Bilderberg.org the view from the top of the pyramid of power
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TonyGosling Site Admin

Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1420 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:03 am Post subject: Some wonderful comments from www.Guardian.co.uk |
Some great comments on the Guardian website this year. It's becoming easier and easier to sort the humans from the trolls.
10 June 2011 12:16PM
Then in swept Washington's hawkish 'Prince of Darkness', Richard Perle (Hudson Institute; PNAC; Hollinger; former Gaddafi adviser – etc. etc. etc.)
Hang on a min. Our very own Peter Mandelsohn is THE "Prince of Darkness" surely? Maybe there will have to be pistols at dawn to sort out the copyrights on this title...
10 June 2011 12:18PM
It's quite interesting to read article after article on this where the authors of such simply scramble to find anything interesting to talk about, and instead manage to throw together articles which don't really have much point to them.
10 June 2011 12:19PM
Osbourne and Mandy are here again this year, and you thought your goverment makes all the critical policy decisions?
There is no left or right, red or blue, this is where the orders are given.
If you suck up real nice you get to be like blair, if you go against the grain you become a straus-kahn.
These people aren't invited, they've been summoned.
Then they're sent away and we get shafted, or if you're really unlucky, bombed...
10 June 2011 12:25PM
How about a mass posting of Pringles tubes (empty of course - they taste too good to waste) to the hotel hosting the Bilderberg conference?
Anyone got a postal address?
10 June 2011 12:26PM
@Pretentious, It's also interesting to note that even when the Guardian tries to take the issue seriously, it's still all a big joke. I'd love to see all conferences covered in this jovial manner, but making Bilderberg the exception rather than the rule makes the whole thing seem rather silly and not worth bothering with.
I wonder why the Guardian would be trying to make us think that?
There is no left or right, red or blue, this is where the orders are given.
If you suck up real nice you get to be like blair, if you go against the grain you become a straus-kahn. These people aren't invited, they've been summoned.
Ooh! Is it the New World Order by any chance? How exciting.
10 June 2011 12:30PM
Anointed and "blessed" by Lucifer and Amun Ra...
10 June 2011 12:34PM
Are there people who go and sit outside every year to take poor quality photographs of a man in a car? Like a Glastonbury for tin-foil hatters?
10 June 2011 12:36PM
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10 June 2011 12:38PM
Not that anyone at Bilderberg is dirty. I mean, hardly any of them are wanted for war crimes. People don't stress that enough.
I did so enjoy that last line. Well said.
Osborne and Mandelson, there to kiss backside I imagine and nod their little bobbleheads fast and furiously, it IS the democratic way after all.
Hang in there Charlie, more Pringles to you.
10 June 2011 12:38PM
"It's quite interesting to read article after article on this where the authors of such simply scramble to find anything interesting to talk about, and instead manage to throw together articles which don't really have much point to them."
But the article actually contains some important points hidden among the jokes.
Of course it's one big "joke" that these meetings take place, involve rich powerful people getting together and us plebs are told there's "nothing to see here".
10 June 2011 12:38PM
Are there people who go and sit outside every year to take poor quality photographs of a man in a car? Like a Glastonbury for tin-foil hatters?
Yeah, but unlike the urban crusties Glasto that is G8 they haven't been kettled yet.
10 June 2011 12:43PM
that pringle tube is just a smokescreen....
10 June 2011 12:43PM
Those are some brilliant pictures. Trying to stir up a media buzz in the UK is like trying to only eat one Pringle. It's true. Once you pop, you can't stop.
I hope Estulin is reading all this. I haven't heard a peep from him anywhere on the t'internet. That's how we say internet here in Yorkshire.
Back to work anyway. Might try my luck with The Sun again. See how long it takes for them to hang up on me this time.
10 June 2011 12:43PM
that pringle tube is just a smokescreen....
You mean its not the real mccoys?
10 June 2011 12:52PM
Mind you it might have been the'baby sick' flavour cheesy pringles - they're pretty savage...
10 June 2011 12:58PM
A summit of the most important players in world finance and we get this 'funny' reporting. Any other public summit would get serious coverage. But this one is somehow deemed 'silly' because it's secret?!! Why is it funny?
The fact that billionaires who are famously normally never leave the house, turn up for this says that this meeting must be in actual fact very important.
10 June 2011 1:01PM
if George Osbourne and Mandy are going to this secretive cabal why are the articles portraying the event in a comical conspiracy nut way.
Can we get some serious investigative journalism into this shadowy group. Why are taxpayers money being spent sending ministers to this event???
infowars.com has good rolling coverage on this
10 June 2011 1:04PM
You just can get proper terrorists these days. (theyre all inside the hotel)
10 June 2011 1:09PM
Its interesting that after decades of paying absolutley no attention to this conference, as if it didnt exist, the media has been forced to publicly acknowlegde this elephant in the room, but still only manages to publish attention deflecting stories such as this that appear to be covering the event but dont actually say anything of worth at all.
10 June 2011 1:13PM
Thanks for the update Charlie....it seems you’re doing your witty best to report on Bilderberg while negotiating around the bridle that’s been placed in your mouth.
We can only hope that now the official list of attendees has been released, the Guardian, as well as the other MSM newspapers and organisations, will be sending out their heavy-weight political journalists to keep you company. Surely with a list like that, the BBC, the FT, Telegraph and Times will all be adequately represented and we can have a proper journalistic ‘dog and pony show’ going down at St. Moritz.
10 June 2011 1:13PM
David Rockefeller has made no secret of his plans to orchestrate world government (the New World Order if you will) with all the power in the hands of the Banksters. He believes this pernicious cabal are best able to look after the interests of the rest of us. I don't accept his premise (who in their right mind could after what we've seen in the last few years) and will therefore fight against his fiendish plan. This is the reason I object to the Bilderberg Group. The attendees are nothing less than complicit in a plan to screw the vast majority of the people on this planet...
