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Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:51 pm    Post subject: Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war Reply with quote

Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/0Cool

People think the nuclear ambition of Iran is the reason for Iran war. That is only right on Israel's part. For US part, it is petro-dollar.

US dollar is appointed currency in oil trading. Because the oil trade is a huge business, a large amount of dollar is locked up in that trade. That money is called petro-dollar. Why it is so important to US? Because it acts as a long term none interest loan The prosperous US economy partly was based on the petro-dollar - a long term loan without interest. Let me depict it in this way:

US bought a house from Japan (whom represents the oil customers of Iran) for one million dollars. US also bought another house from France (whom represents other oil customers of OPEC) for one million dollars. Japan and France use these two million dollars as fund to buy oil. The money was used in oil trading circle and never back to US. US enjoys the two houses almost free. He doesn't have to pay monthly mortgage payment. Not a penny for interest, nor for principle. All the cost was the printing of a green back paper. However, that green back paper - petro dollar, is still a debit note. How long is it? So far it's more than forty years - since dollar became the appointed oil trade currency.

But suddenly, Iran refuses to accept dollar. Japan has to ask US to exchange that one million dollar into Euro or yen. What US can do is: 1. to get the dollar back by export more merchandise. But he is not able to. He has a trade deficit already. 2. To get the dollar back with gold or foreign currency reserve. But he hasn't that much reserve. 3. To lock up that extra one million dollar in US Bond by raising the interest rate to attract the buyer. But he unwilling to do it. There is a sub-prime crisis in real estate market. Any interest increase will further devalue the house. Feds holds a large amount of real estates in my case, they don't allow such thing to happen. So to solve the problem, they go to the fourth option. 4. By pushing up the oil price.

France (other oil consumption countries) keeps one million dollar as oil trading fund. How much does he need if the oil price doubled? Two million. Thus the one million dollar Japan abandoned is absorbed by France. That's why the oil price jumped like crazy in recent days - a tricky way to keep US dollar from collapsing.

US has to pay for high oil price too. Ordinary people bear the cost. But the high oil price will hurt the economy. The condition won't last long. So war on Iran is unavoidable.

Of course, US is a "democratic" country. It can't start a war because others refusing to use its currency. Then beware of another 911 style false flag attack.

We know there was an incident of live nuclear head weapons being carried over the continental US by a B-52 last August. There is attempt of dirty bomb attack in Houston this year.
Quote, "State of Emergency: The US in the Final Six Months of the George W. Bush Administration
by Lewis Seiler and Dan Hamburg
June 13, 2008 by
Former National Security Agency analyst and naval intelligence officer Wayne Madsen has been in Houston investigating the Carnaby case at great personal risk. Madsen believes Carnaby was involved both in heading off a potential war with Iran (by leaking Mossad plans to assassinate Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah just days before Carnaby himself was killed) and in trying to forestall a potential terrorist attack on the port.
According to Madsen, “federal agents in Houston fear that ‘another 9/11-type part false flag’ attack is imminent, perhaps as early as July 4.”.......
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

3. The main reason is not supply and demand. It's US manipulating the oil price by oil reserve and future contract.

(1) Quote, "The former Fed chief also detailed how investors, rather than users of oil, have come to set the price of oil through purchasing futures contracts." Though Greespan use "investors" instead of "speculators".

(2) From supply side:

08-03-05. OPEC to maintain current production; blames US for economic ’mismanagement’
Published: Wednesday, March 5, 2008 | 3:03 PM ET

Canadian Press: William Kole, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
OPEC President Chakib Khelil told reporters the global market is being affected by what he called "the mismanagement of the U.S. economy," and that America's problems were a key factor in the cartel's decision to hold off on any action.

"If the prices are high, definitely they are not due to a lack of crude. They are due to what's happening in the U.S.," Khelil said. "There is sufficient supply. There's plenty of oil there."
Though Khelil uses "US economy" instead of "speculators".

(3) From demand side:

Quote, "Shell CEO says record oil not due to shortage
Thu May 22, 2008 5:24pm BST

(4) What US Senate Committee found:

Quote, "The real reason why oil prices are rising

June 02, 2008
The finding of US Senate Committee in 2006
In June 2006, when the oil price in the futures markets was about $60 a barrel, a Senate Committee in the US probed the role of market speculation in oil and gas prices. The report points out that large purchase of crude oil futures contracts by speculators has, in effect, created additional demand for oil and in the process driven up the future prices of oil.......
The report further estimated that speculative purchases of oil futures had added as much as $20-25 per barrel to the then prevailing price of $60 per barrel. In today's prices of approximately $130 per barrel, this means that approximately $100 per barrel could be attributed to speculation!...

