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DEBRIEFING - Bilderberg 2008 Postscript
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:59 pm    Post subject: DEBRIEFING - Bilderberg 2008 Postscript Reply with quote

June 8, 2008
CHANTILLY, VA - After 4 days of cloak-and-dagger, cat-and-mouse, Bilderberg 2008 draws to a close.

Amongst the clandestine arrangements, security services from across the globe and first-class accommodations, the Global Elite this week sat down and talked about the end of the world. Blacked out by every major media organization, the actual coverage which is available thusfar is, frankly, disappointing.

For a group of people who complain like the devil about there not being any actual Mainstream Media COVERAGE of this event, we certainly seem to do very little to fill that void. Many of the 'articles' that have surfaced from this years' meeting is simply rehash of past articles. Several of them only repeat what we knew to begin with about the specifics. Some even seek to add personal drama to the unfolding events, yet offer no evidence of anything new under the sun where the Elite are concerned.

A few of them are complete and utter bullshit, posted and contrived to further your own personal sense of outrage - false flags of our own!.. -->more-->

The videos are....something. Mostly protest-oriented videos showing how loud and obnoxious and bravado we can be towards 'them'. Nothing I've seen to date actually attempts to elaborate on the basics - who, what, when, how, why.

Yes, we've seen a couple dozen photos. Dozen videos or so. Few scant paragraphs etched on the usual and customary websites. LOTS of talk about participants, Obama's possible role in this years' meetings, and the general speculation which surrounds the meetings every year. Practically all the stills and video we've seen thusfar resembles bad vacation footage.....and yes, I took some of it myself. Guilty as charged.

One of the huge obstacles we face as a 'truth movement' (best term I can come up with) is that the issues we raise are issues that most people haven't even HEARD of before. Things that, if they weren't true, would be so absolutely SAD and pathetic for people to dream up.

We must educate, inform and inspire. Gather enough educated, informed and inspired people, and we might actually stand a chance against the Global Goliaths. My hope is by making as many people as possible aware of the facts, and allowing them to self-educate, they'll become inspired to be involved in the change which needs to take place....and who knows.....when you reach out to someone, you may be informing the next "George Washington" (notice my quotes folks, not looking for an historical debate today) who can lead the coming revolution.

Yelling at the Bilderbergers with a megaphone is probably NOT the way we're going to actually change anything, and it's certainly not going to do much towards educating and informing the masses. Sadly, sometimes the messenger himself gets in the way of the message. Acting like testosterone-laden frat boys (and conducting yourself like that) is probably not doing much to intimidate the Global Elite, let alone loosen their grip on our lives. At every turn these tyrants do their best to discredit us personally and to discredit our message - why are we then helping them to ruin our collective credibility by blathering like an idiot?

It saddens me to observe that some of our brightest stars in this movement are trying their damndest to simulate what we've all said we despise - News Entertainment Professionals. It doesn't help when those of us who are the most vocal have shown somewhat disturbing 'media whore' tendencies - and if you look at this year's photos, you see who takes the opportunity to jump in front of the cameras at every turn. They'll be the ones with their heads cocked in that 'photo opp' moment pose.

C'mon folks. It doesn't have to be as dry as C-Span, but we can also do without the Hard Copy / A Current Affair take on news which is so important to all of us!

Can we maybe all meet somewhere in the middle?

While the messages are very diverse, perhaps it's time to take a tip from organizations like the MPP (Marijuana Policy Project), who 'strongly request' that their supporters conduct themselves, right down to the attire, in a businesslike fashion. Now I love my Cheech & Chong T-shirt as much as the next man, but the results MPP has achieved to date really demonstrate that their tactics are worth a second look.

Even extremist organizations like the Mormons or (eek!) The Nation of Islam could teach us all a thing or two - even though the message they deliver is one which seldom holds up to minimal scrutiny, their appearance, presentation and conduct in the public eye generally allows them to get at least a FEW lines of their message across before the eye-rolling well it should.

Whatever your issue du jour may be, consider that you'll win a larger number of converts, educate and inform the masses more effectively and be taken far more seriously without the megaphone and the childish taunts.

The Global Elite are far too entrenched for a diplomatic solution. The revolution awaits us, and it won't be accomplished by yelling at mega-billionaires as they make their way to afternoon tea with the Rockefellers.