10 June 2011 1:16PM
i don't understand to jovial tone of this coverage, is this all an amusing joke or something? obviously not WTF the biggest power-players in the world and this coverage is joke.
also notice how an article/subject of huge importance (in context) is making light of the whole thing by going on to joke about a 'bilderbus' like it's all a jolly jape at the end of the day or something.
again - the point is these people feel the need to hide, conduct private meetings and plans, and i don't really think anyone could agree that our governments are doing a bang-up job, let alone slap the finance and banking systems on the back for being such sterling chaps.
this joke can not continue. but considering all the media including the guardian comes under their umbrella of utility i don't hold out much hope for true investigative rigour in the near future.
and as for the 'tin foil hat' comments and all that other predictable programming, it just doesn't work. even for a monkey with half a brain, a bit of time on their hands and a discerning mind it really is becoming increasingly easier to see the bigger picture.
the point is as said, in this day and age this kind of secrecy amongst such society-moulding entities will. not. do. it is not permissible.
also to be unquestionably permissive of such activity really does indicate a lack of genuine, basic mental faculty on behalf of the lazy complacent scoffing cif brigade, who have simply had one too many bottles of moderately priced red wine and spent far too much time watching 'Britains Got Talented Dancers on Ice Buying Houses'.
this is all so obvious and increasingly transparent even my cat is starting to catch on without being manipulated by 4th-rate passive-aggressive press tactics and propaganda.
10 June 2011 1:21PM
Lets hope they have beansprouts on the menu!
10 June 2011 1:23PM
(tin foil hat alert) They are probably so hot on bugs and cameras inside that you'd be hard pushed to find any proof of the wrong doing that results from any of these meetings. And anyway, that's why they meet to make sure the rules and laws are changed so that even if the proof is there the law has changed and it is no longer against the law.
10 June 2011 1:23PM
Humour is a weapon if it is used correctly.
The intensely serious nature of the meeting and the nigh omnipotence of those involved means that no other weapon can be brought to bear.
I think.
10 June 2011 1:27PM
A summit of the most important players in world finance and we get this 'funny' reporting
Ignoring the press for the moment, in many ways you can blame:
1.) The Left-wing protest movement for not ever bothering to storm the barricades at this event like they do G8 and others.
2.) The Right-wing nuts who have concocted ridiculous conspiracy theories about the event, which have in turn resulted in the Left poo-pooing any protest of it.
Bit of a rock and a hard place really.
10 June 2011 1:40PM
Each year, I see this series return, and each year, I lose a little more respect for the Guardian.
10 June 2011 1:41PM
Bilderberg 2011 guest list :
10 June 2011 1:45PM
Every year since 1950 the bilderbergers have met under a media blackout. Sixty years of the Mainstream media claiming that only conspiracy nuts believe the meetings where being held.Are we now to wait Sixty years before they admit that these people decide their warmongering/financial terrorist policies at these unaccountable shindigs.
Demonocracy in action
10 June 2011 1:48PM
Two points.
1. I'd be worried if there wasn't such a meeting where world leaders and business people could talk about world affairs off the record.
2. As they've been meeting since the 1950s, if they really were trying to bring about a NWO, world government or whatever, they're not exactly doing it very quickly.
10 June 2011 1:51PM
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10 June 2011 1:53PM
Every year since 1950 the bilderbergers have met under a media blackout.Sixty years of the Mainstream media claiming that only conspiracy nuts believe the meetings where being held.Are we now to wait Sixty years before they admit that these people decide their warmongering/financial terrorist policies at these unaccountable shindigs.
Doesn't the thought even cross your mind that maybe, just maybe, the fact that there has been absolutely no evidence to support your preposterous claims for the past sixty years suggests that maybe those conclusions are wrong? Please tell me that you've at least considered it.
10 June 2011 2:01PM
"We cannot be idealistic. Capital must be invested in countries which have the political stability to guarantee a fair deal for the businessman." D.R.
And those nasty humans have the cheek to get in the way of such idealism, dont they?
Viva la business!
10 June 2011 2:04PM
It 's odd isn't it, I mean , if they're harmless get-togethers or simply brainstorming sessions , what's the point of having them and why are they so damn well attended. There are clearly people there for whom time is money (big money), just what do they hope to gain? And why all the secrecy and denial?
10 June 2011 2:05PM
I stopped considering it when the evidence showed they have met for the last fifty years .Try some research rather than uninformed naysaying.There is plenty of evidence for those with eyes to see.
10 June 2011 1:53PM
Every year since 1950 the bilderbergers have met under a media blackout.Sixty years of the Mainstream media claiming that only conspiracy nuts believe the meetings where being held.Are we now to wait Sixty years before they admit that these people decide their warmongering/financial terrorist policies at these unaccountable shindigs.
Doesn't the thought even cross your mind that maybe, just maybe, the fact that there has been absolutely no evidence to support your preposterous claims for the past sixty years suggests that maybe those conclusions are wrong? Please tell me that you've at least considered it.
"preposterous claims" they're actually very well founded you obviously haven't been paying attention, or, you're an avid fox-news watcher here for a rollicking trolling.
it's time RIGHT NOW for this 'splendid jape' to come to an end.
It's high time these crusty pillars of antiquity come into the open. if we are supposed to be in a democracy this is repugnant behaviour.
media heads, bankers, politicians all behind closed doors, all in the same place? you must be ****ing joking - full coverage from the inside please, agendas, topics covered, the whole lot - NOW.
10 June 2011 2:09PM
I think the tone in this article is quite fitting. How should one report on a meeting which one cannot attend, or even get close to? A little bit of flippancy by the reporters, as they struggle to find out anything about what is actually going on only stresses the point, rather than belittles it.
10 June 2011 2:16PM
Delighted to see that John Micklethwait, Editor-in-Chief of The Economist, is in attendance. Editors' Editor of the Year as named at the British Society of Magazine Editors 2010 annual awards no less. In the spirit of journalistic integrity this must mean that the magazine is planning to produce a Bilberberg Special Report on the event.
10 June 2011 2:17PM
it's time RIGHT NOW for this 'splendid jape' to come to an end.
or you'll do what?
