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Al Gore an OCCULTIST :( :( :(

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 09 Jan 2007
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Location: near St. Gall in Switzerland

PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:58 pm    Post subject: Al Gore an OCCULTIST :( :( :( Reply with quote




Rather than having an article this time about an individual family-and we will return later to our articles on the 13 top families, Lord willing, -this article is an article about the 13 families in general.


In the first part of this article we will deal with actual people. In the second part of this article, we will discuss some about the top secret inner workings of the Satanic religion that the top 13 Illuminati families participate in.


One of the things that the Illuminati has done is instill apathy in people toward resisting their wickedness. A letter by an ex-Mormon says it better than I could,

"There are many reasons why these people (Mormons) will not come forth even though they know of the corruption in the Mormon church. One is due to their belief in Mormon scripture which they associate with the Mormon church. The leadership has usurped power and authority over this scripture. Thus, the members of the Mormon church think that God expects them to support their misguided leaders. This is much the - rationalization that many Americans make about our government. They all know of the corruption, but rationalize that it is unpatriotic to talk against the government or ungrateful to complain when they enjoy superficial prosperity."

It is interesting that this Mormon recognizes that the process of the common man’s reaction is the same to both Mormon and American leadership, because as we will discuss the top leadership in both the reader will learn they are related to each other and both under the control of the Top 13 Illuminati families.


The Mormon president Ezra Taft Benson (considered a prophet by Mormons) was a fan of the John Birch Society. Most people who have not read my exposes on both the Mormon Church and the John Birch Society will not be able to protect themselves from the Illuminati. I don’t expose these organizations without a great deal of proof. I say this because I know from too many sources and too many angles that both organizations were initiated and have been run by the Illuminati.

The Mormon church has long prophesied that they would defend the US. Constitution in the last days. They are moving to fulfill that with men like Bo Gritz, who sprinkles has talks with buzz words from Mormon prophecy. The John Birch Society was part of the process of the Hegelian dialectics of the cold war. They pretend to be the defenders of the people against the New World Order, but they are fake opposition.

(I have met quite a few John Birchers, and so far although they claim to be against the New World Order, they want nothing to do with me, or to learn anything 1 might share with them. I can understand the leadership doing this to me, but somehow the rank and file have picked up on some of the attitudes of the leadership. I don’t know how the JBS has managed to do that, but the antagonistic attitudes that they have instilled in their people toward people like myself are amazing.)

In my Be Wise As Serpents book I gave the genealogical evidence to show that the Mormon leadership connected to the 13th top illuminati family, the Holy Blood line of what purports to be Jesus' lineage. I’ve also showed numerous other connections between the Mormon leaders and the elite Illuminati bloodlines. Ezra Taft Benson’s genealogy helps tie together some of the various parts of the Illuminati beast.

The Taft is Heusen’s name is because Ezra Taft Benson is a descendent of Alphonso Taft, who along with one of the Russell family (Russells are one of the top 13 families), William IL Russell, started the Order of the Skull and Bones (legally it has been known as Russell Trust). Remember, that George Bush was a Skull & Bones-man. George Bush also is a descendent of the 13th top Illuminati family -the family that ties in with British royalty and the Merovingian's. The man who just beat George Bush in the Presidential race, William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, is a descendent of some Russell's.


This newsletter hasn’t gotten to an individual article on the Russell family, but they go way back in the Illuminati. The Russell’s are responsible for starting the Skull & Bones Order, the Pilgrim Society, the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, and the Masonic Daughters of Isabella (DOI). Archibald D. Russell (1811-1871) a Mason from Scotland set up still other organizations. (Scotland has played a key role in the Illuminati.

One example of thousands is, Marriner S. Eccles - Gov. of the Fed. Reserve Board & supporter of FDR, who is member of the wealthy Mormon Illuminati Eccles family which came over from Scotland.) The Russells played a key role in the opium trade in the early 1800s and early Mormonism. One of the Russell business partners was Warren Delano, Jr., chief of Russell and Company operations in Canton, China.

Delano was the grandfather of Pres. Franklin Roosevelt. The Russell and Company logo was a Skull and Bones. The Taft family (which is also related to George Bush by blood) and the Harriman family are two families that have been intimately connected to the Skull and Bones Order (which is an entry point into the Illuminati and on the surface just an exclusive fraternity).

‘Note: Since this was written Bo Gritz and the Mormon church have gone separate ways. Bo Gritz, under the direction of his CIA handier, has been moving around talking to Patriots, and establishing a community called ‘Almost Heaven’ near Kamiah, ID. Fritz’s newsletters have had several articles about Bo Gritz, including one entitled S.P.I.K.E., which is what Bo calls the training he is giving people.’

The Harriman family is also very prominent in Pres. Bill Clinton’s life. Averell Harriman1 was the CEO of George Bush’s father’s company. Averell Harriman’s wife was Pamela who has played an extremely important part in Bill Clinton’s life. Pamela Harriman raised more money for the Democratic Party than any other single person (Newsweek, 5/15/1987). She created a political action committee nicknamed PAM PAC.

When Bill Clinton lost his race for governor, Pamela made Bill Clinton head (chairman) of her PAM PAC. (It took Brian Quig, a Christian researcher like myself, to expose the connections between Bill Clinton and Pamela Harriman. Can you guess why the establishment media somehow carefully kept their relationship secret?) When Bill Clinton was in high school, he shook hands with President John F. Kennedy (a member of one of the Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines-see 5/15/93 Newsletter).

The master of ceremonies at the affair where JFK and Clinton met was Winthrop Rockefeller (another member of a Top 13 Illuminati family, and at the time Governor of New York.) In the film clips of this event which the establishment media have used recently, the establishment media edited out Winthrop Rockefeller from the scenes of Clinton and JFK. (Now why do you think they did that?) The Astor family (one of the top 13 families) was intimately connected to the creation of the Rhodes Scholarship. (See 1/1/93 newsletter on the Astor family).

Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and looked up to Prof. Carroll Quigley, the archivist of the CFR, as a mentor. The Quigley-Clinton connection introduces more connections between Clinton and the Illuminati. Quigley side-tracked people by making people think the elite were Anglophiles who wanted the British to rule the world. Although the elite are partial to the English language as a lingua-franca, in their heart their allegiance is not to Britain but to Satan.

Clinton has been compared to JFK & FDR by people, perhaps in a negative sense the comparison is appropriate. LET’S REVIEW some of the Items which STUCK OUT AS RED FLAGS TO ME ABOUT BILL CLINTON:
Several ex-witches now Christians identified Clinton’s running mate Al Gore as a witch. Al Gore’s book promotes several witchcraft themes such as Mother Gain worship. Senator Al Gore has intimately worked with other men who are Illuminati for years. Al Gore was close friends with Armand Hammer, the Illuminati courier who shuttled back and forth between Moscow and America on a regular basis, and had homes in both countries. Hammer bankrolled both Al Gore, Jr. and his father Al Gore, Sr.
Al Gore and Bill Clinton raised their hands at the Democratic National Convention and declared that their administration would be the "New Covenant." Bill Clinton’s brother ended up in prison in connection to the illegal drug trade that I know that Bill Clinton was also involved with helping while he was Governor of Arkansas. Readers of this newsletter are aware that the top Illuminati families are the power behind the drug trade. (See previous newsletter 3/1/93, p. 19 about some of Bill’s role in Arkansas with the drug trade.)

