights while the America as a continent that presents serious violations of human rights .
Is it so ?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso on 9 February 2010 stated " I think that's one of the most damaging things we have in Europe: Europeans are always saying Europe is not good enough ...Some people like it. I don't like it. I believe Europe is a force for good, for our citizens and for the world, " .
" Europe force for good " means :
1) The corrupted Europe that favors the corruption of the politician class , servant of the bangsters , always richer and the citizen always poorer ?
Why the European commission has not ever request economic reforms for the Greek politician class ? Why the European commission has not ever request the abrogation of the shameful Greek law 3126 of 19 March 2003 ( ) that exempt the Greek ministers from every criminal responsibility ?
Perhaps the corruption of the Greek politician class reflects the corruption of the members of the commission ?
2) The Europe that favors the ill-treatment of the disabled people with the macabre images of legions of European disabled that pass continuously from the Nazi medical re-examinations in order to cut their subsidies and pensions ? ( articles 2 and 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights ) To such purpose we have endless documentation
3) The horrible imagine of Europe that kills the European disabled people cutting the disability subsidies and pensions using the euphemism of the " reintegration in the labor market " ?
4) The macabre Europe that cuts the expenses of the health care system killing the European sick citizens according to the Nazi Anglo-Saxon system of NICE ? ( articles 2 and 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights ) . Has Mr. Barroso ever visited in incognito the greater Greek universitary hospital of Evangelismos which is missing of personal and equipment ? Does Mr. Barroso know what means taking an urgent appointment for radiotherapy and having to wait for 3 or even 4 months ?
Does Mr. Barroso know what means one nurse for 50 patients ? The European commission has the shameless to impose further cuts to the expenses of the health care system ? Our human conscience repudiates the cuts imposed by the cool calculations of the accountants of the European central bangsters .
5) The corrupted Europe that finances the corrupted European disability associations in order to trick the disabled people and to impose them the cut of their subsidies ?
We have noted that many documents of the Greek associations of disabled people have been written by expert sociologists , probably paid by the bangsters .
6) The cynic Europe that imposes the reductions of subsidies and disability pensions of the Greek disabled trough the elimination of their tax exemptions ?
On 9 February 2010 the Greek minister of finance George Papaconstantinou affirmed that will not be eliminated the tax exemptions for disabled people with " serious mobility problems " . What means " serious mobility problems " ? That he wants eliminate the tax exemptions of various categories of Greek disabled people ?
7) The trivial Europe of the disinformation where ignorant corrupted journalists , agents of foreign interests , instead to explain the true reasons of the excessive public debt of Greece , unpunished offend and ill-treat the Greek disabled people labeling them as false in order to implement reforms that will kill them ? What is the amount of the investment of the Greek state in credits default swap ? The Greek disabled and the Greek people were the cause of the excessive public debt of Greece ? Or the Greek corrupted politician class that gave billions of euro to the bangsters and invested in credits default swap ?
Cool The Europe that has stolen the dream of the European citizens that believed in a United Europe founded on the true human values and on the social well-being ?
9) The totalitarian Europe of the English bangsters that blackmails the member States in order to impose them criminal economic reforms , privatizations and high taxes ?
On 9 February 2010 the EU economic and monetary affairs commissioner Joaquin Almunia spoken for " clear support for Greece in exchange for clear commitment [from the Greek authorities] that they will meet their responsibilities. You don't get support for free," .
Is it a blackmail of Mr. Almunia against the Greek people ?
It means that the European central bangsters threaten to not give euros to the Greek people if will not be implemented inhuman measures against them ?
Mr. Barroso stated also " Ordinary people [in Iceland] were going to the ATMs [cash machines] and they could not get their money. They could not use their credit cards. This happened to ordinary citizens, because they were not protected by the euro, "
The Greek people will not be in the same situation of poverty after the implementation of the reforms and taxes wanted by the European commission ? Also the Greek disabled will not be in this situation of poverty after the cut of disability subsidies and pensions ?
Who will be the Greek beneficiaries of the euros of the European central bangsters if , according to the reforms imposed by European Union , the Greek disabled will be constrained to live in a situation of poverty ? These euros will not be destinated to the Greek disabled people but to corrupted politicians , corrupted owners of some mass-media , some corrupted journalists , some corrupted association of disabled people , etc. .
Why Greece is the first State of the European Union where the European commission is exercising new powers " under the Lisbon Treaty to impose a "quasi-permanent" monitoring system over Greek public finances " ?
Mr.George Jeffrey Papandreou ( ) and Mr. George Papaconstantinou consider the Greek people like animals for experiments ?
We understand that in the mind of some persons make more and more money is their unique priority , their unique value.
The true problems are not if Greece must have the financial support of the International Monetary Fund , that Greece must implement economic reforms or a bailout plan for Greece .
The true problem is that the Greek people can not pay the crisis of the bangsters .
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Considering the situation of serious violations of Human Rights of disabled and sick persons in Greece and in Europe we decided to sent the following collective complaint to the Council of Europe .



