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Great Masonic God

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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:49 pm    Post subject: Great Masonic God Reply with quote

The greatest problem for the Christian Mason is that by taking the oaths of the Craft, and living his life according to them, he has opened the door to Lucifer to steal his relationship with the living God

In the ritual of exaltation, the name of the Great Architect of the Universe is revealed as JAH-BUL-ON not a general umbrella term open to any interpretation an individual Freemason might choose, but a precise designation that describes a specific supernatural being - a compound deity composed of three separate personalities fused in one. Each syllable of the 'ineffable name' represents one personality of this Trinity:
JAH = Jahweh, the God of the Hebrews.
BUL = Baal, the ancient Canaanite fertility god associated with 'licentious rites 'of imitative magic'.
ON = Osiris, the Ancient Egyptian god of the underworld.
Baal, of course, was the 'false god' with whom Jahweh competed for the allegiance of the Israelites in the Old Testament. But more recently, within a hundred years of the creation of the Freemason's God, the sixteenth-century demonologist John Weir identified Baal as a devil. This grotesque manifestation of evil had the body of a spider and three heads - those of a man, a toad and a cat. A description of Baal to be found in de Plancy's Dictionary of Witchcraft is particularly apposite when considered in the light of the secretive and deceptive nature of Freemasonry: his voice was raucous, and he taught his followers guile, cunning and the ability to become invisible.
In 1873, the renowned masonic author and historian General Albert Pike, later to become Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Supreme Council (of the 33rd Degree). for Charles ton, USA,and grand Commander of KKK of Ar. wrote of his reaction on learning of Jah-Bul-On. He was disquieted and disgusted by the name, and went on: 'No man or body of men can make me accept as a sacred word, as a symbol of the infinite and eternal Godhead, a mongrel word, in part composed of the name of an accursed and beastly heathen god, whose name has been for more than two thousand years an appellation of the Devil.'
I have spoken to no less than fifty-seven long-standing Royal Arch Freemasons who have been happy to talk to me, to help me in my ambition to give Freemasonry 'a fair crack of the whip'. Most of them spoke quite freely, explaining without hesitation their views, reactions and answers to the criticisms and queries I raised. However, all but four lost their self-assurance and composure when I said, 'What about Jah-Bul-On?' Some, although they had previously told me they had been exalted to the Royal Arch, and therefore must have not only received the lecture on the name but also studied the passages and enacted the ritual relating to Jah-Bul-On, said they had never heard of it. In most cases the interviewees very rapidly brought the meeting to a close when I asked the question. Others laughed unconvincingly and extricated themselves from having to reply by jauntily saying such words a5, 'Oh, that old chestnut', and passing quickly on to some other subject, normally going on the offensive with something like, 'Why are you so interested in Freemasonry in particular? Why don't you look into Christianity or something? Why do people always pick on Freemasonry?' thereby diverting the conversation from the course I had plotted. If I insisted on returning to Jah-Bul-On, almost invariably the interview would be unceremoniously terminated. Others said that although they had heard of the word, they did not know what jt meant. To them it meant Go~ previously erudite Freemasons, with a precise knowledge of every other aspect of Masonry we had discussed, suddenly became vague and claimed ignorance of this most central of all Freemasonic subjects. While professing an almost total lack of knowledge of Jah-BulOn, several dismissed it as of no real importance.
Charles Stratton, one Royal Arch Freemason for whom I have the utmost admiration, told me this of Jah-Bul-On: 'No one ever has time to think about its meaning, you're too busy trying to remember your words. As far as I know it's just another name for Jehovah.'
Acute silences, chiefly of embarrassment, followed my question on many occasions, as happened when I spoke to a most co-operative officer both of Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter.
We had been discussing whether or not Freemasonry was a religion, and I had run through my customary list of religious terms used in Freemasonry. Then I added, 'One comes across the phrase, "the sacred tenets of Freemasonry". This seems to imply that Masonry thinks of itself as a religion.'
The Grand Officer replied, 'No, I haven't said that. . . the sacred tenets?'
'Well, the word sacred means holy.'
'Yes. Then there's the "Holy" Royal Arch.'
He paused. When he began to speak again it was much more slowly.
'Yes. The Holy Royal Arch. They are all expressions of . . . religion in its fullest sense, not in a masonic sense. I cannot stress too strongly the fact that there is no masonic religion, no masonic god, deity or someone or something to which a Freemason must swear loyalty. No.'
'What about Jah-Bul-On?'
He was obviously taken off-guard. He said nothing for nearly ten seconds and looked most discomfited. At length, proceeding with the extreme caution of a man feeling his way through a thicket of thorns, he said: 'These are. . . Hebrew words which are. . . murdered from their original. And Jah is the Hebrew word for God, so it's God again. You come back to God, the real God. But these - ha! [he chuckled] - these are ways in which we express our loyalty to God.'
'It's interesting you should choose only to define the first syllable, which is of course the most acceptable to those with religious convictions. But what about the other parts of that word which are, are they not, Baal and Osiris?'
Another long pause. 'I don't know them. That's the higher echelons of Freemasonry.'
'That's in the Royal Arch, isn't it?'
'I don't do Royal Arch. I do Chapter, but not Royal Arch. '
This was the first lie he had told me, and I could see it was unpleasant for him. [See Mackey' s Revised Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, Volume 1, P 191.]
I continued: 'It is established that Jahbulon is a composite name for God, made up of Jah---'
'What's Bul-On?'
'Bul is Baal and On is Osiris, the Ancient Egyptian god of the dead.'
'Pike was outraged when he heard that name for the first time and saw it associated with Freemasonry, which of course was so dear to him. He said that nothing would induce him to accept as the name of God a word which is in part the name of a pagan god and for more than two thousand years an appellation of the devil.'
'I agree on that, but I . . . I . . . I don't know about it. It's not that I don't want to. I don't know about it so I really can't comment. You'll have to ask someone who knows. '
'Does it worry you?'
'In one of the higher degrees they use Jesus Christ.' 'Yes, there are several masonic orders which are exclusively Christian - the Knights Templar, the Ancient and Accepted Rite, the Societas Rosicruciana, the Knights of Malta, the Order of Eri. But does the name Jah-Bul-On worry you?' Yea,right,all are satanic in nature
'Many Masons wouldn't subscribe to those Christian degrees
Baal, the ancient Canaanite

