June 7, 2005-Because of the near total blackout of this year's Bilderberg conference in the mass media, knowledge of what transpired behind the heavy guarded walls of Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, Bavaria, Munich, Germany, May 5-8 is limited to the readers of Internet publications willing to challenge the veracity of the US mainstream media and the corrupt Bush administration.
The discussions Bilderberg participants engaged in, and the consensus they reached, will influence the course of Western civilization and the future of the entire planet. This meeting took place behind closed doors in total secrecy, protected by a phalanx of armed assassins.
And speaking of human nature, power corrupts. It corrupts those who wield it. And it corrupts those who seek to influence those who wield it. Media have long been part of the world of elites. The free press is a myth when powerful people own it. Only when many small people own it will it be a truly free press, and will on our "right to know" be possible.
In the Orwellian world of modern day journalism, where a new form of political correctness frames their every utterance, the language is contracting. Because the goal of totalitarian thought control is to make the expression of political incorrectness impossible, words are used, not to make debating points, but to end all discussion.
In Bilderberg politics, life is compressed into a small number of people who spend a short period of time in a circle with a stunted radius.
Someone asked how global taxation can be sold to the American public. One European commissioner suggested using the rhetoric of helping countries build peaceful, stable societies once conflict subsides as the battering ram. Someone asked for the timing of the appeal. Another former commissioner mentioned that the best time to ask for cash is once the conflict subsided and the world is subjected to brutal images of destruction. A Norwegian Bilderberger disagreed. What looked to be Bjorn T. Grydeland, Norwegian Ambassador to the European Union, said that on the contrary, it's much easier to get world attention and money for a region when a conflict rages.
So much was confirmed a posteriori when Denmark's Foreign Minister Per Stig Moller, during a recent debate in the United Nations, stated on the record that "If the international community is not able to act swiftly, the fragile peace is at risk, with loss of more lives as a consequence." Until July 1, 2005 Denmark holds the council presidency when it will be replaced by the British.
Bilderbergers are planning to use what they denominated as a UN Peacebuilding Commission apparently to help win the peace in post-conflict countries as one of the tools in secretly imposing the UN tax on an unsuspecting world population.
Jim Tucker said as much in his Bilderberg report in the American Free Press when he wrote, "There was some informal discussion of timing for a vote in the United Nations on establishing a direct global tax by imposing a 10-cents-a-barrel levy on oil at the well-head. This is important to the Bilderberg goal of establishing the UN as a formal world government. Such a direct tax on individuals is symbolically important. Bilderberg's global tax proposal has been pending before the UN for three years but the issue has been blacked out by the Bilderberg-controlled U.S. media."
Mark R. Warner, governor of Virginia and a first time Bilderberg invitee, expressed concern about how much additional financial responsibility the United States would take on as a result. At this point José M. Durao Barroso, president of the European Commission, expressed a view held by many within Bilderberg that the
United States does not provide a fair share of economic aid to poor countries. My sources confirm Jim Tucker´s report that "Kissinger and David Rockefeller, among other Americans, beamed and nodded approval." Although the United States pays more into the foreign aid piggy bank than any country in the world, the Bilderbergers and the United Nations are poised to demand much more funding from them to meet the peacebuilding proposal.
An American Bilderberger wondered what it would take for the oil prices to go back to $25 a barrel. Another American Bilderberger, believed to be Allan E. Hubbard, assistant to the president for Economic Policy, laconically stated that the general public does not realize that the price for cheap oil can be the bursting of the debt bubble. Cheap oil slows economic growth because it depresses commodity prices and reduces world liquidity. There is a strong indication, based on the information reported from the Bilderberg 2005 meeting in Rottach-Egern, that the Federal Reserve is extremely concerned about the debt bubble. An American Bilderberger reported that if the price of oil is to go down to its previous low of $25 a barrel, the debt-driven asset bubble will explode.
Martin S. Feldstein, president of National Bureau of Economic Research, added that $50 a barrel involves greater cash flow. According to publicly available information, the United States consumes daily approximately 20 million barrels of oil out of a total world consumption of 84 million barrels. At $50 a barrel, the aggregate oil bill for the US comes to $1 billion a day, $365 billion a year, about 3 percent of the 2004 US gross domestic product (GDP). About 60 percent of US consumption is imported at a cost of $600 million a day, or $219 billion a year.
A short, stout man asked if the surging oil price would influence economic growth. Someone sitting in the front row noted that higher energy prices do not take money out of the economy, they merely shift profit allocation from one business sector to another. An American Bilderberger wondered what an oil price increase can mean for the general public. A tall, skinny gentleman reportedly mused that expensive oil means reduced consumption in other sectors, unless higher income can be generated from the increased cash flow. A French Bilderberger noted that in western society, higher income translates into longer working hours, which often results in lower standard of living.
Someone raised a question about the impact of a sharp rise of energy prices on asset values. A German Bilderberger responded that the net effect is a de facto depreciation of money, misidentified as growth.
A US general noted that war spending helps jump start the economy, noting that the trick to keeping the opposition at bay is to limit collateral damage to foreign soil.
A British Bilderberger noted that oil at $120 a barrel will greatly benefit Britain and the US, but that Russia and China would be the biggest winners. An expert in International relations and policy studies noted that for the Chinese this would be a real bonanza. The Chinese import energy not for domestic consumption, but rather to fuel its growing cheap exports, a cost that would duly be passed on to foreign buyers. A European banker pointed out that Russia could effectively devalue the dollar by re-denominating its energy trade with Europe from dollars into euros, forcing Europe's central banks to rebalance their foreign exchange reserves in favour of the euro. Jean-Claude Trichet, governor of the European Central Bank was present during the debate.
An American Bilderberger inquired about the effect of $50 oil on the crisis in government pension insurance. High oil prices threaten the economic viability of airlines and motor vehicles sectors. The employees' pensions at US Airways were recently terminated by the bankruptcy court. United Airlines and others are on the list as well. An American Bilderberger noted that the US Social Security is going through its worst accounting crisis in years. The spectre was raised of companies defaulting on their financial obligations to the workers. Someone commented that government-run pension funds will not be able to shoulder an industry wide default on their obligations without a federal bailout.
Appearance at Bilderberg 2005 of a Nobel Peace Prize Committee Chairman Geir Lundestad is likely to mean, according to sources familiar with the discussion, a full-court press by the American, British and Israeli delegation on the Nobel committee in preventing an Israeli nuclear technician, Mordechai Vanunu, from winning the coveted award. Vanunu spent 18 years in an Israeli prison-11 and a half of them in solitary confinement-for providing evidence of Israel's nuclear arsenal to a British newspaper in 1986. Should Vanunu win the Nobel for Peace, it would bring uncomfortable attention to the Israeli nuclear arsenal, especially in the face of growing evidence that Israel and the United States are about to punish Iran for trying to develop their own nuclear weapons. Strong pressure was applied on Lundestad not to choose Hans Blix, UN weapons inspector in Iraq, nor Mohamed El Baradei, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, a man President Bush tried to remove for not being tough enough on Iran.
Some of this year's other nominees are George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair for supposedly protecting world peace; the European Union; French President Jacques Chirac, former Czech President Vaclav Havel; Pope John Paul II; Cuban dissident Oswaldo Paya; and U.S. Senator Richard Lugar and former Senator Sam Nunn for their Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, which is intended to dismantle nuclear weapons left over from the Soviet Union.
One of the best kept secrets is the degree to which a handful of giant conglomerates all belonging to the secret Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, NATO, the Club of Rome and the Trilateral Commission control the flow of information in the world and determine what we see on television, hear on the radio and read in newspapers, magazines, or books.
Bilderberg has, at one time or another, had representatives of all major US and European newspapers and network news outlets attend. The inadequately named international free press attends on their solemn promise to report nothing. This is how Bilderberg keeps its news blackout virtually complete in the United States and in Europe.
This year´s
invitees included Nicolas Beytout, editor-in-chief, Figaro; Oscar Bronner,
publisher and editor, Der Standard; Donald Graham, chairman of The Washington
Post; Matthias Nass, deputy editor, Die Zeit; Norman Pearlstine, editor-in-chief,
Time; Cuneyt Ulsevere, columnist for the Hurriyet; John Vinocur, senior
correspondent, International Herald Tribune; Martin Wolf, associate editor,
Financial Times; Fareed Zakaria, editor, Newsweek International; Klaus Zumwinkel,
chairman, Deutsche Post; John Micklethwait, U.S. editor, The Economist and
Adrian Wooldridge, foreign correspondent, The Economist. Micklethwait and
Wooldridge acted as the meeting´s rapporteurs.
The discussion was led off with a series of rhetorical questions from the speaker. Is China really abusing its competitive advantage, or is it being victimized by the US and the EU? Is a trade war imminent? Should China revalue the yuan, (its currency), and if so, how should it do this?
An American Bilderberger noted that China in 2005 is one of the leading world economic powers whose actions influence the world economy. Another American believed to be, but not positively identified as, Michael A. Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute said that if China doesn't revalue the yuan it would cause the entire world trade system to go out of whack. Someone mentioned that the current situation can be dangerous for the Chinese economy due to the creation of excess liquidity.
Elena Nemirovskaya, founder of the Moscow School of Political Studies, asked what would happen if the yuan was allowed to float freely. An economist responded that that could bring about serious consequences to the world's financial markets. China's foreign exchange reserves are to a large extent made up of US Treasury bills. An appreciation of the yuan would cause its dollar reserves to depreciate. A German Bilderberger pointed out that this could force the Federal Reserve to have to raise interest rates, thus causing the current housing boom in the US to come to a screeching halt.
An over-sized Dutchman pointed out that the International Monetary Fund needs to play an active role in helping the yuan.
"Is there a real danger, then" asked an Italian Bilderberger "of this dispute deteriorating into an all out trade war?" "Not likely," according to an unidentified blond from Northern Europe, believed to be a Swede, because China has totally integrated itself into the market economy." An American Bilderberger and a member of the US government noted that all the posturing is part of the act to keep the voters back home happy.
China's move into the Mekong region did not go unnoticed at the conference. William J. Luti, US Deputy Under Secretary of Defence for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, explained that China's rapid expansion into the Mekong region, comprising Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam could threaten US interests in the area. Such moves by China would give it an enhanced role in Southeast Asia. Over the last several years, China has invested heavily in transport infrastructure development linking China's southwestern Yunan Province and the Mekong region.
A European Bilderberger pointed out that China is heavily dependent on oil imports. Someone asked for a figure. A tall, lanky man with glasses, believed to be Jeroen van der Veer, chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, responded that some 40 percent of China´s supply is imported.
In fact, China´s move into the Mekong region is the result of acute awareness that the country´s energy supplies are vulnerable to interference. Overall, 32 percent of energy supplies, China´s lifeblood, pass through the narrow and easily blocked Strait of Malacca.
A French Bilderberger pointedly asked Henry Kissinger if the US government's sabre- rattling against Iran means the beginning of new hostilities. Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), asking for his turn to speak, dismissed the notion of an Iran invasion as unrealistic due to the sheer physical size of the country and its population size, not to mention billions involved in getting the operation off the ground. Up to the eyeballs in the Iraq quagmire, the United States military is wary of any new adventures in the hostile terrain against a much healthier enemy, both better prepared and organised. A Swiss Bilderberger asked if a hypothetical attack on Iran would involve a preemptive strike against its nuclear sites. Richard Haass replied that such an attack would prove to be counterproductive because Teheran's counterattack options could range from "unleashing terrorism and promoting instability in Iraq, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, to triggering oil price increases that could trigger a global economic crisis".
During dinner, according to several sources, Richard Perle criticised Haass´ position and explained his opposition to his view.
A woman believed to be Heather Munroe-Blum, vice-chancellor of McGill University in Quebec, Canada, asked a rhetorical question about what would happen if Iran were to continue building its nuclear arsenal? Haass replied that in this case scenario, the United States would have no choice but to grant Iran the same status as it does to Pakistan and India.
A US general commented that the China-Iran-Russia alliance is changing the geopolitical situation in the area. Rapprochement between Russia and China is viewed by the Bilderbergers as a significant event not to be taken lightly, even though it has received little media attention in the west. A secret US government report was cited wherein, according to sources, the Chinese have spent upwards of several billion dollars in acquiring Russia's latest and most sophisticated weapons technology. Someone pointed out that the Sino-Russian alliance is not limited to military trade and that the non-military exchange of goods has grown 100 percent since the beginning of the Bush presidency. A delegate at the conference, believed to be, but not positively identified by the secret service sources, Anatoliy Sharansky, Israeli former minister for Jerusalem & Diaspora Affairs, stated categorically during a Friday night cocktail party that the counterweight to the Moscow-Beijing-Teheran axis is the US-Israeli-Turkey alliance.
A financial expert from a European nation intervened by stating that Russia financially is much better off today than four years ago because tax revenues, generated by fuel and arms production and exports as a result of heavy emphasis on military production, have financed strong growth of wages and pension incomes, boosting private consumption. A German Bilderberger pointedly asked Richard Perle if the "war on terrorism" will intensify over the second term of the Bush presidency.
The feeling of enough-is-enough wasn't limited to the European Bilderbergers wary of Bush's Hitler-like delirious proclamations of regime changes worldwide. Haass had pointedly told Richard Perle during a Saturday night cocktail party that the Bush administration has over-estimated its ability to change the world. Haass, according to several sources at the conference is reported to have stated that regime change can be attractive because it "is less distasteful than diplomacy and less dangerous than living with new nuclear states." However, he noted, "There is only one problem, it is highly unlikely to have the desired effect soon enough."
The presence of a top US general, James L. Jones, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, and retired US Army General John M. Keane at the Bilderberg meeting in Germany suggested to us that the next stage of the conquest is about to begin.
An American neocon at an afternoon drink-fest said he was convinced that the "Iranian opposition movement" will unseat the mullahs. Nicholas Beytout, editor-in chief of the French periodical Le Figaro, exclaimed "You don't really believe that!" A tall, bold, well-dressed Swiss gentleman, believed to be Pascal Couchepin, head of the powerful Department of Home Affairs, replied reflexively that it will only succeed in having the Iranians rally behind their government. He ended by saying "You don't know Iranians."
Tempers boiled over momentarily when a French Bilderberger raising his voice told Kissinger that "an attack on Iran will escalate out of control." According to sources working for the CIA and the special unit of the US Army charged with protecting the US delegation at Rottach-Egern, both the CIA and the FBI are in open revolt against the Bush White House.
A member of the Greek Parliament asked Eival Gilady, strategic adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon "What would happen if Iran were to retaliate?" Someone pointed out that even if the United States or Israel were to show restraint in their use of tactical nuclear weapons, an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities would surely not only engulf neighbour state,s raising the likelihood of a broader war, but also would succeed in creating a nuclear disaster through nuclear radiation spilling over a wide area. As a follow up question, someone asked, "How much of this war has to do with America doing its utmost to prevent Iran from becoming a regional power?"
A French Bilderberger wished to know if the impending attack on Iran would involve the United States and Israel working in tandem or "would it be a NATO operation?" The question was directed at NATO´s Secretary General Jaap G. de Hoop Scheffer. Another European Bilderberger wanted to know how the US was planning to cope with three wars simultaneously, referring to Iraq, Afghanistan and now Iran. The reader should be reminded that there are now 150,000 US troops deployed in Iraq who are unable to move to another theatre of operations because of effective resistance tactics.
The Israeli delegation was pressed to answer if they were prepared to use nuclear weapons against Iran. The answer was incoherent.
What is so terrifying about the Iran theatre of operations is that according to our deep sources, both of whom belong to the Bilderberg Group, there are two alternative dates set for the invasion. The earliest possible date would be the "deadest of summer" sometime in August and the other alternative is the late fall campaign. It substantially confirms the information provided by Scott Ritter, the ex-Marine turned UNSCOM weapons inspector, who stated that "George W. Bush has `signed off´ on plans to bomb Iran in June 2005." Ritter goes on to say that the June date suggests that the US and Israel are "in a state of readiness."
The discussion began with a European expert on international relations pointing out that over the next several years Russia is poised to assert itself and to increasingly challenge the Bush administration's foreign policy goals. Someone openly asked the committee if the world is safer today than in 2001 and will it be safer in four years time? A Dutchman responded by saying there is little doubt that the hand of international terrorism has been substantially strengthened by the US and its heavy-handed policy in the Middle East. A Danish Bilderberger wondered out loud what happened to the US promise to take a lower key approach in Iraq, referring to the heavy-handed tactics employed by the American troops in the siege of Fallujah, which played an important role in alienating a large cross-section of moderate Arab states. Additionally, pointed out the Dutchman, terrorism hasn't been confined to the Iraq theatre of operations, but has escalated across Asia, Africa and most of the Middle East.
A blond woman believed to be Thérèse Delpech, director for Strategic Affairs for the Atomic Energy Commission, said that unilateralist policy actions by the US will only succeed in alienating friendly nations and emboldening enemy combatants. "US is not all-powerful. It must coordinate its policy with other great powers to achieve its ends."
An oil expert believed to be from Britain, possibly John Kerr, a director for Royal Dutch Shell, focused on the oil pipeline from Siberia to northern China. The Bilderbergers openly wondered at the medium-term repercussions of this deal. An American investment banker asked just how much oil is expected to flow through this pipeline. Another member of the oil cartel offered a 65-80 million barrels per year as a ballpark figure.
During a Saturday night session at the bar, neocon Richard N. Perle was seen and heard talking to a group of Bilderbergers, amongst them Philippe Camus, president of the European Space Agency, EADS; Donald Graham, chairman of the Washington Post and James L. Jones, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, about the near-future test-firing of India´s Agni 3 intermediate-range ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads. James Jones said that such a weapon would greatly increase India's capabilities because, according to the four-star general, India's strategic deterrence will be able to strike targets deep inside neighbouring China. In fact, Dr M Natarajan, head of the prestigious Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), said as much two weeks later in New Delhi on 17 May.
Additionally, the Bilderbergers discussed how to dust off a "boring" image of Angela Merkel, Germany's future leader. A short, over-sized male Bilderberger offered an opinion that in order for the widest cross-section of the German public to accept Merkel, the leader of the opposition Christian Democratic Union, as chancellor, it would be important to give a new definition to the term "family values." German Bilderbergers well-versed in conservative Bavarian collective psyche believe that Merkel´s image, a divorcee with a doctorate degree in physics, isn't considered "reliable" to attract sufficient votes in this staunchly conservative area of the country. The idea, according to people within ear shot of the discussion "in the up-coming campaign would be to stress the importance of families rather than marriage as an institution."
Bilderbergers pushing Schroeder aside in favour of a new candidate could very well signify that after three years of strife between American and European Bilderbergers over the war in Iraq, the secret society is ready to move forward with a much revised and cohesive policy. It must be remembered that Schroeder, along with French President Chirac, was one of the most vociferous European critics of the US-led Iraq intervention. Both Schroeder, representing the left and Merkel, representing the right, are owned by the Bilderbergers. It has been the group's policy since its inception in 1954 to own both horses in the race. For the record, every US president belongs to the Bilderberg Group or its interlocked sister organization, The Council on Foreign Relations. Although Bush junior didn't personally attend the secret meeting in Rottach-Egern, the US government was well-represented by William Luti, Richard Perle and Dennis Ross of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
History teaches by analogy, not identity. The historical experience is not one of staying in the present and looking back. Rather it is one of going back into the past and returning to the present with a wider and more intense consciousness of the restrictions of our former outlook.
If democracy is the rule of the people, secret government agendas and influence-peddling sinister cliques, which stand for cunning selfishness, are incompatible with it. The whole idea of clandestine spheres of influence waging secret campaigns is therefore foreign to the notion of democracy and must be fought with zealous determination.
Through lies and obfuscations, Bilderbergers are desperately trying to foist onto the unwilling world population a totalitarian, one-world government, a single global currency and a syncretic universal religion.
Those of us who care deeply about the future of politics, domestic and international, cannot afford to ignore the fact that the grimly political One World Government is no longer merely a shadow subculture. It has, in fact, emerged as the dominant force in world affairs.
Daniel Estulin is an award-winning investigative journalist who has been researching the Bilderbergers for over 13 years. Estulin was one of only two journalists in the world who witnessed and reported (from beyond the heavily guarded perimeter) the super secret meeting at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel in Rottach-Egern, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, on May 5-8, 2005. He can be reached at
"Murio la Verdad"
Counterpunch and Online Journal - May 27, 2005
The annual
secret meeting of the Bilderberg group determines many of the headlines and
news developments you will read about in the coming months. But the Establishment
media completely black it out. With the exception of half-a-dozen high ranking
members of the press who are sworn to secrecy, few have ever heard of the
exclusive and secretive group called The Bilderbergers.
Mainstream news organizations boastful about their no-holds barred investigative exploits, have been strangely reluctant to lift the blackout curtain hiding a major event: the Bilderberg group's secret annual meeting for the world's most powerful financiers, industrialists, and political figures.
2005 was a bad year for Bilderberg and its future looks gloomy. Herculean efforts to keep their meetings secret in Rottach-Egern failed miserably. Bilderberg's grief is free world´s glory-and hope for further restraining the power grabbers in the dawn of a new millennium.
One certainty is that although Bilderberg Group has lost some of its past luster, it is meeting under its usual secrecy that makes freemasonry look like a playgroup. Staff at the hotel are photographed and put through special clearance. From porters to senior managers, the employees are warned (under the threat of never working in the country again) about the consequences of revealing any details of the guests to the press.
International and national media are said to be welcome only when an oath of silence has been taken, news editors are held responsible if any of their journalists 'inadvertently' report on what takes place.
While Bush, Blair, Chirac, Berlusconi and Company attended the G8 summits of the world's foremost democratically elected leaders, they were accompanied by the massed ranks of the world media. In stark contrast, the comings and goings at Bilderberg take place under cover of a virtual publicity black-out.
The discussions they will engage in this year from deciding how the world should deal with European-American relations, the Middle East powder keg, the Iraq war, the global economy and how to stave off war in Iran, and the consensus they reach, will influence the course of Western civilization and the future of the entire planet. This meeting takes place behind closed doors in total secrecy, protected by a phalanx of armed guards.
After three straight years of open hostilities and tension amongst the European, British and American Bilderbergers caused by the war in Iraq, the aura of complete congeniality amongst them has returned. Bilderbergers have reaffirmed and remain united in their long-term goal to strengthen the role the UN plays in regulating global conflicts and relations.
However, it is important to understand that Americans are no more the "Hawks" than the European Bilderbergers the "Doves". Europeans joined in supporting the 1991 invasion of Iraq by President Bush father, celebrating, in the words of one notable Bilderberg hunter the end of "America's Vietnam syndrome." Europeans also supported former President Bill Clinton's invasion of Yugoslavia, bringing NATO into the operation.
A much-discussed subject in 2005 at Rottach-Egern was the concept of imposing a direct UN tax on people worldwide through a direct tax on oil at the wellhead. This, in fact, sets a precedent. If enacted, it will be the first time, when a non-governmental agency, read the United Nations, directly benefits from a tax on citizens of free and enslaved nations.
Bilderberger proposal calls for a tiny UN levy at the outset which the consumer would hardly notice. Jim Tucker of the court-killed Spotlight magazine years ago wrote "establishing the principle that the UN can directly tax citizens of the world is important to Bilderberg. It is another giant step toward world government. Bilderbergers know that publicly promoting a UN tax on all people on Earth would meet with outrage. But they are patient; it first proposed a direct world tax years ago and celebrates the fact that it is now in the public dialogue with little public attention or concern."
Bilderberg wants "tax harmonization" so high-tax countries could compete with more tax-friendly nations-including the United States-for foreign investment. They would "harmonize" taxes by forcing the rate in the United States and other countries to rise so that socialist Sweden's 58-percent level would be "competitive."
The rise of
the NGOs, a development former President Clinton suddenly [one day after
it was discussed at Rottach-Egern] calls one of "the most remarkable things
that have happened since the fall of the Berlin Wall." Ironically,
Clinton´s statement was picked up by The Wall Street Journal, a paper
always represented at the Bilderberg meetings by Robert L. Bartley, its Vice
President and Paul Gigot, editorial page editor.
The Bilderbergers have been vigorously debating to have, for the first time, unelected, self-appointed, environmental activists be given a position of governmental authority on the governing board of the agency which controls the use of atmosphere, outer space, the oceans, and, for all practical purposes, biodiversity. This invitation for "civil society" to participate in global governance is described as expanding democracy.
According to sources within Bilderberg, the status of NGOs would be elevated even further in the future. The NGO activity would include agitation at the local level, lobbying at the national level, producing studies to justify global taxation through UN organizations such as Global Plan, one of Bilderberg´s pet projects for over a decade. The strategy to advance the global governance agenda specifically includes programs to discredit individuals and organizations that generate "internal political pressure" or "populist action" that fails to support the new global ethic. The ultimate objective, according to the source, being to suppress democracy.
