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ANALYSIS/ARTICLES selected for Bilderberg 2015/6 season
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

lauchenauermartin wrote:
Bilderberg: World’s most powerful flock to annual secret meeting
Jessica Hartogs, Special to
Wednesday, 8 Jun 2016 | 8:01 AM

It's that time of the year again when some of the world's most powerful people lock themselves behind closed doors for three days of high-profile discussions.

Known as the world's most secretive meeting, the Bilderberg Meetings, held annually since 1954, will take place from June 9 - 12 in Dresden, Germany.

It has always attracted curiosity, as no one knows quite what is discussed – although topics released ahead of this year's meeting include the vague "Current events" (Brexit, Trump, migrants?). Other topics of discussion include Europe, Russia, cyber-security, geo-politics of energy and commodity prices (Saudi Arabia?) and 'Precariat and the middle class.'

Discussions are held under the strict Chatham House Rule – meaning that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.

According to the Bilderberg Meetings website, "participants are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. There is no desired outcome, no minutes are taken and no report is written. Furthermore, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued."

Over the years, there have been rumors of career launches and future presidents decided at Bilderberg. "Bill Clinton was a conference attendee in 1991, as a mere governor of Arkansas, a year before he was elected U.S. President. Tony Blair was only a shadow minister when he got his invitation … in 1993," said U.K. newspaper The Independent.

Chaired by the head of French insurance giant AXA Group, Henri de Castries, who also happens to be a count, this year's attendees include CEOs of multinationals including Shell, Deutsche Bank, Airbus, and Siemens; politicians such as former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, and former head of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso. It also includes economists such as the International Monetary Fund's Christine Lagarde and World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab and lastly, royalty such as the King of the Netherlands.

"With so many politicians present, including three members of the German cabinet, the German military has been drafted in to oversee security," reported the Guardian newspaper.

And if you're wondering how to attend next year's meeting – unfortunately, one can only wait to be invited as there is no application. "Participants are invited because they can offer a different point of view," according to the Bilderberg Meetings website.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

lauchenauermartin wrote:
Psst! West's Most Powerful Meet at Bilderberg Annual Bash in Germany
© AFP 2016/ Christian Bruna
17:20 09.06.2016(updated 18:18 09.06.2016)

Politicians, bankers, influential leaders and chiefs of major global businesses are meeting at the annual Bilderberg conference in Germany from Thursday (June 9), during which global matters, including relations with China and Russia, as well as the the migration crisis will be discussed.

World's Secret Shadow Government: Conspiracy Theory or Frighteningly Real?

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is set to rub shoulders with ex-CIA Director David H. Petraeus, Philip M. Breedlove, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, ex-British MI6 chief John Sawers and IMF boss Christine Lagarde at the 64th Bilderberg meeting, which is set to take place from June 9-12, 2016 at the Taschenbergpalais Hotel in Dresden, Germany.

The conference — surrounded by tight security — is notoriously secretive in its discussions and regularly attracts demonstrations against what critics describe as a global meeting of western capitalists, politicians and academics who wield great power behind the scenes. It is billed as:

"an annual meeting designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America."

No journalists are allowed to report on proceedings, however it will be attended by Richard Engel, chief Foreign Correspondent, NBC News, John Micklethwait, Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP and Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief of The Economist.

​Bilderberg conferences are described as "private" and no minutes are taken, no report is written, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued.

Daniel Estulin, author of "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group" describes the meetings as "a shadow world government…. [threatening] to take away our right to direct our own destinies (by creating) a disturbing reality.

"Imagine a private club where presidents, prime ministers, international bankers and generals rub shoulders, where gracious royal chaperones ensure everyone gets along, and where the people running the wars, markets, and Europe (and America) say what they never dare say in public," says Estulin.


Guests this year also include: Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman, Alphabet Inc., which owns Google; Michael O'Leary, CEO, Ryanair; Thomas de Maizière, German Minister of the Interior; Col. Chris Hadfield, Astronaut; and Thomas Enders, CEO, Airbus Group.

​Under discussion in Germany will be: China, Europe — particularly migration — the Middle East, Russia, the US political landscape, cyber security, the geo-politics of energy and commodity prices and an item entitled "Precariat and middle class."