Dear Commissioner for Human Rights and dear Secretary General of the Council of Europe , we are an independent group of Greek disabled and with this collective complaint we want to expose You the inhuman plan of the Greek rulers and of the European Union against the entire category of Greek disabled and the category of the Greek sick people .
Precisely on 1 February 2010 appeared on the site of the Greek Prefecture of Piraeus an unclear communication regarding nineteen (19) cases of people taking illegally allowance of blindness without specify the identities of these persons and the date in which they were discovered .
Subsequently the prefect of Piraeus asked the medical re-examination of all the disabled people that had received subsidies of disability in the last 5 years and precisely of 2148 disabled persons of Prefecture of Piraeus with the consequent cutting of the subsidies of 648 beneficiaries because they had a percentage of disability less than 67% , while for the 606 beneficiaries who did not presented to the re-examination have been also cutted the subsidies of disability .
Discovering the exiguous number of 19 persons taking illegally allowance of blindness , if it is true,legitimates the prefect of Piraeus to ask with light conscience the total re-examination of all the disabled people that had received subsidies of disability in the last 5 years in the Prefecture of Piraeus ? The crimes of few people became the crime of all disabled? Is it a new concept of European Democracy?
Perhaps the prefect of Piraeus has abused his power ? The Greek disabled of the prefecture of Piraeus which has been cutted the disability subsidies very probably are poor persons that had not the economic possibilities to pay a lawyer and therefore have been miss -treated in an atrocious way (article 2 and article 3 of ECHR ) . The Greek National Confederation of People with Disabilities ( ) and the various Greek associations of disabled people do not provide legal assistance to the Greek disabled people despite they receive substantial funding from the Greek State and from the European Commission .
In order to cut disability subsidies is sufficient terrorize the disabled people that in such way will not participate to the medical re-examination . It is obvious that the disabled people that will take knowledge about the cuts of subsidies of other disabled people with serious infirmities will induce them in a state of terror and they will not submit themselves to medical re-examination . Another way in order to cut disability allowances may consists to give very restrictive guidelines to the doctors of the medical commission towards this direction . Therefore in these cases we have a conditioning of the doctors , members of the medical commissions , that cannot act according to the medical science and ethic .
We have extensive documentation of what took place in these massive medical re-examinations that recalls scenes of dark old time .
At the end of the communication of 1 February 2010 , the prefect Yiannis Michas proposed 12 measures in order to reform the sector of the disability to the minister of health , among the other particularly that the grant of the benefit of serious disability must be related to stricter criteria . Strangely the requests of Mr. Michas are similar to the recommendations of Oecd ( Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ) that stated " Access to disability pensions should be strictly enforced on medical criteria , judged by independent doctors . "
Regarding the case of the nineteen persons taking illegally allowances , it seems that happened at least many months ago because the medical re-examination of 2148 disabled persons needs a long time . Why an old case , if it is true , has been highlighted as if it was happening now ? Perhaps to create a scenography in order to hit the acquired rights of the Greek disabled people ?
On 2 February 2010 various newspapers published the case of the nineteen persons who are taking illegally allowance of blindness and presenting the episode as happened recently .
In a very suspicious timing on 3 February 2010 the minister of labor Andreas Loverdos " proposed the strict limitation of the disability pensions and the reintegration of the citizens with disabilities in the labor market " ( ) and Mr. Yannis Vardakastanis , president of the Greek National Confederation of People with Disabilities and of the European Disability Forum ( ) , called the Greek government to reform now the system of evaluation of the disability in order to eliminate the problem of the " false disabled " .
If Mr. Vardakastanis does not justify his affirmations risks to make disinformation . Nothing is incorruptible in the hands of the human being .
The propaganda of the " false disabled " used by various States of Europe has been studied by astute sociologists in order to put the citizens against the disabled people and is based on the principle " divide et impera " . Isolated episodes of " false disabled " , not verifiable , are highlighted with particular emphasis from the mass-media in order to convince the Greek citizens that all the people with disabilities are " false " and therefore they must be subject to massive medical reexaminations in order to reconfirm their subsidies of disability (abuse of popular credulity) .
We can notice here in Greece , in the last times , an exceptional bombardment of the media towards the Greek disabled guided by the Greek rulers and a situation of continuous psychological mistreatment-torture against the disabled people ( violation of the article 3 of ECHR and articles 7 and 26 of ICCPR ) .