The United Nations Environment Programme, along with all the environmental treaties under its jurisdiction, would ultimately be governed by a special body of environmental activists, chosen only from accredited NGOs appointed by delegates to the General Assembly who are themselves appointed by the President of the United States, who is controlled by the Rockefeller-CFR-Bilderberg interlocking leadership
This new mechanism would provide a direct route from the local, "on-the-ground" NGO affiliates of national and international NGOs to the highest levels of global governance. For example: The Greater Yellowstone Coalition, a group of affiliated NGOs, recently petitioned the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO asking for intervention in the plans of a private company to mine gold on private land near Yellowstone Park. The UNESCO Committee did intervene, and immediately listed Yellowstone as a "World Heritage Site in Danger." Under the terms of the World Heritage Convention, the United States is required to protect the park, even beyond the borders of the park, and onto private lands if necessary.
The ideas being discussed, if implemented, will bring all the people of the world into a global neighbourhood managed by a world-wide bureaucracy, under the direct authority of a minute handful of appointed individuals, and policed by thousands of individuals, paid by accredited NGOs, certified to support a belief system, which to many people - is unbelievable and unacceptable.
Bilderbergers are celebrating the result it wanted. The return of a much humbled Tony Blair to 10 Downing Street with a much reduced parliamentary majority. European Bilderbergers are still angry at him for supporting America´s war in Iraq. While teaching Blair a useful lesson in international politics, Bilderbergers feel he is a far safer candidate to continue on the path of European integration than his conservative rival Michael Howard.
In full force
was that faction known as the so-called "neo-conservatives"--those who have
determined that Israel's security should come at the expense of the safety
to the United States and be central to all U.S. foreign policy decisions.
Most notable among this group is the Israeli spy Richard Perle, who was investigated by the FBI for espionage on behalf of Israel. Perle played the critical role in pushing the United States into the war against Iraq. He was forced to resign from the Pentagon´s Defense Policy Board, on March 27, 2003 after it was learned that he had been advising Goldman Sachs International, a habitual Bilderberg attendee, on how it might profit from the war in Iraq.
Another neo-conservative figure on hand was Michael A. Ledeen, an "intellectual´s intellectual." Ledeen serves for the American Enterprise Institute, a think-tank founded in 1943, with which Richard Perle has long been associated. AEI and the Brookings Institution operate a Joint Center for Regulatory Studies (JCRS) with the purpose of holding lawmakers and regulators "accountable for their decisions by providing thoughtful, objective analyses of existing regulatory programs and new regulatory proposals." The JCRS pushes for cost-benefit analysis of regulations, which fits with AEI's (and Bilderberger) ultimate goal of deregulation.
These neo-conservatives were also joined this year at Bilderberg by a handful of other top former Washington policy makers and publicists known for their sympathies for Israel, including former State Department official Richard N. Haas, president of the CFR, former Assistant Secretary of State and "father" of the Dayton accord, Richard Holbrooke, and Dennis Ross of the pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy, effectively an offshoot of the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and JINSA as well as the newly elected World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz.
Dennis Ross, Richard N. Perle, and company are itching to "transfer" translation: to ethnically cleanse as many Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza as possible. "Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories," former Prime Minister Netanyahu told students at Bar-Ilan University in 1989. The residents of the European Community may be clueless about the intentions of Zionists toward the Palestinians, but in Israel, to my astonishment, ethnic cleansing is a popular subject of discussion. Fifty percent or more of Israelis think ethnic cleansing is a good idea. This from a nation that supposedly remembers the Holocaust. Fiction, is indeed stranger than the truth.
An American Bilderberger expressed concern over the sky-rocketing price of oil. One oil industry insider at the meeting remarked that growth is not possible without energy and that according to all indicators, world's energy supply is coming to an end much faster than the world leaders have anticipated. According to sources, Bilderbergers estimate the extractable world's oil supply to be at a maximum of 35 years under current economic development and population. However, one of the representatives of an oil cartel remarked that we must factor into the equation, both the population explosion and economic growth and demand for oil in China and India. Under the revised conditions, there is apparently only enough oil to last for 20 years. No oil spells the end of the world's financial system. So much has already been acknowledged by The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, two periodicals who are regularly present at the annual Bilderberg conference.
Conclusion: Expect a severe downturn in the world's economy over the next two years as Bilderbergers try to safeguard the remaining oil supply by taking money out of people's hands. In a recession or, at worst, a depression, the population will be forced to dramatically cut down their spending habits, thus ensuring a longer supply of oil to the world's rich as they try to figure out what to do.
During the afternoon cocktail, European Bilderberger noted that there is no plausible alternative to hydrocarbon energy. One American insider stated that currently the world uses between four and six barrels of oil for every new barrel it finds and that the prospects for a short term break through are slim, at best.
Someone asked for an estimate to the world´s accessible conventional oil supply. The amount was quoted at approximately one trillion barrels. As a side note of interest, the planet consumes a billion barrels of oil every 11.5 days.
Another Bilderberger asked about hydrogen alternative to the oil supply. The US government official agreed gloomily that hydrogen salvation to the world´s eminent energy crisis is a fantasy.
This confirms public statement made in 2003 by HIS, the world´s most respected consulting firm cataloguing oil reserved and discoveries that for the first time since the 1920s there was not a single discovery of an oil field in excess of 500 million barrels.
The oil industry at the 2005 Bilderberg conference was represented by John Browne, BP´s Chief Executive Officer, John Kerr, Director Royal Dutch Shell, Peter D. Sutherland, BP Chairman and Jeroen van der Veer, Chairman Committee of Managing Directors Royal Dutch Shell.
It should be remembered that in late 2003, oil giant Royal Dutch Shell, announced that it had overstated its reserved by as much as 20 percent. Queen Beatrix of Holland, Royal Dutch Shell´s principal shareholder is a full fledged member of the Bilderbergers. Her father, prince Bernhard was one of the founders of the group back in 1954. The Los Angeles Times reported that "For petroleum firms, reserves amount to nothing less that ´the value of the company´. In fact, Shell cut its reserve estimates not once, but three times, prompting the resignation of its co-chairman. At Rottach-Egern, in May 2005, industry's top executives tried to figure out how to keep the truth about diminishing oil reserves from reaching the public. Public knowledge of the diminishing reserved directly translates into lower share prices, which could destroy financial markets, leading to a collapse of the world economy.
The first
day of secret meetings at Bilderberg 2005 was dominated by talk of EU referendum
in France and whether Chirac can persuade France to vote Yes on May 29. A
Yes vote, according to sources within Bilderberg would put a lot of pressure
on Tony Blair to finally deliver Britain into the waiting arms of the New
World Order through their own referendum on the treaty scheduled for 2006.
Matthias Nass wondered out load that a No vote in France could undoubtedly
cause political turmoil in Europe and overshadow Britain's six-month EU
presidency starting on July 1. Bilderbergers, hope that Blair and Chirac,
whose at times open animosity has spilled into a public arena on more than
one occasion, can work together for mutual benefit and political survival.
Another European Bilderberger added that both leaders must put behind them
as quickly as possible all past disputes on such topics as Iraq, the
liberalization of Europe´s economy and the future of budget rebate Britain
receives from the EU and work towards complete European integration, which
could desintigrate if France´s often "hard-headed and obstinate people",
in the words of a British Bilderberger, do not do the right thing, meaning
give up voluntarily their independence for the "greater good" of a Federal
European super state!
A German Bilderberger insider said that France´s Yes vote is in trouble because of the "outsourcing of jobs. Jobs in Germany and France are going to Asia and Poland*," [to take advantage of cheap labour.] Poland* is one of the former Soviet republics that have been admitted to the European Union bringing the total membership to 25 nations. A German politician wondered out loud how Tony Blair shall go about convincing Britons to embrace the European Constitution when due to the outsourcing of jobs, both Germany and France are suffering a 10% unemployment while Britain is doing well economically.
A USA law called Logan Act, states explicitly that it is against the law for federal officials to attend secret meetings with private citizens to develop public policies. Although Bilderberg 2005 was missing one of its luminaries, US State Department official John Bolton who was testifying before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the American government was well represented in Rottach-Egern by Alan Hubbard, assistant to the president for economic policy and director of the National Economic Council; William Luti, deputy under secretary of defence; James Wolfensohn, outgoing president of the World Bank and Paul Wolfowitz, deputy secretary of state, an ideologue of the Iraq war and incoming president of the World Bank. By attending Bilderberg 2005 meeting, these people are breaking Federal laws of the United States.
At a Saturday night cocktail [May 7] at the luxurious Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, Bavaria, Munich, several Bilderbergers sharing the standing bar with Queen Beatrix of Holland and Donald Graham, Washington Post´s CEO were discussing the up-coming sale of Spanish telecommunications and cable giant Auna. Auna operates fixed line telephone services, a mobile-phone network, cable television system and is also an Internet provider. One of the Bilderbergers familiar with the matter [believed to be Henry Kravis, based on the physical description of the source at the meeting] stated that Auna´s mobile operations could bring in some 10 billion euros including debt, while another Bilderberger, a tall man with a receding hairline added that its fixed-line assets could fetch some 2.6 billion euros. Sources close to the Bilderbergers have stated off-the-record that Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co, a private-equity firm is interested in buying all of Auna. An abundance of cheap credit and low interest rates have made Auna an appetising target for private-equity buyers.
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co is represented at Bilderberg meetings by its luminary billionaire Henry Kravis and his small town Quebec-born wife Marie Joseé Kravis, a Senior Fellow at the neoconservative organization Hudson Institute.
Conclusions: Expect favourable coverage and support for Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co from Grupo Prisa whose Consejero Delegado Juan Luis Cebrian always attends super secret Bilderberg meetings. In case Kravis fails to put together a competitive bid, then expect the same favourable coverage for Goldman Sachs Group, whose Martin Taylor is Bilderbergers Honorary Secretary General and whose other Bilderberger, Peter Sutherland is Goldman Sachs´ Chairman as well as Trilateral Commission´s European Chairman. In the past, exposing Bilderberg meetings has provided advance warning-months ahead of the mainstream media-of U.S. Iraqi invasion, tax increases, and the downfall of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister of Britain.
A political and military confrontation between these two nations in the petroleum-rich Sulawesi Sea [both claim the oil-rich area of Ambalat as their territorial rights] was the topic of a much animated discussion amongst several American and European Bilderbergers during an afternoon cocktail. An American Bilderberger waving his cigar suggested using the UN to "further a peace policy in the region". In fact, Bilderbergers at the lounge table all agreed that such a conflict might well give them an excuse to garrison the disputed area with UN "Peacekeepers" and thus ensure their ultimate control over the exploitation of this treasure, meaning untapped oil reserves.
European and American Bilderbergers realising the most urgent of needs to expand into developing markets in order to help sustain the illusion of endless growth have agreed to name Pascal Lamy, a French Socialist and a fanatical supporter of a European super state as the next WTO President. It will be remembered that Washington gave a conditional support to Lamy´s nomination in exchange to European support of Paul Wolfowitz as head of the World Bank. According to insider sources within the Bilderberger group, Lamy was chosen to help steer the global trading system through a time of rising protectionist sentiment in rich countries such as France and Germany, both reeling from high unemployment and reticent to increasingly muscular demands for market assess from emerging economies. Third World states, for example, are insisting on cuts to EU and US farm subsidies. The WTO liberalization drive collapsed in acrimony in Seattle in 1999 and again in Cancun in 2003. The Bilderbergers have secretly agreed on the need to force the poor countries into a globalized market for cheap goods while simultaneously forcing the poor into becoming customers. The current rift with China is a good example, as the Chinese have flooded the Western countries with cheap goods, amongst them textiles, driving down prices. As a trade off, the Bilderbergers have entered into an emerging market ripe and vulnerable to superior western know-how. Similar develop-ing countries are slowly acquiring more purchasing power and the industrialized world is gaining a foothold in their domestic economies by targeting them for cheap exports.
* * *
One can't help but wonder, when the Bilderberg organisers, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Queen Beatrix and the rest have completed their project of enclosing all global goods and services into their own hands. What then?
Francisco Goya´s Plate 79 of Disasters shows the fair maid of Liberty flat on her back, bosom exposed. Ghostly figures play about the corpse while monks dig her grave. Truth has died. Murió la verdad. How is that for an alternative? Forewarned is forearmed. We will never find the right answers if we can't ask the proper questions.
Daniel Estulin is a political commentator living in Madrid, author of four books on communication skills. He can be reached at:
* this change to the original article was requested by the author
By James P. Tucker Jr.
ROTTACH-EGERN, GermanyWill the price of oil reach $150 a barrel in two years? Henry Kissinger made this prediction to Richard Holbrooke, according to two friendly sources inside the secret Bilderberg meeting. It should not be long, Kissinger told Holbrooke, vice chairman of Perseus LLC and longtime Bilderberg luminary. Kissinger said the demand for oil has far exceeded the supply. Oil, and who gets it, is part of the bitter Bilderberg dispute over Middle East policy.
One source said James Baker had made the same pre-diction while representing the Carlyle Group at an earli-er business conference, saying look for $150 a barrel. Baker represented the White House at Bilderberg meetings under former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush the Elder, where he served as chief of staff and treasury secretary, respectively.
The economic impact of tripling already-high oil prices would be staggering. Inflation would soar, because transportationfrom raw material to finished product to marketplacehas a significant impact on virtually everything you buyfrom neckties to houses.
Bilderberg hunkered down here May 5-8 to decide how the world should deal with European-American relations, the Middle East powder keg, the Iraq war, the global economy and potential war in Iran. The first appearance of Virginia Gov. Mark Warner (D) indicates Bilderberg considers him a presidential contender.
The absence of former Sen. John Edwards (N.C.), John Kerrys presidential running mate in 2004, indi-cates the Sun has set on his political career. Last year was Edwardss first appearance and, like most of the fringe invitees, he has been cast aside like an old shoe.
European hostility toward Americans for the invasion of Iraq was rekindled by reports in the European press that British Prime Minister Tony Blair had secretly agreed with President Bush to go to war months in advance of the U.S. invasion.
The Guardian of London, among other newspapers, carried detailed accounts of a transcript of conversations between Blair and President Bush three months before the March 2002 invasion. The transcript clearly shows Blair promising, in advance, to join the United States in the war on Iraq.
This prompted hostile comments while Kissinger was presiding over a panel discussion on the meaning of peace. Europeans demanded to know if Iran is next, and when does it end? America was repeatedly warned not to rush to war with Iran.
But history demonstrates that Americans are no more the war party than the European Bilderbergers. Europeans joined in supporting the 1991 invasion of Iraq by President Bush the Elder, celebrating the end of Americas Vietnam syndrome. Europeans also support-ed former President Bill Clintons invasion of Yugoslavia, bringing NATO into the operation. The first shot ever fired in anger by NATO troops were in Yugoslavia. Bilderberg had made NATO, effectively, the UNs standing army.
The British election results pleased Europeans, who grudgingly supported Blair because of his commitment to the European Constitution (EC). Britons will vote in 2006 on ratifying the EC. But they are happy that Blairs Labor Partys majority in Parliament shrank from 160 to 60 and he will likely be replaced as prime minister with-in two years.
To address the Mideast issue, Bilderberg brought together Eival Gilady and Natan Sharansky of Israel and Palestinian Ziad Abu-Amr.
Gilady is strategic adviser to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Sharansky is a former minister for Jerusalem and diaspora affairs. Abu-Amr is a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, president of the Palestinian Council on Foreign Relation and professor of political science at Birzeit University.
The Council on Foreign Relations, always richly represented at Bilderberg, serves as Bilderbergs propaganda ministry. Scholarly white papers advocating Bilderberg policies routinely follow the secret sessions. This year, Bilderberg ordered Israel to keep its prom-ise to withdraw from some settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. Also, they noted that Palestinians must be grateful for the portion of their territory they get back and not insist on pre-1967 borders. Israel seized these lands in a surprise attack in 1967.
We must get along, despite our harsh differences, because we now live in an interdependent, global econ-omy, said a lanky, gray-haired European in a discussion of trans-Atlantic Relations. Poverty in Africa or South America or wherever is a threat to all of us, anywhere in the world, he said.
Again, the United States was denounced for not pro-viding a fair share of economic aid to poor countries. Again, Kissinger and David Rockefeller, among other Americans, beamed and nodded approval. Bilderberg argues that, as a percentage of gross national product, Americans are stingy.
There was discussion of timing for a vote in the United Nations on establishing a direct global tax by imposing a 10-cents-a-barrel levy on oil at the well-head. This is important to the Bilderberg goal of establishing the UN as a formal world government. Such a direct tax on individuals is symbolically important.
Bilderbergs global tax proposal has been pending before the UN for three years but the issue has been blacked out by the Bilderberg-controlled U.S. media. Said one Bilderberger of the pending UN tax: Let the tax pass the UN with absolutely no publicity. Talk with the (news) boys in advance and warn them about triggering right-wing hysteria. People wont even notice that fraction of a penny per gallon. When people do become aware, perhaps in three years, theyll simply say aint that sumphin.
Other topics of discussion this year included China and energy, Russias role in the world, economic lib-eration, and U.S. Social Security reform. Bilderbergs interest in how the United States deals with Social Security remains unclear. Chinas demand for oil has increased dramatically in recent years, contributing to the current $50 price per barrel. Bilderbergers debated whether a proposed pipeline should move oil to Japan or China from Russia.
Bilderbergers were downcast when word came that some Senate Democrats, who had voted for free trade bills in the past, were threatening to kill the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) because of insufficient worker protections. CAFTA is a crucial step in expanding NAFTA into the Free Trade Area of the Americas, which is to include the entire Western Hemi-sphere except for Cuba until Fidel Castro is gone.
Kenneth Clarke, Conservative member of Parliament and a former chancellor of the exchequer in Britain, a long-time Bilderberg luminary, once told this journalist that the goal is to establish an American Union similar to the European Union with the dollar as the common currency. The Asia-Pacific Union is also emerging, which will complete the division of the Earth into three great regions for the administrative convenience of the planned world government.
Danny Estulin, a widely known photo-journalist now operating out of Madrid, who has collaborated with American Free Press in pursuing Bilderberg for years, was seized by officials and held for two hours after getting off a plane in Milan en route to Rottach-Egern. Italian and Interpol police downloaded Estulins computer and seized two widely-read magazines that featured a two-part series on Bilderberg, with his photos and extensive stories beginning on the cover of both issues. Fortunately, Estulin had another set hidden else-where in his luggage.
Estulin was questioned for two hours in an attempt to intimidate him. Officials correctly suspected he was pur-suing Bilderbergers, who are outraged at the attention he has lavished upon them. They failed: Estulin filed sto-ries to several publications that retained him to cover Bilderberg.
It is Estulins Bilderberg photos that appear in AFP. While taking photos outside Bilderbergs posh Dorint Sofital, on a public sidewalk, Estulin was seized by nine copsfour plainclothes and five in uniform. They seized his passport and Spanish residency card. They demanded to know if he could pay his hotel billnot at the hotels request. Estulin showed cash and credit card. They said they would return his passport when he leaves Germany and warned him not to break the law.
Estulin continued taking photos and filing stories for the duration. But he was careful to avoid jaywalking. A year ago, Italian police held AFPs Jim Tucker for several hours. He arrived unscathed this year, although Estulin heard three Secret Service men say they had observed Tucker on his flight to Munich.
And several years ago, security officers shackled AFPs Christopher Bollyn and transported him miles from the Bilderberg venue site, dropping him and several other journalists in the middle of nowhere in hopes of deter-ring coverage. It did not work.
By BOB LEWIS, Associated Press - The Virginian Pilot - 17 May 2005
RICHMOND -- Gov. Mark R. Warner quietly slipped away earlier this month to Germany for a secretive weekend conclave of global economic and foreign policy figures.
Warner confirmed Monday that he took part in the annual Bilderberg Meeting the weekend of May 6-8 at a resort hotel near Munich. Other U.S. participants included Henry Kissinger, Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, Ford Motor Co. chairman and CEO Bill Ford and Richard Holbrooke, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder addressed the group, Warner said.
"My sense was you had the opportunity here to interact with the leading business leaders not only of the United States but in all of Europe," Warner said in an interview.
Participants are forbidden to disclose what they discussed. "I think I should honor the ground rules," Warner said when asked for details.
The organizers closely guard the identity of those it invites and the venue and times of the meetings.
"Out of deference to the inviters, this was something we weren't volunteering," said Warner's communications director, Ellen Qualls.
"We asked if we could get an attendees list, ... and they wouldn't give it to us," she said.
The Bilderberg Meeting was not on Warner's public schedule, and reporters were not told of his trip more than a week after his return. First word came in an unguarded remark from an administration official Monday. Warner's office confirmed the trip when asked by The Associated Press.
Using his personal money, Warner booked a commercial flight to Germany, Warner said. Just days earlier, he had returned feeling ill and eight pounds lighter from a two-week trade mission to Japan and India.
"It was an opportunity for him, as chairman of the NGA (National Governors Association) to talk about the challenges of the global economy for American workers, for companies and for schools, and, as governor of Virginia, to learn a bit more about how we as a state can compete," Qualls said.
A year ago, John Edwards, then a U.S. senator from North Carolina who became John Kerry's Democratic running mate, attended the Bilderberg Meeting.
Warner has been mentioned prominently as a possible contender for the 2008 Democratic nomination.
The secretive annual forum of prominent politicians, thinkers and businessmen began in 1954 in Holland at the Bilderberg Hotel, from which it takes its name.
Nov. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Hollinger International Inc. said directors including Henry Kissinger and Richard Perle are leaving the board, one week after former chief executive Conrad Black was charged with helping to steal $51.8 million from the company.
Kissinger, Perle, Richard Burt, Daniel Colson, Shmuel Meitar and James Thompson, all sued for allegedly disregarding the looting of the company, won't stand for re-election at Hollinger's Jan. 24 annual meeting, the Chicago-based company said today in a statement. The board will shrink to 11 members.
The company will announce a slate of director nominees next month. Black, 61, left Hollinger International after building a media company that owned newspapers including the Chicago Sun- Times, Britain's Daily Telegraph and the Jerusalem Post. He attracted luminaries including Kissinger, a former U.S. secretary of state, and Perle, a former assistant defense secretary, to lend prestige to the company's board.
The directors ``have made important contributions'' to the company in the past two years, Chief Executive Gordon Paris said in the statement. He didn't immediately respond to a voice-mail request for comment.
Hollinger International shares, which have fallen 43 percent this year, rose 10 cents to $8.99 today in New York Stock Exchange composite trading.
The company's nominating and governance committee, chaired by Kissinger, has been working with the search firm Spencer Stuart to identify candidates to replace the directors who are leaving, the company said.
Kissinger decided to leave the company two years ago, his lawyer Paul Saunders said today in a telephone interview. He agreed to stay to help ``through a difficult time'' at the request of Hollinger and former U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Richard Breeden, who led an investigation into transactions at Hollinger, Saunders said.
Kissinger was later unable to quit as Hollinger canceled its annual meetings because financial statements weren't up to date, Saunders said.
``This was a culmination of a decision made a long time ago,'' Saunders said. He said Kissinger wasn't available for an interview and said Kissinger plans to focus on his own business.
Thompson, the former Illinois governor, and Perle didn't immediately return phone calls seeking comment. Burt was out of the office and didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. Meitar and Colson couldn't be reached for comment.
Hollinger International's board ousted Black as chief executive in November 2003, sued him and stripped him of the chairman title the following January. Hollinger International sued Black to recover more than $425 million that it accused him and his associates of stealing to finance lavish lifestyles.
Black was also sued by his holding company, Hollinger Inc., and by the Securities and Exchange Commission. He was charged Nov. 17 with mail fraud and wire fraud in an 11-count indictment.
Black is scheduled to appear in a Chicago court tomorrow to answer to the charges.
Cardinal Capital Management LLC, which has 3.3 million Hollinger International shares, sued the company's directors, alleging they disregarded the looting.
American Home Assurance Co. and Chubb Corp. agreed in May to pay $50 million on behalf of the directors to settle the Delaware suit. The settlement was approved by a Canadian court and must also be approved by a Delaware court.
Black was excluded from the settlement and has appealed the ruling.
``We're eagerly looking forward to see the new slate of proposed directors for Hollinger International,'' Robert Kirkpatrick, managing director of Cardinal, said in a telephone interview.
To contact the reporter on this story: Joe Schneider in Toronto at
Nov 19 - Sean Aylmer with Reuters, Bloomberg
Conrad Black, the one-time media baron and former owner of John Fairfax, is facing up to 40 years in jail after being charged with eight counts of mail and wire fraud in the United States.