The first meeting took place in Hotel De Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, from 29 to 31 May 1954. Representatives from economic, social, political and cultural fields were invited to hold informal discussions to help create a better understanding of the complex forces and major trends affecting western nations in the difficult post-war period.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

lauchenauermartin wrote:

Bilderberg group meeting: What actually happens at the world’s most secretive gathering of global elites, and who is attending?

The list of the rich and powerful attending this year's Bilderberg Conference has been released - it includes bankers, prime ministers and former heads of the CIA and MI6

Adam Lusher
24 hours ago

The Bilderberg Conference is often the target if protests and conspiracy theories Josep Lago/Getty Images

No minutes will be taken. No reporters will be allowed in. There will be no opening press conference, no closing statement, and participants will be asked not to quote each other.

Welcome to the 64th Bilderberg Conference.

Rich and powerful bankers, prime ministers and former heads of the CIA and MI6 are about to join other members of the global elite for arguably the world’s most high-powered but secretive annual meeting which this year is being held in Dresden.
What is the Bilderberg Group?

By their own admission, those organising the Bilderberg meetings have “never sought any public attention”, while always denying conspiracy theories that they are a global ruling class that can start wars and decide who becomes the next US President. They just refer to it as forum for informal discussions about the world's "megatrends" and a chance for participants to "reflect and gather insights".
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What is the Bilderberg group - and who's invited?

The Bilderberg organisers have, though, just released a list those who will be present from June 9-12 for a three-day meeting chaired by a French count (and chairman of the global insurance giant AXA), who likes to spend his weekends at his castle in Anjou.

Among 126 participants discussing an agenda that – we are also told – will include China, Europe, migration, the Middle East, Russia and the “geo-politics of energy and commodity prices”, will be Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, and Jose Manuel Barroso, the former president of the European Commission.

Unlike last year, British Chancellor George Osborne will not be present. Although Michael O’Leary, the controversial CEO of Ryanair will.

It might also be worth paying attention to the future fortunes of attendees who seem obscure. Bill Clinton was a conference attendee in 1991, as a mere governor of Arkansas, a year before he was elected US President. Tony Blair was only a shadow minister when he got his invitation – (you can’t apply to attend, you must be invited) – in 1993. Conference organisers have previously insisted there is no conspiracy to crowbar their chosen people into top jobs, they just have excellent talent spotters.

But for now, the more eye-catching Bilderberg attendees due to be rubbing shoulders with senior representatives of Deutsche Bank, the European Central Bank and Lazard – as well as oil giants Shell and BP - will be:
Henri de Castries
(Getty Images)

When he is not at his home on the Boulevard Saint-Germain, on Paris’ left bank, Henri de Castries, who will be the chairman of the 2016 Bilderberg Conference, can, according to the left-leaning French newspaper Libération, often be found relaxing in his castle in rural Anjou.

Libération described the 61-year-old fifth Count of Castries as a “highbrow” member of a family whose ancestors fought in the Crusades in the 11th and 13th Century.

Continuing the military tradition, his father Comte François de La Croix de Castries reportedly served as a soldier in Korea – as well as the more controversial colonial theatres of French Indochina and Algeria.

The Bilderberg Conference chairman, however, chose a civilian career, attending the École Nationale d'Administration, (ENA) the ‘Grande École’ often regarded as a factory for producing future French prime ministers and presidents including Jacques Chirac, Francois Hollande and Alain Juppé – (who was listed as an attendee at last year’s Bilderberg Conference.)

After ENA, Mr de Castries audited on behalf of the Minister of Finances of France and became a member of the French Treasury in 1984, where he participated in the privatisations initiated by the Chirac government.

He joined AXA in 1989 and in May 2000 he became chairman and chief executive of the Paris-based global insurance group, which is thought to have assets of 552 billion euros (£430 billion.)
Sir John Sawers

Sir John is listed by the Bilderberg organisers as “Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners”, a consultancy that according to its website provides corporations and governments with “strategic insights to navigate the intersection of global markets, geopolitics and government policy.”

Sir John is also a former head of the Secret Intelligence Service MI6. Prior to heading MI6 between 2009 and 2014, Sir John was Foreign Policy Advisor to Tony Blair from 1999 to 2001 and Political Director of the Foreign Office (2003-7).

