Bilderberg.org the view from the top of the pyramid of power
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marektysis Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 01 Nov 2006 Posts: 1581 Location: Brussels
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 9:58 pm Post subject: |
If there is one think to consider these last days is the furious attack against
Greece and begin of stock/change attack against Spain and Portugal.
As we know that Bilderberg was at the origin of Europe and a fervent support of mr Davignon's work to unite the european money, we have to consider something is completely illogic in what is now happening on the stock exchange.Could members of Bilderberg do a lot of money on the back of Europe , knowing they might destroy their work by rapacity?
Since a long time it has always been known that the capacity and productivity of the southern part of Europe was weakening the strenght of
the common currency.
the last year attack on european banks detaining CDO and subprimes titles was driving the ECB to lean to these bank against these junk bonds as ' guaranty'. These bank were from all parts of Europe.
The plan of Europe to save Greece is meaning that a additional 110 billions of junk bonds will take place in the safes of the ECB...
So,a majority of the guaranties of the European Central Bank is made of junk bonds and other subprimes titles sold by the US capitalism. At the contrary, US banks are detaining no Greek obligations and has been bailed out by the Obama administration.
Understanding all this, a possible scenario put in place in Bilderberg Stges 2010 could be to integrate Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece in the mediterranean zone along with Turkey,Egyspt, Lybia, Algiers and Marocco.
These country would have to quit the Euro zone naturally and could be helped by US banks directly, acting upon the hedge funds and rapace funds with threats coming from the white house.
The Euroland would then integrate nothern and pro american countries.
France would join the mediterranean zone, as england would join the Euroland in company of Germany.
All this may happen with subtility related with deficit of public accounts.
Nevertheless, this option should be examinated because of the vicinity of Euromed meeting in Barcelone, and Turkey will stay under the NATO umbrello, wanting no more to join a difficult club where France or Spain are unable to come in.
I have no secret papers in my possession to acrreditate this idea but all
the events are occuring as this could be the real plan put in action.
Marek |
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marektysis Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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TonyGosling Site Admin
Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1417 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:37 pm Post subject: |
Well Jim Tucker pinpointed the venue very well this year
Here's my article just written about today's Bilderberg appointments
Financial terrorists appointed to Britain's new government
by Tony Gosling - www.bilderberg.org
BRISTOL 12th May 2010 - TWO senior 'Bilderbergers' have today been appointed to the new Conservative coalition cabinet under First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister, former Eton and Bullingdon Club's David Cameron. They are Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne and Lord Chancellor/Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke. Clarke has been appointed to an unprecedented 'double portfolio' where he will be ruling on all senior legal appointments and precedents, also running his own Ministry of Justice.
Britain's current representative on the secret Bilderberg steering committee and Euro enthusiast Kenneth Clarke has been in government before as Health Secretary, Education Secretary, Home Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer under Margaret Thatcher between 1988 and 1997. Nevertheless, internet encyclopedia Wikipedia is puzzlingly inaccurate, considerably toning down Kenneth Clarke's connections with the Bilderberg conferences, describing him as an attendee at several meetings but not mentioning that he has attended every meeting in recent history and is one of a handful of organisers of the annual conference. Through his place on the Bilderberg Steering Committee he helps decide, along with Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and a handful of others, on the location, date and agenda of the annual conference whose corporate and central bank attendees control of most of the money in the Western World. Clarkes job as UK Bilderberg Steeering committtee rep is to come up each year with a list of powerful people in the UK and potential up-and-coming politicians who should be invited to the secretive conference.
Clarke's love of Bilderberg's power and secrecy should make him entirely inappropriate for the sensitive judicial and governmental role he now has as Lord Chancellor. This role has traditionally been seen as 'beyond reproach' because of its immense power to dispense justice, or injustice. This begs the question that at some point in the not-too-distant future Clarke's seat on the clandestine Bilderberg steering committee, closely associated with Goldman Sachs and global financial fraud, will be exposed to discredit both him and David Cameron's government. Lord Chancellor in the Labour government Charles Faulkner applauded Clarke's appointment on the BBC today, calling Clarke an 'independent' figure, but Faulkner himself was one of the most controversial Lord Chancellors ever, giving the legal advice that the invasion of Iraq was 'legal' when many lawyers believe it was one of the most bloody and serious ever violations of the UN Charter.
Despite his new job as Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice it is almost unthinkable that Clarke will not attend this year's Bilderberg conference, which Jim Tucker from American Free Press revealed in April is to be held in Sitges near Barcelona, Spain between 3-6 June 2010. Bilderbergers rightly consider themselves to be more powerful than national governments and Clarke has shown over the last 15 years or so know where hs loyalty lies.