Bill Clinton’s chief campaign advisor James Carville is pictured in People’s Magazine. p.50 wearing a pentagram in the middle of his forehead.
Bill Clinton calls his first press conference as President. elect according to the astrologically correct full-moon day.
Bill Clinton in his inaugural speech said, "This ceremony is held in the depth of winter. But, by the words we speak and the faces we show the world, we force the spring.’ Clinton repeated the words ‘we force the spring’ later in the speech. That expression is a very unusual expression. To ‘force the spring" is witchcraft language. in witchcraft and Satanism Lucifer (Baal) rises from the underworld on May 1st (also known by the following list of names Beltaine, a major European holiday, Communism and the Illuminati’s chief holiday, and Walpurgis).

The May 1st rising brings forth the season of fertility, which the witches each year take credit for, by claiming that their magic rituals ‘force the spring.’ The ritual magic that ‘forces the spring’ is done on 3 Sabbats-the first is Imbolg (also known by names: Candiemas by the Catholics and Ground Hog Day by common dupes); the second is the vernal equinox (Mar. 20) in which blood and sex rituals are carried out and the third is Beltaine (May 1) in which fire festivals are done.

This is one of the fire festivals which people around the United States tell me they have witnessed from a distance. Witches believe that on May 1st, the female force completes her takeover from the male force. There are 12 cabinet members which when they assemble with their head Bill Clinton make the number 13. Bill Clinton choose ‘to force the spring’ with his ‘cabinet coven.’ In true witchcraft tradition, the Cabinet of Bill Clinton followed the pattern of ‘forcing the Spring.’ In order for the female to overtake the male force, Clinton chose the position of Attorney General.

The title ‘General’ has a male connotation. All the rest of the cabinet members are called Secretaries which has a female connotation. The Attorney General position was to be given to a woman. But in order for the witchcraft ceremony and timing to be right, the woman couldn’t take over until after Feb. 2, or Imbolg and there had to be 3 female candidates, from which one is traditionally picked by a witchcraft coven.

This is why the selection of the Attorney General was not confirmed until Feb. 2. And sure enough all three candidates given by Bill Clinton were women, from which one was selected. Bill Clinton did indeed ‘force the spring’! Further, Clinton gave told us HOW he would ‘force the spring’ in his inaugural speech. On the 666th word of his inauguration speech, Clinton launched into a sentence on sacrifice, ‘it will not be easy; it will require sacrifice. But it can be done, and done fairly, not choosing sacrifice for Its own sake, but for our own sake.’

Clinton gave the hand signal of Satanists at the end of his speech. (See previous newsletters this year). And Newsweek Magazine headlined its story ‘New Age President Takes Office.’ (Jan. 25, ’93) That Clinton would consider his Cabinet a coven is not so far fetched. Most of his cabinet tie in closely with the Illuminati. The Council on Foreign Relations is an upper level of the visible arm of the Illuminati.

The Jan. ‘93 newsletter explained that the CFR was the equivalent of the 4° of the Bavarian Illuminati. Note, that many of these people do not realize the full Satanic implications of what they are in. If one reviews the various levels of the Bavarian Illuminati, you will realize that the process of corruption was gradual, and that the lower levels had no idea what they were really involved in, although some probably suspected what they were into.

The basic ingredient of the lower levels is loyalty to their superiors, because they believe they are in the elite’s organization. Consider, Clinton and his cabinet: Slick Willie Clinton — CFR TC (Trilateral Commission), Bldrbgr (Bilderberger participant), participant in various Illuminati front organizations such as DLC, Rhodes Scholar, wife Hillary is known to practice shamanism witchcraft.
Treasury Secretary - Lloyd Bentsen -- Bldrbgr, ex-CFR, connected to S&L scandal, henchman for the Illuminati.
Secretary of Health & Human Services—Donna Shalala- CFR,, TC, close friend of Hillary Clinton.
Secretary of Defense—Les Aspin--CFR, Socialist Les Aspin chose for his top assistant the pro-communist Jew Morton Halperin. Halperin was also a dir. of the ACLU, and worked loyally for Henry Kissinger at the National Security Council.
Secretary of State—Warren Christopher--CFR
Secretary of the Interior - Bruce Babbitt — CFR, he has been involved in various activities for the elite.
Secretary of Labor—Robert Reich -- a Zionist Jew (over 50% of Clinton’s major appointees were Zionist Jews, strange considering Jews only make up 2% of the population)
Attorney General — Janet Reno -- murderer of innocent people at Waco, TX. The people at Waco believed that they were the true Jews and flew the Jewish flag at Waco, notice that Reno who is Jewish and was on the board of directors of the Jewish Illuminati Terrorist organization of the Anti-Defamation League could not stand the idea of Christians believing that they are the true Jews.
Secretary of Housing & Urban Development - Henry Cisveros - CFR
Secretary of Education - Richard W. Riley - participant at Renaissance Weekend

(I think the readers get the picture. I had a list of which ones were known to be gay, but I can’t find it.) A number of Clinton’s high appointees are homosexuals. There is a high correlation between homosexuality and the occult and also a big correlation between the type of ‘Jews’ Clinton has chosen and Satanism. Historically, some of the most rabid anti-Christians are Satanists from Jewish backgrounds.

During the inauguration week witches, homosexuals and homosexual witches gathered at the White House for various celebrations, to perform, to hold rituals, and other events. These people were invited by the President for various things. Clearly, those who are known publicly as a witch or a homosexual are considered honorable by the President.


The answer to this can be found in my very first newsletter back in 1992. Whenever YHVH God has raised up prophets (like Elijah) to turn the people back to God and morality, Satan has sent out the Jezebel spirit. Along with the Jezebel spirit goes the Ahab spirit. Hillary and Bill fit the Jezebel and Ahab spirit exactly. I remember personally when I heard several prophets of God warn about the Jezebel spirit. I thought this sounds rather strange. I had never heard about it before. Soon I began telling people in the church I was attending about the NWO and to function in a small way prophetically, and the Jezebel spirit came into that church.

The church had been happy with their elders, but after I began to warn the people about the NWO, a constant clamor was heard every Sunday for the church to select women as elders. This church had a long history without believing in women elders, and it had never been an issue. Unless one is aware of the connection between the Jezebel spirit and the Elijah type of prophet, and knows the full orb of what the Jezebel spirit is, it is not likely that a person would notice the connection between the two! Baal worship was simply an ancient form of Satanism.

Jezebel was the daughter of King Ethbaal of Tyre who was an ardent Baal worshipper. Jezebel was a Satanic High Priestess, a real witch. She had 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of the groves. She put the true ministers of God to death. Her husband used his political office as she directed to further the power of darkness. We are simply now seeing history repeat itself.


In this part we will explain sealing rituals. I am doing this so that Christians can understand who a Keeper of Seals is, and also so that Christians can understand that Mormonism is closer to Satanism than it is to Christianity. This article will hopefully provide a written record so that Christians have an objective way to determine If someone who claims to be an ex-Satanist really is. I realize that some Christians don’t like to learn about their enemy, and that is fine if they do not want to read this.

On the other hand, I see people who are coming out of Satanism who the Christians are disbelieving. The Christians have no reference from which to determine whether someone is legitimate or not. And although I believe the Spirit of God is an excellent revealer of men, I have to be frank, even the best of Christians sometimes don’t hear what the Spirit has to say, and could benefit from a written explanation.

The closest descriptions of sealing rituals that I have found that matches the descriptions of satanic hierarchy rituals from people who have come out of the Satanic Hierarchy are the Mormon sealing rituals. For anyone wanting to do a study about how Mormonism is witchcraft, I suggest they read the scholarly book written by a Mormon scholar Early Mormonism and the Magic World View by D. Michael Quinn.

Quinn conclusively shows that early Mormonism was based on magic and witchcraft. Quinn, who is a Mormon in good standing, tries to point out in the book that these things can’t be held against Mormonism because most every one back in the early 1800s practiced magic and witchcraft. Whether most people did or not, seems to me to be irrelevant as to whether it is O.K.