The Mason falls within one of four categories regarding his continued relationship with the Lodge.(43) First, there are some who do not have a clear knowledge of Christianity. They believe that religion and Christianity are the same and that if someone uses the Scriptures, that person must be a Christian. Such people are sincere but untaught. Because they do not know what Christianity teaches, they see nothing wrong with Freemasonry.
A second category would be those who do not know what Masonry is and what it teaches. They are not only uninformed about Christianity but are equally uninformed about the teachings of Freemasonry. These individuals are without any theological foundation on which to discern truth from error. Likewise, they are often ignorant of the occult direction the Lodge has taken over the past few decades.
A third group is made up of individuals who profess Christ, yet continue as Masons regardless of how much they know about Christianity and Freemasonry. They are indeed in a state of rebellion and have chosen not to follow the truth of Christ.
The final group are those who profess Christ and yet have abandoned the Christian faith. Those who have embraced this position are essentially Unitarian in their belief. They no longer hold to the absolute deity of Christ or His blood atonement.
Masonry has numerous symbols. For the Christian, Masonry utilizes the Bible as one of its symbols as it uses the Koran, the Vedas, the Gita, or any other "holy" book. When the Christian candidate sees the Bible on the Masonic altar and hears the Bible referenced to in the rituals, he assumes that Freemasonry is indeed Christian as he has, most likely, been told. However, the Bible is seen only as a symbol by the Lodge, as are all the other "holy" books of other religions.
This attitude toward the Bible makes it clear that, for Masonry, the Bible is not seen as being inspired by God, useable for reproof, correction, or training in righteousness. Rather, it "is only a symbol of Divine Will, Law, or Revelation."(35)

The candidate is led to believe that the penalties accompanying the oaths that he swears to are indeed carried out. At no time is he told that these penalties are simply symbolic. Mackey states that the penalties are not to be inflicted by the Lodge but by God. He says that "the ritualistic penalties of Freemasonry . . . are in the hands not of man, but of God, and are to be inflicted by God, and not by man."(30) The Lodge is standing on thin ice when it presumes that God will safeguard its paganism by putting its detractors to death. OK, So God is going to cut there throats and guts out ????
Not only is the Mason to keep the secrets of the Lodge, but he is to swear oaths accompanied by severe penalties if he ever chooses to reveal them. According to Carl H. Claudy, a former Grand Master of Masons, the Masonic penalties are intended to inspire terror in the candidate. Claudy says that if a candidate breaks his oath, he will experience the abasement that any man would feel when he had broken a solemn pledge. But even more so, he would experience "the wrath of God blasphemed. The horror of a sin of which there is none greater."(26)