Lord Black, a member of the British House of Lords, was accused of siphoning money from his former newspaper empire, Hollinger International, and its holding company, Hollinger Inc.
If convicted, Lord Black, who renounced his Canadian citizenship so he could be elected to the House of Lords in 2000, could face up to five years in prison and a $US250,000 ($340,000) fine for each count against him. That would total 40years and $US2 million.
The charges come after prosecutors struck a plea deal with David Radler, a one-time lieutenant to Lord Black. Radler will spend 29 months in prison and pay a $US250,000 fine after pleading guilty to one count of mail fraud.
Three other Hollinger executives, John Boultbee, Peter Atkinson and Mark Kipnis, were also charged.
Lord Black's insolvent holding company, Ravelston Corp, was also named as a defendant.The indictments describe two schemes allegedly carried out by the defendants.
The first involved the diversion of $US51.8 million from Hollinger International's $US2.1 billion sale of assets to CanWest Global Communications in 2000. The second alleged that Lord Black abused corporate perks provided by Hollinger International, including $US40,000 to pay for his wife's surprise birthday party in December 2000.
Lord Black allegedly also had Hollinger pay for his use of its corporate jet for a personal holiday to Bora Bora in French Polynesia, prosecutors said in a statement.
"Insiders at Hollinger - all the way to the top of the corporate ladder - whose job it was to safeguard the shareholders, made it their job to steal and conceal," said US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, whose office brought the charges.
Hollinger, which owned newspapers in the UK, Israel and North America, began to unravel in late 2003 after an internal investigation uncovered $US32million in unauthorised payments to Lord Black.
Lord Black and Radler resigned, and the new management team sold flagship publications including London's The Daily Telegraph and The Jerusalem Post.
In a separate civil case, the US Securities and Exchange Commission accused Lord Black, Radler and Hollinger Inc of having "cheated and defrauded" Hollinger International shareholders.
Part of the broader challenge for prosecutors, legal experts said, was that unlike in most of the big corporate scandals, at Hollinger the board approved most of the transactions that resulted in $US400million of alleged questionable payments to executives and other companies they controlled.
The indictment continues the run of high-profile criminal cases against former chief executives of large companies, including WorldCom's Bernard Ebbers and Enron's Kenneth Lay.
By E&P Staff
Published: November 17, 2005 1:05 PM ET
CHICAGO Last month, former newspaper mogul Conrad Black was taken by surprise by FBI agents who showed up at the closing for the sale of his deluxe Manhattan co-op, and seized the $8.9 million in proceeds. Tuesday, Black pulled a legal ambush of his lawyers and had his former friend, Peter C. Newman, served with a C$2.1 million (U.S.$1.78 million) libel suit as he arrived at the 100th anniversary part of the Canadian newsweekly Maclean's in Toronto.
Black and his wife Barbara Amiel Black also attended the party, celebrating the magazine where Newman is a contributing editor.
Black filed his lawsuit in Ontario Superior Court claiming he was libeled in Newman's 2004 autobiography, "There Be Dragons: Telling Tales of People, Passion and Power."
According to a story in Thursday's National Post by reporter Theresa Tedesco, the suit alleges the book "falsely and maliciously" says Black engaged "in a wide range of criminal acts spanning many years, including mail and wire fraud, interstate transportation of stolen property and money laundering."
The story quoted Black's lawyer as saying the suit had been filed so long after the book's publication in part because of the difficulty locating Newman. He could not be reached by E&P for comment.
Much of the offending chapter -- titled, "Black Magic: How Conrad Black became a Weapon of Mass Self-Destruction" -- concerns Black's well-known legal problems.
The chapter also includes what the National Post referred to as "salacious details" of the Blacks' sexual behavior. Newman is a former family friend who hired Barbara Amiel as a columnist in the 1970s. The lawsuit describes Newman as acting in a manner that was "vindictive, high-handed, contemptuous and demonstrated reckless and deliberate disregard and even enthusiasm for the damage that might be done to the good name of" Black, the newspaper reported.
Just got sent this info of the 1971 conference
List of Canadian Bilderbergers in attendance:
1971 secret Bilderberg Meeting in Vermont
Washington Observer Newsletter 1971 in PDF format
Mel Hurtig wrote, in THE BETRAYAL OF CANADA:
"Since Brian Mulroney became Prime Minister, Big Business has had effective control of the political and economic agenda, and hence the social and cultural agenda as well. Paul Desmarais provided much of the money for Pierre Trudeau's campaign, Brian Mulroney's campaign, and Jean Chretien's campaign."
How much influence do private networks of the rich and powerful have on government policies and international relations? One group, the Bilderberg, has often attracted speculation that it forms a shadowy global government. As part of the BBC's Who Runs Your World? series, Bill Hayton tries to find out more.
The chairman of the secretive - he prefers the word private - Bilderberg Group is 73-year-old Viscount Etienne Davignon, corporate director and former European Commissioner.
In his office, on a private floor above the Brussels office of the Suez conglomerate lined with political cartoons of himself, he told me what he thought of allegations that Bilderberg is a global conspiracy secretly ruling the world.
"It is unavoidable and it doesn't matter," he says. "There will always be people who believe in conspiracies but things happen in a much more incoherent fashion."
In an extremely rare interview, he played down the importance of Bilderberg in setting the international agenda. "What can come out of our meetings is that it is wrong not to try to deal with a problem. But a real consensus, an action plan containing points 1, 2 and 3? The answer is no. People are much too sensible to believe they can do that."
There need to be places where these people can think about the main challenges ahead, co-ordinate where policies should be going, and find out where there could be a consensus - Professor Kees van der Pijl [....but they absolutely must NOT be secret. - TG]
Every year since 1954, a small network of rich and powerful people have held a discussion meeting about the state of the trans-Atlantic alliance and the problems facing Europe and the US.
Organised by a steering committee of two people from each of about 18 countries, the Bilderberg Group (named after the Dutch hotel in which it held its first meeting) brings together about 120 leading business people and politicians.
At this year's meeting in Germany, the audience included the heads of the World Bank and European Central Bank, Chairmen or Chief Executives from Nokia, BP, Unilever, DaimlerChrysler and Pepsi - among other multi-national corporations, editors from five major newspapers, members of parliament, ministers, European commissioners, the crown prince of Belgium and the queen of the Netherlands.
"I don't think (we are) a global ruling class because I don't think a global ruling class exists. I simply think it's people who have influence interested to speak to other people who have influence," Viscount Davignon says.
"Bilderberg does not try to reach conclusions - it does not try to say 'what we should do'. Everyone goes away with their own feeling and that allows the debate to be completely open, quite frank - and to see what the differences are.
"Business influences society and politics influences society - that's purely common sense. It's not that business contests the right of democratically-elected leaders to lead".
For Bilderberg's critics the fact that there is almost no publicity about the annual meetings is proof that they are up to no good. Jim Tucker, editor of a right-wing newspaper, the American Free Press for example, alleges they organise wars and elect and depose political leaders. He describes the group as simply 'evil'. So where does the truth lie?
Professor Kees van der Pijl of Sussex University in Britain says such private networks of corporate and political leaders play an informal but crucial role in the modern world.
"There need to be places where these people can think about the main challenges ahead, co-ordinate where policies should be going, and find out where there could be a consensus."
Will Hutton, an economic analyst and former newspaper editor who attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1997, says people take part in these networks in order to influence the way the world works, to create what he calls "the international common sense" about policy.
Business influences society and politics influences society - that's purely common sense
"On every issue that might influence your business you will hear at first-hand the people who are actually making those decisions and you will play a part in helping them to make those decisions and formulating the common sense," he says.
And that "common sense" is one which supports the interests of Bilderberg's main participants - in particular free trade. Viscount Davignon says that at the annual meetings, "automatically around the table you have internationalists" - people who support the work of the World Trade Organisation, trans-Atlantic co-operation and European integration.
Bilderberg meetings often feature future political leaders shortly before they become household names. Bill Clinton went in 1991 while still governor of Arkansas, Tony Blair was there two years later while still an opposition MP. All the recent presidents of the European Commission attended Bilderberg meetings before they were appointed.
This has led to accusations that the group pushes its favoured politicians into high office. But Viscount Davignon says his steering committee are simply excellent talent spotters. The steering committee "does its best assessment of who are the bright new boys or girls in the beginning phase of their career who would like to get known."
"It's not a total accident, but it's not a forecast and if they go places it's not because of Bilderberg, it's because of themselves," Viscount Davignon says.
But its critics say Bilderberg's selection process gives an extra boost to aspiring politicians whose views are friendly to big business. None of this, however, is easy to prove - or disprove.
Observers like Will Hutton argue that such private networks have both good and bad sides. They are unaccountable to voters but, at the same time, they do keep the international system functioning. And there are limits to their power - a point which Bilderberg chairman was keen to stress, "When people say this is a secret government of the world I say that if we were a secret government of the world we should be bloody ashamed of ourselves."
Informal and private networks like Bilderberg have helped to oil the wheels of global politics and globalisation for the past half a century. In the eyes of critics they have undermined democracy, but their supporters believe they are crucial to modern democracy's success. And so long as business and politics remain mutually dependent, they will continue to thrive.
By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 23rd August 2005
If someone told you that the Conservatives would form the next government, then asked you who you would like to see as their leader, what answer would you give? I suspect that most Guardian readers would choose Kenneth Clarke. Opposed to the invasion of Iraq, sympathetic to the European Union, liberal, avuncular, Clarke is the obvious antidote to the swivel-eyed ideologues who have run the party for much of the past 30 years. You were doubtless glad to hear that he will declare his candidacy over the next few weeks and that, if he joins forces with David Cameron, he could win.
There's just one small problem. To see him as a credible candidate, you must forget what he has been doing for the past seven years. Since 1998, he has been deputy chairman of British American Tobacco (BAT).(1) It seems to me that this renders him unfit for public office.
Let us begin by examining BAT's contribution to public health. Smoking, according to the World Health Organisation, "is currently responsible for the death of one in ten adults worldwide half the people that smoke today - that is about 650 million people - will eventually be killed by tobacco."(2) BAT sells one sixth of the world's cigarettes.(3) Were responsibility to be divided according to market share, we could accuse it of causing the deaths of 100 million people.
In the rich nations this is a declining problem. In the United States, smokers have fallen to 22% of the adult population - the lowest rate since the second world war.(4) In Australia, according to a study published last month, smoking, on current trends, will be extinct by 2030.(5) So BAT's growth relies on poorer nations: Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Nigeria.(6) Last year its profits rose by 20%.(7)
There are two obstacles to its further expansion in developing countries. The first is the international attempt, led by the World Health Organisation, to help those countries resist the pressure to deregulate tobacco sales. In 2002, the Guardian revealed that BAT had been paying a middleman up to £250,000 a year to lobby countries to reject international attempts to put stronger health warnings on cigarette packs, reduce the levels of tar and nicotine in cigarettes and increase tobacco taxes.(8) On Sunday, the Observer revealed that Kenneth Clarke attended a meeting in Geneva in 1999, at which BAT discussed with its competitors how they might resist the advertising bans proposed in a draft international treaty.(9)
The second is the attempt by national governments to discourage smoking, in particular by imposing taxes on cigarettes. Over the past five years, BAT documents have been uncovered which appear to implicate the company in smuggling.
At first it looked as if BAT's involvement was indirect. The papers discovered in the company's archives by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists suggested that it supplied cigarettes to wholesalers in the expectation that they would find their way onto the black market.(10) In some countries, they indicate, it knowingly advertised the smuggled brands.(11) But in 2001 the journalists discovered a series of letters which suggested that BAT subsidiaries were organising smuggling operations. One set of papers shows that cigarettes were dispatched to BAT's agents on the Caribbean island of Aruba, then shipped by BAT's exclusive distributors to the South American mainland, then smuggled by middlemen into Venezuela and Colombia.(12) Until 1997, proceeds from this operation appear to have been collected by a BAT branch based in Surrey.(13) After that they were channelled into a subsidiary based in Geneva. By 1998, the year in which Clarke joined the company, the documents suggest that 8 billion BAT cigarettes a year were leaving Aruba, harvesting an annual $200m for the Geneva operation.(14)
When the first smuggling allegations were published, in early 2000, Clarke responded that "British American Tobacco is a good corporate citizen which maintains high ethical standards. We reject allegations that we have "condoned tax evasion and exploited smuggling"."(15) But he went on to admit that "businesses such as ours who are engaged in international trade are faced with a dilemma. ... we act, completely within the law, on the basis that our brands will be available alongside those of our competitors in the smuggled as well as the legitimate market."(16)
He told the House of Commons health committee that BAT "is a company of integrity. It is an extremely good corporate citizen." Claims that it was organising smuggling, he stated, were "quite unfounded We do not, and we would not, and we would stop any of our employees doing it."(17) He later admitted that he did not "have any detailed knowledge of the day to day activities" of the Geneva office.(18) He remains vulnerable to the charge that he misled the Commons.(19)
BAT's relationships with its suppliers bear certain resemblances to its relationships with its consumers. Christian Aid has published two reports detailing the company's treatment of tobacco farmers in Brazil and Kenya.(20) The farmers are tied to contracts obliging them to buy their chemicals, seed and equipment from BAT's subsidiaries. The company also determines the price it gives them for the tobacco they produce, and is widely accused of paying far less than the market rate. The result is that many farmers end up owing the company more money than they receive. Partly because of this, some are obliged to employ their children in the fields. Many of the farmers contracted to the company, lacking proper protective clothing, suffer from pesticide-related diseases. A fax from BAT Kenya's regional director reveals that a Kenyan law forbidding farmers to grow tobacco for more than one company (and therefore to seek higher prices) "was actually drafted by us."(21) In Brazil, Christian Aid reveals, BAT's subsidiary was claiming, on the tobacco growers' behalf, the government credit intended for small farmers.(22)
Such behaviour, Christian Aid alleges, is whitewashed by BAT's corporate social responsibility programme. The man in charge of it is Kenneth Clarke. He was the director who helped to broker the deal with Nottingham University establishing a centre for corporate social responsibility, sponsored by the company.(23) BAT was one of the last British-based multinationals to leave Burma: it did so, in 2003, only after a sustained public campaign and a direct request from the British government. It remains one of the largest foreign investors in Uzbekistan.(24)
These are the activities which, for the past seven years, Kenneth Clarke, wittingly or otherwise, has assisted. We should remember that he has previously held the posts of health secretary - responsible for reducing the impacts of smoking; home secretary - responsible for upholding the law; and Chancellor of the Exchequer - responsible for ensuring that Customs and Excise is not cheated of its revenues.
I am not suggesting that Clarke has knowingly engaged in illegal activities, or has done anything to offend current criminal law. But it seems to me that in a fair world - a world in which human life was valued by our legislators - he would not now be contemplating the leadership of Her Majesty's Opposition. He would be behind bars.
Choosing the next leader of the UK Tory party was not on the official list of agenda items for this year's Bilderberg meeting in Munich. But the day the meeting closed the leadership of the Tory party was announced to be up for grabs. After several disastrous leaders, Kenneth Clarke, like a Knight of the Brazen Serpent in shining armour, has announced he is running for the Tory party leadership again.
It doesn't seem to matter that the Tory party is anti-Europe, Clarke is determined to become leader and go against their wishes. This time Ken stands a better chance than his last two failures of taking the plumb job precisely because of the hopelessness of predecessors William Hague, Ian Duncan-Smith and Michael Howard. After this mediocre shower Ken will be seen by many as a safer pair of hands. There's also the presence now of the UK Independence party which has conveniently drawn off, into harmless never-never land, many of the Tory party's anti-European activists, social manipulation on a grand scale. Hungry for the top job 64 year old Ken has been plotting behind the scenes and biding his time, maybe it's all about to pay off.
'Sensible changes' are being mooted to the process by which the Tory leader is chosen, sidelining the grass-roots membership and allowing MP's greater influence to decide who the leader should be. This seems also designed perfectly to favour Clarke since the MP's are much more Euro-friendly than the members. These changes have all the hallmarks of Clarke, they amount toa dismissal of ordinary people in favour of powerful corporate interests. Rather than lose again in a democratic contest Clarke seems determined to rig the ballot to ensure he gets in.
Kenneth Clarke is certainly a formidable player. In his first day as Secretary of State for Health under Margaret Thatcher he inaugurated his cabinet responsibility for the health of the nation with a visit to one of Britain's top motor racing circuits and posed for the cameras in a John Player Special sponsored Formula One car. No press appeared to notice that British American Tobacco director Ken was endorsing, in one 'photo-opportunity', the two biggest preventable causes of death in the UK, car accidents and lung cancer.
Many across the political spectrum are aware of the totalitarian nature of the E.U. which is run by discredited and rejected polititians. Many see it as a fulfilling Adolf Hitler's dream, a United States of Europe with even less democracy that the USA. A victory for this unelected U.K. ambassador to Bilderberg's 'Invisible Government Club' will be seen as a P.R. success by the E.U., but Ken Clarke may draw the British nation into a corporate controlled plutocracy which would be an unmitigated disaster for democracy in the continent and for the people of Britain.
Tony Gosling
Rottach-Egern, Germany
5-8 May 2005
On the 2005 agenda: Iran, Iraq, The Middle East, Non-Proliferation, Asia, Economic Problems, Russia, European-American relations.
B, Davignon, Etienne, Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel
GB, Taylor, J. Martin, International Advisor, Goldman Sachs International
NL, Aartsen, Jozias J. van, Parliamentary Leader, Liberal Party (VVD)
PNA, Abu-Amr, Ziad, Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council; President of the Palestinian Council on Foreign Relations; Professor of Political Science, Birzeit University
D, Ackermann, Josef, Chairman, Group Executive Committee. Deutsche Bank AG
INT, Almunia Amann, Joaquin, Commissioner, European Commission
GR, Alogoskoufis, George, Minister of Economy and Finance
TR, Babacan, Ali, Minister of Economic Affairs
P, Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister
INT, Barroso. José M. Durão, President, European Commission
S, Belfrage, Erik, Senior Vice President, SEB
I, Bernabè, Franco, Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe
F, Beytout, Nicolas, Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro
A, Bronner, Oscar, Publisher and Editor, Der Standard
GB, Browne, John, Group Chief Executive, BP plc
D, Burda, Hubert, Chairman of the Board of Management, Hubert Burda Media
IRL, Byrne, David, WHO Special Envoy on Global Cornmunicable Diseases; Former Commissioner, European Commission
F, Camus, Philippe, CEO, EADS
F, Castries, Henri de Chairman of the Board, AXA
E, Cebrián. Juan Luis, CEO, PRISA
USA, Collins, Timothy C., Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
F, Collomb, Bertrand, Chairman, Lafarge
CH, Couchepin, Pascal, Head, Department of Home Affairs
GR, David, George A., Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.
F, Delpech, Thérèse, Director for Strategic Affairs, Atomic Energy Commission
GR, Diamantopoulou, Anna, Member of Parliament
NL, Docters van Leeuwen, Arthur W.H., Chairman of the Executive Board, Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets
USA, Donilon, Thomas E., Partner, OMelveny & Myers
D, Döpfner, Mathias, CEO, Axel Springer AG
DK, Eldrup, Anders, President, DONG A/S
I, Elkann, John, Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
USA, Feldstein, Martin S, President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research
USA, Ford, Jr., William C., Chairman and CEO, Ford Motor Company
USA, Geithner, Timothy F., President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
TR, Gencer, Imregul, Member of the Board, Global Investment Holding
ISR, Gilady, Eival, Strategic Advisor to Prime Minister Sharon
IRL, Gleeson, Dermot, Chairman, AIB Group
USA, Graham, Donald E., Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company
N, Grydeland, Bjørn T., Ambassador to the EU
P, Guterres, António, Former Prime Minister; President, Socialist International
USA, Haass, Richard N., President, Council on Foreign Relations
NL, Halberstadt, Victor, Professor of Economics, Leiden University
B, Hansen, Jean-Pierre, CEO, Suez-Tractebel S.A.
A, Haselsteiner, Hans Peter, CEO, Bauholding Strabag SE (Societas Europea)
DK, Hedegaard, Connie, Minister for the Environment
USA, Holbrooke, Richard C., Vice Chairman, Perseus
INT, Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de Secretary General, NATO
USA, Hubbard, Allan B., Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director of the National Economic Council
B, Huyghebaert, Jan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group
USA, Johnson, James A., Vice Chairman, Perseus LLC
INT, Jones, James L., Supreme Allied Commander Euope, SHAPE
USA, Jordan, Jr.,Vernon E., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
USA, Keane, John M., President, GSI, LLC; General, US Army, Retired
GB, Kerr, John, Director, Shell, Rio Tinto, Scottish Americal Investment Trust
USA, Kissinger, Henry A., Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
D, Kleinfeld, Klaus, President and CEO, Siemens AG
TR, Koç, Mustafa V., Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
D, Kopper, Hilmar, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, DaimlerChrysler AG
F, Kouchner, Bernard, Director, "Santé et développement", CNAM
USA, Kravis, Henry R., Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
USA, Kravis, Marie-Josée, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.
INT, Kroes, Neelie, Commissioner, European Commission
CH, Kudelski, André, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Kudelski Group
F, Lamy, Pascal, President, Notre Europe; Former Commissioner, European Commission
USA, Ledeen, Michael A., American Enterprise Institute
FIN, Liikanen, Erkki, Govemor and Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland
N, Lundestad, Geir, Director, Norwegian Nobel Institute; Secretary, Norwegian Nobel Committee
USA, Luti, William J., Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
DK, Lykketoft, Mogens, Chairman, Social Democratic Party
CDN, Manji, Irshad, Author/Founder of "Project Ijtihad
USA, Mathews, Jessica T., President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
CDN, Mau, Bruce, Bruce Mau Design
CDN, McKenna, Frank, Ambasssador to the US
USA, Medish, Mark C., Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
USA, Mehlman, Kenneth B., Chairman, Republican National Committee
D, Merkel, Angela, Chairman, CDU; Chairman CDU/CSU-Fraction
SVK, Miklos, Ivan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
F, Montbrial, Thierry de, President, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)
INT, Monti, Mario, President, Bocconi University; Former Commissioner for Competition, European Commission
CDN, Munroe-Blum, Heather, Principal and Vice Chancellor, McGill University
N, Myklebust, Egil, Chairman of the Board of Directors, SAS
D, Nass, Matthias, Deputy Editor, Die Zeit
RUS, Nemirovskaya, Elena, Founder and Director, Moscow School of Political Studies
NL, Netherlands, H.M. tihe Queen of The
PL, Olechowski, Andrzej, Leader Civic Platform
FIN, Ollila, Jorma, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation
INT, Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank
E, Palacio, Loyola de, President, Council on Foreign Relations, Partido Popular
GR, Papandreou, George A., President, Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK)
USA, Pearl, Frank H., Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC
USA, Pearlstine, Norman, Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc.
FIN, Pentikäinen, Mikael, President, Sanoma Corporation
USA, Perle, Richard N., Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
D, Pflüger, Friedbert, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Fraktion
B, Philippe, H.R.H. Prince
CDN, Prichard, J. Robert S., President. Torstar Media Group and CEO, Torstar Corporation
IN'T, Rato y Figaredo, Rodrigo de, Managing Director, IMF
CDN, Reisman, Heather, President and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.
USA, Rockefeller, David, Member, JP Morgan International Council
USA, Rodin, Judith, President, The Rockefeller Foundation
E, Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias, Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander
USA, Ross, Dennis B., Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
F, Roy, Olivier, Senior Researcher, CNRS
P, Sarmento, Nuno Morais, Former Minister of State and of Presidency; Member of Parliament
I, Scaroni, Paolo, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Enel S.p.A.
D, Schily, Otto, Minister of the Interior
A, Scholten, Rudolf, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
D, Schrempp , Jürgen E., Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG
D, Schulz, Ekkehard D., Chairman of the Executive Board, ThyssenKrupp AG
E, Sebastián Gascón, Miguel, Chief Economic Adviser to Prime Minister
ISR, Sharansky, Natan, Former Minister for Jerusalem & Diaspora Affairs
I, Siniscalco, Domenico, Minister for Economy and Finance
GB, Skidelsky, Robert, Professor of Political Economy, Warwick University
E, Spain, H.M. the Queen of
IRL, Sutherland, Peter D., Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman, BP p.l.c.
PL, Szwajcowski, Jacek, CEO, Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna
FIN, Tiilikainen, Teija H., Director, University of Helsinki, Network for European Studies
NL, Tilmant, Michel, Chairman, ING N.V.