10 June 2011 2:24PM
So, let me get this straight; you can only be a member of the Bilderberg if you eat Lays crisps? What's next, favouring Pepsi over Coca Cola?
10 June 2011 2:27PM
They are attacked from both the left -as a capitalist club. And from the right - as a body seeking one world government and a planned economy. This fact alone, suggests we shouldn't be too worried about some future power grab.
I'd imagine the major gain is going to be personal with these things , the 'off the record', networking potential here is obviously enormous. If personal enrichment through "information" is your aim, then attending this place must be like having your own bug in Gordon Gekko's office. Once your name is on that list , unless you're a complete idiot you've pretty much made it, I'd guess.
Delighted to see that John Micklethwait, Editor-in-Chief of The Economist, is in attendance. Editors' Editor of the Year as named at the British Society of Magazine Editors 2010 annual awards no less. In the spirit of journalistic integrity this must mean that the magazine is planning to produce a Bilberberg Special Report on the event.
I'm afraid you're likely to be disappointed. It's quite common for high-ranking journalists to attend (eg Martin Wolff of the Financial Times was there last year) but they don't write articles on what takes place. Rather strange eh?
10 June 2011 2:34PM
There must be a case for high level politicians to be fitted with audio recording devices until the days they leave office.
"or you'll do what?"
if not i'll do something so subversive the system will simply crumble, in fact just like you - i shall sit down this evening with a bottle of moderately priced red wine, and watch 'Dancing With the Stars on Ice while Buying Houses' before wasting my life listening to Alex jones give himself a heart attack while pretending to be outraged about a story he's pulled off the Fox News website.
yep. that's it.
10 June 2011 2:41PM
"The loathing of the rich seeps through the prose"
And that's a bad thing because?
10 June 2011 2:43PM
"it's just a gathering of financiers and politcos"
oh - those people. The people with no power, money, influence to do anything about anything and no agendas, goals or ambitions and no way of influencing the lives of ordinary people via their policies, beliefs and ideals.
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10 June 2011 2:43PM
Micheal McDowell, run out of public life in Ireland, and still "representing" the country at Bilderberg ! Planning a comeback, Michael?
Yup. They probably will be discussing world policy amongst other things. Why don't you hire a minibus to trek down there?
In other news:
Area 51 doesn't really contain aliens. Lord Lucan is definitely dead. The Tooth Fairy is usally your parents. 9/11 was not an inside job. Princess Di was not mudered. Paul McCartney's still alive. Castro didn't assassinate JFK. The Protocols of Zion is bullshit. Global Warming isn't happening.
You should check out Scientology...it's right up your street.
(obviously my initial comment was laced with sarcasm) Yes, wouldn't expect Wolf to spill any beans. I had the misfortune of meeting him once - he is an arrogant spouter of opinion rather than a journalist. A real journalist is capable of listening to what other people have to say.
Is this the one where they dress up as owls and dance round a bonfire in the woods?
Don't get your secretive cabals mixed up!
I think you are confusing Bilderburg with Bohemian Grove.
They dance around an effigy of a giant owl and burn an effigy of care in the presence of young male rent-boys. Not dress up as owls.
There is a video on the subject: Dark Secrets of Bohemian Grove
I believe many Bilderbergers are also Bohemian Grovers too. The shenanigans of the elite know no bounds...
10 June 2011 2:57PM
I used to think this stuff about the Bilderbergs was bollocks but then I was walking down Exeter high street and look!
Plain as day! Hide in plain sight or what?
The loathing of the rich seeps through the prose.
If I read prose where loathing of the rich doesn't seep through I regard it as an artistic and moral failure.
Unfortunately, while I too would like to see 'real policy change' with regard to liberalising drugs policy, I do not think it 'reasonable to assume' that there will be a lot of discussion about it.
Afterall, prohibition has long been used to keep prices high, and now that the U.S. has control of the lucrative opium (for legal and illegal opiates) producing poppy fields in Afghanistan - and they've really increased production and yeilds, since the war on terror began - there is just too much money to be made to actually think about decriminalising it's use.
And before you poo-poo the idea of our Governments being involved in the drugs trade, I suggest you read up on the Chinese Boxer Revolution and the Iran/Contra Affair.
10 June 2011 3:02PM
Mandelson isn't Prince of Darkness any more. Now he is the Dark Lord.
Interesting that Rory Stewart was invited.. presumably as something of an expert on the Muslim world.
10 June 2011 3:05PM
Shoot them all - OK, send them to Libya, especially that fat ******* old Dutch queen.
10 June 2011 3:07PM
There is a lot of dumb (and humourless) people on here, either supporting the Bilderbergers or helping them to play everything down FOR NO REASON except that they are unthinking authority lovers - the kind who do well in totalitarian states and enjoy uniforms.
10 June 2011 3:07PM
I just went to Google News and typed in Bilderberg Group and got only 74 hits, yet 2.8 million on a regular search.
You'd think as they are meeting now it would have stirred up a bit more interest.
I'm just saying.
10 June 2011 3:11PM
This article may not have had much in the way of actual information about what goes on at the conference, but what did you expect? Did you not read about the insane amount of security they employ? The aggressive tactics of arresting and searching Journalists?
At least you are all talking about it now, and you want more information. Maybe you'll go and look for it as a result of not being able to find much here.
Perhaps that was the aim of the article.
10 June 2011 3:29PM
No mainstream media will ever give us a serious article on secret Bilderberg meetings, just think that the sheer fact that they are not allowed in to the meetings or even given the agenda should make true journalists scrutinise and expose these meetings for what they are.
If you need better information about what might be on the Bilderberg agenda, check out prisonplanet (dotcom) before they are closed down.
10 June 2011 3:31PM
Is this the one where they dress up as owls and dance round a bonfire in the woods?
No it isn't... But if you're game... I'm game?
10 June 2011 3:46PM
Bilderberg has NEVER been acknowledged by the MSM, it has always been attributed to conspiracy theorists.