Sic Semper Tyrannus!
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I`m supprised this post is on the forum. Confused
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:24 pm    Post subject: Answer Reply with quote

I'm not that surprised to find this on the forum. As a matter of fact, I agree with mobius.

The media whores are silent. So it is to US to PUBLISH ARTICLES all over the web about it. Exclamation Wink

Personally, I wrote an article that posted in French on Indymedia. But who did the same in his/her own language ? Question Confused Embarassed

If no one does, let's not be "surprised" if the Bilderberg group is not more notorious... Shocked

Then, about the action. Of course, it's important that we have people like Alex Jones on the scene of the deed. Of course, it's important to denounce Bilderberg. But the question is : will a bullhorn suffice to overcome Bilderberg and the New World Order ? Question Clearly, the answert is "no". Shocked Confused

REVOLUTION. This is what we must go through to cleanse the world and our countries of the evil leaders who are now dominating us. Exclamation

Uprising, insurrection, and revolution. If THIS is not brought forward VERY QUICK, we can be CERTAIN that this world is going to be the prey of a tyranny like we've never known before, a tyranny that will hurt not onlny our generation, but also our children and the next generations. Shocked Exclamation Sad Confused

We KNOW enough about the Nazi projects elite members plan for us : worldwide depopulation, eugenism, suppression of liberties, chipping humans like cattle with cancerigen and behavioral controling chip implants, modification of human bodies and souls to something "different" in order to make "super humans" (the old nazi myth of the Ubermensch is back with the transhumanists), tiny molecular tracking devices (thanks to nanotechnologies), giving us food that has been genetically modified or even atomically modified (see the nanofood), genetical manipulations etc. etc. ad nauseam, the abominations have no end with those scums. Mad

I repeat : if the REVOLUTION doesn't appear very fast, the future will be hellish. Exclamation

Act NOW, or suffer the consequences of apathy... Confused


P.S. : let's also draw the lessons from the past. After the revolution and, let's keep on being VIGILANT (PERPETUALLY VIGILANT), or otherwise other snakes will raise their ugly heads. Exclamation
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Vic. I think you should re-read Mobius again, if I had written some of those paragraphs, I`d have been PM`d. Confused
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:38 pm    Post subject: Awareness Reply with quote

I agree with Mobius, all the hysterical ranting about Bilderbergers is more likely to alienate the vast majority of decent people who ought to be informed about them. Having a rant may make us feel better but what does it achieve? An unintended consequence may be that it justifies the Bilderbergers continued policy of meeting in private.

IMO the best way forward is to try to make public the Bilderbergers activities in whatever way we can. I can never understand why the Beeb don`t screen more programmes about Bilderberg - they are supposed to be independent after all. Surely there are some wannebe campaigning journalists out there who are not intimidated by the threat of the media barons to terminate their careers?
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fantasic Mobius. A considered critique.
But do understand that we have absolutley nothing solid from inside the meeting.

All we can do is look at their form:
Kosovo war & Iraq war.

Look at their economic and political clout:

And wait to see if there are any leaks from the conference.

How very postmodern and just how they like it.

I suggest we begin a discussion here, to continue your postscript, of how to present positive alternatives to the nightmare Bilderberg 'vision' for the world.

Land reform, monetary reform - a Jubillee for the world - I will list, link and highlight from homepage if it helps.

If we grasp the nettle, if we bite the bullet, we should be prepared to present a united front against them.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Update on responses from US corporate media as to why they haven't reported on the Bilderberg meeting.

An autoreply from the NY Times, but no written response.

No written response yet from my local newspaper, the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, which is owned by the NY Times. did not highlight the Chantilly meeting on its site but did choose on Monday to headline the Financial Times article about Geithner's call for a Global Banking Framework posted by fightfreegirl, Obama's call for a national fingerprint registry (first step to microchipping), and BP CEO Hayward's comments in Asia about oil price spikes. Has drudge become a Bilderberg outlet?

Lastly, to my note to the San Francisco Chronicle:

Why no mention of the biggest story of the
weekend in SF Gate and Chronicle, namely the
Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly VA, where Obama
and Clinton likely met privately on Thursday
evening with the top decision makers in the
Western World and where McCain likely visited
yesterday and/or today. Why no mention ever
about Bilderberg in your media?