The newspaper Rizospastis of 3 February 2010 states " in the insurance fund of EDOEAP was cutted the allowance of 500 euros for the chronically ill (for example multiple sclerosis) that can walk and work, without regard if in these cases a disabled person can work with great difficulty . Also, reduced to 300 euros the same allowance for the chronically ill that are immobilized and not working " . ( article 2 and article 3 of ECHR )
But the true problem is the " false disabled " or that the Greek rulers implement cruel measures that recall old dark times against the entire category of the disabled people ?
Very probably the current Greek government and the various Greek associations of disabled people want to implement the inhuman law 2430 of 1996 , which provides the medical re-examination of all the Greek disabled people with criteria more severe and restrictive on zero basis , even for those with not reversible diseases who in good faith believe that their act of retirement and their disability pensions are definitive according with the provisions of their insurance funds, and the distribution of a disability e-card.
The application of laws of this kind can deprive the Greek disabled of subsidies of disability necessary for their survival , of their right to life (art. 2 of ECHR and art. 6 of ICCPR ) and of their acquired rights ( article 1 of the PROTOCOL No. 1 to the ECHR ) .
This law provides with light conscience a general reexamination of all the Greek disabled as if they were well-trained soldiers ready for a parade ( article 3 of ECHR and articles 7 and 26 of ICCPR ) . What sense of disgust would create to any citizen from around the world to imagine legions of disabled with not reversible diseases, sometimes very serious, re-passing from medical committees in the folly of the rulers to remove disability subsidies and pensions ?
The law 2430 of 1996 could present violation of the right to respect of the private life ( article 8 of ECHR ) and of the freedom of thought , conscience and religion (article 9 of ECHR ) because could determine the mandatory consignment of an e-card to the Greek disabled people and therefore the collection of their personal data even without their consent . Consequently
in this case , there will be a discrimination among the Greek disabled people and the other Greek citizens ( article 26 of ICCPR ) .
However we have already talked about the law 2430 of 1996 and the various related violations of the Human Rights including also the violation of the article 4 of ECHR and of the article 8 of ICCPR in our collective complaint of 3 July 2009 . In the same way we have already brought to Your attention a publication of the newspaper ELEFTHEROTYPIA of 31/10/2007 of his correspondent in Brussels Kostas Moschonas with title "Under the EU average, with a downward trend , are the social expenditure in Greece " where gives official elements from Eurostat showing that Greece spends only 5% (1.3% of GDP) in disability pensions, while the average of the 25 member states is at 7.8% (2.1% of GDP).
In the meantime there is a public consultation about the draft law " guarantees against job insecurity and other provisions " which provides in the article 16 that various serious diseases like paraplegia , tetraplegia , blindness , cancer , etc. are not included among the irreversible diseases .
It is a proof of the real intentions of the current Greek government against the disabled people , the missing respect and the absence of sensibility concerning disability problems .
The article 16 of the draft law " guarantees against job insecurity and other provisions " will determine the continue medical re-examinations and consequently the ill-treatment of various categories of disabled people with irreversible diseases ( article 3 of ECHR ) , a situation of dependency and psychological slavery (article 4 of ECHR and article 8 of ICCPR ) , the nonexistence of acquired rights ( article 1 of the PROTOCOL No. 1 to the ECHR ) and a discrimination among various categories of disabled people ( article 26 of ICCPR ) .
Have there been any evolutions in the science to the degree that these infirmities became now reversible ?
The introduction of continue medical re-examinations for these categories of disabled people will be followed by the introduction of new criteria of evaluation of disability more stricter as wanted by the OECD ?
What is the limit that the term " strictly " arrives to violate the rights ?
Perhaps the view from various points can arrive to eliminate the right itself ?
The article 16 of the draft law " guarantees against job insecurity and other provisions " represents the beginning of the implementation of the new approach of the disability
that speaks for " reintegration of the citizens with disabilities in the labor market " ?
The point of view can change but the disability remains .
This new approach of disability we saw recently in a Nordic European State and the results of this macabre experiment have traveled around the world determining deep feelings of disgust and many people spontaneously pronounced the phrase " poor Europe ! " . In that Nordic country we saw many cases of disabled people that committed suicide after the cut of their subsidies of disability , disabled people that died by their infirmities because their disability have not been recognized as such in order to give them a subsidy and various other ill-treatments ( article 2 and article 3 of ECHR ) . Also in that European State the rulers spoke for " reintegration of the disabled people in the labor market " . In that Nordic European State has been opened a prosecution act against the various responsible for murder , for attempted murder and for physical and psychical lesions ?
