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willow the wip
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mike Martin wrote:
willow the wip wrote:
Albert Pike talks about Lucifer bearing the light. The word "Illuminati" is derived from Lucifer. ”

Oh does he now? What he actually wrote was this

Page 321 Morals and Dogma:

The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. Lucifer. The Light Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendours intolerable blinds feeble sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not! For traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed Plato and Philo also, were also inspired.

You might also find this from the catholic encyclopedia a bit of an eye-opener when it comes to the whole Lucifer thing:

(Hebrew helel; Septuagint heosphoros, Vulgate lucifer)

The name Lucifer originally denotes the planet Venus, emphasizing its brilliance. The Vulgate employs the word also for "the light of the morning" (Job 11:17), "the signs of the zodiac" (Job 38:32), and "the aurora" (Psalm 109:3). Metaphorically, the word is applied to the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:12) as preeminent among the princes of his time; to the high priest Simon son of Onias (Ecclesiasticus 50:6), for his surpassing virtue, to the glory of heaven (Apocalypse 2:2Cool, by reason of its excellency; finally to Jesus Christ himself (2 Peter 1:19; Apocalypse 22:16; the "Exultet" of Holy Saturday) the true light of our spiritual life.

The Syriac version and the version of Aquila derive the Hebrew noun helel from the verb yalal, "to lament"; St. Jerome agrees with them (In Isaiah 1:14), and makes Lucifer the name of the principal fallen angel who must lament the loss of his original glory bright as the morning star. In Christian tradition this meaning of Lucifer has prevailed; the Fathers maintain that Lucifer is not the proper name of the devil, but denotes only the state from which he has fallen (Petavius, De Angelis, III, iii, 4).


Other masonic quotes

“When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onwards and upwards he must prove his ability to properly apply (this) energy.”

Manley P Hall [33rd degree Mason] ‘Lost Keys of Freemasonry’ 48,

'Brother' Eliphas Levi
The Mysteries of Magic

"What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil. The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete, it is the Holy Spirit, while the physical Lucifer is the great agent of universal magnetism." page 428
Masonic Diversion: 'But Levi wasn't a Mason!'

Fact: Eliphas Levi was a Freemason.

He was initiated at the Lodge Rose du Parfait Silence of the Grand Orient of France on 14 March, 1861 in Paris. M. Caudet who was the Venerable(Worshipful Master) at Levi's Masonic initiation is quoted in the Masonic Work 'Eliphas Levi, written by Paul Chacornac thusly:

"In his reception speech, Eliphas Levi, to the great astonishment of his auditors, little inclined to paradoxes, made the following statement: 'I come to bring you your lost traditions, the exact knowledge of your signs and emblems, and in consequence to show you the aim for the attainment of which your association has been constituted.' He then tried to demonstrate to his coreligionists that Masonic Symbolism is borrowed from the Cabala. It was time wasted. No one believed him."

Fact: Pike provided the first English language translations of Levi's works, for inclusion in Degree Lectures for the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 'Morals and Dogma', 'Legendas', 'Sepher Ha Debarim', and 'The Book of the Words'.

Fact: When Pike's library was turned over to the Supreme Council most of
Levi's writings were found to be part of it.

Fact: Given Pike's practical worship of Levi's writings, their place of promincence in Pikes own writings which are the primary books offered for sale today by the Scottish Rite Supreme Temple, the placing of Freemason Levi in the Masonic Luciferography is well earned.


'Illustrious' Arthur Edward Waite 33°
The Book Of Black Magic

"First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in the Name of the Mighty Living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to appear without noise and without ...." page 244

'Illustrious' Manley Palmer Hall 33°
The Secret Teachings of All Ages

"I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifer, Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifer promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfil my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed..... { Invocant signs pact with his own blood } " page CIV

Sister Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 32°
Ancient and Accepted Primitive Rite
Grand Orient of France
The Secret Doctrine

"Lucifer represents..Life..Thought..Progress..Civilization.. Liberty..Independence..Lucifer is the Logos..the Serpent, the Savior." pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II)
"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God." pages 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)
"The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and "Satan' at one and the same time." page 539

Fact: Blavatsky was a Freemason.

There is considerable literature relating to Blavatsky's Masonic connections. In her Scrapbook, vol.III, p.256, on January 1878, she recorded that she received a diploma of the 32nd Degree in the Ancient and Primitive Rite of England and Wales. In the following month the issue was raised in the Franklin Register and Norfolk County Journal, the material of which has been published in H.P. Blavatsky. Collected Writings. Volume One. 1874-1868. On p.309, we learn that the Ancient and Primitive Rite was originally chartered in America, on 9 November 1856, with David McClellan as Grand Master, and that it submitted entirely in 1862 to the Grand Orient of France.