*What is interesting to note is that the US strategic oil reserves were at approximately 350 million barrels for a decade till 2006. However, for the past year and a half these reserves have doubled to more than 700 million barrels. Naturally, this build-up of strategic oil reserves by the US (of 350 million barrels) is adding enormous pressure on the oil demand and consequently its prices.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

4. Oil price goes up when Iran abandon Dollar as its oil trade currency. Time table:

(1) (Intention period)
In the end of 2006 and early 2007, the oil price was about $60/barrel. When Iran expressed its intention to use the euro for foreign transactions.

It was about $70/barrel in early July/07. In six months, it rose 10 dollars per barrel.
Iran scraps Dollar, takes on Euro
Mon. 18 Dec 2006

Iran Focus
Tehran, Iran, Dec. 18 - Iran's central bank will begin to use the euro for foreign transactions, replacing the long-established dollar system, government spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham told reporters during his weekly press conference on Monday.

(2) Practising period.

From early July 2007 to the end of January 2008, in seven months, oil price rose from $60/barrel to $95/barrel. In this period, Iran completed its oil trading from dollar to foreign currency.

Quote, " Iran wants yen

July 13/2007 (Bloomberg) -- Iran asked Japanese refiners to switch to the yen to pay for all crude oil purchases, after Iran's central bank said it is reducing holdings of the U.S. dollar."

(3) Expand to future deal.

Early February 2008 to 7/4/2008, oil price was pushed up from $95 to $147 a barrel. That's a $50 dollars inflation in five months. Why I start this period from Februry 2008? Because Iran's Bourse inaugurated on Feb.17. When the oil customers of Iran have to buy the future contract by reserving more foreign currency in the bank, US has to push up the price, let other OPEC customers absorb the Petro-dollars dumped by Iran customers.

Quote, "
Iran Oil Bourse to deal blow to dollar
Fri, 04 Jan 2008
The long-awaited Iranian Oil Bourse, a place for trading oil, petrochemicals and gas in various non-dollar currencies, will soon open.

Iran's Finance Minister Davoud Danesh-Jafari told reporters the bourse will be inaugurated during the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution (February 1-11) at the latest.

Some expert opinions hold inauguration of the bourse cold significantly devalue the greenback.
Iran shifts oil sales away from dollar
Sat, 01 Mar 2008

Deputy head of the National Iranian Oil Company for international affairs says Iran has completely dropped dollar in its oil sales.
In an interview with The Financial Times, Hojjatollah Ghanimifard said that over the past three months, Iran has received 75 percent of the proceeds from its oil sales in euros and the remaining 25 percent in the Japanese currency, yen.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

High oil price (5) (7/29/0Cool

In Oil (4) I talked about Iran intended to turn the oil trading from dollar into euro in December 2006. Did Iran deliberately do that? Read the following information:
468. Follow up to #467, #461 and #462 (2/20/07)

On 1/15 and 1/20, I wrote #461 and #462, alleged that US had set up a Euro trap for Iran: If the December plot started, Euro would collapse due to the collapse of WANTA fund and the shortage of oil supply to the Europe. Iran not only would be bombed, but also suffered a huge loss in finance. On 2/1, an article proved the correctness of my analysis.

Re: "The War on Iran
Thursday, 01 February 2007
By Stephen Gowans

In Paulson抯 view, Iran is still a major player globally, and needs to suffer the same pariah treatment. (New York Times, September 17, 2006) In October, US Treasury Department officials banned US banks from facilitating transactions involving Iran抯 state-owned Bank Saderat. In January, the ban was widened to include another Iranian bank, Bank Sepah.