He also spent three months in Baghdad in 2003 as Britain’s Special Representative to Iraq, helping to establish the country’s transitional government after the invasion.
The top 10 most powerful people in the world

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In May 2015 the oil and gas giant BP appointed Sir John to its board – on what was reported to have been a £90,000 salary.

It was thought he had been brought in to help BP deal with difficult political environments in some of the countries in which it operated.

BP’s chairman, Carl-Henric Svanberg, said Sir John “brings extensive experience of international affairs and geopolitics”.

BP will also be represented at the Bilderberg meeting by Robert Dudley, its group chief executive.
David Petraeus
(Getty Images)

Listed on the Bilderberg website as “Chairman, KKR Global Institute”, Mr Petraeus is also a former director of the CIA.

Appointed by Geroge W Bush as the general commanding the multinational force in Iraq in 2007, he orchestrated what became known as ‘the surge’, bringing in 30,000 more troops to the country in a move which appeared to quell the insurgency there.

An expert in counter-insurgency, he was made director of the CIA by Barack Obama in 2011. He resigned, however, in November 2012 after it was reported that he had had an affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell.
James A Johnson

He’s listed by the Bilderberg organisers as “Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners.”

He also happens to be a long-serving Goldman Sachs board member who has been called “Washington DC’s Medici” – a reference to Italy’s Medici family, the so-called “Godfathers of the Renaissance” who produced three popes, prospered in banking and sponsored the arts.

In 2008 it was reported that Mr Johnson was vetting Barack Obama’s potential vice-presidential candidates, as he had chosen running mates for Walter Mondale in 1984, and John Kerry in 2004.

As well as setting up a commercial strategy consultancy with former US Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke, Mr Johnson, 72, served as chairman and chief executive to the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) between 1991 and 1998.

His salary was reported to have been $21 million (£14.5 million) by the time he left Fannie Mae – ten years before, at the height of the global economic crisis of 2008, it had to be taken over by the US government.

Atlantic Magazine once described Mr Johnson as “famously reluctant to talk to the Press, which is one reason why he has become a trusted advisor to so many politicians.”

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

lauchenauermartin wrote:

Journalists Detained And Threatened At Bilderberg 2016
June 8, 2016 In: Bilderberg Extensive Coverage, Featured Videos

Dan Dicks, Luke Rudkowski and Jeff Berwick have been banned from covering Bilderberg and were told they will face arrest and jail time if they attempt to be anywhere near the Bilderberg conference.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Bilderberg Group is 120-140 powerful people who meet each year to discuss policy. The meetings are closed to the public.
This graph we found on Facebook shows the members' connections to a ton of corporations, charities, policy groups and media. Everyone from Eric Schmidt to George Soros is a member. There are tons of conspiracy theories about the group, including that they control the world economy.
We took the findings with a grain of salt--after all, it's easy to trace an individual to a corporation and the graph doesn't specify what influence the member wielded.
But perhaps it's a compelling argument for why the meetings should be public.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bilderberg conference: tinted Windows and a lot of police
No reason for excitement on the day of arrival: In the Dresnder old town, the Bilderberg has begun-secret conference. The much heralded Protest, the use of selected guests, among them Ex-US Secretary of state Henry Kissinger, quickly disappeared in the Hotel.

Aaron Wörz | Article published: 09. June 2016 at 21:40 | article updated: 10. June, 2016 10:46 PM

Dresden. The mood in the old town of Dresden was strange on Thursday night. Armored limousines with black-tinted Windows, in between many English-speaking journalists and photographers, a permanently loud speaker and a number of police officers, the mood of the picture on the first day of the Bilderberg conference in the Saxon state capital. The much heralded Protest, however, did.

Around 20 people were at the vigil for peace on the theatre square, and no more than ten people gathered, at the postal square, where a group of individuals demonstrated people against the Federal Republic of Germany, the Bilderberg conference, and for an exit from the EU as well as Nato. Against a speaker of the vigil at post office square is determined. In his speech, there had been the suspicion of Holocaust denial. In the evening, around 40 people met again after a call to the NPD of circle Federation on the post-course, and also on the theatre square, the Left is mobilized, together with "The party"-representatives of at least 50 protestors.

