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Bilderberg 2007 disinformation

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Joined: 02 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 10:05 pm    Post subject: Bilderberg 2007 disinformation Reply with quote

There is a post on this forum which has all the alledged Bilderberg attendees for this years meeting, not only that, there is a list of topics on their agenda....this is horse-poo!

All this secret information being fed to a select group of conspiracy theorists...yet the MSM remains gagged, sorry, I just don`t buy it.

I`m sure the list is near the truth and the topics close to the mark, but I know from talking to a Bilderberg attendee, that the level of chat is far higher than anything you`ll read in the media. Or anything on this years list of talk points.

Sure, oil is depleting, there is a land/oil grab and Iran is key...the game with Russia, China and India will continue, but at some point it will stop, because the NWO can`t do another Japan with China. China is unsustainable and there are several ways this could playout, but keep in mind that the NWO has a final solution. Dramatic and swift population reduction...a human cull! Cool

Get real, there is no replacement for oil. Just sit down and think about taking oil out of modern life. No passenger planes, no big ships, no mass produced food, far less drugs, fact, the population would shrink to a few hundred million at best. The NWO, the Bilderberg group won`t come clean on the truth, because its all down hill. So bad is this situation, that I doubt it will be a topic at with all things in the NWO, its done "on a need to know basis" and much as many people on this forum won`t like. Most at Bliderberg don`t need to know and thats why we are being fed "horse-poo! Cool

Last edited by CJ on Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:25 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:06 pm    Post subject: Horse ---t free zone Reply with quote

Found something that isn`t "horse ---t"! Laughing

Here`s a topic not on the official Bilderberg agenda...what was Putin`s message to the NWO? Confused
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 6:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Let us imagine you are IN THEIR PLACE. ok, your old mom you don t want to to be harmed by the chinese. You are a member of a rich class ( show me the Bilderberg meeting of the poors, please').

CJ you are reading too much comics and lack to empathy with the rich class!

Marek Wink
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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:13 am    Post subject: No Horse Poop..... Reply with quote

Marek writes:

"CJ you are reading too much comics and lack to empathy with the rich class!"

Not only that, but he still thinks that we're gonna run out of oil. That's what the Bilders want us to think. Who's going to take the word of natural born liars without verification?

Problem, reaction, solution. You all know the drill.

Z-Force Group. Arizona's Global Tyranny First Response Team.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Dragon....I think we are "running out of oil"? Cool If your "problem, reaction, solution, you know the dril" were right....then why don`t I see it on the BBC 6pm news? Why don`t I see it in The Sun? Conspiracies about oil depletion are still conspiracies, ask most people about oil and they might say its "running out in 30 years". Ask the public about oil and oil producer nation, and the public will say Amerika want to control the oil...

...they won`t say, Amerika wants to control of the oil because its running out in the next 10 years.

The NWO is using fear and lies on global warming, far more than oil depletion. Who are you to say what I really think Question Cool

As I write this, I`m watching Samuel Bodman on BBC News 24(US energy sec)....the BBC says carbon fuels harmful to the enviroment and are getting more mention of oil running out....maybe your understanding of oil depletion is a NWO fear tactic aimed at an exclusive section of the community? Smile

What I have said in the past, is that man is finding 1 barrel for every 4 barrels used...couple this to growing global demand and a 50% increase from China alone and the oil is not there. Maybe the NWO wants us to believe this, maybe they want this situation, so they can role-out new hidden technologies.

I`ve spoken to Tony about this "bash CJ " policy....I`ve pointed out my concerns regarding the motives of some posters on this forum. I DON`T CARE....TAKE A POP! Laughing We already have one poster who has re-used 4 titles published by me on this forum, as I understand, only one of those threads is, where did I leave my comic Question Question Question Cool Laughing

Lesson for today; "must try harder, to take a pop at CJ"! Laughing
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:18 pm    Post subject: Re: Bilderberg 2007 disinformation Reply with quote

Please provide the URL - there is quite a lot of stuff here

CJ wrote:
There is a post on this forum which has all the alledged Bilderberg attendees for this years meeting, not only that, there is a list of topics on their agenda....this is horse-poo!

All this secret information being fed to a select group of conspiracy theorists...yet the MSM remains gagged, sorry, I just don`t buy it.

I`m sure the list is near the truth and the topics close to the mark, but I know from talking to a Bilderberg attendee, that the level of chat is far higher than anything you`ll read in the media. Or anything on this years list of talk points.

Sure, oil is depleting, there is a land/oil grab and Iran is key...the game with Russia, China and India will continue, but at some point it will stop, because the NWO can`t do another Japan with China. China is unsustainable and there are several ways this could playout, but keep in mind that the NWO has a final solution. Dramatic and swift population reduction...a human cull! Cool

Get real, there is no replacement for oil. Just sit down and think about taking oil out of modern life. No passenger planes, no big ships, no mass produced food, far less drugs, fact, the population would shrink to a few hundred million at best. The NWO, the Bilderberg group won`t come clean on the truth, because its all down hill. So bad is this situation, that I doubt it will be a topic at with all things in the NWO, its done "on a need to know basis" and much as many people on this forum won`t like. Most at Bliderberg don`t need to know and thats why we are being fed "horse-poo! Cool
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tony, this post was written over 7 months ago...Mr Estulin and this is from memory, he might have something to do with it. I did challange him, but he failed to respond. As far as I know he`s not shown hios face on this site since. However, he`s very active on other sites and now has a book out. The question still remains...who is Estulin`s NWO feeder?

It is of concern that you take an interest in this post so late.? Confused
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PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2008 5:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A few more months have passed by. Seems to me that the Main Stream Media is not as gagged as it used to be, either that or it has been allowed to tell some of what is going on.

My take on it is that the media cant be fully controlled, there will be news now and then of things that the oil companies and other people in power doesnt want the public to know about. Still it is often enough for them to simply repeat their lies often enough, and they might even believe them themselves.

I dont find the depopulation agenda likely either, but there is alot of proof that says otherwise. Water contamination, reduced quality of food, chemtrails maybe even a neutron bomb or whatever there might be planned. Maybe natural global disaster will come all on its own and their reasons are to "spare people" and let the survivers have a bit more goods to share. I really doubt that one as well though.

As always time will tell though. Seems to me that today people do believe that we are running out of oil, people do believe in global warming and very much that Co2 is causing it, people do believe that the US economy is dropping and some have even claimed that it already collapsed but people just refuse to admit it.

Its amazing how it was known that Iran was the next target for war back in 2003 and some even knew it before that, and still there havent been definate proof. Well unless you look at which countries doesnt have any debt to the world bank, then its quite obvious which countries are in threat of being invaded by the US. I believe there even is a list somewhere showing which countries are on the US militarys "to do" list. I will have to look through a few of my DVDs to find out where I might find that list, or just write it down.

So even before Iraq was fully invaded Iran was on the target list. I wonder how long it had been planned to invade Iraq? Its amazing how they tried to give a few good reasons for why they were attacking Iraq, and all of them proved to make it all look even more dubious, and still people say, I support the choice the US made by attacking Iraq. Taking Saddam out was needed and helped preserve peace. Yea right...

Lets just bomb the world back to the stone age, then we will know peace Rolling Eyes

War and its deathtolls might be the most obvious attempt to reduce the population.
Let there be light
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Estulin is the one that got me interested in the Bilderberg group. Of all the books and articles I've read, his seem to be closest to spot-on.
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