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Goldman Sachs Bilderberg NATO Mafia ... buy Denmark

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:27 pm    Post subject: Goldman Sachs Bilderberg NATO Mafia ... buy Denmark Reply with quote

How Rothschild Conquered Denmark and NATO: The Central Bank. His Goldman Sachs Bought the Danish Finance Minster at a Bilderberg Meeting and Bilderberger, Former Prime Minister and NATO Secretary General
Posted on August 14, 2015 by Anders

Acc. to Rothschild´s website, Rothschild & Sons is financial adviser to the Danish government on capital structure and the recapitalisation of 43 Danish money institutions. And no wonder. In 1813, Denmark went bankrupt due to debt to Rothschild – the creditor of all European countries, which were also in financial dire straits during the Napoleonic wars. Nathan Rothschild had hoped to thereby take control of all of Europe´s indebted countries through “Europe´s United States” at the Congress of Vienna. Czar Alexander of Russia prevented it – Rothschild has ever since seen Russia as his arch enemy. Denmark introduced a private (Rothschild) bank in 1818, a precondition to borrow more Rothschild money, – and even today it is impossible to learn who all the shareholders of this money printing machine/indebtedness are.

Goldman Sachs is Jacob Rothschild´s bank.
It is notorious for its grain deals: Buy and store so as to make prices skyrocket. This is reinforced by their “replication” trick: Hold 100 dollar grain futures with only 5 dollars. Thereby they are creating famine – and the deaths of millions in poor countries. Furthermore, Goldman Sachs “helped Greece into the Euro-zone by deception, thereby robbing Greece of her state revenues. In fact, Goldman Sachs is practising something like financial world governance: Goldman Sachs director and then prime minister Papademos gave Greece the last push into insolvency – and ECB President, Draghi, is former European Goldman Sachs. Debt structure of EU countries shows the Stability Pact/ESM is the basis for perennial, total tax-looting to pay Goldman Sachs´ever increasing debt interest.

Most Danes think, that at the Bilderberg meeting in 2014 in Copenhagen, the Bilderbergers told Corydon (right), an internationally unknown Danish finance minister, to sell decisive equities in our crown jewell, DONG, the Danish oil extraction company, to Goldman Sachs far below their market value. J. Michael Evans, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs & Co., was also an attrendee at that meeting.
The sale was very mysterious, since a Danish pension fund had offered more than Goldman Sachs. The word corruption was uttered.

Zero Hedge 10 Aug. 2015: Back in Jan. 2014, Goldman’s merchant banking unit rushed to buy an 18% in Denmark’s DONG Energy company for $1.5 billion.
The result was an immediate grassroots resistance campaign, as hundreds of thousands of Danes refused to hand over their DONG to the vampire squid for various reasons, not the least of which was granting Goldman veto rights over changes to DONG’s leadership and strategy, a right usually reserved for buyers of 33% of an entity.

Left: Former Minister for taxation, Finance Minister and Foreign Minister, now Chairman of the Danish Parliament, multiple Bilderberger attendee, Mogens Lykketoft – and multiple DONG attendee CEO Anders Eldrup. Eldrup was sacked because he opposed the ridiculous selling price for DONG.

At the time the Danish government sold the 18 percent stake of Dong to Goldman Sachs, the Finance Ministry calculated the company’s value at 31.5 billion kroner ($4.6 billion).

But just three months later, Dong was granted the rights to instal a massive offshore wind park supported by the United Kingdom. According to the newspaper “Politiken”, that deal shot Dong’s value over 50 bn. kroner. And that deal was well known to DONG and beyond but was not calculated into the Goldman Sachs sale despite both Dong and the investment firm being fully aware of it.

A shaken Denmark refuses to let Goldman fully off the hook when recently the government decided to let lawmakers see secret documents on Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s purchase of the 18% stake in DONG. Bjarne Corydon, who was finance minister at the time, said “the information contained in the transaction papers was too sensitive even for the parliament committee.”
(Or too emabarrassing for him).

Right: Chairman of Dong´s Board, Fritz Schur – Bilderberger 2008 – alongside with Prime Minister – later NATO´s Secretary General – Anders Fogh-Rasmussen, Bilderberger 2001 and 2014.

It is unlikely that the deal would be unwound if it is discovered that Goldman had conspired and manipulated (with significant kickbacks) the government of Helle Thorning-Schmidt:

Rene Christensen, a spokesman for the Danish People’s Party which lobbied to have the documents released, said there’s no risk their contents might trigger political demands that a new deal be negotiated.
(This party has always promised the population a lot – but never kept one single promise. How much is Rene Christensens promise worth in cash?).

Which is why Goldman decided to go for the “sure thing” jugular, and just to make absolutely sure it controls the DONG process, Goldman hired none other than Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former Danish prime minister who governed Denmark from 2001 until 2009 “to help tackle the political hurdles the bank has encountered since buying into a state utility last year.” The present Danish prime minister is Lars Lökke Rasmussen, who was Fogh-Rasmussen´s finance minister (with desperately bad private economy!) .

Anders Fogh-Rasmussen showing the Masonic 666 hand sign of the Antichrist.

If buying current and former government leaders to control the decision-making process works in the US and every other developed nation, why not in Denmark?

But that’s not all: in this particular case, Goldman gets bonus influence points because in addition to purchasing the former Danish PM, and by implication, the current PM and his former fin-min protege, and assuring the DONG scandal quietly goes away, Goldman just hired the former head of NATO: from 2009 to 2014 Anders Fogh Rasmussen served as the 12th Secretary General of NATO.

In other words, with one hiring decision, Goldman not only assured its financial dominance over Denmark, but is now sure to capitalize on whatever military developments NATO unleashes in the coming weeks, which by the looks of things will involve Goldman funding every group in the upcoming Syrian invasion and the resulting latest and greatest war in the middle east
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