So imagine how scared they are that they have to acknowledge the fact it exists , though trying to ridicule it anyway and play it down
It has gone out of their hands because of internet and the alternative media.
People are waking up big time, specially after all the blatant lies coming out from the corporate mainstream media i.e Bin Laden buried at sea and all the lies coming from Libya and now Syria, not to mention the false 'revolutions' in Egypt and Tunicia
We've been lied to for decades and there is proof ,it's not just conjecture
The US has covertly overthrown 70 governments since WWII, there have been proven 'false flag' events-the battle of Tonkin,the sinking of the US Maine(1898) and US Liberty (1967) etc,etc
So we have to believe blindly what they tell us?? Conspiracies don't exist??? They are just coincidences???
You just have to 'follow the money' and you find the culprits. Who benefited from 9/11?? If it's not a conspiracy why no independant investigation?? Cause the people behind it are the elite that pull the strings??
Bilderberg and the people in it are a disgrace to mankind and sooner or later will be punished!!
Scum of the earth!!
2. As they've been meeting since the 1950s, if they really were trying to bring about a NWO, world government or whatever, they're not exactly doing it very quickly.
It is done and dusted. The latest espisode is the destruction of the Euro to discourage a run on the dollar....etc. etc.
10 June 2011 4:03PM
Funny that ten years ago if you mentioned Bilderburg you were labelled a conspiracy nut. You couldn't find a mention of it anywhere in the mainstream media, despite it's existence for over fifty years and a roll call of attendees that read like a who's who of politics, industry and finance.
Now it's existence can't be denied any more, the next tactic is to cover it like it's some kind of joke.
Tell me, why is it a joke that the annual meeting of the most powerful people in the world is held in complete and utter secrecy? Are not most of these people supposedly democratically elected? What do you think they are discussing - puppy dogs and ice cream?
When the Lib Dems have a conference it's all over the news for a week - despite the fact that it probably has a lot less influence on our daily lives than Bilderburg.
10 June 2011 4:10PM
I love it when the intelligent fools doubt that these people run the world. They often attempt to rebuke the notion by claiming the rest of us are just dreaming up conspiracy theories. There is nothing secret about these people really. Yes they may meet up and discuss matters in private but everyone does that.
The obvious and most simple question to ask is this - If these overwhelming rich and powerful people do not run the world - then who does ?
Of course they run the world and soon they will have complete control of the entire planet, that is beyond doubt. I'd guess by year end of 2013 they will probably complete the mission.
For those that still have any doubts and do not believe us so called 'theorists' - maybe you will believe the Ruling Elite -
Rothschild - "Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws.”
John D Rockefeller - “Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people.”
"I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts"
“The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.”
“I have ways of making money that you know nothing of.”
“Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in.”
“Competition is a sin.”
David Rockefeller -
"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." Sept. 23, 1994
President Franklin Roosevelt -
“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.” Nov. 21, 1933
Martin Taylor - Secretary General, Bilderberg -
"We forbid individual attendees from giving press meetings at our conferences, and we do that not because we're secrecy mad, but because we want to control the politicians who come."
10 June 2011 4:13PM
I can't understand why people insist on suggesting that anyone who finds secret organisations suspicious is insane.
Anyone who doesn't care what goes on at these meetings is a fool.
Anyway... The US is starting to default on it's loans, so it could all be over soon anyway. Stock up on tinned food and shotgun shells..
Perhaps that's the message they're sharing at Bilderberg this year?
10 June 2011 4:21PM
I'm inside and I have to say it's very nice. Can't wait to get conspiring as such as the masonic rituals are out of the way.
10 June 2011 4:25PM
The US is starting to default on it's loans
That's just not relevant, Governments around the World are doing everything they can to ensure that each and every Nation gets into massive debt. That enables the constant flow of Public Funds into Private Bank Accounts. That's exactly what they want. It is not a mistake, it is just the way they want it.
Since so many Nations are borrowing from Private Banks the World simply becomes owned by the Private Banksters and thus by default, the entire system collapses and we all become their slaves.
10 June 2011 4:34PM
Rothschild - "Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws.”
Yeah didn't he make this statement in like the 19thC. I can think of a hell of a lot worst coming out of the Establishments mouth back then. This was the age when Empires reached their zenith and Europeans were off conquering half of Africa.
I've never understood the obsession people have with the Rothschild family.
10 June 2011 4:36PM
Yes of course, nothing to see here eh? Back to Katie Price and the continuing saga of someones bottom.
10 June 2011 4:45PM
It looks like Sir Richard Lambert in Hannah Borno's photo...
I do not believe there is any 'obsession' going on . . . when it comes down to the Powerful, Rich and Royal Ruling Elite - Rothschild and Rockerfeller are rather important, historically and still today.
As for posting the original text and context and source, with all due respect, you must be joking, I am merely posting a few comments here and trying to be as brief and to the point as possible. All these quotes are in the public domain, widely known and there are hundreds of websites and books about this issue already, please do not expect me to repeat it all . . . this is the Guardians Website not mine x
However, if you want a good place to start, try something like this
www.bilderberg.org _________________ http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/2149
Secret Rulers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0p-e2ng0SI
Last edited by TonyGosling on Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:11 am; edited 1 time in total |
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TonyGosling Site Admin

Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1420 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:06 am Post subject: |
Rothschild - "Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws.”
Yeah didn't he make this statement in like the 19thC. I can think of a hell of a lot worst coming out of the Establishments mouth back then. This was the age when Empires reached their zenith and Europeans were off conquering half of Africa.
I've never understood the obsession people have with the Rothschild family.
I think a lot of the propaganda for the Rothschilds comes from anti-semite sources.
Didn't they makes movies about the Rothschilds in NAZI Germany?
10 June 2011 5:32PM
NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen is at the 2011 Bilderberg summit in St. Moritz Switzerland to discuss expanding the war on Libya and turning the conflict into a “bloody” affair despite the fact that the United States’ involvement in the bombardment has already cost nearly a billion dollars.