-The Secret Zodiacs of Washington DC, David Ovason
Preface by C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander,
The Supreme Council, 33° (Mother Council of the World),
Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Washington DC

We, the Thrice-Illustrious Sovereign Grand Master General, and we, the Sovereign Grand Conservators, thirty-third and Last degree of the Sovereign Sanctuary of England, Wales, etc., decorated the Grand Star of Sirius, etc., Grand Commanders of the Three Legions of the Knights of Masonry, by virtue of the high authority with which we are invested, have declared and proclaimed and by these presents do declare and proclaim our illus- trious and enlightened Brother, H. P. Blavatsky, to be an Apprentice, Companion, Perfect Mistress, Sublime Elect Scotch Lady, Grand Elect, Chevaliere de Rose Croix, Adoniramite Mistress, Perfect Venerable Mistress, and a crowned Princess of Rite of Adoption.

Given under our hands and the seals of the Sovereign Sanctuary for England and Wales, sitting in the Valley of London, this 24th day of November, 1877, year of true light 000,000,000.

John Yarker, 33° Sovereign Grand Master
M. Caspari, 33° Grand Secretary
A. D. Loewenstark, 33° Grand Secretary

1. 'Illustrious' Albert Pike 33°
Legendas XIX° ~ XXX°
Pg. 40 - 44.

"If the buckler of Satan did not stay the flight of Michael's lance, the power of the Archangel would be lost in the void, or would necessarily display and manifest itself by an infinite destruction, directed from above to below.
"And if the foot of Michael did not arrest Satan in his ascent, Satan would go to dethrone God, or to lose himself in the abysses of height.
"Satan is then necessary to Michael, as the pedestal to the statue; and Michael to Satan, as the brake to the locomotive.
"In analogical and universal dynamics we rest only on that which resists.
"Wherefore, as we have said before, the Universe is balanced by two forces, which maintain it in equilibrium; and the force which attracts, and that which repels. This is the equilibrium of the mountain of gold, which the Gods on one side, and the Demons on the other, hold tied by the symbolic Serpent of India; and its scientific reality is demonstrated by the phenomena of Polarity, and by the universal law of Sympathies and Antipathies...."

Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike 33°
Letter to Italian Grand Master Guiseppie Mazzini 33°
15 August 1871
Archives British Museum, London

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effects of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Grand Lodge of British Columbia, Canada
Lucifer and Satan
G.L. of B.C. official internet site

"Lucifer is the term originally used by the Romans to refer to the planet Venus when that planet was west of the sun and hence rose before the sun in the morning, thereby being the morning star."

Fact: Lucifer is Latin. Did you expect that the Babalonians and Egyptians 3,000 years earlier to have spoken in an Italian dialect? Your "orginally" arguement is worthless, pointless, and a complete canard. The ancients used their own tongue to describe a title of "light bearer" which they attributed to the "Goddess". The planetary symbol for the "Goddess" is 'Venus', her astrological sign is 'Virgo', and her Tarot is 'The Empress'. But WHO and WHAT is the "Goddess"? THAT is the question you continue to avoid answering.


"The same planet was called Hesperus, Cesperugo, Vesper, Noctifer, or Nocturnus, when it appeared in the heavens after sunset. Lucifer as a personification is called a son of Astraeus and Aurora or Eos, of Cephalus and Aurora, or of Atlas. He is called the father of Ceyx, Daedalion, and of the Hesperides. Lucifer is also a surname of several goddesses of light, as Artemis, Aurora, and Hecate.

Fact: The word Satan comes not from Hebrew but from Aramaic - Satana. Go to the back of the coven, er class.


"Satan is not the adversary of God, Satan is doing God's will".
[Deceptively deleted fall 2001 with no notation rather than respond to this pointed criticism. So what is it 'G.L. of B.C.', is Satan an adversary of God or not? Why did you have this posted on your official website and then delete it after we 'shined some light' on this bizarre statement of yours?]

Fact: So sayeth the Grand Lodge of British Columbia. Obviously this is another clever forgery by that arch-demon Mason, er, 'Anti' Leo Taxil. But how did he get the password for their i.s.p.? Egregore 'Anti's' are evidently all powerful...