Nervous eyes are on Greece right now and the IMF riots which have been taking place in Athens. Americans and Europeans are wondering if they will be facing the same crushing austerity measures, livelihood losses, foreign takeovers of private companies and privatisation of public services as is happening there. The colonial aquisitive tactics which Bilderberg and the IMF's financial elite have used on Third World nations for years, leading to charges of being the international Mafia, are now being turned on European nations. It may come as no suprise that the Greek Prime Minister, George Papandreou, who has so starkly failed to assert his country's sovreignty againt the IMF has been a regular attender at the secret Bilderberg meetings since 1998.
Those that dismiss the shadowy power of Bilderberg as a 'private' club rarely cite that the organisation's chairman for the first two decases, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, enthusiastically joined up as an officer in Hitler's SS. Bernhard was also publicly discredited in 1975 in the 'Lockheed scandal' where he was found to have taken a bribe of one million dollars to get the Duch Air Force to purchase Lockheed Starfighter jets. He was also shown to have used his place as director of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to aid Nazis escaping justice in the 1940s along the so-called 'ratlines' to South America. A BBC Radio 4 'documentary' about Bilderberg, aired in 2003, made no mention of these facts. Bilderberg is also closely linked to the wold wide religious cult of Freemasonry with Andrew Palmer the organiser of the last Bilderberg conference to take place in Britain and Josef Retinger, Polish MI6 operative and chief assistant to Prince Bernhard in Bilderberg's early years, being shown to be part of the craft.
The Bilderberg meetings have, since 1954, asked both press and public alike to 'trust them' to manage weighty economic matters in private with no press intrusion, and politely ask national newspaper editors not to mention the meetings are taking place for reasons of 'privacy' and 'security'. With the Western financial meltdown in full flow it is hard to see how broadcast or newspaper editors and proprietors can take these assurances seriously if they have any regard whatever for the intelligence and wellbeing of their viewers and readers.
see also
KLM accused of helping Nazis flee
Our man at Bilderberg: Let's salt the slug in 2010
Publicity is pure poison to the world's global power elite. So we should all turn up to its next annual meeting with a few more tubs of the stuff, writes Charlie Skelton
Bilderberg 2010 found!
http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/bilderberg_found_217.html _________________ http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/2149
Secret Rulers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0p-e2ng0SI
http://www.911forum.org.uk |
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vicflame Committed Poster
Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 4507 Location: Belgium
Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 12:20 pm Post subject: |
Dear Tony,
I translated your excellent article in French. I added a comment as an introduction, and posted in on the French forum.
I'll also post it to all my contacts, and on other forums.
Personally, I do believe that the mass media prostitutes (Orwell's "ministry of Truth") will be paid to shut their mouth or to spread lies and inaccuracies, just like any other year. They don't give a damn about their readers, listeners and viewers' intelligence and wellbeing. The best proof of this is to see all the blatant lies and disinformation that mass media outlets spread around the world, every day. We know that mass media moguls are actually part of Bilderberg members. This means that we can only rely on alternative or independent medias to broadcast accurate information on Bilderberg.
I try to do the maximum I can with my feeble means. Let's hope that any other member on this forum will do the same. We can help to make a difference !
There is one very important question that still remains unanswered : are there any organizations that we can contact in Spain to cause huge protests and the failure or the cancellation of this year's conference ? We have less than a month to act on that level. If you do have an idea, please send me a private message... |
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Joined: 23 Dec 2007 Posts: 48 Location: Yorkshire
Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:00 pm Post subject: Lib Dems and Bilderberg |
Now that the Liberal Democrats are in a coalition government with the Tories will their leaders, belatedly, be invited to the June 2010 Bilderberg meeting? It may be that, knowing Bilderberg`s record in spotting future political leaders, they have already invited Nick Clegg!
Vince Cable would normally be another candidate to receive the Bilderberg invitation but, after his commendable and accurate comments on the disgraceful behaviour of the Merchant/Investment Bankers, this seems unlikely.
Liberal Democrat Norman Baker has,until now, been a continual thorn in Bilderberg`s side, being one of the few MPs to question members such as Ken Clarke and George Osborne concerning their Bilderberg connections.
It will be interesting to see if Norman Baker continues his anti- Bilderberg line now that his party is in government!