Even as President Obama commits US forces to a 4th front in Yemen, the bombardment of Libya is costing American taxpayers $2 million dollars a day. According to a leaked Department of Defense memo, “The cost of the U.S. campaign in Libya is set to exceed the $750 million Pentagon estimate set out in March”
Bilderberg are petrified at the increasing resistance to the attack on Libya from within the US Congress. Sources inside Bilderberg say they are planning to prolong the recession through 2012 and drive up oil prices even further as a means of forcing Americans to accept bloody warfare in the Middle East and North Africa.
As was later reported by Swiss newspapers, it emerged yesterday that the official start of the Bilderberg conference had to be delayed by a day because members were not able to fly their helicopters and private jets through heavy rain storms and the low lying cloud cover that has blanketed St. Moritz over the last few days. Less than half of the attendees had arrived at the Suvretta Hotel by early evening on Thursday. Several individuals within the Swiss federal government were enraged at Bilderberg’s “invasion of their sovereignty”.
Swiss media coverage of the conference has been plentiful, much to the chagrin of Bilderberg.
A similar theme from last year’s meeting in Spain has also emerged once again, with Bilderberg members furious at the increasing amount of protesters and media coverage that they are receiving.
“They’ve now asked Rupert Murdoch, biggest owner of newspapers throughout the world, to try to talk the major newspapers in Europe out of covering Bilderberg,” but the effort had largely been a failure due to the large amount of coverage being afforded to the confab by the Swiss media.
Members have expressed “great anger that the commoners are forcing this coverage and forcing these headlines"
A massive protest against Bilderberg is set to take place on Saturday at noon outside the Suvretta Hotel involving both Socialist and conservative Swiss People’s Party activists.
Members have expressed “great anger that the commoners are forcing this coverage and forcing these headlines"
Doesn't it make you just want to weep for them. Bless...
I think the quote was in fact made by Daniel Gushing in 1914 and refers to Rothschild within the quotation.
“‘Let us control the money of a country and we care not who makes its laws.’ This is the maxim of the house of Rothschilds, and is the foundation principle of European banks. If a country and its people are mortgaged for the assessed value of their property, and the bankers control the money, the bondholders and not the people own that country. It makes no difference whether you call it a republic or a monarchy.”
– Financial writer Daniel T. Gushing, testifying before the House and Senate Subcommittees on Banking and Currency, 1914
10 June 2011 5:56PM
Suits, conference, agenda, politicia... snore.
Two-way mirrors, roughed-up amateur paps, sunglass wearing goons, people with names that have modern-day pyramids named after them, a bomb in a box of Pringles: now that's what I call entrertainment!
Is there ever a record of which group of unfortunate taxpayers end up forking out for this fatcat wank-a-thon?
10 June 2011 6:07PM
In case anyones interested, here is part 1 of the list of Bilderberg guests who have been publicly announced. Obviously there are many others who arrive without being identified (the NATO General Secretary Rasmussen was seen entering yesterday).
Coene, Luc, Governor, National Bank of Belgium
Davignon, Etienne, Minister of State
Leysen, Thomas, Chairman, Umicore
Fu, Ying, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Huang, Yiping, Professor of Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University
Eldrup, Anders, CEO, DONG Energy
Federspiel, Ulrik, Vice President, Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S
Schütze, Peter, Member of the Executive Management, Nordea Bank AB
Ackermann, Josef, Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank
Enders, Thomas, CEO, Airbus SAS
Löscher, Peter, President and CEO, Siemens AG
Nass, Matthias, Chief International Correspondent, Die Zeit
Steinbrück, Peer, Member of the Bundestag; Former Minister of Finance
Apunen, Matti, Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA
Johansson, Ole, Chairman, Confederation of the Finnish Industries EK
Ollila, Jorma, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell
Pentikäinen, Mikael, Publisher and Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat
Baverez, Nicolas, Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
Bazire, Nicolas, Managing Director, Groupe Arnault /LVMH
Castries, Henri de, Chairman and CEO, AXA
Lévy, Maurice, Chairman and CEO, Publicis Groupe S.A.
Montbrial, Thierry de, President, French Institute for International Relations
Roy, Olivier, Professor of Social and Political Theory, European University Institute
Great Britain
Agius, Marcus, Chairman, Barclays PLC
Flint, Douglas J., Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings
Kerr, John, Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell
Lambert, Richard, Independent Non-Executive Director, Ernst & Young
Mandelson, Peter, Member, House of Lords; Chairman, Global Counsel
Micklethwait, John, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
Osborne, George, Chancellor of the Exchequer
Stewart, Rory, Member of Parliament
Taylor, J. Martin, Chairman, Syngenta International AG
David, George A., Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.
Hardouvelis, Gikas A., Chief Economist and Head of Research, Eurobank EFG
Papaconstantinou, George, Minister of Finance
Tsoukalis, Loukas, President, ELIAMEP Grisons
International Organizations
Almunia, Joaquín, Vice President, European Commission
Daele, Frans van, Chief of Staff to the President of the European Council
Kroes, Neelie, Vice President, European Commission; Commissioner for Digital Agenda
Lamy, Pascal, Director General, World Trade Organization
Rompuy, Herman van, President, European Council
Sheeran, Josette, Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme
Solana Madariaga, Javier, President, ESADEgeo Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics
Trichet, Jean-Claude, President, European Central Bank
Zoellick, Robert B., President, The World Bank Group
Gallagher, Paul, Senior Counsel; Former Attorney General
McDowell, Michael, Senior Counsel, Law Library; Former Deputy Prime Minister
Sutherland, Peter D., Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
Bernabè, Franco, CEO, Telecom Italia SpA
Elkann, John, Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
Monti, Mario, President, Univers Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Scaroni, Paolo, CEO, Eni S.p.A.
Tremonti, Giulio, Minister of Economy and Finance
10 June 2011 6:09PM
Here's part 2. Quite a bash isn't it.
