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China, the Dollar & the Balance of Power

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Joined: 02 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:03 am    Post subject: China, the Dollar & the Balance of Power Reply with quote

I could open up with a dramatic headline, like "US Economy Insolvent"! But things are seldom that clear.

Earlier this month, in fact last week, the US government sent their most powerful economic delegation to China (Henry Poulson & Ben Benanke), in the hope of striking a deal which would save the Dollar.

China informed the US of its intention to ""DUMP"" 1 trillion US Dollars on Monday 18th December....they left looking like very grey men!

But nothing took place on Monday 18th December.....Ok, the Dollar continues to slide and this being US policy.... a controlled slide. So how did the Dollar survive?

Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries also hold vast US Dollar inventories (not in China`s league)....and guess what, they`ve threatened China, that should they dump the Dollar, oil supplies to China will be cut!!

Oh dear....Saudi Arabia now has the US by its short and curlies....Saudi now has the power to force US policy on ""Israel""!!

Its very unlikely this lever will ever be used...however, the Jewish elite camped in New York and London won`t be very happy chappies and there`s no telling whats being decided in Tel Aviv. The only way to counter economic power, is the use of military force. So is a strike on Iran more likely, Iran being alied to China on energy?

We are moving towards another NWO sanctioned wave of terror....likely to be several cordinated strikes across the globe....US, ME and maybe Europe. Christmas, or early next year....Russia has agreed to supply Iran with nuclear fuel. So clock is ticking!

Making sweeping claims like the one above may seem foolish, but I hope I`m wrong. This forum and many others like it are monitored by the SIS. The more we second and third guess their moves, the more likely they`ll change or cancel them.

If you can interperate these events differently, or just plain disagree please reply.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Cj,
It is truly a difficult situation, completed with the annoucement yesterday of iranian's oil future sales in Euro rather than in us dollars.The best interest of China is to dump their dollars slowly, not to lose everything. I do believe that this will be their policy. What they told the US delegates was US has nothing to dictate to China.

We have to consider a great move in american policy drifting towards asia now , backed on their allies Japana and Korea.
Following a recent interview from De Montbrial in the french paper 'Le Monde' ( i made an analysis of it, in french on the french forum), this one was expecting a coup d état orchestrated in Korea to change the regime of North Korea. Lately, this kind of info has come back to my ears. Indeed , China is knowing North Korea is a potential keg of powder for itself and for Russia.
Japan is voting to have an army now, a complete constitutional change !
Now, America is centered in southern and eastern asia, no more central.

To leave the Near and Midden East, the US have the following options:

-negociate the retreat uner syrian and iranian auspices ( theory of mr Blair).This will desarticulate the powers that backed the USA in Midden East: saoudia Arabia, Jordania, Egypt etc...
-the second option ( the one choosed): civil war in Gaza, in Lebanon and in Irak. Advantages of this solution: Saoudia will back the Iran adversaries with all the conservatives regimes in Midden east. Meanwhile america will retreat from Irak. Afghanistan in another way of acting. Following the former nazi professor Haufstetter ( University of Munch in the years 20-1930), Afghanistan is the ' center' of the world. The one who control it has the control of Eurasia.
That is the kind of thing that will help American to try to keep its influence in this zone.

That is just my opinions about the present situation. I will add that this kind of configuration is driving Olmert and the american establishment to think that they meet their last chance to make a true peace in the palestino-israelo conflict.All will depend now of the israelian position. America will certainly not tolerate an initiative from israel to strike and let the problem to others, when more than 130.000 have to retire from Irak in a certain good order.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear MArek

I think you over complicate the situation. This Dollar weakness, and that is being Kind, is the fisrt to occoure since the formation of the Euro, China`s status as a major economic power and the renewed confidence and wealth of Russia...

....In the past, the $$$ was the only viable option. This dispite the US economic slide which started in the early 70`s. China will release its Dollar holdings....this may well be done slowly, this would suit the Chinese. But this isn`t so simple....the US is insolvent. The US elite must make a decision in the New Year, higher interest rates, or lower interest rates....either way they are stuffed and what is now a "controlled Dollar slide" could run away and turn into a collapse....THE CHINESE UNDERSTAND THIS RISK and may dump early!

Even the Chinese maybe be forced into taking decisions they would rather avoid....not only is Iran going to trade oil in Euros, but so might Syria and Russia....this break form the "oil cartels" in Wall Street and the City of London, is a major threat to the NWO.

The only way to subdue Russian power, is to remove the countries they support....Syria and Iran....the stakes are very high. The US might say they won`t "PRE-EMPTIVELY strike Iran, but they will, if a major terror attack[s] can be blamed on Iran. This is the only senario which gives Putin the option of doing nothing and therefore, not losing face. If Russia loses significant influence globally, then all Russia can do is sell its oil and gas to Europe and China. Unless they want all-out war.