When Iran sells oil to a customer in Germany, the German customer asks a European bank to deposit US dollars into an Iranian bank account. The European bank then arranges for the transfer of US dollars from a US bank to an Iranian bank account in Europe. Paulson抯 ban prohibits US banks from transferring funds if Bank Saderat and Bank Sepah are involved. (New York Times, October 16, 2006) With oil sales denominated in US dollars, the aim is to impede Iran抯 ability to sell oil. The way around the US manoeuvre is to sell oil in Euros, something Iran has already begun to do. (New York Times, January 10, 2007)

This would seem to be a simple enough way of beating the US at its own game. It also raises questions about the prudence of compelling Iran to switch to Euros, since a change to Euros, if adopted by a number of oil-exporting countries, would push down the value of the US greenback. US investment banker John Hermann, a comptroller of currency in the Carter administration, wonders whether the US is shooting itself in the foot. (New York Times, October 16, 2006)

In October, US blocked the financial transaction between US banks and major Iran bank which forced Iran to turn on to Euro instead of Dollar in oil trading. Two months later, if the December plot succeeded, Iran would suffer a big loss in finance. The US investment banker John Hermann wonders whether the US is shooting itself in the foot then. He wouldn't have that puzzle if he reads my messages."

It's no others but US himself who forced Iran to turn on Euro. In December 2006 they set up a Euro trap. But the plot went soured. Since the process is irreversible, and the Feds is unwilling to raise the interest, to save the dollar, they have to push up the oil price. We the people have to eat the bad fruit planted by the Feds.

Someone or a group inside the government created a situation to make war on Iran.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

6. Media's mind control (oil price 6) (8/12/0Cool

You may have noticed that all the information I referred to were from internet. The only mainstream newspaper in my area is San Jose Mercury. There is none news about Iran turns onto Euro and Japanese yen instead of dollar in oil trading, let alone the news that US treasury department banned the transactions between US banks and Iran's. There is no news about the Iranian Oil Bourse which was inaugurated on February 17, 2008 in a video conference ceremony from Tehran. The Iran oil trading transactions are made in Iranian rial and other major currencies since. This news is very important since it is a big turning point in US policy. Many big events were caused by this inauguration of Iranian Oil Bourse. I'll talk about it later.

The news which filled in tv screen and newspaper page are: Iran's speed boat charg at US vessel; Iran had missile test; Iranian training militias in Iraq; Iran rejects nuclear proposal; Nuclear program could result in more sanctions...... Iran is tarnished as a terrorist.

The similar tactic was seen before Iraq war when Saddam Hussain was described as a major threat to US. The false flag for Iraq is WMD; for Iran is its nuclear program. The real reason are the same: Both Iraq and Iran abandoned US dollars as currency in oil trading.

Saddam turned on to Euro in oil trading in 2000. In the end of that year, Bush got the seat of US president in a controversial election. When Clinton left the White House, he also left with a historical surplus in budget. There was no reason Demo would lose the 2000 president election. But what inside group needed was a war. In negotiation behind the curtain, Bush won the deal. He sold his soul to a devil by promising an unjust war - Iraq war. He was granted president. Of course, to justify the war, they prepared a false flag terror attack. Six months after Bush's inauguration, WTC changed hands. (Silverstein got the lease in July, 01) If you want to plant explosive in the building covertly without being aware by anyone else, you had to control the ownership of the building. Eight months later, we saw 911 attack.

The media waved the terror intimidation on people, targeted at Iraq then and now at Iran. Media censored every word on 911 truth even though there are a lot of flaws in this false flag attack and rarely talk about the story how Iran abandoned dollars as its oil trading currency. This is how the inside group control public's opinion by media. They wash your brain with the information they want you to know and censor the truth they want to hide from you. With media they play people as fools.

Media used to censor the news of US military threat on Iran, here is the recent one:
Quote, "Massive US Naval Armada Heads For Iran
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The lead American ship in these war games, the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN71) and its Carrier Strike Group Two (CCSG-2) are now headed towards Iran along with the USS Ronald Reagon (CVN76) and its Carrier Strike Group Seven (CCSG-7) coming from Japan.

They are joining two existing USN battle groups in the Gulf area: the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN72) with its Carrier Strike Group Nine (CCSG-9); and the USS Peleliu (LHA-5) with its expeditionary strike group.

Likely also under way towards the Persian Gulf is the USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) and .....

Will we see a big operation in near future? When China concentrates on Olympic Games and Russia engages in a sudden war.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

7. The big events relate to the Iran oil Bourse (8/22/0Cool

(1) Undersea cable cuts.

Iran's oil Bourse was planed to open during the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution (February 1-11) at the latest. It finally inaugurated on Feb. 17. What caused the delay? The communication problem - in a week or so, there were five under sea cable cuts.

2/3/08. Quote, "US Crashes Internet In Middle East After Saudi Threat, Russia Responds With Air Forces
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
February 3, 2008
Reports circulating in the Kremlin today are painting a grim picture of just how desperate US War Leaders have become as their economy continues its freefall towards total bankruptcy by their crashing of Global Internet access for the Middle East抯 banking centers in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Iran, UAR, Turkey and Kuwait.