Another great book showing the connections between the Mormon Temple ceremonies, Witchcraft rituals, and Masonic rituals is Bill Schnoebelen’s book Mormonism Temple of Doom. Bill does an excellent job of showing and illustrating how the Mormon temple ceremony, Masonic and Witchcraft rituals are simply the very same thing, with minor variations. One of the most important things in Satanism is sealing. Everything is sealed.

One doesn’t hear the term sealing used a lot. I have read many books of the enemy to know how he thinks, and it is rare to have someone mention sealing. I had to learn about it from ex-Satanists. If one leaves off studying Satanism and begins studying the many cults and religions, one begins hearing about sealing again when one gets to Mormonism. Mormon men and women (contrary to Lk 20:35) are sealed to each other in the Mormon temple marriages. The early Mormons were sealed to many spouses. The Mormon sealing is very similar to what is done in witchcraft called hand fasting, and it is also similar to marriage sealing in Satanism.

Joseph Smith, whose family practiced witchcraft, had many types of seals around their house which were used in magic. According to a magic book of 1830 "Demonology and Witchcraft" by Walter Scott (pp. 165, 220-221) seer stones were to be anointed with oil, and sealed with holy characters. In 1837, Mormon leaders performed such a magical sealing for James Cohn Brewster. (Mormonism and the Magic World View. p.209-210) Joseph Smith had a cane with a serpent on the top of it, and astrological seals below.

Magick staff or canes are important in Satanism. The seal of Mars was carved on the Smith family athame which was used by the family to draw circles for magic incantations. (Mormonism & the Magic World View p. 142) In 1835, a ritual done by Joseph Smith to commune with a spirit messenger is recorder by Oliver Cowdery. Joseph Smith used two Seals of the Earth to conjure up the spirit. (Ibid, p. 120) Smith’s ritual was in accordance with the best occult guidebooks then The Book of Knowledge and Barrett’s Magus.

The 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon says that about itself ‘... their voice shall be as one that hath a familiar spirit ... They shall write the things which shall be done among them, and they shall be written and sealed up in a book.’ (2 Nephi 26:14-17). The Mormon scholar Quinn writes, ‘The Book of Mormon’s use of the word ‘sealed’ also suggested a magic context. Isaiah 29 uses the word ‘sealed’ only twice, but the Book of Mormon’s commentary on the chapter uses ‘sealed’ eleven times in eight verses (2 Ne 26:17; 2 Ne 27:7-8 ...

Throughout the entire text, the Book of Mormon refers to itself with the words ‘sealed’ or ‘seal’ more than twenty times .. Modern Mormons have often pictured a physical seal ... but the Book of Mormon nowhere describes a physical seal, evoking instead the seal as a non-material restriction: ‘For the book shall be sealed by the power of God.’ (2 Ne [phi] 27:10) Quinn goes on to describe more about the magical sealing of the Book of Mormon.

33’ Masonic leader Manly P. Hall in his book on Masonic symbology describes a seal involved with black magic and the Pact that is made with a conjured demon in a section entitled ‘Modus Operandi for the Invocation of Spirits’ on p. CIII. Within both the Generational Satanic covens and the covens made up of recruits to Satanism there is the office of Keeper of Seals. The Keepers of Seals show the importance of sealing to Satanism.

Almost everything done in Satanism involves sealing. There are many vows that are made, and there are always exchanges made during these vows and then a sealing. In the exchanges there is always something lost by each person. Satanic Hierarchy individuals are sealed to others, and the part of a Satanist that is put into another is magically infused. In one ritual, there is a black stone with the Satanist’s name written on it that is given to the Queen Mother. (See the chart 1/1/93 newsletter to understand this high rank.)

By giving something of oneself, that item supposedly gives magical power to the person you have vowed before. If you break your vow, they can take the item you have given and work destructive magic against you. In the Satanic Hierarchy, they have a Moonchild ceremony where they demonize the fetus while in the womb. In the Anti-Christ ceremony, the item that is exchange with Satan for a woman’s vow to Satan is to sacrifice her child. Then of course this vow is sealed. The Keepers of Seals hold the books full of written pacts, and the items exchanged in all these countless rituals.


A Mother of Light said,

‘Power is a transitory experience... it is very conditioned upon the myths you are in. It is important that the person knows the myth he is in. He must have a feeling for it ....The tangible can become the intangible.’

I’ll leave the reader puzzled how I got this quote from a Mother of Light, but the idea of the tangible becoming the intangible is an interesting idea, because of two reasons. First, the United States Navy is reported to have found out in W.W.II in the Philadelphia experiment how to electronically make a force field around something that makes the object invisible. However, the experiment proved to be very dangerous, and it took them years before the technology could be applied to something safely.

This technology is being used on the Stealth bomber. to make them both invisible to radar and to human sight. The second reason, is that an ex-Illuminati member states that an experimental box the size of a breadbox with controls was being used by the coven to make people invisible. The people had to stay where they were, they could not move around, but they were somehow made invisible by the box where they were standing.

Likewise, those who want to believe that Clinton is a nice guy, that he isn’t working as a lackey of the Illuminati, go ahead and believe these lies, God will even send you a strong delusion to allow you to believe these lies. But those who love the truth, and are tired of being lied to, and want answers as to why things are happening like they are will not accept the surface explanations that cover the debauchery of Satanists. Instead of getting upset that someone like myself is showing you the double meaning behind Clinton’s hand signal--people should be upset that an attempt was made to trick them by Clinton. The Christian people have been told by several Christians (and I could name names but I won’t) that Clinton is going to lead this nation into righteousness.

God’s people perish for lack of knowledge. The fact is that if Clinton really came to Christ, and really began leading the people toward righteousness, (which he doesn’t even now lead the people-the people who put him in office do the real leading), then the hierarchy would kill him. Christians are always saying we need to pray for our leaders--fine pray for them, they need to find God, just realize Clinton is not one of our real leaders, he is way down on the totem pole and is simply a shoe-shine boy for the hierarchy. Maybe the Christian people ought to learn who really leads them so they can pray better! Bush was a heavy-weight for the Illuminati, and he was picked by the Illuminati originally as their first choice to win. That was before the primaries.

Of course all the final presidential candidates Bush, Perot, and Clinton, (and maybe some of the others too!) were Illuminati men. It was a choice on their part who they wanted. Bush apparently antagonized the Rothschild's, and Clinton was placed into power to appease those who were upset with Bush. That the elite decided to change from Bush to Clinton became visible in Sept. and in October I notified my readers that the change of choice had occurred. Supposedly Bush had mishandled something that hurt the Rothschild's financially, but whatever happened it is clear that behind the scenes some big events happened.

Clinton was close friends of Winthrop Rockefeller when he moved to Arkansas. Winthrop Rockefeller gave Clinton over $1 million dollars. In return Clinton was in his pocket. It has been well worth Clinton’s time to serve the Illuminati kings. So good in fact that Ace Hayes may be correct when he claims that he has information showing that Clinton owns $1.2 billion in treasury bonds. If so, then it is understandable that Clinton would want taxes collected.

I had hoped that my photo of Clinton giving the Satanic signal at the inauguration would be finished by now. It isn’t, but I will go ahead with this article. Since coming out with my Mar. 15, 93 newsletter I have found out that Texe Marrs came out with a photo showing Clinton’s satanic signaling at the inauguration. People need to spiritually discern what Clinton is all about.

This is from a book written by a witch, showing the use of the Satanic signal. Notice she uses her left hand (picture is not so clear).