INT, Trichet, Jean-Claude, Governor, European Central Bank
TR, Ülsever, Cüneyt, Columnist, Hürriyet
CH, Vasella, Daniel L., Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG
NL, Veer, Jeroen van der, Chairman Committee of.Managing Directors, Royal Dutch Shell Group
USA, Vinocur, John, Senior Correspondent, International Herald Tribune
S, Wallenberg, Jacob, Chairman of the Board, Investor AB; Vice-Chairman, SEB
USA, Warner, Mark R., Governor of Virginia
GB, Weinberg, Peter, CEO, Goldman Sachs International
D, Wissmann, Matthias, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Fraktion
GB, Wolf, Martin H., Asscociate Editor and Economics Commentator, The Financial Times
INT/USA, Wolfensohn, James D., President, The World Bank
USA, Wolfowitz, Paul, President designate, The World Bank
USA, Zakaria, Fareed, Editor, Newsweek International
D, Zumwinkel, Klaus, Chairman of the Board of Management, Deutsche Post AG
GB, Micklethwait, R., John, United States Editor, The Economist
GB, Wooldridge, Adrian D., Foreign Correspondent, The Economist
Please forward to newsdesks and anyone interested in globalisation or international covert power.
Hi all,
Well done Jim Tucker and Marek for getting the correct location. This year's Bilderberg Meeting is now taking place in:
Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt Tegernsee
Ueberfahrtstr. 10
Tel :(+49)8022/6690
Fax :(+49)8022/6691000
E-mail :
Hotel manager: Mr Chris MUTH
Head chef: Mr Peter SKOLIK
Contact Marion Strobel on +49 (0)8022 669 2613 for the conference and for press releases with participant lists which she can fax to you.
Contacy Tony Gosling on +44 (0)117 944 6219 mob +44 (0)7786 952037 for the Bilderberg accountability campaign (
Interesting that the Financial Times published a pre-prepared article about the conference
the day after I released the predicted date and location of this year's meeting.
Daniel Dombey made no mention in his FT article of record breaking and award winning 'Lombard' columnist C. Gordon Tether who was sacked from the Financial Times for criticising Bilderberg.
Instead the article was one-sidedly uncritical, designed to discourage coverage of arguably the most important annual power elite gathering in the world. Dombey interviewed only chiefs of the Bilderberg meeting, who say the meeting is private, ignoring its global influence and many critics around the world.
The confirmed conjunction with the UK elections is clearly significant. This years meeting is likely to be considering how to persue an attack on Iran in the light of the UK election result.
14:50 BST - Bristol - Tony Gosling
Tony Gosling
Yes, it's Bilderberg time again. But this is the first year there has been no watertight evidence from Jim Tucker at American Free Press as to where and when the conference is taking place. This year a tiny team of one unpaid but dedicated researcher, Marek, has had to go on a vague source from a French journalist Bruno and a lot of educated guesswork and deduction. Therefore, this may be a victory for the Bilderberg as only guesswork and a prayer will steer the European media to where the 'innocent private party' are hiding this May.
It is media coverage that this party most dislike so you are not invited. Though they try to use 'security fears' to keep press silence, you will find the same frosty reception whether or not you arrive with your full press credentials or not. Polite but cold. Yes, even the most tame press breach their security because they want absolutely no reporting of this event. Not only must the discussions inside remain secret but the very fact that they are there must be secret. Every year is a David and Goliath battle to get any mass media to realise that this is the most important annual gathering of the most powerful people in the Western world. It is here that strategies are decided to keep the USA's failed economy afloat by grabbing more assets, by force, to back it up. Its where Europe recieves its orders, with a polite smile, from across the Atlantic.
This year, after having seen several DVD's of video evidence, I finally realised for certain that 9/11 was set up by US NeoCon gangsters. Jimmy Walter (, Eric Hufschmid (, Dave VonKleist ( and Canadian Daniel Hopsickers's ( are the best I have seen. These North American DVD makers have shone the light on the most disgusting liars in their midst so that the world might see. But will the world look the other way?
In the UK Simon Aronowitz ( has produced a radio loop of riveting 9/11 interviews lasting several hours. We can't rely on the BBC or any mainstream media to show us, the jury, this evidence, so we have to seek it out for ourselves. I particularly recommend Jimmy Walters' FREE DVD available from it explains, amongst other gob-smackers, why the twin towers must have been brought down by pre-set explosives.
The NeoCon's have lit the blue touch-paper to the next World War. As we begin to close in on Dick Cheney's central role in planning and perpetrating 9/11 he and his diabolical partners will be pushed, like cornered animals, to ever greater atrocities. Next time it may well be a Nuclear, Chemical or Biological attack, blamed on whoever they want to blame, such is the slavish compliance of the mainstream press.
The mainstream media's editors bear a great responsibility for perpetrating the lie that is Moslem terrorism. If the US army tell them a bomb attack outside a mosque was a 'suicide bomber' they unthinkingly repeat it to the world. If eyewitnesses on the ground saw a US helicopter fire a missile into the crowd it is still a suicide bomber because access has been denied to 'unembedded journalists' and the free press in Iraq has been shut down at gunpoint.
The mainstream Western editors refuse to represent the overwhelming evidence that 9/11 was an inside job, they unquestioningly trot out the lies told by the military as if they were fact. They do not come even close to a balance of proof for either side of the idealogical divide in this postmodern war where goodies are baddies and baddies are goodies and innocent men, women and children die by their hundreds of thousands in the ensuing confusion. One side, you see, has all the financial clout to push their line and they listen in on every media channel and hammer owners and editors when the channel steps out of line. In all but the most robust media the best way to lose your job as a journalist is to question that line. Like CNN editor Eason Jordan, sacked in February this year for daring to admit that US troops had deliberately targetted unembedded journalists.
Which side of this line of belief, pro or anti war on terror, is not just dividing the employed from the unemployed, it is dividing the world. Plunging us, quite possibly, into a global civil war between the independent minded and mostly impoverished sceptics, and those tied in to capitalism who uncritically toe the official line, not wishing to believe that the rich and powerful could hold the rest of humanity in such contempt. Their belief in the war on terror conveniently alienating them from society's victims. By launching his War on Terror George W. and his NeoCon family could well have launched humanity on an irevoccable, earth-shattering slide to Armageddon. The ultimate battle which really will end all wars, fortold by, amongst others, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jesus Christ and the apostle John.
To read the words
To see in pictures
Millions in the West sense that something is horribly wrong with this War on Terror but few articulate it as well as 2004 BAFTA award winning documentary maker Adam Curtis. His three part BBC2 series 'The Power of Nightmares' illustrated brilliantly that rather that sell us dreams of a bright future, western politicians have found it expedient to sell us nightmares, because it brings them much more power in the form of executive arrests, internment without trial and massive spending on surveillance and security. All these totalitarian control freaks have to do is lie professionally and they may succeed in lead us to a police state with their nightmare stories. Exactly what we thought we had fought off after Hitler. The attacks on Moslems closely parallel the attacks on Jews in World War II. But however much wax and pesticides you spray on, their lies have a shorter and shorter shelf-life, their sell-by date has come.
You can be sure the Bilderbergers will be watching the UK elections closely, will probably be taking place during this year's conference. And millions around the world will be watching, hoping and praying. Particularly here in England we are worried that postal voting fraud will be the way New Labour tries to cheat its way back to power. There has been a vote fraud scandal here in Birmingham with New Labour candidates forging postal ballots and the Liberal Democrat party having to force the police to persue criminal charges. Judge Richard Mawey last month called the current law on postal voting 'an open invitation to fraud', that would 'disgrace a banana republic'. You can guess the lawless New Labour pary clones will merrily take up the invite to fraud on polling day.
The integrity of the election is being called into question as in North Wales, Lancashire and Shropshire, Bexley and elsewhere yawning gaps in the postal voting process are revealed. The Labour party have blandly promised to deal with postal voting fraud 'after the election'.,3858,5180237-115819,00.html
Every switched on person in Britain is praying that the Liberal Democrats will come up between Labour and Conservative to make sure there's no overall control in Westminster come the end of next week and this year's Munich (maybe) Bilderberg meeting. The moment Britain has decided, they will be scheming - and doing their damnedest to stitch up the military and economic agenda for the G8 and other media shows for the next year.
Every time he says "Look...", you wince, knowing he's going to lie again! Let's hope the good people of old Blighty and her maternal secret ballot can deliver the world some quality goods this week. If she does, righteous people across the world can party as the vile visage of Tony Blair disappears with his torso into a firey red hole in the ground and this odious, sold-out, Neo-Labour lets out a terminal groan. I just felt the world get lighter! So let's drink, and pray, to that.
[Jim seems certain but I am not so sure of this year's venue - dates certainly appear correct as this is the only time Queen Bea is free - Tony Gosling]
By James P. Tucker Jr.
ROTTACH-EGERN, GermanyEuropean Bilderberg hunters have found the hiding place of this secretive cabal at a posh resort in this charming little city 40 miles from Munich. Their annual meeting is May 5-8.
Bilderberg is gathering at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Ueberfahrt, a five-star conference and business hotel with 188 luxury rooms. It is on a lake and near a golf coursetypical Bilderberg requirements. High officials of the U.S. government and possibly a few congressional leaders will participate in three days of secret meetings to plan global policy. Heads of state and other high officials from Europe and Britain will participate, along with world financiers.
David Rockefeller and his valet, Henry Kissinger, are longtime Bilderberg regulars. Donald Graham, publisher of The Washington Post, and associate editor Jimmy Lee Hoagland regularly attend, upon their promise to report nothing.
The New York Times, LA Times and all major networksABC, CBS and NBChave participated. All participants are sworn to secrecy. Bilderberg denies its existence, and all the resorts at which they hold their meetings require their employees to lie and deny they are present.
Three times the Dorint told AFP they were fully bookedbut that Bilderberg was not there. All but Bilderberg participants and their staffs, wives or, in some cases, someone elses wife, will be required to leave. The hotel staff will be warned to reveal nothing of what they see and hear.
Armed guards will patrol not only the main entrance but the perimeters.
Exposing Bilderberg meetings has provided advance warningmonths ahead of the mainstream mediaof U.S. wars, tax increases, and the downfall of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister of Britain, among other exclusives.
Sunday, May 1
Leave Washington-Dulles 5:40 p.m. United Airlines Flight 902.
Monday, May 2
Arrive at Franz Straus terminal 2 at 8 a.m.
Check into the Walters Hof in Rottach Egern (phone: 011-49 (0) 80 222 770).
Monday, May 9
Leave Munich on Lufthansa Flight 9280 at 11:55 a.m.
Arrive Washington-Dulles at 3:10 p.m.
Not Copyrighted. Readers can reprint and are free to redistribute - as long as full credit is given to American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003
The most important and most secret conference in the world is to be held in a few days. Every year there is some reliable information on where the conference is to be... but not this time.
As every year, you might say. Yes, as every year. But as I explained in a previous article this one is so important the wall of secrecy must be solid.
Some of the points I predicted are already beginning to materialize. I was speaking about the willingness to revalue the Chinese yuan, imagine what the G7 spoke about to China last week? I was also speaking about the Taïwan straight and risk of nuclearization of Japan. What have you seen? Ms. Rice in Japan making this country an ally of the US administration about Taïwan, and demonstrations in China followed by the flat excuses of Mr prime minister of Japan for the excesses of Japanese occupation of Asia during WWII.
No papers in the whole world, even if they know where the Bilderberg meeting is to be held will tell you where, or mention. This is a secret for the elite, kept from the people. If he breaks the promise the journalist breaks his nice relations with his employer. They utter the magic word 'security' and almost every journalist with a professional interest turns around and leaves the stage, to find a new assignment. They just say you: don't worry, this is not important, just a private symposium of people wanting to speak together without people able to tell anyone what they think and said. They forget to tell you they control the levers of NATO the finance and industry of the Western world.
A private meeting? This is untrue. First the meeting is always englobing people well known and/or ultra-powerful, the trustees of humanity. All attendants are mixed with power or power intents, or the disemmination of ideas. Power and money. Plutocracy, not democracy. Secondly, as I showed you, all what is said is engaging European and American peoples. This is a transatlantic meeting about Europe and NATO. Evidence is easily found in the presence of CIA agency covering it. This is a perfect corridor to transmit orders from criminal elements in Washington to the European feudalism.(including the Blairs government)
Third point, this is explaining the European presss ignorance and maybe cowardice.
Now, to come to next conference, Bilderberg 2005, to be held in Munich, I believe this one to be held from may 5 to may 8, 2005. Why ?
First of all: a lot of these conferences are held when the Commander in Chief is around. It's a little 'in-joke' for the 'secret gang' that nobody knows he's there. Maybe the world's press would be a little more interested if really ALL the powerful were in the same place so it must be left as an unsolvable mystery for the press and therefore 'no story'. Clinton was in Germany when the meeting 2000 was held. Bush was in Sweden 15 days or less after the Stenungsund conference, Chantilly 2002 was not far from Washington, and Bush was in Italy when the Stresa 2004 conference took place last year. It occurs that a lot of officers of the president are present in the frame of Bilderberg conferences, and the best motive to be there is to be around, is it not? As we are not dupes, we know that Bush is next back with a stop in Netherlands, country of former Bilderbergs creator, before zooming off to Latvia.
The Queen Beatrix, queen B who must always be at Bilderberg, is unhappily feering her Jubilee to year. She has mandatory obligations to be present on the 4 , 12, 20, 23 of may and 3 and 10 of June. This is mandatory. Thus the strange behaviour of Queen Beatrix after the 5 of may is making us think she will be abroad. In Germany precisely!
So, in this 50th celebration of Bilderberg creation, we remember that 50 years ago they all gathered in Garmisch-Partenkirschen , south of Munich. This is a possibility with the Alpenkonig fully booked.(5 to 8) The other one, is the Tegernsee lake (5 to 8). But I have to acknowledge we had no time up to now to reckognize the north and west of Munich. I invite you to use the <> program to help us check this zone ( in English, French, German language with a sort on the price of hotels. Mind ! they only announce the non occupied hotels for the period you request, so use it in abstraction!)
I recently ( last Monday ) received a few anonymous calls, showing we are on the good way.
So , I invite you to help us track down the infamous Bilderbergers in 2005. / Europe / 01May05
Behind closed doors in a Bavarian hotel, a group of powerful men and women will this week debate the future of the world.
The 120-strong gathering, known as the Bilderberg group after the Dutch hotel where it first met in 1954, has spawned countless conspiracy theories, fuelled by the gathering's off-the-record nature and the renown of its participants. The group's steering committee includes Josef Ackermann of Deutsche Bank; Jorma Ollila of Nokia; Richard Perle, the former Pentagon adviser; Vernon Jordan, the confidant of former US president Bill Clinton; Jürgen Schrempp of DaimlerChrysler; Peter Sutherland of Goldman Sachs International; Daniel Vasella of Novartis; and James Wolfensohn of the World Bank.
Guests speakers have included Alan Greenspan, US Federal Reserve chairman, and Donald Rumsfeld, US secretary of defence.
The wilder corners of the world wide web have speculated that projects such as the euro and the European Union itself have been hatched by the Bilder-bergers.
But the aim of the group's organisers is more modest than the hectic cyber-chatter might suggest. They see it as a forum in which officials, academics and businessmen from both sides of the Atlantic can speak frankly and come to understand each other a little more.
They have wrestled with many of the world's biggest topics from the rise of south-east Asia in 1956, to the technological gap between the US and Europe in 1967, to corporate fraud in 2004.
"It's not a capitalist plot to run the world," says Etienne Davignon, Bilderberg's unpaid chairman and a former vice-president of the European Commission. "If we really believed we were running the world we would immediately resign in complete despair."
For business people, a big attraction is the chance to make the kind of informal contacts that can be hard to achieve at other gatherings, where aides are likely to be present. This is particularly true for European executives who tend to be less well acquainted with political figures than their US counterparts.
However, despite the insistence that Bilderberg does not set out to shape a consensus among the world's movers and shakers, Mr Davignon and his predecessors have tried to steer the group towards the broad conclusion that Europe and the US need to engage more.
The hope is that even the most recalcitrant politicians and executives often specially selected by the steering committee will embrace a more collaborative approach.
The collective meals, the traditional informality the sports jackets of 20 years ago have been replaced by open-necked shirts and the ban on spouses are all meant to boost a spirit of camaraderie.
It does not always work. In 2003, tensions over the Iraq war boiled over, although last year's meeting was a calmer affair.
This year's event will open with a discussion chaired by Henry Kissinger, former US secretary of state, on the meaning of "freedom" a hot topic since President George W. Bush's liberal use of the word in his inauguration speech sparked off speculation about a worldwide US agenda for regime change.
Natan Sharansky, the author of Mr Bush's favourite book on democracy, will participate, as will Bernard Kouchner, the founder of the charity Medecins sans Frontières and former United Nations envoy to Kosovo.
Other panels during the long weekend that stretches from Thursday dinner to Sunday lunch will address issues such as non-proliferation, the role of Russia, Israel-Palestine, US attempts at social security reform and Europe's benighted Lisbon agenda for economic liberalisation.
"We actually met in the late 1990s to see if we should still bother to have meetings now that the Berlin wall had fallen," says Martin Taylor, Bilderberg's secretary-general and a former chief executive of Barclays. "But we decided rather presciently that the security issues had not gone away. The transatlantic relationship is not something to take for granted."
The beginning of this century also saw the group reach out to the US's newly empowered Republicans, a move that caused some mutterings about the influence of neo-conservatives.
Yet figures such as Paul Wolfowitz, the controversial incoming president of the World Bank, are long-standing members, while a broad mass of participants from both Europe and the US have more traditional Atlanticist views.
As the years have passed, Bilderberg has softened its original focus on security and encompassed more economic and business themes.
Yet Mr Davignon believes that the task of eradicating the caricatures Europeans and Americans have of each other remains as vital as it was half a century ago.
"One rediscovers things occasionally," he says, referring to the interplay of business and politics and the mutual dependence of Europe and the US. "Then when you look at them more deeply, you find out that they have always been there."
By Chris Floyd
Published: April 29, 2005
It seemed, at first, like nothing more than a novelty item in the news briefs, the kind of odd, meaningless side-fact thrown off by most major stories: "New Pope, President's Brother Had Link in Swiss Group." But a look beneath the surface of this innocuous connection reveals a vast web of sinister alliances -- and moral corruption on a world-shaking scale.
The network links a bewildering line-up of players -- the Bushes, the Vatican, bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and China's Communist overlords, among others -- in a staggering array of crime and turpitude: prostitution, pedophilia, mass death and war profiteering. Yet this is not some grand "conspiracy theory," a serpent's egg hatched in Bilderberg or Bohemian Grove. It's simply the way the Bush boys do business, trawling the globe for sweetheart deals and gushers of blood money from the war and terror they foment.
At the center of this particular nexus is the unlikely figure of Neil Bush, the feckless, fraudulent brother of the current president. Neilsy, as he's known in the family, is most famous for costing American taxpayers $1 billion to bail out a savings-and-loan he had ruined with secret insider loans to his own business partners. For this massive fraud, he was fined -- by his father's administration -- the princely sum of $50,000, which was actually paid by one of his dad's political bagmen, of course.
You see, the Bushes are robber barons, not capitalists: They never risk any of their own money in the competition of the marketplace. Nor do they ever pay the price when their deals go belly-up. Just ask George W., whose first business was jump-started with secret cash from the bin Ladens, laundered through their U.S. frontman, James Bath -- who was also hired by W.'s dad, then-CIA director George Bush Sr., to set up offshore companies for shifting CIA money and aircraft between Texas and Saudi Arabia, the Texas Observer reported.
Neilsy's latest business ventures include a partnership with one of China's own influence-peddling oligarchs: Jiang Mianheng, son of former President Jiang Zemin. He's paying Bush $2 million for "advice" in a field the semiconductor industry -- which Neilsy cheerfully confesses he knows nothing about. Bush also trousered $1 million for "introductions and advice" from the CP Group, a Bangkok conglomerate spreading bipartisan gravy around Washington. In return for supplying his paymasters with a golden conduit to the White House, Neilsy received a special perk: free prostitutes, served up fresh to his hotel room during business trips to Asia.
But between his sessions of bouncy-bouncy with trafficked women, Neilsy was also sitting down with hard-line cleric Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the former soldier for Nazi Germany now translated to glory as Pope Benedict XVI. The two men were board members of an obscure Swiss institute ostensibly devoted to "interfaith dialogue." Although the organization did have some prominent ecumenical figures on the board, none of them could say exactly why pimp-daddy Neilsy was invited to join, Newsday reported.
Perhaps there's a clue in the group's incorporation. Dunn & Bradstreet lists the supposedly nonprofit foundation as a "management trust," designed for "purposes other than education, religion, charity or research." The group's spokesman says this designation was a "mistake," and anyway, the institute is hastily being "re-launched" with a "new focus" on its religious mission. But a cynic -- i.e., anyone with the slightest acquaintance of Bush business practices -- might think that a "management trust" masquerading as a religious charity would be an excellent place to launder money or park assets away from the taxman's prying eyes.
Meanwhile, Ratzinger spent his time on the Swiss board trying to bury the Vatican's massive pedophilia scandal, the London Observer reported this week. In a secret 2001 letter, he ordered Church officials to prevent police from learning about abuse allegations -- a theological innovation more commonly known in the United States as "obstructing justice." Given this criminal high-wire act, perhaps the good cardinal thought it prudent to cultivate some personal ties with a presidential sibling.
Whatever Neilsy and Das Panzerkardinal were up to in Switzerland, Ratzinger repaid their camaraderie with a decisive intervention in brother George's 2004 election, issuing a fatwa that essentially condemned any Catholic voting for John Kerry to eternal hellfire. With the Vatican's iron hand on the scales, Bush reaped an extra six percent of the Catholic vote -- a huge boost in a tight race.
But it's Neilsy's long-time partnership with Syrian-born businessman Jamal Daniel that has provided the true mother lode: war profiteering. Daniel, also a boardmate in the Swiss adventure with Ratzinger, is a principal in New Bridge Strategies, a firm set up by top Bush insiders to steer corporate clients to the fountains of blood money flowing from George W.'s conquest of Iraq. The company makes frequent use of Neilsy's "introductions" and Middle East connections, The Financial Times reported. It also operates a profitable sideline in mercenaries.
Daniel brings his own unique connections to the regional porkfest: His family was instrumental in the creation of the Baath Party in Syria and Iraq, The Financial Times noted. And of course, the Bush Family's covert arm, the CIA -- whose headquarters bears the name of George Sr. -- assisted not one, but two, Baathist coups in Iraq, including the bloody upheaval that brought Saddam Hussein's family faction to power, historian Roger Morris reported. Still later, the CIA would supply Osama bin Laden and his fellow extremists with weapons, money and terrorist training: a shrewd investment whose long-term consequences -- the current "war on terror" -- are still paying fat dividends for Bush coffers.
Sure, thousands die and millions suffer from these dirty deals -- but it's not a "conspiracy." It's just business -- the Bush way.
Mar 24, 2005 CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters)
President Bush will visit Latvia, the Netherlands, Russia, and Georgia in May to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II and to back democratic changes in former Soviet republics, the White House announced on Thursday.
The White House said in a statement that the May 6-10 trip will include talks with the presidents of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in Riga, Latvia. Lithuania and Estonia, which associate the war's end with Soviet occupation of the Baltic states until 1991, have turned down invitations to visit Moscow for the commemoration. Latvia's president has announced plans to attend.
Bush will hold bilateral talks in the Netherlands and visit the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial at Margraten near Maastricht. He will then travel to Moscow to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and to take part in a World War II ceremony.
Bush will wrap up his trip in Tbilisi, Georgia "to underscore his support for democracy, historic reform, and peaceful conflict resolution," the White House said. Bush has urges Moscow to abandon two Soviet-era military bases in Georgia since a bloodless revolution brought Western-leaning President Mikhail Saakashvili to power.
By Jackie Kucinich
The discussions are private, the location is not publicized and only the most powerful may attend.
The 53rd Bilderberg Meeting, a gathering shrouded in secrecy, allegedly took place this past weekend near Munich, Germany, at the Dorint Sofitel Uberfahrt hotel.
Several members of Congress have been said to be on the guest list in the past, including Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), Jon Corzine (D-N.J.), Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) and Evan Bayh (D-Ind.).
Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C) took a break from the campaign trail to attend the meeting last year.
Hagel's office confirmed that he had attended the conference in 1999 and 2000.
While none of those members attended this year's conference, Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee, did.
"He was invited by the conference, and he was pleased to attend," RNC press secretary Tracey Schmitt said. She added that she did not have information on what specifically was discussed at the meeting.
Of course not. Participants are forbidden from disclosing what they discussed.
Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, was also confirmed to be in attendance. About 30 of the 130 attendants this year were from the United States.