If the $$$ is trashed, we could see the formation of the "Amero" (USA, Canada and Mexico) certainly won`t remain the leading currency. The Amero will cloud this financial mess.

I can`t see this being left to ride. The NWO will act! One thing is clear from the Litvinenko murder...."heck, a bit if radiation here and there across London....BA planes contaminated"....yet the public fails to panic....the public have been conditioned by the FAKE war on terror and now radiation.....a nuke[s] going off in the US, ME, Israel and Europe...a coordinated NWO sanctioned terror attack would do the trick....escalation of fear and military action against Iran with nuclear bunker busting bombs should keep the NWO on top.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Cj,
You may be right. Indeed, knowing that the center of US imperialism is now turning towards Asia, China could dump its $$$ and make amrica fall in ruin.Then Amerigo could be the best solution for North America.
That will make central Asia and Midden East free of american presence, et let Europe alone with the fire lighted by america. A period of incertitudiness will then happen.the New Maxcamerica will then theorically work with EU...and Japan. In any case this is the worst scenario for the USA.I believe that the bilderberg scenario of mr De Montbrial ( IFRI) is the more plausible with some corrections.Just my opinion of course.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 3:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just a few comments on the China-led abandonment of the US Dollar:

1) China has already dumped about 30% of its Dollar holdings in the last 18 months. They are not going to risk dumping the rest all in one go because this would set off a chain reaction whereby all the other asian countries propping up the USD will pull out and inevitably they will ALL lose a geat deal of revenue in the ensuing Dollar crash.

2) Regarding the Iranian Oil Bourse denominated in Euros, I will believe it when I see it. This has been touted (by their own Oil Minister) several times in the last year or so and has never come to anything. The precident for what happens when you set up a bourse to challenge the Petrodollar was set when Saddam Hussein tried it - he got Gulf War II. When Iran first started touting it, the world got the Israeli/US/UK destruction of Lebanon.

3) The Chinese aren't just dumping Dollar holdings; as one of the oldest surviving cultures on the planet, they're playing the long game; in the last couple of years they have bought up, and transported to China, 75% of the world's Steel, Copper, Manganese and many other important mineral outputs.


Peak Oil. They know it's coming and they know when it does, these things will not only be much more difficult and costly to mine, but almost impossible to transport.

4) Japan, like the UK, is in a desperate position energy-wise now, having no natural resources of its own to speak of; they are relying on the military might of the USA to strong-arm Russia and China.

5) Regarding the Central Asian Republics, Zbigniew Brzezinski's commentary in "The Grand Chessboard" was to the effect that Uzbekistan is the centre of the world, not Afghanistan (which the CIA helps launder 500 trillion dollars annually through Wall Street) and that the end-game of this is China.

Where was the first Central Asian Republic to have a US military deployment post-911?


6) The Saudis. Without American military support for their regimen, the Sauds are finished. What is often overlooked is that Bin Laden asked for only one thing from the Americans for "Al Qaeda's" aggression to cease; all US troops out of Saudi Arabia. He knows full well that as soon as they're all gone, there would be popular revolt in that extremely polarized society. What many people don't realize however is that since the start of the "War on Terror" Bush has largely given him what he wanted, since much of the Saudi deployment has had to be redeployed elsewhere.

Very soon it is going to become quite obvious that the Saudis really don't have much of a stick to beat anyone with;

Matt Simmons' book "Twilight In The Desert" is a very dry read but about half-way through, the picture becomes very clear indeed; any talk of the Saudis increasing production beyond 10Mbpd is a lie; Gahwar, the world's largest oil field, now has a water-cut of over 50% and since the publication of that book in 2005, some are saying 70%. All the Saudi wells are rate-sensitive, which broadly speaking means that if you push the flow rate too high by using water/gas/benzene injection to raise pressure, you risk damaging the well, water encroachment etc and the end result is far less total oil recovery than would otherwise have been possible.

As Simmons says, "If Gahwar has peaked, Saudi has peaked. If Saudi has peaked, the world has peaked."

It is now looking increasingly likely that Kenneth Deffeyes' prediction of a global peak being Thanksgiving 2005 +/- 21 days (earlier this year pinned down by others as December 16th 2005) was correct, given the global downward trend of conventional oil and gas output since this time last year.

When the Saudis say they can raise production, what they don't tell you is that the only fields they can still ramp production on are producing heavy sour crude, which most of the world's standard refineries can't deal with and which no-one wants. A refinery can't produce Jet A kerosene from heavy sour. 25% of Saudi's output has historically been very light sweet crude, which has produced over 75% of the world's Jet A kerosene. Saudi's production of sweet crude is decreasing due to over-production and the aviation industry's use of it is exploding.

