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Are smoking bans a part of the worldwide takeover?
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Joined: 25 May 2007
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

bip bip wrote:
Equilibrium is a movie, you can find it on eMule.
It is the story of totalitarian State that believes working in the interest of
Humanity with a laboratory that makes pills against violence.
Perfect World is a totalitarian dream.

" ... a laboratory that makes pills against violence ... "

Hmm, reminds me, but one of the big tools of the anti-smoking movement is to have people put on to anti-depressants.

So maybe that is part of it too, if you can get 25% to 35% or whatever the general proportion of the population is who tended to smoke, all hooked on anti-depressants and groggy all the time, then they will be more obedient.

Anti-depressants have been known to have a sort of "obedience" factor to them, as all drugs designed to alter the individual's mood and elicit better "teamwork" characteristics, such as not-smoking and not questioning authority any longer, both going hand in hand for some they are succeeding in suppressing worldwide.

The thing that clues me in to all of this is having done some minimal research already into the so-called "dangers of Second Hand Smoke" and I am finding that there really isn't that sort of proven danger what-so-ever, the way it has been bandied about.

It is more akin to a top-heavy, authority driven "opinion" designed to influence and dictate the direction governments need to take with their people, unquestionably and for the people, let them have anti-depressants as in the past they were to have cake.

So this encouragement of anti-depressant and other heavy constant medication for all sorts of reasons has me wondering now too if we aren't just as that move "Equilibrium" has predicted - including for children, they are being patched up with drugs for something rather concocted called Attention Deficit Disorder - or meaning they are acting too much like kids and not sitting still so they need to be on constant medication from youth, "doped up" more or less so they will settle down and do as authority tells them to do in school.

So there may be something to this theory of the movie, something already in place.
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bip bip

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Of course Equilibrium is a fiction movie ,I hope!But.....

Through the media, people get used to follow advices and orders about health ,security......Brainwash attendant "Top heavy autority"that want to
drive opinion without disturbance.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The smoking ban is working towards making smoking finally illegal.
And that is them the perfect niche market for illicit rings like the CIA to cash in handsome profits while trafficking in tobacco ...

In 50 years, maybe, fastfood a la McDonald's or BK will be declared illegal, and we have the same situation, a whopper for a whooping 1 million bucks Smile

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's an ugly link. Apparently the UK is now implementing "spy drones" to monitor the behavior of anti-socials (whatever that means). I am assuming it means anyone who doesn't do what they're told. And another article that I found on the FORCES site is in regard to club goers in Wales who are required to wear wristbands which say "smoker" on them, or some such nonsense. Remember those old German armbands - black for Jews, pink for gays, etc. etc.? Well, here they are popping up again! Yellow for smokers I guess. Personally I would stay far away from any club which instituted a policy like this. Not a cent of my money would be spent there.
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Joined: 25 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

bip bip wrote:
Equilibrium is a movie, you can find it on eMule.
It is the story of totalitarian State that believes working in the interest of
Humanity with a laboratory that makes pills against violence.
Perfect World is a totalitarian dream.

The Big Pharmaceutical Giants, who also fund any and all propaganda to have tobacco banned, already produce "pills against violence", calling them anti-depressants.

And interestingly enough, they are quite happy to readily supply Zyban, Wellbutrin, others, telling people to take them and they will stop smoking, which they may or may not stop smoking, I don't know - but point is, they are currently attempting to force persons on to these "pills against violence" using stop-smoking which they are fervently trying to enforce for some strange reason.

There is a famous quote from the leader of the Third Reich, I will post below:

"I am convinced that if I had been a smoker, I never would have been able to bear the cares and anxieties which have been a burden to me for so long. Perhaps the German people owe its salvation to that fact."

Adolf Hitler 1942

There is also interesting information about how smoking bans played heavily in the build-up of having people support him 100%, since he was portraying himself as doing a "good" thing for people by getting rid of the "filthy smokers", as the Nazis would have portrayed them all.