'The Beast 666'
Illustrious Aleister Crowley 33°
Hymn to Lucifer
Ware, nor of good nor ill, what aim hath act?
Without its climax, death, what savour hath
Life? an impeccable machine, exact
He paces an inane and pointless path
To glut brute appetites, his sole content
How tedious were he fit to comprehend
Himself! More, this our noble element
Of fire in nature, love in spirit, unkenned
Life hath no spring, no axle, and no end.

His body a blood-ruby radiant
With noble passion, sun-souled Lucifer
Swept through the dawn colossal, swift aslant
On Eden's imbecile perimeter.
He blessed nonentity with every curse
And spiced with sorrow the dull soul of sense,
Breath life into the sterile universe,
With Love and Knowledge drove out innocence
The Key of Joy is disobedience.

The Rosicrucians Fellowship
International Headquarters
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92054-2399, USA
PO Box 713, Oceanside, CA 92049-0713, USA
Official Internet Website

Lucifer, the Widows Son

THE MASONIC LEGEND has points of variance from as well as agreement with the Bible story. It states that Jehovah created EVE, that the Lucifer Spirit SAMAEL united with her but that he was ousted by Jehovah and forced to leave her before the birth of her son Cain, who was thus THE SON OF A WIDOW. Then Jehovah created ADAM, to be the husband of Eve, and from their union Abel was born. Thus from the beginning there have been two kinds of people in the world. One begotten by the Lucifer Spirit Samael and partaking of a semi-divine nature imbued with the dynamic martial energy inherited from this divine ancestry, is aggressive, progressive, and possessed of great initiative, but impatient of restraint or authority whether human or divine. This class is loath to take things on faith and prone to prove all things by the light of reason. These people BELIEVE IN WORKS rather than faith, and by their dauntless courage and inexhaustible energy they have transformed the trackless wilderness of the world to a garden full of life and beauty, so lovely in fact that THE SONS OF CAIN have forgotten the garden of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, whence they were expelled by the decree of the lunar God Jehovah. Against Him they are in constant rebellion because He has tied them by THE UMBILICAL "CABLE TOW." They have lost their spiritual sight and are imprisoned in the forehead of the body where it is said Cain was marked; they must wander as prodigal sons in the comparative darkness of the material world, oblivious to their high and noble estate until they find the door of the temple, and ask and receive LIGHT; then as "PHREE MESSEN" or children of light they are instructed in methods of building a new temple without sound of hammer, and when the spirit realizes that it is far from its heavenly home, a prodigal, feeding upon the unsatisfactory husks of the material world, that apart from the Father it is "POOR, NAKED AND BLIND," when it knocks at the door of a mystic temple like that of the Rosicrucians and asks for light, when it receives the desired instruction after due qualification by building and ethereal soul-body, a temple or house eternal in the heavens, not made with hands, and without sound of hammer, when its nakedness is clothed with that house (see Cor. 4.5,) then the neophyte receives "THE WORD," the open sesame to the inner worlds and learns to travel in foreign parts in the invisible worlds. There he takes soul-flights into heavenly regions and qualifies for higher degrees under more direct instruction from THE GRAND ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE, who fashioned both heaven and earth. Such is the temperament of THE WIDOW'S SONS inherited from their divine progenitor Samael and given by him to their ancestor Cain. Their past history is a struggle with adverse conditions, their achievement is victory wrested from all opposing forces by indomitable courage and persistent effort, unchecked by temporary defeat.

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Mike Martin
Disinformation Peddlar or Shill

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

willow the wip wrote:
Fact: Eliphas Levi was a Freemason.

He was initiated at the Lodge Rose du Parfait Silence of the Grand Orient of France on 14 March, 1861 in Paris. M. Caudet who was the Venerable(Worshipful Master) at Levi's Masonic initiation is quoted in the Masonic Work 'Eliphas Levi, written by Paul Chacornac thusly:

When you say things like this you put yourself in the same place as those Freemasons who continue to claim that Voltaire was a Freemason.

Alphonse-Louis Constant was indeed a Freemason for 5 months, he was
Initiated: 14 March, 1861 then Quit/dropped from rolls: August 21, 1861
Lodge Rose du Parfait Silence, Grand Orient of France, Paris.

I notice that you don't draw any attention to the fact that he was also a self-proclaimed Magician and Occultist who had also previously trained for the Priesthood.

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willow the wip
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mike Martin wrote:
willow the wip wrote:
Fact: Eliphas Levi was a Freemason.

He was initiated at the Lodge Rose du Parfait Silence of the Grand Orient of France on 14 March, 1861 in Paris. M. Caudet who was the Venerable(Worshipful Master) at Levi's Masonic initiation is quoted in the Masonic Work 'Eliphas Levi, written by Paul Chacornac thusly:

When you say things like this you put yourself in the same place as those Freemasons who continue to claim that Voltaire was a Freemason.