Regarding that country we have a huge documentation of atrocities committed by the rulers and we reserve to send You a complaint in case the situation of atrocities against the disabled people will persist .
Is the phrase " reintegration of the citizens with disabilities in the labor market " the euphemism used when the European rulers implement theories that recalls the dark past ? Propose these new approach of the disability in times of crisis and of excessive public debt can be dangerous for the right to life of the disabled people .
On 9 February 2010 the Greek minister of finance George Papaconstantinou affirmed that will not be eliminated the tax exemptions for disabled people with serious mobility problems . It seems that in a draft law already filed in the Greek parliament , the Greek government wants to eliminate the tax exemptions of all the Greek disabled people provided by the article 6 of the law 2238 of 1994 and from the article 2 paragraph 1 of the law 3522 of 2006 with the exception of the disabled people with serious mobility problems . The tax exemptions for disabled people with serious mobility problems will be granted for the first time upon the new condition of the income requirements .
Consequently the elimination of the tax exemption for the disabled people will determine a reduction of their incomes necessary to their subsistence ( article 2 and article 3 of ECHR ) , a discrimination among Greek disabled people and a discrimination among disabled people and the other citizen because the tax exemption is necessary to compensate the high costs that disability implies ( article 26 of ICCPR ) .
The Greek government programs also a reform of the health care system dangerous for the Greek sick persons .
The newspaper Rizospastis of 14 February 2010 stated " The single and Catholic Health Care System, which suggests the government means reducing of the state involvement in health care costs to a minimum, degraded level for all " .
In order to understand the Greek reform of the health care system , we must read the page 26 of the pdf downloadable on the site of the OECD ( Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development ) . The OECD states " To rein in the growth of public health spending, each patient will be given an individual health account with a yearly expenditure ceiling . Spending above this limit will require an authorization to justify the allocation of more resources. "$FILE/JT03269899.PDF
It seems that this reform provides a medical commission that will authorize health care expenditure for each patient according to the system QALY , a system based on assessments cost-benefit .
This is a system that put costs above the value of the human life ( article 2 and article 3 of ECHR ) .
In fact is in the plans of the Greek governments the cut of 1,4 billions of euros from the already poorly financed health care system .
We are wondering what has remained to cut in the Greek Health Care System ! An incognito visit at the greater Greek universitary hospital of Evangelismos may convince all those who have doubts of any kind .
EU economic and monetary affairs commissioner Joaquin Almunia concerning Greece said " your stability programme has established ambitious targets and objectives and we fully endorse these ambitious objectives ........We consider that the achievement of these objectives in the coming three years, before the end of 2012, is absolutely necessary " .
Mr. Almunia , before saying that the stability programme of Greece has ambitious objectives , has been checked before if those ambitious objectives are in accordance with the HUMAN RIGHTS ?
The Greek political leaders , before signing this stability programme , did not considered that Greece had already adopted the European Convention on Human Rights ?
What is the position of the Council of Europe regarding the decisions of the European Union ?
Considering a priori the decisions of the European Union as if they were in accordance with the HUMAN RIGHTS or to block them when they are not in accordance ?
Is the Council of Europe acting a duplicate of the European Union ?
Mr Van Rompuy stated " The crisis has revealed our weaknesses. Our structural growth rate is too low to create new jobs and to sustain our social systems " .
Mr Van Rompuy has expressed the concrete policy of the European Union ?
What is the position of the Council of Europe regarding the dangerous statements for the Human Rights of Mr Van Rompuy ?
If the structural growth rate in the European Union is too low , it is due to the same irrational economic policy of the EU that implements the schema :
We can not solve a problem creating a new problem !
We can not invoke the justification of the " crisis " , of the aging population , of the sustainability , etc. in order to propose theories that recalls old macabre times .
Is the only role of the Council of Europe acting in a preventive way only when are violated the rights of immigrants and Roma ?
Is the unique role of the Council of Europe to verbally attack foreign States because they have not abolished the death penalty ?
What is the difference between the death of a guilty for murder caused by the execution of a death sentence of a judicial court and the death of an innocent undefended and weak disabled or sick person caused by the execution of a decision of a medical commission ?
The first case seems to many people much more legitimate than the second .