No doubt Peter Mandelson will have a great time at Sitges, boring any Bilderberg guest who will listen, about how he nearly kept Labour in government - despite them having the most unpopular Prime Minister in recent times!
What chances of a tsunami hitting the Spanish coast in June? |
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marektysis Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 01 Nov 2006 Posts: 1581 Location: Brussels
Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:58 pm Post subject: |
depending on a awakening of the Vesuve or Aetna.
Marek Tysis |
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TonyGosling Site Admin
Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1417 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
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marektysis Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 01 Nov 2006 Posts: 1581 Location: Brussels
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:55 pm Post subject: |
The belgian Prince Philip is expected on time. Stephen Harper seems to be there too ( meeting with Nthanyahu on saturday may 30).
Queen Bea will be late in the day coming from Oslo where she is received from june1, probably in Barcelone in the afternoon. King of Spain will be examinated again in Barcelona hospital on june2 and will take a few days of rest. American bankers will be well represented as well as American Obama administration. Soros could be there with his founding of Jwall and the european equivalent of this organisazation.So with the melinda and Bill gates foundation, founding everyyear nearly half of the WHO organisation.Then excellences from mediterranean sea, including the puppet papandreou, Berlusconi and Sarkozy ( perhaps, he is more clever than that).Then the english delegation as well the obsequious european commission enslaved with the chains of its debts. No doubt they will clink a lot of years during next years night's in Sitges...
Marek Tysis |
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marektysis Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 01 Nov 2006 Posts: 1581 Location: Brussels
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 8:54 pm Post subject: |
Patrick Artus is a really good economical analyst whom advice scotched all week long with what happenned on the markets.He is director of the studies of Natixis and lecturer at the Polytechnique school in Paris.
He is feeling the revirement of the markets as reasonnable.They looked first at the short term and the exceptionnal measures in place as the buying of public debts by the ECB this permitted to the states to borrow at interesting rates. By instance, the BCE bought 30 billions of portuguese and greek debt between monday and wesnesday.( in €)
Then the markets thought:
'They understood that a mechanism was created susceptible to
degrade the financial situation of the eurozone: If Spain was to know at its turn a crisis of borrowing, the intrvention of the BCE will not suffice
.This would mean that France and Germany accept to endebt each other.
Their credit note would fall, the costs of financing would know heihts never known up to today!
Then we would know a veritable and real crisis of the Euro.
Thus in conclusion, that is the capacity of Spain that will determine what will occur?
It s wrong to consider Italy as a problem. With a public deficit of 5% of the GOP, she is far from the 11% of Spain. Is Spain go on financing its market without difficulties, all will go along...BUT THE MARKETS ARE DOUBTING ABOUT THIS.
The worst is to come?
It will happen a moment where people will understand that deficits are superior to what was announced.
Arthus is then pressing the european governements to reduce the rythms of deficits or if doing that, using the low of Euro to oppose us dollar
or yuan in international concurrency.
Arthus is counseiling to organize the principle of 'quantitative easing', so depreciating the money and the external debts.
The change policy depends from the European Council and Chiefs of States could give order to proceed to intervention of change.With a dollar at 1.20 or 1.25, the croissance would be of 1.5% only up to 2012, and deficits would reduce to half of what they actually are.Not enough !
Eurozone needs more solidarity and less souverainty. Brussels is right wanting to take a right of regard between states and their budget with a right to a veto right ine casu of derive.That is what Bilderberg desire.
solution for a country to get out of euro because difficulties is not the solution?
Spain is actually fiaincing at 3.80% in 10 years.The rate will jump up to 20% in this option.
Marek Tysis
The article of Patrick Arthus -in his complete version may be found on the 'Le Monde' dated monday 17 may,^page 9 economy.
I have taken what was needed for my demonstration without really
betraying him.
Last edited by marektysis on Mon May 17, 2010 9:17 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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marektysis Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 01 Nov 2006 Posts: 1581 Location: Brussels
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marektysis Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 01 Nov 2006 Posts: 1581 Location: Brussels
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 9:44 pm Post subject: |
tHE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND IS REJOICED THROUGH THE VOICE OF HIS DIRECTOR, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, of the measures adopted by the countries of the Eurozone to reinforce their stability economical and financial.This last consider the agreement with Greece as a model for other cooperations between the IMF and UE in the future.
'Oh, it will happen again?). Stupidely he claimed that "the answers of the Eurozone has showed that they are engaged at theit highest political level" has he yet declared.
Papers should spare papers without any sense from public circulation.This should be the first pace towards real economics.