The first day of the Dresden Bilderberg conference has quietly begun. During the Meeting in the Taschenbergpalais starts only in the evening, stand in front of numerous onlookers. The Protest is holding so far, but within limits.

Nevertheless, the organizers of the vigil for peace had already been shown in the Morning extremely satisfied: "Our goal is to come up with talking to people, and about the lack of transparency, corruption and the democracy deficit of this meeting is not to enlighten, to cheer in front of the Hotel."

That would have been difficult – because any sign of unrest was suppressed by the police immediately. Two specially from the UK, travelled and relatively noisy opponents of the conference have had their posters and were later transported cars, even in the police. Between the onlookers, some mingled time and again, the adversary who tried to spread a wide variety of conspiracy theories among the attendees.

A 32-year-old Briton was taken into custody. His Three-pound-bread viewed the officials as a potential projectile. Therefore, the man should switch the side of the road, in order to maintain the distance to the fence. Since he failed to do so, he must answer for now due to resistance to law enforcement officers. In addition, it is determined against a 26-Year-old for insulting. He was wearing a "ACAB"-Tattoo on the leg.

Also notable is the presence of many journalists from the UK and the Netherlands, travelling for years, always in June of the respective conference venue. The Reporter, Charlie Skelton of the British newspaper "The Guardian", which followed the conference for several years, is critical: "By accident I then became the conference's attention by the prominent and influential participants have looked at the list and thought: Why not reported in the media?"

As of the other journalists present was asked of him, especially patience. Almost continuously black luxury cars drove by a Shuttle Service to the Hotel, sometimes empty and sometimes with important occupants. About ten o'clock in the morning, Klaus Kleinfeld, Manager of the Aluminium group Alcoa, the first participant was greeted by the porter at the entrance of the posh conference hotel Taschenbergpalais. The other Invited arrived, disappeared but mostly fast pace in the Hotel. Relaxed, however, the technology-entrepreneur Peter Thiel (a financier of the payment system PayPal), and Demis Hassabis (the program developer for artificial intelligence), and Alex Karp (owner of the software company Palantir Technologies). The Manager rose with sunglasses, and partly waving from their vehicles and had Yoga mats in the Luggage.

Later in the afternoon, the former US Secretary of state Henry Kissinger was in a darkened Van with a Berlin license plate, however, aware of security personnel and baggage car so well hidden that hardly anyone could catch a glimpse. In a total of seven cases, the police escorted the guests of the meeting to the Hotel.

The Dutch king Willem-Alexander was not to be seen upon Arrival, at least for a Moment, the three participating German Minister Ursula von der Leyen, Wolfgang Schäuble and Thomas de Maizière (all CDU). All in all, it was a tranquil and peaceful prelude to the four-day conference – which is open, whether the remains until Sunday. The Friday should be around to run to the venue relatively quiet. It is displayed in the area of old town, only a vigil and a rally.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Conspiracies do exist, and this elite conference is one of them

Martin Parker - Professor, University of Leicester
June 11, 2016
We live in an age of conspiracies about a world shaped by shadowy plots, secret organizations, and deals made behind closed doors. And while they are often viewed as the fictions of sad people wearing anoraks and tin foil hats, they can relate to the real business of global politics. Conspiracy theories surround the likes of TTIP, Davos, the CIA, and this week, the Bilderberg meeting.
Haven’t heard of Bilderberg? That’s because security is very heavy, journalists are not invited, and all participants are forbidden from talking about the discussions. This year’s meeting starts on Jun. 9 and takes place in the rather pleasant looking Taschenbergpalais in Dresden. Other details, however, are kept under wraps.
A mad world?