The Christian God is not a god of fear and misery, but He is a God of compassion and mercy. Masonic author and 33rd Degree Mason Manly P. Hall identifies the nature of the cosmic force to which the Mason owes his allegiance. He states that "the average Mason, as well as the modern student of Masonic ideals, little realizes the cosmic obligation he takes upon himself when he begins his search for the sacred truths of Nature. . . . Every Mason knows that a broken vow brings with it a terrible penalty. . . . When a Mason swears that he will devote his life to (Masonry) . . . and then defiles his living temple . . . he is breaking a vow which imposes not hours but ages of misery."(2Cool The Mason is not offering his loyalty to the God of Christianity, but to the pantheistic god of Nature
Albert Pike speaks of Lucifer as the Light-bearer! "Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls?"(25) The Bible identifies Lucifer as being Satan and an angel of light. According to Paganism, Lucifer is the bearer of the light that enlightens man's understanding of his Higher Self or his "God Self." Masonic author Foster Bailey says it this way, "Masonry therefore, is not only a system of morality, inculcating the highest ethics through which result, if followed, the conscious unfolding of divinity. . . . It portrays the recovery of man's hidden divinity and its bringing forth into the light . . . the power to achieve perfection latent in every man." Masonry purports to be the Light that awakens man's mind to his perfection and ultimate divinity
The Mason is taught that as he receives more light he grows in perfection. As he grows in perfection, he believes that he actually increases his personal worthiness and, in the process, gains a deeper appreciation of Masonry. This in-depth understanding leads to a greater degree of enlightenment and enables the Mason to feel as if he has done all he must do for acceptance into the Grand Lodge above. This appeal to human pride is a deadly trap because we all have a sin nature and want to feel that we have "earned" salvation and "deserve" it.
However, the Mason who professes Jesus Christ as his Lord is left in a very difficult position by the Lodge. The Lodge considers the Christian as being profane or unworthy to receive the "Light" of the Craft. The Mason is faced with this dilemma: if the Lodge has the Light that mankind is looking for and if Jesus is that Light, how is it then that Jesus is not to be mentioned in the Lodge if He is indeed the Light of the world?(24) This idea becomes increasingly difficult when the Christian attempts to reconcile what the Bible says regarding Jesus and what the Craft says about the presence of Jesus in the Lodge.
Jesus Christ is not to be looked upon as God incarnate, or as the Savior of humanity, but He is to be considered as no different than any other great spiritual leader or guru. To follow through with this conclusion, the Lodge does not permit the name of Jesus or Christ to be used in any of its prayers or rituals.
The Mason who professes to be a Christian must decide whom he will serve: the God of the Bible or the god of Freemasonry. He cannot serve
them both.

Churches will be vomited away. God is tired.. Jesus cries. To mock a place of worship, as freemasons do.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Both Nazism and the New Age Movement are political/spiritual entities based on the same esoteric foundations: the 'Secret Doctrine' which has been at the base of all pagan religions and at the base of esoteric 'Christianity'. Perhaps that 'Secret Doctrine' might be best summarized as being the antithesis of Judeo-Christian beliefs. The Secret Doctrine glorifies Lucifer and all the practices condemned in the Bible. The Secret Doctrine also glorifies the pre-flood world, a world that, according to both the Bible and the Secret Doctrine, was alive with demonic contact and psycho/spiritual power ..." [The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement And Our Coming Age of Barbarism", by Constance Cumbey, Huntington House, Inc., Shreveport, Loiuisiana, 1983, ISBN 0-910311-03-X, p. 102-3 [Note: Cumbey is a Christian author, very Fundamental]

Blavatsky, H.P. , is one of the most Satanic/Luciferian leaders of history!! It is absolutely damning for Freemasonry to recommend her books! Consider Helene Petrovna Blavatsky (1836-1891). She was Russian, and was the co-founder of the Theosophical Society, and occultist who systematized ancient occult thought, producing the most Satanic treatise the world has ever seen, known as the 'Secret Doctrine'. ["The New Age Dictionary", edited by Alex Jack, Japan Publications, Inc., 1990, The Year of the Golden Horse, New York, ISBN 0-87040-787-2, p. 23]

Blavatsky's writings, especially her 'Secret Doctrine', had tremendous effect upon Adolf Hitler in the years preceding Hitler's rise to power. The false aura of intellectual achievement which surrounded Blavatsky's writings, especially the 'Secret Doctrine', provided the basis for Hitler to justify killing Jews. During the Holocaust, which lasted for seven [7] years, 6 million Jews and 12 million other victims died. On Judgment Day, Blavatsky and Hitler will stand together for these terrible murders.