Considering the numerous violations of human rights against Greek disabled and sick , mentioned above , we ask you the implementation of the necessary pressure in order to :

1) Ensure the approval of a law that abrogates the article 4 paragraph 2 , 3 and 4- of the law 2430 of 1996 ;

2) prevent the implementation by the Greek rulers of any law and measure providing the medical re-examination of all Greek disabled people or of groups of Greek disabled people with serious and irreversible diseases ( amputees , quadriplegics , blinds , etc. ) like for example the article 16 of the draft law " guarantees against job insecurity and other provisions " - the article 16 of this draft law provides a true ill-treatment for the disability persons with serious and and irreversible diseases ;

3) prevent the emanation of regulations and measures that annuls and diminishes pensions , subsidies and any kind of facilities of disability , which remove tax exemptions to the disabled and however affecting by any means and way the acquired rights of the disabled people even under the form of the introduction of income requirements - no tax exemptions for disabled people must be removed as provided by the article 6 of the law 2238 of 1994 and by the article 2 paragraph 1 of the law 3522 of 2006 ;
On 3 February 2010 various newspapers reported the news that 20.000 Greek disabled people of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki are risking the cut of the disability subsidies since next June because the Greek minister of finance Mr. Papaconstantinou , have not approved the necessary money to cover the regular needs .
Even in this case Your intervention is mandatory (article 2 and 3 of ECHR ) .

4) re-establish as they were before the cuts the allowances for sick and disabled people of the the insurance fund of EDOEAP ;

5) make sensible and democratic the Greek associations of disabled people that still maintain an inert and non-transparent behavior towards the disabled despite the repeated declarations of the rulers to proceed to the reform of the disability pensions .Democracy means also possibility of dialogue but the Greek associations of disabled people want to decide about the disabled people without an effective dialogue with them - the various Greek associations of disabled people have great problems of independence because they are well financed from the public budget and from various programs of the EU - What is really their role ? To give the consent to many decisions of the Greek rulers and of the EU even if they are dangerous for the Greek disabled people ? To give the consent to new systems that may determine many risks for the Greek disabled people ?

6) Ensure that for the rules that affect also disabled people are provided special provisions for them in order to not create discriminations ;

7) Ensure the complete exemption from the imprisonment of the Greek disable because fails to pay a debt to the public administration ;

8) Ensure the establishment of an independent Ombudsman for all the Greek disabled people , elected by the Parliament and not by the Government , with binding powers against the Public Administration concerning also the protection of social security and pension rights , situations of discriminations and of defamatory propaganda ;
The Greek Ombudsman with its purely consultative powers can not be of assistance to the Greek disable - this request was included in the complaint that we already sent You on 3 July 2009 but till now nothing has been done ;

9) Cease any discriminatory propaganda and any phenomena of abuse of popular credulity against the category of the disabled like for example that of the " false disabled" or that Greece has the highest percentage of disabled people in Europe and instead spread a positive mentality with regard the persons belonging to our category - the propaganda of the " false disabled " is necessary to the Greek government in order to implement cruel measures against the entire category of the Greek disabled people and continues to be used till now nevertheless the complaint that we sent You on 3 July 2009 - where is the opposition of the Greek associations of the disabled people and what is their role ? The Greek associations of disabled people not only support many times the propaganda of the " false disabled " but they do not have not even a legal adviser in order to denounce for defamation media and rulers when use this dark propaganda and to protect the disabled when occur cuts to disability allowances and pensions ;