People have been suspicious of the meeting since its inception in 1954 at the Hotel De Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands. Since at least the mid-1960s, the meetings have been seen by commentators on the right and left as one of the places where the New World Order does its business. Like Bohemian Grove, the Trilateral Commission, and Area 51, Bilderberg attracts the paranoia of conspiracy theorists who claim that a varied collection of people spend time talking about how to enslave us. There are plenty of websites with colorful hotlinks making connections between Bilderberg and the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the death of Diana, and so on. It’s a spiraling world of madness.
Or is it? Rather famously, Adam Smith (beloved of free-marketeers) once said: “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” So imagine what really happens in those hotels, in between the heavy meals and the raids on well-stocked minibars.
The official line is that the informal discussions concern megatrends and major issues facing the world. Last year, the topics discussed included artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, chemical weapons threats, Greece, Iran, NATO, Russia, terrorism, and the US elections. Because the meeting is private, the people who take part don’t have to worry about repeating particular policy or party lines. They can instead explore scenarios and say what they really think, because there are no agendas, no resolutions, no votes, and no statements issued at the end of the meeting.
That makes it sound like a rather pleasant policy seminar. Last year, it was a place where top politicians from different parties and countries could chat with each other, as well as executives from Google, BP, Shell, Deutsche Bank, and other big companies. Fed with presentations and canapés, they can explore problems in a way that they rarely get an opportunity to during their hectic day jobs. The leaders of the free world do need to stop and think sometimes.
A narrow spectrum

But some conspiracy theorists do have a point. These politicians and businessmen (because they are, mostly, men) do have common interests after all. These are the success stories of transatlantic post-war capitalism. What do they know of the “precariat” they’re supposed to be discussing?
If you spend much of your life occupying the first class compartment on airplanes, it doubtless becomes logical to assume that there is some virtue to the system that put you there. Your fillet steak always tastes better if it has been accompanied by a small side-helping of self-congratulation. So the 120-150 members of the elite who get together every year—two thirds of the participants from Europe and the rest from North America—are undoubtedly not terribly motivated to change much.
That is doubtless why most of the invitees tend to be from a narrow spectrum of occupations and positions—CEOs, finance ministers, and heads of state. Some critics have attended in the past—journalists Will Hutton in 1997, Jonathan Porritt in 1999—but they are few and far between. The conversations are therefore unlikely to explore radical reforms which might endanger the power and privileges of those who already have seats at the table.
Conspiracy theorists give conspiracy theories a bad name. Conspiracies do exist, and this is one of them. Politics, at this sort of elite level, is precisely a conspiracy in the sense that Adam Smith meant it. When these people gather once a year, they do not engage in withering self-criticism, but instead reinforce the assumptions that they collectively make about the best sort of economic and political order. This is exactly the sort of process that the psychologist Irving Janis described as “groupthink,” where dissent is marginalized and consensus amplified.
If the participants at Bilderberg really want to explore global challenges, talking to each other is the last thing that they should be doing. We already know that the powerful organize the world for us—it is common knowledge. What Bilderberg exposes is that what goes on at endless summits and conferences across the globe is a mountain of smugness that is much more frightening than anoraks muttering about the Illuminati.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 12:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Treffen mit einer Teilnehmerin bei #Bilderberg
Sonntag, 12. Juni 2016 , von Freeman um 22:00

Meet with a Participant at #Bilderberg
Sunday, 12. June 2016 , from Freeman to 22:00
Sunday was the last day of the Bilderberg conference in Dresden, and the day of departure. We watched as they boarded their limousine and were driven to the other airport. Sunday is also the day we long-time observers of the Bilderbergers is to us comfortably together and replace after a stressful week, our experiences, and about the successful reporting features, and a beer. So also this time.

So we sat outside under the umbrellas of "Alex" and were Chatting, when suddenly one of the participants of the Bilderberg conference ran over, I realized. It was Christa Markwalder, President of the national Council President of the Swiss Confederation. I'm spontaneously approached you and you've asked if we can talk to her? As she recognized me she agreed immediately and sat us at the table. Not only that, you gave us all a beer.

We then asked our questions, the woman Markwalder very open, as is allowed under the Chatnam House rules, answered. How was the conference? What was discussed? What is your impression? Who did you meet? etc. We had a very enlightening and nice conversation, have informed our point of view about the Secrecy and what we around the conference hotel with the police so all you have experienced.

After TWO hours, Ms. markwalder said goodbye to us and we made a group photo:

During our conversation:

As a woman, Markwalder to us had set in, she asked me, "are you the one who is the 'chain-Smoking Video' about me online?" I answer, "Yes", whereupon she said, "I was just a little bit of a smoke, of all things, then, have you filmed me Wink, but then I can now with you to smoke a cigarette."