All the while, Blair insists the UK needs airport expansion to continue (an oximoron) the sustainable growth of "the world's 4th largest economy."

I'll leave it up to you all to work out what in the hell he's thinking of.

Finally, on the subject of what the Fed will do regarding interest rates, remember that since they stopped reporting the M3 figures earlier this year, one can't actually find out what is really going on anymore. Also, the new Fed chairman isn't called "Helicopter Ben" for no reason...

My educated guess would be "hyperinflation"
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Twitschythetramp ( sorry if i may scorch your name)

About iranian oil, the decision is already applied since two days. This has nothing to do with an iranian bourse. Iran want euro s in exchange of its oil. Decision is effective. This has been published in the European press.
Perhaps another reader has a link to precise it?

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, so what they have threatened to do several times already - and which Saddam had started Iraq doing until the US/UK invaded and took him out - they now appear to have done for real. Obviously in the past, US and Israeli aggression (predicated on the WMD/Nuclear non-issue issue) had warned them off, but with the current military buildup in the Gulf and Indian Ocean, one has to ask the question "what has changed for them to get the nerve now?"

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Joined: 23 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:59 pm    Post subject: Chinese-Americans, Chinese-Canadians, & Japanese Espiona Reply with quote

What do Chinese-Americans and Chinese-Canadians have in common? Besides language and relatives in China not much. I have been reading the suicide rate of Japanese citizens which is second only to the Russian Federation. However, I think Japan is the leading suicide candidate for diplomats in China.

When I was a student in Japan during 1997-1998 with the Kao Corporation and the University of Pittsburgh I had a Chinese girlfriend, or significant other. She wasn't very bright but at least smart enough to want to leave China and move to Japan for freedom of her feminist viewpoints. Her relatives who already had married into Japanese families from China motivated her to try and move to the United States with non-other than me as a vehicel. I didn't think she put a lot of investment time into her "family affair".

Now being in the United States for several years I always wonder what the hell local Chinese are thinking as well as what the phone record of my dormitory in Japan ever got into the hands of some evil foreign intelligence employee looking to justify more spying on China. The theme being "What the hell are you Chinese thinking anyway"! Question

Now I have an open federal case into Chinese-Americans and the U.S. Secret Service spying on the Canadian military. Here are some juicy details.

Canadian Operational Support Command (CANOSCOM) 101 Colonel by Drive Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A-OK2. Investigation of all telecommunications pertinant to special instructions for active duty of joint commands via tele-communications. Additional support for the U.S. Department of Justice as needed per agreements and treaties.

Special attention to details under officer commissioning TRADOC command of the U.S. Army Department of Defense, United States of America between years 2001-2005. Telecommunications investigations under domestic and international law or treaties involving the jurisdiction of Chubu Public Intelligence Bureau 4-3-1 Sannomaru Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi Aichi-Ken 460-0001. Michiko Ohashi & Masako Ohashi 4-16-21 Biwajima Nishi-Ku Nagoya-Shi Aichi-Ken 451-0053. E-mail address of,, Westmoreland County Magistrate office Honorable James Albert, Greensburg Pennsylvania 15601 for years 2002 -2005 involving criminal case# 2414C-2003.

Andrew Drazdik Jr, 313 Sunview Avenue Jeannette PA 15644

Additional Resources:

Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) International Bureau

Foster, Gardner 202-418-1990

Office for Drug-Control and Crime Prevention:
Centre for International Crime Prevention (ODCCP/CICP)

Mandate: The Centre's competence covers matters pertaining to crime prevention and criminal justice, corruption and the reform of criminal law as well as to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its three Protocols on Trafficking in Persons, Smuggling of Migrants and Trafficking in Firearms (General Assembly Resolutions 46/152, 55/25 and 55/255).

Available Legal Technical Assistance
Treaty Law and Practice: Promote the entry into force of the United Nations Convention on Transnational Organized Crime and its three Protocols [Palermo Convention and Protocols] through the organization of sub-regional and regional seminars and the provision of direct pre-ratification legislative assistance, upon request.

Development of Legislation: Provide normative support in crime prevention and criminal justice: i) at the national level: advice on legislation and application of United Nations standards and norms on crime prevention and criminal justice; ii) at the international level: pre-ratification assistance programme concerning the Palermo Convention, including development of legislative guides.

Development of Institutions: Provide: i). Assistance in anti-corruption programmes; ii). Promotion of judicial/prosecutorial integrity; iii). Advice on measures against trafficking in human beings and organized crime for Courts and Prosecutorial Offices require.
for 15 countries.

Legal Technical Assistance Website and Publications

Focal Point: Jean Paul Laborde Tel:43-1-26060-4207 Fax: 26060-5841

Andrew Drazdik Jr



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