.... I just received this reply:

Kevin ...

Interesting question. I might write about the subject in my weekly
column. I have a couple of questions for you, if you wouldn't mind:

- What kind of coverage would you want to see, given that the conference
is strictly private. Reporters can't attend and see for themselves.

- Where did you hear that Obama, Clinton and McCain were participating.
Don't think I saw their names on the invite list, which is about the
only public information put out by the conference.

- Based on what you know, or may have heard, what kind of influence do
you think that Bilderberg exerts on government and policy?

- What makes (or made) it the biggest story of the weekend?

- If you wouldn't mind, tell me just a little about yourself: age, town,

Thanks. I'm interested in knowing more about what you think.


A refreshing surprise! I haven't crafted a response yet, but have to agree with Mobius that the best way to gain better public awareness of Bilderberg is not through bullhorning, chanting, sensationalism etc. but rather through rational, open, fact-based discussion. Hopefully I can succeed with the SF Chronicle, which is owned by the Hearst Corporation, and has a history of reporting different points of view.


On another note, it's still not clear whether Clinton and/or Obama actually met with Bilderberg on Thursday June 5, but I'm trying to piece together what really happened from publicly available info. Trilateralist/Bilderberger US Senator Diane Feinstein claims that Clinton and Obama met at her home in Washington DC that evening.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Open discussion" ? Is that what you think will resolve the Bilderberg and other NWO problems ?
Come on, people, you have better brains than that ! These guys are worse than NAZIS. And you truly believe that sheer discussion is going to help them give up their evil plans ???

In that case, well, let me tell you what they will do : they will REASSURE you (they already do, telling you that the only thing they do is to "discuss liberally"), and they will CONTINUE their devilish projects !

IF YOU DON'T LEARN TO BE RESPECTED, DON'T EXPECT ANY CHANGE ! You actually must COERCE them to give up their plans !

UPRISING AND REVOLUTION are the ONLY solutions that have been ovelooked so far. All the rest has been tried... IN VAIN.

You were taught (brain washed ?) so well in school that revolution is a "bad thing", weren't you ?

But hey, liberties and privacy are disappearing faster and faster (why ? because their is no real OPPOSITION !)...


Of course, apathy is more appealing and is the easy way... but the consequences of apathy will be slavery, no more liberties (including no more free agency), no more dignity, and probably a chip under your skin or in your brain (even if you don't want to... because there will be FORCED chipping, of course !). :


P.S. : dear kevink, I wouldn't even write back to the moron from that prostituted mass media outlet. He's made it very clear that the press won't move for a "private" meeting, even if that meeting counts more than 120 of the most powerful men on the planet ! What I would do : I would never read that newspaper anymore. They would then lose readers, more and more, because the derserved it. Folks, I do hope you now understand that it's YOU who'll have to do the informative job that those mass medias should actually do, and make way for the Truth ! Smile If you want that kind of coverage about Bilderberg published, then post about it on the web, write articles on your indymedia (if you still have that possibility), or contact small newspapers that don't belong to the corporate medias or contact specialized magazines that don't belong to the corporate medias.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We have nothing from the meeting its self, but I think there is one name that stands out on the leaked list...assuning its correct. That name is "James R. Schlesinger. Check him out on Wikipedia (I know you can`t trust wiki, but its worth the read). Cool

edit (please put the link in next time)
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Barack O’Bilderberg: Picking the President

by Andrew G. Marshall

Global Research, June 9, 2008

A Background to Bilderberg

Sunday, June 8, 2008, marked the last day of this year’s annual Bilderberg meeting, which took place in Chantilly, Virginia. The American Friends of Bilderberg, an American Bilderberg front group, which organizes the American participant list for the annual Bilderberg conference, issued a rare press release this year. It stated that, "The Conference will deal mainly with a nuclear free world, cyber terrorism, Africa, Russia, finance, protectionism, US-EU relations, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Islam and Iran. Approximately 140 participants will attend."1

Bilderberg, which has been meeting annually since 1954, is a highly secretive international think tank and some say, policy-forming group made up of representatives from North America and Western Europe and was founded by Joseph Retinger, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Belgian Prime Minister Paul Van Zeeland. The Bilderberg Steering Committee, made up of around 30 people, (with no official list available), "decided that it would invite 100 of the most powerful people in Europe and North America every year to meet behind closed doors at a different five-star resort. The group stresses secrecy: What's said at a Bilderberg conference stays at a Bilderberg conference."2

Usually, the Bilderberg Conference is held in Europe for three years in a row, with the fourth year holding a meeting in North America. However, the previous North American conference was held in 2006 in Ottawa. So why did they break tradition to hold the conference in North America this year? Speculation abounds around a discussion of a possible attack on Iran, the American-centered global financial crisis, as well as the current US Presidential elections.