10) prevent the application of the ICF evaluation system with regard to the future cases of disability in Greece because it is based on a definition of disability correlated with barriers of various kinds. The Greek environment is full of barriers and the Greek State has never take the appropriate measures at the right level to eliminate them but on the contrary has created new barriers .
However someone could declare that in Greece have been eliminated all the barriers while in concrete they are always present and then use the system ICF to the only purpose of drastic cuts in subsidies of disability , equating the disabled to the normal citizen and therefore creating real inhuman discriminations . The ICF evaluation system is a new system and could be badly interpreted or badly comprised , either casually or intentionally ,in order to obtain the above mentioned cuts in the field of the disability. Apply the ICF system evaluation in Greece would mean to send the disable on the streets to beg signing his condemned to death.
We are clearly contrary not only to the application of the evaluation system ICF but also to the application of stricter criteria of evaluation of disability dangerous for the right to life of the Greek disabled (art. 2 of ECHR and art. 6 of ICCPR ) . We do not want to live the catastrophic experiment that we have seen in other States of Europe !

11) prevent the establishment of a single and Catholic Health Care System in Greece that reduces under any form and pretest the state involvement in health care costs to a minimum, degraded level for all . If all the services of the Greek health care system are already degraded , what will remain after any further degradation ?
The newspaper Ethnos of 10 February 2010 stated that the administrations of the Insurance Funds shall ask to the kidney diseases to find other unit haemodialysis in the public and no in private clinics because the Greek State has not renewed the contracts with the private clinics . "It is impossible to make the treatment of all patients in the National Health System because of shortages," said chairman of kidney disease.
This article demonstrates the dangerous missing of infrastructures of the Greek National Health System . If the Greek State has not created the necessary infrastructures then It must renew the contracts with the private clinics in order to ensure the right to life of the kidney diseases ( article 2 and 3 of ECHR ) .Even in this case Your intervention is mandatory .

We reserve the possibility to publish the present collective complaint on various internet sites .

Best regards

Athens 26 February 2010
For the Indipendent Greek Disabled Group

xxxxxxx xxxxxx
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 07 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi igdg2000, more debt enslavement and atrocities such those you mention are the wreckage Bilderberg left behind in Athens.

Instruments developed by Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and a wide range of other banks enabled politicians to mask additional borrowing in Greece, Italy and possibly elsewhere.

Here’s an admission that the Euro was pushed by 5 European companies (and their senior Bilderberg members such as Agnelli and Jansen). Davignon: The single currency could "only be effective if it was proposed by the people who were in favour without the necessity to compromise between themselves." Let the poor eat cake.

This aligns well with Prof. Mike Peters essential paper

Can anyone seriously expect the investigation by the US Federal Reserve into Goldman’s lending practices in Greece will amount to anything?
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you kevink for the information .
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

On 02/03/10 we received the following reply from the commissioner's office:

Dear independent group of Greek persons with disabilities,

Thank you for your e-mail addressed to Mr Thomas Hammarberg,
Commissioner for Human Rights. As you may know, the Commissioner for
Human Rights does not have the mandate to take up individual complaints
and cases. He does, however, appreciate information sent to him and uses
this for his ongoing country monitoring.

Your e-mail refers to the situation in Greece of persons with
disabilities. As you may know, the human rights of persons with
disabilities are a priority area of the Commissioner. He published a
Viewpoint on 'Respect and rights-based action instead of charity for
people with disabilities' (20/10/2008), an Issue Paper on Human Rights
and Disability: Equal rights for all ( 20 October 2008 ).

He also addressed the participants of the conference ''Protecting and
promoting the rights of people with disabilities in Europe: towards full
participation, inclusion and empowerment'' which took place in
Strasbourg on 29 October 2008. The Commissioner stressed the importance
of a shift in discourse and policies from perceiving persons with
disabilities as victims and objects to subjects able and entitled to be
active citizens. The Commissioner highlighted the current challenges for
states in implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities and the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2015.
He called upon all member states to ratify and sign the Convention and
its Optional Protocol. He asked for special attention to be given to
children with disabilities, women and girls, elderly and persons with
mental disabilities. He also stressed the need for further planning and
elaboration of national disability action plans and strategies, in order
to make the human rights commitments concrete. In that regard it is also
crucial that independent Ombudsmen or other equality bodies are set up
to monitor, inter alia, that persons with disabilities can fully
exercise their rights.