Carney, Mark J., Governor, Bank of Canada
Clark, Edmund, President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group
McKenna, Frank, Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group
Orbinksi, James, Professor of Medicine and Political Science, University of Toronto
Prichard, J. Robert S., Chair, Torys LLP
Reisman, Heather, Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. Center, Brookings Institution
Bolland, Marc J., Chief Executive, Marks and Spencer Group plc
Chavannes, Marc E., Political Columnist, NRC Handelsblad; Professor of Journalism
Halberstadt, Victor, Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings
H.M. the Queen of the Netherlands
Rosenthal, Uri, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Winter, Jaap W., Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek
Myklebust, Egil, Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, sk Hydro ASA
H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway
Ottersen, Ole Petter, Rector, University of Oslo
Solberg, Erna, Leader of the Conservative Party
Bronner, Oscar, CEO and Publisher, Standard Medien AG
Faymann, Werner, Federal Chancellor
Rothensteiner, Walter, Chairman of the Board, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG
Scholten, Rudolf, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister
Ferreira Alves, Clara, CEO, Claref LDA; writer
Nogueira Leite, António, Member of the Board, José de Mello Investimentos, SGPS, SA
Mordashov, Alexey A., CEO, Severstal
Bildt, Carl, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Björling, Ewa, Minister for Trade
Wallenberg, Jacob, Chairman, Investor AB
Brabeck-Letmathe, Peter, Chairman, Nestlé S.A.
Groth, Hans, Senior Director, Healthcare Policy & Market Access, Oncology Business Unit, Pfizer Europe
Janom Steiner, Barbara, Head of the Department of Justice, Security and Health, Canton
Kudelski, André, Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group SA
Leuthard, Doris, Federal Councillor
Schmid, Martin, President, Government of the Canton Grisons
Schweiger, Rolf, Ständerat
Soiron, Rolf, Chairman of the Board, Holcim Ltd., Lonza Ltd.
Vasella, Daniel L., Chairman, Novartis AG
Witmer, Jürg, Chairman, Givaudan SA and Clariant AG
Cebrián, Juan Luis, CEO, PRISA
Cospedal, María Dolores de, Secretary General, Partido Popular
León Gross, Bernardino, Secretary General of the Spanish Presidency
Nin Génova, Juan María, President and CEO, La Caixa
H.M. Queen Sofia of Spain
Ciliv, Süreyya, CEO, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.
Gülek Domac, Tayyibe, Former Minister of State
Koç, Mustafa V., Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
Pekin, Sefika, Founding Partner, Pekin & Bayar Law Firm
Alexander, Keith B., Commander, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency
Altman, Roger C., Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc.
Bezos, Jeff, Founder and CEO, Amazon.com
Collins, Timothy C., CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
Feldstein, Martin S., George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University
Hoffman, Reid, Co-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn
Hughes, Chris R., Co-founder, Facebook
Jacobs, Kenneth M., Chairman & CEO, Lazard
Johnson, James A., Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
Jordan, Jr., Vernon E., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
Keane, John M., Senior Partner, SCP Partners; General, US Army, Retired
Kissinger, Henry A., Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
Kleinfeld, Klaus, Chairman and CEO, Alcoa
Kravis, Henry R., Co-Chairman and co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis, Roberts & Co.
Kravis, Marie-Josée, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.
Li, Cheng, Senior Fellow and Director of Research, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution
Mundie, Craig J., Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
Orszag, Peter R., Vice Chairman, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.
Perle, Richard N., Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
Rockefeller, David, Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank
Rose, Charlie, Executive Editor and Anchor, Charlie Rose
Rubin, Robert E., Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury
Schmidt, Eric, Executive Chairman, Google Inc.
Steinberg, James B., Deputy Secretary of State
Thiel, Peter A., President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC
Varney, Christine A., Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust
Vaupel, James W., Founding Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Warsh, Kevin, Former Governor, Federal Reserve Board
Wolfensohn, James D., Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC
10 June 2011 1:45PM
Every year since 1950 the bilderbergers have met under a media blackout.Sixty years of the Mainstream media claiming that only conspiracy nuts believe the meetings where being held.
Not true my friend...there have been regular reports in the mainstream media (eg The Times) on the group's existence, where they were holding their meetings and who was going pretty much ever since it started.
eg Wall Street Journal 1976
10 June 2011 6:43PM
@ danpan - it was Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.
For those who doubt the Historic and Present Importance of the Family, this is a very good, accurate and unbiased brief history of the Private Banking System that now controls most of the Planet and very soon all of it unless the Taliban can stop them that is.
10 June 2011 6:44PM
Apparently Swiss parliamentarians are going to attempt to force their way in to the Bilderberg group meeting this evening. This includes Dominique Baettig, the MP who called for the arrest of Henry Kissinger (who's probably hiding in his room) on an EU arrest warrant. It'll be interesting to see if the Swiss police are willing to prevent them at the point of a gun. I think they may have miscalculated by having their little get together in one of the worlds last remaining 'real' democracies.
10 June 2011 7:17PM
Last night an Italian member of European Parliament Mario Borghezio suffered a beating at the hands of the Bilderberg security thugs in Switzerland. Borghezio was about to attend the Bildeberg club, but when he showed his credentials to the Suretta Hotel staff, he was not allowed in and shoved around by the Club’s security people. ” They shoved us around,” Borghezio, who was in the company of his assistant, said the MP suffered a bloody nose and was very shaken up.
10 June 2011 7:25PM
If anyones interested in listening to live reports from Bilderberg and witnesses to the events unfolding in St Moritz, it's on the Alex Jones show which you can listen to @ Infowars (dotcom) now.
10 June 2011 8:31PM
I love your sarcasm. Any insights of what's going on inside in the conference?
10 June 2011 9:29PM
They are probably doing what they do every year, just chewing the fat and choosing from an a la carte menu before a sauna. Or maybe they're debating policy and programmes which will effect you and your family for generations to come.