Clinton gave a speech before becoming president that insiders" would have no place in his administration. If people study the situation he appointments have all been insiders. This is just one example of many that show that the words Clinton speaks are simply the words that the American people want to hear. "Slick Willie" is an appropriate name, for this President has absolutely no integrity nor honesty. And yet I am hearing people in the churches that want to believe in Clinton. It’s sad to say they want this, because God will send them a strong delusion to believe the lies they want to believe in. Federico Pena is our new Clinton-appointed Secretary of Transportation. If he treats the country like he treated Denver watch out. Pena got the new Denver International Airport project continued against all logic.

John Coleman’s WIR brings out in his newsletter the details about how Pena’s airport project and many other projects he sponsored are white elephants that are not what the public needs, but simply white elephants that help line the pockets of the rich. Those of you who don’t take Texe Marrs’ newsletter may find it interesting that Bill Clinton has ties to the Jesuits. Of course, I take it for granted that people realize that Carroll Quigley was Clinton’s mentor. Carroll Quigley was one of those intellectuals like H.G. Wells who believed in a New World Order and the elite that wanted to bring it in. Let me digress, and discuss men like H.G. Wells and Carroll Quigley.

These men believed that the west should lead the world into a New World Order. I suggest that people should read H.G. Wells’ book The New World Order (1940) and his The Open Conspiracy (1928). Another good book to understand what the elite have planned is Manly P. Hall’s book Facing the Future. Oswald Spengler also has a good book to read The Hour of Decision. The last few chapters of Lionel Curtess’s World Order (1939) also is good in explaining how they want a world commonwealth of states. People like Clinton were feed this type of stuff. But there is a much greater hidden agenda. Manly P. Hall for instance was part of Lucis Trust, as was late leader of the Scottish Rite Freemasons, as well as Rockefeller.

Lucis Trust’s Externalization of the Hierarchy tells us what the agenda is. The agenda is to externalize the Satanic Hierarchy, and on page 107 of Externalization of the Hierarchy it tells us who will rule the world on the earthly plane--his name is Lucifer. And on the Spiritual level (shambala) it will be the Lord of the World Sanat. We Christians know the Lord of the World not as Sanat but as Satan. It’s all down in black and white on page 107. Greed and material wealth play such an important part in the lives of all these people who Satan has inspired to help dream up schemes for a New World Order. Therefore, most of these people see economics as an important vehicle for creating a New World Order. But there is a hidden agenda.

The conspiracy is not an economic conspiracy nor a political conspiracy but as The Externalization of the Hierarchy reveals in page after page--their conspiracy is a religious conspiracy. People lets just lay it out on the line--Clinton is a Satanist, he knows what the hidden agenda is. It’s an eye-opener to read the books I listed by Wells, Hall, and Spengler, but believe me that stuff is just for the blind intellectuals.

The real details of this New World Order have been written down in detail and they came directly from the Master of Evil himself, directly from Satan to his hierarchy, who copied the plans in detail. The people who will implement the New World Order are men like Clinton. Men who have no moral code. Men who will glibly tell one lie after another. They won’t implement H.G. Well’s plan---they will implement Satan’s plan. And prideful Satan will unwittingly implement YHWH God’s.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:00 pm    Post subject: CO2 IN THE AIR.... about 0.038 % Reply with quote

Wink Rolling Eyes Twisted Evil Idea Sad
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Last edited by lauchenauermartin on Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:15 pm    Post subject: Al Gores daugther married a Schiff :( Reply with quote


Excerpted from

Vice President Al Gore's Jr.'s daughter Karenna Gore, was recently married to Andrew Schiff. Andrew Schiff is a descendant of JACOB SCHIFF.

Jacob Schiff was the Jewish New York City banker and traitor to America who financed the communist revolution in Russia in 1917.

Jacob Schiff gave $20 Million Dollars in Gold (worth Five Hundred
Million, $500,000,000.00, in 1999 dollars) to LEVI BRAUNSTEIN, also known as Trotsky, and Vladimir Ilich Blanc Ulanyoff, also known as Lenin.

They used this money to turn Russia into a terrifying communist slave state. The communist revolution resulted in a bloody holocaust of over 100 MILLION DEAD White men and Women which no one seems to want to remember or talk about.

Hollywood has never made one movie about this Christian Holocaust. Why? If you want to know more about the history of the communist take
over or Russian and the millions who were slaughtered, I urge you to
purchase Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book THE GULAG ARCHIPELAGO.

Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow Vice President Al Gore Jr. is the son of former United States Senator Al Gore Sr, whose major benefactor was Armand Heimer [aka Hammer], who in turn was the son of Dr. Julius Heimer [aka Hammer], founder of the American Communist Party. See article below for more information on the Red Communist sympathizer Armand Hammer. Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation

To this day Al Gore Jr. presents the "prestigious" HAMMER award for Government Efficiency.

See for details on Gore's
strong Communist background and relationships with Chernomyrdin and
Gore's family's ties with Hammer and Lenin, and even Stalin.

WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!


The life of Jacob Schiff (1847–1920), banker, financier, and leader of the American Jewish community from 1880 to 1920, is in many ways the quintessential story of an immigrant’s success in America. Born in Frankfurt in 1847, Schiff worked in several financial firms in Germany and the US before accepting a position at the New York banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company in 1875 and settling for good in America.

Part of a wealthy and powerful German Jewish circle that included the Warburgs and Rothschilds, Schiff played a central role in shaping American and European Jewish history. From his base on Wall Street, he was the foremost Jewish leader in what became known as the “Schiff era,” grappling with all major issues and problems of the day, including the plight of Russian Jews under the czar, American and international anti-Semitism, care of needy Jewish immigrants, and the rise of Zionism. Based on a broad range of primary sources, Naomi W. Cohen’s study emphasizes the role Schiff played as the preeminent leader of American Jewry at the turn of the century.

Jacob Henry Schiff
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Smoke, Mirrors and Armand Hammer - Al Gore and Links

Published: November 18, 1996 Author: James Cook
Posted on 05/13/2000 01:53:12 PDT by Uncle Bill

Smoke, Mirrors and Armand Hammer

By James Cook
November 18, 1996

As unflattering details of Armand Hammer's life come to light, Forbes veteran James Cook, who knew Hammer for two decades, reflects upon the man and a new book about him.

SELFLESS CAPITALIST, art fancier, humanitarian, global statesman, United Nations, World Bank and United Way all rolled into one—that's how the late Armand Hammer, chairman and chief executive of Occidental Petroleum, would have wanted posterity to think about him—and how he may even have thought of himself. But now, six years after Hammer's death at age 92, Edward Jay Epstein has written a book that casts most of these and other myths about Hammer into the trash. The book is called Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer (Random House, $30), and it's less a conventional biography than a compendium of the new discoveries Epstein has made about the seamy underside of Hammer's public life.

A handful of other books in recent years have successively undermined the public image Hammer assiduously cultivated over his very long life. But as Epstein presents him, Hammer was almost without any redeeming social value. Selfless capitalist? Global statesman? Fraud, liar, cheat, thief, embezzler, foreign agent, charlatan and snake-oil salesman is more like it, in Epstein's estimation.

Epstein's book is drawn from hitherto untapped resources—files of the FBI dating to the early 1920s and retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act; newly available Soviet archives; secret tapes Hammer made of some of his business dealings; the testimony of former Occidental executives; the recollections of mistresses, colleagues and friends. Though undigested files may be far from conclusive evidence of much more than spite, malice and misinformation, Epstein's account overall rings true. But he is so completely the captive of his sources that he often loses track of the man who generated them. Here is a wonderfully detailed account of the machinations involved in Hammer's winning the Libyan concession for Oxy, but the details of how he turned a marginal California oil company into an international giant are largely missing.