Moreover, during some of his country visits he reports on the situation
of persons with disabilities.

The Commissioner believes that the entry into force of the UN Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in May 2008 has given new
impetus to protecting and promoting the human rights of people with
disabilities. Despite some legislative progress over the past decade,
the situation of persons with disabilities remains precarious in many
Council of Europe member states.

Thank you very much again for your information which we keep in our

Yours sincerely,

Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights
Council of Europe
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex


Dear Commissioner for Human Rights , thanks for Your reply but by mistake it concerns our previous complaint entitled ABUSES-ILL-TREATMENTS AND PERSECUTIONS OF THE DISABLED IN GREECE of 3 July 2009 while our recent complaint is dated 26 February 2010 with the subject INHUMAN TREATMENTS OF SICK AND DISABLED PEOPLE IN GREECE and concerning sick and disabled people .
We are well aware that the Commissioner for Human Rights does not have the mandate to take up individual complaints and cases but our complaint is not individual but COLLECTIVE.We did not make any requests about the individual case of Frank or John or Steven just to make an example .
The requests of our complaint , that are at the end of it , cover the entire category of people with disabilities and sickness in Greece and therefore MUST be regarded as collective in all respects .
Our requests are the following :

1) Ensure the approval of a law that abrogates the article 4 paragraph 2 , 3 and 4- of the law 2430 of 1996 ;

2) prevent the implementation by the Greek rulers of any law and measure providing the medical re-examination of all Greek disabled people or of groups of Greek disabled people with serious and irreversible diseases ( amputees , quadriplegics , blinds , sick of cancer , etc. ) like for example the article 16 of the draft law " guarantees against job insecurity and other provisions " - the article 16 of this draft law provides a true ill-treatment for the disabled persons with serious and and irreversible diseases ;

3) prevent the emanation of regulations and measures that annuls and diminishes pensions , subsidies and any kind of facilities of disability , which remove tax exemptions to the disabled and however affecting by any means and way the acquired rights of the disabled people even under the form of the introduction of income requirements - no tax exemptions for disabled people must be removed as provided by the article 6 of the law 2238 of 1994 and by the article 2 paragraph 1 of the law 3522 of 2006 ;
On 3 February 2010 various newspapers reported the news that 20.000 Greek disabled people of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki are risking the cut of the disability subsidies since next June because the Greek minister of finance Mr. Papaconstantinou , have not approved the necessary money to cover the regular needs . , ,
Even in this case Your intervention is mandatory (article 2 and 3 of ECHR ) .

4) re-establish as they were before the cuts the allowances for sick and disabled people of the the insurance fund of EDOEAP ;

5) make sensible and democratic the Greek associations of disabled people that still maintain an inert and non-transparent behavior towards the disabled despite the repeated declarations of the rulers to proceed to the reform of the disability pensions .Democracy means also possibility of dialogue but the Greek associations of disabled people want to decide about the disabled people without an effective dialogue with them - the various Greek associations of disabled people have great problems of independence because they are well financed from the public budget and from various programs of the EU - What is really their role ? To give the consent to many decisions of the Greek rulers and of the EU even if they are dangerous for the Greek disabled people ? To give the consent to new systems that may determine many risks for the Greek disabled people ?

6) Ensure that for the rules that affect also disabled people are provided special provisions for them in order to not create discriminations ;

7) Ensure the complete exemption from the imprisonment of the Greek disable because fails to pay a debt to the public administration ;

8) Ensure the establishment of an independent Ombudsman for all the Greek disabled people , elected by the Parliament and not by the Government , with binding powers against the Public Administration concerning also the protection of social security and pension rights , situations of discriminations and of defamatory propaganda ;
The Greek Ombudsman with its purely consultative powers can not be of assistance to the Greek disable - this request was included in the complaint that we already sent You on 3 July 2009 but till now nothing has been done ;