Alphonse-Louis Constant was indeed a Freemason for 5 months, he was
Initiated: 14 March, 1861 then Quit/dropped from rolls: August 21, 1861
Lodge Rose du Parfait Silence, Grand Orient of France, Paris.

I notice that you don't draw any attention to the fact that he was also a self-proclaimed Magician and Occultist who had also previously trained for the Priesthood.


Mike firstly I am not a freemason, or i simply would not be a mod, 2nd when i said Eliphas Levi was a Freemason I did not say he remained a mason but he is also recorded as a mason, yes and he was Training to become a Roman Catholic Priest untill he quit catholosism and became a occultist but their are also many masons who are occultists also their are many masons were roman catholics still are, this includes the jesuits, Hitler also was a mason, some info on him is here.
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Mike Martin
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

willow the wip wrote:
Mike firstly I am not a freemason, or i simply would not be a mod,

No i know that and it is not too important as very little about Freemasonry is supposed to be secret.
willow the wip wrote:
Hitler also was a mason, some info on him is here.

Unfortunately this is another silly statement. While learning about Freemasonry I came across claims that Hitler hated Freemasonry. I acquired a copy of "Mein Kampf" to find out, here are some of Hitler's memorable comments about Freemasonry from his book, Chapter 11 Race and People:

“The propaganda which the freemasons had carried on among the so-called intelligentsia, whereby their pacifist teaching paralysed the instinct for national self-preservation, was now extended to the broad masses of the workers and bourgeoisie by means of the Press, which was almost everywhere in Jewish hands.”

“The Jew realized that in his efforts to reach the position of public despot he would need a ‘peace-maker.’ And he thought he could find a peace-maker if he could whip-in sufficient extensive sections of the bourgeois. But the freemasons failed to catch the glove-manufacturers and the linen-weavers in the frail meshes of their net. And so it became necessary to find a grosser and withal a more effective means. Thus another weapon beside that of freemasonry would have to be secured. This was the Press.”

“In order to strengthen his (the Jew) political position, he directed his efforts towards removing the barrier of racial and civic discrimination which had hitherto hindered his advance at every turn. With characteristic tenacity he championed the cause of religious tolerance for this purpose; and in the freemason organization, which had fallen completely into his hands, he found a magnificent weapon which helped him to achieve his ends. Government circles, as well as the higher sections of the political and commercial bourgeoisie, fell a prey to his plans through his manipulation of the masonic net, though they themselves did not even suspect what was happening.”

Sounds familiar don't it? This is the source material which eventually became the theory that Freemasonry is part of the Zionist Conspiracy

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

willow the wip wrote:

'Brother' Eliphas Levi
The Mysteries of Magic

"What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil. The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete, it is the Holy Spirit, while the physical Lucifer is the great agent of universal magnetism." page 428
Masonic Diversion: 'But Levi wasn't a Mason!'

Fact: Eliphas Levi was a Freemason.

FACT: Levi joined and left, was not a Freemason long enough to really learn or understand anything of the ritual.

FACT: The Catholic Church even quotes that Lucifer is not a bespoke reference to the Christian Devil AKA Satan, so why because Levi says the same, and happened for a very short period of time to be part of a masonic lodge, is it such a big deal?

willow the wip wrote:
He then tried to demonstrate to his coreligionists that Masonic Symbolism is borrowed from the Cabala. It was time wasted. No one believed him."

Enough said on his credibility, and how much time you should really spend on what he wrote regarding such matters.

willow the wip wrote:
Fact: Pike provided the first English language translations of Levi's works, for inclusion in Degree Lectures for the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 'Morals and Dogma', 'Legendas', 'Sepher Ha Debarim', and 'The Book of the Words'.

Fact: When Pike's library was turned over to the Supreme Council most of
Levi's writings were found to be part of it.

Fact: Given Pike's practical worship of Levi's writings, their place of promincence in Pikes own writings which are the primary books offered for sale today by the Scottish Rite Supreme Temple, the placing of Freemason Levi in the Masonic Luciferography is well earned.

FACT: All Pikes writings are that, Pikes. Re-read the preface to the very book you quote where it states each reader is to determine on their own what is truth and none of it is doctrine.