Amongst many others, the Vice President of the European Commission, the President of the European Council, the Director General of the World Trade Organization, the President of the European Central Bank, the President of The World Bank, and the Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme, US Deputy Secretary of State, the Commander of USCYBERCOM and the Director of the National Security Agency and representatives from most major US think tanks such as the Hudson Institute, the Brookings Institution, the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Institute for Demographic Research.
Turn on the TV and there is 24 hour news coverage of the ongoing economic crisis. Imagine if senior representatives from every major bank in the world were meeting in the same place along with the heads of finance from several major countries in the Western world. Oh wait, they are, at Bilderberg.
Bilderberg has senior figures from the National Bank of Belgium, the Nordea Bank of Denmark, the Deutsche Bank of Germany, the Investor AB bank of Sweden, the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG of Austria, and the Investimentos bank of Portugal.
They have the Chairman of Barclays bank, the Chairman of HSBC, the Chairman of Goldman Sachs, the CEO of TD Bank Financial Group, the Vice Chairman of Citigroup and the former Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank. They have the former German Minister of Finance, the current British Chancellor of the Exchequer, the current Greek Minister of Finance (not a great gig at the moment), the current Italian Minister of Economy and Finance, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, the former US Secretary of the Treasury and the former Governor of the Federal Reserve Board.
Throw in a smattering of royalty from the Netherlands, Spain and Norway, and a few high ranking politicians and heads of state from Belgium, Austria, China, Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey and you’re still only really scratching the surface of the who’s who of Bilderberg attendees.
It is clearly asinine to suggest that this group of people hold no power and do not have any sway on the international stage.
Their influence is irrefutable. Anyone who makes this argument and then tells you you are delusional is beyond stupid. Where are you mainstream media? _________________ http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/2149
Secret Rulers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0p-e2ng0SI
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TonyGosling Site Admin

Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1420 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:08 am Post subject: |
11 June 2011 3:18AM
please. the rockefellers have always been junior partners to "the other 'r' family", who have a 200+ year history of hiding their detested loot, plunder, rape, pillage, & ruin policies (specifically, "pump AND DUMP" finance) behind more congenial, local faces.
here's a clue: rockefeller's fav appartchik also attending - the guy they (the Rockefellers + R's) shoved on Nixon as his "national security" advisor, who later became Nixon's Sec. State (henry kissinger)... or richard perle.
wolfowitz, "the architect" of bush & cheney's illegal, no valid excuse invasion of Iraq in 2003, WOULD have been there, too, except he lost his cozy gig as World Bank president. poor wolfo was too much for even the "saturated with elitist, royalist, & autocratic corruption" Europeans to swallow..
11 June 2011 3:56AM
I see that the comments are of a much higher caliber than in past years. People are waking up, mostly due to the economic difficulties, and that is why these
powermongers are about to shut off the real sources of real news on the internet.
In the US it is Senate bill 986. Another healthy sign is that the three trolling types here don't have many 'recommends'. Try harder or get some more trolls! You don't want to disappoint your masters!
A united citizenry around the world scares the hell out of these relics!
11 June 2011 5:29AM
Find out more up to date info about the Bilderberg meeting here: Bilderberg News 2011
11 June 2011 11:09AM
Swiss People's Party representative Dominique Baettig is going to march to the meeting along with two other leading politicians from the Swiss People's Party and demand to be allowed inside to confront the elite attendees. At the moment they are trying to get kissinger to be arrested for war crimes.
11 June 2011 11:34AM
I'm not a conspiracy guy but does it not seem WRONG that the elite and evil scum like Mandleson and Rockafella are meeting in private???
Very interesting to see names of past members as well, this must be a serious geo pol think tank above governments no?........
Answers on a past card.
List of past bilderburg members from Wikipidia L@@K WOW
Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld in 1942.
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (1997, 2000, 2006, 2008-2010)[1][2][3]
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (1954, 1975)[4][5] (deceased)
Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, United Kingdom (1986)[6][7]
Juan Carlos I of Spain, King of Spain (2004)[8]
Prince Philippe, Prince of Belgium (2007-2009)[9]
Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1965, 1967)[10][11]
Queen Sofía of Spain (2008-2010)[3][12]
King Harald V of Norway [13] (1984[14])
United States
George W. Ball (1954, 1993),[15] Under Secretary of State 1961-1968, Ambassador to U.N. 1968
Sandy Berger (1999),[16] National Security Advisor, 1997–2001
Timothy Geithner(2009),[17] Treasury Secretary
Lee H. Hamilton (1997),[1] former US Congressman
Christian Herter,[18] (1961, 1963, 1964, 1966), 53rd United States Secretary of State
Charles Douglas Jackson (1957, 1958, 1960),[19] Special Assistant to the President
Joseph E. Johnson[20] (1954), President Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Henry Kissinger[21] (1957, 1964, 1966, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977, 2008, 2011),[22] 56th United States Secretary of State
Colin Powell (1997),[1] 65th United States Secretary of State
Lawrence Summers,[17] Director of the National Economic Council
Paul Volcker[when?],[17] Chair of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board and Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1979–1987
Roger Altman (2009),[17] Deputy Treasury Secretary from 1993–1994, Founder and Chairman of Evercore Partners
Bill Clinton (1991),[23][24] President 1993-2001
Gerald Ford (1964, 1966),[4][25] President 1974-1977 (deceased)
John Edwards (2004),[26][27] Senator from North Carolina 1999-2005
Chuck Hagel (1999, 2000),[28] Senator from Nebraska 1997-2009
Sam Nunn (1996, 1997),[1] Senator from Georgia 1972-1997
Rick Perry (2007),[29] Governor of Texas 2000-current
Mark Sanford (2008),[30] Governor of South Carolina
United Kingdom
Rt Hon the Baroness Shirley Williams ( at least 2010), stateswoman and member, House of Lords; Harvard University Professor; Past President, Chatham House; int'l member, Council on Foreign Relations.