9) Cease any discriminatory propaganda and any phenomena of abuse of popular credulity against the category of the disabled like for example that of the " false disabled" or that Greece has the highest percentage of disabled people in Europe and instead spread a positive mentality with regard the persons belonging to our category - the propaganda of the " false disabled " is necessary to the Greek government in order to implement cruel measures against the entire category of the Greek disabled people and continues to be used till now nevertheless the complaint that we sent You on 3 July 2009 - where is the opposition of the Greek associations of the disabled people and what is their role ? The Greek associations of disabled people not only support many times the propaganda of the " false disabled " but they do not have not even a legal adviser in order to denounce for defamation media and rulers when use this dark propaganda and to protect the disabled when occur cuts to disability allowances and pensions ;

10) prevent the application of the ICF evaluation system with regard to the future cases of disability in Greece because it is based on a definition of disability correlated with barriers of various kinds. The Greek environment is full of barriers and the Greek State has never take the appropriate measures at the right level to eliminate them but on the contrary has created new barriers .
However someone could declare that in Greece have been eliminated all the barriers , while in concrete they are always present and then use the system ICF to the only purpose of drastic cuts in subsidies of disability , equating the disabled to the normal citizen and therefore creating real inhuman discriminations ( article 26 of ICCPR ) . The ICF evaluation system is a new system and could be badly interpreted or badly comprised , either casually or intentionally ,in order to obtain the above mentioned cuts in the field of the disability. Apply the ICF system evaluation in Greece would mean to send the disable on the streets to beg signing his conviction to death.
We are clearly contrary not only to the application of the evaluation system ICF but also to the application of stricter criteria of evaluation of disability dangerous for the right to life of the Greek disabled (art. 2 of ECHR and art. 6 of ICCPR ) . We do not want to live the catastrophic experiment that we have seen in other States of Europe !

11) prevent the establishment of a single and Catholic Health Care System in Greece that reduces under any form and pretest the state involvement in health care costs to a minimum, degraded level for all . If all the services of the Greek health care system are already degraded , what will remain after any further degradation ?
The newspaper Ethnos of 10 February 2010 stated that the administrations of the Insurance Funds shall ask to the patients affected from kidney diseases to find other haemodialysis unit in the public and not in private clinics because the Greek State has not renewed the contracts with the private clinics . "It is impossible to make the treatment of all patients in the National Health System because of shortages," said chairman of kidney diseases.
This article demonstrates how dangerous is the missing of infrastructures of the Greek National Health System . If the Greek State has not created the necessary infrastructures then It must renew the contracts with the private clinics in order to ensure the right to life of the kidney diseases patients ( article 2 and 3 of ECHR ) .Even in this case Your intervention is mandatory .

About Your monitoring , we highlight that Mr. Vardakastanis , president of the Greek National Confederation of People with Disabilities and of the European Disability Forum ( ) , on 4 March 2010 stated about " The urgency of the need of a single and incontestable System of Evaluation and Certification of Disability in order to give a definitive end to the problem of the re-examinations of the disabled people by the health committees" .
It is disinformation because in order to give a definitive end to the problem of the re-examinations of the disabled people to some Greek Insurance Funds is not necessary changing the System of Evaluation of Disability but it is sufficient a law that provides that categories of disabled people with serious and irreversible diseases ( amputees , quadriplegics , blinds , sick of cancer , etc. ) are from now no more subject to medical re-examination .
The newspaper NAFTEMPORIKI of 3 March 2010 speaks about a draft-law that provides a more severe system of issuing of the disability pensions .
Mr. Vardakastanis stated also that his positions and proposals are based on the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities .
We have seen the application of the " new optic " of the disability according the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Sweden , a State that have already ratified this Convention .
Even in Sweden , the Swedish minister for social security Cristina Husmark Pehrsson stated " that the new health rules will lead to employment the disabled that have the ability. "
The " new optic " of the disability according the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities , the incontestable System of Evaluation of Disability and
the more severe system of issuing of the disability pensions perhaps have as results the following concrete examples ?
1 )
2 )
3 )
If it is so , it explains the statements of Mr Van Rompuy " The crisis has revealed our weaknesses. Our structural growth rate is too low to create new jobs and to sustain our social systems " and therefore Europe is precipitating in old dark times .
In times of crisis , when there are not opportunities of job for young people , there will be for disabled and sick people ?
We continue to repeat that the Greek disable does not want to live the catastrophic experiment of Sweden and of other States of Europe !
The " new optic " of the disability must be abandoned at least for as long as the crisis persists !

Best regards

Athens 8 March 2010
The collective complaint that we sent You on 26-02-2010 is the following:

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