As said above, ordered it for all of us a beer, although we wanted to invite you, of course, but she insisted. Then the conversation began, and we were very curious, what would you answer to our questions. We were talking in English, because not everyone at the table languages English:

You had to make a silent statement? No, but it is the Chatnam House Rules apply.

You got in advance a detailed Briefing about the discussion topics, to prepare yourself? No. She knew the issues which were in the press.

Who has been invited to Bilderberg? Mr Kudelski, a Swiss member of the Steering Committee.

Who pays for the travel and accommodation costs? It has paid for itself.

We did not make you aware that we find it okay for the taxpayer to pay the costs for security by the police, although the Bilderberg conference, according to its own information, a private event, and therefore nothing to address.

Were allowed to use the participants in your mobile phones, Tablets and Laptops during lectures? Yes

She mentioned, however, in the case of other policy Meetings with foreign government representatives, do not need to remain the handbag with cell phone out, what finds you well, specifically if you have been invited to the conversation as a guest.

You could ask yourself questions after the lectures? No, because she was standing at the bottom of the list.

From your statement, you don't understand the Secrecy and why this conspiracy theories are created?

We made you aware that in the past, for example, the former President of the Bilderberg group Étienne Davignon bragged, that THEY had decided in the 50-years, the creation of the European Union and the common currency. The decision taken by the TRANS-Atlanticist, and not the politicians.

In addition, we made Ms. markwalder on the connection between the Bilderberg participation, and then steep career politicians ' attention.

Like Bill Clinton, who took as unknown Governor of Arkansas in 1991 at a Bilderberg hotel in Baden-Baden, and then only two years later, in 1993, of the 42. The President of the United States. Such examples about the connection between Bilderberg participation, and introduction to high office, there are many, as is the case with Merkel in 2005 or Obama in 2008.

We asked Ms. markwalder, whether because the German Minister of defence Ursula von der Leyen at the Bilderberg conference has participated in, because we saw neither in nor leave. She said Yes, end of the world.

The other two Federal Ministers, Schäuble and de Maizière, we have seen and in the image recorded.

In the meantime, I would like to tell you that we have addressed some of the Bilderbergers and tried to ask questions, as you have been outside the safety zone and Dresden visited. For example, I have faced Sylvie Goulard, a French member of the European Parliament, Alex Karp, CEO of Palantir Technologies, Julia Jäkel, CEO of Gruner + Jahr, James Johnson, campaign Manager of Obama and big Sponsor of the Democrats, and Jacob Wallenberg, one of the richest in Sweden, with questions. Nobody gave us an answer.

We confronted Jacob Wallenberg with questions,
but he let us down.

Either you said, "skin", or they ignored us, or how Wallenberg, referred us to the Interview of the Bilderberg heads of Henri de Castries, from the Tuesday in the "Dresdner Latest news". Therefore, it is remarkable that Christa mark Walder as an exception turned our questions.

I asked Mrs. Markwalder, Russia would have been at this year's conference theme, what could you say to us? You replied that you would be Co-President of the parliamentary group Switzerland-Ukraine, and gave us to understand, they would be negative talk on Russia. Mainly because of the shooting on the Maidan, and because of the Referendum in the Crimea, "just a week after the Maidan took place, and, therefore, Russia was prepared", as you claimed.

I made you aware, Andriy Parubiy, the "commander of the Maidan" and co-founder of the extreme-right Social-National party of Ukraine, the forerunner of today's Svoboda party (Nazi party), was for a time also in the leadership of the nationalist organization Patriot of Ukraine, has used the sniper, as well as the BBC and other Western media have reported it.

Then I corrected Ms. markwalder, and said that the Referendum took place on 16. In March 2014, more than THREE weeks after the Maidan coup, the illegal removal of the democratically elected President Yanukovych on February 22. February 2014 his climax. Your insinuation that the Russian government would have had the Referendum in the drawer, is therefore wrong.

The date of the vote has been twice brought forward (from the 25. May 30. March and then to 16. March), because the Crimean residents Born in the violent discrimination of the Russian-in Ukraine, the prohibition of the Russian language and to switch Off the Russian TV and radio stations have heard and a violent crackdown by the Nazis in the Crimea wanted to prevent.