I interviewed Hammer at length a half-dozen times in the last two decades of his life and spent time with him on as many social and ceremonial occasions. I did not like him, as my Forbes articles "Armand's new elephant" and "The high cost of Hammer" made clear. But I couldn't fail to be taken with his nerve and verve, his chutzpah and hubris. I was sometimes offended by his obsession with himself—but who could resist his exuberance and zest? As a personality, he crackled like a firecracker.

Sometimes he sounded as if he were a character invented by Woody Allen. "They call me the baking soda king," he'd cackle when you asked him about Occidental's inexplicable acquisition of an interest in Arm & Hammer. He'd boast he'd made a fortune during Prohibition, peddling an alcohol-laced patent medicine called "tincture of ginger." He thought of himself as a great lover and would impishly intimate that he had a track record to prove it. I once asked him about a rumored affair with a famous American movie actress. He replied: "Never met her, so she's never had a chance to proposition me." Ah, the aphrodisiac of power.

Jay Epstein's Armand Hammer is much more one-dimensional than this. He seems to have come out of some Elizabethan tragedy of blood. When he is unable to get supplies by railroad to his asbestos mine in the Urals, he does not hesitate to call in the Cheka (the Soviet secret police) for assistance. He promises to marry Bettye Jane Murphy, the young cocktail hostess he had got pregnant, as soon as he divorces his second wife; but once the divorce becomes final, he marries the wealthy widow Frances Tolman. In the Kremlin, during an audience with Gorbachev, 85-year-old Frances slips and falls hard on the polished floor; Hammer leaves her lying there and rushes forward to embrace Gorbachev. Days before his death in December 1990 Hammer breaks every promise he ever made to provide financial security for his mistresses, his children and grandchildren and leaves them with nothing.

Hammer liked to describe himself as a capitalist who went to Russia in the 1920s for profit, not for politics—but, as Epstein demonstrates, the profits were few and far between. Almost without exception Hammer's business triumphs were creations of smoke and mirrors.

But what smoke and what mirrors! As Epstein tells it, virtually every business venture Hammer undertook was a failure—the family drug business—Allied Drug & Chemical—in New York, the Urals asbestos mine, the Harju Bank in Estonia, the Hammer Cooperage Co. in New Jersey, the art galleries in New York. Epstein concludes even Hammer's building Occidental Petroleum into the world's twelfth-largest oil company was possible only because he systematically dipped into Frances Tolman Hammer's inheritance.

Venture after venture ran into trouble because Hammer locked himself and his companies into long-term, fixed-price contracts, only to discover that prices that went up could also go down—asbestos prices, oil prices, coal prices, fertilizer prices, even barrel stave prices—and convert his expected profits into losses. But however badly he was burned, Hammer never learned from experience. To the end he believed that oil prices were headed for $100 a barrel.

Yet unstable though they were, Hammer's businesses always yielded enough cash to burnish his public image and support his profligate lifestyle—estates in the suburbs, hideaways in New York and Florida, yachts, airplanes, mistresses, servants and limousines. From the mid-1950s onward the cost of Hammer's lifestyle was borne by Occidental Petroleum, despite the fact Hammer owned merely 1% of Oxy's stock.

Epstein's most important discovery is to confirm what many Hammer-watchers have long suspected: From at least the 1920s, when he ceded control of Allied to the Soviets, Hammer was a Russian agent.

Much of the story is fairly familiar. Hammer's father was Julius Hammer, a New York physician who helped to found the Communist Party of the United States and was one of Lenin's trusted comrades. Armand was named after the arm and hammer symbol of America's Socialist Labor Party (not the baking soda), which he joined in 1916 when he was 18.

Instead of taking up a planned internship at New York's Bellevue Hospital after his graduation from Columbia Medical School in 1920, Armand Hammer went to Russia. Over the years he offered a variety of explanations for his Russian tenure. But, as Epstein makes clear, his real purpose was to win a business concession from the Soviets that would restore the family's fortunes, which had been depleted by Julius Hammer's support of Leninist causes, and demonstrate to the outside world that the new Soviet state was open and eager for foreign investment. Hammer was soon the Soviet representative of 30 American firms interested in investing in Russia. But success came at a price. "Hammer departed Russia [in 1921]," says Epstein, "with a ...commitment to using his family's company to help finance Soviet espionage in America."

Hammer went to Russia as his father's surrogate. Not long before, Julius Hammer had been charged with performing an illegal abortion at his home on a Russian woman who later died. He was convicted of first-degree manslaughter and sentenced to hard labor at New York's Sing Sing prison.

It turns out that Julius Hammer was unjustly imprisoned. According to Bettye Jane Murphy, one of Hammer's mistresses and the mother of his daughter, Victoria, it was not Julius who performed the abortion but Armand, then a first-year medical student who was not licensed to practice medicine. "Julius had not only been his [Armand's] model," Epstein quotes Murphy as saying, "he had been his savior."

Only 23 when circumstances dumped him into the chaos of postrevolutionary Russia, Hammer learned skills that were to shape his life. "As Lenin's chosen first capitalist," writes Epstein, "he had learned a mode of business very different from that taught in the West. It was not based on the concepts of competition advocated by Adam Smith, according to which only the most efficient producer survives, nor was it even based on a free market. It was based on the Leninist concept that economic rewards proceed from the state. Rather than exposing businessmen to withering only-the-fittest-shall-survive competition, the state protects its concessionaires. The chief skill, therefore, is getting a concession from the government—and holding on to it." And that, for Hammer, involved always going to the top—to the president, the prime minister, the king, the dictator, the terrorist leader. It was a strategy that was to stand him in good stead ever after.

Epstein goes into great detail about Hammer's skill in laundering money he received from the Soviet Union and repatriating it.

As Stalin consolidated his power, the Soviet government took over all of Hammer's Russian business enterprises. When Hammer left the country again in 1929, he had lost not only the perks that had accrued to the Hammers as Lenin's chosen capitalists, but also most of the money his family (his father, mother and brothers, Victor and Harry) had personally invested in the country. As compensation, Stalin made Hammer an agent of the financially strapped Soviet government, responsible for raising hard currency through various means, including the sale of Russian art objects in the U.S.—the Romanov treasure, as Hammer, with his characteristic flair, called it.

Epstein goes into great detail about Hammer's skill in laundering money he received from the Soviet Union and repatriating it, through a proliferation of shell corporations and intermediaries, but he is vague about what Hammer did as a Soviet agent. In December 1939, for instance, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover—who'd had his eye on Hammer since 1921—learned he was buying empty barrels from Schenley Whiskey and other distilleries at inflated prices. The FBI suspected he was selling them to the Germans through front companies in Mexico so they could stockpile oil in the Caribbean to refuel their ships and submarines abroad. But these were only suspicions. Perhaps Hammer was taking orders from Stalin; perhaps he was simply an opportunist.

After the Germans overran most of Western Europe in the summer of 1940, Epstein continues, Stalin was concerned about maintaining Britain as a counterforce on the Western Front, and it was Hammer who came up with the scheme that made it possible.

Hammer proposed that Britain lease its naval and air bases in the Western Hemisphere to the U.S. for 99 years at rates that provided Britain with the money it needed to support its war effort. He put the idea to President Roosevelt, who sent Commerce Secretary Harry Hopkins to discuss it with Hammer. The result was the so-called lend-lease program, which, in March 1941, skillfully circumvented the federal Neutrality Acts. Thus Britain pursued its war effort, which gave Stalin the time he desperately needed to prepare his own military machine. It begs the question: Was Hammer acting at Stalin's behest?