First Meeting of the Bilderberg in 1954

Bilderberg has long been an important forum for up-and-coming politicians of Western nations to be introduced to the global financial elite; the heads of the major multinational corporations, international banks, world financial institutions, global governing bodies, think tanks, and powerful individuals of the likes of David Rockefeller and various European monarchs, including Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, daughter of founding member, Prince Bernhard, as well as Queen Sofia and King Juan Carlos of Spain.

According to The Globe and Mail, such Canadian Prime Ministers have, in the past, (often before becoming Prime Minister), attended a Bilderberg Conference as a guest, including Pierre Trudeau, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin and Stephen Harper.3 Tony Blair attended Bilderberg before becoming Prime Minister,4 as did the current British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, who also recently called for the establishment of a "new world order."5

Interestingly, as the Washington Post reported, Vernon E. Jordon, a high-powered American executive, who sits on several corporate boards, including American Express, Xerox, J.C. Penney, Dow Jones, and Sara Lee, to name a few, also happens to be a very close friend of former President Bill Clinton. However, "it was Jordan who first introduced then-Gov. Clinton to world leaders at their annual Bilderberg gathering in Germany in 1991. Plenty of governors try to make that scene; only Clinton got taken seriously at that meeting, because Vernon Jordan said he was okay."6 Clinton subsequently became President.

Barack and Bilderberg

Recently, there has been much discussion about Barack Obama having possibly attended the recent Bilderberg conference in Virginia. This speculation arose when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton sneaked off for a secretive meeting while in Virginia. As the AP reported, "Reporters traveling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane. Asked at the time about the Illinois senator's whereabouts, [Obama spokesman Robert] Gibbs smiled and declined to comment."7

The press that had been traveling with Obama were not made aware of the secretive meeting until the plane that they assumed Obama would be present on was moving down the runway, prompting many angry questions from the press towards Obama’s spokesman, Robert Gibbs. One reported asked Gibbs, "Why were we not told about this meeting until we were on the plane, the doors were shut and the plane was about to taxi to take off?" to which he responded, "Senator Obama had a desire to do some meetings, others had a desire to meet with him tonight in a private way and that is what we are doing." This preceded another question, "Is there more than one meeting, is there more than one person with whom he is meeting?" Gibbs simply replied, "I am not going to get into all the details of the meeting." He again later repeated that, "There was a desire to do some meetings tonight, he was interested in doing them, others were interested in doing them, and to do them in a way that was private."8

On Friday, June 6, it was reported that Bilderberg tracker, Jim Tucker, "called Obama’s office today to ask if he had attended Bilderberg. A campaign spokeswoman refused to discuss the matter but would not deny that Obama had attended Bilderberg."9

Bilderberg to Pick Obama’s Vice President

As the Financial Times reported in May of this year, Barack Obama appointed James A. Johnson, the former CEO of Fannie Mae, "to head a secret committee to produce a shortlist for his vice-presidential running mate." A short list was discussed by the article, which listed, other than Hillary Clinton, "Jim Webb, the former secretary of the navy, Vietnam veteran and senator for Virginia; Tim Kaine, the governor of Virginia; John Edwards, the former vice-presidential candidate in 2004; Ted Strickland, the governor of Ohio; and Kathleen Sebelius, the governor of Kansas." Other potential nominees include "Sam Nunn, the former chairman of the Senate armed services committee; and Wesley Clark, the former head of Nato in Europe."10