According a release provided to The Hill, the Bilderberg Meeting dealt with a range of vague topics including: European-American relations, Russia, Iran, Iraq, the Middle East, Asia, economic problems and nonproliferation.
This year's meeting opened with a discussion led by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger about the meaning of "freedom," according to a May 1 article in the Financial Times.
The last Bilderberg Meeting in the United States was held in Chantilly, Va., in 2002. When called by The Hill, a hotel representative said the hotel had not hosted the conference the weekend of May 30-June 2 of that year; Xerox Corp. rented the entire hotel. However, Paul Allaire, former chairman and CEO of Xerox, was on the list of attendees from that year.
The conference is named after the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland, the site of the first secret meeting in 1954. The meeting was called by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in response to his concerns that the relationship between the United States and Western Europe were becoming too antagonistic to discuss critical common concerns.
Since then, a group consisting of government, finance, industry, labor, education and communication leaders has met annually to talk about rising concerns and common interests. The official languages of the conference are English and French, according to the Library of Congress.
The meetings are kept private to encourage open discussions. Spouses are banned from attending. Several media outlets are invited to attend the conference; however, they must agree not to report on it. While there are no official "members" of the Bilderberg, several people, such as former Pentagon official Richard Perle and Kissinger, have attended several times.
Conspiracy theorists and websites about Bilderberg speculate that the participants crafted the idea for the euro and attendees go there to reevaluate how to "rule the world."
By Pepe Escobar
"It would have been quite impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries ..." - David Rockefeller, Bilderberg club permanent member, 1991
This conversation never happened. Well, it actually did. Date: March 5 to 8, 2005. Location: the isolated, fully-booked Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Ueberfahrt in Rottach-Egern, 60 kilometers east of Munich, Germany. Essential amenities: luxury rooms, a lake, a golf course, no suits - and no wives. Participants: 120-odd Western movers and shakers - politicians, tycoons, bankers, captains of industry, so-called strategic thinkers - invited for the 2005 meeting of the ultra-secretive Bilderberg club. Security: absolutely draconian. Global media coverage: non-existent.
Talk about white man's burden: Bilderberg is strictly "Western" elite, ie American-European. Bilderberg resolutely excludes Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. Bilderberg operates in strictly master of the universe territory: what we say goes. Only when events happen will corporate media report them, even though selected media people would have been aware of what has been decided weeks or even months in advance. The New York Times, the Big Three American networks, the Financial Times have all been represented at many Bilderbergs. But they are constrained by the silence of the lambs (see Asia Times Online's report on Bilderberg 2003 in Versailles The masters of the universe May 22, 2003)
Bilderberg has an address - in Leiden, Holland - and even a phone number - always on female answering-machine mode. No website though. In an annual ritual, Bilderberg meeting places and agendas have to be painstakingly uncovered by a small group of independent sleuths like Briton Tony Gosling or American James Tucker - who has been following Bilderberg for 30 years. Tucker is publishing a book on Bilderberg later this year. Historian Pierre de Villemarest and journalist William Wolf have already published Facts and Chronicles Denied to the Public, volumes 1 and 2, which include a secret history of Bilderberg. Belgian sociologist Geoffrey Geuens from the University of Liege has also included a full chapter on Bilderberg in one of his books. Although Geuens condemns Bilderberg's obsessive secrecy, he does not subscribe to conspiracy theories: he prefers to study how Bilderberg unmasks the way power works and the incestuous relations between politics, economics and the media.
Whenever corporate media approaches Bilderberg it mirrors the silence of the lambs. In 2005, the Financial Times released a classic pre-emptive story downplaying what it qualifies as conspiracy theories. In fact, anyone who questions the most powerful club in the world is derided as a conspiracy theorist. Bilderbergers like British lords or American policy-makers meekly justify it as "just a place to discuss ideas", an innocent "forum" where anyone can "speak frankly", and other assorted cliches.
Bilderberger Etienne Davignon, a former vice president of the European Commission, adamantly stresses "this is not a capitalist plot to run the world". Thierry de Montbrial, director of the French Institute of International Relations and a Bilderberg member for almost 30 years, says this is only "a club". The official Bilderberg 2002 press release, for instance, said that "Bilderberg's only activity is its annual conference. At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken and no policy statements issued." Bilderberg is just "a small flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced". This is, in fact, what the much-lauded "trans-Atlantic relationship" is all about.
The Bilderberg group - which took its name from a Dutch hotel - was founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard from the Netherlands. German-born Bernhard was a card-carrying Nazi and member of the SS. As it is well-known, Prescott Bush was an officer of W A Harriman & Co, which financed Adolf Hitler and the Nazis with the help of Averell Harriman and German tycoon Fritz Thyssen. Alden Hatch wrote a biography of Prince Bernhard where he insists that Bilderberg was the cradle of the European Community - later rebranded European Union. He describes Bilderberg's ultimate goal as a one-world government.
Bilderberg's membership is heavily crossed with the Council on Foreign Relations, the Pilgrims Society, the Trilateral Commission and the famous "Round Table" - a British, Oxford-Cambridge elite group crystallized in the homonymous journal of empire founded in 1910. The Round Table - which also denied its existence as a formal group - called for a more efficient form of global empire so that Anglo-American hegemony could be extended throughout the 20th century.
Bilderberg regulars include Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller (of JP Morgan's International Council), Nelson Rockefeller, Prince Philip of Great Britain, Robert McNamara (J F Kennedy's secretary of defense and former president of the World Bank), Margaret Thatcher, former French president (and main redactor of the EU constitution) Valery Giscard D'Estaing, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and the chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan. The Rothschild family has hosted many Bilderbergs. In 1962 and 1973, on the island resort of Saltsjobaden, Sweden, the hosts were the Wallenberg banking family.
Some of these masters control more of the universe than others. They are the members of the steering committee, which includes Josef Ackermann (Deutsche Bank), Jorma Ollila (Nokia), Jeurgen Schrempp (DaimlerChrysler), Peter Sutherland (former North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO - general and now with Goldman Sachs), James Wolfensohn (the outgoing World Bank president) and the "Prince of Darkness" Richard Perle. Iraq war conceptualist and incoming World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz is a also a Bilderberg permanent member. George W Bush happened to be in the neighborhood - the Netherlands, for the World War II commemorations - during Bilderberg 2005. He may have dropped in. Bush did meet Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, who must be present at every Bilderberg.
Bilderberg certainly is not an executive council. British economist Will Hutton may have gotten closer to the truth when he said that the consensus reached at each Bilderberg meeting "is the backdrop against which policy is made worldwide". What Bilderberg decides can be expected to be later implemented by a G-8 meeting, and International Monetary Fund and World Bank decisions.
No matter what, for innumerable, serious critics in Europe as well as the US, Bilderberg is everything from a Zionist plot to a megalomaniac secret cult. Serbs, not without some reason, blamed Bilderberg for the 1999 Balkan war and the fall of Slobodan Milosevic: after all, the US needed to control vital, Balkan pipeline routes. Bilderberg 2002 - although not without controversy - is thought to have cemented the invasion and conquest of Iraq. In his seminal A Century of War: Anglo-American oil politics and the New World War, F William Engdahl details what happened at Bilderberg 1973 in Sweden. An American outlined a scenario for an imminent 400% hike in the oil prices of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Bilderberg did not prevent the oil shock; instead it planned how to manage with mega-profits - what Kissinger described as "recycling the petrodollar flows". Everyone that mattered was present at this Bilderberg: oil majors and major banks. Engdahl's conclusion:
What the powerful men grouped around Bilderberg had evidently decided that May was to launch a colossal assault against industrial growth in the world, in order to tilt the balance of power back to the advantage of Anglo-American financial interests and the dollar. In order to do this, they determined to use their most prized weapon - control of the world's oil flows. Bilderberg policy was to trigger a global oil embargo, in order to force a dramatic increase in world oil prices. Since 1945, world oil had by international custom been priced in dollars, since American oil companies dominated the post-war market. A sudden sharp increase in the world price of oil, therefore, meant an equally dramatic increase in world demand for US dollars to pay for that necessary oil.
Saudi petrodollars then moved to the "right" banks in London in New York to finance US government deficits. Game, set, match to Bilderberg - where the mandarins of global finance always win.
Although not a single word uttered inside the Bilderberg vaults is allowed to reach public opinion, it's possible to take an educated guess as to what they're talking about. Last week, the ubiquitous Kissinger started the proceedings by illuminating the meaning of "freedom" - the Bush version. Natan Sharansky, Bush's democratic guru, was a participant.
Issues that would logically have interested Bilderberg 2005 include the role of NATO and the necessary approval in 2005 of the European constitution by all 25 members of the EU - the consequences of a French "no" in the upcoming May 29 referendum to approve the constitution need to be considered. Widespread job outsourcing in Europe to the Ukraine, China and India may sound the death knell to the constitution: French protesters - who have awakened the German and the Dutch - are insisting that what is good for big corporations may not be necessarily good for Western European workers. Critics say that chapter III of the constitution in fact details the way free trade may effectively kill the European welfare state.
They have their reasons to be concerned. In his book The Great Chessboard, Bilderberger Zbigniew Brzezinski hails "a Western Europe ... staying in a large measure an American protectorate". Brzezinski also insists that "Europe has to solve the problem caused by its social redistribution system", which "prevents European initiative". The father of the European constitution is none other than Bilderberger Valery Giscard d'Estaing, who happens to be very close to Kissinger.
From a geopolitical perspective, the heart of the whole matter is that the constitution legally confirms that Europe cannot have a defense force apart from NATO, ie outside the control of the US. Bilderberg beliefs would point to only one direction: an ever-expanding, US-controlled NATO, an ever-eastward-expanding EU, mass delocalization, mass corporate profits and unchallenged US military supremacy. No wonder this is the focus of a bitter debate inside EU corridors in Brussels, where scores of diplomats and commission officials openly complain of Washington's bullying and accuse their governments of selling out. Gunther Verheugen, the European commissioner in charge of expanding the EU, happens to be a Bilderberger. When members of the European Commission go to a Bilderberg, their travel expenses and their daily allowance is provided by the commission. This certainly disqualifies Bilderberg's self-presentation as a "private club".
Bilderberg 2005 has - coincidentally? - merged with Bush's tour among his Baltic friends and the tense meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The containment of Russia was likely top of the agenda for Bilderberg. Russia is very much worried about its "near abroad" and sees no reason to remove its army from bases in Georgia or its navy from Sebastopol, in Ukrainian Crimea - no matter how many color-coded revolutions happen at its doorstep.
European Commission sources assure that Brzezinski remains an extremely influential figure. The Bilderberg discussion on the control of Eurasia still refers to The Grand Chessboard. Washington is such an avid cheerleader of Turkey's accession to the EU because this means increased American influence near the Caspian and over the eastern Mediterranean. And it also works towards the containment of Iran, Russia and China - which, according to Brzezinski, may not be allowed to emerge as rival powers to the US in Eurasia.
Another contentious issue that must have occupied the minds of those at Bilderberg 2005 is preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon - this is just a detail: the point is how to prevent Iran from becoming a first-rate Eurasian power. Some in Brussels do not discount the possibility of a scenario of massive propaganda buildup to try to convince American and European public opinion of the necessity of a strike against Iran. How to force Beijing to appreciate the yuan must also have been a topic.
Athens, 6/5/2005 (ANA)
Main opposition PASOK party leader George Papandreou will leave for Rotach-Egern, Germany, on Friday to attend the Bilderberg Club's conference, due to end on Sunday.
Papandreou has been invited to make an address on the theme of "Where is Europe heading?".
An announcement by PASOK said that issues concerning relations between Europe and the United States, problems they are facing and issues of special European interest will be discussed during the Club's conference.
April 21 2005 -
by Aaron Braaten
Maja Banck-Polderman
cc:Esteemed Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee
cc: Heather Reisman, Conrad Black
C/O Post Office Box 30418
2500 GK
The Hague
The Netherlands
Dear Maja:
It is almost time for the annual Bilderberg meeting, and I would like to tender some recommendations concerning the Canadians whom I think would make an excellent addition to this year's global planning party. I must admit firsthand that I have a pro-Alberta bias; even so, my offerings are solid candidates.
Almost every year, a journalist from one of Conrad Black's newspapers makes an appearance at your annual meeting. In the past you have invited Mssrs. Mark Steyn and David Frum , and probably have your eye on either Terence Corcoran or Andrew Coyne for this year's meeting. While any of these men would be fine picks in my opinion, I would strongly suggest that you consider inviting Colby Cosh. Mr. Cosh might not fit in with the slick business types you would want at your conference, but this is precisely why you should invite him - he would add some diversity to this year's meeting. Furthermore, by inviting Mr. Cosh and allowing him to blog live from the conference, you could prove to Canadians that the meetings are not as "secret" as others have claimed. It's time to cut Mr. Frum loose and invite some fresh blood into the fold. And besides, Colby is from Alberta.
Sometimes you invite someone within Canada's Department of Finance. In 1996 you invited Canada's then Minister of Finance, Paul Martin Jr. to your Toronto meeting, but in 2003 you chose not to invite John Manley. This was a good selection, as Manley was campaigning against Martin for the leadership of the Liberal party and has since faded into the dustbin of Canadian politics - especially after being passed up for the NATO leadership role assumed by Bilderberg Alumni Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, who was fortunate enough to attend the 2003 meeting in Versailles.
In 2004, the current Minister of Finance, Ralph Goodale, was not yet installed in his role, and you invited his Deputy Finance Minister, Kevin Lynch. Mr. Goodale has campaigned for Mr. Lynch to assume leadership responsibilities with the International Monetary Fund, where he has taken a post. Mr. Lynch is therefore no longer the most qualified person to comment on Canada's economy, due to this shift in focus. There may be an election this spring, so if you invite Mr. Goodale, he may have to send Ian Bennett, Deputy Minister of Finance in his stead. Ian Bennett has over twenty years of experience in the Department and could offer you some excellent insights concerning macroeconomic policy in Canada. Although he is not originally from Alberta (he's a B.C. native, just like me), we "British Albertans" have a strange cult in Alberta and will go to bat for a B.C. boy at a tip of the hat.
In addition, Mr. Goodale might not be a good pick, as he has not done much to advance the issue of bank mergers. The Liberal party as a whole has not done much to advance bank mergers in Canada, and have been blocking them since 1998. The Conservatives and the Bloc, however, are all for it, albeit with some conditions, as laid out by the Canadian Competition Bureau. But to be honest, the Competition Bureau can only handle one or two cases at a time, and you know just as well as I that those conditions could not realistically be enforced.
Now, should the Conservatives form a government this year, they would likely nominate their finance critic, Mssr. Solberg, for the position of Minister of Finance. You might want to invite him for Bilderberg 2006, especially if you think that bank mergers are best for Canada. I like Mssr. Solberg because he's from Alberta and has the same last name as some of my ancestors. And besides, he has a blog, just like Colby Cosh.
Once in a while you invite a Premier of a Provincial government to your annual meetings. In the past you have invited Ralph Klein, Bernard Lord, Mike Harris and Frank McKenna. I would suggest that you invite Ralph Klein again, as he has adhered to Bilderberg ideology in Alberta since 1995. However, since he is expected to retire soon, I would suggest one of the frontrunners for the leadership of the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party - either Ted Morton or Jim Dinning. By inviting either one of these men you will be giving Albertans a clear indicator concerning who you think should govern our province in the future.
You usually invite someone from academia, and usually this person hails from Toronto - as in Margaret MacMillan, Provost, Trinity College, University of Toronto. She has gone to your meetings several times - how about switching it up a bit? I would suggest an academic from the University of Calgary, as the Calgary school of political economic thought has been the driving force behind Mssrs. Harper and Manning , so why not give credit where credit is due? I would suggest Tom Flanagan, but he is expected to be campaigning for Stephen Harper this spring and might not have enough time. Therefore, I would suggest you invite Tom's departmental pal, Barry Cooper to this year's Bilderberg Meeting. Give Barry a shot - he might surprise you.
Invite any "Big Five" Canadian bank president you want - it makes no difference to me.
Finally, could you do something about Heather Reisman? I know she sits on the Steering Committee, but maybe you could have a word with her about the book selection at her stores, which has been in decline lately. I know that if Conrad or Kiss brought it up, she would most likely expand the selection at Chapters.
I hope that my suggestions will go a long way in adding to the diversity of this year's Bilderberg Meeting, as I'm sure you are getting sick of inviting the same old crowd - MacMillan, Reisman, Frum, a Bank President or Minister of Finance, et al. I can understand your desire to have a private meeting, as it seems to enable global leaders to be more candid than they would otherwise be in public. But please, consider these candidates for this year's meeting, or even next year. I hope that you will have a good time planning the world's future and wish you all the best in your endeavors.
Aaron Braaten
Aaron Braaten is a graduate student of Economics at a university north of the 49th. He wants to be an Economist (not "Communist") and he runs the Grandinite blog. A "Grandinite" is a resident of Grandin, which is the name of Aaron's neighborhood.
Monday, April 18 2005 @ 07:38 PM MDT
A couple of years ago, I brought up the importance of the Bilderberg meetings in shaping the Canadian political agenda. The 2003 attendance of Stephen Harper was a signal that the Global Crony-Class had placed its bets on Harper taking the leadership of the Conservative Party, and it proved to be a pretty good indicator of the outcome of the Conservative Leadership Race. They seem to be pretty good at picking the up-and-comers, as Bill Clinton was a podunk Governor when he went to a Bilderberg meeting.
Unfortunately, I have been among a handful of Canadians, besides Edmonton's See Magazine and anonymous posters to Indymedia websites to comment on the Bilderberg meetings. David Frum and Mark Steyn, both noted Canadian Journalists have attended, but nether has commented on the inner workings of these meetings. Why is that? Conrad Black should invite National Post columnist Colby Cosh to this year's event, and he should be allowed to blog live from the venue, just to prove that the Bildies have nothing to hide.
The real Canadian Bilderberg agenda has nothing to do with health care, marriage or Charter Rights. The real hidden agenda is that Mssrs. Martin, Harper, Harris, Manning and Klein all agree on one thing: that Canada must integrate further with the USA, and this could be a bad thing. Several of these clowns have been the stars of a Canadian political drama that has been unfolding in recent weeks, and it's pretty clear that they are using social issues to distract us from economic ones.
Read the rest:
Patrons de multinationales, chefs d'Etat, banquiers, dirigeants de presse... ils sont une centaine et tiennent le monde entre leurs mains. Signe particulier : ils participent tous au Bilderberg, un puissant réseau dont les membres sont tenus au silence. Enquête sur le cercle de pouvoir le plus discret de la planète.
«Les réunions de Bilderberg ont vu le jour à la fin de la guerre et les premiers participants étaient pour certains d'anciens cadres de l'Allemagne nazie recrutés par la CIA pour lutter contre l'URSS... » Depuis son bureau de l'Université de Liège, Geoffrey Geuens prépare une thèse sur les interactions entre médias et pouvoir. Dans son livre sorti en 2003* , il consacre un chapitre entier au Bilderberg, « probablement le club le plus discret et le plus fermé ». Créé par le Prince Bernhard des Pays-Bas, le Bilderberg tire son nom de l'hôtel où se sont réunis les premiers participants. Depuis cinquante ans, l'élite mondiale de la finance, de la politique, de l'aristocratie et des médias se retrouve chaque année, aux Etats-Unis ou en Europe, pour débattre pendant quatre jours, à l'abri des regards. De l'élection de Miss France ? Pas vraiment, « Bilderberg n'est pas un club de loisirs où l'on joue au bridge, c'est un lieu où l'on pense l'avenir du monde », précise le sociologue belge.
Pas de site internet, pas de conférence de presse, Bilderberg cultive la discrétion à l'extrême. Olivier, du collectif de médias indépendants Indymédia se souvient : « La sécurité autour de la réunion était très bien organisée, il n'y avait aucune possibilité d'approcher à moins de 200 mètres de l'hôtel. Il était même interdit de prendre des photos, même en restant à l'extérieur du périmètre. » Seattle ? Gênes ? Non, Versailles. Le Bilderberg a réservé du 15 au 18 mai 2003 le somptueux Trianon Palace.
« Une partie du boulevard qui y amène a été bloqué sur 300 mètres, ainsi qu'une partie du parc du château. » Olivier a malgré tout réussi à prendre quelques photos. On y reconnaît le milliardaire Rockfeller, des gouverneurs de banques centrales, le roi d'Espagne, les plus proches conseillers de Bush et des chefs d'Etat en exercice. Vous n'en avez jamais entendu parler ? Normal, quasiment aucun média n'en a parlé et les Versaillais eux-même n'ont rien su.
Source : Indymedia France, Bilderberg 2003 à Versailles
« Davos aime la couverture médiatique et la publicité tandis que le Bilderberg érige la discrétion en condition d'appartenance au groupe (...) C'est une sorte de règlement intérieur non écrit, poursuit Olivier Hoedeman de l'ONG Corporate Europe Observatory, qui permet de maintenir une grande franchise dans les débats, mais qui a le gros inconvénient de créer des fantasmes. »
Aux Etats-Unis, des journaux d'extrême-droite se sont emparés du sujet pour dénoncer un ''complot mondial''. Geoffrey Geuens, le sociologue belge, démonte l'argument très facilement même s'il reproche aux ''Bilderbergers'' d'attiser eux-mêmes la théorie du complot par le mystère qu'ils entretiennent : « Ses participants appartiennent à un même groupe, ont fait les mêmes écoles, viennent des mêmes familles... La théorie du complot repose sur l'idée que des individus se réuniraient en secret pour se mettre d'accord. Je crois, comme Pierre Bourdieu, que ces gens se ressemblent tellement qu'ils n'ont pas besoin de se réunir pour savoir ce qu'ils doivent décider, les choses se font naturellement. ». Bilderberg dévoile d'abord la structure du pouvoir, les relations permanentes entre médias, politiques et économiques. Mais rien ne justifie selon lui que le public soit tenu à l'écart.
Tony Gosling, ancien journaliste de la BBC, vit aujourd'hui à Bristol et se considère comme un militant de l'altermondialisme. Il découvre l'existence de ce cercle un peu par hasard : « Un activiste écolo m'a un jour parlé de Bilderberg, j'ai d'abord pensé que ce type était complètement fou » Il apprend ensuite que le domaine n'a pas été déposé et décide de l'acheter pour un créer un site web citoyen aussi complet que possible. Dans les mois qui suivent, son courrier est régulièrement ouvert. Il se rend à deux rencontres de Bilderberg et parvient finalement à décrocher quelques rares confidences de participants. « Ils disent que c'est une réunion privée entre personnes privées mais c'est étrange car ils ont tous de lourdes responsabilités dans les affaires publiques et parlent de l'avenir du FMI ou de la Banque mondiale en présence de leurs présidents respectifs, de la libéralisation de l'Europe en présence des commissaires européens... »
Tony veut bien croire qu'aucune décision ne soit prise formellement dans l'enceinte d'un Bilderberg, mais il est évident que « les débats permettent d'aboutir à un consensus, de créer la toile de fond des politiques et des décisions qui seront prises par la suite au FMI, au G8 ou ailleurs. » Pour la réunion de Versailles, Tony a choisi d'arriver la veille pour visiter discrètement la salle de réunion avant le début des festivités. Il découvre alors un écran géant sur le mur, un projecteur et une liaison satellite : « Cela signifie qu'ils organisent des vidéoconférences, qui sait si Bush, Tony Blair ou d'autres ne participent pas à distance à ces réunions ? »
« C'est un mythe, flatteur pour les participants mais sans aucun fondement », conteste André Lévy-Lang. L'ancien PDG de la banque Paribas, administrateur de quelques unes des plus grandes entreprises françaises, est l'un des rares participants français à avoir accepté de répondre à mes questions**. Coopté par un autre Français pour intégrer le réseau, André Lévy-Lang a même fait partie pendant plusieurs années du comité de direction de Bilderberg. Il résume la philosophie du groupe en une phrase : « développer les contacts et les échanges entre des personnalités des pays membres de l'OTAN , en toute liberté. »
Nicolas Beytout, directeur du Figaro, a également accepté de dire quelques mots : « J'ai fait trois Bilderberg mais on ne demande pas à participer, on est invité par le comité de direction. (...) Nous sommes installés par ordre alphabétique, il n'y a absolument aucun protocole ni décorum. Des sessions thématiques sont annoncées à l'avance avec deux ou trois orateurs qui font un exposé avant d'ouvrir le débat avec la salle. » La confidentialité ? « Un gage très grand de sincérité qui permet aux participants de dire vraiment ce qu'ils pensent. »
Nicolas Beytout ne veut pas en dire beaucoup plus, « puisque c'est la règle de base », mais concède avoir assisté à des débats passionnants comme cette fois « où les patron de Shell et de BP ont débattu des réserves pétrolières et du développement durable... » Michel Bon, l'ancien PDG de France Telecom, a lui aussi été invité à deux reprises : « Ce n'est en rien une institution, ni un lieu de pouvoir quelconque. » La théorie du gouvernement mondial occulte est pour lui « un vieux fantasme : les jésuites, les francs-maçons, les inspecteurs des finances... comme ce serait simple ! » Thierry de Montbrial, directeur de l'Institut Français des Relations Internationales et membre du comité directeur du Bilderberg depuis presque 30 ans, préfère parler de club : « Si un élu n'avait pas le droit de parler à huis clos avec des gens compétents et informés, le monde se porterait mal ! Par exemple, j'ai invité Jospin en 1997 juste quelques mois avant qu'il ne devienne premier ministre... »
Alors, simple club ou gouvernement du monde ? Interrogée le 19 mai 2000 par Patricia Mc Kenna***, la Commission européenne a apporté malgré elle un début de réponse : «Pour ce qui est de la participation de membres de l'ancienne Commission aux réunions de Bilderberg, seules les dépenses de voyage et les indemnités journalières étaient à charge du budget de l'institution. » Lorsque les frais sont pris en charge par les contribuables de l'Union européenne, peut-on encore parler de ''club privé'' ? Au fait, le prochain Bilderberg aura lieu à Munich au printemps prochain mais ne le répétez pas, c'est un scoop très privé.