The significance to the severing of these cables is the Middle East Banking Centers being denied access to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), based in Brussels and which carries up to 12.7 million messages a day containing instructions on many of the International transfers of money between banks, lies in Saudi Arabia, or any other Middle East Nation, being unable to change their previously, before loss of communication, encoded currency instructions from being changed.

2/4/08. Conspiracy Theories and Cut InterTube Cables?

揊ebruary 4, 2008 - Fourth Undersea Fiber Optic Cable Cut. Cable linking Qatar to the United Arab Emirates was damaged on Sunday, February 3, causing more telecommunication disruptions.
This month, Iran was supposed to open its own bourse, trading oil and oil futures in Euros and other currencies, but not the dollar. Delinking oil from the dollar would protect Iran from Bush's spendthrift invasion and occupation of Iraq, and the resulting collapse of the US dollar.

2/6/08. Submarine Cables, Subsidiares and Subversion
The Iranian oil bourse was going to be a stock market for petroluem, petrochemicals and gas. What抯 the big catch here? The exchange planned on being ran with currencies excluding the U.S. dollar. ...... So, obviously, the U.S. is not going to be happy about this. The biggest piece of information linking this to the recent damages is the proposed location of the bourse: the island of Kish. This is the island that is RIGHT NEXT TO at least two of the cuts that have recently occurred:
Some of you may suddenly be thinking to yourselves that this sounds familiar. That抯 because the last person who decided to stop using the U.S. dollar for trading oil was a man by the name of Saddam Hussein in the fall of 2000.
[UPDATE: To further add to this argument, this would not be the first time the U.S. would have disrupted submarine cables to further themselves in times of war or conflict. (Operation Ivy Bells <>) (Previous NSA Submarine Wiretaps <>)]

2/9/08. 5th cable cut fuels allegations of isolating Iran

Leslie D`Monte & Rajesh S Kurup / Mumbai February 9, 2008
Conspiracy theories of deliberately cutting communication lines to West Asia, primarily Iran, gained ground in the media and blogs as reports of another undersea cable cut - the fifth successive one in just a week's time - started emerging in cyberspace. While the extent of Iran's isolation was unclear, many blogs alleged that the cable cuts and outages in West Asia were a ploy by an intelligence agency to disrupt Iranian commerce, targeting an emerging petroleum exchange that the country was shortly hoping to roll out.

If a store refuses to accept someone's cheque due to his bad credit record, can that man intrude into the store and kill the manager and occupy that store? That's what US did to Iraq.

If another store refuses to accept someone's cheque due to his bad credit record, can that man cut the telephone line of that store as revenge? That's what US did to Iran. Now it sends a naval armada to the Persian Gulf.

If someone cuts the undersea cable in Hawaii and NewYork, what will US do? A war, I suppose. Now you can see who is the threat of the world.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

8. The big events relate to the Iran oil Bourse (9/1/0Cool

(2) Beside the undersea cable cuts in February, Bush regime decided to war on Iran in August. For this plan Pentagon cleaned high range military officials whom opposing the Iran war, either by firing them or eliminating by "natural disease".

Quote, " Fallon 'may lose job over Iran war'
Fri, 07 Mar 2008

Admiral William Fallon, the head of the US Central Command, may lose his job for opposing President Bush's plans to wage war against Iran.
The Navy admiral has vowed that an attack on Iran would 'not happen on his watch', calling the White House warmongering echelons 'not helpful'.

Fallon finally had to resign from his job in March.

Quote, " Iran invasion critic Gen. Odom dies of 'apparent heart attack'

01 Jun 2008- William E. Odom, a retired Army lieutenant general who was a senior military and intelligence official in the Carter and Reagan administrations and who, in recent years, became a forceful critic of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, died May 30 at his vacation home in Lincoln, Vt. An autopsy will be performed, but his wife said he had an apparent heart attack. Gen. Odom became a fixture on news programs and never altered his critical stance toward the Bush regime's policies in Iraq and Iran.

Quote, "Bush 'plans Iran air strike by August'
By Muhammad Cohen
May 28,08

NEW YORK - The George W Bush administration plans to launch an air strike against Iran within the next two months, an informed source tells Asia Times Online, echoing other reports that have surfaced in the media in the United States recently.
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