Paddy Ashdown (1989),[31] former leader of Liberal Democrats, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ed Balls (2006),[32] former Economic Secretary to the Treasury and advisor to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and was Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families (2007–2010)
Peter Carington, 6th Baron Carrington (Steering Committee member) ,[33] former Foreign Secretary
Kenneth Clarke (1993,[34] 1998,[35] 1999,[36] 2003,[37] 2004,[38] 2006,[39] 2007,[39] 2008,[40][41] Chancellor of the Exchequer 1993-1997, Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 2008-2010, Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Justice 2010-current
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil (Viscount Cranborne) (1997),[1] Leader of the House of Lords 94-97
Denis Arthur Greenhill, Lord Greenhill of Harrow (deceased) (1974),[42]) former Head of Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Denis Healey (founder and Steering Committee member),[33] former Chancellor of the Exchequer
Peter Mandelson (1999,[43] 2009[44] Business Secretary (2008–2010)
John Monks (1996),[45] former TUC General Secretary
George Osborne (2006,[46] 2007,[46] 2008[47] 2009[48]) Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (2004–2010), Chancellor of the Exchequer 2010-current
David Owen (1982),[49] former British Foreign Secretary and leader of the Social Democratic Party
Enoch Powell, (deceased) (1968),[50] MP and Ulster Unionist
Malcolm Rifkind (1996),[45] former Foreign Secretary
Eric Roll (1964, 1966, 1967, 1973–1975, 1977–1999) (Bilderberg Steering Committee),[51] Department of Economic Affairs, 1964, later Bilderberg Group Chairman
David Hannay, Baron Hannay of Chiswick (1995),[52] Diplomatic posts at European Union and United Nations.
John Smith (1989) (deceased),[53] Labour Party leader
Prime Ministers
Tony Blair (1993),[23][34] Prime Minister 1997-2007
Gordon Brown (1991),[24] Prime Minister 2007- 2010
Edward Heath,[4] Prime Minister 1970-1974
Alec Douglas-Home (1977–1980),[54] Chairman of the Bilderberg Group, Prime Minister 1963-1964
Margaret Thatcher (1975),[55] Prime Minister 1979-1990
For example, I think it's reasonable to assume that there will be a lot of discussion about liberalising drugs policy in the conference - no politician save the bravest would dare raise it in public, but in private they can be frank and honest with each other. That might hopefully turn into real policy change.
What you're actually saying there is 'democracy is the problem'. You're looking at things the wrong way round. You should be asking "Why is frank discussion about drugs policy something difficult to do in public?" The answer, to my mind, is public ignorance and bigotry and media distortion about matters, things which politicians, most of the time, are quite happy to promote for their own self serving ends. The solution to these problems is more open democracy and public discussion about issues, not less.
11 June 2011 1:12PM
The British have been crowned with the jewels of the English language and rightfully so, how delightful to read such sarcasm about the mass murderers all dressed and riding around in fancy limos, no small cars to be smashed like what happened to Diana and Dodi. SHUT UP for pity's sake, let not the tongue wag itself about the monster tiara wearing cannibals, hiding, not riding in limos to be further seen, only the agents show. No go without the blow, though, thank GOD for Afghanistan, GB, and the buddies of George W. Bush, Tony the pony ride? Just reflecting on how this time came to pass, again, now with the crowns of the American jewels riding in limos, David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger of Doom, Death, Destruction. Just another pony ride for the betting in the future Bilder whatever can be in there, Tom Waits sang about this crowd of Chocolate Jesus eating rulers already whom are bergers or do we call it like it is? The Bilder Buggers Global?
* _________________ http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/2149
Secret Rulers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0p-e2ng0SI
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TonyGosling Site Admin

Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1420 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:10 am Post subject: |
12 June 2011 4:02PM
We should all be grateful that these wonderful people take time out of their busy schedules to organise the world and its economies in the best interests of we,the people of our various countries.
Shame on ANY of U who suggest that Satan simply gets his Demons in one place in order to check that none of them is skimming.
12 June 2011 9:31PM
There was a time that we'd not get this level of coverage. Times, they are a-changing...
13 June 2011 7:00AM
137 year old senile gangsters seeking new blood from youths of 75. They might think they see everything, but their horizons are limited to their company in the country club, and on the private jet. They don't dare make contact with a member of the public lest they collapse into a pile of 2000yr old dust. In their senility they're detonating the system they suck blood from, while imagining living forever. This is Swift's cloud-cuckoo land.
Even if David Rockefeller thinks he's a young whippersnapper, Rupert Murdoch, for example, is seemingly gaga, with the show around the world run by 2nd rate lieutenants. Can anyone imagine Murdoch handling the phone hacking scandal so ineptly 20 or 30 years ago?
It's up to the people to push these teetering relics into the garbage bin of history, lest our whole society follow them _________________ http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/2149
Secret Rulers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0p-e2ng0SI
http://www.911forum.org.uk |
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TonyGosling Site Admin

Joined: 26 Jul 2006 Posts: 1420 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, UK
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:11 am Post subject: |
12 June 2011 4:02PM
We should all be grateful that these wonderful people take time out of their busy schedules to organise the world and its economies in the best interests of we,the people of our various countries.
Shame on ANY of U who suggest that Satan simply gets his Demons in one place in order to check that none of them is skimming.
12 June 2011 9:31PM
There was a time that we'd not get this level of coverage. Times, they are a-changing...
13 June 2011 7:00AM
137 year old senile gangsters seeking new blood from youths of 75. They might think they see everything, but their horizons are limited to their company in the country club, and on the private jet. They don't dare make contact with a member of the public lest they collapse into a pile of 2000yr old dust. In their senility they're detonating the system they suck blood from, while imagining living forever. This is Swift's cloud-cuckoo land.
Even if David Rockefeller thinks he's a young whippersnapper, Rupert Murdoch, for example, is seemingly gaga, with the show around the world run by 2nd rate lieutenants. Can anyone imagine Murdoch handling the phone hacking scandal so ineptly 20 or 30 years ago?
It's up to the people to push these teetering relics into the garbage bin of history, lest our whole society follow them _________________ http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/contributor/2149
Secret Rulers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0p-e2ng0SI
http://www.911forum.org.uk |
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