You can find additional information at the Holocaust Museum website from Washington, DC and also from this website, which I will post below:

This website says the following (which is brief). There are additional sources out there that elaborate on these historical facts, the Holocaust Museum and others:

Hitler Backed Anti-Smoking Drive

Nazi Germany was also the first country in the world to actively launch anti-smoking campaigns: in July 1939 the Bureau against the Dangers of Alcohol and Tobacco was founded, with the Reich Health Office sponsoring cash prizes for research into the effects of nicotine upon human chromosomes. In June 1942 the Institute For The Struggle Against Tobacco was founded at the University of Jena in Saxony, funded personally by Hitler who gave 100,000 Reichmarks of his own personal money to the project. By 1944, Germany had also become the first country in the world to ban smoking on public transport.


In 1937 the Nazis enacted laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol to minors and enacted stiff penalties for drunken-driving, introducing the first blood tests for automobile drivers suspected of being under the influence while behind the steering wheel.

I would suggest that apparently we have both of these currently now instituted in most of the world and that is just the foundation upon which the next phase may commence.

Not being a smoker, I have no personal agenda one way or another behind what has recently become a hot topic as of late in the U.K., but have done some research and am finding some historical facts that draw similarities between then and the present time.
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Joined: 24 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The historical facts mentioned herein are indeed chilling due to the fact that we see them being implemented far and wide. History does seem to be repeating itself in the worst possible way.
I have no idea what Hitler meant about if he'd been a smoker.....blah, blah. A way to divide and rule, I guess.
However, if history continues as it has in the past then it seems we are all on a fast track to the Final Solution (getting rid of everybody that the elite don't like)! since it has started out innocently enough with smoking bans popping up here and there and now seems to be gathering speed at an alarming pace ie: Disney in Orlando has instituted a smoking ban throughout their park, even in hotel rooms and balconies. Have they have forgotten that Walt Disney was an avid smoker! What hypocrisy and a slap in the face to their founder, without whom, none of them would have a paycheck. I am assuming that they will now airbrush any cigarette out of his hand in any remaining photos. Anyway, I think we should all fight restrictive legislations as best we can, in our home towns. Especially this smoking ban stuff, as a ban effectively removes a business owners choice as to what is best for his own businees (removal of property rights). When property rights are gone, we're all in trouble.
Albert Einstein smoked a pipe, also. Smart guy!
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:08 pm    Post subject: Additional few thoughts Reply with quote

I would add an additional few thoughts that came to mind.

One. The smokers are the largest minority group of all minority groups that can be disciplined into submission. It may be that by picking up early on against the most prevalent minority group, having conquered that, then the rest of the smaller, more incidental minority groups, will be a cake-walk.

Two. Looking at nicotine information online I discovered that a cigarette might have less than 1 milligram of nicotine in it and thus may have some mildly addictive qualities to it, there being a subjective nature for it being habit/pleasurable activity versus that of addiction, and even some leading hypnotists advocating hypnosis techniques for persons wishing to stop smoking, are on record saying that the reason nicotine products do not work to stop smoking is because it is not an addiction, but a habit.

However, the cigarettes have typically less than 1 mg of nicotine, of which much is burned up and not delivered. Where-as the nicotine replacement products put out by Big Pharma, which the smoke bans have created this artifical market for their usage, are in fact ranging from 2 mg to 4 mg per dosage for those taken orally at rates of every 1 to 2 hours and the patches are providing 14, 18 and 21 mg dosages.

So going back to what someone said earlier, about "drugs of choice" for the powers to be, CIA, etc., to use to fund their ongoing suppression of the general population overall, it appears that this sudden shift away from tobacco to Big Pharma nicotine products, this is putting the same amount of money that used to go to governments, through taxation, since the Drug Companies all use parity pricing schemes in how much they sell these products for, that in essence the government tax money is shrinking while at the same time that to private Big Pharma firms has become a windfall.