She obviously believes the official account of the coup regime in Kiev and is well informed so one-sided and wrong. Ms. markwalder has also forgotten, at 2. May 2014, took place the massacre of Odessa, where 42 Anti-Maidan Protesters from a nationalist Mob in the house of trade unions, shot, and burned, were slain. 200 people were injured.

This fate was spared the Crimean residents with the decision to join the Russian Federation. Just as a Swiss politician, she would have to respect the result of the Referendum, I said. So 96,77% of voters supported with a turnout of 83.1% of the official final result, according to the ends for a connection to Russia.

She said on the occasion, the Bilderbeger like to see it, that Henry Kissinger has a more pro-Russian attitude and more understanding for the Position of President Putin demands. An interesting insight!

I asked Mrs. Markwalder, if you would have talked with Kissinger himself, and she replied, no.

She has spoken with the President of the Bilderberg group, Henri de Castries, we asked you: she answered, no, because he would be the boss of the competition, AXA insurance, and she works as a lawyer for the Zurich Insurance Group.

Then we asked the question, what kind of Person has impressed you at the conference the most? She thought for a while and then said, it was Mehmet Şimşek, the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey. You have some hopes in Şimşek, although he is of Kurdish descent, and therefore not for a very high office predestined you can be.

To illustrate, Şimşek has worked for UBS, Deutsche Bank and most recently Merrill Lynch. In the 2007 parliamentary elections he was elected as the candidate of the AKP in the district of Gaziantep and after the election, the Minister of state occupations. He is responsible for the Treasury and the Central Bank of Turkey. Probably the Bilderbergers want him as a successor to Erdogan.

Then we asked Ms. markwalder, what the Bilderbergers from the BREXIT, the Referendum on the British exit from the EU on 23. June? You just rolled with the eyes of and gave to understand that Leaving the EU would be a nightmare for the Bilderbergers. As the globalists and inter-nationalists, any return to a national policy is forcing the exact opposite of what you always.

Recently we asked you a very direct, plays Switzerland in the TRANS-Atlantic politics, and Switzerland is integrated in the TRANS-Atlantic Alliance? She replied, Yes. The reason it was a matter of common Western values, and furthermore, Switzerland would be a member of the partnership for peace (Partnership for Peace; PfP), in 1994, established a connection to the military-to-military cooperation between NATO and 22 European and Asian countries that are not members of NATO.

I criticized her over the Takeover of the sanctions policy of Washington against Iran and Russia through Switzerland, which would be detrimental for the Swiss economy, and not of neutrality. Even medicine would not have been able to buy the Iranians of Swiss-based pharmaceutical company. Not because the company did not want to deliver, but because Iran was excluded from the payment system SWIFT, and could not pay. She replied, Switzerland would have kept the connection to the Iranian national Bank and not all of the sanctions implemented by Washington.

Finally, our conversation with Ms. markwalder confirmed, it represents your setting forth quite clearly the policy of the EU and the USA. She is also President of the parliamentary Association Switzerland-USA. I see no "neutrality" in their statements and in their behaviour. That is why the Bilderbergers have invited you, as your "U-boat" for Switzerland!!!

Worthy of praise is sure to make your willingness to our questions, in contrast to the other pictures of bergern, which are completely sealed. She is a full-blood politician, knows how to deal with people, and is charming on top of it.

We thanked Mrs mark Walder for the interview and then the group photo as shown above. It is then modified further by Dresden sex, in order to use the time until your flight back to Switzerland took place for a visit.


My comment about the show, or better said, does not appear in the Dresden and the German on the occasion of the Bilderberg Meetings: A total failure and a disgrace. There was hardly anyone to be seen in the "Demos", which were a joke by the number of participants. In addition, it is more Rapporteur of the alternative media from abroad were there as locals. Big mouth, always have, but nothing this do. Cowards, and you'll get what you deserve!!!

Hier weiterlesen: Alles Schall und Rauch: Treffen mit einer Teilnehmerin bei #Bilderberg
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Annual Meeting of the Elite
By Bionic Mosquito August 4, 2016

The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, Bilderberg meetings or Bilderberg Club is an annual private conference of 120 to 150 people of the European and North American political elite, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media, established in 1954.

A rose by any other name….

It seems the tradition has far deeper roots. What we have come to understand about the meetings of the elite today ­ such as meetings of the Bilderberg Group ­ cannot be distinguished from similar gatherings held over 1000 years ago….

