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FREEMasons, A Sucker Born Per minute

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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
Posts: 176

PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:05 pm    Post subject: FREEMasons, A Sucker Born Per minute Reply with quote

FREEMasons, A Sucker Born Per minute

Freemasons, like everyone else, are responsible for the cleanliness of their home. The occupant of a secret house within a secret house within a secret house cannot clean if he cannot see the number of rooms or what they contain. Their house is a stinking cesspool. Look to the Masons for the guilty party if anything happens to me. I believe that they have murdered in the past and that they will murder in the future. ex mason spills the beans

Hoodwinked Mason
Helena Blavatsky, co-Mason and founder of Theosophy, was unusually candid when she once remarked,
"What is one to do, when in order to rule men, it is necessary to deceive them?... For almost invariably the more simple, the more silly, and the more gross the phenomenon, the more likely it is to succeed."19
Hoodwinked! Pity the poor, foolish man who becomes a Freemason! In the very first
degree ritual, that of Entered Apprentice, a blindfold is put over his eyes, and a cable-tow
is hung around his neck.
Symbolically, the dumb candidate is "HOODWINKED."
Little does he know that his superiors intentionally set out
to deceive the candidate and they contrive their deceit
through all the ritual degrees up to and including the 33rd.
So, in effect, Masons are lied to, tricked, made fun of, and intentionally led astray, with only a little knowledge added to their brain reservoirs as they advance up the chain. Meanwhile, the poor, pitiful souls imagine they are really in on all the super-duper secrets of the Craft. Their Masonic superiors play them all for suckers.
P.T. Barnum, of Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus fame, surely was right when he exclaimed,

"There's a sucker born every minute."

To which yours truly, author of , might add:

"...and a 32nd or 33rd degree Mason is behind the veil laughing his head off and rolling in the aisle every time a new sucker is initiated into the 1st degree of Freemasonry."

Do they simply enjoy mocking and tricking us? Teasing and playing with our minds, realizing that the vast majority of people in society are willing dupes? It was, after all, serial killer John Wayne Gacy—certainly a psychopathic personality — who once bragged, "A clown could get away with murder."

Gacy, you see, enjoyed dressing up as a mischievous and gleeful clown and visiting hospital wards to cheer up young male patients. He also took great pleasure, in the confines of his home, in torturing and killing young boys.

All of these are reasons why psychopaths of the Illuminati pose and parade occultly in front of cameras, exchange ritual handshakes, and otherwise taunt the public. Remember, according to Webster's, the psychopath is immoral, selfishly flaunts societal mores, is infantile in personality, is delusional, and has feelings of grandeur and omnipotence. Men who think they are omnipotent Gods must take extreme delight in putting things over the masses whom they consider inferior and sub-human.

The authors of A Dictionary of Symbols note that the hand expresses "ideas of action, as well as those of power and dominion." They say it is also a sign of royalty. The Jewish Kabbala (or Cabala) teaches that the left hand is the "hand of punishment," while the righthand is the "hand of blessing."11
A hand with finger pointed to or touching the lip indicates, "Be silent." A finger touching or pointing to the head signifies "intellect or wisdom."
Of course, it is super-easy, almost like taking candy from a baby, to disabuse the Masonic whiner and complainer hollering that you or I have slandered the Masons by denying their order's "Christian attributes." After all, there are scores of points to make that blow apart the silly notion that the Masonic Lodge or similar groups are even vaguely "Christian" in nature. But the easiest way to handle such a complaint is to ask the Mason if he has reached the Royal Arch Mason ritual level or equivalent (13th degree in the Scottish Rite). If he answers "yes," then, uh oh, he is in big, big trouble.
then ask him about the name of his sacred God revealed in the Royal Arch degree ritual; that is, I ask him about Jahbuhlun. And usually, I can hear either a long uninterrupted stutter, or else simply a great gasping sound. Generally, that ends the discussion right there. A Mason definitely does not want to publicly discuss that name, Jahbuhlun. Anything but that. Bamm! He's gone. And I can understand why.
The Blue Lodge Masons, encompassing the first three degrees of Masonry, are instructed that they are seeking the Lost Word or the Lost Name of God... It isn't until they reach the level of Royal Arch Masonry (seventh degree, York Rite) that they discover that the Lost Name of God wasn't lost after all. It's at this level that they learn the sacred name of Masonry's God.