And, more alarming and going back to what someone previously said, the addiction nature of nicotine itself seems to be changing from more of an habitual personal usage matter to that of these huge and high dosages which seem purposely intended to create an addiction for sure, thus making more customers and more money flowing out of the governments and in to Big Pharma instead.

Given some of the sinister ways in which this has been propagated and given the uncertainties surrounding Second Hand Smoke scares, it appears it could be an invention, a kind of terrorism of sorts, to further scare the population into submission using this very heavy top down approach, an authoritarianism, and insidious since they seem to be making "normal" this usage of heavy, heavy dosage products, at economic gain to private enterprise of course and at the expense of governments (perhaps to aid in their collapse).

Going back to what someone said earlier about the Third Reich's complete intolerance for tobacco, point number one, suppression of the largest minority group, might be an additional element to this plot.

As for airbrushing out the cigarettes from photographs and thus re-writing history to suit the current Fascism, it appears that in France the cigarette from philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre has already been airbrushed out of existence and was posted in front of the Louvre that way.

I imagine they will also have to airbrush out those of Churchill's and FDR's smoking devices, in obeyance to what ironically was the world the way Hitler said it should be - only this time coming to us as something "virtuous", when in fact it may be insidious instead.

Though I do not smoke, I do not know I want a totally smoke-free and squeaky clean world, one void of humanity and individual liberties and pleasures. It reminds me of those paintings by Hitler that never included the people, only the buildings.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:45 am    Post subject: NWO double-speak, "opinion poll" = "science f Reply with quote

I don't even smoke and find this latest Worldwide "News" offensive.

First of all, it's not "news" but a distraction and to incite hate and division, which is something they've been doing all along.

Second, it's offensive to have studied scientific method and reasoning and know the difference between the rubbish printed in a publicity seeking yellow journalism piece versus a Science Journal then see "news" be sent worldwide that a "public opinion poll" is NOW considered a FACT and to be printed in a Health "Journal".

Talk about your Brave New World Order, taken over.

Study Links Candy Cigarettes to Smoking

The findings, from a nationally representative sample of 25,887 U.S. adults
who were surveyed online via a Harris Poll, are detailed in the July issue
of the journal Preventive Medicine.


First of all, I don't smoke. Second of all, I would respect the opinion of adults not wishing to give their children candy cigarettes for fear it would induce them to smoke.

BUT - to take an "opinion poll" finding and publish it in a Health "Journal" as FACT - to me illustrates CLEARLY the TOTAL dumbing down of the population who will buy into anything that fans their own fears and incites them into hatred.

And to me, this whole smoking thing going on is just that - DIVISION of people and segregation/hatred against a minority - in order to further solidify control at the top.

This has nothing to do with smoking at this point.

It has everything though to do with creating hatred and division.

And I double checked my sources and YES, Hitler DID abhor smoking and that was TOP on his list - claiming Second Hand Smoke was SO dangerous that smokers must be hated and he DID use that to his advantage in splitting people apart.

I see the same, today, especially when I see an "opinion poll" suddenly turned into "fact" and published in a "Journal" and NOT to be questioned per authority.

Very, very scary when one sees something like that.

They do it with the war, with the smokers, with the environmental "disaster" "news" and everything else. They just make things up then print it as fact, per AUTHORITY and not to be questioned - even when it is SO obvious as this one is that someone is stretching things for propaganda value for purposes of division and hatred - can be no other reason for taking things that far - and history bears out this was EXACTLY how it was done in the 1930's by a Mr. A.H. of Germany.