James A. Johnson, the man Obama asked to pick his running mate, played the same role for John Kerry back in 2004, and he selected John Edwards. As the New York Times reported, "Several people pointed to the secretive and exclusive Bilderberg conference of some 120 people that this year drew the likes of Henry A. Kissinger, Melinda Gates and Richard A. Perle to Stresa, Italy, in early June, as helping [Edwards] win Mr. Kerry's heart. Mr. Edwards spoke so well in a debate on American politics with the Republican Ralph Reed that participants broke Bilderberg rules to clap before the end of the session." The Times further reported, "His performance at Bilderberg was important,'' said a friend of Mr. Kerry who was there. ''He reported back directly to Kerry. There were other reports on his performance. Whether they reported directly or indirectly, I have no doubt the word got back to Mr. Kerry about how well he did."11

James A. Johnson, Vice Chairman of Perseus, a merchant banking firm, is also a director of Goldman Sachs, Forestar Real Estate Group, Inc., KB Home, Target Corporation and UnitedHealth Group Inc., is also a member of the American Friends of Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and is an honorary trustee of the Brookings Institution.12 It is likely that Obama’s running mate will be chosen by Johnson at this years Bilderberg Conference.

Notable among this year’s Bilderberg guests are Kansas Governor, Kathleen Sebelius, who the Financial Times reported was on Johnson’s short list of nominees. In fact, Sebelius is the only person mentioned as a possible running mate in the Financial Times article that was officially listed on the Bilderberg list of attendees.13 Could this be a sign that she may be the chosen one? Time will tell. However, another Democratic politician present at the meeting was Tom Daschle, so perhaps he is working his way back into politics.

Don’t Forget McCain

Just because Obama’s popularity dwarfs that of McCain’s, is not reason enough to ignore the other candidate. After all, the elite never ignore both candidates, and in fact, ensure they have them both neatly packed in their back pockets. Among the guests at the Bilderberg meeting this year, included Republican Governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford, as well as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,14 which would be a smart political pick for McCain, going up against the first black presidential candidate.

McCain has also received endorsements from former Secretaries of State, Henry Kissinger, General Alexander Haig, Lawrence Eagleburger and George P. Shultz.15 These are not men without influence, as Henry Kissinger and George Shultz were also present at this years meeting.16 Also interesting to note is that George P. Shultz "associated himself with the Bush presidency early on, introducing the Texas governor to Condoleezza Rice at the Hoover Institution in 1998." Could Condi be in the process of being groomed for higher office, or is she simply at the meeting for foreign policy discussions?

Also important to note, is that McCain had a fundraiser in London held for him, which was hosted "by kind permission of Lord Rothschild OM GBE [Order of Merit and the Knight Grand Cross of the British Empire] and the Hon Nathaniel Rothschild." As the Washington Post reported, "Tickets to the invitation-only event cost $1,000 to $2,300."18 The Post later reported, "Aides refused to talk about the fundraiser, or to say how much money was raised, and McCain dashed through the rain away from reporters after emerging. One guest said there were about 100 people at the luncheon. If they all gave the maximum, the event would have raised about $230,000 for the campaign."19


1 Press Release, Bilderberg Announces 2008 Conference. Yahoo Finance: June 5, 2008:

2 CBC News Online, Informal forum or global conspiracy? CBC News: June 13, 2006:

3 Alexander Panetta, Secretive, powerful Bilderberg group meets near Ottawa. The Globe and Mail: June 8, 2006:

4 WND, Bilderbergers set to meet in D.C. World Net Daily: June 4, 2008:\

5Steve Watson, So Who Is Gordon Brown? May 17, 2007:

6 Marc Fisher, Jordan Is Comfortable With Power. And With Himself. The Washington Post: January 27, 1998:

7 AP, Obama and Clinton meet, discuss uniting Democrats. The Associated Press: June 6, 2008:

8 Steve Watson, Press Let Rip At Obama Spokesman Over Exclusion From Secret Meeting. June 6, 2008:

9 Paul Joseph Watson, Obama’s Office Won’t Deny Senator Attended Bilderberg. Prison Planet: June 6, 2008:

10 Edward Luce, Running mate speculation gathers pace. The Financial Times: May 23, 2008:

11 Jodi Wilgoren, THE 2004 ELECTION: THE PROCESS. New York Times: July 7, 2004:

12 Goldman Sachs, About Us: Board of Directors: James A. Jonhson.

13 AFP, BILDERBERG 2008 ATTENDEE LIST. American Free Press: 2008:

14 AFP, BILDERBERG 2008 ATTENDEE LIST. American Free Press: 2008:

15 Klaus Marre, McCain gets support from former secretaries of state. The Hill: April 10, 2007:

16 AFP, BILDERBERG 2008 ATTENDEE LIST. American Free Press: 2008:

17 Daniel Henninger, Father of the Bush Doctrine. The Wall Street Journal: April 29, 2006:

18 Matthew Mosk, Senator's Supporters Are Invited to Lunch With a Lord. The Washington Post: March 15, 2008:

19 Michael D. Sheer, Americans Dash Through Rain to McCain's London Fundraiser. The Washington Post:
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, Rothschild funding McCain...Rothschild (Lord Jacob) is the most powerful man on Earth...leader of Zionism and the NWO....

....yet, Obama is supported by the financial establishment, by the Kennedy clan...with this we are lost in the NWO construct. Cool
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CJ wrote:
Yes, Rothschild funding McCain...Rothschild (Lord Jacob) is the most powerful man on Earth...leader of Zionism and the NWO....

....yet, Obama is supported by the financial establishment, by the Kennedy clan...with this we are lost in the NWO construct. Cool

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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good article by Andrew Marshall, but he may have forgotten one thing: Another reason for Bilderberg meeting in D.C. this year would be for possibly assassinating President George W. Bush in order to manufacture their new 9/11. The Policy Committee of the Bilderberg Group gave the order to assassinate JFK back in the 60's, so they may have suggested it this year as well. I'm writing an article "The Assassination of George W. Bush" - based on 3 years of research - which I shall upload on this site over the weekend along with a Turkish article. If anyone has additional info. on this possibility, please PM me.

Last edited by Johnny Meadows on Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:11 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What kind of security service communicate with the public using 'one fingered salutes'?

Yes, the Mafia.

Bilderberg Security Goons Harass Alex Jones's Wife!!
In a shocking development on the final day of the Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, Infowars has learned that "security" goons attached to the globalist cabal have engaged in a disgusting form of psychological warfare against Alex Jones' family. As Jones prepared to fly out of Virginia on his way home to Austin, Texas, he called his wife and immediately after this call an unidentified woman, using a private number untraceable by called ID, called Alex's wife and stated that she was pregnant with his child.

As Alex notes, this precisely timed call, falling on the heels of a call to his wife, is evidence enough that the government is listening to his personal telephone conversations and has done so the entire time he was present in Virginia confronting the Bilderberg clan. As noted here previously, the entire time Alex and the Infowars team was present in Chantilly confronting the Bilderbergers and documenting the events, the government engaged in dirty tricks in addition to monitoring, following, and photographing them. The "security" goons engaged in this behavior are obviously military and attached to special operations, as Alex notes their stature is of a military nature.

In addition to monitoring Jones and his media entourage, on several occasions government agents attempted to provocateur Alex into committing illegal and violent acts, in particular against the State Department. On all occasions, Alex informed the agents and operatives that he is non-violent and engaged in activity guaranteed under the First Amendment of the Constitution.

These events are harrowingly reminiscent of the illegal and immoral behavior committed by the government under the FBI's COINTELPRO in the 1960s and early 70s. However, the difference today is the fact the government has sophisticated technology at its disposal, including the ability to electronically hijack cell phones, turn these devices on or off at will, and engage in non-stop surveillance and other forms of digital trickery.

Three suits of unknown identity. Bilderberg staff? Marriott staff? Fairfax County Police? Feds?

We Are Change activist Luke Rudkowski, also present to oppose the Bilderberg criminals in Virginia, reports similar dirty tricks. Rudkowski, writing on the We Are Change website this afternoon, indicates that he has "received similar harassing calls within the last year, especially when I was most effective. My significant other also received a phone call from a private number stating the similar situation with never a follow up proving it's a fact."

Obviously, the government is engaging in this shameless behavior because Jones, Rudkowski, and other activists are effectively resisting tyranny and revealing the crimes of the elite as they move to turn the planet into a high-tech gulag and corporate slave plantation. In the weeks and months ahead, we should expect more of this behavior, as the elite, dispatching their military operatives and special psychological warfare teams, will not rest until they have destroyed every last vestige of liberty.

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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It just shows you they're on the right track! Major kudos. I'm finally coming round to the Alex Jones camp.
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