Struggle for Empire: Kingship and Conflict Under Louis the German, 817 ­ 876, by Eric J. Goldberg.

The royal assembly was the truest manifestation of the kingdom, since it instilled the nobles with the sense that they were members of a community of the realm with the king at their head.

This assembly included nobles from all corners of Louis’ kingdom. Depending on his favor with his father, Louis the Pious, and his own military reach, Louis’ kingdom at times included Bavaria, Alemannia, Franconia, Thuringia, and Saxony.

There were ethnic components to the eastern provinces, since their inhabitants spoke different Germanic dialects and had their own written law codes and distinctive social and legal customs.

Each region had its own unique cultural characteristics; this mattered little to the nobles who lorded over the people. The nobles from these provinces considered themselves as separate from those they ruled, shedding their cultural connections to the uniqueness of their homes; they were members of a different community ­ not Saxon, not Bavarian:

By the ninth century, most of the leading families of the eastern regna considered themselves Franks, either because they were Frankish transplants to the east or because their ancestors had married into Frankish families.

The nobles were more connected to the culture of the western realm ­ supposedly more sophisticated, more civil. The nobles were more connected to each other than to their homeland.

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This noble connection across regions and the noble separation from those over whom they ruled came most forcefully to a head in what is known as the Stellinga rebellion. The Saxon peasants ­ taking advantage of Louis’ distractions of empire, rebelled against their lords.

The primary cause was religious: while the peasants wished to continue in their traditional worship, their lords embraced Christianity. Louis’ grandfather Charlemagne had ordered the conversion to Christianity under penalty of death:

While the Saxon nobles embraced Christianity quite willingly, the frilingi and lazzi associated the new religion with Frankish oppression.

In addition to the desire to cling to their traditional faith, the peasants feared this acceptance of Christianity would lead to a further loss of numerous other civil features of their culture ­ including their role in the governance of the tribe.

The peasants held a governing role ­ prominent considering their station ­ in the annual council at Marklo, on the Weser River. At this council, they confirmed their laws, pronounced judgment on outstanding cases, and made decisions about war. They participated in all of these discussions and decisions, alongside the nobility.

This annual council was also a religious event, including prayers to their gods to offer wisdom in their decisions; therefore Christianity was seen as a threat to the peasants’ role in governance.

In any case, in the end, Louis crushed the Saxon peasant rebellion.

Returning to the gathering of the elite, Louis would announce the date of the assembly in advance. He would specify the royal officials that were to attend ­ talk about wanting to get into the “in” crowd” and remaining politically correct; you really had to stay in Louis’ favor. It was the great social and political event of the year.

The king, queen and royal family would wear their most resplendent royal attire; the palace would be decorated with the best tapestries and ornaments, conveying the king’s wealth. The assembly was extremely costly…

… [requiring] the king to provide housing, food, drink, entertainment, and probably gifts for hundreds of attending nobles and dignitaries.

But this was not merely a lavish house party.

At the assembly, the king and his nobles reaffirmed their social ties and shared aristocratic culture: they exchanged gifts, hunted, attended Mass, formed marriage alliances, and the like.

So much for the social; what about the political?

The king and magnates discussed all pressing issues confronting the kingdom: treaties, alliances, military campaigns, local politics, aristocratic conflicts, and the like. The king distributed patronage to his supporters, admonished public officials to carry out their duties, received foreign ambassadors and tribute, and planned future treaties and military campaigns.

The royal assembly also functioned as the highest court of law in the kingdom.

No peasants allowed….


Can you distinguish this annual gathering from what we have come to believe of events like Bilderberg and the actors that make up today’s global elite? I cannot.

Except that we don’t call them kings and nobles anymore. That’s it, I guess.

Reprinted with permission from Bionic Mosquito.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Post Bilderberg Turkish TV report

Yaz Boz & Son Bilderberg'in Gizli Kodları | 18 Haziran 2016
Published on 18 Jun 2016
A Haber Yaz Boz 18 Haziran 2016 Baronlar Almanya'da toplandı!Son Bilderberg'in gizli kodları
DAEŞ'i kuran CIA eski başkanı Davit Petraus Bilderberg'e katıldı kimden neden kaçtı?

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