* Tous pouvoirs confondus. Etat, Capital et Médias à l'ère de la mondialisation, Anvers, EPO, 2003, 471 p. 29 ?.
** Les personnalités suivantes ont toutes participé à au moins un Bilderberg mais n'ont pas voulu répondre : Les députés Pierre Lellouche, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, le Ministre Jean-François Copé, l'ex-commissaire européen Pascal Lamy, les patrons du MEDEF, de Danone, de Lafarge, d'AXA, le juge Jean-Louis Bruguière, et les journalistes Alexandre Adler (Le Figaro) et Eric Le Boucher (Le Monde).
*** Questions n° 54 de Patricia McKenna (H-0358/00), députée européenne verte (Irlande),
see also
The Isralian flag and the American flag (mirrored) with the yellow border around it are on the left side. This stands for the relationship between US and Israel, the mirrored flag with yellow border where shown sticked on the jackets of the 101St Airborne who fighted in the war on Iraq.
On the right site you see the American flag and the United Nations flag which speaks for it self.
On the top of all that there is the Eagle symbol which was used by the Great Roman Empire. This symbolises the New World Order which is being established as we speak.
To begin with, the Bilderberg group was founded by Prins Bernhard from the Netherlands who married Queen Juliana of The Netherlands in 1939. The goal of the Bilderbergers was/is to keep up the relation between Europe and America. Bernhard him self has been a member of the NSDAP founded in 1920 (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei / German National Socialist Workers Party) and the SS (Schutzstaffel) founded in 1929 by Heinrich Himmler while Hitler was in power.
Now we all know the Nazi Hitler salute, but what most of us dont know, that this was the same salute that was used by the US Socialists. (
This is no coincidence
when you look at the persons who funded the Nazi's in first place. Prescott
Bush (Skull & Bones member) was an officer of the W.A. Harriman &
Co (merged with British Brown Brothers) who supplied funds to Hitler with
the help of Averell Harriman (Skull & Bones) and Fritz Thyssen (German
We also know that Hitler used influences (sybolism and inspiration) from the Roman Empire to create 'his' Great German Empire. Also it is a fact that after WWII a lot of highly placed SS-officers, scientists where secretly moved to the US in opperation Paperclip to continue their work in projects like MK-ULTRA, the ATOMBOMB a.o. and where placed in organisations as CIA, FBI... (those who stand for protecting US with their intelligence)
Ok so what has the Eagle / Seal to do with it? well lets go back into history to the beginning of the The Roman Empire. Julius Ceasar was born 100BC when Rome was still a republic and there wasnt a real empire yet. With the help of his son Augustus, religios leaders and the military which he controlled, the Roman Empire was established across europe.
Julius Ceasar was a dictator who wanted to rule the world building an Empire. (sign Eagle)
Adolf Hitler was a dictator who wanted to rule the world building an Empire. (sign Eagle)
George Bush is a dictator who wants to rule the world building an Empire. (New World Order) (sign Eagle/Seal)
What do these Empires / Unions have in comment, they all use the Eagle as symbol of freedom and democracy.
If you listened to people like David Icke, Anthony Hilder, Texe Marrs etc you know that the Illuminati allways works in that way: "We give you this side of the story, but we know the other side of it and you dont hahaha" That is what i think the double headed Eagle stands for.
No matter how you look at it and what you dig up from the past, the same two words will always come up:
War and Money. Or what is known today as Freedom and Democracy. And when you ask yourself what had brought them down? How did they fall? Again another two words will keep flashing in front of your eyes: Greed and Power. Or what is known today as Economy and Politics.
Skull & Bones and the number 322 Lodge Totenkopf has 'something' to do with the number 32 (See source links about Skull & Bones and Masonery for more info on the number 32)
SARTRE - February 17, 2005
Denying this yearly meeting, among the most select group of power brokers has little significance, illustrates the success of managed news. Condemning critical reporting to the depths of 'conspiracy' oblivion has been the public relations coup of the last half-century. Now that the first fifty years of non-existence denial has worn thin, the next ad campaign has a spin of benign benevolence. Hey, as O'Reilly would say, any "right thinking" person couldn't really believe that this social society could be up to no good? Ask yourself the simple question. How many of your friends or family think you may be a little deranged for even bring up the topic? If the proof is in the pudding, don't ask the waiters. This treat is a dessert that won't add pounds to your waste, but may well cause your future to be wasted.
Back to the original scene of the crime, the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland is the sentimental honeymoon get away for these originators of the globalist jet set. The Jan. 21-23 meeting was discovered by Henk Ruyssenaars of the Foreign Press Foundation. Well, do you really care about the celebration itinerary of the supreme elite or are you waiting for your own holiday visit to Davos Switzerland? Veteran sleuth James P. Tucker reports on the strange winter schedule: "In recent years, as publicity in Europe mounted and security measures increased, Bilderberg has been holding back to reduce the possibility of "leaks." Luminaries would receive "hold these dates" notices and be told where to go as the meeting time drew near."
According to an informative article entitled: Bilderberg's secret agenda 2005, this years meeting is decisive. The foremost topic is the role of NATO and the passage of - The European Constitution (read the official summary) - The Constitution of Europe - to be voted this year in Europe and next year in England. Quoting from this essay: "This constitution is authorizing legally that NATO to be the only official frame of European's future defense forces. (First part of the text). In one sentence, Europe's future is definitively cemented in the wedding with the American direction. This is to be voted "democrately", but with the respective governments hiding these important facts. As a matter of confirmation of the influence of NATO upon Europe, last December was the inclusion of Turkey inside Europe imposed by America and decided by Europe. This shameful decision was pushed by the commissioner to "broadening" of Europe, Mr Gunther Verheugen, member of Bilderberg."
Now before your eyes gloss over and fatigue sets in, what's the beef with voting the democratic will? The 'reality programming' that comes across the global media network has a prime function of selling what is professed as unavoidable, while discrediting any alternative as impossible. If you dismiss the saga and influence of the machinators, you then must provide a reasonable explanation for the history of the last fifty years. When goals are set and agendas are defined, politicians implement legislation and policies that conform to their long term plans. There Is No Conspiracy - Only Official Policy, and a great deal of that policy originates from within Bilderberg circles.
To Conspire or Not to Conspire - That is the Question? Yet, we are told by every mainstream media outlet, that the blessings of Democracy is the mission of the global New World Order. Undoubtedly, the positions of official authority and the minions in every bureaucracy reflect a uniform adherence to the never-ending program towards consolidation and regimentation. Whatever is put in play at the annual session comes into actuality in the years that follow. Metternich's vision for Europe and Wilson's dream for a league of nations has become the world community promise of an empire to defend self-determination - as long as it is defined as an integral component of the overall union. All the time the media serves their ownership interests that are invariably constituted at every Bilderberg meeting.
A simple plan of coincidence in development - NATO as the neighborhood policeman, European eastward expansion as the direction and America as the final enforcer. Is it mere chance that such an outline at an exclusive spa translates into prescriptive action in due course? The media see no connection, and the public dutifully follows and accepts their role. A uniform code of conduct under a single European Constitution converts into a global goliath that fits the scheme and achieves the agenda. With the technological instant reach of the medium, the message while in dozens of languages has the same script.
What people believe from this cultural matrix no longer related to primeval facts and certainly does not reflect their own self-interest. The technocrat society is designed as a debit bankcard with the pin number safely secured within the accepted ATM machine. The internet voices in the wilderness, represent one of the few areas of dissent that penetrates the censures. Hitherto, the docile character of such continental socialistic societies have expected such plots for control. It is their history. But America was invented to be different. The blending of elitism from both sides of the pond means that the same fate awaits for all.
The Bilderberg mindset is expounded in every form of media. Critical thinking is deemed subversive. Careers are built upon unvarying propaganda. Resistance seems futile, but is it foolish? Is it possible to turn down "The Constitution of Europe" anymore than to dissolve NATO? The media condescends with a singular voice. It is up to the populist to prove them wrong. The entire basis of cabal power rests upon the apathy of a perceived inevitability. As long as a fictitious legitimacy is never disputed, the plutocrats extend their rule. A supranational federation at all times conflicts with any meaningful definition for self-determination. Any defense of the superiority of the "world community" fosters the tyranny of the New World Order. Who do you believe, the media or your common sense?
"The government of the Western nations, whether monarchical or republican, had passed into the invisible hands of a plutocracy, international in power and grasp. It was, I venture to suggest, this semioccult power which....pushed the mass of the American people into the cauldron of World War I." British military historian MajorGeneral J.F.C. Fuller, l941
On the eve of a triumphant journey by Mr Bush to the soil of the old continent, preceeded by Mrs Condoleeza Rices trip, all indicators show that Europe's leaders are only pretending in their 'opposition' to the US.
In Nice (South of France), Mr. Rumsfeld managed to persuade Europeans to train and finance thousands of new Iraqi police. NATO is now to redeploy in Afghanistan and help the US military rebuild this country. Saudi Arabia has seen its first local elections after the great success of the Iraqi ones. Ukraine was holding its own at the end of last year with the subversive help from some US CIA s backed organizations.
A so calling best US informed man and former Reagans aide named Jack Wheeler (see in who I am referring to ) is seriously suggesting Mr G. W. Bush should receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his eminent role in establishing democracy in these countries.
Meanwhile, Bush is referring to the courage and the writings of a former Russian resister, Natan Sharansky. However, Israeli Barry Chamish believes this cold war hero was in fact a KGB informer. So on this sinister stage where the blind follow the lies in a mirror, we may certainly fear the worst direction from these leaders.
The first thing to examine when they are speaking of democracy is to see which democracy they (the US administration) are wanting to install.
In their mouths democracy is sounding as a real peoples democracy (no real intention from my part to write popular democracy which is, as everybody knows, another body).
In fact a quick examination of the guys they are following and helping is showing these guys are attracted by the European model or wanting to evade an external influence. This is really evident in the Ukrainian case, where Yutschenko (married to an American woman) is politically binded to Yulia Timochenko, an Ukrainian billionnaire, whose past was in business in Russian petroleum and gas. We have the oil and we have the democracy now. But is it really a democracy where the people in the street are having a word to say? Apparently yes, since the orange revolution, but we may not forget the river of money that flowed out of the pockets of Soros s foundations as well as from American foundations (Freedoms house directed by former CIA director Woosley, New Endowment for democracy known as a CIA relais since its implication in the Venezuelian coup détat.
Up to now, the structure of Ukrainian power and democracy is based on some ploutocrat looking like a MAFIA mob. The difference with the former is that they are now a Western looking mob.
The Georgian revolution funded by Soros s organizations is in difficulties. Georgia is situated south of the Caspian Sea and Putin is showing no sign of abandon in Chétchénia at the opposite (see his declarations in Autschwitz against terrorism mimicing the US). First minister of Georgia recently died of Carbon Dioxide poisoning when sleeping and he was the right arm of the president of this country. Russians have no intentions of moving from their Georgian base as well from Sebastopol, in Ukrainian Crimea where the Russian South See Navy stands.
Naturally, The Caucases are known to have a lot of oil.
Democracy in Iraq is going to lead this country (containing petroleum) to have a Shia governement .Violence is not to ease soon. Difference between Iraq and Georgia has to be found in the localization: Iraq doesn't belong to the Caucase basin but to the Great MiddleEast where democracy (democracy is liking oil as you noticed it immediately at the first glance).
Great Middle East , as well Saudi Arabia where the first local elections were held ( in absence of women not invited to vote).
Next surprise will come out in Lebanon where the UN asked Syria to leave the country. Jumblatt and Aoun in next polling will make the difference, thanks to America. Naturally , Syria is threathened regularly of American intervention. And assassinations will happen.
Israel is a big part of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) plan: two countries side by side and the entrance of the two countries in the European union once peace is acquired.
So we may discriminate two policies having the same oil control target.
1.Eurasia policy for the north of Europe (following Brzezinsky theories) 2.Great Middle east policy for the South of Europe.
These policies will be again on the table at next Bilderberg meeting for sure. Europe is in competition about commerce in the Maghreb (Tunisia, Marocco, Lybia. Egypt is fully in the hands of the US interests As well as Jordania and..Israel.)
Now, a more difficult task is awaiting Europeans about competitiveness and the Lisbon agenda. In fact, the entrance of low level cost price countries in 2004 in Europe will displace the benefit of European aid policies towards the East, leading to more economic difficulties in the south (France, Germany, benelux, Italy etc.).
The constitution of Europe to be voted this year in Europe and next year in England is having in its chapter III, a whole commerce code meaning an end of European Social security with Frits Bolkensteins directive fleshed out by the text.
This constitution is authorizing legally the NATO to be the only official frame of Europeans future defense forces. (First part of the text). In one sentence, Europes future is definitively cemented in the wedding with the American direction.
This is to be voted democrately, but with the respective governments hiding these important facts.
As a matter of confirmation of the influence of NATO upon Europe, last December was the inclusion of Turkey inside Europe imposed by America and decided by Europe. This shameful decision was pushed by the commissioner to broadening of Europe, Mr Gunther Verheugen, member of Bilderberg. A contact inside the IFRI told me this was requested with force by the USA above all protestations possible.
Where is the democracy in all this?
In next article we will have a deeper look upon the Iranian question, the consequences of Turkey entrance, Eurasia, China and the weapon debate, Money and the real plutocratic democracy role in a next future.
Raymond Fodsick was a Woodrow Wilsons friend and the most influencial man of his generation along with Colonel House. In company of one of his pupils, Beardsley Ruml, and the help of John Davison Rockefeller III, they established the Memorial and the General Education Board to study the population growth problems.
Ruml was in contact since the 1920 s with Graham Wallas, a founder of the Fabian Society. Together, they established with the help of the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Fund, a rostrum of Social Science in Bloomsbury under control of the Fabian Society. Ruml was too a member of the National Planning Association where were sitting Felix Frankfurter, Eric Johnston , future founder of the Atlantic Institute, Norman Cousins, etc.. all of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) a private US foreign policy club.
Fodsick was a partisan of Internationalist organizations. To control the government.He obtained from John Davison Rockefeller III the means to strengthen the Institute of Government Research which with the help of Robert Brookings a few years later became the Brookings Institute.
Fodsick, with Thomas W. Lamont and the infamous Colonel House founded the Council on Foreign Relations and the Foreign Policy Association( in this case in company of Felix Frankfurter and Paul Warburg)
So, we may deduce from this: The establishment of the CFR was to control the US governement. All Institutes of Fodsick including the work he did on the Brooking Institution and the Foreign Policy Association was leading to this goal. All identical Institutes in foreign countries led to this target too including the Royal Institute for International Afairs (RIIA) in England and other institutions founded abroad. So when in the FAQ on the websites of the Trilateral, CFR we see: Is the Trilateral a plot? with the answer : Not at all we are authorized, frankly, to laugh.
This plan intends to guide the US s government actions as well as foreign governments' actions with respect to the interests of the richest of the American riches dynasties or powerful European and worldwide plutocratic groups .
This is an invisible hand. You ll never directly see the hand. You see the CFRs recommendations and reports and youll see the congressmen vote. You never see the hand guiding them. The same with Bilderberg and Europe, 99% of people living in an EU which was born at Bilderberg have never heard of it. But the Bilderbergs reports are not available for the public although the names of the members of these caucuses are never quoted.
In late 1952, Josef Retinger went to America to try the idea out on his American contacts.Among others, he saw such old friends as Averell Harriman, David Rockefeller, and Bedell Smith, then director of the CIA. After Retinger explained his proposal, Smith said Why the Hell didnt you come to me in the first place? .He quickly referred Retinger to C.D. Jackson, who was about to become Eisenhowers special assistant for warfare in May 1954, the first conference was held in the hotel de Bilderberg.. (The chairman, John Mc Cloy, the making of the American Establishmenté by Kai Birds as quoted in 'Whos Who of the Elite' by Robert Gaylon Ross)
Averell Harriman was a Yale 'Skull & Bones' seret society member and a former associate of Prescott Bush (GW's grandad) in his Nazi collaberating oil business. McCloy was responsible for the bombing upon Germany during the war as well as an OSS (forerunner of the CIA) officer.
Asked why Auschwitz was never bombed (or the railroad leading to the camp) he answered: If we did something in favor of the Jews, the Greeks would have asked the same for them.
In my idea there were not so much Greeks interned in comparison of the Jews and this is an historical fact that factories with US interests were never bombed in Germany, this was no accident. The camps were providing the workforce needed for the US interests in Germany at a real low cost for the American profiteers and there is no question to contest that money has no smell.
Harriman became the European responsible for the George Marshall s plan in Europe, while McCloy was director honorary for the CFR, president of the Ford Foundation, director at the Chase Manhattan Bank, member of Bilderberg etc and a member of the Warren Commission about the murder of President Kennedy (curiously he and Allen Dulles were members of the Permindex company quoted by Garrison, in company of general Walker and the landlord Byrd of the Texas book depository).
In his book The great Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinski is telling us: Europe is the geostrategical fundamental stronghold position for America. The Atlantic Alliance is authorizing America to have a political influence and a military weight upon the continent If Europe increases, this will directly benefit American influence
Brzezinski goes on Western Europe is staying in a large measure an American Protectorate and his states are remembering us who were the vassals and tribute payers of the old empires
Europe has to solve the problem caused by his social redistribution sytem which is too heavy and preventing European capacity of initiatives
Thus, for Brzezinski, the social security net in Europe, a great post war blessing in Britain, is paralyzing the capacity of Europe to expand and find a common sense in European patriotism. Naturally, America is impatient to have more power and influence upon the continent. So pressure is increasing through Bilderberg to develop and increase Europe. This is explaining all through Europe these initiatives having as target to dismantle the whole social security system under the one of other economical or social pretext.
The plain fact that all people of European nations paid for social security through taxation does not occur to Brzezinski.
Valery Giscard d Estaing (Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg) is the so called father of the European Constitution and is a real close friend of Kissinger. His constitutional will be written in marble, if accepted. The NATO heart of Europe as well that the social regression in the whole Europe. Brzezinski is not even thinking to the social troubles or revolutions his initiative might lead to My inside source in the IFRI told me that the Bolkenstein directive will find full force on July 15, 2005 as well as the Investment Agreement.
You know what is MAI. (Multilateral Agreement on Investments). Everybody thought this social monstruosity was definitively put in the dustbin. Error, the beast is coming back.
In the same vein, the integration of Turkey in Europe will permit US imperialism to have a strong hand upon the south of the Caspian Sea, as well as having an influence upon the states of the east side of the Mediterranean basin. This will achieve the US democratic move on this region while the Western part will be submitted to the action of NGOs towards more democracy as a last year article from the German Marshall Fund in the paper Le Mondeinstructively showed us.
In Short, a subversive hurricaine is about to blow upon Europe and its suburbs in the next few years with politics and social consequences not yet studied by this mornings magicians. Bilderberg 2005 calls these social enhancements.
What about Iran? The point is that Iran is a regional power, able to work with Russia and China together and turning it to a valid opposition to the American Empire in Eurasia.
If we remember well, the Paalavis dynasty was thrown out of power in Iran in the year 1979 when America decided his willingness to make Iran a regional power equipped with atomic weapons was not supported by American regional intentions. So, they preferred to work with the backward minds of Ayatollah Khomeyni, but Khomeyni was not intending to work with the friends of Israël. So, America encouraged Saddam s Iraq to engage a terrible war against its neighbour.
Saddam was a close friend to America then, although he was not practicing democracy.
Now, 25 years later, the same state is having the same objectives that the Shah in Shah. A big mistake having been done, Iran is again at the feet of America with no intention at all to let America dominate Eurasia. As Russia and China have the same goals, they all three powers have the possibility to block the American expansion.
The main goal being not to prevent Iran to have the atomic weapon but well to prevent Iran to be a regional power in any case, the USA are intended to dismantle Iran from the inside, having not enough military forces to invade and submit Teheran. This country is having oil, naturally And that is helping America to try to convert these Muslims to he virtues of the American democratic way of life.
The interests of China are going towards the oil of central Asia, in the same time the interests of Turkey and Iran are pointing in the same direction. The Alliance of Iran and China in petroleum matters are preventing USA from controlling the tab on the Chinese oil. Naturally an alliance between Iran, China and Russia would exclude America from the Kazakhstan oil fields and will not tolerate the presence of pipeline leading to the Mediterranean region, which is what Washington wants.
So to the insistence of the US threaths, Iran will answer with more Agressiveness in the central Asian oil fields States.
As specially defined by the Brzezinski doctrine, no country or groups of country will be allowed to challenge the hyperpower status of the USA.
America has implicitly allowed China to dump its money since the years 1980 against a limited place of this country in the New World Order, the New American Empire. But now, China wants to take its natural place in the South Asiatic Region.
Economically, China is a success story and the end of textile quotas is permitting China to invade the European markets. This is weakening the European textile industries and weakening the buying power of European money.
Logically, sales of European weapons are to counter balance this trade and to permit China to have the adequate military forces equal to its power status. But this means too that the policy of China will no more be in the hands of Washington, and that in a near future, Taiwan might just be invaded. And Japan forced to acquire atomic weapons too in order to defend itself.
Condoleeza Rice as well as George W. Bush will try to limit theses European sales. With some disgust they did not appreciate the recent position of Mr. Blair on this question. Maybe Tony Blair is no more the lap-dog of mr Bush? Probably, China is going to know some restrictions on vital matters as oil, steel, strategic materials and obliged to accept to reconsider its yuan value or to be considered as a former member of international WTO etc..
Naturally, America is a net borrower and will be obliged to stop to borrow. Not to sink before a flow of Chinese paper coming back for immediate refund, USA would be obliged to devaluate its money from one day to the other, even if America is showing good signs of activity. This would mean ruin for all Asia and America. But America is able to turn towards its European allies and, within a few years, its debt could be patched up.
In short, to limit the Asiatic risks, China will be forced to freeze activities and certainly through the revaluation of the yuan. This will be in a more harder way presented to China by the Allies. Bilderberg 2005 will be considering this deeply.
Naturally, after the CIA aided 'Ukraine joins West' affair, Russia and China are tempted to work together and working with Iran to counterbalance the American penetration of Eurasia. They have already penetrated the South American markets to free South America from the non democratic Monroe doctrine. His is de bonne guerre and exasperating Washington. Common maneuvers are scheduled and everything is showing that with or without the European weapons, China will be able to repel the American interests in its strategic sphere.
It will be a matter of provocation. A country that is not America could be tempted of doing the job by its own means. The day after, here will be no more nuclear forces in Iran but a climate of war with a direct implication in Irak of Teherans interests or occidental interests leading a formidable propaganda to push Europe to a war against this country in collaboration with Turkey and the USA. And a secret hope that this country would fall as a cabin as the first European forces are entering the country with the United Nation benediction. This would happen in any case after the Iranian elections. Iran would then cease to the obstacle to the American domination of Eurasia.
Bilderberg 2005 will be a decisive conference. The way Europeans will vote to the Constitutionnal treaty is vital to our future. Spain is not considering seriously the importance of this vote, and the official propaganda is favoring the Yes vote. The No vote would oblige them to negotiate in telling the truth about what this poll really represents. They may in this case organize some spectacular incident showing they are not representing democracy but the interests of plutocracy.