Within a year or two Hammer turned again to Harry Hopkins, then in charge of U. S. war production, for help in getting permission to produce alcohol for the civilian market—which had been temporarily prohibited due to the war effort—at a moribund distillery in New Hampshire. Hammer not only got the rare permission to produce beverage alcohol legally, he also got Roosevelt's Reconstruction Finance Corporation to give him the money to do it. From this operation, Hammer built United Distillers of America, his first true commercial success; he sold United to Schenley Industries in 1953.

Though Epstein does not say so, Hammer's commitment to geopolitical interests, as seen with Russia in the 1940s, was repeated when he broke ranks with the world oil industry over Libya in the 1970s. But this time his actions had even more wide-ranging consequences, breaking up the hegemony of the Seven Sister oil companies and permitting OPEC and the oil-producing countries to take control of the world's oil prices with economic consequences that are still being felt. Epstein describes Hammer's September 1970 contract with Libya, which gave the Qaddafi regime the right to price the oil Occidental produced. "With the stroke of a pen [writes Epstein], Hammer had acknowledged the sovereignty of an oil-producing nation over its oil—and had forever changed the geopolitics of oil. After this, the Middle Eastern dominoes began to fall."

Hammer spent considerable energy lobbying to get himself a Nobel Peace Prize, soliciting support from Prince Charles and Margaret Thatcher to Menachem Begin.

As Occidental emerged as a major player on the world stage, Hammer worked diligently to bring about détente between the U.S. and the Communists in the Soviet Union and China. Occidental, of course, always led the way—with petrochemical plants for Russia and coal mines for China. But Hammer's credentials were tainted by all those years in Russia, and Washington was never much impressed. Obsessed with destroying the Evil Empire, Ronald Reagan was little interested in Hammer's brand of détente, and it remained for the Soviet system to collapse before things really opened up. (It was George Bush, not Reagan, who pardoned Hammer for his Watergate-related conviction for making an illegal $54,000 contribution to President Richard Nixon's reelection campaign.)

In his later years Hammer seems to have had little concern for anything other than his own public image. As H.R. Haldeman observed after Hammer's meeting with Nixon in 1972, "He [Hammer] is obviously quite entranced with himself and not much of anything else."

I remember one interview with Hammer in which I mentioned I had seen a recent article about him somewhere. Hammer could no longer concentrate on the interview, so interested was he in thinking of ways his secretary could get him a copy of the article immediately. This same thirst for celebrity followed him throughout his life, from his lavish birthday celebrations, to his ceaseless cultivation of the press, authorized biographies and autobiographies and even a film script he commissioned to celebrate his life.

Epstein, who once traveled with Hammer to Europe, found his subject to be "a modest and affable man who far more closely resembled a country doctor than a corporate magnate."

But I thought him the most cynical of men. He believed everybody had a price—not necessarily a monetary one—and he spent his time discovering what that price was. And he was good at it. Among the people whose prices he accurately assessed were Britain's Prince Charles, U.S. Senator Albert Gore Sr., Congressman James Roosevelt (FDR's son), Danielle Mitterrand (widow of the late French president) and Rosalynn and Jimmy Carter. The list is very long. When Marxist guerrillas were sabotaging Occidental's pipeline in Colombia, Hammer gave them $3 million of Oxy's cash to protect it.

Hammer went out of his way, I always thought, to stand people up if he could use the time to flatter someone higher up on the food chain. I didn't take kindly to being told, after a five-hour flight from New York to Los Angeles, that an interview was canceled because Hammer had just decided to take off on some mission of the moment to Moscow. And it wasn't just journalists. He once stood up the hundred or so guests at a party that he threw to celebrate the opening of an exhibition of Mexican art. Brezhnev or Carter or Qaddafi had called, and Hammer had his priorities.

In his last decade Hammer spent considerable energy lobbying to get himself a Nobel Peace Prize, soliciting the support of everyone from Prince Charles and Margaret Thatcher to Menachem Begin, who nominated him. He never could fix the Nobel, but he did build a pyramid to himself in Los Angeles in the form of the Armand Hammer Museum—paid for by the owners of Occidental Petroleum. The museum was dedicated a month before he died, but it never opened to the public.

What is remarkable is that within months of Hammer's death his carefully constructed image had tarnished almost beyond recognition. Under Ray Irani, Hammer's long-appointed successor, Occidental liquidated not only such personal indulgences as the filmmaking unit Armand Hammer Productions, a new hagiography in the works and the investment in Arm & Hammer baking soda, but also a Chinese coal mine, North Sea oil holdings and other major deals on which Hammer had expended much effort. Within months Hammer's grandson, Michael, was eased out of Occidental and off its board. The Armand Hammer Museum went to UCLA, which turned it into a multidisciplinary cultural center.

Epstein introduces Dossier with Balzac's famous aphorism: "Behind every great fortune there is a crime." For Hammer there was crime aplenty, but in the end not much of a fortune. As Epstein calculates it, the Hammer estate was worth a mere $40 million—a pittance by the standards of the superrich—and once you subtracted the estate's debts, bills, taxes and other commitments, less than nothing.

In the end Hammer double-crossed everyone who ever cared for him—all of his surviving mistresses; his son, Julian; his illegitimate daughter, Victoria; his grandchildren, Michael and Casey. Everybody whose life he had really touched. And once he was gone, most of them were willing to talk. The result is Epstein's chilling book.

Occidental Petroleum and Subsidiaries Financial Information

Stock Quotes/Graphs

C-SPAN Booknotes Interview of Edward Jay Epstein on the book Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer
"EPSTEIN: 1981, for The New York Times. And Hammer said, "Why don't you get the photographer and come with me on my plane to Canada? And I'm going to meet Ronald Reagan and you could get a picture of me shaking hands with Reagan." And he got me passes to go to this event, which was given by the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa. And, you know, I went in with him, and I was amazed to see how he was able to push his way through the Secret Service. I mean, I was almost afraid to follow him. He was just weaving in and out among the Secret Service.

Got up to Reagan, thrust his hand out, and said, "Hi, I'm Armand Hammer." And Reagan looked at him not uncourteously and said, "What are you doing here?" And he said, "Well, I have great business interests in Canada," which is untrue. He had come there to get this photo with Reagan. And then Reagan just turned around and started speaking to someone else and never shook his hand. So my photographer never got the photograph and Hammer was very upset."

The Real Al Gore Sr.
By Joseph Farah
December 11, 1998

Some people will no doubt object to this column. After all, you're not supposed to speak ill of the dead -- especially the recent dead. But with all the flowery tributes to Al Gore Sr. in the last few days, I figure somebody has to speak the truth about this man who, in his lifetime, collaborated with and profited handsomely from evil.

Vice President Al Gore eulogized his father Tuesday as a politician driven by "conscience" who never forgot his humble upbringing and always tried to help others.

"Dad, your whole life has been an inspiration,'' Gore said, his voice cracking slightly.

I believe Al Jr. when he says that. And it scares the hell out of me.

To appreciate what I'm about to tell you with regard to Al Gore Sr., you first must familiarize yourself with a man by the name of Armand Hammer -- worth more than a few columns himself.

Hammer was a personal friend of V.I. Lenin. He was known as Lenin's "path" to America's financial resources -- in other words, the guy who would sell us the rope with which we would be hanged. Hammer was the first Western businessman to participate in KGB-controlled joint ventures in the Soviet Union. The son of Julius Hammer, a founder of the Socialist Labor Party and later the Communist Party USA who served time in Sing Sing for performing illegal abortions, Armand was called the "Capitalist Prince" by the KGB. Hammer dutifully served the Soviets for seven decades and became the first -- and only -- American capitalist to be awarded the Order of Lenin.