The name Jahbuhlun has three syllables representing a composite God made up of three subordinate deities. The Masonic material identifies the three as Yah (or Yahweh), Baal, and Osiris. Logically, the name should be spelled Yah-Baal-On, but Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor admits that over the years the spelling has been "corrupted" by Freemasonry until it reached its current form.1

Decker correctly asserts that,

"What these men are doing is worshipping a demon God so far removed from the real God that this worship must surely defile the holiness of God and guarantee those who pronounce that name in such a ceremony a swift ride to Hell..."2
Interestingly, in the ritual drama, the three Masons doing the pronouncing of Jahbuhlun are said to have come from Babylon! So, we have a ritual —the 13th degree in the Scottish Rite and 7th in the York Rite—in which three "Masters" come from Babylon to instruct the candidate on how to build the Royal Arch (symbolically, how to rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and thus establish the kingdom of the elite and their devil God on earth).
The Lost Word Found

Moreover, the three messengers from Babylon inform the candidate that the true name of God, the name that had been lost for so long, is not Jesus, but is Jahbuhlun. They conveniently omit mention of the fact that this is, in fact, the name of a monstrous DEVIL God, that the name is an unholy and blasphemous composite of Jahweh, Baal, and Osiris, or On.
No wonder Masonic authority W.L. Wilmshurst, in his highly thought of (by Masons) The Meaning of Masonry, proclaims this degree so vital to the transformation of the candidate's life. He even suggests that in attaining this Degree, one "exhibits the attainment of a new order of life."4

The Royal Arch Degree, Wilmshurst emphasizes, provides "a supremely high level of thought and instruction" for the Mason attaining it.5

Born Again or Demon-Possessed?

What does Wimshurst mean when he says the adept has attained a "new order of life?" I believe the candidate receives a counterfeit born again experience, receiving the very spirit of Lucifer into his bosom as a result of conforming to the requirements of this degree.
In accepting the devil God Jahbuhlun as the sacred name of God the man rising to this level in Masonry or a similar sect becomes demon possessed, full of the devil, headed for hell, prepared to do the most wicked and foul deeds possible for his hidden deity, Baphomet, aka Lucifer, aka Satan, aka Jahbuhlun.

Now, the fatal (ending in spiritual death) sign that is taught for this degree is the one you will find men giving in the photographs in this chapter. Notably, only higher-level initiates and adepts will typically be seen giving this evil sign stamping them as demon-possessed disciples of Satan. I call this sign the Hidden Hand of the Men of Jahbuhlun.
Wine From A Human Skull

Many other facets and activities pertaining to this degree's ritual stamp it as pure Luciferian and its holder as a Lucifer worshipper. During the initiation into the seventh degree Royal Arch Mason (York Rite) or 13th degree (Scottish Rite), the candidate drinks wine from a human skull.
By this monstrous act, he reinforces the fact that he has taken an oath swearing to "have his skull struck off and his brains exposed to the scorching rays of a median sun" should he ever divulge Masonic secrets. He goes on to demand that if he does divulge secrets, may all the sins of the dead person whose skull he is drinking from be heaped upon his, the candidate's, head.6
So we see that the Mason's newfound "God," Jahbuhlun (Jah-Baal-On), is a rigid taskmaster who does not look kindly on traitors and blabbers. It was the Canaanite God Baal, of course, to whom the backslidden Jews and pagans sacrificed their children in the fire. You'll recall that the prophet Elijah brought the message of God's judgment against those who worshipped bloodthirsty Baal, who, in reality, is merely an idolatrous representation of Satan. Yes, Baal is the devil.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
Posts: 176

PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Candidates entering the Order also had to kiss their initiator on the mouth, the navel, the penis, and at "the base of the spine." These kisses were regarded by critics of the Order as proof of their perverted sexual activities, but in the occult tradition, the navel, sexual organs and the perineum are the physical locations of the psychic centres of the human body, known in the East as chakras.

Once again, we see the instance where Freemasonry is loved by all the wrong people: Witches, Satanists, Illuminists, demonically possessed New Age authors, and demonically possessed leaders of other secret societies. Since "Birds of a Feather Flock Together", this fact is one very important and concrete evidence that Freemasonry is just as Satanic as these other organizations admit openly they are! Keep this fact in mind. stay away, far away !!

Andf ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies." - Num. 10:9 i

It is a testimony to the graciousness and loving-kindness of Father God that these churches are not flattened by the breath of His nostrils—that they are not "vomited out" of His mouth (Revelation 3:16). However, both they and their individual members may well be paying a horrible price for their continued winking at the sin of Freemasonry in their camp!

The ritual of Freemasonry was based on incestuous acts, the deceptions and frauds of Zeus, which he practiced on his mother Demeter, and upon his daughter. These acts are re-enacted before the initiate to impress him with the moral teachings of the "mysteries."

The "natural law," once practiced by mankind, before the codified law was given at Mt. Sinai, had become obscured by men's sins; it was no longer a clear guide to human behavior. The idea of "Let your conscience be your guide," has never proved workable, because natural man is sinful. The Bible says that even the very imagination of his heart are "only evil continually. "(Gen. 6:5).

The New (Old) World Order, Mystery Babylon, Rome, The Roman Catholic Church, Jesuits, Freemasons, Order of the Rosy Cross, Red Cross, Rosicrusians, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, Skull and Bones, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300, The Bilderberg Group, Fabians, United Nations, NATO, World Health Organistion, World Bank, Shriners, Bohemian Club, Rotary, Apex, Scouts & The Illuminatinated Ones.

Freemasonry is also Mormons, Opus Dei, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Common Purpose, Round Table, Speculative Society, Knights of St. Columba, Orange Order, Shriners, Co-Masons, , Scientology, Eastern Star (female masons), etc, etc..DeMoley,...Rainbow Girls.. Boy Scouts

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