Freemasonry stands condemned today for recommending that their followers read and study Blavatsky!! We find it totally revolting that Freemasonry's own symbol entitled, "The Old Wisdom Religion", lists 'Secret Doctrine' as one of the antecedent steps that leads to "Modern Freemasonry"!

Freemasonry totally loses its ability to call itself 'Christian' when it recommends Eastern Thought religions to its members.

Freemasonry labels itself as being of the same cloth as Antichrist when they recommend Gnostic writings and beliefs to their members!!
Thus, by encouraging their members to study and practice Hermeticism, Freemasonry, by definition, labels itself occultic.

This Luciferian book on Magic ties this deeply Satanic Knights Templar to Modern Freemasonry! Christian author, Gary Kah, in his book, "Enroute To A Global Occupation", discovered from Freemasonry literature that accidentally fell into his hands, that Modern Freemasonry links itself to the Knights Templar. When we peruse some of the literature which Freemasons are encouraged to study, you will see repeated references to Knights Templar. Indeed, the 13th Degree of the York Rite is titled, "Knights Templar". [page 92, Kah]

Homosexuality is very tightly tied in with the Knights Templar. In the paragraph above, we see homosexual practices such as Phallicism and Sodomy. The Luciferian book, "Mind & Magic" also quoted above, sodomy is listed as one of the crimes of Knights Templar. The Grand Master at the time when King Philip IV of France tried and executed key members, was named Jacques de Molay. Since de Molay was Grand Master of Knights Templar, we can rightly conclude that he was also involved in these Satanic, and homosexual acts.
We find it highly disturbing, then, that Demolay is one of the orders of Freemasonry for young men!
Candidates entering the Order also had to kiss their initiator on the mouth, the navel, the penis, and at "the base of the spine." These kisses were regarded by critics of the Order as proof of their perverted sexual activities, but in the occult tradition, the navel, sexual organs and the perineum are the physical locations of the psychic centres of the human body, known in the East as chakras.


Qabalah [also known as Kabbalah. "According to Albert Pike, Gnosticism was an offshoot of Kabalism, an oral occult tradition, which was adhered to by a minority of the Jews. At some point, which remains uncertain, these occult teachings were reduced to writing, and the Kabalah was born. On page 626 of 'Morals and Dogma', Pike states, 'The Kabalah is the key of the occult sciences; and the Gnostics were born of the Kabalists'. Kabalism was merely a unique version of the ancient mysteries specifically designed to deceive God's chosen people. Unlike the other mysteries, its teachings dealt specifically with Israel, offering occult counter-explanations to the revelations of the prophets, complete with a cleverly disguised occult interpretation of the history of Israel." ["Enroute To Global Occupation", by Gary Kah, Huntington House Publishers, Lafayette, Louisiana, 1992, ISBN 0-910311-97-8, p. 99]

Freemasonry identifies itself with the Kabalah, one of the most Satanic and occultic writings ever. It seems incredible to me that the New Age is so dependent upon the Jewish occult Kabalah, because their Plan deliberately targets the destruction of all Jews.

Rosicrucianism is one of the oldest occult secret societies in Europe, dating back to the Fourteenth Century. The supposed founder of Rosicrucianism was a man named Christian Rosenkreuz. He was a "noble German born in 1378, who had traveled to the East in search of hidden wisdom ... In Damascus he first learned of the secret wisdom to be found in the mysterious Arabian city of Damcar. Here, he was taught much by the initiates of a mystical secret society, learned Arabic, and translated an unidentified book, the 'Liber M'. From here, he traveled to the North African city of Fez, in Morocco, where he learned to evoke the spirits of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. He subsequently returned to Europe and, after further adventures, he and four others founded the Rosicrucian Fraternity." ["Mind & Magic," by Francis X. King, Crescent, ISBN 0-517-06036-1, p. 102. [Note: This is a Luciferian book]

Freemasonry advocates the study of Rosicrucianism to its members, even to the point of dedicating the 18th Degree called the "Knight Rose Croix" ["Morals and Dogma", Albert Pike,
Sacred Geometry is only believed in by the occultist; the very fact that Freemasonry is advocating this subject to its members concretely PROVES it is occultic, not Christian. This nonsense is the ultimate instance of worshipping the created world rather than the Creator [Romans 1:25]!!