Edward J. Epstein's "Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer" is must reading for anyone who wants to understand how so-called "capitalists" like Hammer can serve as willing and able tools of revolutionary Marxists and global socialists.

Lenin told Stalin about Hammer: "This is a small path leading to the American 'business' world, and this path should be made use of in every way." To the Soviet Union in his day, Hammer was a figure with much in common with the contemporary spy-cum-billionaire Mochtar Riady -- doing the bidding of socialist tyrants -- and making a bundle in the process.

Hammer was part-time spy, part-time money-launderer, part-time industrialist -- but a full-time traitor to the United States of America.

But I digress. The story for today is how Hammer's corrupt, evil career was aided in numerous ways by Vice President Al Gore's Daddy, who was a partner in various Hammer enterprises for more than four decades. As Epstein documents in "Dossier," the elder Gore helped Hammer make connections with a series of U.S. presidents and used his influence to help Hammer's Occidental Petroleum company gain access to foreign political leaders. But, most importantly, it was Gore who helped stop the FBI from pursuing an investigation of the industrialist as a Soviet agent of influence.

It seems Al Gore Sr. knew something about "controlling legal authorities" and obstruction of justice himself. Like father, like son.

Conscience? Humble beginnings? When the elder Gore retired from the Senate, he received a $500,000-a-year job as head of Occidental's coal division. So, it would seem, the cleanest money in Al Gore's family tree came from tobacco. The really dirty, blood money came direct from Moscow for services rendered to Communist totalitarians and their pseudo-capitalist puppet, errand boys. Tell me about conscience, Al.

After the younger Gore was elected to the Senate in 1980, he continued a tradition begun by his father by inviting Hammer into the "senators only" section during President Reagan's inauguration.

Al Jr. has emulated his Dad in other ways, too. Today he serves as co-chairman of an Russian-U.S. commission intended to help the next generation of Armand Hammer-style "Capitalist Princes" develop contacts with KGB-dominated businesses.

In 1994, the vice president established U.S.-Russian Joint Commission on Economic and Technical Cooperation, better known as the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission. The purpose of the commission is to help establish joint ventures in space exploration, science and technology, defense conversion, environmental initiatives, public health issues, agribusiness and economic development. The Russian side of this equation is littered with shadowy figures with one foot in the intelligence community and the other in mob-related activities.

Sound familiar? Like father, like son.

The Father
The Real Al Gore Sr.
The Sins Of The Father
What Do Armand Hammer, Lenin and Al Gore Have In Common?
How Mr. Clean Got His Hands Dirty [The Gores, Armand Hammer & Oxy Petroleum]
How the Gore's, Father and Son, Helped Their Patron Occidental Petroleum(Armand Hammer)
At Your Service: More Hard Facts on the Gore/Communism/Armand Hammer Connection

The Son of the Father
ALGORE & Armand Hammer - the Occidental & Oriental Connections

Gore sensitive about Hammer connection
What's in a name, Al? Exclusive: Joseph Farah 'Hammers' Gore's pinko past
Is AlGore Cagey About His Middle Name To Downplay Association With Armand Hammer?
Part I -- Al Gore's Skeletons: The Hammer Connection
Part 2 -- Al Gore's Skeletons: Hammer Pays Back
Al Gore Theme: "If I had a Hammer" or How the Gores Built their Family Fortune on Payola
Al Gore's Red Connections
Al Gore's "Red" Connections
The Real Al Gore
Al Gore -- Mr. Compassion
Gore Fights Corruption - HaHa!
Deeds Count

Al Gore's Real Love Canal Connection
Al Gore's Real Love Canal Connection: His Father was Chairman of the Board that caused the mess!!!
Love Canal Information/Documentation/History
The Love Canal Disaster
Love Canal Health Study
Love Canal Case Study Excerpts
Love Canal Timeline
VP Gore had solved the Love Canal Issue!
VP Caught Fabricating Role as Father of the Love Canal Cleanup
Gore backs off Love Canal claim

Molten Metals
The Financial Feedback Loop between algore and Molten Metals' Government Contracts
Selling high, just in time: The trials of Chairman Mo (Strong, Gore and Molten Metal)

From Here:
Franklin Haney, indicted for illegal campaign contributions
"This Tennessee real estate developer and longtime Gore fundraiser was trying to get the FCC to move its headquarters to a development of his called "The Portals." He was also a guest on Air Force One during 1995-6.

Haney was a generous donor. He was indicted in November 1998 for 42 counts of illegal campaign contributions to the Clinton-Gore campaign between 1992 and late 1995. More strikingly, he paid a $1 million fee to Peter Knight right before he became the Clinton-Gore campaign manager. Knight also ran Gore's House and Senate offices for years and helped finance his campaigns; Time calls him "the hub of Gore's political circle." Haney claims that the million bucks was a fee for "advice" on attracting the FCC to the Portals; that must have been some damn good advice. More likely, it was a contingency fee for delivering the FCC deal, using his Gore connections."

Gore university chair entangled in fund-raising investigation
"A university professorship, named for Al Gore's late sister and focused on the study of wild grasses, has become entangled in the political fund-raising controversy because of the role of a vice presidential confidant.

A handful of donations arranged by lobbyist Peter Knight came from clients or contractors who were in line for new federal business at the time they wrote checks for the University of Tennessee environmental studies chair, documents show."

Senate probe turns to DOE ex-official
"A well-connected Democratic lobbyist, Peter Knight, represented Fluor and Molten Metals before he was hired to run President Clinton's re-election campaign in spring 1996.

Knight, Grumbly and William Haney, founder of Molten Metals, all worked for Vice President Al Gore when he was on Capitol Hill, first in the House, then in the Senate."

Forbes article on Haney and Gore and the demise of Molten Metals
Forbes article on Molten Metals and campaign finance
The environmental health and safety record of Molten Metals
Class action lawsuit by defrauded shareholders


1989 Molten Metal Technology, Inc. (MMT) founded by William Haney. The company seeks to develop a process by which hazardous and nuclear wastes can be melted down and recycled into useful products. (The Village Voice, 4/1/97)

1993 MMT was one of 18 firms to obtain research grants to find ways to rid the nation of nuclear waste. The grant was $1.2 million. "Department of Energy (DOE) consultants warned that Haney's process offered 'no significant advantage' to 'justify its preferred development' over rivals'." (Time, 6/9/97)

February 1993 Molten becomes a publicly-traded company. (Forbes, 1/22/96)

September 1993 MMT opens its Fall River, Mass. plant. Peter Knight arranged for Assistant Energy Secretary Thomas Grumbly to be a guest speaker at the plant's opening. "Grumbly suggested that the firm could receive as much as $200 million in federal work, which sent the stock soaring." (Time, 6/9/97)

January 1994 The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory reports that Molten's new process was probably inappropriate for the kind of waste at most nuclear weapons sites. (Time, 6/9/97)

March 1994 The General Accounting Office states that Molten's technology was at least 13 years from full development. (Forbes, 1/22/96)

March 24, 1994 Molten contributes $15,000 to the Democrat National Committee (DNC). (Federal Election Commission [FEC] reports) The same day, Molten receives a $9 million federal contract extension from the DOE. (Time, 6/9/97)

August 1994 MMT forms a limited partnership with Lockheed Martin Corporation, M4 Environmental L.P. (MMT press release, 10/23/95)

April 1995 Al Gore travels to the Molten plant in Fall River, Mass., calling Haney a "shining example of American ingenuity." (Time, 6/9/97)

June 14, 1995 Molten executives and employees contribute $10,000 to the Clinton/Gore '96 campaign. (Time, 6/9/97)

The same day, Molten receives a $10 million federal contract extension from DOE. (Time, 6/9/97)