Marek |
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TonyGosling Site Admin
Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1417 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:59 pm Post subject: |
Puppet Masters pull purse strings
Quote: | Puppet masters pull purse strings
Monday May 17 2010
The former British chancellor of the exchequer Denis Healy once said world events don't happen by accident, they are made happen by those holding the purse strings (the banks).
What puzzles me about this financial crisis is that, from 1954 to the present day, the heads of the US Federal Reserve, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, along with the leaders of the major banks, industry and politics, meet annually to discuss and formulate policy.
To then say that these guys didn't see the crash coming is hard to fathom.
This grouping call themselves the Bilderberg Group and will meet from June 4 to 7 in Spain, where top of their agenda will be that credit lines are to remain closed for another year, taxes to rise and services to be reduced.
One wonders if their answer is a global currency controlled by the UN and IMF. I hope not.
John Finegan
Bailieborough, Co Cavan
Irish Independent
http://www.independent.ie/opinion/letters/puppet-masters-pull-purse-strings-2182544.html |
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TonyGosling Site Admin
Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1417 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 8:31 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | Hi there,
This is the round robin I've been putting together for interested parties.
Very much hope to see you in June...
- - - - -- - - - -
Dear all,
Apologies for not getting back to you sooner - I had lots of emails and then moved to Portugal, found myself without an internet connection and promptly forgot about all things Bilderberg. However it's that time of year again which is why I'm writing to ask if you are still interested in reporting on the meeting or getting involved in this year's fringe festival and barbeque?
If so, I just thought I'd let you know (in case you didn't already) that Bilderberg is happening this year, to the best of our knowledge, in the Spanish seaside resort of Sitges, just south of Barcelona, on June 3-6.
Here's the venue:
It's in the exclusive gated enclave of Can Girona
Sitges seems nice. It has 17 beaches and 3 museums, according to Wikipedia:
We'll be camping nearby the conference venue, hoping to raise awareness & waving at the delegates as they whizz by and we'll be flipping (bilder)burglers and generally having a nice time (we hope). Below is an agenda a few of us have put together, please feel free to add to it. All suggestions gratefully received!
Any questions, tips, travel plans, friends in Spain, long lens cameras you have in your garage - anything at all that might help, or anything we can do to help - please do get in touch. I'd love to hear from you.
I have put a facebook page up for those wishing to come along called Bilderberg 2010: A Spanish Idyll. (I am Deyook Simpkins, in case you're wondering...) There are other facebook groups to join too: Against Bilderberg in Sitges; and Let’s Storm Bilderberg 2010.
Here's hoping we will meet in June!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
The 2010 Bilderberg fringe festival and mirror meeting - - please forward to anyone you think might be interested in coming along, or has any of the skills/contacts on our wishlist...
Our aims:
First, to shine the light of publicity onto the fact that our elected officials are forging global policy - in armed seclusion - at this annual private meeting with business leaders, European royalty and bankers.
We can do this by: contributing to blogs; organising stunts and PR-able 'happenings'; taking daring and newsworthy pap pictures of any attendees; recording our experiences when harassed by local police or private security and even just informing local residents & press about the private meeting taking place amongst them. We will also set up an unofficial press office handing out lanyards and info-packs during the duration of the meeting.
Second, to establish the Bilderberg 'mirror meeting' where we ourselves meet and network, make friends and forge global policy - our own! They have a forum in which to do it, so why shouldn't we? The only difference is that our meeting is open, transparent, and has fewer terrified bar staff trying not to spill a drink on David Rockefeller. Let's grapple with the issues and think of some solutions..
The third aim is simply to have fun. To create a lighthearted 'festival' atmosphere at base-camp. We need to support and nurture those citizen journalists who may get arrested for taking pictures and those of us who wish to peacefully bear witness to the happening or wave cheerfully at the delegates along the limo route. If a pioneering citizen journalist is followed by secret police, or is arrested for daring to take a picture of a helicopter landing on the Sitges golf course in the middle of the night, then they need to be supported, cheered and handed a glass of wine the moment they come back to base-camp. Just as the Bilderbergers will no doubt be mixing business with pleasure and nice food, so too will we! We need to express ourselves through art, music, hula-hooping, haircuts,, Reiki and the eating of (Bilder)burgers and drinking of Spanish wine and many cups of tea. There will also be poetry meetings in the day where we will read and write short verses inspired by our surroundings and experiences during the BB fringe festival.