Let me explain Sacred Geometry: it is the "art and science of describing the universe by number and universal patterns." ["The New Age Dictionary", edited by Alex Jack, Japan Publications, Inc., 1990, The Year of the Golden Horse, New York, ISBN 0-87040-787-2, p. 170]
Congratulations, Freemasonry, you are encouraging your members to study a religion which God found so offensive, He sent special diseases to the Egyptian people as punishment!!

Theosophy has already been covered by our treatise on Madame H. P. Blavatsky. But, we wish to reiterate that the House of Theosophy has been one of the darkest of the Satanic secret societies. It propagated the lie of the 'Secret Doctrine', prompting Hitler to launch his 7-year Holocaust, which murdered 18 million people.

The House of Theosophy trained both Nazis and Communists in its Switzerland location in the 1920's-30's in the finer aspects of the occult. And, as you can see, in NEWS1052, the House of Theosophy continues to be at the forefront for the planning of the coming New Age Christ [Antichrist], and his False Prophet.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:01 am    Post subject: Re: Great Masonic God Reply with quote

dtracy wrote:

Jesus Christ is not to be looked upon as God incarnate, .

St Augustine in one of his sermons happily quotes Origen to the effect that Jesus was a prophet - no mention of being God. That is a later theological construct.

I seem to recall that when Jesus was discovered to be God it was necessary to dig up the bones of Origen and burn him as a heretic. Poor fellow - he was a father of the Church and later a heretic.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

u want my attention arcee. pull 1 hair out of your head every day until u have none and then and only then i will give you attention. If u are bald, not to worry, i can think of hundreds of others. !!!
go jump in the a bridge, ooch, that might hurt !!!!... roller skate down a 90 degree hill
at a 33 degree slant for 33 minutes. past 33 monkeys asses at 33 lattitude at 33 degree temperature

NO mason is worthy of my attention...

This primary thread states MASON FREE..Its very clear your motive.. want work with me.. u are not worthy of my attention..whay u say is masonic garbage and when time comes, all will be piled and burned. The viewers here are interlects, not morons in your belief system. Post your articles, lets be fair... U are a nothing.. i would be ashamed to come in here and say what u say. Filth....proven by your own grand commanders...over and over. yet, u here today defends such bizarre teachings of satanists,voo doo queers and queens,witchcraft doctors, Baal & Moloch worshipers.. ALL fact .. all wicked as hell, . Now what, what are u preaching, what are u saying ???.. We vomit at you and all masons that contribute to crimes,ungodly acts,murder,rape,torture...YOU CAN NOT DEFEND A CULT RELIGEON THAT EVEN THE GRAND COMMANDERS ADMITTED, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. ..i know, one gullible moron fool which is very unstable.hows that ass see

Screw your masonic 3 headed freak from from a cows ass and u too !!!!

I have plenty of ammo.. !!! more degrading than these articles.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:10 pm    Post subject: Does Arcee believe in the 3 Headed Freak GOD ?? Reply with quote

Well, the short time ive been here, I see it plain and clear.. JABALON
is what he worships... When anyone defends maonic satamsm, well ????
im going to plave a picture on here and get the opinions of others..
Arcee, why have spider legs on this thing ?????? how does it get around in water ???

How old is it ????.I bet u think its cute ????
Pleas, give us ur commits as you have been doing.
I want the truth.. is it cute ???
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It looks like personal abuse is preferred to rational discussion. Each to their own
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DO YOU WORSHIP JABALON ??????. , yes or no ??????

Im waiting
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. (1 Cor 10:20-21 KJV)

BUL- representing the name BAAL or BEL, an Old Testament demon god. (1 Kings 16:29-33)
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dtracy wrote:
DO YOU WORSHIP JABALON ??????. , yes or no ??????

Im waiting

I don't and I don't know anyone who does.

And I bet you do not even know that the three gods are gods recognised by Abraham - who came from Sumer
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You bet i dont know "?? what are you, a child ???
i bet you are a pyschoic.. You thing, act drink from the past, i mean way back.. lets just go back to the cave days .. i bet you dont know who first started the FIRE ??????? or a woman ????.. child perhaps... ..Im smart !!!!!!
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Joined: 13 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dtracy wrote:
Im smart !!!!!!

While you may well be accurate in your knowledge, it would help me understand that if you could link your assertions to accepted scholarly research.

Otherwise you might give the appearance of opinion rather than substance
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hey bud. Im not here to talk about god,or Jesus..

u do not impress me.. u are a bi-polar wannabe god !!!
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