As America is fighting for more and more democracy outside its borders, there is less and less freedoms and liberties inside their own borders. (Patriot Acts I & II). What is called democracy is effectively representing the force and influence of a little class of American, European, Turkish, Asiatic elite. This force is helped by a hyper bourgeoisie force working as the waiters of this elite or knowing carefully what not to do and say to upset their masters.
I have presented what should be the master lines of this year s conference, but I may have forgotten some, or exaggerated the importance of others. Anyway you can judge the validity of my analysis in a quite short period of time because Bilderberg plan is all in a rush.A rush that could prove fatal to their plans.
NADHMI AUCHI is a member of an elite club known as Le Cercle. It consists of transatlantic businessmen and politicians and is often compared with the Bilderberg Group. The secretive group of 100 people meets twice a year to discuss global politics and business. The next meeting is scheduled to be held in Washington this month.
The club, which has close links to the intelligence services, was founded in the 1950s by former French prime minister Antoine Pinay and former German chancellor Konrad Adenauer. Guests at the club's meetings have included Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, the Sultan of Oman, Romania's Ion Illiescu and King Hussein of Jordan. The current chairman is Lord Lamont, the former Tory chancellor, and other members are thought to include Anthony Cavendish and Geoffrey Tantum, who are both former MI6 officers.
By James P. Tucker Jr.
The Bilderberg steering committee was exposed holding its winter meeting at a nostalgic locationthe Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland where the secret society got its name in 1954. The Jan. 21-23 meeting was discovered by Henk Ruyssenaars of the Foreign Press Foundation.
The Bilderberg Conference is taking place in Oosterbeek, but the chance of getting invitedor even getting some normal press informationis as big a chance as a snowball has in hell, Ruyssenaars wrote.
He quoted a news source as saying that Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende advocated the infamous U.S.-made New World Order while addressing Bilderberg. And theyre all selling out to friends and financiers, bleeding countries and people for profit.
From the Netherlands, Ruyssenaars told AFP that he could only identify then-Secretary of State Colin Powell as attending.
David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and high officials of the U.S. government normally attend these committee sessions as well as the major meeting during the spring. But their presence could not be confirmed.
Washington Post publisher Donald Graham and associate editor Jimmy Lee Hoagland routinely attend but keep their oath of secrecy to Bilderberg, as do reporters from major financial news outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, The Economist and The Financial Times.
None of the waiters could even be bribed, because they all work for the respective secret services and theres no welcoming press accreditation, Ruyssenaars said. On the contrary, getting too close means getting into trouble with heavily armed crooks guarding other mostly unarmed global crooks, he said.
It is unclear whether Bilderberg luminaries who regularly attend the major spring meeting have been told the location for this year. In past years, they would receive letters in January and February with exact dates and locations.
In recent years, as publicity in Europe mounted and security measures increased, Bilderberg has been holding back to reduce the possibility of leaks. Luminaries would receive hold these dates notices and be told where to go as the meeting time drew near.
American Free Press and European journalists are collaborating, as usual, in pursuing Bilderberg this year. The blackout in the mainstream media in the United States remains absolute. James P. Tucker has been exclusively reporting on the secret Bilderberg meetings since 1975. His book on the Bilderbergers, published by AFP, is expected to be available by summer.
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From: johan van someren <>
Subject: Re: [PEPIS] Bilderberg bosses meet in Holland
To: tony
Dear Tony,
In my opinion this was not a meeting of the international steering committee but a meeting of the NCW bilderberg group, (Christian Employers Committee) a dutch group at the same hotel who took the same name as the international Bilderberg group. Take a look on this site
However their policy seems the same.
09:44 - 24 January 2005
It is the kind of David and Goliath battle you only see in the movies. For yesterday the true extent of the vast gulf separating a global corporation and a group of West residents fighting them was shown in sharp relief. In one corner is a multinational giant earning profit at the rate of more than £3.5million every day. In the other is a motley group of worried parents and environmentalists ambitiously appealing for help to raise a mere £1,500.
For last night those West campaigners, The Air That We Breathe group, grandly announced they were co-organising an international conference in the south of France.
The group has long been fighting the region's biggest cement works, at Westbury in Wiltshire, and its plans to burn everything from tyres to nail varnish remover as fuel.
Campaigners claim these recycled liquid fuels (RLFs) are essentially poisonous and will emit a healthdamaging chemical cocktail.
But the cement firm, French multinational giants Lafarge, says burning RLFs benefits the environment by reducing coal burning and providing an alternative to dumping those fuels in landfill sites.
So far, Lafarge is winning - it was granted permission for a six-month trial of burning RLFs, which is due to start in July. But The Air That We Breathe, who take their title from the Hollies track, are undaunted.
The group said its conference was pulling together similar local groups from as far afield as the US, Belgium and France, all fighting the growth of alternative fuels at cement works.
Only trouble is, The Air ThatWe Breathe has to get its members there. So last night group spokesman David Levy appealed for people living downwind of Westbury's cement works to root around in their attics to find anything that might be worth selling to help pay for the conference trip in March.
The appeal came in the same week that Lafarge announced it had done a bit of spending itself - on buying up Ecuador's leading cement firm, Cementos Selva Alegre, for a mere 130million.
But that expenditure won't dent Lafarge's bank balance too much. In 2003, in the most recent annual figures published, the firm made sales of £9.41billion, and recorded a profit of £1.31billion - or around £3.59million every day, including Sundays.
The campaigners fighting the firm need £1,500 - a sum Lafarge make in profit every 36 seconds.
Mr Levy said: "The conference will have speakers from America's Sierra Club, here in England, Belgium and France, and will concentrate on organising international opposition to the incineration of hazardous wastes in cement kilns.
"Most people do not understand that there is an international problem with community groups all over the world feeling isolated and on their own.
"This conference will be akin to twinning and will aim to develop strong links with shared knowledge, and a joint approach to tackling the international companies such as Lafarge."
Delegates from Westbury, most of whom are worried parents living in the shadow of Lafarge's works, are cutting costs by staying in the homes of French environmentalists, but they still need to get there, said Mr Levy. As well as seeking cash contributions people were being asked to seek out old postcards, stamp collections, militaria, jewellery, old toys, instruments or anything of interest to sell.
Lafarge is facing huge compensation claims after admitting employees faked tests and sold poor quality cement. It admitted that up to a million tonnes of cement could be affected after "rogue staff" faked results over two years.
A new row broke out last night over what worried residents in west Wiltshire described as their main safeguard against any health problems created by burning RFLs.
They claimed 16 air monitoring stations around the cement works are in the wrong places and are not good enough for the job.
09:30 - 22 January 2005
The West's biggest cement producer faces huge claims for compensation after test results were faked and dodgy cement was supplied to customers for two years, it emerged yesterday. Cement firm Lafarge admitted last night that more than one million tonnes of cement it produced could succumb to concrete cancer.
The cement ended up across the West, and was turned into ready-mixed concrete in new roads and developments. All of it could have to be dug up and replaced, with Lafarge expected to foot the bill.
Industry journal New Civil Engineer revealed the problem was caused by higher than prescribed levels of dissolved chalk, which went unreported at the firm's Westbury works.
From September 2002 until last month, the firm told its customers the cement conformed to usual standards, but the extra chalk meant the cement has an increased risk of developing alkali silica reaction - a form of concrete cancer.
Customers who bought the cement turned it into ready-mixed concrete, supplying highway authorities and developers in the South West.
Concrete considered to be at medium to high risk of developing the cancer was supplied to more than 600 companies across the South and South West.
Companies could now have to replace it, and are expected to claim huge costs to do so from Lafarge.
The firm blamed "rogue staff" for faking tests on the cement. In a statement, a spokesman said: "Lafarge recently discovered that alkali test data at its Westbury works had been deliberately misreported during this period.
"As a result, a number of ready- mixed concrete producers inadvertently supplied non-conforming concrete to customers in the south west of England."
Lafarge Cement UK's managing director, Jean-Francois Sautin, said yesterday: "We take this matter very seriously. After we identified the problem we worked diligently on the two main tasks, establishing the real make-up of cement for the period, so we could let our customers know about the issue and putting changes in place to make sure the same thing cannot happen again."
The firm said alkali levels were well above those agreed with customers, putting structures at risk from concrete cancer. It added that as soon as an internal audit uncovered the false data, it told its suppliers of the problem.
Now a major operation has been launched by the ready-mixed industry to trace the million tonnes of dodgy cement throughout the West - and to warn developers and road builders of the problems.
Last night the firm blamed chalk taken from a new quarry for the problem, and said it had taken "appropriate corrective action" regarding the "rogue staff". Alkali levels in the cement produced now are back to normal, the spokesman added.
The firm also said it had accepted responsibility for the long-term monitoring of suspect structures, and expected to cover the costs of both the search and any new building work needed.
A spokesperson said: "I think the key point in it is that this isn't going to cause structural flaws overnight.
"We are a responsible manufacturer and stand by our product. Compensation is a longer-term issue which is premature at this stage."
According to Lafarge the cement was sold on to three main companies - RMC Materials, Tarmac and Hanson Aggregates.
A total of 1,000 cubic metres of the concrete produced is considered at "high risk" of developing the cancer, and has been used in developments up and down the country.
RMC Materials believes 140 customers have received concrete which could be at medium to high risk, Hanson Aggregates has estimated 500, while Tarmac supplied two clients with medium risk concrete.
In Monday's paper a group of residents tell about their David and Goliath battle with Lafarge.
By Barry Chamish January 13, 2005
Upon the personal recommendation of Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, The Bank Of Israel has appointed a new governor, Dr. Stanley Fischer.
Dr. Fischer arrives in Israel from his positions of Vice-Chairman of Citigroup, the money launderer of choice of the PLO in America, and Chief Economist of The International Monetary Fund (IMF). It goes without saying that he is also a prominent member of the Bilderberg Group and the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR).
To put Fischer's role in global mischief in perspective, we turn to the incisive American analyst, William Jasper: "ECOSOC, the UN's mammoth globocracy, oversees an alphabet soup of dozens of agencies, commissions, committees, and ad hoc bodies (UNESCO, UNIDO, FAO, UNEP, WHO, IMF, UNCTAD, UNFPA, etc.) employing tens of thousands and dispensing billions of dollars worldwide. The globalists have placed their operatives in all the key posts. The World Bank, one of the UN system's pivotal power centers, is headed up by James Wolfensohn (president) and Jeffrey A. Goldstein (managing director), both CFR members and full-blown internationalists. Over at the IMF, globalist economic objectives were managed through most of the turbulent 1990s (and up to 2002) by Stanley Fischer (CFR). Mr Fischer was assisted during that time by Anne O. Krueger (CFR), who retains the No. 2 slot at IMF. The IMF and World Bank closely coordinate their lending policies with USAID, the U.S. State Department agency that handles U.S. foreign aid. At that agency, Constance B. Newman (CFR) is helping to maintain the same destructive programs promoted by earlier CFR apparatchiks like J. Brian Atwood.
For reasons not entirely understood, those Israelis fighting the Gaza sellout just can't make the connection between it and the CFR. Let's look at one example. Every week, the Women In green send out an "analysis" of local politics. For the past month the Matars, mother and daughter-in-law, have expressed amazement that their "allies" are abandoning them and supporting the Gaza surrender. One after another, their "friends" like Charles Krauthammer, Daniel Pipes, Mortimer Zuckerman and Eliott Abrams have jumped ship.
And every week, I write the ladies and point out that all are members of the CFR. With only 4000 members, how could this be a coincidence? They were never friends and now they are closing ranks behind the dismemberment of Israel. But the Women In Green are too intellectually lazy to make the obvious connection. They are simply incapable of understanding that the orders for withdrawal are coming from Manhattan. And that is why they will, 100% guaranteed, lose their struggle.
The latest "traitor" is one Hillel Halkin, a Jerusalem Post reporter who co-authored a report recommending the immediate evacuation of Gush Katif. And no one noticed that his partner was David Kimche, President of The Israeli Council On Foreign Affairs.
Somewhat surprisingly, one Israeli newspaper did make the connection between Fischer's IMF and the removal of Gush Katif from the Israeli map. On 22.10.04, David Bedein reported in Makor Rishon, that Giora Eiland, head of the Knesset National Security Committee, had made a disturbing discovery; "The government of Israel had promised to transfer all the real estate, properties and goods of Gush Katif to the IMF headed by James Wolfensohn."
The report continued:
The same Wolfensohn in 1997, in cooperation with Shimon Peres and Yasir Arafat, founded the Peace And Technology Fund, with $100 million in seed money. The funds were transferred to the IMF via the Shimon Peres Center For Peace.
The Makor Rishon report continued:
In an IMF internal memo dated the 23rd of June 2004, and titled, "The Disengagement, The Palestinian Economy and the Settlements, it is written, among other things that, "The goal of the program is to develop the Palestinian economy and strengthen its leadership." The report notes that, "The value of assets that will be left by the Israeli government is impressive and will be of great benefit to the Palestinians of Gaza." Finally, the report recommends that the Israeli government transfer, "all deeds to the properties to the IMF," and that the Palestinians build "the proper infrastructure to absorb the largesse."
And now, the Chief Economist of the IMF, Stanley Fischer will take over The Bank Of Israel to make certain that this is done.
But, asks the dazed Israeli, why would Netanyahu have recommended him knowing all this? My book Save Israel offers an explanation which I will only summarize here. The great patriot Netanyahu sold his soul to the CFR when he was a young student in Boston. His career was pushed by the likes of George Bush Sr., Richard Perle and George Shultz. He was appointed deputy ambassador to Washington by Moshe Arens, of the CFR's International Advisory Board, upon the recommendation of the CFR. He was later named Israeli Finance Minister to alter the country's economy according to the dictat of the CFR/IMF globalists.
Fischer is far from the World Bank/IMF representative installed in the Bank of Israel. In the 1980s, Michael Bruno, later of the World Bank in Switzerland, was used to remove Menachem Begin by promoting policies which sent inflation soaring over 450%. After the Oslo Accord, Yaacov Frenkel of the World Bank/IMF was shipped from Washington to make sure that "peace" proceeded, or Israel would face economic disaster.
The CFR now has a one-two punch planted in Israel. Daniel Kurtzer will continue applying CFR diplomatic pressure as American ambassador, while Stan Fischer will apply the threat of economic collapse should the Gaza withdrawal be delayed in any way.
In the end, the Sabbatian anti-Jews of the CFR, with their allies in Labor Zionism, will defeat Jewish religion and morality because the God-fearing and/or moral Jews of Israel were too arrogant, obstinate and dumb to figure out who exactly they were fighting.
F. William Engdahl, Investigating Imperialism
Uruknet - 31/12/2004
Irak Europ against the USA
Despite the apparent swift U.S. military success in Iraq, the U.S. dollar has yet to benefit as safe haven currency. This is an unexpected development, as many currency traders had expected the dollar to strengthen on the news of a U.S. win. Capital is flowing out of the dollar, largely into the Euro. Many are beginning to ask whether the objective situation of the U.S. economy is far worse than the stock market would suggest. The future of the dollar is far from a minor issue of interest only to banks or currency traders. It stands at the heart of Pax Americana, or as it is called, The American Century, the system of arrangements on which Americaís role in the world rests.
Yet, even as the dollar is steadily dropping against the Euro after the end of fighting in Iraq, Washington appears to be deliberately worsening the dollar fall in public comments. What is taking place is a power game of the highest geopolitical significance, the most fateful perhaps, since the emergence of the United States in 1945 as the worldís leading economic power.
The coalition of interests which converged on war against Iraq as a strategic necessity for the United States, included not only the vocal and highly visible neo-conservative hawks around Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz. It also included powerful permanent interests, on whose global role American economic influence depends, such as the influential energy sector around Halliburton, Exxon Mobil, ChevronTexaco and other giant multinationals. It also included the huge American defense industry interests around Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon, Northrup-Grumman and others. The issue for these giant defense and energy conglomerates is not a few fat contracts from the Pentagon to rebuild Iraqi oil facilities and line the pockets of Dick Cheney or others. It is a game for the very continuance of American power in the coming decades of the new century. That is not to say that profits are made in the process, but it is purely a bypro-duct of the global strategic issue.
In this power game, least understood is the role of preserving the dollar as the world reserve currency, as a major driving factor contributing to Washingtonís power calculus over Iraq in the past months. American domination in the world ultimately rests on two pillars ó its overwhelming military superiority, especially on the seas; and its control of world economic flows through the role of the dollar as the worldís reserve currency. More and more it is clear that the Iraq war was more about preserving the second pillar ñ the dollar role ñ than the first, the military. In the dollar role, oil is a strategic factor.
If we look back over the period since the end of World War II, we can identify several distinct phases of evolution of the American role in the world. The first phase, which began in the immediate postwar period 1945-1948 and the onset of Cold War, could be called the Bretton Woods Gold Exchange system.
Under the Bretton Woods system in the immediate aftermath of the World War, the order was relatively tranquil. The United States had emerged from the War clearly as the one sole superpower, with a strong industrial base and the largest gold reserves of any nation. The initial task was to rebuild Western Europe and to create a NATO Atlantic alliance against the Soviet Union. The role of the dollar was directly tied to that of gold. So long as America enjoyed the largest gold reserves, and the U.S. economy was far the most productive and efficient producer, the entire Bretton Woods currency structure from French Franc to British Pound Sterling and German Mark was stable. Dollar cre-dits were extended along with Marshall Plan assistance and credits to finance the rebuil-ding of war-torn Europe. American companies, among them oil multinationals, gained nicely from dominating the trade at the onset of the 1950ís. Washington even encouraged creation of the Treaty of Rome in 1958 in order to boost European economic stability and create larger U.S. export markets in the bargain. For the most part, this initial phase of what Time magazine publisher Henry Luce called "The American Century", in terms of economic gains, was relatively "benign" for both the U.S. and Europe. The United States still had the economic flexibility to move.
This was the era of American liberal fo-reign policy. The United States was the hegemonic power in the Western community of nations. As it commanded overwhelming gold and economic resources compared with Western Europe or Japan and South Korea, the United States could well afford to be open in its trade relations to European and Japanese exports. The tradeoff was European and Japanese support for the role of the United Sates during the Cold War. American leadership was based during the 1950's and early 1960's less on direct coercion and more on arriving at consensus, whether in GATT trade rounds or other issues. Organizations of elites, such as the Bilderberg meetings, were organized to share the evolving consensus between Europe and the United States.
This first, more benign phase of the Ameri-can Century came to an end by the early 1970's.
The Bretton Woods Gold Exchange began to break down, as Europe got on its feet economically and began to become a strong exporter by the mid-1960's. This growing economic strength in Western Europe coincided with soaring U.S. public deficits as Johnson escalated the tragic war in Vietnam. All during the 1960's, France's de Gaulle began to take its dollar export earnings and demand gold from the U.S. Federal Reserve, legal under Bretton Woods at that time. By November 1967 the drain of gold from U.S. and Bank of England vaults had become critical. The weak link in the Bretton Woods Gold Exchange arrangement was Britain, the "sick man of Europe". The link broke as Sterling was devalued in 1967. That merely accelerated the pressure on the U.S. dollar, as French and other central banks increased their call for U.S. gold in exchange for their dollar reserves. They calculated with the soaring war deficits from Vietnam, it was only a matter of months before the United States itself would be forced to devalue against gold, so better to get their gold out at a high price.
By May 1971 the drain of U.S. Federal Reserve gold had become alarming, and even the Bank of England joined the French in demanding U.S. gold for their dollars. That was the point where rather than risk a collapse of the gold reserves of the United States, the Nixon Administration opted to abandon gold entirely, going to a system of floating currencies in August 1971. The break with gold opened the door to an entirely new phase of the American Century. In this new phase, control over monetary policy was, in effect, privatized, with large international banks such as Citibank, Chase Manhattan or Barclays Bank assuming the role that central banks had in a gold system, but entirely without gold. "Market forces" now could determine the dollar. And they did with a vengeance.
The free floating of the dollar, combined with the 1973 rise in OPEC oil prices by 400% after the Yom Kippur War, created the basis for a second phase of the American Century, the Petrodollar phase.
Beginning the mid-1970ís the American Century system of global economic dominance underwent a dramatic change. An Anglo-American oil shock suddenly created enormous demand for the floating dollar. Oil importing countries from Germany to Argentina to Japan, all were faced with how to export in dollars to pay their expensive new oil import bills. OPEC oil countries were flooded with new oil dollars. A major share of these oil dollars came to London and New York banks where a new process was instituted. Henry Kissinger termed it, ërecycling petrodollarsí. The recycling strategy was discussed already in May 1971 at the Bilderberger meeting in Saltsjoebaden, Sweden. It was presented by American members of Bilderberg, as detailed in the book Mit der ÷lwaffe zur Weltmacht.
OPEC suddenly was choking on dollars it could not use. U.S. and UK banks took the OPEC dollars and relent them as Eurodollar bonds or loans, to countries of the Third World desperate to borrow dollars to finance oil imports. The buildup of these petrodollar debts by the late 1970's, laid the basis for the Third World debt crisis in the 1980's. Hundreds of billions of dollars were recycled between OPEC, the London and New York banks and back to Third World borrowing countries.
By August 1982 the chain finally broke and Mexico announced it would likely default on repaying Eurodollar loans. The Third World debt crisis began when Paul Volcker and the U.S. Federal Reserve had unilaterally hiked U.S. interest rates in late 1979 to try to save the failing dollar. After three years of record high U.S. interest rates, the dollar was ësavedí, but the entire developing sector was choking economically under usurious U.S. interest rates on their petrodollar loans. To enforce debt repayment to the London and New York banks, the banks brought the IMF in to act as ëdebt policemaní. Public spending for health, education, welfare was slashed on IMF orders to ensure the banks got timely debt service on their petrodollars.
The Petrodollar hegemony phase was an attempt by the United States establishment to slow down its geopolitical decline as the hegemonic center of the postwar system. The IMF ëWashington Consensusí was developed to enforce draconian debt collection on Third World countries, to force them to repay dollar debts, prevent any economic independence from the nations of the South, and keep the U.S. banks and the dollar afloat. The Trilateral Commission was created by David Rockefeller and others in 1973 in order to take account of the recent emergence of Japan as an industrial giant and try to bring Japan into the system. Japan, as a major industrial nation, was a major importer of oil. Japanese trade surpluses from export of cars and other goods was used to buy oil in dollars. The remaining surplus was invested in U.S. Treasury bonds to earn interest. The G-7 was founded to keep Japan and Western Europe inside the U.S. dollar system. From time to time into the 1980ís various voices in Japan would call for three currencies( dollar, German mark and yuan ) to share the world reserve role. It never happened. The dollar remained dominant.
From a narrow standpoint, the Petrodollar phase of hegemony seemed to work. Underneath, it was based on ever-worsening economic decline in living standards across the world, as IMF policies destroyed national economic growth and broke open markets for globalizing multinationals seeking cheap production outsourcing in the 1980ís and especially into the 1990's.
Yet, even in the Petrodollar phase, American foreign economic policy and military policy was dominated by the voices of the traditional liberal consensus. American power depended on negotiating periodic new arrangements in trade or other issues with its allies in Europe, Japan and East Asia.
The end of the Cold War and the emergence of a new Single Europe and the European Monetary Union in the early 1990's, began to present an entirely new challenge to the American Century. It took some years, more than a decade after the 1991 Gulf War, for this new challenge to emerge full-blown. The present Iraq war is only intelligible, as a major battle in the new, third phase of securing American dominance. This phase has already been called, ëdemocratic imperialismí, a favorite term of Max Boot and other neo-conservatives. As Iraq events suggest, it is not likely to be very democratic, but definitely likely to be imperialist.
Unlike the earlier periods after 1945, in the new era, the U.S. freedom to grant concessions to other members of the G-7 is gone. Now raw power is the only vehicle to maintain American long-term dominance. The best expression of this argument comes from the neo-conservative hawks around Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, William Kristol and others.
The point to stress, however, is that the neo-conservatives enjoy such influence since September 11 because a majority in the U.S. power establishment finds their views useful to advance a new aggressive U.S. role in the world.
Rather than work out areas of agreement with European partners, Washington increasingly sees Euroland as the major strategic threat to American hegemony, especially "Old Europe" of Germany and France. Just as Britain in decline after 1870 resorted to increasingly desperate imperial wars in South Africa and elsewhere, so the United States is using its military might to try to advance what it no longer can by economic means. Here the dollar is the achilles heel.
With creation of the Euro over the past five years, an entirely new element has been added to the global system, one which defines what we can call a third phase of the American Century. This phase, in which the latest Iraq war plays a major role, threatens to bring a new, malignant or imperial phase to replace the earlier phases of American hegemony. The neo-conservatives are open about their imperial agenda, while more traditional U.S. policy voices try to deny it. The economic reality faced by the dollar at the start of the new Century, defines this new phase in an ominous way.