Late 1995 A technical peer-review panel says the DOE should cease funding Molten at the end of the fiscal year (November 1995). (Time, 6/9/97)

May 7, 1996 Molten contributes $10,000 to the DNC. (Time, 6/9/97)

May 10, 1996 Molten receives an $8 million contract extension from DOE. (Time, 6/9/97)

June 27, 1996 Lockheed Martin contributes $100,000 to the DNC. (Time, 6/9/97)

September 25, 1996 The Molten/Lockheed partnership receives a $27 million federal contract. (Time, 6/9/97)

October 1996 DOE announces it would grant Molten an $8 million research contract through March 1997, $12 million less than investors expected. Within a day, Molten's stock sinks 49 percent in value. (Forbes, 4/21/97)

October 23, 1996 DOE issues statement expressing enthusiasm for Molten's process. (MMT press release, 10/24/96)

December 1996 A DOE panel concludes that Molten's technology poses environmental and safety risks and might not be cost-effective. (Time, 6/9/97)

February 12, 1997 San Diego-based law firm Milberg Weiss files class action suit in U.S. District Court (Mass.). (The Village Voice, 4/1/97)

The stockholder's class action suit charged that Haney and other company officials gave unrealistically rosy projections about Molten's prospects to investors in 1995 and 1996. (Forbes, 4/21/97)

The Players
Peter Knight is "the hub of Gore's political circle. He ran Gore's House and Senate office for years, helped finance his campaigns and chaired the Clinton-Gore re-election effort in 1996. … From where he stood between Haney and Grumbly, Knight came up with a fruitful arrangement: he began lobbying the Gore appointee [Grumbly] on behalf of the businessman he was soliciting for Gore campaign cash." (Time, 6/9/97)

William Haney is a "former Gore campaign staffer," according to The Washington Times, 5/31/97, and a former fundraiser for Gore, according to Forbes, 1/22/96. Haney founded MMT in 1989 and sought to mine lucrative government contracts for environmental clean-up.

Thomas Grumbly is a "Gore protégé." (Time, 6/9/97) He "was staff director of the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the House Science and Technology Committee from 1981 to 1982." (PR Newswire, 7/22/87) Until recently, he was the Clinton/Gore-appointed Assistant Energy Secretary in charge of the government's nuclear waste clean-up program.

Eugene Berman, who was MMT's Vice President of Governmental and External Affairs, has had a long relationship with Grumbly. They both worked together at Clean Sites Inc. "NONPROFIT Clean Sites Inc. appointed Thomas P. Grumbly president and Eugene Berman executive vice president. Clean Sites is a nonprofit organization that encourages the cleanup of hazardous waste sites." (The Washington Post, 8/17/87)

The Quid-Pro-Quo
All told, MMT, its employees and Lockheed Martin contributed just over $218,000 to Clinton/Gore and the Democrats and received over $60 million in government contracts over a four-year span. If the $218,000 were a business investment, and the $60 million worth of contracts the payoff, it would be the equivalent of a 27,423 percent return. The booming Dow Jones Industrial Average, by comparison, only grew by 69 percent between March 1994, when MMT made its first contribution, and December 1996.

MMT, its officers and employees contributed a total of over $118,000 to the Clinton/Gore campaign, the Democrat Party and other Democrat candidates for office between 1993 and 1996. (FEC reports) "Knight arranged extraordinary access for a small contractor like Haney. He got him or his top executives into 10 meetings with Grumbly over two years. Haney and Grumbly dined together three times at such Washington haunts as Sam and Harry's and the Prime Rib. Haney also accompanied Knight to a select dinner party at the Vice President's residence." (Time, 6/9/97)

The DOE office which oversaw the awarding of government nuclear waste clean-up contracts, until recently headed by Grumbly, "has awarded Haney's Molten Metal Technology $33 million to test its process on the poisoned remains of nuclear-weapons proving grounds - more money than 17 other companies have received collectively to do the same job." (Time, 6/9/97)

On three occasions, MMT's quid fell within three days of the DOE's quo. On March 24, 1994, MMT gave the DNC $15,000 and received a $9 million contract extension on the same day. On June 14, 1995, MMT executives gave Clinton/Gore '96 $10,000 and received a $10 million extension the same day. On May 7, 1996, MMT gave $10,000 to the Democrat Party and got an $8 million extension three days later.

Haney formed a partnership with another lobbying client of Knight's, the Lockheed Martin corporation. Lockheed's $100,000 donation to the DNC on June 27, 1996 netted a $27 million contract on Sept. 25, 1996, to develop a clean-up plan for a site in Richland, Wash. (Time, 6/9/97)

3 Posted on 03/13/2000 14:08:09 PST by Hamiltonian

The Gore-Brown Connection
"Newly released documents obtained from the U.S. Commerce Department have raised new connections between Vice President Gore, and Ron Brown's trade missions. The newly released documents show former Gore campaign advisers were included in several Brown led trade conferences and missions. One former Gore advisor who received a special slot at the 1995 "Big Emerging Markets Conference" (BEM) trade conference was also the founder of Molten Metals Inc., a company linked to Gore during the 1997 Thompson Senate hearings."


WHO IS MAURICE STRONG? don't have to be a household name to wield global power.

Maurice Strong's 'Global Governance Agenda': A compendium on an alleged 'conspiracy between government, private interests, charities in 'green' movement'

AL GORE - Just another Seasoned Criminal - Links

Hammering Al Gore

1 Posted on 05/13/2000 01:53:12 PDT by Uncle Bill
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To: Uncle Bill

armand hammer was a bolshevik - he totally supported russia - just like the bolsheviks do today - buy steal or whatever from america - they could care less - just like the theft of atomic secrets - that caught russia up fast in the nuke battle - and all of this continues today - the bolsheviks despise america - they are the ones behind the attack on getting the guns - the want the guns and they want socialism/communism installed in america it has been going on for over 150 years - they are all through our government and the politicians know it - but are afraid to do anything about it - they own the press and the media - and most of the movie industry - so the all out take over of america is underway - and under the guise of so called friends - most will not admit this - but if you would dig deeper on this - it is not hard to find out - i have been working on this for about three years - and the information is disturbing - the thing that started this is - that all of the bolsheviks in congress are for gun control - except one - but they own the press - have an unlimited source of money - so they can buy off anyone - it just shows how corrupt our government is - that the so called politicians that are supposed to be defending the constitution - are betraying us every day - and just for money - will america survive this all out attack - who knows - but i think the all out attack on guns will be their downfall - once the target shooters and weekend hunters wake up - the game will be over - but they will be back - they are traitors to the end

2 Posted on 05/13/2000 03:00:10 PDT by deepsixx
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To: deepsixx

The foundation that a lot of todays politics is built upon, is corrupt. This article articulates some of the reasons why, another thread about the Bush's earlier years gives another piece of the puzzle. Add something about the Kennedys and rumrunnning, or LBJ and his profits made in construction contracts and it fills in a lot of the rotten picture.

3 Posted on 05/13/2000 06:49:56 PDT by jeremiah
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To: jeremiah

Yes indeed. Bump.

4 Posted on 05/14/2000 02:42:41 PDT by Uncle Bill
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To: Uncle Bill

How did I miss this one the first go-around?!

Thanks for flagging/linking from this thread:

Communist Party of the USA for Al Gore (my title)

5 Posted on 10/29/2000 10:20:25 PST by MadAsHell
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To: MadAsHell

Hi MAH. Bump.

6 Posted on 10/29/2000 11:50:40 PST by Uncle Bill
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 09 Jan 2007
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Location: near St. Gall in Switzerland

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:33 pm    Post subject: Al Gore`s main lie Reply with quote
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