Plus, we are still struggling on this understanding on what is and isn't freemasonry... that is the trouble with bulk copy and paste, people seldom read the whole item they paste, but just see a sentence or two which suits their arguement or point of view.

willow the wip wrote:
'Illustrious' Arthur Edward Waite 33°
The Book Of Black Magic

"First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in the Name of the Mighty Living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to appear without noise and without ...." page 244

Cool, a quote from somethin nothing to do with Freemasonry... and the point?

willow the wip wrote:
'Illustrious' Manley Palmer Hall 33°
The Secret Teachings of All Ages

"I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifer, Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifer promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfil my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed..... { Invocant signs pact with his own blood } " page CIV

LOL, ROFLAO,.... you could of least post the previous elements so it is shown in context and detailed that he isn't discussing Freemasonry, but the world of magic as seen at that time, you know the same time as when ineffable church was burning "witches"...

Sentence prior reads...

"If the MAGICIAN (not Freemason) still refuses, realizing that the demon will make it impossible for him to fulfil his contract, other terms will be discussed, until at last a pact is agreed upon. it MAY read as follows.

willow the wip wrote:
Fact: Blavatsky was a Freemason.

FACT: Blavatsky is a WOMEN, ergo cannot be a legitimate Freemason, could only of been initiated into a "false" order playing itself off as Freemasonry.


Anyone can take a paragraph or sentence out of context to try and prove a point. And it is easy to do if the audience is not conversant on the book you quote from so has no idea what context it was written!!

Anyone can find a singular person of any organisation who has done bad, is immoral, etc and falsely use it to imply the organisation is as such.

But still to this day, the only things anyone can produce are the words of a few men, who have been dead for years, who lived in a time when ghouls, witches, magic were common talk and REAL to the general public. Where curses were true, the church killed, and magic was "practised" with apparent results... Attitudes, science, what is real and what isn't is a whole lot different today and you have to take this into account before you go copy pasting out of context paragraphs, especially from people who were not true Freemasons, and EVEN MORE especially from books on completely different topics, but happen to be written by someone who was a Freemason!!
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willow the wip
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Sorry I miss read it is recorded on the offical masonic publication 10,000 famous freemasons hitler was a Anti-Mason, but I got him mixed up with anither dictator, I have not actually read mein kamf, so i would not know it was in their.

Yes your right on Hitler.

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) Anti-Mason. German chancellor and Fuhrer. Dorothy Thompson, writing about him for the Ladies Home Journal in Oct. 1955 thought that he was suffering from paranoia and a persecution complex: "Those whom he imagines to be conspiring against him may be individuals. But his enemies may also be `they'—a whole society, or some section of it. Priests, Freemasons, Jews, or 'the crowned heads of Europe.' " Hitler not only forbade meetings, but even membership, and established a museum which was to depict the foolishness of Freemasonry. The following is part of Hitler's official decree against Freemasonry in 1942 that was presented during the Nuremburg trial: "Freemasons and the ideological enemies of National Socialism who are allied with themare the originators of the present war against the Reich. Spiritual struggle according to plan against these powers is a measure necessitated by war. I have, therefore, ordered Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg to accomplish this task in cooperation with the Chief of the High Command of the armed forces. To accomplish this task, he has the right to explore libraries, archives, lodges, and other ideological and cultural establishments of all kinds for suitable material and to confiscate such material for the ideological tasks of the N.S.D.A.P. for scientific research work. The regulations for the execution of this task will be issued by the Chief of the High Command of the armed forces in agreement with Reichsleiter Rosenberg.”

You acuse me of taking a paragraph out of context, alot of what come`s out of masonry is just shire psyco babel.
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Mike Martin
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

willow the wip wrote:
You acuse me of taking a paragraph out of context, alot of what come`s out of masonry is just shire psyco babel.

Not really accusing just making an observation.

The thing is that books written about Freemasonry don't come out of Freemasonry, they come out of indiviual Masons. There are very few books actually authorised by my Grand Lodge. I can agree totally, I've read more masonic books than most and loads of them are full of tosh.

However, the books that count are the Ritual books themselves and the Book of Constitutions those are the books that tell us what freemasonry is, not the books by so-called Masonic authors.

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Second Family (UK)
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well done willow

Masons like Mike? will dissect every word, every sentence.

Pointless communications.

Save your breathe and educate the ignorant about this evil.
If you do nothing then the Masons win.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Second Family (UK) wrote:
Well done willow

Masons like Mike? will dissect every word, every sentence.

Willow agreed that Mike was correct???

Second Family (UK) wrote:
Pointless communications.

Not really, willow was honest and admitted he got something wrong. Which even though he as admitted was wrong, adds emense credibility to him as he admitted it, rather than just deleting Mikes post.
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willow the wip
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I only agreed with mike on the issue of hitlar.
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