There is a qualitative difference emerging between the two initial phases of the American Century - that of 1945-1973, and of 1973-1999 - and the new emerging phase of continued domination in the wake of the 9.11 attacks and the Iraq War. Post-1945 American power before now, was predominately that of a hegemon. While a hegemon is the dominant power, in an unequal distribution of power, its power is not generated by coercion alone, but also by consent among its allied powers. This is because the hegemon is compelled to perform certain services to the allies such as military security or regulating world markets for the benefit of the larger group, itself included. An imperial power has no such obligations to allies, and not the freedom for such, only the raw dictates of how to hold on to its declining power - what some call "imperial overstretch". This is the world which neo-conservative hawks around Rumsfeld and Cheney are suggesting America has to dominate, with a policy of pre-emptive war.
A hidden war between the dollar and the new Euro currency for global hegemony is at the heart of this new phase.
To understand the importance of this unspoken battle for currency hegemony, we first must understand that since the emergence of the United States as the dominant global superpower after 1945, U.S. hegemony has rested on two un-challengeable pillars. First, the overwhelming U.S. military superiority over all other rivals. The United States today spends on defense more than three times the total for the entire European Union, some $ 396 billion versus $118 billion last year, and more than the next 15 largest nations combined. Washington plans an added $ 2.1 trillion over the coming five years on defense. No nation or group of nations can come close in defense spending. China is at least 30 years away from becoming a serious military threat. No one is serious about taking on U.S. military might.
The second pillar of American dominance in the world is the dominant role of the U.S. dollar as reserve currency. Until the advent of the Euro in late 1999, there was no potential challenge to this dollar hegemony in world trade. The Petrodollar has been at the heart of the dollar hegemony since the 1970ís. The dollar hegemony is strategic to the future of American global pre-dominance, in many respects as important if not more so, than the overwhelming military power.
The crucial shift took place when Nixon took the dollar off a fixed gold reserve to float against other currencies. This removed the restraints on printing new dollars. The limit was only how many dollars the rest of the world would take. By their firm agreement with Saudi Arabia, as the largest OPEC oil producer, the ëswing producerí Washington guaranteed that the worldís largest commodity, oil, the essential for every nationís economy, the basis of all transport and much of the industrial economy, that oil could only be purchased in world markets in dollars. The deal had been fixed in June 1974 by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, establishing the U.S.-Saudi Arabian Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation. The U.S. Treasury and the New York Federal Reserve would ëallowí the Saudi central bank, SAMA, to buy U.S. Treasury bonds with Saudi petrodollars. In 1975 OPEC officially agreed to sell its oil only for dollars. A secret U.S. military agreement to arm Saudi Arabia was the quid pro quo.
Until November 2000, no OPEC country dared violate the dollar price rule. So long as the dollar was the strongest currency, there was little reason to as well. But November was when French and other Euroland members finally convinced Saddam Hussein to defy the United States by selling Iraqís oil-for-food not in dollars, "the enemy currency" as Iraq named it, but only in euros. The euros were on deposit in a special UN account of the leading French bank, BNP Paribas. Radio Liberty of the U.S. State Department ran a short wire on the news and the story was quickly hushed.
This little-noted Iraq move to defy the dollar in favor of the euro, in itself, was insignificant. Yet, if it were to spread, especially at a point the dollar was already weakening, it could create a panic selloff of dollars by foreign central banks and OPEC oil producers. In the months before the latest Iraq war, hints in this direction were heard from Russia, Iran, Indonesia and even Venezuela. An Iranian OPEC official, Javad Yarjani, delivered a detailed analysis of how OPEC at some future point might sell its oil to the EU for euros not dollars. He spoke in April, 2002 in Oviedo Spain at the invitation of the EU. All indications are that the Iraq war was seized on as the easiest way to deliver a deadly pre-emptive warning to OPEC and others, not to flirt with abandoning the Petro-dollar system in favor of one based on the euro.
Informed banking circles in the City of London and elsewhere in Europe privately confirm the significance of that little-noted Iraq move from petro-dollar to petro-euro. "The Iraq move was a declaration of war against the dollar", one senior London banker told me recently. "As soon as it was clear that Britain and the U.S. had taken Iraq, a great sigh of relief was heard in London City banks. They said privately, 'now we don't have to worry about that damn euro threat'".
Why would something so small be such a strategic threat to London and New York, or to the United States that an American President would apparently risk fifty years of alliance relations globally, and more to make a military attack whose justification could not even be proved to the world?
The answer is the unique role of the petro-dollar to underpin American economic hegemony.
How does it work? So long as almost 70% of world trade is done in dollars, the dollar is the currency which central banks accumulate as reserves. But central banks, whether China or Japan or Brazil or Russia, do not simply stack dollars in their vaults. Currencies have one advantage over gold. A central bank can use it to buy the state bonds of the issuer, the United States. Most countries around the world are forced to control trade deficits or face currency collapse. Not the United States. This is because of the dollar reserve currency role. And the underpinning of the reserve role is the petrodollar. Every nation needs to get dollars to import oil, some more than others. This means their trade targets dollar countries, above all the U.S.
Because oil is an essential commodity for every nation, the Petrodollar system, which exists to the present, demands the buildup of huge trade surpluses in order to accumulate dollar surpluses. This is the case for every country but one ó the United States which controls the dollar and prints it at will or fiat. Because today the majority of all international trade is done in dollars, countries must go abroad to get the means of payment they cannot themselves issue. The entire global trade structure today works around this dynamic, from Russia to China, from Brazil to South Korea and Japan. Everyone aims to maximize dollar surpluses from their export trade.
To keep this process going, the United States has agreed to be ëimporter of last resortí because its entire monetary hegemony depends on this dollar recycling.
The central banks of Japan, China, South Korea, Russia and the rest all buy U.S. Treasury securities with their dollars. That in turn allows the United States to have a stable dollar, far lower interest rates, and run a $ 500 billion annual balance of payments deficit with the rest of the world. The Federal Reserve controls the dollar printing presses, and the world needs its dollars. It is as simple as that.,1413,234~24407~2628140,00.html - now removed
31Dec04 - Marin Independent Journal, California
Alicia De Bielefeld has lived quietly and anonymously in Fairfax for more than two decades. Throughout the relatively close-knit community it is difficult to find anyone who knows her or, among the few that do, anyone who knows her well.
Her world is about to change.
De Bielefeld, whose half-sister is Beatrix , the queen of the Netherlands, is soon to inherit $45 million from her recently deceased father, Prince Bernhard, a flamboyant and storied royal who cut a wide swath across Europe, leaving in his wake charm, mysteries and rumors.
Apparently, in an effort to shed some light on some of those rumors, Bernhard gave a series of secret interviews over several years to Dutch journalists with the understanding that none of the information revealed would be published until after his death. Among the bombshells in the posthumously published story: He had two daughters born out of wedlock.
One of them is Alicia.
Bernhard died of cancer on Dec. 1 at the age of 93, and his will called for his $275 million estate to be split equally among his four daughters with the late Queen Juliana - Queen Beatrix and princesses Irene, Margriet and Christina - as well as his two out-of-wedlock daughters.
Over the years there were rumors of the two daughters. One of them - 37-year-old Alexia Grinda-Lejeune, who lives in Paris - became a poorly kept secret in the Netherlands. However, the existence of De Bielefeld sent shockwaves through the country - as did Bernhard's full inclusion of both daughters in his will.
While the younger of the two out-of-wedlock daughters seems to have lived a lavish life in Paris, De Bielefeld, 52, appears to have lived an unassuming, almost blue-collar life in the Fairfax hills.
"She's a very normal, even slightly gritty woman," said Arthur Comings, who has an art studio across the street from De Bielefeld's home. "You get the feeling that she has worked with her hands, knows the meaning of hard work and respects it."
De Bielefeld did not return several calls for comment from the Independent Journal.
De Bielefeld flew to the Netherlands in early December to pay her last respects to her father but departed before the funeral in a joint decision with the royal family, according to Dutch newspaper accounts.
While Grinda-Lejeune was reportedly very close to her father and very distraught about his death, it is unclear how much contact De Bielefeld has had with Bernhard over the years.
The only known visit to Marin by a member of the Dutch royal family occurred in April 1963, when then-Princess Beatrix visited Muir Woods National Monument and dined at Ondine in Sausalito. She was accompanied by paper magnate J. D. Zellerbach and his wife.
De Bielefeld's mother has yet to be officially identified.
Initial Dutch press accounts seized on Liane Latour, a pioneer pilot of Dutch airline KLM and something of an Amelia Ear-hardt-type figure in the Netherlands, as a possibility. But she denied claims of an affair with Bernhard, and subsequent speculation that Ida Veldhuyzen van Zanten, a deceased Dutch pilot, was the mother also proved untrue.
A Dutch commission in the 1970s revealed that Bernhard had paid an undisclosed amount of money to an Alicia Weber in Pasadena for the care of a child.
De Bielefeld was born in June 1952, but it is unclear when she came to the United States. The first records of her residence in Marin are from 1976, when she lived for one year with Dennis M. Salter, a contractor now living in Auburn.
Salter could not be reached for comment, although his wife of more than 25 years said he had not had contact with De Bielefeld since 1976.
Several Fairfax neighbors said they knew of De Bielefeld but did not know her well, although Comings said he often chatted with her in the neighborhood. A survey of downtown Fairfax businesses produced no one who admitted knowing De Bielefeld.
Comings, who creates "found art" pieces out of random items he finds, said he appreciated De Bielefeld's yard and driveway, which have dozens of cactus plants, toy trucks and hubcaps strewn about.
Although she does not have a business license in California, De Bielefeld is reportedly a landscaper, and Comings said she often parks a large dump truck on the windy street where she lives.
"Her presence is certainly felt in the neighborhood," he said.
De Bielefeld's home shows no outward appearance of her pending inheritance, although she recently replaced an old pickup truck with a 2004 Toyota Tacoma. The old truck was adorned with fake bullet hole stickers, Comings said.
De Bielefeld, a registered Democrat, told Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf that her father had not spoken about her publicly in 52 years and that she didn't plan to start doing so now.
In one of the secret interviews he did with the Dutch newspaper Volkskrant, Bernhard said that the birth of Alicia was an "accident" and that her conception was directly related to a marriage crisis in the mid-1950s.
The German-born Prince Bernhard of Lippe Biesterfeld, long regarded as a playboy who loved fast cars even well into his 80s, was married to the late Queen Juliana for six decades. He met his future wife in 1935 and became a naturalized Dutch citizen shortly before his marriage in 1937.
Bernhard served as a pilot with the Allied forces fighting against Germany in World War II and became well-known as a charismatic Dutch ambassador during post-war reconstruction.
In 1961, he co-founded the World Wildlife Fund, becoming its first president and raising $10 million for the organization.
He also helped set up the Bilderberg group, a conference of high-powered policy makers to have "regular discussions to help create a better understanding of the complex forces affecting western nations." The group is credited with prompting the establishment of the European Community.
Bernhard was hugely popular in the Netherlands although his image suffered in 1976 when he accepted the findings of a Dutch parliamentary commission that he had received improper commissions from U.S. aircraft manufacturer Lockheed.
In the interviews published since his death, Bernhard also addressed that subject. He admitted that he had accepted more than $1 million in corporate bribes from Lockheed in 1976 to persuade the Dutch government to purchase its planes. Bernhard also said he didn't keep the money but passed it on to others who were supposed to direct it toward charities.,1413,234~24407~2628140,00.html
by David Allen Rivera
Dr. Joseph H. Retinger (who died in 1960), economist, political philosopher, communist Polands Charge dAffaires, and a major proponent of a united Europe; along with Prince Bernhard (of Lippe-Biesterfeld) of the Netherlands, Colin Gubbins (former director of the British SOE, Special Operations Executive), and Gen. Walter Bedell Smith (former American Ambassador to Moscow, and director of the CIA, who said when he took over the CIA: We cant lick world communism- no counterinsurgency plans will work. We must compromise and co-exist with communism. He later became an Under Secretary of State in the Eisenhower Administration); joined together in 1954 to organize this secret group. Created under the direction of Alastair Buchan, son of Lord Tweedsmuir, and Chairman of the Royal Institute of International Affairs; its governing council was made up of Robert Ellsworth (Lazard Freres), John Loudon (N. M. Rothschild), Paul Nitze (Shroeder Bank), C. L. Sulzberger (New York Times), Stansfield Turner (who later became CIA Director), Peter Calvocoressi (Penguin Books), Andrew Schoenberg (RIIA), Daniel Ellsberg, and Henry Kissinger.
Bernhard said: It is difficult to reeducate the people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supranational body Lord Rothschild and Laurance Rockefeller handpicked 100 of the worlds elite, and they have a heavy cross membership with the Council on Foreign Relations (which they control), the English Speaking Union, the Pilgrims Society, the Round Table, and the Trilateral Commission. Their purpose was to regionalize Europe, according to Giovanni Agnelli, the head of Fiat, who said: European integration is our goal and where the politicians have failed, we industrialists hope to succeed. In Alden Hatchs biography of Bernhard, he stated that the Bilderberg Group gave birth to the European Community (now the European Union). Their ultimate goal is to have a one-world government. Their first meeting was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg (hence the name of the group, even though they have referred to themselves as The Alliance) in Oosterbeek, Holland, from May 29-31, in 1954. Charles Douglas Jackson (Vice President of Time magazine, delegate to the United Nations, Special Assistant to the President, and later publisher of Life magazine), spokesman for the American delegation, led by David Rockefeller, promised those present: Whether he (Sen. Joseph McCarthy) dies by an assassins bullet, or is eliminated in the normal American way of getting rid of boils on the body politic, I prophecy that by the time we hold our next meeting, he will be gone from the American scene.
McCarthy was the crusading Senator who revealed that communists had infiltrated high level posts within the U.S.Government. He didnt die until 1957. The Bilderbergers hold annual meetings in locations all over the world. In Europe, the Rothschilds have hosted some of the meetings, while the meetings in 1962 and 1973, in Saltsjobaden, Sweden, were hosted by the Wallenbergs (who had an estimated fortune of $10 billion). The meetings were chaired by the German-born Prince Bernhard, the husband of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, said to be the richest woman in the world (because of her partnership with Baron Victor Rothschild in the Royal Dutch Shell Oil Co., owning 5% of the stock, which in 1978 was worth $425 million; and also holds stock in Exxon), until he was forced to resign in August, 1976, because of his involvement in the Lockheed Aircraft bribery scandal, and his extramarital affairs. Bernhard wrote: Here comes our greatest difficulty. For the governments of the free nations are elected by the people, and if they do something the people dont like they are thrown out. It is difficult to reeducate the people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supernational body... Walter Scheel of Germany took over as Chairman, and then it was Britains Lord Carrington, who is on the Board of the Hambros Bank.
There are about 120 participants that are invited to the Bilderberg meetings, of whom about two-thirds come from Europe and the rest are from North America; and about one-third are from government and politics, and the other two-thirds are from the fields of finance, industry, labor, education, communications. The meetings are closed to the public and the press, although a brief press conference is usually held at the conclusion of each meeting, to reveal, in general terms, some of the topics which were discussed. The resort areas and hotels where they meet, are cleared of residents and visitors, and surrounded by soldiers, armed guards, the Secret Service, State and local police. All conference and meeting rooms are scanned for bugging devices before every single meeting. Among those who have attended their meetings: Owen Lattimore (CFR, former Director of Planning and Coordination for the State Department), Winston Lord (CFR, Clintons Assistant Secretary of State), Allen Dulles (CIA), Sen. J. William Fulbright (from Arkansas, a Rhodes Scholar), Dean Acheson (Secretary of State under Truman), Gabriel Hauge (Assistant to President Eisenhower, who according to the Wall Street Journal, helped teach Ike what to think; and later became Chairman of Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co.), George Ball (CFR, Johnsons Under Secretary of State from 1961-66, and foreign policy consultant to Nixon), Philip Jessup (representative to the International Court), Henry A. Kissinger (Chairman, Kissinger Associates), David Rockefeller (Member, JP Morgan International Council), Nelson Rockefeller, Laurance Rockefeller, Dean Rusk (Kennedys Secretary of State and former President of the Rockefeller Foundation), Gerald Ford, Henry J. Heinz II (Chairman of the H. J. Heinz Co.), Sen. Henry M. Jackson, Sen. Jacob J. Javits (NY), Prince Philip of Great Britain, Lord Louis Mountbatten, Denis Healy (former British Defense Minister), Manlio Brosio (Secretary of NATO), Wilfred S. Baumgartner (Bank of France), Guido Carli (Bank of Italy), Thomas L. Hughes (President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), Robert S. McNamara (Kennedys Secretary of Defense and former President of the World Bank), Margaret Thatcher (Prime Minister of England), Valery Giscard DEstaing (President of France), Harold Wilson (Prime Minister of England), Edward Heath (Prime Minister of England), William P. Bundy (former President of the Ford Foundation, and editor of the CFRs Foreign Affairs journal), John J. McCloy former President of the Chase Manhattan Bank), Christian Herter (Secretary of State under Eisenhower), Lester Pearson (former Prime Minister of Canada), Shepard Stone (Director of International Affairs for the Ford Foundation), Dirk U. Stikker (Secretary-General of NATO), Gardner Cowles (Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Look magazine), Paul G. Hoffman (of the Ford Foundation, U.S. Chief of Foreign Aid, and head of the UN Special Fund), Donald H. Rumsfeld (President Fords and George W. Bushs Secretary of Defense), Father Theodore M. Hesburgh (former President of Notre Dame University), Helmut Schmidt (Chancellor of West Germany), George F. Kennan (former U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union), Paul H. Nitze, Robert O. Anderson (Chairman of Atlantic-Richfield Co. and head of the Aspen Institute for Humanisitic Studies), Donald S. MacDonald (Canadian Minister of National Defense), Prince Claus of the Netherlands, Marcus Wallenberg (Chairman of Stockholms EnskiIda Bank), Nuri M. Birgi (Turkish Ambassador to NATO), Bill Moyers (journalist), William F. Buckley (editor of National Review), John D. Rockefeller IV (Governor of West Virginia, now U.S. Senator), Cyrus Vance (Secretary of State under Carter), Rep. Donald F. Fraser, Rep. Peter Frelinghuysen, Rep. Henry S. Reuss, Rep. Donald W. Riegle, Sen. Adlai Stevenson III, Sen. Charles Mathias (MD), Lt. Gen. John W. Vogt (former Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), Eugene Black (former President of the World Bank), Joseph Johnson (President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), Hannes Androsch (Austrian Minister of Finance), David J. McDonald (President of the United Steelworkers Union), Paul van Zeeland (Prime Minister of Belgium), Pierre Commin (Secretary of the French Socialist Party), Imbriani Longo (Director-General of the Banco Nationale del Lavoro in Italy), Vicomte Davignon (Belgium Minister of Foreign Affairs), Walter Leisler Kiep (member of the German Parliament), Ole Myrvoll (member of Norways Parliament), Krister Wickman (former Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Governor of the Bank of Sweden), Sen. Walter Mondale (MN, later Vice President under Carter), Rep. Thomas S. Foley (former Speaker of the House), Henry Ford III (head of the Ford Motor Co.), Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, Gen. Andrew J. Goodpaster (former Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, and later superintendent of the West Point Academy), Zbigniew Brzezinski, Gen. Alexander Haig (European NATO Commander, former assistant to Kissinger, later became Secretary of State under Reagan), Alan Greenspan (Chairman, Federal Reserve System), C. Douglas Dillon (Secretary of Treasury in the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations, from Dillon, Read and Co.), Baron Edmond de Rothschild, Pierce Paul Schweitzer (Managing Director of the UNs International Monetary Fund), Paul B. Finney (editor of Fortune magazine), James Rockefeller (Chairman, First National City Bank), Giovanni Agnelli (Chairman of Fiat in Italy), Otto Wolff von Amerongen (German industrialist), Theo Sommer (German newspaper columnist), Arthur Taylor (former Chairman of CBS-TV), Neil Norlund (Editor-in-Chief of Berlingske Tindende in Denmark), and Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (TX, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, candidate for Vice President in 1988 with Michael Dukakis, and now the Secretary of Treasury under Bill Clinton). Although this list is a bit tedious to go through, you have probably started to see how the same names keep showing up over and over. Bilderberg policy is carried out by a 35 member Bilderberg Steering Committee, including an inner circle known as an Advisory Committee, which is said to be made up of Giovanni Agnelli (Italy), David Rockefeller (U.S.), Eric Roll (Great Britain), and Otto Wolff von Amerongen (Germany). Some of the Steering Committee members are: Henry Kissinger, Jessica T. Mathews (President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), James D. Wolfensohn (President, World Bank), Marie-Josee Kravis (Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute), and Jorma Ollila (Chairman of the Board and CEO of Nokia Corp.). All American members of the Steering Committee are members of the CFR.
A few of the Bilderberg permanent U.S. members are: George W. Ball, Gabriel Hauge, Richard C. Holbrooke, Winston Lord, Bill Moyers, and Paul Wolfowitz.
The permanent Bilderberg Secretariat is located at: 1 Smidswater, the Hague, the Netherlands (though another address is sometimes reported at 2301 Da Leiden, in the Netherlands) Their address in America was at 345 E. 46th Street, in New York City (which was also the location of the Trilateral Commission, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace). The American Friends of Bilderbergs, with offices at 477 Madison Avenue (6th floor) in New York City, is an IRS-approved charitable organization that received regular contributions from the likes of Exxon, Arco, and IBM; while their meetings are funded by the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Carnegie Endowment Fund.
The Goals 2000 program, developed during the presidency of George Bush to revamp the nations public school system, was born at the April, 1970, Bilderberger meeting in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland. The purpose of the new educational philosophy was the subordination of national ambitions to the idea of the international community. Because our schools are too nationalistic, children, in the future, will be indoctrinated to consider themselves world citizens. Prior to the 1971 meeting in Woodstock, Virginia, Prince Bernhard said that the subject of the meeting was the change in the world role of the United States. After the weekend conference, Kissinger was sent to Red China to open up trade relations, and an international monetary crisis developed, which prompted the devaluing of the dollar by 8.57% (which made a tremendous profit for those who converted to the European Currency).
In 1976, fifteen representatives from the Soviet Union attended the meeting which was held in the Arizona desert, and it was believed, that at that time, the plans were formulated for the break-up of communism in the Soviet Union. At the 1978 meeting, they predicted that a depression would hit the world in 1979, and that the dollar would die. Their solution was to replace the dollar with an international bancor system (international bank note) of currency that would be universally acceptable as a medium of exchange. The bancor system would have the international gold reserve deposited in a neutral country. It is an offshoot of the same Keynesian system developed at Bretton Woods in 1944 from the idea by German economist Julius Wolf in 1892. This system would protect the Illuminati when they spring their trap, and the world economy would crumble.
At their 1990 meeting at Glen Cove, Long Island in New York, they decided that taxes had to be raised to pay more towards the debt owed to the International Bankers. And George Bush, who pledged during the campaign, Read my lips- no new taxes! found himself signing one of the biggest tax increases in history on November 15, 1990, a move which was a contributing factor to his defeat when he ran for re-election.
At their 1991 meeting at the Black Forest resort in Baden Baden, Germany, they discussed plans for a common European currency, and European central banking; and reviewed Middle Eastern events and developments in the Soviet Union. David Rockefeller, said during the meeting: We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years ... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
Then Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton (a Rhodes Scholar, who attended Oxford University in England), was invited to speak, and a decision was made to endorse his candidacy (according to Jim Tucker, a Spotlight reporter, who had a source within the group, code-named Pipeline). No wonder Clinton was able to survive all the media attacks regarding his personal life and lack of experience. One of his top money men was investor and international banker Jackson Stephens, who also donated $100,000 to the Bush campaign. His wife was the Co-Chairwoman of the national Bush for President organization in 1988. Also in attendance, were Michael Boskin, Chairman of Bushs Council of Economic Advisors, who was a speaker; Nicholas Brady, U.S. Treasury Secretary; and Vice President Dan Quayle, who impressed the group enough, that there was talk of supporting him for the Republican nomination in 1996. In fact, after the meeting, Bilderberger member Katherine Graham, head of the Washington Post, published a series of positive articles on Quayle.
At their 1992 meeting, the group discussed the possibility of conditioning the public to accept the idea of a UN army that could, by force, impose its will on the internal affairs of any nation. Henry Kissinger, who attended the meeting, said: Today, Americans would be outraged if UN forces entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be grateful.
The official press release for their 2002 Conference said: Bilderbergs only activity is its annual Conference. At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued. They are just a small flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced. However, Phyllis Schlafly wrote in A Choice Not An Echo, that the Bilderbergers are a little clique of powerful men who meet secretly and plan events that appear to just happen.