If you feel that you would like to attend, yet don't feel up to outstaring the police at the frontline or peering over hotel walls, you will be hugely welcome at base-camp. Your supporting role is just as, if not more, important! Plus, you will be there for the ongoing Bilderberg mirror meetings which are just as important as the meetings going on beyond the golf course in the Dolce Sitges... Well, sort of.
If you cannot make it to Sitges then blog away frenetically at home, send round Bilderberg links to friends and call/email the BBC and other news outlets asking them to cover the meeting - all of this is massively important too and means that the brilliant work people are doing on the front-line will get the wider audience it needs.
Agent Provocateurs...
Although the aim is to have fun, there is one very serious point we have to make. We are aware of a move in the US (in particular) to infiltrate alternative forums and activist groups in order to create dissension and neutralise their impact and discredit their agenda. It's safe to assume that this could be the case in Europe. So, to limit the damage such a strategy might have upon us, we will take these precautions:
1. Anyone who suggests or initiates any violent strategy will automatically assumed to be an Agent Provocateur and will be immediately filmed by all present and then asked to leave.
2. Anyone who is belligerent, argumentative, divisive or dishonest will also be assumed to be someone wishing to sabotage our peaceful endeavour for nefarious reasons, and will be asked to leave.
3. We will instantly move away from anyone protesting in an aggressive or violent fashion.
We can't stress enough that this is a *peaceful* endeavour and we wish to spread peaceful, joyous vibes. We are not going to Sitges to fight, but to shine light upon the darkness, and we will need humour, positive energy and good sense to do it. Secrecy comes from fear, so our base-camp must be predicated on the opposite of fear. We must be smiling, non-argumentative and ever-tolerant when faced with the local police or private security, or harassed by undercover officers. Also, it could be an idea to dress a bit smartly if possible as it does make a difference when determining how one is treated by the police. It shouldn't, but it does.
(For those who wish there will also be an opportunity to send love every morning in a Metta meditation before we set off to take pictures. We will send love to every human in the world and even try to narrow it down and send it to the privacy-loving control-freaks plotting and planning in the Dolce Sitges - we'll also send a healthy dose of love to the Spanish secret police who presumably will be watching us from behind a pine tree.)
Best photo/footage wins the 'Salt the Slug' cup for 2010 and a free meal for two at the best restaurant in Sitges
Best attempt to send love to Henry Kissinger wins a non-alcoholic cocktail of their choice.
Best poem wins the adulation of your peers.
Where we shall be staying
We shall be based at El Garrofer campsite and bungalow park, and urge people to do likewise, as it is much nearer the Dolce Sitges than any other hotel in the area. It has a bar, restaurant, electricity outlets, swimming pool and wifi. It's also very cheap to camp there, or you can rent a bungalow or bring a caravan or mobile home. The management assures us that there is always space to camp and you don't even need to book (but you probably will need to book for a bungalow...). The meeting is from June 2nd to June 3rd and we shall be at the campsite from June 1st until June 7th (on June 7th we fully intend to be lying on the beach).
A list of things you could consider bringing:
cameras, video-equipment, wifi cameras, camera phones with internet access or laptops with dongles to upload images and send them immediately so they will be safe
suncream, sun-umbrellas, gazebos and tarps (they'll be a lot of hanging around in the hot sun)
music/musical instruments/balloons (to raise morale)
nice food, drink, portable bbqs for our Bilderburgers
placards/banners with suitable sentiments or placard-making equipment
cool boxes for soft drinks/beers/cava
calor gas and tea-making equipment
your skills - healing, entertaining, guitar playing, listening, cooking, sketching, tea-making, smiling, the list is endless..
Wish List
Bloggers - do you know people who would publish our photos / reports?
PR people
Local knowledge and contacts.
Local press contacts
Legal expertise/knowledge - do you know any lawyers in the area? Are you one yourself?
Hula-hoopers |
_________________ http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/2149
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TonyGosling Site Admin
Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1417 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
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vicflame Committed Poster
Joined: 30 Aug 2006 Posts: 4507 Location: Belgium
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 2:35 pm Post subject: |
WOW. It seems to me that people will rather hang out around the Bilderberg meeting playing the guitar, preparing barbecues and taking pictures (just like TOURISTS) - and eventually be annoyed by the Bilderbergers' totalitarian "security" system - than actually try to PREVENT the Bilderberg 2010 meeting to happen.
We'll NEVER be able to stop the new world order like this !
Sometimes, I have the terrible feeling that people actually do the contrary of what is required... With people acting like mindless, brainless zombies, I can sometimes understand why the elite scums treat people like CATTLE. So sad... |
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