I only posted it here because it had to do with the "s" word, thus appropriate to this heading.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It seems to me that it doesn't matter whether we smoke or not (who cares), that we should all be alert to this anti-smoking crusade going on worldwide. I was amazed to discover that it is indeed a worldwide attack on minorities. When I started researching this odd aspect of the divide and rule authoritarianism, I started just locally and then branched out - to discover to my utter astonishment that it is going on all over the place. Then I asked WHY? A possible answer could be that it is a sort of test to see how well people can be managed and intimidated in advance of this microchipping program, which is discussed on another thread here. Most unfortunately, it seems to be working very well, as I see smoking bans becoming more and more prevalent both locally and most certainly in airports. Again, I say that it makes no difference if we smoke or not and I refuse to divide myself and place myself in one category or the other - we should all be alert.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

When we really think about it "any law at all is tyranny". I read this somewhere and don't know who said it, but it does make sense.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:05 am    Post subject: Nicotine Vaccine Reply with quote

Experts at Weill Cornell Medical University in New York have discovered a nicotine vaccine that blocks the intake of nicotine into the brains of mice. Eventually, experts believe that the vaccine will be effective at treating nicotine addiction in humans. If you need to pay for a vaccine, get a short term loan. I hope that this new discovery will really help mankind against smoking. Our generation now seems to be addicted so much to smoking that a lot of us are getting sick after few years of smoking. I hope that this new vaccine really works.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

July 21, 2012

I'm new to this forum /website about the Bilderberg Group, but not to B.G., which I've followed for many years, off and on. There used to be a website of old farts, about 20 years older than me, currently 61, who had reported about the B.G. for quite a few decades, but they disappeared some years ago, partly because they got to be too old to carry on, and partly because, as they claimed before the website disappeared, that B.G. had finally succeeded in shutting them down. As good and scary as the stuff is here, those old farts had even far scarier things to report than any of the postings I've so far seen in this forum /website,

but, I do immensely commend and highly praise almost all the participants of this forum /website about B.G., and all the efforts of all the young people around the world who are actively trying to educate the 'masses' about B.G., and risking their lives in doing so.

Despite the possibility that this forum / website might be a B.G. concoction to track your efforts.


I wasn't going to join nor post anything, till I stumbled upon one recent July 2012 post I could not ignore.

I think I can correctly say that EthanHawk who posted a recent message supporting anti-smoking, and some other post having nothing at all whatsoever to do with the purpose of this forum / website about B.G., has not a clue what this forum's purpose is, and aught to be required to leave the forum.

I am a tobacco smoker, and I agree with the postulation made in this forum several years ago that the B.G. is indisputably very involved and ultimately responsible for the global anti-smoking campaign sweeping the planet.

There are many of us who belong to smokers' groups in many countries fighting againgst anti-smoking, another fact 'they' do not allow in to 'their' mainstream news networks, and anti-smoking was discovered long ago to be a conspiracy to use anti-smoking by the 'elite', - I believe that elite is the Power behind the B.G. - to use anti-smoking as it's 1st mass control of the entire human species as a template to controlling all human behaviour and thought processes (namely the elimination there-of) as it's most primary and paramount importance of achieving 'the new world order'. Get the majority of the human species to all support the same 1st big change, and the rest of their diabolical changes will face little and ineffectual resistence.

The global anti-smoking campaign of today is in fact, as was pondered by some posters on this subject several years ago, an almost exactly word-for-word 21st century edition of the anti-smoking campaign waged by Hitler in Germany over 80 years ago.

This fact is a very important piece of understanding who and what the real Power behind everything that happens really is.

The Power behind Hitler, is the same Power that rules the entire world today, with the same agenda and goal it has always had - namely global corporate fascist rule of all humanity.


One question I have not found yet debated on this website / forum, perhaps I probably missed it, but, in case,

if you all could succeed in stopping the B.G. and the Power behind it,

what are you going to do about the total collapse of everything afterwards, to prevent that collapse from occurring ?


oh - btw - Canada invents lots of things - like the wonderbra for example.....

the first nicotine vaccine, like Pfizer's anti-smoking nicotine inhaler, were both 1st invented in - Canada.

but, both are not Canadian inventions that I'm proud of as a Canadian.

the U.S. rarely invents anything, the B.G. just pretends it does.
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PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 4:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I want to say press release is the best medium for promoting a new business or any news or products launched by a company or firm.It is a great medium of getting the traffic on a website.If i forget some points about press release please share your views.

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