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Lord Carrington death of Bilderberg chairman/Arnhem traitor?

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 6:11 pm    Post subject: Lord Carrington death of Bilderberg chairman/Arnhem traitor? Reply with quote

Ony obituary to mention Bilderberg was from ITALY!
Carrington sitting in his tank,15700022,15700122,15700124,15700149,15700168,15700186,15700190,15700201,15700208&usg=ALkJrhik_Qg8sFQEpAkYrcNppHDf-hHlLA

99-year-old Lord Carrington, last of the 'churchillians' dead

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All the news in brief
THIS CONTENT WAS PUBLISHED ON 10 JULY 2018 14.5810 JULY 2018 - 14:58

Lord Carrington in a picture taken three years ago in London
He died at the age of 100 (he had made 99 last month) Lord Peter Carrington.
He had been a veteran of several British Conservative Governments, NATO Secretary General, and last survivor of the post-war cabinet led by Winston Churchill in the United Kingdom.
The news was confirmed by Downing Street and David Lidington, number two of Prime Minister Theresa May, paid tribute to his figure as "servant of the state".
Born on 6 June 1919 in London into an aristocratic family, Carrington had embarked on a military career in the late 30s and then fought in the Second World War earning the decoration of the Military Cross. Member of the House of Lords for dynastic law since 1940, he held the first positions of government as undersecretary of Agriculture and then Defense in the 50s, under the premiership of Churchill and then Anthony Eden.
Later he was also, among other things, First Lord of the Admiralty (Minister of the Navy) in the MacMillan government, Minister of Defense in that of Edward Heath between 1970 and '74, and Minister of Foreign Affairs with Margaret Thatcher between 1979 and 82. He resigned from this position for not having foreseen the Argentine invasion of the Falklands, before the war won by the British forces. But he was 'recovered' two years later for the role of general secretary of NATO, held until 1988.
He was also a negotiator at the dawn of the conflict in former Yugoslavia in 1991 and in subsequent years a director of various companies, rector of the University of Reading, president of the Bilderberg group and of the Pilgrims Society, and chancellor of the Order of the Garter - on appointment of the queen - until 2012.
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